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The aedeagal gland of male Tenebrio molitor consists of numerous acini containing several secretory units (organules) of three epithelial cells in series. The distal cortical cell and intermediate cell are secretory cells. Secretory products are passed into microvilli-lined extracellular reservoirs. From these storage areas products flow through minute canaliculi and into the efferent ductule. Canaliculi, cuticular trabeculae, and fibrillar material are characteristic features of the efferent ductules within the extracellular reservoirs of secretory cells. After passing from the secretory cells, the efferent ductule penetrates the basal ductule cell. The thin epicuticle that comprises the wall of the ductule is confluent with the epicuticle of the cuticular sheath forming the wall of the genital pocket. Secretory products flow from the cortical cell ductule into the intermediate cell and eventually empty into the genital pocket. A chemical reaction apparently takes place in the intermediate cell ductule, resulting in a frothy secretion product. When released from the ductule, this frothy product forms a foam-like layer that coats the inner wall of the genital pocket. Ultrastructural and probable functional aspects of this gland are described and discussed.  相似文献   

Tethered walking imagines of the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor wave their heads in random fashion. If a periodic pattern of vertical black and white stripes is rotated around the animal a regular nystagmic head movement is superimposed upon the random waving, the frequency of the latter equals the contrast frequency within large ranges of the angular velocity of the pattern. The nystagmus is inverted: After a short period of tracking, during which the angular velocity of the head is the same as that of the panorama, the head returns slowly toward its normal position according to an exponential-like function. Resting animals do not wave their heads. However, if the above panorama is rotated, the beetle turns its head in the direction of the movement of the panorama and holds it in a side-way position, as long as the rotation is maintained. The angular position reached depends in the same manner on the angular velocity of the panorama as the turning tendency of walking animals established in open loop experiments using the spherical Y-maze method.  相似文献   

Pulsations in mechanical pressure of the pupal haemocoele were investigated by means of simultaneous recording from multiple sensors. It has been determined that cardiac and extracardiac haemocoelic pulsations are each regulated by substantially different and quite independent physiological mechanisms. At the beginning and in the middle of the pupal interecdysial period the anterograde heartbeat and extracardiac pulsations occur in similar, but not identical periods. During the advanced pharate adult stage, there appear almost uninterrupted pulsations from different sources: cardiac, extracardiac, intestinal, and the ventral diaphragm.Extracardiac pulsations are associated with pressure peaks of 200-500 Pa, occurring at frequencies of 0.3-0.5 Hz. The effect of heartbeat on haemocoelic pressure is very small, 100- to 500-fold smaller, comprising only some 1 or 2 Pa during the vigorous anterograde systolic contractions. Accordingly, extracardiac pulsations are associated with relatively large abdominal movements from 30-90 μm whereas heartbeat produces movements of only 100-500 nm. This shows that extracardiac pulsations can be easily confused with the anterograde heartbeat. It does not seem realistic to assume that the relatively weak insect heart, and not the 100- to 500-fold more powerful extracardiac system of abdominal pump, could be at all responsible for selective accumulation of haemolymph in anterior parts of the body, for inflation of wings or enhancement of tracheal ventilation.It has been established that thermography from the pericardial region is not specific for the heartbeat. It records subepidermal movement of haemolymph resulting from the actions of both dorsal vessel and extracardiac pressure pulses as well. Shortly before adult eclosion the cardiac and extracardiac pulsations occasionally strike in concert, which profoundly increases the flow of haemolymph through pericardial and perineural sinuses. The relatively strong extracardiac pulsations cause passive movements of various visceral organs, tissue membranes, or tissue folds, giving thus a false impression of an authentic pulsation of tissues. In addition, extracardiac pulsations cause rhythmical movements of haemolymph between various organs, thus preventing haemolymph occlusion at the sites where the heart does not reach. It has been emphasized, finally, that the function of the autonomic nervous system (coelopulse), which integrates extracardiac pulsations, depends on homeostatic moderation of excessive or deficient conditions in insect respiration and haemolymph circulation.  相似文献   

The visual fixation response of the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor, elicited by black stripes upon a bright background is studied in an arena and by means of the Y-maze technique. In the arena the distribution n() of the beetle's angular position is measured at different distances from the centre, which is also the starting point. If the black stripe is narrow, the maximum of n() coincides with the centre of the stripe (centre-fixation Figure 1a). If one half of the panorama is black, the distribution n() has two maxima, which are near the borders between the black and white regions (edge-fixation Figure 1b). In the Y-maze experiments the beetle is tethered, but its head is free to move. The black stripes elicit turning tendencies F(), the strength of which depends upon the angular distance between the centre of the stripe and the animal's body axis. If the black stripe is narrow, the stable zero crossing of F() lies at =0, in agreement with the centre fixation in the arena (Fig. 3). If the stripe is 180° wide, two stable zero crossings are obtained near the border lines between the black and white regions, provided that the panorama is rotated around the animal with an angular velocity w larger than about 0.08°/s (Fig. 4). Below this value of w only one stable zero crossing at =0 exists (Fig. 6). Thus the tethered beetle's response underlies a transition between centre resp. edge fixation at a critical angular velocity of the drum. Some implications of this surprising phenomenon with respect to the mechanism of fixation and negative phototaxis are discussed but at present it is considered primarily a challenge for further investigation.Supported in part by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Happ GM  Happ CM 《Tissue & cell》1970,2(3):443-466
The spermathecal accessory gland of female Tenebrio molitor is examined by histochemicai and electron microscopical techniques. Immediately after ecdysis of the female, neither Golgi regions nor the endoplasmic reticulum of the secretory cells are well developed. In two days' time, the cytoplasm is rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi areas are expanded. Membrane-bound droplets of secretion move from the Golgi zone to a central cavity, formed by the invaginated plasma membrane of this cell. As the secretion accumulates this cavity swells until the fourth day after ecdysis when the females first mate. An efferent cuticular ductule, ensheathed in a ductulecarrying cell, carries the product to the main axial duct of the tubular gland. By histochemical criteria, the product is a glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The yellow mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, contains a family of small Cys-rich and Thr-rich thermal hysteresis proteins that depress the hemolymph freezing point below the melting point by as much as 5. 5 degrees C (DeltaT = thermal hysteresis). Thermal hysteresis protein expression was evaluated throughout development and after exposure to altered environmental conditions. Under favorable growth conditions, small larvae (11-13 mg) had only low levels of thermal hysteresis proteins or thermal hysteresis protein message, but these levels increased 10-fold and 18-fold, respectively, by the final larval instar (> 190 mg), resulting in thermal hysteresis > 3 degrees C. Exposure of small larvae (11-13 mg) to 4 weeks of cold (4 degrees C) caused an approximately 20-fold increase in thermal hysteresis protein concentration, well in excess of the less than threefold developmental increase seen after 4 weeks at 22 degrees C. Exposure of large larvae (100-120 mg) to cold caused 12-fold and sixfold increases in thermal hysteresis protein message and protein levels, respectively, approximately double the maximum levels they would have attained in the final larval instar at 22 degrees C. Thus, thermal hysteresis increased to similar levels (> 4 degrees C) in the cold, irrespective of the size of the larvae (the overwintering stage). At pupation, thermal hysteresis protein message levels decreased > 20-fold and remained low thereafter, but thermal hysteresis activity decreased much more slowly. Exposure to cold did not reverse this decline. Desiccation or starvation of larvae had comparable effects to cold exposure, but surprisingly, short daylength photoperiod or total darkness had no effect on either thermal hysteresis or message levels. As all environmental conditions that caused increased thermal hysteresis also inhibited growth, we postulate that developmental arrest is a primary factor in the regulation of T. molitor thermal hysteresis proteins.  相似文献   

Ermakov  A. M.  Lednev  V. V. 《Biophysics》2010,55(4):633-636
The effects of weak combined magnetic fields adjusted to the parametric resonance for Ca2+ and K+ and extremely weak alternating magnetic field on the metamorphosis of the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor have been studied. It was shown that the exposure of pupas of insects to all above-indicated types of fields stimulates the metamorphosis. However, after the exposure to weak combined magnetic fields adjusted to the parametric resonance for Ca2+ and K+, the number of insects with anomalies increases, which is not observed by the action of the weak alternating magnetic field.  相似文献   

Summary (1) It has been shown in earlier experiments that during the visually guided orientation response of the mealworm beetle,Tenebrio molitor, edge fixation and skototaxis interact. Under certain stimulus conditions these two effects act against each other and relative movement between the retina and the surroundings shifts the balance in favour of edge fixation. In this paper, three further parameters are described which change the contribution of the two mechanisms to the turning tendency of the animals. (2) When the centre of a broad black stripe lies on one side and one of the edges on the other side of the animal (Fig. 1B, C) then motion of an edge from front to back (progressive movement) more effectively increases the relative weight of edge fixation than do regressive movements (motion of an edge from back to front). (3) In the same situation temporal modulation of the overall illumination weakens skototaxis, dimming more than brightening (Fig. 2 A). From this it was predicted — and confirmed — that the dependence on the direction of motion will be reversed if both the centre and the edge closest to the midline of a broad black stripe lie on the same side of the animal (Fig. 2 B). (4) Animals with one eye blinded can fixate an edge (Fig. 3). Furthermore, edge fixation is mediated mainly by the ventral part of the eyes and skototaxis by the dorsal (Fig. 5). (5) The possible significance of the results for the animal's natural behaviour and for the underlying neural circuitry is discussed.  相似文献   

The membrane potential of ventral longitudinal muscles of Tenebrio molitor larvae was studied as a function of time and of cesium substituted for all or part of external potassium. The conventional microelectrode technique was applied. The mean value of resting potential was — 47.4 mV in standard physiological saline which did not change significantly with time (90 min). Cesium caused, almost immediately, a significant hyperpolarization of membrane potential the magnitude of which depended on cesium concentration. The presence of external potassium enhanced the effectiveness of cesium action, resulting in more pronounced hyperpolarization. The effect of Cs ions was fully reversible upon washing. These data support the idea that inward potassium current can be activated at resting potential level, at least in some cells, including the muscles studied. It is presumed that this potassium current might have some contribution to the resting membrane potential generation in mealworm larva muscles.Abbreviations [K +]0 extracellular concentration of K ions - E m resting membrane potential of a cell when bathed in normal saline - E K K + equilibrium potential - MP membrane potential - RP resting potential - SD standard deviation - SEM standard error of the mean  相似文献   

Summary InTenebrio molitor, male adults transfer sperm to the female via a spermatophore or sperm sac. The spermatophore is formed from secretions of the bean-shaped accessory glands (BAGs) and the tubular accessory glands (TAGs) of the male beetle. Trehalase is found in the adult BAGs. During the pupal stage, the activity in the BAGs was very low. After adult ecdysis, the total activity increased 100-fold from 0 days to 6 days and reached maximum levels at 9 days. The specific activity increased 20-fold from the time of ecdysis to 6 days thereafter. In the 10 day adult, trehalase levels in testes, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, TAGs, or ejaculatory ducts, were lower by two orders of magnitude than in the BAGs. However, the specific activity in the spermatophore was similar to that in the BAGs. Trehalases in the BAGs and the spermatophores showed very similar properties (soluble, optimum pH of 5.75 andK m value of 5.4 mM for trehalose). Thus trehalase appears to be secreted from the BAGs and becomes incorporated into the spermatophores.Abbreviations BAG bean-shaped accessory gland - TAG tubular accessory gland  相似文献   

Immune defenses of insects show either broad reactions or specificity and durability of induced protection against attacking parasites and pathogens. In this study, we tested whether encapsulation response against nylon monofilament increases between two attempts of activation of immune system in mealworm beetles Tenebrio molitor, and whether previous exposure to nylon monofilament may also increase protection against an entomopathogenic fungus. We found that survival of beetles subjected to immune activation by nylon implant and subsequent fungal exposure a week later was significantly higher than survival of beetles which had been subjected to fungal infection only. This result suggests that previous immune activation by the nylon implant may be considered as broad spectrum “immune priming” which helps to fight not only the same intruder but also other parasites.  相似文献   

Sequence variability of satellite DNA from the mealworm Tenebrio molitor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D Ugarkovi?  M Plohl  V Gamulin 《Gene》1989,83(1):181-183

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