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西藏自治区瓢虫记述——食植瓢虫亚科   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据珠穆朗玛峰及其附近地区生物考察的瓢虫科材料,属于食植瓢虫亚科的有19种,其中6个新种,7种为我国分布的新记录。 全部瓢虫科材料主要采集于西藏自治区的聂拉木、亚东、错那、察隅、泽当、墨脱和波密等地区,最高海拔达5,200米。在4,000米以上地点采获的主要属于瓢虫亚科的瓢虫族(Coccinellini),食菌瓢虫族(Psylloborini)和长足瓢虫族(Hippodamiini)。食植瓢虫亚科的材料则在海拔3,000米以下,这与其食料植物的垂直分布有关。  相似文献   

三色花瓢虫Amida tricolor(Harold)由于鞘翅上有红、黄及黑三种颜色构成的斑纹,美丽似花而得名。 此种分布在日本,为稀有种。在我国为初次记录的种,1984.V.20笔者首先在广西、宁明陇瑞自然保护区采到1,继而1984.Ⅵ.5,在广西关川又采得1。现将其特征记述如下: 体中型,体长4.3—4.5毫米,体宽3.2—3.4毫米。卵圆形,密披金黄色绒毛。背面黄褐至红褐色。复眼灰绿或灰黑色。前胸背板具3个黑斑,中央1个纵条形,较大,两侧各有1个小形圆斑。或3个斑均消失。每鞘翅具黑、黄两种颜色的斑纹,3个黑斑纵行排列:前面的一个位在肩角,椭圆形,前缘接近鞘翅基缘,但永不伸达翅的基缘;中间的一个位在鞘翅1/2以后,较大,常为U形,后面的一个位于翅端,最小,近方形。两个黄斑成横带形:前面一个位在翅中部之前,另一个位在中、后部两个黑斑之间,每个黄斑外缘与鞘翅外缘接近,但内缘却不接近鞘缝,前、后缘均与黑斑边缘紧接。腹面中央红褐色,外围黄褐色。足亦黄褐色。头部及前胸背板刻点深而密,  相似文献   

异色瓢虫规模化生产技术及瓢虫工厂的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)是一种重要的捕食性天敌,工厂化人工饲养异色瓢虫是利用其进行蚜虫等小型害虫生物防治的有效手段。本文报道了在河南省济源白云实业有限公司建立的基于甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua(Hübner)低龄幼虫的工厂化生产的技术流程。利用这一技术,可以大量、稳定地生产异色瓢虫各虫态个体,基本实现了异色瓢虫的工厂化生产。文中还探讨了异色瓢虫产业化进程中存在的问题,期望瓢虫天敌产业化和商业化能够有所突破。  相似文献   

刘崇乐 《昆虫学报》1962,(3):259-268
由于不同的原因, 弯斑瓢虫(Coccinella geminopunctata), 纵条瓢虫(C.longifasciata)和隐斑瓢虫(Ballia obscurosignata)三个新种被认为应当包括在即将付印的《中国经济昆虫志:瓢虫科》一书中。为了便于使用新种的学名, 更为便于日后的查考, 特先在学报发表该三种的记述。 就如在其他分类工作中一样, 雌雄两性的外生殖器对种的辨识起了很大作用。在这次工作中, 发现雌瓢虫的生殖片基部柄形部分在各种中有相当的差异, 可能发展为有用的特征, 因此命名为“基柄”(capulus)。 继1950年的尝试, 本文对瓢虫外生殖器的汉文名词做了一次增补与修订。  相似文献   

本文记述了采自新疆麦田的瓢虫科昆虫17种,其中包括1新种即塔城毛瓢虫Scymnus tachengicus Yu和1中国新记录即黄足小毛瓢虫S.pallipes Mulsant,并对一些种的种名和特征作了进一步的说明。  相似文献   

越冬代七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫的飞翔能力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在室内用飞行磨吊飞技术测定了七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫越冬代自然种群的飞翔能力。个体间飞翔特性差异极大。36.5%的七星瓢虫和23.7%的异色瓢虫每次飞翔都不到30分钟, 而这两种瓢虫中都有累计飞翔20小时以上的个体。最长持续飞翔时间达8小时以上和12小时以上的个体在七星瓢虫中分别为9.4%和1.2%, 在异色瓢虫中分别为21.1%和13.2%。大于30分钟的飞翔累计时间为6小时以上和12小时以上的个体在七星瓢虫中分别为20.0%和7.1%, 异色瓢虫则达47.4%和28.9%。雌性个体在卵发育期间表现出很强的飞翔能力。吊飞124小时, 飞翔能力的最高纪录是, 七星瓢虫累计飞翔22小时27分, 飞翔距离94.464km;异色瓢虫为24小时, 92.550km;飞翔速度都达到2m/秒。  相似文献   

甘肃省瓢虫一新种(鞘翅目:瓢虫科)毛金龙(河北省邢台市植保植检站邢台054000)李亚哲(甘肃省武威地区植保植检站武威733300)本文描述鞘翅目(Coleoptera)瓢虫科(Coccinelidae)小毛瓢虫族(Scymnini)弯叶毛瓢虫属(N...  相似文献   

云南素菌瓢虫属五种食菌瓢虫新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
素菌瓢虫属Illeis Mulsant隶属于鞘翅目Coleoptera、瓢虫科Coccinellidae、食菌瓢虫族Psylloborini。该属有一些种是广布的东方种类,往往有两个种组成原始的类群,取食为害各种植物的白粉病菌孢子。 我们在1982—1983年,鉴定云南省森林病虫害普查标本中的瓢虫科昆虫时,发现素菌瓢虫属昆虫的五种新记录。而以往国内瓢虫科志书中描述记载过的一种,即素鞘瓢虫Illeis cincta(Fabricius),在云南各地普查所得标本中,则并未发现该种。  相似文献   

笔者在整理西藏南迦巴瓦标本过程中,发现黄壮瓢虫属Xanthadalia Crotch一新种,现描述如下。模式标本存于中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

1959年我们由四川江津、泸州等地引进了大红瓢虫,一年来在我自治州榕江县,对桔类果树的吹绵蚧壳虫发挥了很大的生物防治威力,使受害率由1958年的75.2%降低到4.3%,枯死率(吹绵蚧壳虫为害所引起)由10—70%压低到根本无一死亡的现象,不但节约了大量防治劳力,还省下了近千元的药费开支。 初步观察大红瓢虫在榕江一般以成虫越冬,一年可繁殖四代。越冬成虫于3月上旬开始活动,4月中  相似文献   

中国小毛瓢虫二新种记述(鞘翅目:瓢虫科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任顺祥  庞雄飞 《昆虫学报》1995,38(4):467-470
中国小毛瓢虫二新种记述(鞘翅目:瓢虫科)任顺祥,庞雄飞(华南农业大学昆虫生态室广州510642)本文描述采自贵州和四川的小毛瓢虫属ScymnusKugelann小毛瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Scymnus)Kugelann二新种。模式标本保存于华南农业...  相似文献   

Abstract  Numerical cladistic method was used for analyzing the phylogeny of ladybirds, based upon adult and larval characters. The analysis of adult characters for 21 tribes, representing all subfamilies proposed by various authors, exhibited 18 equally parsimonious cladograms with high level of homoplasy. Five lineages were roughly revealed in the strict consensus tree: Sticholotidinae, Epilachninae, Coccinellinae (including Singhikalini), Coccidulinae (excluding Noviini) and Scymninae+Chilocorinae. The taxonomic interpretation of the adult analysis was similar to the classification proposed by Chazeauet al . (1990). Comparison of a preliminary analysis based on the larval characters for 14 tribes revealed only one component consistently supported in both analyses (Serangiini+Sukunahikonini). Larval analysis showed that Epi-lachinae is the most primitive and highly derived group of the Coccinellidae. Larval characters might be more satisfactory in revealing the phylogeny.  相似文献   

Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis has been applied to thestudy of esterase, peroxidase and acid phosphatase patternsin seven taxa, namely Hordeum diploids (2n=14) (H. marinum,H. marinum I and H. hystrix), tetraploids (2n=28) (H. bulbosumand H. murinum subsp. leporinum) and Taeniatherum (2n=14) (T.caput-medusae and T. caput-medusae I) in order to elucidatetheir phylogenetic relationships. On the basis of our experimentalresults the seven taxa may be placed in the following threegroups; (1) diploid Hordeum (H. marinum, H. marinum I, H. hystrix);(2) tetraploid Hordeum (H. bulbosum, H. murinum subsp. leporinum);(3) Taeniatherum (T. caput-medusae, T. caput-medusae I). Esterase, peroxidase and acid phosphatase patterns of the twoHordeum diploid taxa (H. marinum and H. marinum I) are verysimilar suggesting their close phylogenetic relationship; thesame is true for both the taxa of the genus Taeniatherum (T.caput-medusae and T. caput-medusae I). The taxa of the Taeniatherumgroup compared with the diploid Hordeum (H. marinum, H. marinumI, H. hystrix) and the tetraploid Hordeum (H. bulbosum, H. murinumsubsp. leporinum) show a lower degree of phylogenetic relationshipand seem to be equally distant from them. The tetraploid Hordeumgroup shows a higher phylogenetic relationship with diploidHordeum group than with the Taeniatherum group. These results confirm that the genus Taeniatherum, previouslyconsidered as part of the genus Hordeum, should be regardedas a separate genus. Gramineae (Poaceae), Hordeum L., Taeniatherum Nevski., esterase, peroxidase and acid phosphatase patterns, phylogenetic relationships  相似文献   

Volema, Bolten, type V. paradisiaca, Bolten, has priority overMelongena, Schumacher, but may be used independently. Mayena, gen. nov., proposed for Biplex australasia, Perry. Turricula, Schumacher, is the correct name for Surcula, H. &A. Adams. Gelagna, Schaufuss, is equal to and antedates Paralagena, Dall. Partulida, Schaufuss, should replace Spiralinella, Chaster. Campanile, Fischer, has for type the recent species Cerithiumleve, Quoy & Gaimard, which is here renamed Campanile symbolicum,sp. nov. Campanilopa, gen. nov., introduced for the fossil Cerithiumgiganteum. Lam. Pleurotomoides, Bronn, has priority over Lora, Gistel, and Clathurella,Carpenter, all proposed as alternatives for Defrancia, Millet,preoccupied. Gabrielona, gen. nov., proposed for Phasianella nepeanensis,Gatliff & Gabriel. Orbitestella, gen. nov., for Cyclostrema bastowi, Gatliff. Megathura, Pilsbry, should be used instead of Macrochasma, Dall. Mitromorpha, auctt., is not Mitromorpha, Carpenter, which wasbased on Daphnella (?) filosa, Carpenter. Antimitra, gen. nov., is proposed for Pleurotoma agrota, Reeve,with which A. Adams' Mitromorpha lirata is congeneric. Lovellona, gen. nov., type Conus atramentosus. Reeve. Apaturris, gen. nov., type Mitramorpha expeditionis, Oliver. Callanaitis, gen. nov., type Venus yatei, Gray, for Salacia,Jukes-Browne, preoccupied. Anopsia, Gistel, is available for Psyche, Rang, preoccupied,and has priority over Verrillopsyche, Cossmann, proposed forHalopsyche, Kieferstein, preoccupied, introduced as substitutefor Rang's name. Hydromyles, Gistel, should be used for Euribia, Rang, preoccupied,as it is older than Kieferstein's name Theceurybia, for thesame genus. (Received 13 April 1917;  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation was studied in four syntopic speciesof Petunia sensu Jussieu (Solanaceae) at a site in Rio Grandedo Sul State, Brazil. Reciprocal artificial crossing experimentsconfirmed that a genetic barrier exists between Petunia(P. axillarisand P. integrifolia) andCalibrachoa (C. parviflora and C. heterophylla),and also between C. parviflora andC. heterophylla . Petuniaaxillaris(white, nocturnally scented flower) is geneticallycompatible with the syntopic and allotopic P. integrifolia(coloured,unscented flower). Reproductive isolation appears to be maintainedby the two species having different pollinators: nocturnallyactive hawkmoths (Manduca contracta andM. diffissa subsp. petuniae)pollinate P. axillaris while a diurnally active bee (Hexanthedasp.) pollinates P. integrifolia. Flowers of P. integrifoliaexhibit diurnal opening and closing movements synchronous withthe activity period of the bee. Other than a probable nectarrobber (a carpenter bee, Xylocopa augusti), no insect visitedflowers of P. axillaris in the day. Amounts of floral nectarin P. axillaris and P. integrifolia were within the range ofhawkmoth- and bee-pollinated flowers, respectively. Reproductiveisolating mechanisms in the genus Petunia sensu Jussieu arediscussed. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Calibrachoa, hawkmoth, Petunia, Petunia axillaris, Petunia integrifolia, pollinator, reproductive isolation, Solanaceae  相似文献   

To compare patterns of expression between the Ngrol genes ofN. glauca and the Rirol genes of Agrobacterium rhizogenes, weperformed fluorometric and histochemical analysis of transgenicgenetic tumors on the hybrid of Nicotiana glauca x N. langsdorffü(Fl) that harbored a rß- glucuronidase (GUS) reportergene fused to the promoter of NgrolB, NgrolC, RirolB or RirolC The promoters of NgrolB and NgrolCNgrolC had 2- to 3-fold loweractivity than those of RirolB and RirolC However, the changesin patterns of GUS activity caused by deletion of NgrolB andNgrolCpromoters were similar to those of RirolB and RirolC promoters.This result suggests that the cis-acting sequences that regulatethe level of expression of RirolB and RirolC are conserved inthe NgrolB and NgrolC promoters. Furthermore, an auxin dependent(NAA-dependent) increase in GUS activity was observed in thecase of NgrolB-GUS and RirolB-GUS. Histochemical analysis showedGUS activity encoded by both NgrolB-GUS and RirolB-GUS in normal-typeFl transgenic plants was located in meristematic zones, whilethat encoded by NgrolC-GUS and RirolC-GUS was detected mainlyin vascular systems of various organs. Thus, the patterns ofexpression of the Ngrol genes were the same as those of theRirol genes in terms of promotion by auxin and tissue-specificity,indicating that regulatory mechanisms for both sets of geneshave been conserved during the evolution of the genus Nicotianaafter transfer from a progenitor of Agrobacterium to that ofNicotiana. (Received May 2, 1995; Accepted June 13, 1995)  相似文献   

Tyler  Germund 《Annals of botany》2001,87(5):623-630
Effects of annual variation in rainfall, temperature and humidityon flowering abundance of eight temperate woodland plants (Anemonenemorosa, Cardamine bulbifera, Lamiastrum galeobdolon,Oxalisacetosella , Ranunculus ficaria, Stellaria holostea, Viola reichenbachianaand Viola riviniana) were studied during 12 consecutive years(1989–2000) in a hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) forest insoutheast Sweden. Above-average rainfall/humidity in late summerto early autumn of the preceding year increased flowering abundancein L. galeobdolon, O. acetosella, V. reichenbachiana, V. rivinianaand, especially, in R. ficaria, but not in S. holostea and A.nemorosa. Moreover, flowering of R. ficaria and O. acetosellawas positively related to rainfall/humidity during several partsof, or the entire, preceding year. On the contrary, floweringof S. holostea and A. nemorosa was closely related to low valuesof rainfall/humidity in autumn and/or winter of the precedingyear and also to low humidity in the current year in A. nemorosa.Two long periods (3–4 years) of increasing rainfall deficitcoincided with decreasing flowering abundance in most of thespecies, but not with decreasing vegetative development. Temperaturevariability was less consistently related to flowering. A coolperiod during the preceding summer or autumn seemed importantfor flowering in L. galeobdolon, O. acetosella and the Violaspecies, although these relations were, at least partly, causedby interactions with rainfall/humidity. No significant (P <0.05) correlations were found between flowering and the conditionsprevailing in April to May—the main flowering season—ofthe current year. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Climate, flowering, rainfall, temperature, Anemone nemorosa, Cardamine bulbifera, Lamiastrum galeobdolon, Oxalis acetosella, Ranunculus ficaria, Stellaria holostea, Viola reichenbachiana, Viola riviniana  相似文献   

Since amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysishas proved useful in distinguishing cultivars of Caladium, itwas used to assess the status of species of Caladium vs. Xanthosoma,both in tribe the Caladieae, and to reassess the position ofHapaline in the same tribe. AFLP analysis using three primercombinations was carried out on four species of Caladium(C.bicolor, C. humboldtii, C. lindenii and C. schomburgkii). Resultsshowed that AFLP can distinguish between the different speciesby their unique and different banding patterns. AFLP analysisconfirmed that C. humboldtii is a species distinct from C. bicolorand that C. lindenii is a true Caladium species and does notbelong to Xanthosoma. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that C.bicolor and C. schomburgkii are most similar and that C. humboldtiiis closer to the C. bicolor / C. schomburgkii cluster comparedwith C. lindenii. Genetic relationships between Caladium, Xanthosoma,Hapaline, Alocasia and Protarum were also examined by AFLP analysisusing eight primer combinations. Several useful molecular markerswere specific either to Caladium orXanthosoma , so that AFLPcan be used to distinguish species of these two genera. Geneticanalysis of the genera examined confirms that the Caladieaeand Colocasieae tribes are distinct and that Hapaline fallswithin the tribe Caladieae and that Protarum is most distantfrom all the genera examined. Copyright 2000 Annals of BotanyCompany Araceae, Caladium, Xanthosoma, Hapaline, Alocasia, Protarum, AFLP DNA fingerprinting, diversity, AFLP markers  相似文献   

Niklas  Karl J. 《Annals of botany》1993,72(2):165-172
The scaling plant height h (m) with respect to stem diameterd (m) was determined for a total 610 species (mosses, n = 40;pteridophytes, n = 16; dicotyledonous herbs, n = 117; palms,n = 17; gymnosperms, n = 105; dicotyledonous trees, n = 315);axial length or mass vs. d was determined for the pteridophytePsilotum nudum ; and the scaling of critical buckling heighthcrit of gymnosperm and dicotyledonous trees was calculatedbased on the record trunk d and average Young's modulus E anddensity p of 33 wood species. The scaling exponents (based onleast squares and reduced major axis regressions;  相似文献   

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