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Anthropometric dimensions of 738 medical students at Kyushu University in Japan were analyzed to determine secular changes of height and body proportions during a 20-year period. Since 1961, means of standing height, leg length, and ratio of leg length to standing height have increased, although the rate of increase from 1971 to 1981 has been rather slow. On the contrary, the mean sitting height X 100/standing height has declined during this same period. Compared with data on the Japanese general population, the medical students were considerably taller, but the difference has decreased.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to develop current reference growth centiles for Turkish children and adolescents. A cross-sectional growth survey was conducted on 1.427 (709 boys and 718 girls) healthy schoolchildren aged 6-17 years in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. As an indicator of socio-economic status, the occupation of the parents was recorded. Growth references of height, weight, body mass index (BMI), sitting height, iliospinal height, relative iliospinal height and relative sitting height were constructed by the LMS method. Sex differences, association of parental occupation with height and BMI standard deviation scores were assessed by analyses of variance. Results showed significant sexual dimorphism for height, weight, sitting height and iliospinal height (p<0.001). Significant effect of socio-economic background was found on height and BMI. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was found using the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) reference criteria 22.4% and 5.6% in boys and 21.2% and 3% in girls. Present results demonstrated an increment during the last three decades in height, leg length and weight curves which is more prominent in boys, but not in the sitting height. This positive secular change appears to be a logical outcome of the gradual changes in nutrition, health care and education, and environmental and economic conditions.  相似文献   

Statures and weights for four samples of Mexican-American children in Texas, measured in 1929–1931 and 1968–1972, were evaluated for evidence of a secular trend. The age range was 6 to 18 years, with more complete data from 8 through 15 years. There is no secular increase in the statures and weights of 6 year old children, a small increase in 8 years old children, and a larger secular increase at 10, 12, 14, and 15 years of age. From about 9 or 10 years of age on, the more recent Mexican-American children tend to have greater weights for their heights. The magnitudé of the secular change per decade, however, is considerably smaller than rates for US black, white, European, and Japanese children. The estimated rates of secular change in stature for Mexican-American children approximate about one-fourth to one-half of the generalized rates for European and North American children offered by Meredith ('76) and Tanner ('77). Reasons for a limited secular trend in Texas Mexican-American children are probably bound to the matrix of lower socioeconomic circumstances, poorer health conditions, and marginal nutritional status.  相似文献   

The effects of hereditary and environmental factors upon the growth in stature of children living in Guatemala City has been studied. Heights at yearly examinations were fitted, by individual, to a double logistic curve in samples of Guatemalan and European children attending a private school in Guatemala City. These two samples differed genetically yet shared the same environment. Their growth was compared, by a multivariate analysis of the parameterized curves, to that of children from the Berkeley Growth Study, genetically similar to the European sample, yet living in different environments. The European children in Guatemala grew, before adolescence, more similar to Guatemalan and differed significantly from the Berkeley sample children. However, the amount of growth during the adolescent years experienced by the European children was similar to that of the Berkeley sample and differed from their Guatemalan counterparts.  相似文献   

Distance and velocity curves for height and weight were analyzed in a mixed longitudinal sample of American White, American Negro and Mexican-American deaf children 6 through 17 years of age. The heights of deaf boys and girls are, on the average, consistently below an accepted pediatric standard from six through ten years of age. Between 11 and 17 years, deaf White and Negro boys approximate the standard, while White and Negro girls are at or slightly below the standard. Deaf Mexican-American children are consistently below the height standard. For body weight, deaf boys are at or slightly below the standard from 6 to 11 years, and are at or slightly above the weight standard from 12 to 17 years of age. White and Negro deaf girls generally approximate the weight standard from eight years of age on. Mexican-American deaf girls are consistently below the standard until 13 years of age, while between 14 and 17 years they are at or above the standard. Height and weight velocity curves for deaf children parallel closely the incremental standards of Falkner ('62). The height velocity curve, however, appears to peak, on the average, about one year earlier in deaf children.  相似文献   

Growth patterns of Japanese schoolchildren in Hawaii, composed of 2,954 boys and 3,213 girls aged between 11 and 17, were compared with those comparable groups of Japanese schoolchildren in Japan based on the data published by the Japanese Ministry of Education. Growth characteristics studied were height, weight, and relative weight index, weight/(height). The Hawaii-Japanese boys were taller at early ages but the difference disappeared by age 16. Native Japanese girls were shorter than Hawaii-Japanese until age 13, but they overtook the latter by age 14, exceeding them in height after age 15. A similar pattern was found in weights of girls but the Hawaii-Japanese boys remained consistently heavier by 5.0 to 9.0 kg than native Japanese. The relative weight measure indicated that the Hawaii boys were more "obese" than native Japanese boys for the growth period studied; whereas the same tendency was maintained until age 15 in girls. These observations indicate a marked degree of convergence of the patterns of physical growth of the two populations, whose differences were unmistakably in favor of American born children in earlier studies. It is concluded that the convergence is due largely to the improved environmental conditions in Japan in recent years.  相似文献   

Three groups of children, those of European parentage, those of Guatemalan parentage, and those of mixed European-Guatemalan parentage were measured for height, weight, and skeletal maturity. The children were born between 1945 and 1965, they were all of high socioeconomic status, and they all attended the same private school in Guatemala City. At 7 years, the boys of the European group were significantly taller than boys of the Guatemalan group. European and mixed European-Guatemalan girls were significantly taller than Guatemalan girls. These results are maturity independent. The influence of skeletal age was removed statistically by analysis of covariance. Girls of the mixed group were significantly heavier than girls of European and Guatemalan groups. Mixed group girls also had more significantly advanced skeletal ages than European girls. When the patterns of size and maturity status are analyzed by sex, there is evidence for a relatively greater environmental influence on the boys and a relatively greater genetic influence on the girls. Dividing the data into two birth year cohorts, 1945 to 1955, and 1956 to 1965, does not provide evidence for secular trends in growth or maturation. These results are similar to those from studies in developed nations that report an end to the secular trend for the “well off” population of those countries.  相似文献   

Stature and weight of native children, adolescents, and adults at Huancayo, Peru (3,280 meters), were measured in 1977, 1978, and 1982 and compared with mean statures and weights reported in previous studies. The data indicate that in Huancayo there has been a secular increment in child stature, sitting height, and weight from 1937 to 1978–1982. The observed changes in stature are related to a proportionally greater increment in leg length relative to trunk length. It is concluded that the observed secular increase in body size reflects changes in the standard of living and a greater influx of nonnative populations, which are usually characterized by greater stature than natives.  相似文献   

A study of children living adjacent to an international airport was conducted to learn whether noise exposure affected physical growth. Prenatal and postnatal noise exposures were estimated for each subject based on noise levels at their residences during jetplane takeoffs. Subjects' birthweights were standardized for sex and parity, and their postnatal heights and weights were standardized for sex and age (range 6-11 years). The difference between standardized birthweight score and postnatal height score, and between birthweight score and postnatal weight score, represent a change in growth status of a more or less permanent nature, respectively. After adjusting for confounding factors, children from the exposed community (n = 103) had a significantly smaller mean of status change by height (p less than 0.05), and a somewhat smaller mean of status change by weight (0.10 less than p less than 0.05) in comparison to children from an unexposed community (n = 94). A dose-response curve was then expected in the exposed community. However, in multiple regression analyses of the exposed children, noise exposure was not related to either change in growth status variable. This second result is inconsistent with the differences between communities and suggest that they are a result of factors other than noise exposure. We conclude that the moderate to severe noise levels of the areas surrounding most subjects' homes did not adversely affect postnatal growth. Further studies of noise and growth should concentrate observations on people exposed to even more severe noise levels than those experienced by most subjects in this study.  相似文献   

The trend of increasing height can be interpreted as a reflection of the unfolding progress of civilization. Height changes among children and adolescents are good markers of this trend. We analyze the secular trend in the heights of children and adolescents in the Czech Republic on the basis of data from anthropological surveys. The earliest height data pertain to Czech youths who attended the Military Schools in Austria in 1800-1809. Data also exist for 1895 and continue in 1951 and at 10-year intervals thereafter. Growth curves were obtained for separate age groups by fitting mean values via third-order polynomial smoothing splines. Between 1951 and 2001, the mean heights of boys and girls aged 2.5 years increased by 2.7 and 3 cm, respectively. Since 1895, the mean height of 13-year-old boys has increased by 19.4 cm, and the mean height of girls has increased by 18.3 cm.  相似文献   

Between 1811 and 2003, the mean height of 17-year-old Estonian boys increased 18.4 cm (0.97 cm per decade). The increase was 5.2 cm (0.7 cm per decade) between 1811 and 1886, 12.3 cm (2.2 cm per decade) between 1922 and 1978, and 0.5 cm per decade between 1978 and 2003. Between 1922 and 2003, mean height increased 8.2% and mean weight increased 27.2%. Between 1956 and 2003, biacromial (shoulder) breadth increased more than bicristal (hip) breadth; relative chest depth diminished; chest circumference and upper thigh circumference both increased. A multidimensional body structure model is constructed from 1998 to 2003 data.  相似文献   

Higher moments of the frequency distribution of child height and weight change with age, particularly during puberty, though why is not known. Our aims were to confirm that height skewness and kurtosis change with age during puberty, to devise a model to explain why, and to test the model by analyzing the data longitudinally. Heights of 3245 Christ's Hospital School boys born during 1927-1956 were measured twice termly from 9 to 20 years (n=129508). Treating the data as independent, the mean, standard deviation (SD), skewness, and kurtosis were calculated in 40 age groups and plotted as functions of age t. The data were also analyzed longitudinally using the nonlinear random-effects growth model H(t)=h(t-epsilon )+alpha, with H(t) the cross-sectional data, h(t) the individual mean curve, and epsilon and alpha subject-specific random effects reflecting variability in age and height at peak height velocity (PHV). Mean height increased monotonically with age, while the SD, skewness, and kurtosis changed cyclically with, respectively, 1, 2, and 3 turning points. Surprisingly, their age curves corresponded closely in shape to the first, second, and third derivatives of the mean height curve. The growth model expanded as a Taylor series in epsilon predicted such a pattern, and the longitudinal analysis showed that adjusting for age at PHV on a multiplicative scale largely removed the trends in the higher moments. A nonlinear growth process where subjects grow at different rates, such as in puberty, generates cyclical changes in the higher moments of the frequency distribution.  相似文献   

The relationship between diarrheal diseases and growth increments in total body length and weight was investigated in 716 rural Ladino Gautemalan children. Data on diarrheal diseases were provided by the mothers through retrospective surveys carried out at 14-day intervals. Increments in length and weight, semestral from near birth at four years and yearly thence to seven, were related to days ill with diarrheal diseases during the same time interval. Because the data here reported were collected over a two year period, a child may have had information for more than one period. In total, 1,343 child periods were investigated. Days ill with diarrheal diseases were found to be significantly associated with reduced growth in length and weight. It was assumed that the average differences in growth by seven years of age between children in the present sample and children from well-to-do societies, are mainly a function of environmental differences and consequently, a measure of the extent of growth retardation. By expressing the growth retardation specifically associated with diarrheal diseases as a fraction of the above differences it was then estimated that around 10% of this growth retardation was associated with diarrheal diseases.  相似文献   

Personnel records kept by military units of American colonials during the French and Indian War (1755-1763) are analyzed for relationships between environmental factors and stature. A robust American economy and direct access to high-quality food were apparently critical to tallness of this white American male sample. American-born men were taller at all ages than those who had migrated from Europe. January temperatures, rural versus urban birth, and ethnicity also showed stature relationships within the American-born group; thermal effects were by far the strongest of the non-nutritional factors.  相似文献   

Studies conducted during the past century in Australia, Canada, Japan, Norway and the United States indicate that the magnitude of secular increase in mean height rose with advancing age from childhood to mid-adolescence. Comparisons for a period approximating two-thirds of a century yield average increases in mean height of 12.2 cm for female youths age 12 years, and 12.5 cm for male youths age 14 years; for the same calendar span, the amount of secular increase in mean height declines from mid-adolescence to early adulthood. Comparisons of Belgian females, spanning a period approximating 130 years, yield increases in mean height of 18.1 cm at age 12 years, 11.9 cm at age 16 years, and 3.7 cm in early adulthood. For a period of 90 years, increases obtained on United States White males are 14.8 cm at age 14 years, 8.8 cm at age 17 years, and 5.3 cm in early adulthood. These and other displayed findings show clearly that the search for causes of secular change should take particular account of a phenomenon widespread among human populations, i.e., the phenomenon of childhood and early adolescent growth in body height proceeding at a faster pace in recent decades than about a century ago.  相似文献   

Schooling is considered by many researchers and agencies as an important contributor to individual and national development for populations living in the less developed countries. Accordingly, programs to increase school enrollment and continuation from grade to grade are being developed for many of these countries. This paper investigates the relationship of physical growth status (height, weight, and body composition), grade in school, and age to school continuation for a sample of Indian children living in a village near Guatemala City. It was found that physical growth status, a reflection of health and nutritional status, does not predict school continuation. A child's age and current grade in school do predict continuation. Most children leave school after reaching 9 years of age or after completing the second grade. It is suggested that children may learn enough to satisfy their parents' expectations by this age or grade. Also, the child's economic value to his or her family may be a significant reason for school drop-out.  相似文献   

Age and secular factors in adult stature were investigated in a sample of 111 Zapotec-speaking males from Oaxaca, Mexico. Comparisons with earlier studies showed no clear evidence of a secular trend. The increase in stature due to age and secular factors was approximately 0.07 cm per year (significant, p < 0.05). When stature was adjusted for the estimated age effects, the estimated secular increase was 0.03 cm per year (not significant). By this analysis a secular trend in adult stature of the magnitude noted for industrialized countries apparently does not occur in developing areas.  相似文献   

K. Hirata 《Human Evolution》1990,5(4):375-385
Cribra orbitalia is currently regarded as an indicator of environmental conditions. The prevalence and severity of this lesion in Japanese populations from prehistoric Jomon to modern times were recorded and discussed. Since the lesion was low in both frequency and grade in the late and final Jomon people from Chiba Prefecture, they presumably lived in relatively favorable environmental conditions. The increased prevalence of the lesion in the medieval Muromachi citizens of Kamakura may be attributed to the poor hygiene and social conditions. The high prevalence and marked severity of the lesion in the citizens of Edo (the old name of Tokyo) in the 17th century suggested that they lived under extremely unfavorable situations of nutrition, sanitation and medical care. Cribra orbitalia was most prevalent in adolescence (81.3%) among the Edo citizens. The incidence of the most severe type of lesion rose gradually during childhood, reached a peak in adolescence, and then gradually decreased with age. These findings would reflect intense marrow hyperplasia in the orbital roof associated with both iron deficiency anemia of long standing during the immature period and increased iron requirement in adolescence. The results obtained support the hypothesis that iron deficiency anemia is the primary factor in the etiology of cribra orbitalia. It was concluded that the incidence and severity of cribra orbitalia due to various anemic reactions reflected the dietary, hygienic, social and environmental circumstances of the populations investigated.  相似文献   

Monthly increments of weight growth for a sample of 246 Guatemala City private school children are analyzed for the presence of a seasonal pattern in rates of growth. Neither a seasonal pattern nor any other periodic rhythm is found. It is observed that a significantly greater number of children aged 5.0 to 6.9 years experience their minimum annual growth rate during the dry season, with up to 60% of them losing or not gaining weight in any one month. Patterns of diet, exercise and disease cannot explain this trend. A possible association between minimum weight growth and maximum growth in height is discussed.  相似文献   

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