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The suitability of the reductive-cleavage method for analysis of the linkage positions in d-fructofuranosyl residues of d-fructans was examined by using sucrose, chicory-root inulin, and Aerobacter levanicum levan as models. Permethylation, and reductive cleavage with triethylsilane in the presence of either boron trifluoride etherate or trimethylsilyl trifluoromethanesulfonate, gave the expected methylated derivatives of 2,5-anhydro-d-mannitol and 2,5-anhydro-d-glucitol. With either catalyst, nonreducing (terminal) d-fructofuranosyl groups and d-fructofuranosyl residues linked at O-1 gave derivatives having the manno configuration as the major product, whereas d-fructofuranosyl residues linked at O-6, and at both O-1 and O-6, gave derivatives having the gluco configuration as the major product. The independent synthesis, and n.m.r.- and mass-spectral characterization, of the methylated 2,5-anhydro-d-mannitol and 2,5-anhydro-d-glucitol derivatives formed from these residues by reductive cleavage are reported.  相似文献   

The integral membrane protein, sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, catalyzes the first committed step in phospholipid synthesis, and both acyl-CoA and acyl-acyl carrier protein can be used as acyl donors in this reaction. We found that spermidine increased the specific activity of the acyltransferase when either substrate was used as the acyl donor. Magnesium, as well as other cations, also increased acyltransferase activity but were not nearly as effective as spermidine. Two roles for spermidine in this reaction were deduced from our data. First, spermidine dramatically lowered the Km for glycerol 3-phosphate resulting in an overall rate enhancement when either substrate was used as the acyl donor. This effect was attributed to the modification of the acyl-transferase environment due to the binding of spermidine to membrane phospholipids. A second effect of spermidine was evident only when acyl-acyl carrier protein was used as substrate. Using this acyl donor, a pH optimum of 7.5 was found in the absence of spermidine, but in its presence, the pH optimum was shifted to 8.5. Between pH 7.5 and 8.5, palmitoyl-acyl carrier protein undergoes a conformational change to a more expanded, denatured state and its activity in the acyltransferase assay decreases dramatically. Spermidine restored the native conformation of palmitoyl-acyl carrier protein at pH 8.5, thus accounting for the majority of rate enhancement observed at elevated pH.  相似文献   

A single tryptophan residue on antithrombin has been modified with dimethyl-(2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)sulfonium bromide. This alteration led to a 500-fold reduction in the heparin-dependent acceleration of thrombin-modified antithrombin interactions, as well as a 10-fold decrease in the avidity of the modified protease inhibitor for mucopolysaccharide. Preincubation of antithrombin with the octasaccharide binding domain of heparin prior to treatment with dimethyl-(2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)sulfonium bromide was able to suppress modification of the critical tryptophan and preserve the functional capacities of the protease inhibitor. Fluorescence quenching experiments indicated that the modifiable tryptophan groups of antithrombin were exposed to the solvent environment. Based upon these data, it was proposed that the loss of “heparin cofactor” activity of antithrombin must be predominantly due to an inability of the modified protease inhibitor to undergo a conformational transition required for mucopolysaccharide-dependent “activation” of the macromolecule.  相似文献   

p-Hydroxyphenylglyoxal reacts with arginine residues in proteins to give a single product which can be quantitated spectrophotometrically. The reaction takes place under mild conditions, pH 7–9 and 25°C. Under these conditions up to complete modification of Nα-citraconyl-l-arginine was obtained within 60 min with less than 5% modification of other common amino acid side chains. The extent of modification in a protein can be determined at 340 nm using the molar absorption coefficient of 1.83 × 104m?1 cm?1 for the product at pH 9.0 and 25°C following removal of excess reagent by gel filtration. Several proteins, previously shown to have essential arginines, were modified by p-hydroxyphenylglyoxal and the losses in arginines were determined spectrophotometrically. These results were in close agreement with those of previous investigators. Rhea ovomucoid, a glycoprotein without arginines but containing an essential lysine, was relatively unaffected.  相似文献   

The cytochrome system in eggs and embryos of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, was investigated. Difference spectra of the mitochondrial fraction demonstrated the presence of a complete cytochrome system in unfertilized eggs. Cytochrome levels and the activities of respiratory enzymes were measured in crude extracts of eggs both before and after fertilization. Unfertilized eggs contained cytochromes aa3, b, and c + c1 in a ratio of 1.0:1.8:0.7. Gastrulae contained almost the same amount of cytochromes aa3and b as unfertilized eggs. However, the amount of cytochrome c + c1 in gastrulae was 1.5 times greater than that in unfertilized eggs. The activity of cytochrome oxidase remained unchanged during development. No cytochrome oxidase inhibitor was found in unfertilized eggs. Both antimycin A-sensitive and insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase activities increased during development. The activity of succinate-cytochrome c reductase increased during early development, reached a temporary plateau, and then declined at the pluteus stage. These results are discussed in relation to the increase of respiration during early development.  相似文献   

A new method is presented for the colorimetric determination of arginine residues in proteins. Under mildly alkaline conditions, p-nitrophenylglyoxal reacted with arginine to produce a stable colored solution in the presence of 0.15 m sodium ascorbate. Complete color development was obtained after 30 min at pH 9.0 and 30°C. The color produced at 475 nm obeyed Beer's law in the range 0.03–0.33 mm arginine. This color reaction was used to determine the number of arginine residues in several proteins of known arginine content. Best results were obtained when the protein samples were digested with a mixture of trypsin and subtilisin prior to assaying. The arginine contents obtained by this method agreed well with either the published values or with the results of amino acid analysis.  相似文献   

A novel procedure for isolating peptides which contain methionine is described. It relies upon the reversible increase in charge which occurs upon the alkylation of methionine by iodoacetamide. A digest of the protein is reacted with lodo[14C]acetamide under conditions which direct the reaction exclusively to the methionine residues. In this way, methionine-containing peptides are rendered radioactive and gain one positive charge per methionine simultaneously. The digest is then separated on a cation exchange column, the peptides are located by their radioactivity, and they are separately collected. The carboxyamidomethylation is reversed by thiolysis, which eliminates the extra positive charge which each methionine-containing peptide bore, decreasing their charge selectively. A second chromatographic separation, performed on the same cation exchange column, is sufficient to produce the desired peptides in a high state of purity. Equine myoglobin and bovine ribonuclease were used as models to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. Methionine-containing tryptic peptides were purified from digests of these proteins in yields which were equivalent to those of previously reported separations. The present procedure, however, is applicable to peptide mixtures of far greater complexity than those which were derived from the model compounds and can be applied with the same success to digests of very large proteins containing many methionine residues.  相似文献   

1. Pancreatic islet homogenates catalyze, in a Ca2+-dependent fashion, the incorporation of [2,5-3H]histamine, [1,4-14C]putrescine, [1,2-3H]agmatine, [14C]methylamine, L-[U-14C]lysine in N,N-dimethylcasein. 2. Using [2,5-3H]histamine as the amine donor, the Km for Ca2+ and histamine amounts to 90μM and 0.7 mM, respectively. 3. The incorporation of [2,5-3H]histamine into N,N-dimethylcasein is inhibited by monodansylcadaverine, N-p-tosyl glycine, bacitracin and methylamine, the relative extent of inhibition depending on the respective concentrations of Ca2+, inhibitor and amine donor. 4. Bacitracin and methylamine, but not N-p-tosyl glycine, cause a dose-related inhibition of glucose-stimulated insulin release. 5. It is concluded that, in pancreatic islets, the Ca2+-responsive transglutaminase activity plays a critical role in the process of glucose-induced insulin release.  相似文献   

Ionization of the phenolic group of N-acetyltyrosynamide has been studied using second-derivative spectroscopy. At pH 12.5 the second-derivative spectrum of the model compound revealed the presence of derivative bands in a spectral region (between 250 and 270 nm) where interference coming from other ultraviolet-absorbing chromophores is negligible. One of these peaks (260-nm peak) has been employed for the determination of tyrosyl groups in mixtures containing the aromatic amino acids.  相似文献   

A modified amylose containing 10% of tritiated D-allose residues has been hydrolyzed by porcine pancreatic alpha amylase (PPA). This reaction produced a number of radioactive oligosaccharides of low molecular weight, including modified mono-, di-, and tri-saccharides, as well as larger products. Analysis of these products by chemical and enzymic methods identified D-allose, two isomers of modified maltose, and isomers of modified maltotriose. These results may be interpreted in terms of current PPA models to indicate that D-allose residues may be productively bound at all five subsites of the active site of the enzyme. The distribution of modified residues in these products, however, further suggests that productive binding of D-allose at the subsite where catalytic attack occurs (subsite 3) is less favorable than binding of D-glucose. These results are compared with results of a series of PPA substrates having modifications at C-3 and at other positions. Trends observed in enzyme hydrolysis of these modified substrates reflect factors that contribute to PPA catalysis, with respect to steric, electronic, and hydrogen-bonding interactions between enzyme and substrate.  相似文献   

Treatment of purine nucleoside phosphorylase (EC, from either calf spleen or human erythrocytes, with 2,3-butanedione in borate buffer or with phenylglyoxal in Tris buffer markedly decreased the enzyme activity. At pH 8.0 in 60 min, 95% of the catalytic activity was destroyed upon treatment with 33 mM phenylglyoxal and 62% of the activity was lost with 33 mm 2,3-butanedione. Inorganic phosphate, ribose-1-phosphate, arsenate, and inosine when added prior to chemical modification all afforded protection from inactivation. No apparent decrease in enzyme catalytic activity was observed upon treatment with maleic anhydride, a lysine-specific reagent. Inactivation of electrophoretically homogeneous calf-spleen purine nucleoside phosphorylase by butanedione was accompanied by loss of arginine residues and of no other amino acid residues. A statistical analysis of the inactivation data vis-à-vis the fraction of arginines modified suggested that one essential arginine residue was being modified.  相似文献   

Several estrogen derivatives containing the alpha-methylene-delta-lactone group as part of the D-ring were prepared as anti-tumor agents. The compounds were highly toxic towards HeLa S3 cells grown in culture.  相似文献   

The stoichiometry and the reactivity of the sulfhydryl groups of a human liver acid phosphatase have been studied. The smallest (Mr = 14,400) of the three molecular-weight forms of acid phosphatase from human liver, recently purified and characterized in our laboratory, was treated with various sulfhydryl group-specific reagents: p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, p-hydroxymercuriphenylsulfonate, fluorescein mercuriacetate, methyl methanethiosulfonate, p-nitrophenoxycarbonyl methyl disulfide, and thiosulfate. A total loss of enzymatic activity was obtained in each case. By spectrophotometric titration with 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) and p-hydroxymercuriphenylsulfonate it was shown that there are six free sulfhydryls per protein molecule, consistent with the amino acid analysis of this enzyme. The same number was deduced as a result of inactivation studies carried out with p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and p-hydroxymercuriphenylsulfonate. A total loss of activity was obtained at reagent to enzyme ratios of 6:1 in both cases. Similar results were obtained upon inactivation by p-nitrophenoxycarbonyl methyl disulfide, where the enzyme was found to possess only 10% residual activity at an inhibitor-to-enzyme ratio of 6:1. With fluorescein mercuriacetate as an inactivator, total loss of activity was found at a 2.5 times molar excess of this reagent over protein. Both the stoichiometry of inactivation and fluorescence titration experiments suggest that fluorescein mercuriacetate can function as a bifunctional sulfhydryl group reagent. The activity of a totally inactivated enzyme preparation obtained following reaction with excess of p-nitrophenoxycarbonyl methyl disulfide or with methyl methanethiolsulfonate could be almost completely restored upon treatment with dithiothreitol. These data are consistent with the interpretation that in each enzyme molecule, there are six free sulfhydryl groups of almost equal reactivity, at least one of which is essential for enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Various flavin analogs were used as alternate substrates or competitive inhibitors to characterize the FMN binding sites of the NADH- and NADPH-specific FMN oxidoreductases from Beneckea harveyi. Several polyhydroxyl compounds were found to be poor competitive inhibitors for the FMN sites of these enzymes. The FMN binding sites of the two enzymes were found to be quite similar. The NADH:FMN oxidoreductase binds FMN exclusively through the isoalloxazine ring. The methyl groups at positions 7 and 8 contribute significantly to this binding. Utilizing lumichrome as a competitive inhibitor of the FMN binding site and AMP as a competitive inhibitor of the NADH binding site, we were able to determine that the NADH:FMN oxidoreductase forms an active ternary complex with NADH binding first in an ordered mechanism. The NADPH oxidoreductase also binds FMN primarily through the isoalloxazine ring. Unlike their participation in reaction with the NADH-specfic enzyme, the methyl groups at positions 7 and 8 are not involved in binding. There was no significant binding of the ribityl phosphate moiety with either enzyme. Both enzymes have lower Km values for lumiflavin than FMN.  相似文献   

Specific chemical cleavage of human placental and porcine muscle glucosephosphate isomerases at three amino peptide bonds of cysteinyl residues with 2-nitro-5-thiocyanobenzoic acid was achieved. Four primary peptides were generated from the cyanylated human glucosephosphate isomerase, indicating the quantitative cleavage of this enzyme. Four primary plus six overlap peptides were obtained from the cleavage of the swine muscle enzyme. The peptides were separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and eluted from the gels. Amino acid and carboxyl terminal analyses of the eluted peptides have permitted the alignment of these peptides with respect to the native polypeptide chain. The analysis of the enzyme which had been specifically covalently labeled at the essential lysine and histidine residues of the active center revealed that the active-site histidine and lysine residues are located on two distinct peptides with molecular weights of 27,500 and 14,000, respectively.  相似文献   

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