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Licea variabilis and L. retiformis are odd members of the genus Licea in so far as they form plasmodiocarpous fructifications and do not possess protoplasmodia. Differences between the two species are found in the sculpturing of the inner surface of the peridium, in the ornamentation of the spore wall, and in the internal structure of the spore wall. Certain characteristics indicate a closer affinity of L. retiformis to the sporangiate species of Licea than to L. variabilis. Spherical bodies attached to the inner surface of the peridium in L. retiformis appear to be an integral part of the peridium and may be homologous with ornamentations seen in L. biforis.  相似文献   

The peridium of Licea kleistobolus Martin consists of two distinct layers. Abundant refuse matter is evenly distributed on the surface of the fructification. The upper surface of the operculum is smooth and punctated by pores of variable size. The internal structure of the operculum is essentially the same as that of the peridium. Processes along the periphery of the lower surface of the operculum and along the upper edge of the sporangium function as an opening mechanism. The operculum bears hollow finger-like outgrowths and rounded warts, both being continuous with the inner wall of the operculum. The results of a SEM- and TEM-study indicate that the two different types of processes are homologous structures. Similarity between aberrant cap-illitial outgrowths along the margin of lobes in Listerella paradoxa Jahn and the processes bordering the sporangial edge and periphery of the operculum in L. kleistobolus , indicates affinity of the two species.  相似文献   

Pigmentation and sporulation in selected Myxomycetes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chemical, chromatographic and spectrometric methods are used to characterize plasmodial pigments and determine relationships between pigmentation and sporulation in selected Myxomycetes. In Physarum gyrosum (white) a single pigment is identified and characterized as a flavone. Physarum polycephalum (yellow) and Didymium iridis (brown) contain four and six components, respectively, in their plasmodial pigments which test negatively for flavones but show the presence of some type of phenolic compound. No detectable component is identified in the white plasmodium of Didymium squamulosum which proved to be independent of light for fruiting. The absorption spectra of all species that were light sensitive for fruiting showed common peaks in the 300–400-mμ region, among others. Pigment changes associated with light absorption are reported for some white, yellow and brown plasmodial types. In Physarum gyrosum a yellow pigment forms in light which did not show the characteristic flavones present in the white plasmodial stage. Changes in absorption spectra are reported for Physarum polycephalum, Didymium iridis and Didymium squamulosum as the plasmodial pigments change prior to fruiting. Results show a close relationship between the physiology of plasmodial pigmentation and sporulation in the Myxomycete species studied.  相似文献   

A new species, Lamproderma retkulospomm , is described from Java. It is characterized by small sporangia, peridium with smooth, elevated patches, capillitium with numerous swellings, and completely banded-reticulate spores.  相似文献   

We report on taxonomically distinguishing morphological features of six diatom taxa from the marine, nanoplanktonic genus, Minidiscus, found in Eastern Canada and neighbouring waters. Four of the six were also investigated using genetic approaches. We found that the culture deposited in the Provasoli-Guillard National Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton (CCMP) as CCMP 496 was morphologically closest to the published type image of M. trioculatus, whereas other isolates were morphologically and/or genetically divergent. Consequently, we propose three new taxa. One monoclonal line isolated from the Bay of Fundy is proposed as a new variety, M. trioculatus var. monoculatus. The well-studied nanoplanktonic diatom strain, CCMP 495, currently considered to be ‘M. trioculatus’ was morphologically and genetically divergent from CCMP 496 and we propose specific status for it, M. variabilis. We isolated a new strain from the Gulf of St Lawrence that was nearly genetically identical in 18S and ITS regions to CCMP 495, but showed distinct morphological differences and we propose a new form for this strain. Culture-based data were supplemented by those from natural seawater whenever possible. Two species (M. comicus, M. chilensis) known from our region, but unavailable in culture, are presented for comparison.  相似文献   

Spores are the dispersal and reproductive units in Myxomycetes, and their ornamentation, usually at the light microscopy resolution limit, is taxonomically meaningful. Here, we analyze with scanning and transmission electron microscopy the spore ultrastructural features in Trichiales, one of the most morphologically diverse orders. In Trichiales, the spore wall consists of two layers, an outer one, including the ornamentation, and an inner layer subdivided into two sections. The diversity of ornamental elements includes verrucae, bacula, pila, muri, and cristae, the two latter creating reticulate patterns. Each of these elements defines a broadly recognized ornamentation type except cristae, from which we differentiate for the first time the cristate reticulate and patched subtypes. Besides, our results point out a previous incorrect classification of the spores of the species Trichia decipiens and T. scabra. Advances in Trichiales phylogeny showed that the capillitium ornamental elements, such as the spirals, do not reflect phylogenetic relationships among the species. The same seems to apply to some of spore ornamentation types, e.g., baculate. Consequently, we may consider the need to combine multiple characters, like the spore and capillitium ornamentation, so that Trichiales systematics better reflect the still cryptic phylogenetic affinities.  相似文献   

Lamproderma magniretisporum, a new species of myxomycete from Costa Rica, is described and illustrated. This new species is characterized by its lignicolous habitat, long stalk, dark radial capillitium, large spores, and reticulate spore ornamentation. The stability of the taxonomic characters of L. magniretisporum is supported by two well-developed collections. The morphology of the sporocarp was subjected to detailed study with both the light microscope and the scanning electron microscope. Micrographs of all relevant features are presented. Taxonomic novelty Lamproderma magniretisporum G. Moreno, C. Rojas, S.L. Stephenson & H. Singer  相似文献   

A series of specimens of a stalked Didymium collected during an intensive survey of fungal biodiversity on subantarctic Macquarie Island were determined to represent a species new to science. The new species Didymium macquariense is described and compared with other morphologically similar species. Micrographs of the most important morphological characters are provided.  相似文献   

Two new myxomycete species from dry steppe and desert communities of the Caspian Lowland (Russia) and central Kazakhstan are described and illustrated. They are placed tentatively within genus Perichaena, which does include species with a reduced capillitium and single-layered peridium. Both species were found repeatedly in moist chamber cultures; P. heterospinispora appeared on leaf litter and twigs, whereas P. polygonospora occurred on leaf litter and weathered dung of rodents. Both species have spore ornamentation that is unique for members of genera Licea and Perichaena. The spore ornamentation of the first species includes scattered large, pyramid-like spines 0.9-1.2 microm high that sometimes have enlarged ends. Among these spines the spore surface is covered by evenly and densely distributed warts that are visible only by SEM. The second species is characterized by angular spores with a coarse network of rounded ridges. The areas among these ridges bear scattered composite warts 0.3-0.5 microm high that sometimes coalesce to form clusters but more often are distributed evenly and densely and are visible only by SEM. The stability of the taxonomic characters of both species was confirmed by several collections from different regions obtained in 2 y. The morphology of the fructifications of the two myxomycetes was examined with both scanning electron and light microscopy, and micrographs of all relevant features are presented.  相似文献   

The morphological features and chromosome numbers were examined in cultures of five species of Cephaleuros; C. aucubae, C. biolophus, C. japonicus, C. microcellularis, and C. virescens, collected from Japan. On agar media of Bold's basal medium and CA medium, radial growth of the algal colonies was vigorous in C. virescens, moderate in C. aucubae, and poor in C. microcellularis, but varied from poor to moderate in isolates of C. biolophus and C. japonicus. Filaments of C. virescens branched at an angle less than 40° and just below the cross walls, while those of the other species branched at an angle greater than 40° without relation to the cross walls. The length of filamentous cells was significantly smaller in C. microcellularis than in the other species. The chromosome number differed with the species: n = 22 in C. aucubae, n = 34 in C. biolophus, n = 18 in C. japonicus, n = 12 in C. microcellularis, and n = 24 in C. virescens. The chromosome number did not vary between isolates from filaments and gametes in C. aucubae and C. biolophus and among those from filaments, gametes, and zoospores in C. japonicus and C. virescens.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is verification of the taxonomic usefulness of the pollen grain features studied, based on pollen morphology of 32 wild species from all 4 subgenera and all 10 sections of the genus Rosa, mainly for delimitation of subgenera, sections, and species. The measurements and observations were carried out with both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Only correctly formed pollen grains (30 per specimen) were measured, and 960 pollen grains were examined in total. They were analyzed for 14 quantitative features of pollen grains and exine sculpturing and the following qualitative ones: outline, shape, and operculum structure. Our study revealed that the diagnostic features of pollen grains studied were: exine sculpture, length of polar axis, and pollen shape (P/E ratio). On the basis of the above characters, five species were isolated and the remaining ones were included in several groups isolated on the basis of exine sculpture types. The following three exine sculpture types occurred in the species studied: granular-verrucate (in R.?stellata), striate-psilate (in R.?multibracteata and R.?multiflora), and striate (the remaining species). R.?banksiae is characterized by small pollen grains, while R.?setigera has strongly elongated pollen with P/E ratio >1.5. Exine sculpture features considered to be diagnostic should be treated as auxiliary because they fail to differentiate individual species, although they can be helpful in distinguishing groups of species of similar exine sculpture. The arrangement of the species examined on a dendrogram only slightly corroborates division of the Rosa genus into subgenera and sections currently adopted in taxonomy (Rehder 1940). An interesting result was reported for the species studied from the Caninae (R.?agrestis, R.?canina, R.?dumalis, R.?jundzillii, and R.?rubiginosa) section which, despite hybrid nature, with the exception of R.?villosa, grouped in the same, most separated group of species.  相似文献   

Suitable morphological characteristics for identification of zygnematalean algae were determined using a combination of classical light microscopy (LM) techniques, fluorescence microscopy (with blue and green excitation), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and specialized culture methods. Characteristics of spore germination, growth and reproduction under culture conditions identified Zygnema chalybeo-spermum in a mixture of zygnematalean spores collected from a small fishpond in Czechia. Reproduction in general, particularly aplanospore formation and lateral conjugation was more frequent and occurred earlier in a nutrient poor medium than in a nutrient rich medium, where vegetative growth was more vigorous. Variability in spore size was wide and influenced by the origin (sexual and/or asexual) of the spores. Asexual spores, particularly partenospores were rounded and significantly smaller than sexual ones. Thus spore morphology alone (size and shape) is not a particularly helpful characteristic for species identification. The mesospore of mature spores contained lipids and a sporopolenin-like material (algaenan), which showed green autofluorescence with blue excitation. The mesospore ornamentation, the only characteristic found that is suitable for identification purposes, can be observed easily in LM and SEM after exospore removal by KOH treatment. Detailed LM and SEM observations of the zygospores of all Zygnema species thus could provide basic data necessary for the preparation of an atlas and key for species identification which, after completion with molecular methods, brings clarification into the genetic relationships between morphospecies.  相似文献   

Three unicellular cyanobacterial strains (PCC 7425, PCC 8303, PCC 9308) assigned to the genus Cyanothece Komárek 1976, which showed an unusually high content of light refractile inclusions when viewed by phase-contrast microscopy, were characterized by confocal laser scanning microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. All strains had concentric cortical thylakoids and a compact central nucleoid. Frequently, the two innermost thylakoid membranes protruded to form circular enclosures containing cytoplasm or electron-transparent granules, or both. The largest granules were partially immersed in the nucleoid region, but they remained attached to the inner cortical thylakoids by a single narrow connection. The pattern of binary cell division in strain PCC 7425 was different than that in strains PCC 8303 and PCC 9308. In the former, all cell wall layers invaginated simultaneously, whereas in the latter the invagination of the outer membrane was delayed compared to that of the cytoplasmic membrane and the peptidoglycan layer. Thus, prior to completion of cell division, the new daughter cells of strains PCC 8303 and PCC 9308 were transiently connected by a thick septum, which was not observed in strain PCC 7425. Nucleoid partitioning coincided with initiation of cell division in all three strains and was unlike that reported in other bacteria and in archaea, in which separation of the nucleoids precedes cell division. Based on the common morphological and ultrastructural features, the three strains of Cyanothece examined constitute a distinct cluster, which might deserve independent generic status.  相似文献   

Summary Six myxomycetous fungi,Arcyria denudata (Linn.)Wettstein,Arcyria cinerea (Bull.)Pers.,Hemitrichia stipitata (Massee)Macbr.,Diachea leucopodia (Bull.)Rost.,Stemonitis splendens Rost. andPhysarum nicaraguense Macbr. have been figured and described from Cuttack, Orissa.  相似文献   

利用光镜对叉蕨科7属30种植物叶表皮形态特征进行详细观察研究。结果显示:(1)叉蕨科30种植物的叶上表皮和下表皮细胞形状均为不规则型,垂周壁式样为深波状或浅波状,具单晶或针晶;上表皮细胞的长宽比为1.62~4.0,下表皮细胞的长宽比为1.63~3.06。(2)在30种植物中共观察到7种气孔器类型,分别为:极细胞型、腋下细胞型、聚合极细胞型、聚腋下细胞型、不等细胞型、无规则四细胞型和不规则型,每种植物分别具有4~7种气孔器类型,均为下生型气孔;气孔长宽比为1.22~1.91,气孔密度为8~76个/mm2,气孔指数为3.9%~25.7%。(3)基于气孔器类型组成进行聚类分析,可将30种植物分成3个类群。(4)对叶表皮形态特征分析认为,轴脉蕨属应介于叉蕨属和肋毛蕨属之间,且与叉蕨属关系更近;叉蕨属的范畴还有待进一步研究;支持将肋毛蕨属从叉蕨科中分离出来置于鳞毛蕨科,但不支持黄腺羽蕨属归入鳞毛蕨科。  相似文献   

Summary Six myxomycetous fungi,Cribraria intricata Schrad.,Elaeomyxa miyazakiensis (Emoto)Hagelst.,Stemonitis flavogenita Jahn,Didymium vaccinum (Dur. &Mont.)Buchet,Didymium minus (Lister)Morgan andPhysarella oblonga (Berk. &Curt.)Morgan have been figured and described form Cuttack, Orissa, of whichElaeomyxa miyazakiensis (Emoto) Hagelst.,Stemonitis flavogenita Jahn,Didymium vaccinum (Dur. &Mont.)Buchet,Didymium minus (Lister)Morgan are new records for India.  相似文献   

Summary Seven species of Myxomycetes belonging to 6 genera,Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (Mull.)Macbr.,Hemitrichia serpula (Scop.)Rost.,Diachea splendens Peck.,Stemonitis Smithii Macbr.,Stemonitis fusca Roth.,Comatricha typhoides (Bull.)Rost. andDiderma hemisphericum (Bull.)Hornem. have been figured and described, of whichStemonitis Smithii Macbr. is a new record in India.  相似文献   

A new plasmodiocarpic and sporocarpic species of myxomycete in the genus Physarum is described and illustrated. This new species appeared on decayed leaves and remains of succulent plants (Agave, Opuntia, Yucca) growing in arid zones. It differs from all other species in the genus in having polyhedral spores linked in chains like a string of beads, a unique feature within all known myxomycetes. Apart from detailed morphological data, partial sequences of both the small-subunit ribosomal RNA and elongation factor 1-alpha genes, generated from four isolates collected in two distant regions, i.e., Mexico and Canary Islands, are also provided in this study. Combined evidence supports the identity of the specimens under study as a new species.  相似文献   

The duodenal glands of four marsupial species, the kangaroo, native cat, marsupial mouse, and bandicoot, form a narrow lobular collar immediately distal to the gastrointestinal junction. In two species, the koala and wombat, the duodenal glands are diffuse and scattered along the intestinal tract distal to the gastrointestinal junction for considerable distances. The glands of all species examined empty independently into the intestinal lumen. Histochemical studies indicate that the latter two species, the koala and wombat, elaborate an acid mucin whereas the former species produce a neutral mucosubstance. Ultrastructural examination shows that generally the duodenal glands are comprised of large pyramidal cells that show a definite polarity, with basally-placed nuclei and apically-situated secretory granules. Species differences, with regard both to the morphology and nature of the secretory granules and to the proportions of cell organelles, exist. The diversity of diet between species is discussed.  相似文献   

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