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Development and growth of parasites depend on resources provided by the host and the parasite's ability to use them. Identifying specific costs incurred by the host provides insight for assessment of parasite energy budgets, which differ among taxa and ontogenetic stages. Data from this study were analyzed using an accelerated failure-time model with intensity as a covariate. Results indicated significantly reduced survival of amphipods, Hyalella azteca, infected with the acanthocephalan Corynosoma constrictum compared with uninfected controls. Male and female amphipod survivorship and infection intensity did not differ; however, amphipods with high-intensity infections (> 16 larvae) died earlier compared with amphipods with low-intensity infections (< 3 larvae). The majority of infected amphipods died between 12 and 24 days postexposure, a period of rapid larval development. It is hypothesized that host death may be due either to an increase in overall larval nutritional demands or to parasite-mediated depletion of a specific host substance. Results from this study suggest that developing C. constrictum satisfies energy requirements by depriving amphipod hosts of resources normally used for somatic growth and maintenance.  相似文献   

Cystacanths of the polymorphid acanthocephalan Corynosoma evae Zdzitowiecki, 1984 were examined and redescribed based on newly collected material from teleost fishes from coastal waters of the Galindez Island (Argentine Islands, West Antarctica). Detailed morphological data, measurements and photomicrographs, including scanning electron microscopy images, are presented. Our morphological and morphometrical analyses confirmed the validity of C. evae; however, three key characteristics of taxonomic importance (i.e., the number of rows of hooks on the proboscis, and the number and arrangement of genital spines in males) showed significant morphological variability. In addition, a genital spine in the posterior body end of a female is reported for the first time. This study provides the first sequences of the small and large subunits nuclear ribosomal RNA genes (SSU and LSU) and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) for C. evae. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses of the SSU + LSU + cox1 and the cox1 datasets placed C. evae as a sister lineage to a clade formed by C. validum Van Cleave, 1953 and C. villosum Van Cleave, 1953, although with low support. In contrast, the position of C. evae in the phylogenetic analysis of the SSU + LSU dataset remained unresolved. Finally, C. arctocephali Zdzitowiecki, 1984 from pinnipeds from the subantarctic and Antarctic regions is considered as a valid species.  相似文献   

Polymorphus arctocephali (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae) was differentiated from P. cetaceum based on patterns in the trunk spine distribution and slight morphometric differences. The comparison of both species involved samples from South Australia and did not include P. cetaceum from South America. In this paper we re-examine the systematic position of P. arctocephali based on a more detailed morphological and geographical analysis. Results indicate that P. arctocephali does not differ in trunk spine distribution with respect to P. cetaceum, and that its morphometric differences can be subsumed under the natural variation found within P. cetaceum populations. Therefore, P. arctocephali becomes a junior synonym of P. cetaceum. P. cetaceum was transferred from Corynosoma to Polymorphus due to the absence of genital spines in both sexes. However, adopting the less restrictive definition of genital spines used by several authors, females of P. cetaceum could be considered as bearing genital spines. Species of the genus Andracantha also have genital spines, but specimens of P. cetaceum possess a continuous field of trunk spines, which precludes the assignment of this species to Andracantha. Other generic level characters, as well as ecological data, support clearly the transference of P. cetaceum back to Corynosoma. Therefore, this species becomes Corynosoma cetaceum Johnston & Best, 1942.  相似文献   

Problems in taxonomy of the Polymorphidae are discussed, with particular reference to trunk spines. Andracantha gen. n. is proposed for species with genital spines and 2 fields of trunk spines. Corynosoma gravida Alegret 1941, C. mergi Lundstro?m 1941 and C. phalacrocoracis Yamaguti 1939 are redescribed and placed in Andracantha, with A. gravida (Alegret, 1941) comb. n. designated as type species.  相似文献   

The possession of genital spines has been considered as a key taxonomic trait to differentiate Corynosoma from other genera of the Polymorphidae. However, Corynosoma currently consists of 2 groups of species with clear ecological and morphological divergences: the "marine" group (with ca. 30 species) infects mammals and piscivorous birds in the marine realm, whereas the "freshwater" group (with ca. 7 species) infects waterfowl in continental waters. Species from these groups differ in shape of body and neck, trunk spination, lemnisci length and shape, testes arrangement, and number and shape of cement glands. We tested whether species from these 2 groups formed a monophyletic assemblage based on a phylogenetic analysis by using 15 morphological characters. We also included species of Andracantha, Polymorphus, and Hexaglandula with which potential taxonomic conflicts could most likely arise. We obtained 108 equally most parsimonious trees of 32 steps, with a consistency index (CI) = 0.59, and a retention index (RI) = 0.82. The strict consensus tree indicated that the "freshwater" species of Corynosoma form a monophyletic assemblage closely related to some species of Polymorphus, whereas the "marine" species of Corynosoma are grouped together with Andracantha. Accordingly, Corynosoma is not a monophyletic assemblage, and Pseudocorynosoma n. gen. is proposed for the "freshwater" species of Corynosoma. This decision was strongly supported by (1) a functional comparison of foretrunk muscles between species of Polymophus, Andracantha, and Corynosoma; (2) a multivariate morphometric study of proboscis characters and egg size; and (3) an analysis of ecological patterns of host-parasite relationships.  相似文献   

Ringed seals ( Phoca hispida botnica ), from the Bothnian Bay, north-eastern Baltic Sea were examined for acanthocephalan parasites in 1977–1982, and specimens from Lake Saimaa in south-eastern Finland ( P. h. saimensis ) were examined in 1980–1981. The two seal stocks have been isolated from Arctic stock for 11,000 years and from each other for 8,000 years. Corynosoma strumosum and C. semerme were found in the Baltic seals, but only C. strumosum in those from the lake.
Eighty two of the ringed seals caught in the Bothnian Bay were infected with both Corynosoma species, one with a single infection of C. strumosum and one with C. semerme in autumn. The total number of C. semerme increased in relation to the number of C. strumosum in each set of seals both in autumn and spring. Corynosoma semerme was dominant in most seals in spring, but in only an average of 60% in autumn. The predominance of C. strumosum in 40% of the autumn material (range 33–80%) is of interest because species ratio favouring C. strumosum is not found in any more heavily infected paratenic fish host of Corynosoma in the Bothnian Bay. The change in the Corynosoma species ratio of seals in autumn may be explained by their exceptional feeding behaviour at this time of the year (total or partial fasting) and the suggested longevity of C. strumosum as compared with C. semerme . The stability of the acanthocephalan populations in ringed seals is documented.  相似文献   

Adult specimens of Corynosoma australe Johnston, 1937 were recorded from the intestines of California sea lions, Zalophus californianus (Lesson), from Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, whereas larval forms were collected from two fish species on the Argentinian coast. Adult specimens of C. australe were morphologically characterized by having a cylindrical proboscis with 18–20 rows of 12–14 hooks per row and a cylindrical trunk expanded anteriorly into a disk with tiny, triangular spines spreading almost to three quarters of the hind-trunk in males and to the posterior body end in females. The aim of this study was to explore the genetic diversity and systematic position of C. australe distributed in the Americas. Newly generated sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox 1) gene were compared with sequences available from GenBank.Phylogenetic analyses performed with the cox 1 dataset using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference showed that the 11 new sequences of C. australe recovered from the California sea lion in northern Mexico plus the six sequences from Argentinian seashores formed a clade with other sequences of specimens previously identified as C. australe. The intraspecific genetic divergence among the isolates was very low, ranging from 1 to 1.7%, and in combination with the phylogenetic trees confirmed that the isolates belonged to the same species. The cox 1 haplotype network inferred with 27 sequences revealed 18 haplotypes divided into two clusters clearly separated from each other by 5 substitutions. The first cluster corresponded to specimens from the Northern Hemisphere (United States of America and Mexico), and the second corresponded to specimens from the Southern Hemisphere (Argentina and Brazil). The current evidence suggests that C. australe has an amphitemperate distribution and is associated mainly with otariids with secondary and independent colonization events to other mammals and the Magellanic penguin in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Corynosoma strumosum (Acanthocephala), a widespread parasite of pinnipeds, is reported in marine foraging North American mink (Neogale vison) and river otter (Lontra canadensis) on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. This is the first confirmed case of infection by C. strumosum in river otters on the west coast of North America and may be the first confirmed case of infection in wild North American mink; C. strumosum has previously been reported in river otters in Europe (Lutra lutra) and in farmed mink fed with marine fish. We also detected a case of acanthocephalan associated peritonitis in a juvenile mink. Furthermore, though infections with Corynosoma spp. are often assumed to be accidental in mustelids, some C. strumosum individuals found in mink showed signs of reproductive activity. These findings indicate that mink may be a competent definitive host and represent a reservoir in coastal habitats although further research is needed to confirm this. Investigating whether river otters may be competent hosts and determine the prevalence of infection in coastal populations would determine the potential implications of C. strumosum for coastal otters and minks. Our report indicates that mink and possibly river otter living in coastal areas are vulnerable to this previously unreported parasitic infection with mortality risk, at least in juvenile individuals.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the host-parasite relationships of Pomphorhynchus patagonicus (Acanthocephala) in 2 fish species from Lake Rosario (Chubut, Argentina) were studied. The fish species Patagonina hatcheri (Atherinidae) is autochthonous, and Oncorhynchus mykiss (Salmonidae) is introduced. The host species appears to influence attachment, size, sexual maturity, and distribution of parasites along the digestive tract. In P. hatcheri, an effective major host, parasites are attached firmly to the wall of the gut, well developed, attain a greater size, and a large proportion of females is gravid with ripe eggs. In O. mykiss, an unsuccessful host, there were many unattached parasites that were small and not well developed; gravid females were rare and never had ripe eggs.  相似文献   

We collected 83 females and 80 males of Corynosoma cetaceum from 2 common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, collected in northern Patagonia (Argentina). Worms were most similar to specimens collected in other South American localities. However, 1 male had 2 spines adjacent to the genital pore and isolated from the rest of body spines. This finding confirms the recent reassignment of C. cetaceum to Corynosoma. Absence of genital spines is suggested to be avoided as the sole criterion to exclude specimens from Corynosoma or Andracantha.  相似文献   

Moniliformis tarsii n. sp. was found in Tarsius bancanus. It is unique in possessing 11-12 longitudinal rows of 6-7 hooks each. Hooks 2 and 3 are conspicuously enlarged, 41-55 microns long. Moniliformis echinosorexi n. sp. differs from all other species in having 12-15 rows of 11-13 hooks that are 34-36 microns long, and in having a proboscis receptacle 1.2-2.0 mm long. Several new host records for M. moniliformis are presented.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a diagnostic method of species identification based on sequencing a short mitochondrial DNA fragment of cytochrome oxidase I (COI), but its ability to correctly diagnose species is limited by the presence of nuclear mitochondrial pseudogenes (numts). Numts can be coamplified with the mitochondrial orthologue when using universal primers, which can lead to incorrect species identification and an overestimation of the number of species. Some researchers have proposed that using more specific primers may help eliminate numt coamplification, but the efficacy of this method has not been thoroughly tested. In this study, we investigate the taxonomic distribution of numts in 11 lineages within the insect order Orthoptera, by analysing cloned COI sequences and further test the effects of primer specificity on eliminating numt coamplification in four lineages. We find that numts are coamplified in all 11 taxa using universal (barcoding) primers, which suggests that numts may be widespread in other taxonomic groups as well. Increased primer specificity is only effective at reducing numt coamplification in some species tested, and only eliminates it in one species tested. Furthermore, we find that a number of numts do not have stop codons or indels, making it difficult to distinguish them from mitochondrial orthologues, thus putting the efficacy of barcoding quality control measures under question. Our findings suggest that numt coamplification is a serious problem for DNA barcoding and more quality control measures should be implemented to identify and eliminate numts prior to using mitochondrial barcodes for species diagnoses.  相似文献   

Genetic and morphological studies were carried out on acanthocephalans belonging to Corynosoma Lühe, 1904 and referable to the species C. cetaceum Johnston & Best, 1942 and C. australe Johnston, 1937, which were recovered from both definitive and intermediate hosts in Argentinian waters. The aims were to estimate the level of genetic differentiation between the two taxa at any stage of their life-cycle, to provide genetic (allozyme) markers for their recognition and to analyse the systematic status of both taxa. Acanthocephalans were collected from the stomach and intestine of Arctocephalus australis (Zimmerman), the intestine of Mirounga leonina (Linnaeus) and the stomach of Pontoporia blainvillei Gervais & D’Orbigny (definitive hosts) in Argentinian waters. Alternative alleles at all the 13 enzymatic loci studied were observed for C. australe and C. cetaceum. The specimens from the stomach of both P. blainvillei and A. australis were identified, on the basis of the great number of diagnostic loci found, as C. cetaceum; those from intestine of both A. australis and M. leonina as C. australe. A high level of genetic differentiation (DNei=∞: INei = 0.00) between the two taxa was found, suggesting a generic distinction between the two species. Cystacanths of the two species from the body-cavity of the fish Cynoscion guatucupa (Cuvier) collected from the same geographical area were identified genetically. Morphological patterns, such as the number of hooks and hook rows on the proboscis, the distribution of somatic and genital armature, and other morphometric and meristic differences, in addition to ecological data, enabled the identification of these two species at cystacanth, juvenile and adult stages. However, a number of morphological and morphometric features of the Argentinian material were different to those of C. australe and C. cetaceum described from other regions of the world.  相似文献   

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