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The rates of 35S-sulfate incorporation into proteoglycan were compared in multi-scratch wounded and confluent cultures of bovine aortic endothelial cells to determine whether proteoglycan synthesis is altered as cells are stimulated to migrate and proliferate. Incorporation was found to be stimulated in a time-dependent manner, reaching maximal levels 44-50 h after wounding, as cells migrated into wounded areas of the culture dish. Quantitative autoradiography of 35S-sulfate-labeled single-scratch wounded cultures demonstrated a 2-4-fold increase in the number of silver grains over migrating cells near the wound edge when compared to cells remote from the wound edge. Furthermore, when cell proliferation was blocked by inhibition of DNA synthesis, the increase in 35S-sulfate incorporation into proteoglycan after wounding was unaffected. These data indicate that cell division is not required for the modulation of proteoglycan synthesis to occur after wounding. Characterization of the newly synthesized proteoglycan by ion-exchange and molecular sieve chromatography demonstrated that heparan sulfate proteoglycan constitutes approximately 80% of the labeled proteoglycan in postconfluent cultures, while after wounding, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan and/or dermatan sulfate proteoglycan (CS/DSPG) increases to as much as 60% of the total labeled proteoglycan. These results suggest that CS/DSPG synthesis is stimulated concomitant with the stimulation of endothelial cell migration after wounding.  相似文献   

We report here the purification, partial characterization and immunofluorescent localization of a dimeric acidic glycoprotein (DAG-protein) secreted by cultures of Sertoli cells of rat testes. Partially purified protein was obtained after chromatography over Sepharose 4B under conditions which favored a soluble, nonaggregated form of the protein. Rechromatography over the same column under reducing conditions yielded very pure monomers of 41,000 daltons and 29,000 daltons. Antibodies were prepared against the mixed monomers and used to immunoprecipitate proteins in spent medium from cultures incubated with [35S] methionine, 35SO4 = or tunicamycin. DAG-protein and another protein (Band 4, 70,000 daltons) were coprecipitated by the antiserum and all contained 35SO4 = in their structures. It was shown by Western blotting that the antiserum cross-reacted very weakly with Band 4 protein. The DAG-protein polypeptides secreted in the presence of tunicamycin were assumed to lack N-glycosylation and exhibited apparent molecular weights of 27,000 and 21,000 daltons. Immunoprecipitations of media from organ cultures of testis and epididymis yielded DAG-protein of slightly lower molecular weight than the protein secreted in Sertoli cell cultures. Indirect immunofluorescence of DAG-protein in paraffin sections of testis and epididymis revealed that the protein was concentrated in the cytoplasm of Sertoli cells, on the stereocilia of epididymal principal cells, in the cytoplasm of epididymal halo cells, and was associated with late spermatids and mature sperm. Sperm were specifically labeled on the acrosome, at the neck, and on the endpiece of the tail. No enzymatic or structural function has been ascribed to DAG-protein as yet, but the protein must play a pivotal role in spermatogenesis because it is secreted by both the testis and epididymis and becomes an integral component of sperm.  相似文献   

In this study, the use of methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MBCD) to support capacitation of sperm cells was studied. Sperm were incubated with MBCD or alternatively capacitated in an in vitro fertilization medium. The effects of these incubations on phospholipid scrambling (using merocyanin), cholesterol depletion, GM-1 localization (using cholera-toxin B (CTX)), and membrane deterioration were assessed. For comparison, this was also tested in MBCD-treated MDCK cells. In MDCK cells, upto 71% of cholesterol was depleted, which coincided with a more diffuse CTX staining without any obvious effects on cell viability. In sperm, a similar depletion of 53% cholesterol was found after a 10 mM MBCD treatment. However, no merocyanin response was observed in viable sperm after MBCD treatments (indicating a lack of membrane changes associated with sperm capacitation). In contrast to MDCK, cells >1 mM MBCD caused plasma membrane disintegration and rendered sperm immotile. At higher concentrations also acrosome disruption was noted. CTX staining was absent at < 0.1 mM MBCD incubations but appeared at higher MBCD levels and was found to be specific for deteriorated cells that showed morphological signs of acrosome disruption. No significant plasma membrane deterioration, acrosome disruption, and sperm immotility nor CTX staining and only a modest (< 15%) cholesterol depletion were observed in conventionally capacitated sperm, where 40% of the intact sperm showed merocyanin staining. Taken together, the results indicate that membranes of sperm are more sensitive to MBCD-mediated cholesterol depletion than MDCK cells and that the use of MBCD to support sperm capacitation cannot be recommended due to its spermicidal effects.  相似文献   

Lectins from plants present an insecticidal activity most probably through their carbohydrate binding properties; as a consequence, their toxicity should vary with the presence of a competitive sugar in the ingested food. In order to test this hypothesis, we performed competition experiments between insecticidal activity and carbohydrate binding. For this purpose, we used a lectin from Lathyrus ochrus and the specific carbohydrate for this protein, glucose. In toxicological tests with Drosophila melanogaster, we observed a decrease of lectin toxicity when glucose was added to the larva-rearing medium. This result suggests that the toxicity of the lectin is correlated to its ability to bind sugar in the insect digestive tract and stresses the importance of sugar composition of the nutriment used for toxicological testing of lectins or in genetically modified plants.  相似文献   

125I-labelled tetanus toxin interaction with several somatic hybrid cell lines was investigated. Binding of toxin is most effective in NCB-20, followed by NBr-10A, NG108-C15, and SB21-B1 cells. Specific binding of toxin to NCB-20 and SB21-B1 cells is 7- and 60-fold lower, respectively, in comparison to enriched rat cerebral neuron cultures. The NCB-20, NBr-10A, and NG108-C15 clones display a complex ganglioside pattern, including the presence of [N-acetyl-neuraminyl]-galactosyl-N-acetylgalactosaminyl[ N-acetylneuraminyl]-galactosylglucosyl-ceramide (GD1a) and two unidentified [14C]galactose-labelled lipid-soluble compounds, while the SB21-B1 is most abundant in [N-acetyl-neuraminyl]-galactosylglucosyl-ceramide (GM3) and N-acetyl-galactosaminyl-[N-acetyl-neuraminyl]-galactosylglucosyl-c eramide (GM2) gangliosides. None of the cells tested contain measurable levels of [14C]galactose-labelled or resorcinol-positive bands of galactosyl-N-acetyl-galactosaminyl-[ N-acetylneuraminyl-N-acetylneuraminyl]-galactosylglucosyl-ceramide (GD1b) and [N-acetylneuraminyl]-galactosyl-N-acetylgalactosaminyl-[ N-acetylneuraminyl-N-acetylneuraminyl]-galactosylglucosyl-ceramide (GT1b) gangliosides. After 2 h at 37 degrees C a near plateau of toxin association with NCB-20 cells is seen. Binding in low-ionic-strength medium is 1.35-fold higher at 37 degrees C than at 4 degrees C, but is reduced by 21 and 51% at 4 degrees C and 37 degrees C, respectively, in physiologic medium. Treatment of NCB-20 cells with neuraminidase causes a partial loss (29%) of toxin-binding sites. Binding to the hybrid cells is significantly different from that of cerebral cultures with respect to temperature, salt effect, and sensitivity to neuraminidase, suggesting perhaps a different class of receptors for the toxin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Electron microscopic evidence suggests that sperm can be spontaneously incorporated by cultured cells but cytogenetic and biochemical evidence indicate that sperm do not introduce new genes into such cells with detectable frequency. Sperm suspensions from mouse or Chinese hamster epididymis or human semen were added to cultures of RAG, a mouse cell line which dies in HAT medium because of HPRT deficiency. In EMs, sperm appeared to be readily phagocytized and degraded by the cells. When sperm-treated cultures were transferred to HAT medium resistant clones arose at a frequency of about 10−6, or at least 25× the reversion rate of RAG. Most HAT-resistant clones had HPRT activity which migrated electrophoretically like HPRT of the sperm donor species, though one was apparently a spontaneous RAG revertant. Most HAT-resistant clones had some chromosomes of the sperm donor species. In human sperm× RAG clones, the array of human chromosomes suggested that the human parent had been diploid rather than haploid; some cells contained both homologues of a polymorphic pair and some contained both X and Y. Furthermore, some sperm suspensions plated alone into flasks generated colonies, thus revealing the presence of low numbers of viable somatic cells. Presence of contaminating somatic cells in a sperm suspension was correlated with ability to induce HAT-resistant colonies when the suspension was added to RAG cells. Taken together, the data suggest that correction of the HPRT deficiency of RAG by sperm suspensions occurs at very low frequency and is probably due to efficient spontaneous fusion of low numbers of contaminating somatic cells with RAG cells.  相似文献   

Sulfated forms of sialyl-Le(X) containing Gal-6-SO(4) or GlcNAc-6-SO(4) have been implicated as potential recognition determinants on high endothelial venule ligands for L-selectin. The optimal configuration of sulfate esters on the N-acetyllactosamine (Galbeta1-->4GlcNAc) core of sulfosialyl-Le(X), however, remains unsettled. Using a panel of sulfated lactose (Galbeta1-->4Glc) neoglycolipids as substrates in direct binding assays, we found that 6',6-disulfolactose was the preferred structure for L-selectin, although significant binding to 6'- and 6-sulfolactose was observed as well. Binding was EDTA-sensitive and blocked by L-selectin-specific monoclonal antibodies. Surprisingly, 6', 6-disulfolactose was poorly recognized by MECA-79, a carbohydrate- and sulfate-dependent monoclonal antibody that binds competitively to L-selectin ligands. Instead, MECA-79 bound preferentially to 6-sulfolactose. The difference in preferred substrates between L-selectin and MECA-79 may explain the variable activity of MECA-79 as an inhibitor of lymphocyte adhesion to high endothelial venules in lymphoid organs. Our results suggest that both Gal-6-SO(4) and GlcNAc-6-SO(4) may contribute to L-selectin recognition, either as components of sulfosialyl-Le(X) capping groups or in internal structures. By contrast, only GlcNAc-6-SO(4) appears to contribute to MECA-79 binding.  相似文献   

HLA-DR4Dw4 molecules were expressed in insect Sf9 cells. The transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the DR4 alpha- and beta-chains were replaced by the carboxy terminal sequence of decay accelerating factor, leading to a phosphatidyl inositol glycan membrane anchor. This structure contains a cleavage site for phosphatidyl inositol-specific phospholipase C, allowing efficient solubilization of the rDR4 molecules. We present evidence that infected insect cells express properly associated surface heterodimers and are able to present antigenic peptides to DR4Dw4-restricted T cell clones. Phosphatidyl inositol-specific phospholipase-cleaved recombinant molecules exhibited in vitro binding characteristics similar to DR4 molecules purified from lymphoblastoid cells. In terms of peptide specificity, pH optimum, kinetics, and affinity they were indistinguishable within the limits of our assay system. However, the peptide binding capacity of the recombinant molecules was higher than that of native DR4 molecules.  相似文献   

To elucidate the molecular mechanisms of transmission of influenza viruses between different host species, such as human and birds, binding properties of sialic acid-containing carbohydrates that are recognized by human and/or avian influenza viruses were characterized by the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) method. Differences in the binding of influenza viruses to three gangliosides were monitored in real-time and correlated with receptor specificity between avian and human viruses. SPR analysis with ganglioside-containing lipid bilayers demonstrated the recognition profile of influenza viruses to not only sialic acid linkages, but also core carbohydrate structures on the basis of equilibrated rate constants. Kinetic analysis showed different binding preferences to gangliosides between avian and human strains. An avian strain bound to Neu5Acα2-3nLc4Cer with much slower dissociation rate than its sialyl-linkage analog, Neu5Acα2-6nLc4Cer, on the lipid bilayer. In contrast, a human strain bound equally to both gangliosides. An avian strain, but not a human strain, also interacted with GM3 carrying a shorter carbohydrate chain. Our findings demonstrated the remarkable distinction in the binding kinetics of sialic acid-containing carbohydrates between avian and human influenza viruses on the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The flavonoid quercetin inhibits collective motility of ejaculated ram spermatozoa in the first 2 hr of incubation; during the next 3-4 hr motility is stimulated. To explain this interesting effect, we followed the influence of quercetin on sperm glycolysis, extracellular pH, ATP content, mitochondrial respiration, and lipid peroxidation. The collective motility of untreated cells is decreased to about 40% of the original motility during two hours of incubation. During this time, the rate of glycolysis is constant, respiration rate is increasing, there is no change in ATP content, the rate of lipid peroxidation is very slow, and the extracellular pH became very acidic (pH 5.5). It is concluded that motility is decreased due to this acidification. This acidification is prevented to some extent by quercetin, which indirectly inhibits glycolysis. Quercetin inhibits motility due to the inhibition of the plasma membrane calcium pump, as we showed previously (Breitbart et al., J Biol Chem 260:11548-11553, 1985). The motility of untreated cells is arrested after 3.5 hr of incubation, whereas quercetin-treated cells show high motility, which continues for additional 2-3 hr. After 3.5 hr, the control cells show no glycolytic activity, ATP content and respiration rates are decreased, and rate of lipid peroxidation is highly increased. At this time, quercetin-treated cells show no glycolytic activity, only a small decrease in ATP content and respiratory rate, and a very low rate of lipid peroxidation. Based on these data it is concluded that sperm motility after 3.5 hr of incubation is dependent mainly on mitochondrial respiration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Vesicles derived from maize roots retain a membrane bound H+-ATPase that is able to pump H+ at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. In this work it is shown that heparin, fucose-branched chondroitin sulfate and dextran sulfate 8000 promote a shift of the H+-ATPase optimum pH from 6.0 to 7.0. This shift is a result of a dual effect of the sulfated polysaccharides, inhibition at pH 6.0 and activation at pH 7.O. At pH 6.0 dextran 8000 promotes an increase of the apparent Km for ATP from 0.28 to 0.95 mM and a decrease of the Vmax from 14.5 to 7.1 mol Pi/mg · 30 min–1. At pH 7.0 dextran 8000 promotes an increase in Vmax from 6.7 to 11.7 mol Pi/mg · 30 min–1. In the presence of lysophosphatidylcholine the inhibitory effect of the sulfated polysaccharides observed at pH 6.0 was not altered but the activation of pH 7.0 decreased. It was found that in the presence of sulfated polysaccharides the ATPase became highly sensitive to K+ and Na+. Both the inhibition at pH 6.0 and the activation promoted by the polysaccharide were antagonized by monovalent cations (K+>Na+Li+).Abbreviations Mops 4-morpholinopropanesulfonic acid - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - ACMA 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine - FCCP carbonyl cyanide p(trifluoromethoxy)-phenylhyrazone  相似文献   

A thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (TCH-SP) sequence was applied to thin sections of specimens that had been reacted with the high iron diamine (HID) method for ultrastructural localization of sulfated complex carbohydrates. The exposure to TCH-SP enhanced the electron opacity of HID-reactive sites and increased the sensitivity of the procedure. This held true for HID-reacted specimens whether or not they had been post-treated with osmium tetroxide. However in those not postosmicated after HID, the contrast and specificity appeared superior, as sites of osmiophilia were densified equally in specimens exposed to HID, and unexposed controls, by the final osmium tetroxide-TCH-SP sequence. Staining of immature granules of developing polymorphonuclear neutrophils by HID was intensified by the post-treatment with TCH-SP. In addition, granules of blood mononuclear leukocytes and heterophagosomes of peritoneal macrophages revealed HID affinity and hence content of sulfated mucosubstance that was not evident without the TCH-SP steps. Control procedures which entailed initial exposure of the specimen to FeCl3 or MgCl2 solutions and treatment of thin sections with TCH-SP failed to impart density to these sites.  相似文献   

A novel method for modulation of lipase hydrolysis and synthesis lipase was investigated by using carbohydrates in the microenvironment of the Candida rugosa enzyme. The influence of the addition of different sugars to the previously dialysed enzyme was tested on the two reactions. Rates of hydrolysis were lowered by using dialysed enzyme but were increased after sugar addition, regardless of the identity of the added sugar. In contrast, synthesis reaction rates depended on the nature of the carbohydrate. Rates were increased by adding lactose, which is not a water activity depressor, but were lowered by adding fructose, glucose, sucrose or sorbitol, which are all water activity depressors.  相似文献   

Liposome-mediated DNA uptake by sperm cells.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
To investigate the potential use of sperm cells as vectors to transfer exogenous DNA via the fertilization of oocytes into the germ line of mice, we have used liposomes to transfect DNA into the sperm head. Although the DNA transfer into sperm mediated by liposomes was very efficient and no obvious reduction in the fertilization frequency of oocytes could be detected, we were unable to generate transgenic mice by this method.  相似文献   

Abstract This study was undertaken to examine if receptor recognizing saccharides may be involved in the adherence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to collagen type I and type II. We performed an adherence inhibition assay: cells of individual P. aeruginosa isolates attached to immobilized collagen type I or type II in the presence of monosaccharides, which could serve as blockers of bacterial receptors. Bacterial binding to collagen type I molecules was inhibited to the highest degree by sugar composition d -galactose/ d -mannose/ N -acetylneuraminic acid (5:5:1), whereas attachment of P. aeruginosa to collagen type II was inhibited by composition d -glucose/ d -galactose (1:1). The same strains which were sensitive to inhibition of binding to collagen type II by both collagen types, were also sensitive to blocking by composition d -glucose/ d -galactose. It suggests that saccharides play a role in adherence of P. aeruginosa to collagen type I and type II, and a common receptor for both types of collagen may be available on the surface of P. aeruginosa cells.  相似文献   

Heparin inhibits (I50 = 2 microgram/ml) the activity of luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin-stimulated adenylate cyclase in purified rat ovarian plasma membranes. Unstimulated enzyme activity and activity stimulated by NaF, GTP or guanosine 5'-(beta,gamma-imido)triphosphate were inhibited to a lesser extent. Human chorionic gonadotropin binding to this membrane preparation was inhibited by heparin (I50 = 6 microgram/ml). The inhibition with respect to hormone concentration was of a mixed type for hormone binding and adenylate cyclase stimulation. Inhibition by heparin was not eliminated at saturating hormone concentration. The degree of inhibition was unaffected by the order in which enzyme, hormone and heparin were introduced into the assay system. Heparin (3 microgram/ml) did not affect the pH activity relationship of basal and hormone-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity and did not change the dependence of enzyme activity on magnesium ion concentration. The inhibitory action of heparin cannot be solely attributed to interference with either catalysis or hormone binding. The possibility is considered that the highly charged heparin molecule interferes with enzyme receptor coupling, by restricting the mobility of these components or by effecting their conformation.  相似文献   

Binding of staphylococcal enterotoxin A to HLA-DR on B cell lines   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) is a potent polyclonal T cell activator. Its activating effect is entirely dependent upon its binding to accessory cells. Monocytes, B cells, and B lymphomas can bind SEA and support activation of T cells. We have earlier found that Raji cells are particularly efficient as accessory cells for SEA-induced T cell proliferation. In the present investigation we have used this cell line for the isolation and characterization of the membrane molecule to which SEA binds. Flow cytometric analysis of cells dually stained with SEA and anti-HLA-DR mAb showed that the amount of bound SEA was proportional to the HLA-DR expression. Electrophoresis of detergent extracts of Raji cells revealed one distinct SEA-binding band with a Mr of 60 to 65 kDa. This band had the same electrophoretic mobility as the MHC class II molecules. A mAb (G8) with the ability to block SEA binding to Raji cells was established. This mAb was shown to bind to the HLA-DR molecule. Both the G8 mAb and an anti-HLA-DR mAb 9-49 inhibited SEA binding to accessory cells and also inhibited SEA-induced, but not PHA-induced, T cell proliferation and production of IL-2. Immunoprecipitation with specific anti-HLA-DR and anti-HLA-DQ mAb demonstrated that SEA binds to the HLA-DR molecule but not to the HLA-DQ molecule. Binding SEA to Raji cells followed by cross-linking and detergent solubilization of cell membranes, electrophoresis, and Western blotting resulted in two SEA-containing bands corresponding to a Mr of 90 and 105 kDa, respectively. Both these bands also contained the HLA-DR molecule and their appearance could be blocked by preincubation of the Raji cells with the G8 mAb. Collectively the results show that the HLA-DR molecule is the main functional molecule for binding of SEA to accessory cells and that this binding of SEA to HLA-DR is a necessary requirement for SEA-induced T cell activation.  相似文献   

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