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As a cost-effective, clinician-friendly gait assessment tool, the Kinect v2 sensor may be effective for assessing lower extremity joint kinematics. This study aims to examine the validity of time series kinematical data as measured by the Kinect v2 on a flatland for gait assessment. In this study, 51 healthy subjects walked on a flatland while kinematic data were extracted concurrently using the Kinect and Vicon systems. The kinematic outcomes comprised the hip and knee joint angles. Parallel translation of Kinect data obtained throughout the gait cycle was performed to minimize the differences between the Kinect and Vicon data. The ensemble curves of the hip and knee joint angles were compared to investigate whether the Kinect sensor can consistently and accurately assess lower extremity joint motion throughout the gait cycle. Relative consistency was assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients. Joint angles measured by the Kinect v2 followed the trend of the trajectories made by the Vicon data in both the hip and knee joints in the sagittal plane. The trajectories of the hip and knee joint angles in the frontal plane differed between the Kinect and Vicon data. We observed moderate to high correlation coefficients of 20%–60% of the gait cycle, and the largest difference between Kinect and Vicon data was 4.2°. Kinect v2 time series kinematical data obtained on the flatland are validated if the appropriate correction procedures are performed. Future studies are warranted to examine the reproducibility and systematic bias of the Kinect v2.  相似文献   

A new summary index for kinetic gait data is proposed (Gait Kinetic Index - GKI), BASED on six kinetic selected variables: hip, knee and ankle moments and powers on the sagittal plane. This method was applied on a control group (CG) of 18 subjects and on 57 patients with diplegic Cerebral Palsy (CP). CP showed statistical different GKI value in comparison with CG. The same is for the sub GKI with the exclusion of GKI Knee Power. The GKI seems to be a promising tool useful to measure extensively the gait pathology taking into consideration kinetic aspects of gait pattern.  相似文献   

The inherit injury risk associated with high-impact exercises calls for alternative ways to achieve the benefits of aerobic exercise while minimizing excessive stresses to body tissues. Skipping presents such an alternative, incorporating double support, flight, and single support phases. We used ground reaction forces (GRFs), lower extremity joint torques and powers to compare skipping and running in 20 healthy adults. The two consecutive skipping steps on each limb differed significantly from each other, and from running. Running had the longest step length, the highest peak vertical GRF, peak knee extensor torque, and peak knee negative and positive power and negative and positive work. Skipping had the greater cadence, peak horizontal GRF, peak hip and ankle extensor torques, peak ankle negative power and work, and peak ankle positive power. The second vs first skipping step had the shorter step length, higher cadence, peak horizontal GRF, peak ankle extensor torque, and peak ankle negative power, negative work, and positive power and positive work. The first skipping step utilized predominately net negative joint work (eccentric muscle action) while the second utilized predominately net positive joint work (concentric muscle action). The skipping data further highlight the persistence of net negative work performed at the knee and net positive work performed at the ankle across locomotion gaits. Evidence of step segregation was seen in distribution of the braking and propelling impulses and net work produced across the hip, knee, and ankle joints.ConclusionsSkipping was substantially different than running and was temporally and spatially asymmetrical with successive foot falls partitioned into a dominant function, either braking or propelling whereas running had a single, repeated step in which both braking and propelling actions were performed equally.  相似文献   

Range of motion (ROM) measurements are essential for the evaluation for and diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder (AC). However, taking these measurements using a goniometer is inconvenient and sometimes unreliable. The Kinect (Microsoft, Seattle, WA, USA) is gaining attention as a new motion detecting device that is nonintrusive and easy to implement. This study aimed to apply Kinect to measure shoulder ROM in AC; we evaluated its validity by calculating the agreement of the measurements obtained using Kinect with those obtained using goniometer and assessed its utility for the diagnosis of AC. Both shoulders of 15 healthy volunteers and affected shoulders of 12 patients with AC were included in the study. The passive and active ROM of each were measured with a goniometer for flexion, abduction, and external rotation. Their active shoulder motions for each direction were again captured using Kinect and the ROM values were calculated. The agreement between the two measurements was tested with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Diagnostic performance using the Kinect ROM was evaluated with Cohen’s kappa value. The cutoff values of the limited ROM were determined in the following ways: the same as passive ROM values, reflecting the mean difference, and based on receiver operating characteristic curves. The ICC for flexion/abduction/external rotation between goniometric passive ROM and the Kinect ROM were 0.906/0.942/0.911, while those between active ROMs and the Kinect ROMs were 0.864/0.932/0.925. Cohen’s kappa values were 0.88, 0.88, and 1.0 with the cutoff values in the order above. Measurements of the shoulder ROM using Kinect show excellent agreement with those taken using a goniometer. These results indicate that the Kinect can be used to measure shoulder ROM and to diagnose AC as an alternative to goniometer.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study aimed to investigate whether DistEn was capable of identifying complexity or irregularity for gait data and whether having low parameter-dependency sensitivity by comparing with the Approximate Entropy (ApEn) and Sample Entropy (SampEn).Material and methodsThe data were divided into three groups according to gait maturation. Firstly, the mean amplitude histogram, standard deviation (SD), and the power spectrum were calculated for each group. Secondly, ApEn, SampEn, and DistEn algorithms were calculated. Statistical analyses were then performed to compare groups.ResultsFor m=3 with M= 256 and M=512 parameters, DistEn showed a statistically significant difference between in pairwise comparisons between all groups (Pa, Pb, and Pc < 0.05). DistEn consistently decreased from Group1, to Group2, and to Group 3. For m=2 with r=0.30 values, SampEn showed a statistically significant difference only in pairwise comparisons between Group1 and Group3 (Pb < 0.05). For with m=3 and r=0.30 parameters, SampEn also showed a statistically significant difference in pairwise comparisons between Group1 and Group3 (Pc < 0.05) as well as Group2 and Group3 (Pc < 0.05) SampEn increased from Group1 to Group3 and from Group2 to Group3. There was not any statistically significant difference in pairwise comparisons of groups for ApEn. Furthermore, DistEn showed less parameter consistency than ApEn and SampEn.ConclusionDistEn showed the best performance in capture the complexity changes in gain patterns with growth.  相似文献   

A phytoremediation system was installed in 1996 in Ogden, Utah, with the objective of controlling groundwater containing petroleum hydrocarbons. Hybrid poplar trees were deeply and densely planted in rows oriented perpendicular to the direction of groundwater flow, and the stand was never irrigated. Piezometers were installed to measure water table elevation and contaminant levels upgradient, within, and down-gradient of the trees. In 1998, an analysis of the root structure of a representative tree indicated that roots had extended down to the saturated zone, approximately 6 ft below ground surface. The rate of water use by the stand during 1998 was estimated from reference evapotranspiration (ETo), leaf area, and a water use multiplication factor ($tH) specific to poplar trees. Sap velocity data were collected to measure actual water use by the stand in late summer of 1998. Estimated and measured values compared favorably, with measured values averaging 2.8 gallons day-1 tree-1 (1.7 mm day-1 tree-1). Water use by the stand in 1999 averaged an estimated 445 gallons day-1 (6.9 mm day-1 for the stand). Although the trees transpired a volume of water equivalent to a 10-ft thickness of the saturated zone, water table elevation data collected in 1999 did not indicate a depression in the water table.  相似文献   

Recent advancements in low-cost depth cameras may provide a clinically accessible alternative to conventional three-dimensional (3D) multi-camera motion capture systems for gait analysis. However, there remains a lack of information on the validity of clinically relevant running gait parameters such as vertical oscillation (VO). The purpose of this study was to assess the validity of measures of VO during running gait using raw depth data, in comparison to a 3D multi-camera motion capture system. Sixteen healthy adults ran on a treadmill at a standard speed of 2.7 m/s. The VO of their running gait was simultaneously collected from raw depth data (Microsoft Kinect v2) and 3D marker data (Vicon multi-camera motion capture system). The agreement between the VO measures obtained from the two systems was assessed using a Bland-Altman plot with 95% limits of agreement (LOA), a Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r), and a Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient (rc). The depth data from the Kinect v2 demonstrated excellent results across all measures of validity (r = 0.97; rc = 0.97; 95% LOA = −8.0 mm – 8.7 mm), with an average absolute error and percent error of 3.7 (2.1) mm and 4.0 (2.0)%, respectively. The findings of this study have demonstrated the ability of a low cost depth camera and a novel tracking method to accurately measure VO in running gait.  相似文献   

目的:探索对质量监督检验检疫系统外来医学媒介检出绩效进行综合管理与评价的科学方法.方法:运用多指标综合评价法—加权秩和比法的基本原理,对媒介总数、上报信息条数等11项指标赋予适当的权重系数,并进行编秩运算,计算加权兄媚值,按最佳分档要求对分档对象进行分档排序.结果:经对11项指标的综合评价分析,参与外来媒介检出业绩综合评估的25个单位共被划分成优等(5个单位)、良好(8个单位)、中等(7个单位)、差等(5个单位)四档.结论t加权秩和比法用于对检验检疫系统外来医学媒介检出工作进行综合量化评价、分档具有较好的准确性、实用性,是一种较科学、客观的量化综合评价方法.  相似文献   


In this study, we developed an approach for prosthetic foot design incorporating motion analysis, mechanical testing and computer analysis. Using computer modeling and finite element analysis, a three-dimensional (3D), numerical foot model of the solid ankle cushioned heel (SACH) foot was constructed and analyzed based upon loading conditions obtained from the gait analysis of an amputee and validated experimentally using mechanical testing. The model was then used to address effects of viscoelastic heel performance numerically. This is just one example of the type of parametric analysis and design enabled by this approach. More importantly, by incorporating the unique gait characteristics of the amputee, these parametric analyses may lead to prosthetic feet more appropriately representing a particular user's needs, comfort and activity level.  相似文献   

Plasmid capture system (PCS) facilitates cloning and manipulation of circular double-stranded DNA. We recently developed an improved PCS (PCS-LZ) to clone relatively large DNA molecules of 30–150 kb. The PCS-LZ donor consists of a mini-F replicon and a kanamycin resistance marker between Tn7 left and Tn7 right ends. Both the replicon and marker gene of the PCS-LZ donor are transferred into target plasmid DNAs by in vitro transposition, followed by replication in E. coli. Colonies are tested for lacZ expression by blue/white screening. Circular DNAs were obtained from plasmids of Bacillus thuringiensis, genome segments of Cotesia glomerata bracovirus and polymorphic genomes of Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus. PCS-LZ is a powerful tool for use in genomic analysis and mutagenesis in microorganisms including invertebrate pathogens.  相似文献   

The increased use of gait analysis has raised the need for a better understanding of how walking speed and demographic variations influence asymptomatic gait. Previous analyses mainly reported relationships between subsets of gait features and demographic measures, rendering it difficult to assess whether gait features are affected by walking speed or other demographic measures. The purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the kinematic and kinetic profiles during ambulation that tests for the effect of walking speed in parallel to the effects of age, sex, and body mass index. This was accomplished by recruiting a population of 121 asymptomatic subjects and analyzing characteristic 3-dimensional kinematic and kinetic features at the ankle, knee, hip, and pelvis during walking trials at slow, normal, and fast speeds. Mixed effects linear regression models were used to identify how each of 78 discrete gait features is affected by variations in walking speed, age, sex, and body mass index. As expected, nearly every feature was associated with variations in walking speed. Several features were also affected by variations in demographic measures, including age affecting sagittal-plane knee kinematics, body mass index affecting sagittal-plane pelvis and hip kinematics, body mass index affecting frontal-plane knee kinematics and kinetics, and sex affecting frontal-plane kinematics at the pelvis, hip, and knee. These results could aid in the design of future studies, as well as clarify how walking speed, age, sex, and body mass index may act as potential confounders in studies with small populations or in populations with insufficient demographic variations for thorough statistical analyses.  相似文献   

RGB-D cameras provide 3-D body joint data in a low-cost, portable and non-intrusive way, when compared with reference motion capture systems used in laboratory settings. In this contribution, we evaluate the validity of both Microsoft Kinect versions (v1 and v2) for motion analysis against a Qualisys system in a simultaneous protocol. Two different walking directions in relation to the Kinect (towards – WT, and away – WA) were explored. For each gait trial, measures related with all body parts were computed: velocity of all joints, distance between symmetrical joints, and angle at some joints. For each measure, we compared each Kinect version and Qualisys by obtaining the mean true error and mean absolute error, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and optical-to-depth ratio. Although both Kinect v1 and v2 and/or WT and WA data present similar accuracy for some measures, better results were achieved, overall, when using WT data provided by the Kinect v2, especially for velocity measures. Moreover, the velocity and distance presented better results than angle measures. Our results show that both Kinect versions can be an alternative to more expensive systems such as Qualisys, for obtaining distance and velocity measures as well as some angles metrics (namely the knee angles). This conclusion is important towards the off-lab non-intrusive assessment of motor function in different areas, including sports and healthcare.  相似文献   

Reduced walking capacity, a hallmark of chronic heart failure (CHF), is strongly correlated with hospitalization and morbidity. The aim of this work was to perform a detailed biomechanical gait analysis to better identify mechanisms underlying reduced walking capacity in CHF. Inverse dynamic analyses were conducted in CHF patients and age- and exercise level-matched control subjects on an instrumented treadmill at self-selected treadmill walking speeds and at speeds representing +20% and –20% of the subjects’ preferred speed. Surprisingly, no difference in preferred speed was observed between groups, possibly explained by an optimization of the mechanical cost of transport in both groups (the mechanical cost to travel a given distance; J/kg/m). The majority of limb kinematics and kinetics were also similar between groups, with the exception of greater ankle dorsiflexion angles during stance in CHF. Nevertheless, over two times greater ankle plantarflexion work during stance and per distance traveled is required for a given triceps surae muscle volume in CHF patients. This, together with a greater reliance on the ankle compared to the hip to power walking in CHF patients, especially at faster speeds, may contribute to the earlier onset of fatigue in CHF patients. This observation also helps explain the high correlation between triceps surae muscle volume and exercise capacity that has previously been reported in CHF. Considering the key role played by the plantarflexors in powering walking and their association with exercise capacity, our findings strongly suggest that exercise-based rehabilitation in CHF should not omit the ankle muscle group.  相似文献   



The assessment of spinal deformities with rasterstereography can enhance the understanding, as well as can reduce the number of x-rays needed. However, to date this technique only allows measurements under static conditions. Since it would be of great value to be able to also analyze the spine in dynamic conditions, the present study evaluated a novel rasterstereographic system.

Materials and Methods

A new rasterstereographic device was evaluated in a comparison with the gold standard in motion analysis, the VICON system. After initial testing using 12 flat infrared markers adhered to a solid plate, the two systems were evaluated with the markers adhered onto the backs of 8 test subjects. Four triangles were defined using the markers, and the sides of each triangle were measured under static and dynamic conditions.


On the solid plate, the sides of the 4 triangles were measured with a measuring tape and then by the two optical systems. Rasterstereography showed a high accuracy in marker detection on the solid plate. Under dynamic conditions, with the subjects walking on a treadmill, the rasterstereographically-measured side lengths were compared with the lengths measured by the VICON system as an assessment of marker detection. No significant differences (p>0.05) were found between the systems, differing only 0.07–1.1% for all sides of the four triangles with both systems.


A novel rasterstereographic measurement device that allows surface and spine topography under dynamic conditions was assessed. The accuracy of this system was with one millimeter on a solid plate and during dynamic measurements, to the gold standard for motion detection. The advantage of rasterstereography is that it can be used to determine a three-dimensional surface map and also allows the analysis of the underlying spine.  相似文献   

Segmental motions derived from non-invasive motion analysis are being used to investigate the intrinsic functional behavior of the foot and ankle in health and disease. The goal of this research was to examine the ability of a generic segmented model of the foot to capture and differentiate changes in internal skeletal kinematics due to neuromuscular disease and/or trauma. A robotic apparatus that reproduces the kinematics and kinetics of gait in cadaver lower extremities was employed to produce motion under normal and aberrant neuromuscular activation patterns of tibialis posterior and/or tibialis anterior. Stance phase simulations were conducted on 10 donor limbs while recording three-dimensional kinematic trajectories of (1) skin-mounted markers used clinically to construct segmented foot models, and (2) bone-mounted marker clusters to capture actual internal bone motion as the gold standard for comparison. The models constructed from external marker data were able to differentiate the kinematic behaviors elicited by different neuromuscular conditions in a manner similar to that using the bone-derived data. Measurable differences between internal and externally measured kinematics were small, variable and random across the three axes of rotation and neuromuscular conditions, with a tendency toward more differences noted during early and late stance. Albeit slightly different, three-dimensional motion profiles of the hindfoot and forefoot segments correlated well with internal skeletal motion under all neuromuscular conditions, thereby confirming the utility of measuring segmental motions as a valid means of clinical assessment.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of a psychophysiologically controlled adaptive automation system. Subjects were asked to perform a compensatory tracking task while their electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded and an engagement index was derived from the EEG, using the alpha, beta, and theta bandwidths: /( + ) and /. In Experiment I, EEG was recorded from three different sites: frontal, parietal, and temporal. Although tracking performance did not differ as a function of site, the number of task mode allocations was greater under a negative feedback contingency than under a positive feedback contingency. This effect was seen primarily from frontal sites. Experiments II and III evaluated the adaptive automation system, using extended runs under positive and negative feedback with either a slope (Experiment II) or absolute (Experiment III) criterion used to drive the system. Using either criterion, performance was found to be significantly better under negative feedback. Future evaluation and use of psychophysiologically controlled adaptive automation systems are discussed.  相似文献   

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  • •Brain membrane protein extraction.
  • •Protein prenylation.
  • •Prenyl peptide capture and characterization by LC-MS/MS.
  • •HCD and EThcD peptide fragmentation.

A competitive reaction of activated Boc-Ala-OH and Boc-Phe-OH with H-Leu-resin has been developed for assessing the relative efficiencies of different carbodiimides. This allowed a comparison of the efficiency of the carbodiimides N,N;′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide,N,N′-diisopropylcarbodiimide, N-tert-butyl-N′-methylcarbodiimide and N-tert-butyl-N′-ethylcarbodiimide. Comparable results were obtained when these reagents were used for the preformation of symmetrical anhydrides or of 1-hydroxybenzotriazole esters in situ. Differential incorporation was observed when asymmetrical carbodiimides were used for peptide bond formation by the direct carbodiimide procedure. © 1997 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that respondents systematically overreport socially desirable behaviors and systematically underreport socially undesirable behaviors. This “social desirability response bias (SDRB)” presents significant challenges for research that relies on self-report measures to assess behaviors that adhere to or violate social norms. The present study used a state-of-the-art polygraph system to examine SDRB in widely used aggression questionnaires, including the Buss–Perry Aggression Questionnaire-Short Form, the Indirect Aggression subscale of the Aggression Questionnaire by Western Psychological Services, and the Reactive–Proactive Questionnaire. Sixteen college students with no criminal record, no known prior history of aggressive behavior, and no reported drug abuse, responded to verbally administered forms of the instruments. Indirect aggression items produced the largest, statistically significant physiological response across the sampled channels. The magnitude of this response was negatively and significantly correlated with the self-report ratings of the frequency of such behaviors. The mean separation between physiological (skin conductance) and self-report responses for indirect aggression remained significant and consistent with correlational analyses when both types of responses were converted to the same scale and compared directly. Finally, the relative magnitude of skin conductance response for items assessing indirect aggression was significantly greater than the relative magnitude of skin conductance response for direct aggression. Overall, the study suggests that the use of automated state-of-the art polygraph systems may potentially identify sensitive items on self-report instruments where social responsibility response bias is possible. Implications for the use of this procedure with such instruments are discussed.  相似文献   

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