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We investigated postural control (PC) effects of a mountain ultra-marathon (MUM): a 330-km trail run with 24000 m of positive and negative change in elevation. PC was assessed prior to (PRE), during (MID) and after (POST) the MUM in experienced ultra-marathon runners (n = 18; finish time = 126±16 h) and in a control group (n = 8) with a similar level of sleep deprivation. Subjects were instructed to stand upright on a posturographic platform over a period of 51.2 seconds using a double-leg stance under two test conditions: eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC). Traditional measures of postural stability (center of pressure trajectory analysis) and stabilogram-diffusion analysis (SDA) parameters were analysed. For the SDA, a significantly greater short-term effective diffusion was found at POST compared with PRE in the medio-lateral (ML; Dxs) and antero-posterior (AP) directions (Dys) in runners (p<0.05) The critical time interval (Ctx) in the ML direction was significantly higher at MID (p<0.001) and POST (p<0.05) than at PRE in runners. At MID (p<0.001) and POST (p<0.05), there was a significant difference between the two groups. The critical displacement (Cdx) in the ML was significantly higher at MID and at POST (p<0.001) compared with PRE for runners. A significant difference in Cdx was observed between groups in EO at MID (p<0.05) and POST (p<0.005) in the ML direction and in EC at POST in the ML and AP directions (p<0.05).Our findings revealed significant effects of fatigue on PC in runners, including, a significant increase in Ctx (critical time in ML plan) in EO and EC conditions. Thus, runners take longer to stabilise their body at POST than at MID. It is likely that the mountainous characteristics of MUM (unstable ground, primarily uphill/downhill running, and altitude) increase this fatigue, leading to difficulty in maintaining balance.  相似文献   

People suffering from locomotor impairment find turning manoeuvres more challenging than straight-ahead walking. Turning manoeuvres are estimated to comprise a substantial proportion of steps taken daily, yet research has predominantly focused on straight-line walking, meaning that the basic kinetic, kinematic and foot pressure adaptations required for turning are not as well understood. We investigated how healthy subjects adapt their locomotion patterns to accommodate walking along a gently curved trajectory (radius 2.75 m). Twenty healthy adult participants performed walking tasks at self-selected speeds along straight and curved pathways. For the first time for this mode of turning, plantar pressures were recorded using insole foot pressure sensors while participants’ movements were simultaneously tracked using marker-based 3D motion capture. During the steady-state strides at the apex of the turn, the mean operating point of the inside ankle shifted by 1 degree towards dorsiflexion and that for the outside ankle shifted towards plantarflexion. The largest change in relative joint angle range was an increase in hip rotation in the inside leg (>60%). In addition, the inside foot was subject to a prolonged stance phase and a 10% increase in vertical force in the posteromedial section of the foot compared to straight-line walking. Most of the mechanical change required was therefore generated by the inside leg with hip rotation being a major driver of the gentle turn. This study provides new insight into healthy gait during gentle turns and may help us to understand the mechanics behind some forms of impairment.  相似文献   

Identifying environmental risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders is challenging due to the number of potential confounders. Twins are of particular interest for researchers interested in studying these types of problems due to their inherent control for the influence of genetic factors. In twin studies, this population can allow environmental risk factors to be more easily identified, and this type of study design may allow the role of biomechanics in injury and disease to be further explored. At present, it is unclear if foot function displays more similarity between certain types of twins. In this study, we hypothesized that the plantar pressures of monozygotic (identical) twins would be more similar between pairs than dizygotic (non-identical) twins. We measured static and dynamic plantar pressures from five pairs of each twin type. Statistical parametric modeling was used to compare pressure distributions at the sensor level. For >80% of stance phase, the pixel level analysis indicated that monozygotic twins had less variation in plantar pressure between pairs. The average z-statistic across the entire trial was 0.88 for the monozygotic group and 1.13 for the dizygotic group. In this study we provide evidence of greater similarity of plantar pressures in monozygotic twin pairs compared to dizygotic twins. This finding supports the use of co-twin studies investigating potentially modifiable environmental and biomechanical risk factors for musculoskeletal conditions that affect the foot and ankle.  相似文献   

Footwear devices that shift foot center of pressure (COP), thereby impacting lower-limb biomechanics to produce clinical benefit, have been studied regarding degenerative diseases of knee and hip joints, exhibiting evidence of clinical success. Ability to purposefully affect trunk biomechanics has not been investigated for this type of footwear. Fifteen healthy young male subjects underwent gait and electromyography analysis using a biomechanical device that shifts COP via moveable convex elements attached to the shoe sole. Analyses were performed in three COP configurations for pairwise comparison: (1) neutral (control) (2) laterally deviated, and (3) medially deviated. Sagittal and frontal-plane pelvis and spine kinematics, external oblique activity, and frontal and transverse-plane lumbar moments were affected by medio-lateral COP shift. Transverse-plane trunk kinematics, activity of the lumbar longissimus, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominus, and quadratus lumborum, and sagittal-plane lumbar moment, were not significantly impacted. Two linear mixed effects models assessed predictive impact of (I) COP location, and (II) trunk kinematics and neuromuscular activity, on the significant lumbar moment parameters. The COP was a significant predictor of all modeled frontal and transverse-plane lumbar moment parameters, while pelvic and spine rotation, and lumbar longissimus activity were significant predictors of one frontal-plane lumbar moment parameter. Model results suggest that, although trunk biomechanics and muscle activity were altered by COP shift, COP offset influences lumbar kinetics directly, or via lower-limb changes not assessed in this study, but not by means of alteration of trunk kinematics or muscle activity. Further study may reveal implications in treatment of low back pain.  相似文献   

Background: Footwear-generated medio-lateral foot center of pressure manipulation has been shown to have potential positive effects on gait parameters of hip osteoarthritis patients, ultimately reducing maximum joint reaction forces. The objective of this study was to investigate effects of medio-lateral foot center of pressure manipulation on muscle activity of hip-spanning and back muscles during gait in bilateral hip osteoarthritis patients. Methods: Foot center of pressure was shifted along the medio-lateral foot axis using a foot-worn biomechanical device allowing controlled center of pressure manipulation. Sixteen female bilateral hip osteoarthritis patients underwent electromyography analysis while walking in the device set to three parasagittal configurations: neutral (control), medial, and lateral. Seven hip-spanning muscles (Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Maximus, Tensor Fascia Latae, Rectus Femoris, Semitendinosis, Biceps Femoris, Adductor Magnus) and one back muscle (Erector Spinae) were analyzed. Magnitude and temporal parameters were calculated. Results: The amplitude and temporal parameter varied significantly between foot center of pressure positions for 5 out of 8 muscles each for either the more or less symptomatic leg in at least one subphase of the gait cycle. Conclusion: Medio-lateral foot center of pressure manipulation significantly affects neuromuscular pattern of hip and back musculature during gait in female hip bilateral osteoarthritis patients.  相似文献   

Forefoot strike becomes popular among runners because it facilitates better impact attenuation. However, forefoot strike may overload the plantar fascia and impose risk of plantar fasciitis. This study aimed to examine and compare the foot arch deformation and plantar fascia tension between different foot strike techniques in running using a computational modelling approach. A three-dimensional finite element foot model was reconstructed from the MRI of a healthy runner. The foot model included twenty bones, bulk soft tissue, ligaments, tendons, and plantar fascia. The time-series data of segmental kinematics, foot muscle force, and ankle joint reaction force were derived from a musculoskeletal model of the same participant based on the motion capture analysis and input as the boundary conditions for the finite element analysis. Rearfoot strike and forefoot strike running were simulated using a dynamic explicit solver. The results showed that, compared to rearfoot strike, forefoot strike reduced the foot arch height by 9.12% and increased the medial longitudinal arch angle by 2.06%. Forefoot strike also increased the plantar connective tissues stress by 18.28–200.11% and increased the plantar fascia tensile force by 18.71–109.10%. Although it is currently difficult to estimate the threshold value of stress or force that results in injury, forefoot strike runners appeared to be more vulnerable to plantar fasciitis.  相似文献   



This study aimed to examine age-related, interindividual, and right/left differences in anterior-posterior foot pressure ratio in 764 preschool children (364 boys and 400 girls) aged 3.5-6.5 years.


Subjects maintained an upright standing posture for 10 seconds on the Footview Clinic, an instrument designed to calculate the anterior-posterior foot pressure ratio. The ratio of anterior foot pressure in each subject’s right and left feet was selected as a variable, and the mean of a 10 s measurement was used for analysis.


The ratio of anterior foot pressure was significantly larger in the right foot than in the left foot. With regard to age, the ratio of anterior foot pressure was significantly larger in children aged over 4.5 years than in children aged 3.5 years. It was also larger in children aged 6 and 6.5 years than in children aged 4 years. Interindividual differences in variables were large, and coefficients of variance were highest in children aged 3.5 years and lowest in children aged 6.5 years.


In conclusion, anterior foot pressure increases with age in preschool children. Interindividual differences in anterior foot pressure are large and tend to decrease with age. Furthermore, the anterior foot pressure is slightly higher in the right foot than in the left foot. These results will be useful for various studies, such as examining relationships between the anterior-posterior foot pressure ratio and factors, such as untouched toes, physical fitness, and level of exercise.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the long-time and transient characteristics of the moment generated by external (ER) and internal (IR) rotation of the calcaneus with respect to the tibia. Two human cadaver legs were disarticulated at the knee joint while maintaining the connective tissue between the tibia and fibula. An axial rotation of 21° was applied to the proximal tibia to generate either ER or IR while the fibula was unconstrained and the calcaneus was permitted to translate in the transverse plane. These boundary conditions were intended to allow natural motion of the fibula and for the effective applied axis of rotation to move relative to the ankle and subtalar joints based on natural articular motions among the tibia, fibula, talus, and calcaneus. A load cell at the proximal tibia measured all components of force and moment. A quasi-linear model of the moment along the tibia axis was developed to determine the transient and long-time loads generated by this ER/IR. Initially neutral, everted, inverted, dorsiflexed, and plantarflexed foot orientations were tested. For the neutral position, the transient elastic moment was 16.5 N-m for one specimen and 30.3 N-m for the other in ER with 26.3 and 32.1 N-m in IR. The long-time moments were 5.5 and 13.2 N-m (ER) and 9.0 and 9.5 N-m (IR). These loads were found to be transient over time similar to previous studies on other biological structures where the moment relaxed as time progressed after the initial ramp in rotation.  相似文献   

The net force and moment of a joint have been widely used to understand joint disease in the foot. Meanwhile, it does not reflect the physiological forces on muscles and contact surfaces. The objective of the study is to estimate active moments by muscles, passive moments by connective tissues and joint contact forces in the foot joints during walking. Joint kinematics and external forces of ten healthy subjects (all males, 24.7 ± 1.2 years) were acquired during walking. The data were entered into the five-segment musculoskeletal foot model to calculate muscle forces and joint contact forces of the foot joints using an inverse dynamics-based optimization. Joint reaction forces and active, passive and net moments of each joint were calculated from muscle and ligament forces. The maximum joint reaction forces were 8.72, 4.31, 2.65, and 3.41 body weight (BW) for the ankle, Chopart’s, Lisfranc and metatarsophalangeal joints, respectively. Active and passive moments along with net moments were also obtained. The maximum net moments were 8.6, 8.4, 5.4 and 0.8%BW∙HT, respectively. While the trend of net moment was very similar between the four joints, the magnitudes and directions of the active and passive moments varied between joints. The active and passive moments during walking could reveal the roles of muscles and ligaments in each of the foot joints, which was not obvious in the net moment. This method may help narrow down the source of joint problems if applied to clinical studies.  相似文献   

The ratio of the power arm (the distance from the heel to the talocrural joint) to the load arm (that from the talocrural joint to the distal head of the metatarsals), or RPL, differs markedly between the human and ape foot. The arches are relatively higher in the human foot in comparison with those in apes. This study evaluates the effect of these two differences on biomechanical effectiveness during bipedal standing, estimating the forces acting across the talocrural and tarsometatarsal joints, and attempts to identify which type of foot is optimal for bipedal standing. A simple model of the foot musculoskeletal system was built to represent the geometric and force relationships in the foot during bipedal standing, and measurements for a variety of human and ape feet applied. The results show that: (1) an RPL of around 40% (as is the case in the human foot) minimizes required muscle force at the talocrural joint; (2) the presence of an high arch in the human foot reduces forces in the plantar musculature and aponeurosis; and (3) the human foot has a lower total of force in joints and muscles than do the ape feet. These results indicate that the proportions of the human foot, and the height of the medial arch are indeed better optimized for bipedal standing than those of apes, further suggesting that their current state is to some extent the product of positive selection for enhanced bipedal standing during the evolution of the foot.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to examine the impact absorption mechanism of the foot for different strike patterns (rearfoot, midfoot and forefoot) using a continuum mechanics approach. A three-dimensional finite element model of the foot was employed to estimate the stress distribution in the foot at the moment of impact during barefoot running. The effects of stress attenuating factors such as the landing angle and the surface stiffness were also analyzed. We characterized rear and forefoot plantar sole behavior in an experimental test, which allowed for refined modeling of plantar pressures for the different strike patterns. Modeling results on the internal stress distributions allow predictions of the susceptibility to injury for particular anatomical structures in the foot.  相似文献   

Computerized dynamic posturography with the EquiTest is an objective technique for measuring postural strategies under challenging static and dynamic conditions. As part of a diagnostic assessment, the early detection of postural deficits is important so that appropriate and targeted interventions can be prescribed. The Sensory Organization Test (SOT) on the EquiTest determines an individual''s use of the sensory systems (somatosensory, visual, and vestibular) that are responsible for postural control. Somatosensory and visual input are altered by the calibrated sway-referenced support surface and visual surround, which move in the anterior-posterior direction in response to the individual''s postural sway. This creates a conflicting sensory experience. The Motor Control Test (MCT) challenges postural control by creating unexpected postural disturbances in the form of backwards and forwards translations. The translations are graded in magnitude and the time to recover from the perturbation is computed.Intermittent claudication, the most common symptom of peripheral arterial disease, is characterized by a cramping pain in the lower limbs and caused by muscle ischemia secondary to reduced blood flow to working muscles during physical exertion. Claudicants often display poor balance, making them susceptible to falls and activity avoidance. The Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) is a noninvasive method for indicating the presence of peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication, a common symptom in the lower extremities. ABPI is measured as the highest systolic pressure from either the dorsalis pedis or posterior tibial artery divided by the highest brachial artery systolic pressure from either arm. This paper will focus on the use of computerized dynamic posturography in the assessment of balance in claudicants.  相似文献   

Wearable systems are becoming increasingly popular for gait assessment outside of laboratory settings. A single shoe-embedded sensor module can measure the foot progression angle (FPA) during walking. The FPA has important clinical utility, particularly in populations with knee osteoarthritis, as it is a target for biomechanical treatments. However, the validity and the day-to-day reliability of FPA measurement using wearable systems during over-ground walking has yet to be established. Two gait analysis sessions on 20 healthy adults were conducted. During both sessions, participants performed natural over-ground walking in a motion capture laboratory and on a 100 m linear section of outdoor athletics track. FPA was measured in the laboratory via marker trajectory data, while the sensor module measured FPA during the outdoor track walking. Validity was examined by comparing the laboratory- and sensor-measured average FPA. Day-to-day reliability was examined by comparing the sensor-measured FPA between the first and second gait analysis sessions. Average absolute error between motion capture and sensor measured FPA were 1.7° and 2.1° at session 1 and 2, respectively. A Bland and Altman plot indicated no systematic bias, with 95% limit of agreement widths of 4.2° – 5.1°. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC2k) analysis resulted in good to excellent validity (ICC = 0.89 – 0.91) and reliability (ICC = 0.95). Overall, the shoe-embedded sensor module is a valid and reliable method of measuring FPA during over-ground walking without the need for laboratory equipment.  相似文献   

大、小兴安岭植物区及交错区物种多样性比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张玲  袁晓颖  张东来 《植物研究》2007,27(3):356-360
在中国东北大兴安岭植物区、小兴安岭植物区及交错区,选择典型群落,采用物种丰富度指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数及均匀度指数,研究了大兴安岭植物区、小兴安岭植物区及交错区物种构成和不同分布区群落的结构。分析比较了3个植物区物种多样性指数及不同生活型物种多样性指数及均匀度指数,结果表明:大、小兴安岭植物区与交错区植物种类过渡性明显,小兴安岭植物区和交错区植物群落结构以落叶松、红松、白桦针阔混交林为主,大兴安岭植物区以兴安落叶松、东北白桦、樟子松为主;大、小兴安岭植物区及交错区物种多样性指数表现为小兴安岭植物区>交错区>大兴安岭植物区;大、小兴安岭植物区及交错区不同生活型物种多样性指数变化为草本层>灌木层>乔木层,乔木层物种多样性指数差异显著,灌木层和草本层差异不显著。  相似文献   

Elevated impact loading can be detrimental to runners as it has been linked to the increased risk of tibial stress fracture and plantar fasciitis. The objective of this study was to investigate the combined effects of foot strike pattern, step rate, and anterior trunk lean gait modifications on impact loading in runners. Nineteen healthy runners performed 12 separate gait modification trials involving: three foot strike patterns (rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot strike), two step rates (natural and 10% increased), and two anterior trunk lean postures (natural and 10-degree increased flexion). Overall, forefoot strike combined with increased step rate led to the lowest impact loading rates, and rearfoot strike combined with anterior trunk lean led to the highest impact loading rates. In addition, there were interaction effects between foot strike pattern and step rate on awkwardness and effort, such that it was both more natural and easier to transition to a combined gait modification involving forefoot strike and increased step rate than to an isolated gait modification involving either forefoot strike or increased step rate. These findings could help to inform gait modifications for runners to reduce impact loading and associated injury risks.  相似文献   

 To optimize the regional delivery advantage with i. p. administration of monoclonal antibody (mAb) for radioimmunotherapy, it may be possible to delay the rate and extent of mAb absorption from the peritoneal cavity by simply altering the position of a patient after radioantibody administration. It has been shown that the hydrostatic pressure against the diaphragm plays a major role in the rate of egress of radioantibodies from the peritoneal cavity and that fluid removal from the peritoneal cavity can be altered by posture. The current study examined postural effects in normal rats following the i. p. injection of 125I-5G6.4 murine IgG2a anticarcinoma antibody (45 μCi). A 10-ml injection volume of the radioantibody solution was administered to rats restrained in either a supine or inclined (reverse Trendelenburg; feet down at a 45° angle) position. Pharmacokinetic analysis confirmed that the appearance of the radioantibody into the systemic circulation was delayed in the inclined group. The time to peak blood concentration was prolonged from 14.7 (supine) to 19.2 (inclined) hours (P = 0.005). All other pharmacokinetic parameters were equivalent across the treatment groups. The mean half-life of 166 h, mean blood clearance of 9 ml/min, and mean steady-state volume of distribution of 36 ml were consistent with previous experience with this radioantibody in the rat. The intrinsic absorption profile indicated that the mean percentage absorption from the peritoneal cavity to the blood stream was greater in the supine animals from 4 h after i. p. injection until absorption was complete. By 10 h after injection, absorption from the peritoneal cavity was essentially complete in the supine-dosed animals, while those restrained in an inclined position had cleared only 50% of the total absorbed dose. Hence, the regional delivery advantage afforded by intraperitoneal administration of the radioantibody may be further exploited by maintaining an inclined position throughout the absorption phase, a strategy that may be applicable to radioimmunotherapy of patients. Received: 26 July 1996 / Accepted: 27 January 1997  相似文献   

Forefoot strike is increasingly being adopted by runners because it can better attenuate impact than rearfoot strike. However, forefoot strike may overload the plantar fascia and alter the plantar fascia elasticity. This study aimed to use ultrasound elastography to investigate and compare shear wave elasticity of the plantar fascia between rearfoot strikers and forefoot strikers. A total of 35 participants (21 rearfoot strikers and 14 forefoot strikers), who were free of lower limb injuries and diseases, were recruited from a local running club. Individual foot strike patterns were identified through the measured plantar pressure during treadmill running. The B-Mode ultrasound images and shear wave elastographic images of the plantar fascia were collected from each runner. Two independent investigators reviewed the images and examined the plantar fascia qualitatively and quantitatively. The results demonstrated an overall good agreement between the investigators in the image review outcomes (ICC:0.96–0.98, κ: 0.89). There were no significant differences in the fascial thickness (p = 0.50) and hypoechogenicity on the gray-scale images (p = 0.54) between the two groups. Shear wave elastography showed that forefoot strikers exhibited reduced plantar fascia elasticity compared to rearfoot strikers (p = 0.01, Cohen’s d = 0.91). A less elastic fascial tissue was more easily strained under loading. Tissue overstrain is frequently related to the incidence of plantar fasciitis. While further study is needed for firm conclusions, runners using forefoot strike were encouraged to enhance their foot strength for better protection of the plantar fascia.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were: (a) to examine the effect of falling height on the kinematics of the tibiotalar, talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints and (b) to study the influence of falling height on the muscle activity of the leg during landings. Six female gymnasts (height: 1.63±0.04 m, weight: 58.21±3.46 kg) participated in this study. All six gymnasts carried out barefoot landings, falling from 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 m height onto a mat. Three genlocked digital high speed video cameras (250 Hz) captured the motion of the left shank and foot. Surface electromyography (EMG) was used to measure muscle activity (1000 Hz) from five muscles (gastrocnemius medialis, tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, vastus lateralis and hamstrings) of the left leg. The kinematics of the tibiotalar, talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints were studied. The lower-leg and the foot were modelled by means of a multi-body system, comprising seven rigid bodies. The falling height does not show any influence on the kinematics neither of the tibiotalar nor of the talonavicular joints during landing. The eversion at the calcaneocuboid joint increases with increasing falling height. When augmenting falling height, the myoelectric activity of the muscles of the lower limb increases as well during the pre-activation phase as during the landing itself. The muscles of the lower extremities are capable of stabilizing the tibiotalar and the talonavicular joints actively, restricting their maximal motion by means of a higher activation before and after touchdown. Maximal eversion at the calcaneocuboid joint increases about 52% when landing from 2.0 m.  相似文献   

嵩山与鸡公山自然保护区植物区系比较研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在野外调查和取得最新植物区系研究资料的基础上,对河南省的嵩山与鸡公山自然保护区植物区系进行了比较研究.研究结果显示出两地植物区系的相似性和差异性:嵩山共有种子植物126科586属1335种,植物区系以温带成分为主,兼有一定的热带成分,与西北、华北植物区系联系较紧密;鸡公山计有种子植物157科675属1583种,温带成分虽占有较高的比例,但热带种类丰富,与华中、华东植物区系的关系更密切,表现出向北亚热带植物区系明显过渡的特征;两地植物区系的共同特点是温带成分都占有一定优势,说明落叶阔叶林仍然是两个地区相对稳定的森林植被类型.  相似文献   

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