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A new version of Monte Carlo (MC) expanded ensemble (EE) method is proposed for the calculations of free energy difference (FED) between two different systems with close values of the free energy. In order to check the method the FED between simple model systems (fluid of hard spheres and freely jointed polymer chain of hard spheres) was calculated. The free energy of the mentioned above systems was also calculated by a standard MC EE method in order to compare the results of two simulations. It was shown that the accuracy of a new algorithm is the same as of a standard one. At the same time new version of EE allows us to obtain FED between two systems having quite different structures, but similar free energies, during one simulation run.  相似文献   


The principle purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the use of the Inverse Monte Carlo technique for calculating pair interaction energies in monoatomic liquids from a given equilibrium property. This method is based on the mathematical relation between transition probability and pair potential given by the fundamental equation of the “importance sampling” Monte Carlo method. In order to have well defined conditions for the test of the Inverse Monte Carlo method a Metropolis Monte Carlo simulation of a Lennard Jones liquid is carried out to give the equilibrium pair correlation function determined by the assumed potential. Because an equilibrium configuration is prerequisite for an Inverse Monte Carlo simulation a model system is generated reproducing the pair correlation function, which has been calculated by the Metropolis Monte Carlo simulation and therefore representing the system in thermal equilibrium. This configuration is used to simulate virtual atom displacements. The resulting changes in atom distribution for each single simulation step are inserted in a set of non-linear equations defining the transition probability for the virtual change of configuration. The solution of the set of equations for pair interaction energies yields the Lennard Jones potential by which the equilibrium configuration has been determined.  相似文献   

Satoru G. Itoh 《Molecular simulation》2015,41(10-12):1021-1026
In order to predict the native structures of proteins and peptides and to investigate the functions of these biomolecules, it is essential to realise efficient sampling in the conformational space. We had recently proposed a new generalised-ensemble algorithm, which is referred to as the replica-permutation method (RPM), to sample the conformational space efficiently. We introduce this RPM and demonstrate its usefulness by applying to three systems: particles in a double-well potential energy, Met-enkephalin in a vacuum, and a C-peptide analogue of ribonuclease A in explicit water. Replica-exchange simulations were performed to compare their results with the results of the replica-permutation simulations. It is shown that the RPM sampled not only the temperature space but also the conformational space more efficiently than the replica-exchange method. The folding pathway of C-peptide is also presented.  相似文献   

Rossinsky E  Srebnik S 《Biopolymers》2005,79(5):259-268
Ensemble growth Monte Carlo (EGMC) and dynamic Monte Carlo (DMC) simulations are used to study sequential folding and thermodynamic stability of hydrophobic-polar (HP) chains that fold to a compact structure. Molecularly imprinted cavities are modeled as hard walls having sites that are attractive to specific polar residues on the chain. Using EGMC simulation, we find that the folded conformation can be stabilized using a small number of carefully selected residue-specific sites while a random selection of surface-bound residues may only slightly contribute toward stabilizing the folded conformation, and in some cases may hinder the folding of the chain. DMC simulations of the surface-bound chain confirm increased stability of the folded conformation over a free chain. However, a different trend of the equilibrium population of folded chains as a function of residue-external site interactions is predicted with the two simulation methods.  相似文献   

The purpose of this note is to illustrate the feasibility of simulating kinetic systems, such as commonly encountered in photosynthesis research, using the Monte Carlo (MC) method. In this approach, chemical events are considered at the molecular level where they occur randomly and the macroscopic kinetic evolution results from averaging a large number of such events. Their repeated simulation is easily accomplished using digital computing. It is shown that the MC approach is well suited to the capabilities and resources of modern microcomputers. A software package is briefly described and discussed, allowing a simple programming of any kinetic model system and its resolution. The execution is reasonably fast and accurate; it is not subject to such instabilities as found with the conventional analytical approach.Abbreviations MC Monte Carlo - RN random number - PSU photosynthetic unit Dedicated to Prof. L.N.M. Duysens on the occasion of his retirement.  相似文献   


The Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulation has been used to calculate vapour-liquid equilibria of a Lennard-Jones (LJ) binary mixture. The mixture studied is the LB-2-1 model which has been used in our previous calculations on PVT relation and density-dependent local composition. The P-x-y relation has been established at two different temperatures and used to determine vapour-liquid coexistence region in the PVTx space.  相似文献   

A rejection-free methodology-based kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) method has been developed in the grand canonical ensemble to simulate fluid mixtures. It comprises two different moves: entropic displacement of a selected molecule (based on the Rosenbluth algorithm) in the volume space of the system, and exchange of molecules with the surroundings (insertion or deletion). These two moves are made sequentially with M displacement moves followed by one exchange. The displacement moves are treated as sub-NVT sequences within a grand canonical ensemble. The procedure for deletion or insertion of a molecule is either, based on the Rosenbluth algorithm, or on a direct comparison, in which the average activity of one component is compared with its specified activity. The components are chosen either with equal probability or with a probability proportional to their density. The implementation of rejection-free kMC is much simpler than the Metropolis importance sampling MC procedure, which requires three different types of move, all of which must be tested for acceptance or rejection. The new scheme has been evaluated by applying it to fluid argon and to an equimolar mixture of methane, ethane and propane.  相似文献   


A bulk Lennard-Jones fluid was simulated using the grand canonical Monte Carlo method. Three different sampling methods were used in the transition matrix, namely the Metropolis, Barker and a third novel method. While it can be shown that the Metropolis method will give the most accurate ensemble averages in the limit of an infinitely long run, the new method termed “Modified Barker Sampling” (MBS), is shown to be superior for the runs of practical length for the particular system studied.  相似文献   

The force network ensemble of Snoeijer et al. (Force network ensemble: a new approach to static granular matter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004), 054302) is a convenient model to study networks of contact forces that are typically present in granular matter. Recently, we have shown that it is possible to extremely accurately determine the probability distribution of contact forces in the framework of this ensemble (van Eerd et al., Tail of the contact force distribution in static granular materials, Phys. Rev. E 75 (2007), 060302(R); Tighe et al., Entropy maximisation in the force network ensemble for granular solids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008), 238001). In this work, we review several important details of these computations. In particular, we study in detail the angle-resolved contact force distribution, finite-size effects, the maximum allowed shear stress and the effect of walls. In addition, we investigate how well the force network ensemble resembles systems with ‘real’ interactions.  相似文献   

New Monte Carlo procedures in open ensembles are proposed. Non-stationary Markov chain procedure in the μl;pT - ensemble provides a direct estimation for the critical size of a condensation nucleus at given p and T. A stationary procedure in the μlpT ensemble with two allowed particle numbers n and n + 1 provides the direct way to calculate the chemical potential and Gibbs free energy of a cluster; in the grand canonical (μlVT) ensemble the same approach gives μl and the Helmholtz free energy. The same procedures are readily applicable to periodic systems representing bulk phases.  相似文献   

The MC dynamics of an off-lattice all-atom protein backbone model with rigid amide planes are studied. The only degrees of freedom are the dihedral angle pairs of the C-atoms. Conformational changes are generated by Monte Carlo (MC) moves. The MC moves considered are single rotations (simple moves, SM's) giving rise to global conformational changes or, alternatively, cooperative rotations in a window of amide planes (window moves, WM's) generating local conformational changes in the window. Outside the window the protein conformation is kept invariant by constraints. These constraints produce a bias in the distribution of dihedral angles. The WM's are corrected for this bias by suitable Jacobians. The energy function used is derived from the CHARMM force field. In a first application to polyalanine it is demonstrated that WM's sample the conformational space more efficiently than SM's.Abbreviations CPU Central Processing Unit - MC Monte Carlo - MCD Monte Carlo Dynamics - MD Molecular Dynamics - RMS Root-Mean-Square - RMSD Root-Mean-Square-Deviation - SM Simple Move - WM Window Move  相似文献   

We present simulation results on a simple model to describe the hydrogen bonding in proteins with helical structures. The approximation distinguishes between ! helices, where each amino acid interacts with another one located four residues apart, 3 10 structures, where the number of amino acids in between is three, and the ? arrangement, in which that number is five. We found that the main features of the system are determined by the most stable structure (the ! helix) and that the other type of hydrogen bonds appears just below the denaturation temperature of the peptide. The probability of finding a 3 10 -type bond is greater at the beginning or at the end of the peptide chain, irrespectively of its length, while in short peptides the existence of those bonds increases appreciably the denaturation temperature, promoting stability. On the other hand, the temperature of denaturation decreases with the length of the peptide to reach a value independent of the number of amino acid residues.  相似文献   


Adsorption characteristics of a solute diluted in supercritical fluids has been investigated by using the Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The Lennard-Jones potential function is used for describing interactions for a model system of CO2 + benzene in slit-like micropores with infinite graphitic carbon walls. A modified μVT ensemble method with particle exchange proposed by Cracknell, Nicholson and Quirke (1993) is found to be much superior to the conventional μVT ensemble method especially for dense mixtures in a pore. Adsorption isotherms of CO2 and benzene, in equilibrium with a dilute benzene mixture in CO2 (mole fraction of benzene = 0.001), are computed by varying pressure, temperature, the benzene–surface interaction potential, and the slitwidth. Adsorption isotherm curve of CO2 increases with an increase in pressure while that of benzene shows a maximum at a pressure far below the critical pressure of CO2 and then it decreases with increasing pressure. The decrease in benzene adsorption with increasing pressure is attributable to both the enhanced solubility in supercritical CO2 and the competitive adsorption of CO2. The isotherm curves of each component at two temperatures, 313.2 K and 323.2 K, show to cross at a pressure near the critical pressure due to the “density effect” on the chemical potentials of a solute at supercritical fluid conditions. When the interaction between a solute and a surface increases, the adsorption isotherm increases. Narrowing the slitwidth results in the increase in the adsorption of solute since the external potential from two walls becomes deeper.  相似文献   

Stepwise regression is often used in ecology to identify critical factors. From a large number of possible predictors, the procedure selects the subset generating the highest coefficient of determination,R 2. This work presents a method for testing the significance of this coefficient. Monte Carlo simulations are used to calculate the statistical distribution ofR 2 under the null hypothesis that the response variable is independent of the predictors. The method is illustrated by an application to a previously published analysis of the Canadian lynx population cycle where more than 75% of the variance could be explained by four meteorological factors.  相似文献   


The behavior of mixtures of associating and non-associating chains confined in pores with activated surfaces is studied by means of molecular simulation. The fluid molecules are modeled as a chain of four tangent Lennard-Jones spheres. Some of the chains have an additional associating square-well site placed in an end sphere. The activated surfaces of the slit pore are modeled via an integrated Lennard-Jones (10-4-3) potential with specific association sites protruding from the surface. We present Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulation results for the partitioning of mixtures of chains in the bulk and confined phases for this particular model. The chain-wall association governs the adsorption behavior of the system. The preferential adsorption of associating chains is seen to strongly depend on temperature and pore width. Selectivities obtained are in the range of those seen in experiments of alkane-alkanol mixtures.  相似文献   

We have developed a new component module for the BEAMnrc software package, called SMLC, which models the tongue-and-groove structure of the Siemens Optifocus multileaf collimator. The ultimate goal is to perform accurate Monte Carlo simulations of the IMRT treatments carried out with Optifocus. SMLC has been validated by direct geometry checks and by comparing quantitatively the results of simulations performed with it and with the component module VARMLC. Measurements and Monte Carlo simulations of absorbed dose distributions of radiation fields sensitive to the tongue-and-groove effect have been performed to tune the free parameters of SMLC. The measurements cannot be accurately reproduced with VARMLC. Finally, simulations of a typical IMRT field showed that SMLC improves the agreement with experimental measurements with respect to VARMLC in clinically relevant cases.PACS number87.55. K-  相似文献   

The usefulness of biodiversity indicators strongly increases if accompanied by measures of uncertainty. In the case of indicators that combine population indices of species, however, the inclusion of the uncertainty of the species indices has shown to be hard to realize, usually due to imperfections in monitoring programmes. Missing values and time series of different lengths preclude the use of analytical approaches, whereas bootstrapping across sites requires the raw abundance data on the site level, which may not always be available. Sometimes bootstrapping across species rather than sites is opted for, but this approach ignores the uncertainty attached to species indices. We developed a method to account for sampling error of species indices in the calculation of multi-species indicators based on Monte Carlo simulation of annual species indices. The construction of confidence intervals enables various trend assessments, like testing for linear or smooth trends, testing for changes between two time points, testing the significance of a suspected change-point and testing for differences between two multi-species indicators. Here, we compare our method with conventional methods and illustrate the benefits of our approach using Dutch breeding bird indicators.  相似文献   

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