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J Lu  H M Fishman 《Biophysical journal》1995,69(6):2458-2466
A steady, spontaneous current oscillation (1 nA p-p) occurs in voltage-clamped, isolated ampullary organs (canal, ampulla, and nerve) from skates (Raja). Spectral analysis showed that energy in the oscillation was confined to a narrow band of frequencies (3 Hz) about a fundamental frequency (32 Hz at 20 degrees C) and in harmonics. The frequency of the oscillation was temperature dependent (increasing from 21 to 33 Hz for increases in temperature from 13 degrees C to 21 degrees C). The addition of 0.5 microM tetrodotoxin to the basal side of the ampullary epithelium eliminated afferent nerve activity but had no effect on the epithelial oscillation, indicating that the oscillation is not generated or induced by afferent nerve activity. Nitrendipine (2 microM) added to the solution bathing the basal side of the ampullary epithelium abolished the oscillation rapidly (within minutes), but a steady-state negative conductance (i.e., real part of the complex admittance < 0) generated by the preparation remained for 36 min. Conversely, nitrendipine (50 microM) added to the perfusate (artificial sea water) of the apical side eliminated the negative conductance rapidly (18.5 min) but had no effect on the spontaneous oscillation for more than 1 h. The effect and the elapsed time for an effect of nitrendipine after separate applications to the basal and apical membrane surfaces of ampullary epithelium suggest that 1) the negative conductance and the oscillation are generated independently in apical and basal membranes, respectively, and 2) both processes involve L-type Ca channels. Furthermore, the addition of tetraethylammonium (2 mM) to the basal side eliminated both the oscillation and the postsynaptic response to voltage clamps (< or = 100 microV) of the ampullary epithelium in the operational voltage range of the afferent nerve. This result suggests that the basal membrane oscillation functions in neurotransmitter release from presynaptic (basal) membranes.  相似文献   

The exquisite sensitivity of elasmobranch fishes to electric fields is thought to reside in electroreceptive organs called ampullae of Lorenzini. We measured the stimulus-response behavior of ampullary organs excised from skates. Under open-circuit conditions, the ampullary organ showed three distinct response states: spontaneous repetitive spikes, evoked spikes, and small, damped oscillatory responses. Under short-circuit conditions, the amplitude range for a linear current response to a sinusoidal (0.5 Hz) voltage clamp of an organ (assessed by spectral analysis of the harmonics generated) was 7-200 microV rms. Changes in the spike firing rate of the afferent nerve innervating the organ were evident for voltage clamps of the ampullary epithelium of 3 microV and the spike rate saturated for clamp steps exceeding 100 microV. Thus, the linear response range of the ampullary epithelium exceeded the range in spike firing rate of the afferent nerve. The steady-state transorgan electrical properties under voltage clamp conditions were obtained by analysis of complex admittance determinations in the frequency range 0.05-20 Hz for perturbations (< 100 microV rms) in the linear range. Admittance functions were distinctly related to the preparation states observed under open-circuit conditions. A negative real part in the organ admittance (i.e., a steady-state negative conductance generated by the preparation) was a common characteristic of the two (open-circuit) excitable states. The negative conductance was also confirmed by the direction of current flow through the ampullary epithelium in response to step voltage clamps.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The traditional view of cancer as a collection of proliferating cells must be reconsidered, and cancer must be viewed as a "tissue" constituted by both transformed cells and a heterogeneous microenvironment, that tumor cells construct and remodel during multistep tumorigenesis. The "tumor microenvironment" (TM) is formed by mesenchymal, endothelial, and immune cells immersed in a network of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and soluble factors. The TM strongly contributes to tumor progression, through long distance, cell-to-cell or cell-to-matrix signals, which influence different aspects of tumor cell behavior. Understanding the relationships among the different components of the cancer tissue is crucial to design and develop new therapeutic strategies. Ion channels are emerging as relevant players in the cross talk between tumor cells and their TM. Ion channels are expressed on tumor cells, as well as in the different cellular components of the TM. In all these cells, ion channels are in a strategic position to sense and transmit extracellular signals into the intracellular machinery. Often, this transmission is mediated by integrin adhesion receptors, which can be functional partners of ion channels since they form molecular complexes with the channel protein in the context of the plasma membrane. The same relevant role is exerted by ion transporters, which also contribute to determine two facets of the cancer tissue: hypoxia and the acidic extracellular pH. On the whole, it is conceivable to prospect the targeting of ion channels for new therapeutic strategies aimed at better controlling the malignant progression of the cancer tissue.  相似文献   

Progress through the cell mitotic cycle requires precise timing of the intrinsic molecular steps and tight coordination with the environmental signals that maintain a cell into the proper physiological context. Because of their great functional flexibility, ion channels coordinate the upstream and downstream signals that converge on the cell cycle machinery. Both voltage- and ligand-gated channels have been implicated in the control of different cell cycle checkpoints in normal as well as neoplastic cells. Ion channels mediate the calcium signals that punctuate the mitotic process, the cell volume oscillations typical of cycling cells, and the exocytosis of autocrine or angiogenetic factors. Other functions of ion channels in proliferation are still matter of debate. These may or may not depend on ion transport, as the channel proteins can form macromolecular complexes with growth factor and cell adhesion receptors. Direct conformational coupling with the cytoplasmic regulatory proteins is also possible. Derangement or relaxed control of the above processes can promote neoplasia. Specific types of ion channels have turned out to participate in the different stages of the tumor progression, in which cell heterogeneity is increased by the selection of malignant cell clones expressing the ion channel types that better support unrestrained growth. However, a comprehensive mechanistic picture of the functional relations between ion channels and cell proliferation is yet not available, partly because of the considerable experimental challenges offered by studying these processes in living mammalian cells. No doubt, such studies will constitute one of the most fruitful research fields for the next generation of cell physiologists.  相似文献   

The resorbing osteoclast is an exceptional cell that secretes large amounts of acid through the coupled activity of a v-type H+-ATPase and a chloride channel that both reside in the ruffled membrane. Impairment of this acid secretion machinery by genetic mutations can abolish bone resorption activity, resulting in osteopetrotic phenotypes. Another key feature of osteoclasts is the transport of high amounts of calcium and phosphate from the resorption lacuna to the basolateral plasma membrane. Evidence exists that this occurs in part through entry of these ions into the osteoclast cytosol. Handling of such large amounts of a cellular messenger requires elaborate mechanisms. Membrane proteins that regulate osteoclast calcium homeostasis and the effect of calcium on osteoclast function and survival are therefore the second main focus of this review.  相似文献   

A hallmark of high-grade cancers is the ability of malignant cells to invade unaffected tissue and spread disease. This is particularly apparent in gliomas, the most common and lethal type of primary brain cancer affecting adults. Migrating cells encounter restricted spaces and appear able to adjust their shape to accommodate to narrow extracellular spaces. A growing body of work suggests that cell migration/invasion is facilitated by ion channels and transporters. The emerging concept is that K(+) and Cl(-) function as osmotically active ions, which cross the plasma membrane in concert with obligated water thereby adjusting a cell's shape and volume. In glioma cells Na(+)-K(+)-Cl(-) cotransporters (NKCC1) actively accumulate K(+) and Cl(-), establishing a gradient for KCl efflux. Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels and voltage-gated Cl(-) channels are largely responsible for effluxing KCl promoting hydrodynamic volume changes. In other cancers, different K(+) or even Na(+) channels may function in concert with a variety of Cl(-) channels to support similar volume changes. Channels involved in migration are frequently regulated by Ca(2+) signaling, most likely coupling extracellular stimuli to cell migration. Importantly, the inhibition of ion channels and transporters appears to be clinically relevant for the treatment of cancer. Recent preclinical data indicates that inhibition of NKCC1 with an FDA-approved drug decreases neoplastic migration. Additionally, ongoing clinical trials demonstrate that an inhibitor of chloride channels may be a therapy for the treatment of gliomas. Data reviewed here strongly indicate that ion channels are a promising target for the development of novel therapeutics to combat cancer.  相似文献   

Tumor vascularization is a critical process that determines tumor growth and metastasis. In the last decade new experimental evidence obtained from in vitro and in vivo studies have challenged the classical angiogenesis model forcing us to consider new scenarios for tumor neovascularization. In particular, the genetic stability of tumor-derived endothelial cells (TECs) has been recently questioned in several studies, which show that TECs, as well as pericytes, differ significantly from their normal counterparts at genetic and functional levels. In addition to such an epigenetic action of tumor microenvironment on endothelial cells (ECs) commitment, the distinct characteristics of TECs could be due to differences in their origin compared with preexisting differentiated ECs. Intracellular Ca(2+) signals are involved at different critical phases in the regulation of the complex process of angiogenesis and tumor progression. These signals are generated by a wide variety of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Several key components of Ca(2+) signaling including Ca(2+) channels in the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, calcium pumps, and mitochondria contribute to the generation, amplitude, and frequency of these Ca(2+) change. In particular, several members of the transient receptor potential (TRP) family of calcium-permeable channels have profound effects on the function of ECs. Because of its multifaceted role in the control of cell function, proliferation, and motility, TRP channels have been suggested as a potential molecular target for control of tumor neovascularization. Since plasma membrane Ca(2+) channels are easily and directly accessible via the bloodstream, they are potential targets for a number of pharmacological and antibody-targeted therapeutic strategies, with specificity being the main limitation. In this review we discuss recent advances in understanding the role of Ca(2+) channels, with specific reference to TRP channels, in tumor vascularization process.  相似文献   

Ion channels contribute to virtually all basic cellular processes, including such crucial ones for maintaining tissue homeostasis as proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. The involvement of ion channels in regulation of programmed cell death, or apoptosis, has been known for at least three decades based on observation that classical blockers of ion channels can influence cell death rates, prolonging or shortening cell survival. Identification of the central role of these channels in regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis as well as the recent discovery that the expression of ion channels is not limited solely to the plasma membrane, but may also include membranes of internal compartments, has led researchers to appreciate the pivotal role of ion channels plays in development of cancer. This review focuses on the aspects of programmed cell death influenced by various ion channels and how dysfunctions and misregulations of these channels may affect the development and progression of different cancers.  相似文献   

Cell migration is a central component of the metastatic cascade requiring a concerted action of ion channels and transporters (migration-associated transportome), cytoskeletal elements and signalling cascades. Ion transport proteins and aquaporins contribute to tumour cell migration and invasion among other things by inducing local volume changes and/or by modulating Ca2+ and H+ signalling. Targeting cell migration therapeutically bears great clinical potential, because it is a prerequisite for metastasis. Ion transport proteins appear to be attractive candidate target proteins for this purpose because they are easily accessible as membrane proteins and often overexpressed or activated in cancer. Importantly, a number of clinically widely used drugs are available whose anticipated efficacy as anti-tumour drugs, however, has now only begun to be evaluated.  相似文献   

Ion channels and transporters are ubiquitously expressed on cell membrane, which involve in a plethora of physiological process such as contraction, neurotransmission, secretion and so on. Ion channels and transporters is of great importance to maintaining membrane potential homeostasis, which is essential to absorption of nutrients in gastrointestinal tract. Most of nutrients are electrogenic and require ion channels and transporters to absorb. This review summarizes the latest research on the role of ion channels and transporters in regulating nutrient uptake such as K+ channels, Ca2+ channels and ion exchangers. Revealing the mechanism of ion channels and transporters associated with nutrient uptake will be helpful to provide new methods to diagnosis and find potential targets for diseases like diabetes, inflammatory bowel diseases, etc. Even though some of study still remain ambiguous and in early stage, we believe that ion channels and transporters will be novel therapeutic targets in the future.  相似文献   

Multi-drug resistance (MDR) to chemotherapy is the major challenge in the treatment of cancer. MDR can develop by numerous mechanisms including decreased drug uptake, increased drug efflux and the failure to undergo drug-induced apoptosis. Evasion of drug-induced apoptosis through modulation of ion transporters is the main focus of this paper and we demonstrate how pro-apoptotic ion channels are downregulated, while anti-apoptotic ion transporters are upregulated in MDR. We also discuss whether upregulation of ion transport proteins that are important for proliferation contribute to MDR. Finally, we discuss the possibility that the development of MDR involves sequential and localized upregulation of ion channels involved in proliferation and migration and a concomitant global and persistent downregulation of ion channels involved in apoptosis.  相似文献   

All animal cell types have an appropriate volume. Even under physiological conditions of constant extracellular osmolarity, cells must regulate their volume. Cell volume is subjected to alterations because of persistent physicochemical osmotic load resulting from Donnan-type colloid osmotic pressure and of cell activity-associated changes in intracellular osmolarity resulting from osmolyte transport and metabolism. The strategy adopted by animal cells for coping with volume regulation on osmotic perturbation is to activate transport pathways, including channels and transporters, mainly for inorganic osmolytes to drive water flow. Under normotonic conditions, cells undergo volume regulation by pump-mediated mechanisms. Under anisotonic conditions, volume regulation occurs by additional channel/transporter-mediated mechanisms. Cell volume regulation is also attained through adjustment of intracellular levels not only of inorganic but also of organic osmolytes with changing the expression of their transporters or regulation of metabolism. In cell volume regulation mechanism, several "volume sensors" are thought to be involved. A volume-sensitive Cl- channel has lately attracted considerable attention in this regard.  相似文献   

The malignant growth of glial support cells causes gliomas, highly invasive, primary brain tumors that are largely resistant to therapy. Individual tumor cells spread by active cell migration, invading diffusely into the normal brain. This process is facilitated by Cl channels that endow glioma cells with an enhanced ability to quickly adjust their shape and cell volume to fit the narrow and tortuous extracellular brain spaces. Once satellite tumors enlarge, their growth is limited by the spatial constraints imposed by the bony cavity of the skull and spinal column. Glioma cells circumvent this limitation by active destruction of peritumoral neural tissue through the release of glutamate, inducing peritumoral seizures and ultimately excitotoxic neuronal cell death. Hence, primary brain tumors support their unusual biology by taking advantage of ion channels and transporters that are designed to support ion homeostatic functions in normal brain.  相似文献   

The steady-state maintenance of highly asymmetric concentrations of the major inorganic cations and anions is a major function of both plasma membranes and the membranes of intracellular organelles. Homeostatic regulation of these ionic gradients is critical for most functions. Due to their charge, the movements of ions across biological membranes necessarily involves facilitation by intrinsic membrane transport proteins. The functional characterization and categorization of membrane transport proteins was a major focus of cell physiological research from the 1950s through the 1980s. On the basis of these functional analyses, ion transport proteins were broadly divided into two classes: channels and carrier-type transporters (which include exchangers, cotransporters, and ATP-driven ion pumps). Beginning in the mid-1980s, these functional analyses of ion transport and homeostasis were complemented by the cloning of genes encoding many ion channels and transporter proteins. Comparison of the predicted primary amino acid sequences and structures of functionally similar ion transport proteins facilitated their grouping within families and superfamilies of structurally related membrane proteins. Postgenomics research in ion transport biology increasingly involves two powerful approaches. One involves elucidation of the molecular structures, at the atomic level in some cases, of model ion transport proteins. The second uses the tools of cell biology to explore the cell-specific function or subcellular localization of ion transport proteins. This review will describe how these approaches have provided new, and sometimes surprising, insights regarding four major questions in current ion transporter research. 1) What are the fundamental differences between ion channels and ion transporters? 2) How does the interaction of an ion transport protein with so-called adapter proteins affect its subcellular localization or regulation by various intracellular signal transduction pathways? 3) How does the specific lipid composition of the local membrane microenvironment modulate the function of an ion transport protein? 4) How can the basic functional properties of a ubiquitously expressed ion transport protein vary depending on the cell type in which it is expressed?  相似文献   

Our studies are concerned with the frequency tuning that is provided by the electrical resonance of tuberous electroreceptors. Frequency selectivity had previously been measured in the electroreceptor's afferent fibers, and resonant conductances in the electroreceptor cell membrane had been implicated in producing the selectivity. With transdermal application of sinusoidal current, we measured the frequency dependence of the impedance of small areas of the electroreceptor/skin structure of the weakly electric fish Sternopygus and Eigenmannia, and used our data to make a quantitative linear model of the structure. The qualitative form of the model was proposed by Bennett (1). The quantitative model allows us to estimate the frequency selectivity of the voltage across the innervated membrane of the electroreceptor cells. The frequency selectivity of electroreceptor cell voltage derived from our data are as sharp as the neural selectivity at frequencies close to the most sensitive frequency. Many of our measurements supported the linear system model. However, spontaneous electroreceptor voltage oscillations were detected in some of our specimens, suggesting that the electroreceptors can operate in a regime of active nonlinearity. A simple explanation for the observed oscillations is that they arise when damping in the electroreceptor cell's resonant membrane is negative for a limited span of membrane voltage surrounding the resting voltage. The response of oscillating units to sinusoidal current was compatible with this explanation. We report experimental observations bearing on the consequences of active nonlinearity for the frequency tuning of a resonant system.  相似文献   

J L Rae 《Federation proceedings》1986,45(12):2718-2722
The technique of patch-voltage clamp has been used to demonstrate several different kinds of K+ channels in the apical membrane of the chick lens epithelium. These include a 200- to 250-ps Ca2+-activated channel, a 200- to 250-ps non-Ca2+-activated channel whose probability of being open increases with hyperpolarization, a 35-ps flickery channel, and a 30-ps inward rectifier, all characterized in symmetrical 150 mM K+. The inward rectifier allows little if any outward current. The probability that the channel is open increases as the membrane patch is depolarized, whereas the mean open and closed times of the channel decrease with depolarization. It is proposed that the rectification is a property of the open channel rather than of its gating. External Cs+ at micromolar concentrations produces a flickery block that increases with hyperpolarization and blocker concentration. The mean open time inside bursts decreases with increasing blocker concentration, whereas the mean intraburst closed time is unaffected. Thus, Cs+ blocks the open channel. The steepness of the voltage dependence of the block suggests that multiple occupancy of the channel is possible.  相似文献   

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