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The SNARE proteins, syntaxin, SNAP-25, and VAMP, form part of the core machinery for membrane fusion during regulated exocytosis. Additional proteins are required to account for the speed, spatial restriction, and tight control of exocytosis and a key role is played by members of the Sec1/Munc18 family of proteins that have been implicated either in vesicle docking or fusion itself through their interactions with the corresponding syntaxin. Using amperometry to assay the kinetics of single vesicle fusion/release events in adrenal chromaffin cells, the effect of expression of syntaxin 1A mutants was examined. Overexpression of wild-type syntaxin or its cytoplasmic domain had no effect on the kinetics of release during single exocytotic events although the cytoplasmic domain reduced the frequency of exocytosis. In contrast, expression of either an open syntaxin 1A or the I233A mutant resulted in increased quantal size and a slowing of the kinetics of release. The wild-type and mutant syntaxins were overexpressed to a similar extent and the only common defect shown by the syntaxin 1A mutants was reduced binding to Munc18-1. These results are consistent with a role for Munc18-1 in controlling the late stages of exocytosis by binding to and limiting the availability of syntaxin in its open conformation. Modification of the Munc18-1/syntaxin 1A interaction would therefore be a key mechanism for the regulation of quantal size.  相似文献   

A significant number of exocytosis events recorded with amperometry demonstrate a prespike feature termed a "foot" and this foot has been correlated with messengers released via a transitory fusion pore before full exocytosis. We have compared amperometric spikes with a foot with spikes without a foot at chromaffin cells and found that the probability of detecting a distinct foot event is correlated to the amount of catecholamine released. The mean charge of the spikes with a foot was found to be twice that of the spikes without a foot, and the frequency of spikes displaying a foot was zero for small spikes increasing to approximately 50% for large spikes. It is hypothesized that in chromaffin cells, where the dense core is believed to nearly fill the vesicle, the expanding core is a controlling factor in opening the fusion pore, that prefusion of two smaller vesicles leads to excess membrane, and that this slows pore expansion leading to an increased observation of events with a foot. Clearly, the physicochemical properties of vesicles are key factors in the control of the dynamics of release through the fusion pore and the high and variable frequency of this release makes it highly significant.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion during exocytosis and throughout the cell is believed to involve members of the SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptors) family of proteins. The assembly of these proteins into a four-helix bundle may be part of the driving force for bilayer fusion. Regulated exocytosis in neurons and related cell types is specialized to be fast and Ca(2+)-dependent suggesting the involvement of other regulatory proteins specific for regulated exocytosis. Among these are the complexins, two closely related proteins that bind only to the assembled SNARE complex. We have investigated the function of complexin by analysis of single vesicle release events in adrenal chromaffin cells using carbon fiber amperometry. These cells express complexin II, and overexpression of this protein modified the kinetics of vesicle release events so that their time course was shortened. This effect depended on complexin interaction with the SNARE complex as introduction of a mutation of Arg-59, a residue that interacts with synaptobrevin in the SNARE complex, abolished its effects. The data are consistent with a function for complexin in stabilizing an intermediate of the SNARE complex to allow kiss-and-run recycling of the exocytosed vesicle.  相似文献   

During exocytosis, secretory vesicles of mast cells generate a current transient that marks the opening of the fusion pore, the first aqueous connection that forms between the vesicle lumen and the cell exterior. By recording and analyzing such current transients, we have tracked the conductance of the fusion pore over the first millisecond of its existence. The first opening of the pore occurs rapidly, generally within 100 microseconds at 23 degrees C. The electric conductance of the pore is a few hundred picosiemens at first, but gradually increases over the subsequent milliseconds. Evidently the pore opens abruptly and then dilates. The initial conductance of the pore suggests a diameter comparable to that of a large ion channel. From an analysis of "capacitance flicker" we infer that a pore can increase its diameter severalfold and still close again completely. This suggests that several early events in membrane fusion are reversible.  相似文献   

ComplexinII (CpxII) and SynaptotagminI (SytI) have been implicated in regulating the function of SNARE proteins in exocytosis, but their precise mode of action and potential interplay have remained unknown. In this paper, we show that CpxII increases Ca2+-triggered vesicle exocytosis and accelerates its secretory rates, providing two independent, but synergistic, functions to enhance synchronous secretion. Specifically, we demonstrate that the C-terminal domain of CpxII increases the pool of primed vesicles by hindering premature exocytosis at submicromolar Ca2+ concentrations, whereas the N-terminal domain shortens the secretory delay and accelerates the kinetics of Ca2+-triggered exocytosis by increasing the Ca2+ affinity of synchronous secretion. With its C terminus, CpxII attenuates fluctuations of the early fusion pore and slows its expansion but is functionally antagonized by SytI, enabling rapid transmitter discharge from single vesicles. Thus, our results illustrate how key features of CpxII, SytI, and their interplay transform the constitutively active SNARE-mediated fusion mechanism into a highly synchronized, Ca2+-triggered release apparatus.  相似文献   

We applied the quick-freezing technique to investigate the precise temporal coincidence between the onset of quantal secretion and the appearance of fusions of synaptic vesicles with the prejunctional membrane. Frog cutaneous pectoris nerve-muscle preparations were soaked in modified Ringer's solution with 1 mM 4-aminopyridine, 10 mM Ca2+, and 10(-4) M d-Tubocurarine and quick-frozen 1-10 ms after a single supramaximal shock. The frozen muscles were then either freeze-fractured or cryosubstituted in acetone with 13% OsO4 and processed for thin section electron microscopy. Temporal resolution of less than 1 ms can be achieved using a quick-freeze device that increases the rate of freezing of the muscle after it strikes the chilled copper block (15 degrees K) and that minimizes the precooling of the muscle during its descent toward the block. We minimized variations in transmission time by examining thin sections taken only from the medial edge of the muscle, which was at a fixed distance from the point of stimulation of the nerve. The ultrastructure of the cryosubstituted preparations was well preserved to a depth of 5 - 10 micron, and within this narrow band vesicles were found fused with the axolemma after a minimum delay of 2.5 ms after stimulation of the nerve. Since the total transmission time to this edge of the muscle was approximately 3 ms, these results indicate that the vesicles fuse with the axolemma precisely at the same time the quanta are released. Freeze-fracture does not seem to be an adequate experimental technique for this work because in the well-preserved band of the muscle the fracture plane crosses, but does not cleave, the inner hydrophobic domain of the plasmalemma. Fracture faces may form in deeper regions of the muscle where tissue preservation is unsatisfactory and freezing is delayed.  相似文献   

We describe the design and operation of a machine that freezes biological tissues by contact with a cold metal block, which incorporates a timing circuit that stimulates frog neuromuscular junctions in the last few milliseconds before thay are frozen. We show freeze-fracture replicas of nerve terminals frozen during transmitter discharge, which display synpatic vesicles caught in the act of exocytosis. We use 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) to increase the number of transmitter quanta discharged with each nerve impulse, and show that the number of exocytotic vesicles caught by quick-freezing increases commensurately, indicating that one vesicle undergoes exocytosis for each quantum that is discharged. We perform statistical analyses on the spatial distribution of synaptic vesicle discharge sites along the "active zones" that mark the secretory regions of these nerves, and show that individual vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane independent of one another, as expected from physiological demonstrations that quanta are discharged independently. Thus, the utility of quick-freezing as a technique to capture biological processes as evanescent as synaptic transmission has been established. An appendix describes a new capacitance method to measure freezing rates, which shows that the "temporal resolution" of our quick-freezing technique is 2 ms or better.  相似文献   

Calcium-activated protein for secretion (CAPS) is proposed to play an essential role in Ca2+-regulated dense-core vesicle exocytosis in vertebrate neuroendocrine cells. Here we report the cloning, mutation, and characterization of the Drosophila ortholog (dCAPS). Null dCAPS mutants display locomotory deficits and complete embryonic lethality. The mutant NMJ reveals a 50% loss in evoked glutamatergic transmission, and an accumulation of synaptic vesicles at active zones. Importantly, dCAPS mutants display a highly specific 3-fold accumulation of dense-core vesicles in synaptic terminals, which was not observed in mutants that completely arrest synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Targeted transgenic CAPS expression in identified motoneurons fails to rescue dCAPS neurotransmission defects, demonstrating a cell nonautonomous role in synaptic vesicle fusion. We conclude that dCAPS is required for dense-core vesicle release and that a dCAPS-dependent mechanism modulates synaptic vesicle release at glutamatergic synapses.  相似文献   

Examination of the time and temperature dependence of insulin-stimulated GLUT4/IRAP-containing vesicle trafficking demonstrated an approximate 7-fold increase in the half-time for plasma membrane translocation at 23 degrees C (t((1)/(2)) = approximately 30 min) compared with 37 degrees C (t((1)/(2)) = approximately 4 min) without a significant change in the extent of either GLUT4 or IRAP translocation. Localization of the endogenous GLUT4 and expressed GLUT4-enhanced green fluorescent protein fusion protein in intact 3T3L1 adipocytes demonstrated that at 23 degrees C there was a time-dependent accumulation of discrete GLUT4-containing vesicles adjacent to the inner face of the cell surface membrane but that was not contiguous and/or physically incorporated into the plasma membrane. Together, these data demonstrate that the temperature-dependent decrease in the rate of GLUT4 and IRAP translocation results from a reduction in GLUT4/IRAP-containing vesicle fusion and not trafficking or docking to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Secretion of lysosomes and related organelles is important for immune system function. High-resolution membrane capacitance techniques were used to track changes in membrane area in single phagocytes during opsonized polystyrene bead uptake and release. Secretagogue stimulation of cells preloaded with beads resulted in immediate vesicle discharge, visualized as step increases in capacitance. The size of the increases were consistent with phagosome size. This hypothesis was confirmed by direct observation of dye release from bead-containing phagosomes after secretagogue stimulation. Capacitance recordings of exocytosis were correlated with quantal free radical release, as determined by amperometry. Thus, phagosomes undergo regulated secretion in macrophages, one function of which may be to deliver sequestered free radicals to the extracellular space.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin is considered a calcium-dependent trigger for regulated exocytosis. We examined the role of synaptotagmin VII (Syt VII) in the calcium-dependent exocytosis of individual lysosomes in wild-type (WT) and Syt VII knockout (KO) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. In WT MEFs, most lysosomes only partially released their contents, their membrane proteins did not diffuse into the plasma membrane, and inner diameters of their fusion pores were smaller than 30 nm. In Syt VII KO MEFs, not only was lysosomal exocytosis triggered by calcium, but all of these restrictions on fusion were also removed. These observations indicate that Syt VII does not function as the calcium-dependent trigger for lysosomal exocytosis. Instead, it restricts the kinetics and extent of calcium-dependent lysosomal fusion.  相似文献   

Myosin II contributes to fusion pore expansion during exocytosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During exocytosis, the fusion pore expands to allow release of neurotransmitters and hormones to the extracellular space. To understand the process of synaptic transmission, it is of outstanding importance to know the properties of the fusion pore and how these properties affect the release process. Many proteins have been implicated in vesicle fusion; however, there is little evidence for proteins involved in fusion pore expansion. Myosin II has been shown to participate in the transport of vesicles and, surprisingly, in the final phases of exocytosis, affecting the kinetics of catecholamine release in adrenal chromaffin cells as measured by amperometry. Here, we have studied single vesicle exocytosis in chromaffin cells overexpressing an unphosphorylatable form (T18AS19A RLC-GFP) of myosin II that produces an inactive protein by patch amperometry. This method allows direct determination of fusion pore expansion by measuring its conductance, whereas the release of catecholamines is recorded simultaneously by amperometry. Here we demonstrated that the fusion pore is of critical importance to control the release of catecholamines during single vesicle secretion in chromaffin cells. We proved that myosin II acts as a molecular motor on the fusion pore expansion by hindering its dilation when it lacks the phosphorylation sites.  相似文献   

Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate, a stable analog of the important signaling membrane lipid diacylglycerol (DAG), is known to potentiate exocytosis and modulate vesicle fusion kinetics in neurons and endocrine cells. The exact mechanisms underlying the actions of PMA, however, is often not clear, largely because of the diversity of the DAG/PMA receptors involved in the exocytotic process, which include, most notably, various isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC). In this study, the roles of PKCα in PMA-mediated regulation of exocytosis were investigated by over-expressing wild-type PKCα (wt-PKCα) or dominant negative PKCα (dn-PKCα). Amperometric measurements based on carbon fiber microelectrodes demonstrated that PKCα has a key role in the PMA-mediated facilitation of exocytosis and vesicle fusion in neuroendocrine PC12 cells.  相似文献   

The dynamic activity of tip-localized filamentous actin (F-actin) in pollen tubes is controlled by counteracting RIC4 and RIC3 pathways downstream of the ROP1 guanosine triphosphatase promoting actin assembly and disassembly, respectively. We show here that ROP1 activation is required for both the polar accumulation and the exocytosis of vesicles at the plasma membrane apex. The apical accumulation of exocytic vesicles oscillated in phase with, but slightly behind, apical actin assembly and was enhanced by overexpression of RIC4. However, RIC4 overexpression inhibited exocytosis, and this inhibition could be suppressed by latrunculin B treatment or RIC3 overexpression. We conclude that RIC4-dependent actin assembly is required for polar vesicle accumulation, whereas RIC3-mediated actin disassembly is required for exocytosis. Thus ROP1-dependent F-actin dynamics control tip growth through spatiotemporal coordination of vesicle targeting and exocytosis.  相似文献   

v-SNAREs control exocytosis of vesicles from priming to fusion   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
SNARE proteins (soluble NSF-attachment protein receptors) are thought to be central components of the exocytotic mechanism in neurosecretory cells, but their precise function remained unclear. Here, we show that each of the vesicle-associated SNARE proteins (v-SNARE) of a chromaffin granule, synaptobrevin II or cellubrevin, is sufficient to support Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis and to establish a pool of primed, readily releasable vesicles. In the absence of both proteins, secretion is abolished, without affecting biogenesis or docking of granules indicating that v-SNAREs are absolutely required for granule exocytosis. We find that synaptobrevin II and cellubrevin differentially control the pool of readily releasable vesicles and show that the v-SNARE's amino terminus regulates the vesicle's primed state. We demonstrate that dynamics of fusion pore dilation are regulated by v-SNAREs, indicating their action throughout exocytosis from priming to fusion of vesicles.  相似文献   

The contents of the sperm acrosome are compartmentalized at the biochemical and morphological levels. Biochemically, the acrosome can be considered to be comprised of two compartments: one consisting of readily soluble proteins and one containing a particulate acrosomal matrix. To test the hypothesis that compartmentalization affects the release of acrosomal components during the course of secretion in guinea pig sperm, we examined the relationship between the presence of specific proteins and acrosomal status and monitored the recovery of acrosomal constituents in the medium surrounding sperm induced to undergo exocytosis with the ionophore A23187. Cysteine-rich secretory protein 2 (CRISP-2), a soluble component of the acrosome, was rapidly lost from the acrosome soon after ionophore treatment. However, acrosomal matrix components remained associated with the sperm for longer periods. AM67, a matrix component and the guinea pig orthologue of the mouse sperm zona pellucida-binding protein sp56, was released at a slower rate than was CRISP-2 but at a faster rate than were two other matrix proteins, AM50 and proacrosin. Coincident with their release from the sperm, AM50 and proacrosin were posttranslationally modified, probably by proteolysis. The release of proacrosin from the matrix appears associated with the conversion of this protein to the enzymatically active acrosin protease. These results provide strong support for the hypothesis that compartmentalization plays a significant role in regulating the release of proteins during the course of acrosomal exocytosis. Acrosomal matrix proteins remain associated with the sperm for prolonged periods of time following the induction of acrosomal exocytosis, suggesting that transitional acrosomal intermediates may have significant functions in the fertilization process.  相似文献   

Regulated ATP release from astrocytes through lysosome exocytosis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Zhang Z  Chen G  Zhou W  Song A  Xu T  Luo Q  Wang W  Gu XS  Duan S 《Nature cell biology》2007,9(8):945-953
Release of ATP from astrocytes is required for Ca2+ wave propagation among astrocytes and for feedback modulation of synaptic functions. However, the mechanism of ATP release and the source of ATP in astrocytes are still not known. Here we show that incubation of astrocytes with FM dyes leads to selective labelling of lysosomes. Time-lapse confocal imaging of FM dye-labelled fluorescent puncta, together with extracellular quenching and total-internal-reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM), demonstrated directly that extracellular ATP or glutamate induced partial exocytosis of lysosomes, whereas an ischaemic insult with potassium cyanide induced both partial and full exocytosis of these organelles. We found that lysosomes contain abundant ATP, which could be released in a stimulus-dependent manner. Selective lysis of lysosomes abolished both ATP release and Ca2+ wave propagation among astrocytes, implicating physiological and pathological functions of regulated lysosome exocytosis in these cells.  相似文献   

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