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Populations of three coexisting intertidal gastropods, Nerita atramentosa Reeve, Bembicium nanum (Lamarck) and Cellana tramoserica (Sowerby), were sampled from a shore in Botany Bay, New South Wales, from July 1972 to September 1973. The recruitment and growth rates of each species were analysed from size frequency distributions. Mortality of each age cohort, and longevity, were estimated from analyses of the densities of Nerita atramentosa and Bembicium nanum.Nerita atramentosa showed no significant mortality during the first two years on the shore, but high mortality (at an instantaneous rate of 0.084 deaths/individual/month) after reaching the age of reproductive maturity, which was 20 months from settlement and at a mean shell-length of 13.5 mm. No growth could be detected after reproductive maturity was reached. Longevity of N. atramentosa was estimated as 3–5.5 years. Bembicium nanum juveniles showed higher mortality (at an instantaneous rate of 0.233 deaths/individual/month) than reproductively mature animals (0.060 deaths/individual/month). Reproductive maturity was reached at a mean shell-breadth of 11.0mm, i.e., about ten months after settlement on the shore. Longevity was estimated as from 4–8 years. Cellana tramoserica showed different growth patterns depending on the time of settlement.The three species showed different patterns of growth and life history relating to variable recruitment (which was demonstrated in all three species) and different rates of mortality of age cohorts.  相似文献   

We measured in laboratory experiments the ingestion, egg production and egg hatching rates of female Temora longicornis as a function of diet. The diets consisted of a diatom (Thalassiosira weissflogii), an autotrophic dinoflagellate (Heterocapsa triquetra), and a bacterivorous ciliate (Uronema sp.) given as sole foods, or combinations of these single-food items: diatom+dinoflagellate, diatom+ciliate, dinoflagellate+ciliate, and diatom+ciliate+dinoflagellate. For the three single-item diets, the functional response was similar; i.e., ingestion rate increased linearly with food concentration (food range: ∼25 to ∼600 μg C l−1). When all diets were considered, maximum daily carbon ration (∼70% of body weight) was independent of food type. However, the maximum daily egg production rate (12% of body carbon) was obtained with the diatom diet. For all diets, both ingestion and egg production rates increased with food concentration. Ingestion and egg production rates were affected differently by the interaction of food concentration and food type: at low food concentrations, ingestion rates were highest on diets containing the diatom. At high food concentrations, egg production rates were highest on the two phytoplankter diets and their combination. The presence of the ciliate in the diet did not enhance ingestion rate or egg production. Mixed-food diets did not enhance egg production relative to single-food diets. Hence, dietary diversity did not appear to be particularly advantageous for reproduction. Carbon-specific egg production efficiency (EPE; egg production/ingestion) was independent of food concentration and type, and equaled 9%. Egg hatching success was low (mean<30%) and independent of food concentration and type, and egg production rates. Our results are consistent with previous observations that egg production in T. longicornis is enhanced during diatom blooms. However, the relatively low EPE and egg hatching success suggest that reproduction and recruitment in this study were severely constrained by the biochemical composition of the diet, or the physiological condition of the females towards the end of their season of growth in Long Island Sound.  相似文献   

In fish that exhibit paternal care, the females often choose their mates on the basis of male traits that are indicative of the parental ability of the males. In a marine goby, Eviota prasina, males tend their eggs within their nests until hatching, and females prefer males that have longer dorsal fins and exhibit courtship behavior with a higher frequency as their mates. In order to clarify the relationship between these sexually selected traits and the parental ability of males of E. prasina, the factors affecting the hatching success of eggs within male nests and the male parental care behavior were examined in an aquarium experiment. Females spawned their eggs in male nests and the clutch size of females showed a high individual variation (range = 88-833 eggs). The hatching success of eggs within male nests showed a positive correlation with the time spent by males in fanning eggs and the clutch size. In contrast to the prediction, however, the hatching success did not show a significant correlation with the sexually selected traits, i.e., the male dorsal fin length and the frequency of courtship displays. Moreover, multiple regression analysis indicated that the time spent by the males in fanning was the most important factor affecting the survival rate of the eggs. The time spent by males in fanning behavior was influenced by the clutch size within their nests; the fanning behavior of males occurred with a higher frequency when they tended larger clutches. Males are required to invest a greater effort in egg-tending behavior to achieve a higher hatching success when they receive larger clutches, probably due to the greater reward for their parental behavior. Based on their mate choice, females may obtain other benefits such as high quality offspring.  相似文献   

Synopsis The duration of natural in-beach-sand incubation of Gulf of California and California grunion embryos is dictated by the tidally-driven wave activity in their respective habitats. Analyses of these tidal regimes reveal that the incubation period can be three times longer on beaches of the California coast than on those of the northern Gulf.In response to the more irregular tides of California, Leuresthes tenuis, the less primitive of the two species, has evolved an egg volume 310% larger than the Gulf grunion, L. sardina. The. larger egg not only supplies greater yolk reserves for differentiation, growth and maintenance, but also produces a larger embryo. The more abundant yolk stores and greater embryo size helps California grunion embryos to remain viable in the sand longer than those of the Gulf grunion.  相似文献   

Both Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant) and Potamopyrgus jenkinsi Smith climb vertically in the laboratory but stop or crawl horizontally if presented with a sharp salinity drop. 50% of Hydrobia ulvae respond to a difference of 18–26% from the original solution. 50% of Potamopyrgus jenkinsi respond to a difference of 53–55%. In both species, the response is impaired at high temperatures, and in Hydrobia ulvae it is also impaired at low temperatures. From 9–22 °C no temperature influence is evident.From acclimation experiments it is suggested that the snails respond not to the gradient across the interface, but to the gradient between body fluids and the upper solution presented. Snails respond to non-ionic gradients when these are presented either as density gradients or as solutions separated by a semi-permeable membrane, and it is argued that they detect osmotic pressure directly. The sense organs are probably located in the tentacles.  相似文献   

胡明行  谭群英  杨道德 《生态学报》2013,33(6):1778-1783
尖吻蝮(Deinagkistrodon acutus)野生资源日益枯竭,食用和药用压力巨大,亟需开展人工养殖。目前尖吻蝮的人工养殖技术还不够成熟,大多数养殖场采用半地下室饲养尖吻蝮,有关该条件下尖吻蝮的繁殖特性报道较少。为促进尖吻蝮的人工养殖,2010年4—9月,在湖南永州市对半地下室圈养的尖吻蝮成体的体型指标、窝卵数、窝卵重、卵重等繁殖特征之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:圈养尖吻蝮成年雌体产单窝柔性卵,平均窝卵数为23.0±7.8(13—37)枚(n=23);将产后雌体体重和窝卵重相加记为产前雌体体重,采用SPSS 13.0软件处理数据,设置α=0.05和α=0.01,发现产前雌体体重分别与窝卵数、窝卵重、卵重均呈显著相关性;产前雌体体长分别与窝卵数、窝卵重、卵重无显著相关性;窝卵数与卵重无显著相关性,卵重分别与卵短径、卵长径均呈显著相关性。产前体重在1000—1200 g之间的雌蛇所产窝卵数和单枚卵重的数值均较大且最集中,这保证了雌体繁殖输出后代的生存优势,对尖吻蝮人工养殖挑选雌性种蛇有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

MURRAY C. GRANT 《Ibis》1991,133(2):127-133
The relationships between egg size, chick size at hatching and chick survival in Whimbrels Numenius phaeopus were studied over a three-year period in the Shetland Isles. Three measurements of chick size at hatching were all positively correlated with egg volume, though the relationship was strongest with hatchling body-weight. In two of the three years the proportion of chicks from a brood which survived to fledging increased significantly with the mean hatching weight of chicks in the brood. Within broods, a significant effect of hatching weight on survival was detectable only up to 7 days after hatching. Between years the egg volumes and hatchling weights of individual female Whimbrels showed relatively little variability, indicating that these attributes could be controlled to a large extent by inheritance.  相似文献   

Offspring size is a key characteristic in life histories, reflecting maternal investment per offspring and, in marine invertebrates, being linked to mode of development. Few studies have focused explicitly on intraspecific variation and plasticity in developmental characteristics such as egg size and hatching size in marine invertebrates. We measured over 1000 eggs and hatchlings of the marine gastropods Crepidula atrasolea and Crepidula ustulatulina from two sites in Florida. A common‐garden experiment showed that egg size and hatching size were larger at 23 °C than at 28 °C in both species. In C. ustulatulina, the species with significant genetic population structure in cytochrome oxidase I (COI), there was a significant effect of population: Eggs and hatchlings from the Atlantic population were smaller than those from the Gulf. The two populations also differed significantly in hatchling shape. Population effects were not significant in C. atrasolea, the species with little genetic population structure in COI, and were apparent through their marginal interaction with temperature. In both species, 60–65% of the variation in egg size and hatching size was a result of variation among females and, in both species, the population from the Atlantic coast showed greater temperature‐mediated plasticity than the population from the Gulf. These results demonstrate that genetic differentiation among populations, plastic responses to variation in environmental temperature, and differences between females all contribute significantly to intraspecific variation in egg size and hatching size. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 489–499.  相似文献   

The paper describes the relationships between adult age, hatching date, egg volume, brood size, hatching sequence, chick weight at hatching, chick growth rate and chick body size for a population of Great skuas in Shetland. The relative importance of these factors, and food availability, is assessed in determining chick size, weight, and growth rate.  相似文献   

李文蓉  宋玉成  时磊 《生态学报》2013,33(2):395-401
2008年6月份至2009年5月份对吐鲁番沙虎的巢域进行调查:2008年6月份至2008年8月份为繁殖季节(RS),2008年9月份至2009年5月份(冬眠期除外)为非繁殖季节(NRS)。利用截趾标志重捕法研究吐鲁番沙虎的巢域,共标记283只吐鲁番沙虎,累计繁殖季节24只,非繁殖季节43只重捕超过3次(其中13只个体在繁殖季节和非繁殖季节均够3次以上捕捉次数,为重复个体),可以用于计算个体巢域面积数据。利用软件MapGis计算最小凸多边形法(MCP)巢域面积,并分析性别、体型大小、季节等因素对巢域的影响。结果表明:吐鲁番沙虎非繁殖季节雄性、雌性与幼体各组间的巢域面积差异均显著,繁殖季节巢域面积差异不显著;雌雄个体不同季节或全年合并比较巢域面积差异性均不显著;非繁殖季节面积与吻肛长(SVL)显著相关、全年成体组的巢域面积与吻肛长显著相关;成体巢域面积季节差异显著(U=41,P=0.046),幼体则没有季节差异(U=159,P=0.537)。因而,吐鲁番沙虎的巢域大小受性别因素影响不大,体型大小对巢域面积有显著影响,由于繁殖、食物资源等的季节变化是影响吐鲁番沙虎巢域最重要的因素。  相似文献   

When uncovered by the tide Nucella lapillus (L.) retains fluid in the mantle cavity which accounts for ≈ 39% of the total water content of the attached animal. This extra-corporeal fluid reservoir retained in the mantle cavity has been investigated in relation to desiccation. Volume changes of mantle cavity fluid (m.c.f.) and concentration changes in Cl?, Na+ and total osmotic pressure of m.c.f. and blood, suggest that the m.c.f. reduces the full effects of desiccation on the animal by restricting those effects to the external compartment. The blood of Nucella living in normal sea water was found to be hypo-osmotic and an hypothesis is presented which links this to the rôle of the m.c.f. during desiccation.  相似文献   

The establishment and reorganization of intercellular bridges during larval-adult ovarian differentiation is the basis of the syncytial nature of the adult hemipteran telotrophic ovary. The formation, in the late differentiation phase, of groups of closely arranged nurse cell nuclei occupying a common cytoplasm results from membrane fusions. Oocyte-oocyte intercellular bridge systems later are modified to form the trophic cords. The trophic core, which undergoes a restructuring during the late differentiation phase, mediates nurse cell-oocyte interactions in this system. Material, transported to and accumulated by late differentiation phase pre-vitellogenic oocytes, originates from trophic core restructuring and zone III nurse cell production.  相似文献   

The diotocardian gastropod Patina pellucida (L.) is a macro-herbivore common upon the fronds of laminarian algae. Considerations of shell shape, adhesive tenacity, and current tolerance, together with calculations of expected hydrodynamic drag, indicate that this limpet is effectively streamlined. Smaller individuals are relatively more resistant to dislodgement than are larger ones. Experimental animals of 6.0–13.5 mm shell length resisted constant flows of up to 0.9-1.3 m s?1. An orientation, in which the longitudinal axis of a limpet is aligned parallel to the direction of the prevailing flow, is induced by currents faster than ≈ 0.5 m s?1, and is an adaptation to conditions of directional water streaming. P. pellucida appears to show a seasonal change in orientatory preference, individuals tending to point distally with respect to the algal lamina in spring and proximally in autumn: this change may be associated with the annual growth cycle of the host plant.  相似文献   

In several strains of Aedes taeniorhynchus, the presence of males increased the levels of autogeny. To stimulate autogenous egg production, the males had to mate with the females. Ageing further enhanced the rates of autogeny in mated females but not in virgins. Males did not influence the size of the autogenous egg batch. Even after the sixth day following emergence some females still possessed the capacity to respond to the male stimulus. With regard to ovarian maturation in A. taeniorhynchus, there appeared to be 3 types of females: (1) those that did not require a mating stimulus to be autogenous, (2) those that needed this stimulus and (3) those that remained anautogenous whether mated or not.  相似文献   

Within 12 min after the prosobranch snail, Nassarius, begins feeding on ferritin-labeled food, ferritin reaches the lumen of the digestive gland and is absorbed by the digestive cells lining the gland. Within the digestive cells, the ferritin is present in coated pinocytotic vesicles, in microvesicles and in macrovesicles. It is probable that ferritin (and components of the food as well) progresses rapidly in order from the gland lumen to the pinocytotic vesicles to the microvesicles to the macrovesicles. The macro vesicles are presumably an important site of intracellular digestion.  相似文献   

In shallow coastal habitats scavenging netted whelks Nassarius reticulatus attached egg capsules to the stipes of red algae Chondrus crispus and occasionally on Furcellaria lumbricalis and Plumaria plumose. In the laboratory egg capsules were laid on aquaria sides and lids by individuals ≥ 21 mm shell length. Larger size classes produced more egg capsules and spawned over a longer period and in doing so partitioned less energy into shell growth. Large netted whelks (25-28.9 mm) produced larger capsules which contained significantly more and larger eggs than those produced by smaller individuals (21-24.9 mm). Egg capsule production continued throughout the year by regularly fed N. reticulatus held at ambient seawater temperatures. Egg production increased in the spring and summer with peak production during June (15 °C), decreased between August and October and resumed again during the winter (November to February at ∼ 7 °C). During the summer (15-16 °C) egg capsules were smaller and contained smaller eggs than those deposited during the winter (7-10 °C), although the number of eggs · capsule1 was similar. Enforced food limitation reduced the number and size of the egg capsules, the number and size of eggs produced · female1 and the duration of the breeding period. Hatching success of N. reticulatus egg capsules was high (95%) even at winter seawater temperatures (11-8.5 °C) and the duration of embryonic development was fastest between 15 and 17.5 °C.  相似文献   

Changes in buoyancy in fertilized bathypelagic eggs of the walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma , collected from Shelikof Strait in the Gulf of Alaska were measured under controlled laboratory conditions in density gradient columns from 90 h post–fertilization through hatching. Eggs were incubated at 6° C and exposed to either diel light or constant dark. Eggs held under diel light conditions became more dense than eggs under constant dark beginning <10 h after exposure to light and remained so until 12 h before hatching. Eggs held under constant dark then became more dense than those under diel light. Hatching of eggs under both conditions began at the same time but eggs under diel light showed a delayed hatching rate. Light–induced changes in egg density indicate the ability of walleye pollock eggs to respond to external stimuli and thereby alter their position in the water column in an ecologically meaningful way.  相似文献   

Corals rely on stored reserves, especially lipids, to survive bleaching events. Lipid class composition reveals the lipid source, and provides evidence of metabolic changes (i.e., photoautotrophic or heterotrophic) during bleaching and recovery. Porites compressa Dana, 1846 and Montipora capitata Dana, 1846 corals were experimentally bleached in outdoor tanks with seawater temperature elevated to 30 °C (treatment corals). Additional control fragments were maintained in separate tanks at ambient temperatures (27 °C). After one month, all fragments were returned to the reef for 0, 1.5, 4, or 8 months. Lipid class composition was analyzed by Iatroscan (thin layer chromatography-flame ionization detection). In treatment P. compressa, triacylglycerol (TG) decreased at 0 and 1.5 months, phospholipid (PL) also decreased at 1.5 months, and both remained lower relative to controls along with wax esters (WE) after 8 months. Neither treatment nor control P. compressa had any detectable monoacylglycerol (MG) or diacylglycerol (DG). Overall, P. compressa first consumed available storage, then structural lipids, and all lipid classes remained low at the end of the study. In treatment M. capitata, TG and PL decreased, while MG increased relative to controls at 0 months. At 4 months, free fatty acid (FFA), sterol (ST), and PL in treatment M. capitata were two to ten times higher than controls. Treatment and control lipid class composition were not different from each other at 8 months. In contrast to P. compressa, M. capitata consumed some lipid classes and augmented others, probably due to sequential metabolism of storage lipids and increased heterotrophy. Overall, lipid class assimilation was more rapid in treatment M. capitata corals that switch between heterotrophy and photoautotrophy, than in treatment P. compressa corals that rely mostly on photoautotrophy.  相似文献   

Over recent years it has been established that pollutants can have a significant impact on host-parasite systems in the aquatic environment, so much so that it has been proposed that parasite fauna may be a useful parameter to monitor water quality. Surprisingly, with perhaps the exception of trematodes and bioaccumulation in adult acanthocephalans, detailed observations on the interaction between helminths, particularly cestodes, and pollutants such as heavy metals, are lacking. In this study, eggs of the carp tapeworm, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi were exposed to a range of cadmium concentrations (0.1, 10, 100 and 10,000 μg/L) and coracidial hatching and survival assessed. Results indicated that the egg is highly resistant to heavy metal pollution and hatching occurs even at 10,000 μg/L. In contrast, the activity of the liberated coracidium significantly decreased after 1 h exposure to cadmium at 10 and 100 μg/L. Electron microscopic X-ray microanalysis of parasite eggs exposed to 1000 and 10,000 μg/L cadmium revealed that cadmium accumulates on the surface of the egg and does not penetrate detectably into the enclosed coracidium. This means that the parasite eggs may be able to withstand a heavy metal pollutant incident.  相似文献   

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