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We have isolated and characterised a Triatoma infestans cDNA encoding a lysozyme. A 174-bp fragment was amplified by PCR using degenerate oligodeoxyribonucleotide primers derived from the known amino acid sequences of lysozyme from other insects. This PCR fragment was used to screen a cDNA gut library of T. infestans. A clone containing the 3'-end of the lysozyme cDNA (219 bp) was isolated and sequenced. RACE was used to amplify the 5'-end of the lysozyme cDNA. After sequencing the complete lysozyme cDNA, the deduced 417 amino acid sequence showed high identity (40-50%) with other chicken-type lysozymes. The amino acid residues responsible for the catalytic activity and the binding of the substrate were essentially conserved. The expression pattern of the lysozyme gene in bugs at different molting and feeding states showed that this gene was upregulated in the digestive tract directly after the molt and after feeding. Additionally, this lysozyme gene was expressed differently in the different regions of the digestive tract, strongly in the cardia and stomach, the anterior regions of the midgut, and only traces of lysozyme mRNA could be detected in the small intestine, the posterior region of the midgut.  相似文献   

A rich source of valuable genes are wild species. Solanum chacoense Bitter with its extreme resistance to viruses, insects and drought, is a good example.In the present study, a stress gene, designated DS2, has been isolated from S. chacoense. We have shown that the expression of the gene is organ-specific being detected in leaf, stem and stolon, but not in root, tuber or flower. Treatment of detached leaves with abscisic acid (ABA), salicylic acid or methyl jasmonate resulted in only very moderate accumulation of DS2 mRNA. Thus, DS2 represents a very rare type of the water-stress-inducible genes whose signalling pathway is not primarily related to ABA.Based on DNA sequence analysis, DS2 encodes a putative protein starting with 20 amino acids homologous to the ABA- and water-stress-inducible, ripening-related (ASR) proteins of tomato continued by an insert of 155 amino acids structurally similar to certain LEAs (late embryogenesis-abundant proteins) and ending in 88 amino acids homologous again to the ASR sequences and to an unpublished partial cDNA fragment isolated from the root of rice. The N-terminal region of the DS2 protein is hydrophilic with ten 13-mer amino acid motifs and random coil structure. In contrast, the C-terminus predicts an -helix and possesses a bipartite nuclear targeting sequence motif. These data suggest that the function of the DS2 may be the protection of the nuclear DNA from desiccation.  相似文献   

Phytolacca anti-viral protein (PAP) was purified from Phytolacca leaves and the N-terminal was sequenced. A cDNA library was made from mRNAs isolated from Phytolacca leaves and cDNA clones for PAP were identified using oligonucleotide probes derived from the N-terminal amino acid sequence. The PAP-cDNA clone was sequenced from both directions. The predicted amino acid sequence of PAP was compared with the amino acid sequences of other ribosome-inactivating proteins. The identities of these proteins to PAP ranged from 29 to 38%, and a region was found in each with a sequence similar to the PAP sequence (AIQMVSEAARFKYI). Southern blot analysis indicates that PAP is encoded by a multi-gene family.Abbreviations MAP Mirabilis jalapa anti-viral protein - PAP Phytolacca anti-viral protein - SO6 30 kDa ribosome-inactivating protein from the seeds of Saponaria officinalis  相似文献   

香气是茶叶的重要品质之一,萜类物质不仅香气好,而且沸点普遍较高,是构成茶叶香气的重要物质基础,决定着茶叶的香气品质,也可作为茶叶香型划分的依据。在植物中,倍半萜、多萜醇等通过胞质中的甲瓦龙酸(MVA)途径合成。HMG-Co A还原酶(HMGR)催化HMG-Co A(3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酸单酰辅酶A)生成甲瓦龙酸,是依赖MVA萜类合成途径的关键限速反应。为了有助于理解茶树萜类合成的分子遗传机制,通过RACE-PCR方法从茶树中克隆了一个编码HMG-Co A还原酶的c DNA全长序列(命名为Cs HMGR1),该序列由1 979 bp组成,包含一个1 722 bp的完整开放阅读框,编码573个氨基酸。其推定的编码蛋白与橡胶树、旱莲木、人参、荔枝、西洋参、丹参、罗汉果及龙眼的同源蛋白具有80%~82%的序列一致性。利用Cs HMGR1和其它物种HMGR同源蛋白的催化区域构建系统发育树,表明其属于真核生物I类HMGR家族。结构分析表明,Cs HMGR1含有两个跨膜区,推测其与其它真核生物同源蛋白类似地定位于内质网上;含有两个HMG-Co A结合位点、两个NADPH结合位点、四个保守的催化活性残基及一个磷酸化位点,说明磷酸化/去磷酸化很可能也是其活性调节的重要方式。表达分析表明,Cs HMGR1在"大叶龙"叶芽、母株叶芽及花芽都有较强的表达。其表达调控及生理活性对茶叶品质可能有重要影响,并在其功能解析的基础上,有可能作为茶叶品质鉴定及育种的一个依据。  相似文献   

We isolated a rice cDNA clone which encodes an open reading frame of 382 amino acids. Its deduced amino acid sequence corresponds to an ATP/ADP translocator protein. Its homology with a maize ATP/ADP translocator was 83.9% in nucleotide sequence, and 90.2% of the amino acid level. Expression of this gene is regulated by such external stresses as salinity and low temperature.  相似文献   

We have isolated the full-length human 56 kDa selenium binding protein (hSP56) cDNA clone, which is the human homolog of mouse 56 kDa selenium binding protein. The cDNA is 1,668 bp long and has an open reading frame encoding 472 amino acids. The calculated molecular weight is 52.25 kDa and the estimated isoelectric point is 6.13. Using Northern blot hybridization, we found that this 56 kDa selenium binding protein is expressed in mouse heart with an intermediate level between those found in liver/lung/kidney and intestine. We have also successfully expressed hSP56 in Escherichia coli using the expression vector-pAED4. The hSP56 gene is located at human chromosome 1q21–22. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:217–224. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cyclins in association with the protein kinase p34cdc2and related cyclin-dependent protein kinases (cdks) are key regulatory elements in controlling the cell division cycle. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a full-length cDNA clone of alfalfa mitotic cyclin, termed CycIIIMs. Computer analysis of known plant cyclin gene sequences revealed that this cyclin belongs to the same structural group as the other known partial alfalfa cyclin sequences. Genetic segregation analysis based on DNA-DNA hybridization data showed that the CycIIIMs gene(s) locates in a single chromosomal region on linkage group 5 of the alfalfa genetic map between RFLP markers UO89A and CG13. The assignment of this cyclin to the mitotic cyclin class was based on its cDNA-derived sequence and its differential expression during G2/M cell cycle phase transition of a partially synchronized alfalfa cell culture. Sequence analysis indicated common motifs with both the A- and B-types of mitotic cyclins similarly to the newly described B3-type of animal cyclins.  相似文献   

Five aspartate aminotransferase (EC; AAT) isozymes were identified in soybean seedling extracts and designated AAT1 to AAT5 based on their rate of migration on non-denaturing electrophoretic gels. AAT1 was detected only in extracts of cotyledons from dark-grown seedlings. AAT3 and AAT4 were detected in crude extracts of leaves and in cotyledons of seedlings grown in the light. AAT2 and AAT5 were detected in all tissues examined. A soybean leaf cDNA clone, pSAT17, was identified by hybridization to a carrot AAT cDNA clone at low stringency. pSAT17 had an open reading frame which could encode a 50 581 Da protein. Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequence from the pSAT17 open reading frame with mature AAT protein sequences from rat disclosed a 60 amino acid N-terminal extension in the pSAT17 protein. This extension had characteristics of a plastid transit peptide.A plasmid, pEXAT17, was constructed which encoded the mature protein lacking the putative chloroplast transit polypeptide. Transformed Escherichia coli expressed a functional soybean AAT isozyme, which comigrated with the soybean AAT5 isozyme during agarose gel electrophoresis. Differential sucrose gradient sedimentation of soybean extracts indicated that AAT5 specifically cofractionated with chloroplasts. Antibodies raised against the pEXAT17-encoded AAT protein specifically reacted with the AAT5 isozyme of soybean and not with any of the other isozymes, indicating that the soybean cDNA clone, pSAT17, encodes the chloroplast isozyme, AAT5.  相似文献   

We report the isolation, characterization and expression of a cDNA encoding a polypeptide elongation factor‐1α (EF‐1α) from the marine red alga, Porphyra yezoensis. A cDNA clone was isolated from a leafy gametophyte cDNA library and the sequence was analyzed. The clone contained an open reading frame for a protein of 449 amino acids which exhibits sequence similarity to the known EF‐1α. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence showed higher similarity to the Porphyra pur‐purea EF‐1αtef‐c (97%) than to the P. purpurea EF‐1αtef‐s (61%). The mRNA was detected both in the leafy gametophyte and the filamentous sporophyte.  相似文献   

Differential screening of a cDNA bank constructed from ripe tomato fruit mRNA allowed the isolation of cDNA clone 2A11 which is entirely fruit-specific, is expressed at steadily increasing levels from anthesis to breaker, and accounts for approximately 1% of the messenger RNA in mature tomato fruit. A genomic clone corresponding to the 2A11 cDNA was isolated from a tomato genomic library. Sequence comparison of the cDNA clone with the genomic clone shows they are identical over the shared region with the genomic clone possessing a single large intron near the 5 end of the message.The open reading frame of 2A11 would encode a sulfur-rich polypeptide 96 amino acids in length. The identity of the putative protein is unknown. In situ hybridization shows that the 2A11 message is found throughout the pericarp cells in a tomato fruit. In contrast, in situ hybridization of early ripening stages with a polygalacturonase probe shows higher mRNA levels in cells of the outer pericarp and cells surrounding the vascular regions of the pericarp.  相似文献   

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