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The white Batswana of the Okavango identify as African, are strongly nationalistic and express deep senses of belonging to the social and physical environments of their birth and upbringing. Yet, claims to belonging by white people to extra-European territories are often perceived as inauthentic at best and neocolonial at worst. This raises the question of how the empirical realities of such connections can be analytically rendered without threatening or appropriating indigenous identities. Through making a case for the heuristic utility of the concept of experiential autochthony, I argue that emplacement and belonging can be fruitfully explored for migrant and settler groups.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the influence of distance from surface water on riparian woodland communities in the Okavango Delta. Vegetation sampling was conducted in seven sites within the Okavango Delta in 20 m × 10 m belted plots placed perpendicular to the river bank. The plots were placed at 0–10 m, 10–20 m, 20–30 m, 30–40 m and 40–50 m distance classes increasing away from the river bank. Tree height, basal area, species richness, canopy cover and diversity were determined for each distance class. Indicator species analysis was used to determine the characteristic species at each distance class. Single‐factor ANOVA and Tukey post hoc analysis were used to compare species diversity, mean tree height, cover and basal area between distance classes. Correlation between distance from surface water and vegetation parameters was sought using Spearman regression analysis. All parameters except for species richness varied significantly (< 0.05) along distance from surface water. Distance from surface water was positively correlated all vegetation parameters except for mean species richness/plot. These results show that distance from surface water influences riparian plant community composition and distribution in the Okavango Delta. This implies that riparian plant species can be indicators of long‐term hydrologic conditions in the Delta.  相似文献   

This study assesses land-use conflicts in the Okavango wetland ecosystem. A survey of the livelihood activities of a sample of four villages has been carried out and a stakeholder approach used to identify and analyse the key actors involved in resource competition and conflicts in the area. Traditional and emerging stakeholders were identified and found to be in conflict not only with each other but within themselves. Institutional policies on land use in the area are not properly harmonized, and there has been a top-down approach to development planning and implementation of development programmes. As a result, land-use conflicts have escalated in the area. The Okavango Delta Management Plan adopted in 2007 should integrate and harmonize all the land-use policies, and land management in the area.  相似文献   

The Okavango Delta, a Ramsar and a World Heritage Site, is an important source of food and water in the Kalahari Desert of southern Africa. Although the eastern delta fan is a protected area, the rest, including the upstream panhandle, is unprotected. Water quality in the Okavango Delta panhandle from Popa Falls, Namibia, to lagoons in the north-western delta fan, was investigated between December 2006 and January 2009. Results were compared to those of a study undertaken in the lower panhandle in the mid-1980s, in order to identify changes, if any. Despite increased human activities and livestock, physical water quality parameters lay within the ranges set out in the water quality guidelines of South Africa, while most chemical substances were below detection limits. The microbiological water quality indicated that microbial concentration was highest in areas of increased human and livestock activity. In general, the water quality of the unprotected panhandle had remained unaltered after more than two decades of change and growing pressure on it.  相似文献   

The Okavango Delta depends on water quantity and quality to sustain its ecosystem services. Whereas many studies have been carried out on its hydrology, few have been done on water quality in the delta. Water pH, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were monitored at 10 sites along the Okavango–Boro–Thamalakane–Lake Ngami system almost fortnightly from June 2008 to June 2010. Water quality in the delta was generally good, despite high evapotranspiration rates which would normally produce very saline waters. Electrical conductivity and water temperature increased with distance from Mohembo to Lake Ngami, the former most likely due to evapoconcentration. In contrast, pH, DO, turbidity and TSS decreased with distance from Mohembo to Boro at the lower end of the seasonal floodplain, before increasing again to Lake Ngami. Dissolved oxygen and TSS most likely declined due to biological uptake and particle sedimentation, respectively. Strong and significant relationships were observed between TSS and turbidity and between DOC and EC, indicating that turbidity and EC could be useful proxies for routine estimations of TSS and DOC, respectively, in the delta.  相似文献   

The nutrient (P and N species) and chloride budgets were investigated in a representative floodplain in the seasonal wetlands of the Okavango Delta, Botswana. A variety of sources of nutrients in the surface water were considered, namely ion species coming with the floodwater, those generated from dry floodplain soils and those from water-soluble dust deposition (both local and long-range sources). Concentrations of total-nitrogen and chloride in surface water were below 1 mg l−1. Total-phosphorus concentrations were 0.05 mg l−1, reflecting the oligotrophic character of the system. Dust deposition rates were highest for chloride at 2.44 g m−2 year−1 followed by 0.79 g m−2 year−1 for total-N, 0.40 g m−2 year−1 for ammonia and only 0.02 g m−2 year−1 for total-P, respectively. Chloride was derived primarily from long-range transport, while N and P species were of more local origin. Dissolution rates for these ions combined were calculated to be 3.9 g m−2 for the flooded area in the 1999 season and thus all dry deposits must be re-dissolved. The accumulation of dust deposits on dry surfaces and their subsequent dissolution causes 2–5 times higher concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and chloride with the onset of the flood, thus boosting the nutrient stock in the crucial phase of the onset of flooding. Chloride dissolved from dry soil surfaces and dust contributed approximately 40% to the overall floodplain budget. Although contributions from the soil surface and dust to the nitrogen and phosphorus pools of the floodplain are less prominent (with 10% of total), they nonetheless represent a significant source of nutrients in the entire system. Extrapolation to annually flooded swamps (10,000 km2) indicates a maximum contribution of 40% for total-nitrogen and 60% for total-phosphorus from dust deposition on wet or dry surfaces to the nutrient pool of the water body.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration on plant water use are best evaluated on plants grown under field conditions and with measurement techniques that do not disturb the natural function of the plant. Heat balance sap flow gauges were used on individual main stems of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Yecora rojo) grown under normal ambient conditions (control) and in a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) system in Arizona with either high (control + high H2O = CW; FACE + high H2O = FW) or low (control + low H2O = CD; FACE + low H2O = FD) irrigation regimens. Over a 30d period (stem elongation to anthesis), combinations of treatments were monitored with,10–40 gauges per treatment. The effects of increased CO2 on tiller water use were inconsistent in both the diurnal patterns of sap flow and the statistical analyses of daily sap flow (Ftot). Initial results suggested that the reductions in Ftot, from CO2 enrichment were small (,0–10%) in relation to the H2O treatment effect (,20–30%). For a 3d period, Ftot of FW was,19–26% less than that of CW (P = 0.10). Examination of the different sources of variation in the study revealed that the location of gauges within the experimental plots influenced the variance of the sap flow measurements. This variation was probably related to positional variation in subsurface drip lines used to irrigate plots. A sampling design was proposed for use of sap flow gauges in FACE systems with subsurface irrigation that takes into account the main treatment effects of CO2 enrichment and the other sources of variation identified in this study. Despite the small and often statistically non-significant differences in Ftot between the CW and FW treatments, cumulative water use of the FW treatment at the end of the first three test periods ranged from 7 to 23% lower than that of the CW treatment. Differences in sap flow between FW and CW compared well with treatment differences in evapotranspiration. The results of the study, based on the first reported sap flow measurements of wheat, suggest that irrigation requirements for wheat production, in the present climatic regimen of the south-western US, may be predicted to decrease slightly because of increasing atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

We present results of a 10-year study of free-ranging gray-footed chacma baboons (Papio ursinus griseipes) in the Okavango Delta of Botswana. The majority of deaths among adult females and juveniles were due to predation, while infants were more likely to die of infanticide. There were strong seasonal effects on birth and mortality, with the majority of conceptions occurring during the period of highest rainfall. Mortality due to predation and infanticide was highest during the 3-mo period when flooding was at its peak, when the group was more scattered and constrained to move along predictable routes. The reproductive parameters most likely to be associated with superior competitive ability—interbirth interval and infant growth rates—conferred a slight fitness advantage on high-ranking females. However, it was counterbalanced by the effects of infanticide and predation. Infanticide affected high- and low-ranking females more than middle-ranking females, while predation affected females of all ranks relatively equally. As a result, there were few rank-related differences in estimated female lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

During the annual drawdown in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, large shoals of catfish migrate upstream in the main river channels. The examination of samples of the sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus and blunttooth catfish C. ngamensis revealed that they were pack-hunting and selectively preying on two species of mormyrids, the bulldog Marcusenius macrolepidotus and the churchill Petrocephalus catostoma . The predation on mormyrids may be related to prey size and abundance. In addition, catfish may sense the electrical discharge given off by the mormyrids when disturbed. The catfish feed intensively for a few months and build up body reserves and reproductive condition prior to spawning on shallow floodplains with the onset of the annual floods from Angola.  相似文献   

Synopsis The Okavango Delta is a large inland swamp in northern Botswana which receives an annual flood from the highlands of southern Angola. There are distinct fish taxocenes in the Okavango which can be separated from each other by the physical characteristics of the different habitat types with which they co-evolved. An account is given of the ecology and conservation of the fishes of the Okavango Delta. Their response to the annual flood regime, and the environmental factors that limit their distribution and abundance, are described. In the northern riverine floodplain and perennial swamp a higher species richness and ichthyomass was recorded than in the seasonal swamp and drainage rivers. Suggestions are made on the conservation of Okavango fishes taking into account the ecological characteristics of the Delta.  相似文献   

Motalaotte, S. & Bouwman, H. 2000. Pesticide levels in stork and spoonbill eggs from the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Ostrich 71 (1&2):344.

Ecotourism in the Okavango Delta is one of the major sources of foreign revenue for the Republic of Botswana. Promoting this region is therefore vital to sustainable development. One of the concerns was the past use of organochlorine pesticides to combat tsetse fly. This study looked at the levels and possible risk this use poses to Marabou storks and African Spoonbills, as well as some other birds, from this region. One particular breeding colony also experienced a decline in breeding success, the cause of which is unknown. DDE was present in almost all the eggs and blood sampled, while DDD, DDT and Dieldrin were also found in many. These pesticides are therefore present in the food chain and should be closely monitored to determine any temporal trends.  相似文献   

The resource‐use patterns and nutritional status of sable antelope herds were investigated in the Okavango Delta region of northern Botswana for comparison with those documented for declining sable antelope populations elsewhere in southern Africa. GPS collars recorded the relative use of floodplain, upland and wooded grassland habitats by the sable herds while VHF beacons facilitated locating the herds for direct observations on feeding. Surprisingly, the sable herds made greatest use of upland grasslands, rather than the floodplain grasslands exposed after floodwater had receded, during the dry season months. In the upland grasslands, they exploited tall, fibrous grass species that retained quite high levels of greenness through the dry season. This ability, together with partial use of the floodplain and some browsing on new leaves and flowers, helped maintain dietary nitrogen and phosphorus levels, as indicated by faecal nutrient levels, above maintenance thresholds through the dry season. Hence, the sable herds in the study region did not seem to be limited nutritionally under the rainfall and flooding conditions prevailing during the study.  相似文献   

A classification scheme is presented for seasonal floodplains of the Boro-Xudum distributary of the Okavango Delta, Botswana. This distributary is subject to an annual flood-pulse, the inundated area varying from a mean low of 3 600 km2 to a mean high of 5 400 km2 between 2000 and 2006. A stratified random sample of 30 sites was surveyed for species composition and abundance in March–June 2007, using multiple quadrats along transects orthogonal to the floodplain long axis. A combination of indicator species analysis and ordination was used to derive a hierarchical classification system for floodplains, based on species assemblages. Indicator species analysis was used to identify ecologically meaningful levels of division, at four and nine classes. The four main classes of floodplain were: (1) Dry Floodplain Grassland (main indicators Urochloa mosambicensis, Ipomoea coptica, Chloris virgata and Pechuel-Loeschea leubnitziae); (2) Seasonally Flooded Grassland (Nicolasia costata, Eragrostis lappula, Cyperus sphaerospermus and Setaria sphacelata); (3) Seasonally Flooded Sedgeland (Eleocharis dulcis, Leersia hexandra, Oryza longistaminata and Cyperus articulatus); and (4) Seasonal Aquatic Communities (Sacciolepis typhura, Eleocharis variegata, Fuirena pubescens and Cycnium tubulosum). The resultant dendrogram provides an objective routine for classifying floodplains in the Boro-Xudum distributary in an ecologically meaningful way. This classification will assist in monitoring changes in vegetation resulting from hydrological change.  相似文献   

Meyer's Parrot Poicephalus meyeri is the only cavity-nesting bird species that breeds during winter in the Okavango Delta. This is facilitated by exclusive access to arthropod larvae incubating inside and feeding on fruits and pods in their diet. To minimise predation risk and overcome low overnight temperatures they have specialised, non-random nest cavity preferences that restrict them to 4.5% of the available nest cavities in the study area. Here we evaluated the nest niche of Meyer's Parrot by studying the nest tree preferences and ecological context of all nest cavities to determine factors that may restrict breeding success in disturbed or altered habitat. Although specific nest tree preferences were significantly different between host tree species, Meyer's Parrot preferred trees greater than 14 m in height that were in relatively poor condition (e.g. portion of the canopy dead). A comparison of nest tree characteristics (n = 75) and the availability of these tree specifications in a representative sample of the different habitat types (n = 1 129) within the sample area indicated that Meyer's Parrot are dependent on riverine forest, Acacia-Combretum marginal woodland and dry mopane woodland for nesting opportunities. Disturbance to hardwood trees by African elephants Loxodonta africana and fungal attack (e.g. Coriolus versicolor) are likely important dynamics in supporting healthy Meyer's Parrot populations and cavity-nesting bird communities.  相似文献   

The study investigates the relevance of fire frequency for the floodplain vegetation of the Okavango Delta in Botswana, considering species composition, species richness, vegetation structure and tree density. Based on flood and fire frequency data derived from a series of satellite images, active and drying floodplains were separated and study plots were selected with fire frequencies up to ten burns between 1989 and 2003. Both for drying and active floodplains, no typical species assemblage could be associated with fire frequency. On drying floodplains, fire frequency showed no effect on species composition, but rather on vegetation structure. While small woody species showed higher cover values on high fire frequency, large trees showed significantly lower cover values on high fire frequency. For active floodplains, a significant response to fire frequency, both positively and negatively could be determined for specific species. But as almost none of these species appear at low or high frequency only, no differences in species composition could be associated with fire frequency. Rather flood frequency and specific annual flood cycles could be described as the determining factors for the vegetation on active floodplains.  相似文献   

A gauge that measures the mass flow rate of water in a growing tree is described. The gauge consists of an electric band heater wrapped around a section of the stem, a temperature controller that switches the current to the heater on and off so as to maintain a constant temperature rise across the heated section, and a timer to record the total time for which the heater is switched on. An energy balance shows the mass flow of water to be proportional to the time of operation of the heater. The magnitude of measurement errors is estimated using dimensional analysis and a numerical model. Experimental measurements of the flow rate of water in a tree using the gauge agree well with its recorded loss of weight.  相似文献   

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