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In this study, a probabilistic degree‐day phenology model has been developed for the codling moth, Cydia pomonella, and calibrated using data from laboratory growth studies. The model is further used to predict the succession and overlapping of certain biological events of C. pomonella in probabilistic‐physiological time scale in northern Greece fruit orchards. The model satisfactorily predicts the stage‐specific pest population dynamics, including egg laying and hatching, the occurrence of larvae and pupae stages and the emergence of adults. According to the model projections for the adult flights, there is a very high probability, p = 0.999, of observing adults of the first flight generation until 333 degree‐days (DD), but a very low probability of finding adults of the second flight generation. Moreover, at 575 DD, the probability of finding an individual to lay eggs is p = 0.15. However, there is nearly the same probability of egg hatch, p = 0.36, and larval completion p = 0.313, while at the same time, the probability of pupal completion is very low, p = 0.001. The above model predictions were validated using field data for the adult stage emergence as well as for the percentage of larval damage providing satisfactory results considering that larval emergence prediction was close to actual fruit damage observed in field. This information is very important considering that IPM programs rely on the use of biorational compounds, such as IGRs and bio‐toxins which are stage selective and often have a shorter residual activity than the preceding broad‐spectrum insecticides.  相似文献   

Coffee leafminer, Leucoptera coffeella, is a pest in many New World coffee growing areas. Previous studies suggested that its population dynamics were strongly affected by natural enemies, particularly of larvae, and physical environmental conditions. Our study documented through field surveys and life table analyses (i) the natural enemy complex associated with coffee leafminer and (ii) the impacts of natural enemies on the population dynamics of coffee leafminer, on coffee (Coffea arabica) at two elevations and two rainfall levels in the Soconusco region of Chiapas, Mexico. Twenty-two larval parasitoid species (including 14 morphospecies) were collected. Egg and pupal parasitoids were not recovered. Life table analyses showed that parasitism contributed 10% of real mortality, and parasitism rates were 8–10-fold higher at the low (<550 m) versus high (>950 m) elevation; parasitism rates were similar under low (<100 mm) and high (>400 mm) rainfall. Seventeen predator species (including five morphospecies) were collected, of which most were ants (Formicidae, 14 species) that contributed >58% of real mortality. Life table analyses showed that predation rates were higher at high versus low elevation and under high versus low rainfall. Independently of elevation and rainfall, egg predation (likely by ants) was the most important source of indispensable mortality (range = 0.13–0.30), except at low elevation and high rainfall where pupal predation (=0.14) was similarly important. Also, predation was the main source of coffee leafminer larval and pupal mortality during a 13-month period in a low elevation coffee farm and was highest during the rainy season (>400 mm rainfall/month), when coffee leafminer prevalence was highest. Overall, predation of eggs and pupae (the latter particularly at low elevation), mostly by ants, were the most important sources of coffee leafminer mortality. Because ants were the main source of coffee leafminer egg and pupal mortality, their importance and potential role in coffee pest management strategies were discussed.  相似文献   

1. Temporal isolation by cohort splitting is a life‐history mechanism that has been reported in many temperate insects, including those inhabiting freshwater habitats. Although the cohorts seem to maintain separate temporal niches in a specific location, the temporal isolation may be disrupted across a geographic gradient due to constraints imposed by seasonality. 2. This prediction was tested on two temporally isolated populations of the obligatory univoltine Lestes virens (Odonata, Lestidae) in north‐east Algeria. Although the two cohorts emerge at the same time in spring, one cohort reproduces in summer, while the second cohort estivates in summer and reproduces in autumn. A survey assessing the phenology and abundance was conducted on eight ponds across an elevational gradient (5–1012 m asl) using capture–mark–recapture and adult density sampling. 3. In all sites from low to high elevation, the species showed cohort splitting. The phenology of reproduction of both cohorts showed a delay with elevation, but the cline was 2.2 days for the summer cohort and 0.7 days for the autumn cohort per 100 m of elevation. Moreover, the density of adults in the autumn cohort was higher than that of summer cohort across the entire elevational range, and the difference increased with elevation. 4. These findings regarding the differential elevational cline in the phenology show that the temporal isolation of the two cohorts becomes narrower at high elevation, suggesting potential inter‐cohort temporal overlap at higher elevations. 5. The claim that the two cohorts of L. virens are true temporally isolated species needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to alter relationships between trophic levels by changing the phenology of interacting species. We tested whether synchrony between two critical phenological events, budburst of host species and larval emergence from diapause of eastern spruce budworm, increased at warmer temperatures in the boreal forest in northeastern Canada. Budburst was up to 4.6 ± 0.7 days earlier in balsam fir and up to 2.8 ± 0.8 days earlier in black spruce per degree increase in temperature, in naturally occurring microclimates. Larval emergence from diapause did not exhibit a similar response. Instead, larvae emerged once average ambient temperatures reached 10°C, regardless of differences in microclimate. Phenological synchrony increased with warmer microclimates, tightening the relationship between spruce budworm and its host species. Synchrony increased by up to 4.5 ± 0.7 days for balsam fir and up to 2.8 ± 0.8 days for black spruce per degree increase in temperature. Under a warmer climate, defoliation could potentially begin earlier in the season, in which case, damage on the primary host, balsam fir may increase. Black spruce, which escapes severe herbivory because of a 2‐week delay in budburst, would become more suitable as a resource for the spruce budworm. The northern boreal forest could become more vulnerable to outbreaks in the future.  相似文献   

Bioacoustic localization of bird vocalizations provides unattended observations of the location of calling individuals in many field applications. While this technique has been successful in monitoring terrestrial distributions of calling birds, no published study has applied these methods to migrating birds in flight. The value of nocturnal flight call recordings can increase with the addition of three‐dimensional position retrievals, which can be achieved with adjustments to existing localization techniques. Using the time difference of arrival method, we have developed a proof‐of‐concept acoustic microphone array that allows the three‐dimensional positioning of calls within the airspace. Our array consists of six microphones, mounted in pairs at the top and bottom of three 10‐m poles, arranged in an equilateral triangle with sides of 20 m. The microphone array was designed using readily available components and costs less than $2,000 USD to build and deploy. We validate this technique using a kite‐lofted GPS and speaker package, and obtain 60.1% of vertical retrievals within the accuracy of the GPS measurements (±5 m) and 80.4% of vertical retrievals within ±10 m. The mean Euclidian distance between the acoustic retrievals of flight calls and the GPS truth was 9.6 m. Identification and localization of nocturnal flight calls have the potential to provide species‐specific spatial characterizations of bird migration within the airspace. Even with the inexpensive equipment used in this trial, low‐altitude applications such as surveillance around wind farms or oil platforms can benefit from the three‐dimensional retrievals provided by this technique.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Seasonal patterns of adult emergence, host-seeking and reproductive ageing in a population of the woodland mosquito Aedes punctor (Kirby) are described from field studies in northern Britain in 1984 and 1985.
2. The pattern of emergence showed little variation between years but duration did vary. Males started emerging before females. Sex ratios at emergence showed a marked female bias. A late, second period of emergence apparently represented a second generation in this normally univoltine species.
3. Host-seeking females were first caught at human bait within a few days of the start of emergence and peak numbers at bait occurred 3–4 weeks later. High numbers lasted for c. 2 weeks. The duration of host-seeking activity was related to weather. The second emergence in 1985 resulted in a second peak of activity in early September and probably extended the flight season.
4. As the season progressed the proportion of females that were parous increased. However, this proportion never reached 1.0, indicating variation in individual reproductive success, which differed between years.
5. The reproductive biology of individuals within the population was investigated. No autogeny was detected, suggesting that the population was entirely anautogenous.  相似文献   

1. The timing of adult emergence in stream insects is tightly constrained by environmental cues. Emergence is therefore predicted to be delayed at higher elevations, although few studies have empirically demonstrated this phenomenon. 2. We analysed the collection records of New Zealand's entire endemic mayfly fauna (52 species, 20 genera, 8 families) to test for correlations between adult emergence timing and elevation. 3. Significant positive associations between emergence timing and elevation were detected in more than half (11/21) of the taxa included in detailed analyses, with emergence delays for individual taxa (mean 3.2 ± 2.6 days per 100 m) similar to those previously observed in other freshwater insect taxa. Interspecific analyses accounting for phylogenetic relatedness revealed a non-significant positive relationship (P = 0.14) between median elevation and median collection date. 4. While elevation often has significant effects on insect emergence, these results also emphasise the idiosyncratic responses of individual insect taxa to environmental conditions. More detailed temporal studies are crucial for assessing the ongoing impacts of climate-driven shifts on insect phenology.  相似文献   

The African halfbeak Hyporhamphus picarti (Hemiramphidae) is one of the most abundant species within the ichthyoplankton community of the Sine Saloum estuary (Senegal). A year‐round occurrence of larvae suggests that the Sine Saloum is an important spawning habitat for this species. Annual fluctuations in water temperature, however, can have severe impacts on the survival probabilities of marine fish larvae. To determine whether temperature has an effect on the growth of H. picarti during its larval development, larval age at length and somatic growth rates were investigated for two contrasting spawning seasons in 2014: February (cold season, 20.8°C) and June (warm season, 26.4°C). In both months H. picarti larvae were sampled at the mouth of the Saloum River using neuston nets. Sagittal otoliths’ increments were counted to estimate the larva age at a given standard length (SL). The age of larvae ranged between 2 and 22 days, with SL of 3.86–21.68 mm, respectively. In order to describe larval age at length during the contrasting spawning seasons, two distinctive Gompertz functions were applied. Accordingly, specimens sampled in June (0.94 ± 0.17 mm per day) exhibited significantly higher somatic growth rates than those sampled in February (0.60 ± 0.06 mm per day). These findings suggest that water temperature is an important factor influencing larval growth in H. picarti. Information concerning the early life stages of H. picarti are scarce and the results of the present study may contribute to a better understanding of the species’ biology and ecology.  相似文献   


Acisoma inflatum

is a threatened dragonfly in the Mediterranean, where only a few relict populations remain. It is listed as endangered in North Africa, where no data on its biology, behaviour or ecology are available. These latter are important to understand how this species is adapted to local environmental conditions and for establishing effective conservation plans. In this study, the life history of A. inflatum is investigated in a north-east Algerian population. By combining field and laboratory investigations on embryonic development and regular collection of exuviae during the emergence season, it is revealed that the species has direct and synchronous embryonic development, with 75% of all eggs hatching after 10 days of oviposition, and a hatching period ranging from 9 to 15 days. Emergences were asynchronous with half of the larval population (EM50) emerging within the first 25 days of a 64-day emergence season, which matches a typical ‘summer species’ emergence pattern. Sex ratio at emergence was not significantly different from unity. Body size of exuviae did not show a significant pattern across the season. Exuviae males and females did not differ in their vertical stratification. Height of exuviae fixation during mergence was not random, but was rather positively correlated with support height where the relationship was logarithmic. Apparent lifespan of adults was not significantly different between sexes with a mean of 4.6 ± 2.9 days (± SD). Males and females reached their sexual maturity after two days of emergence. The information provided in this study has not been reported before and thus will be helpful in future conservation efforts.  相似文献   

In semi‐arid climates, plant population dynamics are strongly influenced by the amount and temporal distribution of rainfall. We monitored a population of the tree species Cordia oncocalyx (Boraginaceae) for 24 months in the dry thorny woodland of semi‐arid northeastern Brazil, to investigate which life‐history traits allow this tree to be locally dominant. We used horizontal life tables and a Lefkovitch matrix and tested for relationships among demographic parameters of seedling, infant, juvenile, immature, virginile and reproductive ontogenetic stages with rainfall and canopy openness. Germination and recruitment occurred in the rainy months, and dry‐season mortality occurred only in seedlings (76% and 100%, first and second years, respectively) and infants (3% and 6%). Juveniles showed greater height growth under more open canopies (Spearman correlation coefficient = 0.24), suggesting that light availability influences growth. The population growth rate was λ = 1.0336, and the highest sensitivity occurred in the infant‐juvenile transition. Our results show light as a restrictive growth factor for plants in the juvenile stage and confirm the strong influence of rainfall on the dynamics of trees in a seasonally dry environment. The formation of a persistent seed bank with germination concentrated at the rainfall onset but spreading over the rainy season are strategies that hedge bets before establishment. The formation of a bank of infants, which can resume growth as soon as there is water, hedges bets after establishment. We attribute the positive population growth rate of Cordia oncocalyx to survival strategies allowing bet‐hedging both before and after establishment.  相似文献   

Emergence and seasonal regulation of the dragonfly Onychogomphus costae Selys, 1885, were surveyed thoroughly during two consecutive years from two nearby stretches upstream the Seybouse River, northeastern Algeria. The emergence season started in mid-May and lasted 68 and 58 days showing a peak in late May and early June in 2011 and 2012, respectively. During the two years 2011 and 2012, 50% of annual emergence occurred after 25 and 22 days, respectively. Sex ratio was slightly but not significantly male biased. Female exuviae were recorded at higher height than males. Height of the exuviae fixation was positively correlated to support height and head width. Percentage mortality at emergence was mainly due to deformity and predation counting from 7.9% to 9.15% of the total emergent population. The species seasonal regulation is inferred and discussed based on the emergence temporal pattern and larval development.  相似文献   

Life‐history traits, especially the mode and duration of larval development, are expected to strongly influence the population connectivity and phylogeography of marine species. Comparative analysis of sympatric, closely related species with differing life histories provides the opportunity to specifically investigate these mechanisms of evolution but have been equivocal in this regard. Here, we sample two sympatric sea stars across the same geographic range in temperate waters of Australia. Using a combination of mitochondrial DNA sequences, nuclear DNA sequences, and microsatellite genotypes, we show that the benthic‐developing sea star, Parvulastra exigua, has lower levels of within‐ and among‐population genetic diversity, more inferred genetic clusters, and higher levels of hierarchical and pairwise population structure than Meridiastra calcar, a species with planktonic development. While both species have populations that have diverged since the middle of the second glacial period of the Pleistocene, most P. exigua populations have origins after the last glacial maxima (LGM), whereas most M. calcar populations diverged long before the LGM. Our results indicate that phylogenetic patterns of these two species are consistent with predicted dispersal abilities; the benthic‐developing P. exigua shows a pattern of extirpation during the LGM with subsequent recolonization, whereas the planktonic‐developing M. calcar shows a pattern of persistence and isolation during the LGM with subsequent post‐Pleistocene introgression.  相似文献   

Phenology shifts are the most widely cited examples of the biological impact of climate change, yet there are few assessments of potential effects on the fitness of individual organisms or the persistence of populations. Despite extensive evidence of climate‐driven advances in phenological events over recent decades, comparable patterns across species' geographic ranges have seldom been described. Even fewer studies have quantified concurrent spatial gradients and temporal trends between phenology and climate. Here we analyse a large data set (~129 000 phenology measures) over 37 years across the UK to provide the first phylogenetic comparative analysis of the relative roles of plasticity and local adaptation in generating spatial and temporal patterns in butterfly mean flight dates. Although populations of all species exhibit a plastic response to temperature, with adult emergence dates earlier in warmer years by an average of 6.4 days per °C, among‐population differences are significantly lower on average, at 4.3 days per °C. Emergence dates of most species are more synchronised over their geographic range than is predicted by their relationship between mean flight date and temperature over time, suggesting local adaptation. Biological traits of species only weakly explained the variation in differences between space‐temperature and time‐temperature phenological responses, suggesting that multiple mechanisms may operate to maintain local adaptation. As niche models assume constant relationships between occurrence and environmental conditions across a species' entire range, an important implication of the temperature‐mediated local adaptation detected here is that populations of insects are much more sensitive to future climate changes than current projections suggest.  相似文献   

In many marine invertebrates, long‐distance dispersal is achieved during an extended pelagic larval phase. Although such dispersal should result in high gene flow over broad spatial scales, fine‐scale genetic structure has often been reported, a pattern attributed to interfamilial variance in reproductive success and limited homogenization during dispersal. To examine this hypothesis, the genetic diversity of dispersing larvae must be compared with the postdispersal stages, that is benthic recruits and adults. Such data remain, however, scarce due to the difficulty to sample and analyse larvae of minute size. Here, we carried out such an investigation using the marine gastropod Crepidula fornicata. Field sampling of three to four larval pools was conducted over the reproductive season and repeated over 3 years. The genetic composition of larval pools, obtained with 16 microsatellite loci, was compared with that of recruits and adults sampled from the same site and years. In contrast to samples of juveniles and adults, large genetic temporal variations between larval pools produced at different times of the same reproductive season were observed. In addition, full‐ and half‐sibs were detected in early larvae and postdispersal juveniles, pointing to correlated dispersal paths between several pairs of individuals. Inbred larvae were also identified. Such collective larval dispersal was unexpected given the long larval duration of the study species. Our results suggest that each larval pool is produced by a small effective number of reproducers but that, over a reproductive season, the whole larval pool is produced by large numbers of reproducers across space and time.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the current population size, structure and habitat preference of Soemmerring's gazelle [Nanger soemmerringii (Cretzschmar 1828)] in the Alledeghi Wildlife Reserve, NE Ethiopia. Animals were counted, both during dry and wet seasons, along 12 line transects each in three habitat types (grassland, tree‐scattered grassland and bushland) in 2015/16. Habitat type had nonsignificant effect on mean population density of Soemmerring's gazelle, but wet season mean density was significantly higher than dry season mean density. Estimated weighted mean (±95% CI) population density of the species in the reserve was 1.90 (±0.17) and 5.99 (±0.370) individuals/km2 during the dry and wet seasons, respectively. Total population size of the species in the Alledeghi Wildlife Reserve was estimated at 826 ± 77 and 2,562 ± 158 individuals during the dry and wet seasons, respectively. Over half of the total population of Soemmerring's gazelle was represented by adult females during both seasons. Seasonal habitat preference of Soemmerring's gazelle was statistically significant, with greater preference for grassland habitat during wet season and for bushland habitat during dry season. In conclusion, this study has provided valuable data that will be used as a baseline for future population monitoring.  相似文献   

1. As for some other spring‐feeding moths, adult flight of Epirrita autumnata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) occurs in late autumn. Late‐season flight is a result of a prolonged pupal period. Potential evolutionary explanations for this phenological pattern are evaluated. 2. In a laboratory rearing, there was a weak correlation between pupation date and the time of adult emergence. A substantial genetic difference in pupal period was found between two geographic populations. Adaptive evolution of eclosion time can thus be expected. 3. Metabolic costs of a prolonged pupal period were found to be moderate but still of some ecological significance. Pupal mortality is likely to form the main cost of the prolonged pupal period. 4. Mortality rates of adults, exposed in the field, showed a declining temporal trend from late summer to normal eclosion time in autumn. Lower predation pressure on adults may constitute the decisive selective advantage of late‐season flight. It is suggested that ants, not birds, were the main predators responsible for the temporal trend. 5. Egg mortality was estimated to be low; it is thus unlikely that the late adult period is selected for to reduce the time during which eggs are exposed to predators. 6. In a laboratory experiment, oviposition success was maximal at the time of actual flight peak of E. autumnata, however penalties resulting from sub‐optimal timing of oviposition remained limited.  相似文献   

Global warming will lead to earlier beginnings and prolongation of growing seasons in temperate regions and will have pronounced effects on phenology and life-history adaptation in many species. These changes were not easy to simulate for actual phenologies because of the rudimentary temporal (season) and spatial (regional) resolution of climate model projections. We investigate the effect of climate change on the regional incidence of a pest insect with nearly worldwide distribution and very high potential for adaptation to season length and temperature--the Codling Moth, Cydia pomonella. Seasonal and regional climate change signals were downscaled to the hourly temporal scale of a pest phenology model and the spatial scale of pest habitats using a stochastic weather generator operating at daily scale in combination with a re-sampling approach for simulation of hourly weather data. Under future conditions of increased temperatures (2045-2074), the present risk of below 20% for a pronounced second generation (peak larval emergence) in Switzerland will increase to 70-100%. The risk of an additional third generation will increase from presently 0-2% to 100%. We identified a significant two-week shift to earlier dates in phenological stages, such as overwintering adult flight. The relative extent (magnitude) of first generation pupae and all later stages will significantly increase. The presence of first generation pupae and later stages will be prolonged. A significant decrease in the length of overlap of first and second generation larval emergence was identified. Such shifts in phenology may induce changes in life-history traits regulating the life cycle. An accordingly life-history adaptation in photoperiodic diapause induction to shorter day-length is expected and would thereby even more increase the risk of an additional generation. With respect to Codling Moth management, the shifts in phenology and voltinism projected here will require adaptations of plant protection strategies to maintain their sustainability.  相似文献   

Dispersal is an important early life history process that influences fish population dynamics and recruitment. We studied larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) dispersal by combining spatially explicit field sampling, genetic methods, and laboratory experiments to investigate how far sea lamprey larvae can disperse away from nests during their first growing season; subsequent dispersal by age 1 of sea lamprey; and the effect of density on larval dispersal. In two study streams sea lamprey larvae were observed to have moved >150 m downstream from the most likely source nest within 2–3 weeks of hatching. Conversely, randomization trials suggested that for both streams age 0 larvae were found closer to full siblings than would be expected if dispersal was not constrained by distance. Restricted dispersal was also observed for age 1 larvae in five streams, although for this age class full siblings were more commonly found to be separated by >1,000 m. Laboratory experiments indicated a significant effect of density on the movement of larval sea lamprey, with more larval movement at higher densities. Temperature also affected movement significantly, with reduced larval movements at cooler temperatures. Our findings suggest that larval sea lamprey dispersal is sufficient to minimize the likelihood of strong density-dependent effects on recruitment, even with large population sizes.  相似文献   

Oomyzus sokolowskii, an important parasitoid of Plutella xylostella, has great potential for use in biological control. Storage at suboptimal temperature is valuable for increasing the shelf‐life of insect parasitoids. In this study, O. sokolowskii larvae were reared at 30/25, 25/25 and 25/20°C light/dark (65 ± 5% RH, 16 : 8 h L : D) until pupation. The pupae were then cold‐stored at 4 ± 1°C (60 ± 5% RH, full darkness). The pupae were removed out from the storage at 10, 20, 30 and 40 days after storage (DAS) and maintained at 25 ± 2°C until adults emerged or pupae died. Quality of the emerging adults and their F1 offspring were assessed. Incidence of parasitism by O. sokolowskii was higher at 30/25°C than at 25/20°C. Cold storage of O. sokolowskii pupae greatly affected the fitness of the parasitoid: adult emergence rates were lower in the 40 DAS treatment than in other treatments; when O. sokolowskii larvae developed at 25/25°C, female proportions of the emerged adults were lower in the 40 DAS treatment than in the 0 and 10 DAS treatments. Larval rearing temperature mildly affected the adult emergence rate, post‐storage developmental time and female proportion with a few exceptions. Number of parasitoids emerged per host pupa, and incidence of parasitism by the females were neither affected by larval rearing temperature nor cold storage duration. Trans‐generational effects on F1 offspring were evident in adult emergence rate, egg‐adult developmental time and female proportion which were negatively affected by long duration of storage (40 days), but not by larval rearing temperature with a few exceptions. In conclusion, O. sokolowskii pupae could be stored at 4°C for up to 30 days without significant fitness loss.  相似文献   

In natural communities, closely related species are phenotypically similar but usually spatially and/or temporally isolated. In odonates, interspecific competition occurs not only at the larval or adult stage but also during emergence. We investigated the emergence of two sympatric Anax species, focusing on the temporal pattern, vertical stratification, and body size trend over time. Anax imperator started to emerge two weeks earlier than A. parthenope but most of the emergence season overlapped. Both species showed an asynchronous emergence and the median emergence date was 10.3 days earlier in A. imperator. Sex ratio at emergence was not significantly different from 1:1. Body size of both species increased significantly over time, which contrasts many previous studies. The height of exuvia fixation was not significantly different between species but the larger species A. parthenope selected longer supports.  相似文献   

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