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Group A rotavirus classification is currently based on the molecular properties of the two outer layer proteins, VP7 and VP4, and the middle layer protein, VP6. As reassortment of all the 11 rotavirus gene segments plays a key role in generating rotavirus diversity in nature, a classification system that is based on all the rotavirus gene segments is desirable for determining which genes influence rotavirus host range restriction, replication, and virulence, as well as for studying rotavirus epidemiology and evolution. Toward establishing such a classification system, gene sequences encoding VP1 to VP3, VP6, and NSP1 to NSP5 were determined for human and animal rotavirus strains belonging to different G and P genotypes in addition to those available in databases, and they were used to define phylogenetic relationships among all rotavirus genes. Based on these phylogenetic analyses, appropriate identity cutoff values were determined for each gene. For the VP4 gene, a nucleotide identity cutoff value of 80% completely correlated with the 27 established P genotypes. For the VP7 gene, a nucleotide identity cutoff value of 80% largely coincided with the established G genotypes but identified four additional distinct genotypes comprised of murine or avian rotavirus strains. Phylogenetic analyses of the VP1 to VP3, VP6, and NSP1 to NSP5 genes showed the existence of 4, 5, 6, 11, 14, 5, 7, 11, and 6 genotypes, respectively, based on nucleotide identity cutoff values of 83%, 84%, 81%, 85%, 79%, 85%, 85%, 85%, and 91%, respectively. In accordance with these data, a revised nomenclature of rotavirus strains is proposed. The novel classification system allows the identification of (i) distinct genotypes, which probably followed separate evolutionary paths; (ii) interspecies transmissions and a plethora of reassortment events; and (iii) certain gene constellations that revealed (a) a common origin between human Wa-like rotavirus strains and porcine rotavirus strains and (b) a common origin between human DS-1-like rotavirus strains and bovine rotaviruses. These close evolutionary links between human and animal rotaviruses emphasize the need for close simultaneous monitoring of rotaviruses in animals and humans.  相似文献   

Sybenga J  Verhaar H  Botje DG 《Genetics》2008,178(4):1915-1926
In telocentric trisomics (telotrisomics) of organisms in which the chromosomes normally have two distinct arms, a single chromosome arm with a centromere is present in addition to a complete diploid set of chromosomes. It is the simplest form of polysomy and suitable for analyzing meiotic pairing and recombination patterns in situations where chromosomes compete for pairing. When no suitable meiotic chromosome markers are available, four metaphase I configurations can be distinguished. Their relative frequencies are indicative of the pairing and recombination patterns. In short arm (1RS) telotrisomics of chromosome 1R of rye (Secale cereale) we observed great differences in pairing and recombination patterns among spikes from different tillers and clones of the same plants. Anthers within spikes were only very rarely different. We analyzed a large number of genotypes, including inbreds as well as hybrids. The effects of genetic and environmental conditions on heterogeneity, if any, were limited. Considering that the reproductive tissue of a spike is derived from one primordial cell, it seems that at the start of sexual differentiation there was variation among cells in chromosomal control, which at meiosis determines pairing and crossing-over competence. We suggest that it is an epigenetic system that rigidly maintains this pattern through generative differentiation. In competitive situations the combination most competent for pairing will pair preferentially, forming specific meiotic configurations with different frequencies for different spikes of the same plant. This would explain the heterogeneity between spikes and the homogeneity within spikes. The epigenetic system could involve chromatin conformation or DNA methylation. There were no signs of heterochromatinization.  相似文献   

Single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) was transcribed in vitro from inner-shell particles of human rotavirus strain Wa (HRV-Wa) and a bovine rotavirus (neonatal calf diarrhea virus [NCDV]) by virion-associated RNA polymerase activity. The ssRNA product consisted of 11 RNA segments which were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In vitro-transcribed 32P-labeled ssRNA was used to study the genetic relatedness between rotaviruses by annealing with genomic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) of homologous or heterologous rotavirus. All segments of HRV-Wa ssRNA were hybridized with dsRNA of HRV TK80, collected from the feces of a gastroenteritis patient, at the level of 88 to 100% of the homologous reaction. On the other hand, no segments of ssRNA from HRV-Wa hybridized with dsRNA of NCDV or simian rotavirus (simian agent 11). Similarly, ssRNA from NCDV did not hybridize with dsRNA of HRV-Wa, but hybridized with dsRNA of simian agent 11 at the level of 30% of the homologous value.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic analysis of allelic deletions from the loci containing the tumor suppressor genes p16, p15, p19 (9p21), RB1 (13p14), PTEN (10q23), and TP53 (17p13); microsatellite instability; and activating mutations of K-RAS (codons 12 and 13) was performed in four different segments of sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC) in 11 patients. Intratumoral genetic heterogenity was detected in 9 out of 11 (81%) colorectal adenocarcinomas and was morphologically validated. Analysis of different segments of one tumor reported that not only intratumoral heterogeneity, but also the order of the appearance and distribution of molecular anomalies during tumorigenesis in sporadic CRC. K-RAS point mutations and anomalies of the p16-RB1-cyclin D pathway were assumed to occur prior to microsatellite instability and PTEN deletions during tumor progression.  相似文献   

Life history traits are presented for the sexual species (Artemia tunisiana) and for parthenogenetic diploid and tetraploid strainsA. parthenogenetica reared at 15 °, 24 ° and 29.5 °C.In laboratory cultures, we present evidence that the seasonal appearance of the sexualArtemia tunisiana (the dominant winter-spring population), and of two parthenogenetic populations ofArtemia (the dominant spring-summer populations) in certain Spanish saltworks is controlled by temperature through its effect on reproductive and survival traits. Minimum and maximum reproductive output and survival for the sexual and parthenogenetic populations, respectively, occurred at a typical temperature (24 °C) of the late-spring season when the sexual population is replaced by parthenogenetic forms. Furthermore, the high production and hatchability of cysts from the sexual population at low temperatures (15 °C), and of the parthenogenetic populations at middle temperature (24 °C), indicate the role of dormancy as an adaptation regulating seasonal occurrence.  相似文献   

Gene expression is a result of the interplay between the structure, type, kinetics, and specificity of gene regulatory interactions, whose diversity gives rise to the variety of life forms. As the dynamic behavior of gene regulatory networks depends on their structure, here we attempt to determine structural reasons which, despite the similarities in global network properties, may explain the large differences in organismal complexity. We demonstrate that the algebraic connectivity, the smallest non-trivial eigenvalue of the Laplacian, of the directed gene regulatory networks decreases with the increase of organismal complexity, and may therefore explain the difference between the variety of analyzed regulatory networks. In addition, our results point out that, for the species considered in this study, evolution favours decreasing concentration of strategically positioned feed forward loops, so that the network as a whole can increase the specificity towards changing environments. Moreover, contrary to the existing results, we show that the average degree, the length of the longest cascade, and the average cascade length of gene regulatory networks cannot recover the evolutionary relationships between organisms. Whereas the dynamical properties of special subnetworks are relatively well understood, there is still limited knowledge about the evolutionary reasons for the already identified design principles pertaining to these special subnetworks, underlying the global quantitative features of gene regulatory networks of different organisms. The behavior of the algebraic connectivity, which we show valid on gene regulatory networks extracted from curated databases, can serve as an additional evolutionary principle of organism-specific regulatory networks.  相似文献   

Rotavirus genomic RNAs, derived from a series of human isolates that exhibit variability in the pattern of migration of the double-stranded RNA on polyacrylamide gels, were transferred to diazobenzyloxymethyl paper, and their sequence diversity was investigated. Hybridization of cDNA probes prepared from the 11 segments of rotavirus RNA indicated that considerable sequence diversity exists among these viruses. Under conditions of both low and high stringency, hybridization analysis of virus collected between 1975 and 1980 suggested that the variation among rotavirus strains may have occurred by a process involving both "drift" and "shift" in the sequence of the rotavirus genomic segments.  相似文献   

Because imminent introduction into Vietnam of a vaccine against Rotavirus A is anticipated, baseline information on the whole genome of representative strains is needed to understand changes in circulating strains that may occur after vaccine introduction. In this study, the whole genomes of two G2P[4] strains detected in Nha Trang, Vietnam in 2008 were sequenced, this being the last period during which virtually no rotavirus vaccine was used in this country. The two strains were found to be > 99.9% identical in sequence and had a typical DS‐1 like G2‐P[4]‐I2‐R2‐C2‐M2‐A2‐N2‐T2‐E2‐H2 genotype constellation. Analysis of the Vietnamese strains with > 184 G2P[4] strains retrieved from GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ DNA databases placed the Vietnamese strains in one of the lineages commonly found among contemporary strains, with the exception of the NSP2 and NSP4 genes. The NSP2 genes were found to belong to a previously undescribed lineage that diverged from Chinese sheep and goat rotavirus strains, including a Chinese rotavirus vaccine strain LLR with 95% nucleotide identity; the time of their most recent common ancestor was 1975. The NSP4 genes were found to belong, together with Thai and USA strains, to an emergent lineage (VIII), adding further diversity to ever diversifying NSP4 lineages. Thus, there is a need to enhance surveillance of locally‐circulating strains from both children and animals at the whole genome level to address the effect of rotavirus vaccines on changing strain distribution.  相似文献   

The multifactorial nature of breast cancer was established based on population and family study, the contribution of genetic factors being 52% (premenopausal--62 and postmenopausal--39%). Genetic heterogeneity of different coefficients of inheritance of breast cancer with the portion of common genes was shown to be 53%. The analysis of breast cancer interaction with other malignant neoplasms revealed that the development of other malignant neoplasms was the result of the influence of partially common genes. On the basis of data obtained in this study, the tables of repeated risk for the relatives have been worked out which may be used for medico-genetic consultations.  相似文献   

The average effect of errors acting on a genetic code (the change in amino-acid meaning resulting from point mutation and mistranslation) may be quantified as its ''load''. The natural genetic code shows a clear property of minimizing this load when compared against randomly generated variant codes. Two hypotheses may be considered to explain this property. First, it is possible that the natural code is the result of selection to minimize this load. Second, it is possible that the property is an historical artefact. It has previously been reported that amino acids that have been assigned to codons starting with the same base come from the same biosynthetic pathway. This probably reflects the manner in which the code evolved from a simpler code, and says more about the physicochemical mechanisms of code assembly than about selection. The apparent load minimization of the code may therefore follow as a consequence of the fact that the code could not have evolved any other way than to allow biochemically related amino acids to have related codons. Here then, we ask whether this ''historical'' force alone can explain the efficiency of the natural code in minimizing the effects of error. We therefore compare the error-minimizing ability of the natural code with that of alternative codes which, rather than being a random selection, are restricted such that amino acids from the same biochemical pathway all share the same first base. We find that although on average the restricted set of codes show a slightly higher efficiency than random ones, the real code remains extremely efficient relative to this subset P = 0.0003. This indicates that for the most part historical features do not explain the load- minimization property of the natural code. The importance of selection is further supported by the finding that the natural code''s efficiency improves relative to that of historically related codes after allowance is made for realistic mutational and mistranslational biases. Once mistranslational biases have been considered, fewer than four per 100,000 alternative codes are better than the natural code.  相似文献   

A comprehensive SNP-based genetic analysis of inbred mouse strains   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Dense genetic maps of mammalian genomes facilitate a variety of biological studies including the mapping of polygenic traits, positional cloning of monogenic traits, mapping of quantitative or qualitative trait loci, marker association, allelic imbalance, speed congenic construction, and evolutionary or phylogenetic comparison. In particular, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have proved useful because of their abundance and compatibility with multiple high-throughput technology platforms. SNP genotyping is especially suited for the genetic analysis of model organisms such as the mouse because biallelic markers remain fully informative when used to characterize crosses between inbred strains. Here we report the mapping and genotyping of 673 SNPs (including 519 novel SNPs) in 55 of the most commonly used mouse strains. These data have allowed us to construct a phylogenetic tree that correlates and expands known genealogical relationships and clarifies the origin of strains previously having an uncertain ancestry. All 55 inbred strains are distinguishable genetically using this SNP panel. Our data reveal an uneven SNP distribution consistent with a mosaic pattern of inheritance and provide some insight into the changing dynamics of the physical architecture of the genome. Furthermore, these data represent a valuable resource for the selection of markers and the design of experiments that require the genetic distinction of any pair of mouse inbred strains such as the generation of congenic mice, positional cloning, and the mapping of quantitative or qualitative trait loci.The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the view or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase-1 induction may explain the antioxidant profile of aspirin   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Aspirin is known to exert antioxidant effects by as yet unidentified mechanisms. In cultured endothelial cells derived from human umbilical vein, aspirin (30-300 microM) increased heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) protein levels in a concentration-dependent fashion up to fivefold over basal levels. HO-1 induction was accompanied by a marked increase in catalytic activity of the enzyme as reflected by enhanced formation of both carbon monoxide and bilirubin. Pretreatment with aspirin or bilirubin at low micromolar concentrations protected endothelial cells from hydrogen peroxide-mediated toxicity. HO-1 induction and endothelial protection by aspirin were not mimicked by indomethacin, another inhibitor of cyclooxygenase. The nitric oxide (NO) synthase blocker L-NAME prevented aspirin-dependent HO-1 induction. These findings demonstrate that aspirin targets HO-1, presumably via NO-dependent pathways. Induction of HO-1 expression and activity may be a novel mechanism by which aspirin prevents cellular injury under inflammatory conditions and in cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

The interaction between two Fusarium mycotoxins, zearalenone (ZEN) and its derivative (')alpha-zearalenol ((')alpha-ZOL), with two food-grade strains of Lactobacillus was investigated. The mycotoxins (2 microg ml(-1)) were incubated with either Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG or L. rhamnosus strain LC705. A considerable proportion (38 to 46%) of both toxins was recovered from the bacterial pellet, and no degradation products of ZEN and (')alpha-ZOL were detected in the high-performance liquid chromatograms of the supernatant of the culturing media and the methanol extract of the pellet. Both heat-treated and acid-treated bacteria were capable of removing the toxins, indicating that binding, not metabolism, is the mechanism by which the toxins are removed from the media. Binding of ZEN or (')alpha-ZOL by lyophilized L. rhamnosus GG and L. rhamnosus LC705 was a rapid reaction: approximately 55% of the toxins were bound instantly after mixing with the bacteria. Binding was dependent on the bacterial concentration, and coincubation of ZEN with (')alpha-ZOL significantly affected the percentage of the toxin bound, indicating that these toxins may share the same binding site on the bacterial surface. These results can be exploited in developing a new approach for detoxification of mycotoxins from foods and feeds.  相似文献   

Chronic sun‐damaged (CSD) melanoma represents 10%–20% of cutaneous melanomas and is characterized by infrequent BRAF V600E mutations and high mutational load. However, the order of genetic events or the extent of intra‐tumor heterogeneity (ITH) in CSDhigh melanoma is still unknown. Ultra‐deep targeted sequencing of 40 cancer‐associated genes was performed in 72 in situ or invasive CMM, including 23 CSDhigh cases. In addition, we performed whole exome and RNA sequencing on multiple regions of primary tumor and multiple in‐transit metastases from one CSDhigh melanoma patient. We found no significant difference in mutation frequency in melanoma‐related genes or in mutational load between in situ and invasive CSDhigh lesions, while this difference was observed in CSDlow lesions. In addition, increased frequency of BRAF V600K, NF1, and TP53 mutations (p < .01, Fisher's exact test) was found in CSDhigh melanomas. Sequencing of multiple specimens from one CSDhigh patient revealed strikingly limited ITH with >95% shared mutations. Our results provide evidence that CSDhigh and CSDlow melanomas are distinct molecular entities that progress via different genetic routes.  相似文献   

The genetic control of susceptibility to many common diseases, including cancer, is multigenic both in humans and in animals. This genetic complexity has presented a major obstacle in mapping the relevant genes. As a consequence, most geneticists and molecular biologists presently focus on "single gene" diseases. To make the multigenic diseases accessible to genetic and molecular analysis, we developed a novel genetic tool, the recombinant congenic strains (RCS) in the mouse (4). The RC strains are produced by inbreeding of mice of the second backcross generation between two inbred strains, one of which serves as the "donor" and the other as the "background" strain. A series of RCS consists of approximately 20 strains, each carrying a different set of genes: approximately 12.5% genes from the common donor inbred strain, the remaining 87.5% from the common background inbred strain. As the set of donor strain genes in each RC strain is different, the nonlinked genes of the donor strain involved in the control of a multigenic trait, e.g., cancer susceptibility, become distributed into different RC strains where they can be analyzed one by one. Hence, the RCS system transforms a multigenic trait into a series of single gene traits, where each gene contributing to the multigenic control can be mapped and studied separately. Recently we demonstrated that the RCS system is indeed capable of resolving multigenic traits, which are hardly analyzable otherwise, by mapping four new colon tumor susceptibility loci (8; P. C. Groot, C. J. A. Moen, W. Dietrich, L. F. M. van Zutphen, E. S. Lander, and P. Demant, unpublished results). For successful application of the RCS system, extensive genetic characterization of the individual recombinant congenic strains is essential. In this paper we present detailed information about the genetic composition of three series of RC strains on the basis of typing of 120-180 markers distributed along all autosomes. The data indicate that the relative representation of the donor strain genes in the RC strains does not deviate from the theoretical expectation, and that the RC strains achieved a very high degree of genetic homogeneity and for all practical purposes can be considered inbred strains. The density and distribution of markers reported here permits an effective mapping of unknown genes of donor strain origin at almost all autosomal locations. Much of this information has been obtained using the new class of genetic markers, the simple sequence repeat polymorphisms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Polytene chromosomes of three genetic sexing strains of Ceratitis capitata were analyzed. The genetic sexing mechanism is based on a pupal color dimorphism (white-brown) and is the result of a reciprocal translocation between the Y chromosome and the autosome bearing the w locus (white pupal case). The analyzed polytene chromosomes were derived from two different pupal tissues, the orbital bristle and fat body cells. The Y chromosome is visible in both tissues, while the autosomes present a different banding pattern. Based on these features, the autosome breakpoints in the three Y; autosome translocations were mapped, and the homology of the translocated autosome in both tissues was established. In addition, the location of the break-points was compared to the stability of these three strains.  相似文献   

随机扩增多态DNA(Random Amplified Polymorphic DAN,RAPD)技术具有检测快速、操作简便、灵敏度高、成本低等特点, 已被广泛应用于生物遗传多样性的检测, 也曾被用于轮虫种间关系研究, 然而将RAPD 技术应用于轮虫遗传多样性和不同地理居群轮虫间的系统关系研究尚未见报道。本文以各类水体中广泛分布的、且在水产养殖上有较大应用前景的角突臂尾轮虫为对象, 运用RAPD 技术对采自广州、芜湖和青岛等地的不同地理居群轮虫进行了基因组DNA 多态性研究, 旨在从DNA 水平上探讨其遗传多样性、遗传差异及系统进化关系。    相似文献   

Plants use volatile organic compounds to attract invertebratepredators and parasitoids of their herbivore pests. Recently,it has been suggested that plants, either through visual orolfactory cues, may also "cry for help" from vertebrate predatorssuch as birds. We show that in a laboratory choice test, passerinebirds (Parus major and Cyanistes caeruleus) were attracted tothe intact branches of trees (Betula pendula) suffering fromfoliar damage caused by herbivore larvae (Epirrita autumnata)in nontest branches. Species, age, or sex of the experimentalbird or lighting (ultraviolet [UV] or non-UV) did not affectthe preference. However, the birds made a clear choice betweenthe treatments when the trees came from a forest patch receivingmore sunlight, whereas no obvious choice was observed when thetrees came from a shadier forest patch. Results of the choicetest were supported by the spectral reflectance of tree leaves.In the sunnier forest patch, control trees reflected more visiblelight than the herbivore trees, whereas no such difference wasfound in the shadier forest patch trees. We suggest that avianpredators use their vision within visible wavelengths to findinsect-rich plants even when they do not see the prey itemsor damaged leaves.  相似文献   

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