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Although the global decline in coral reef health is likely to have profound effects on reef associated fishes, these effects are poorly understood. While declining coral cover can reduce the abundance of reef fishes through direct effects on recruitment and/or mortality, recent evidence suggests that individuals may survive in disturbed habitats, but may experience sublethal reductions in their condition. This study examined the response of 2 coral associated damselfishes (Pomacentridae), Chrysiptera parasema and Dascyllus melanurus, to varying levels of live coral cover. Growth, persistence, and the condition of individuals were quantified on replicate coral colonies in 3 coral treatments: 100% live coral (control), 50% live coral (partial) and 0% live coral (dead). The growth rates of both species were directly related to the percentage live coral cover, with individuals associated with dead corals exhibiting the slowest growth, and highest growth on control corals. Such differences in individual growth between treatments were apparent after 29 d. There was no significant difference in the numbers of fishes persisting or the physiological condition of individuals between different treatments on this time-scale. Slower growth in disturbed habitats will delay the onset of maturity, reduce lifetime fecundity and increase individual's vulnerability to gape-limited predation. Hence, immediate effects on recruitment and survival may underestimate the longer-term impacts of declining coral on the structure and diversity of coral-associated reef fish communities.  相似文献   

With rapidly increasing rates of contemporary extinction, predicting extinction vulnerability and identifying how multiple stressors drive non-random species loss have become key challenges in ecology. These assessments are crucial for avoiding the loss of key functional groups that sustain ecosystem processes and services. We developed a novel predictive framework of species extinction vulnerability and applied it to coral reef fishes. Although relatively few coral reef fishes are at risk of global extinction from climate disturbances, a negative convex relationship between fish species locally vulnerable to climate change vs. fisheries exploitation indicates that the entire community is vulnerable on the many reefs where both stressors co-occur. Fishes involved in maintaining key ecosystem functions are more at risk from fishing than climate disturbances. This finding is encouraging as local and regional commitment to fisheries management action can maintain reef ecosystem functions pending progress towards the more complex global problem of stabilizing the climate.  相似文献   

Increasing sediment onto coral reefs has been identified as a major source of habitat degradation, and yet little is known about how it affects reef fishes. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that sediment-enriched water impairs the ability of larval damselfish to find suitable settlement sites. At three different experimental concentrations of suspended sediment (45, 90, and 180 mg l−1), pre-settlement individuals of two species (Pomacentrus amboinensis and P. moluccensis) were not able to select their preferred habitat. In a clear water environment (no suspended sediment), both species exhibit a strong preference for live coral over partially dead and dead coral, choosing live coral 70 and 80% of the time, respectively. However, when exposed to suspended sediment, no habitat choice was observed, with individuals of both species settling on live coral, partially dead, and dead coral, at the same frequency. To determine a potential mechanism underlying these results, we tested chemosensory discrimination in sediment-enriched water. We demonstrated that sediment disrupts the ability of this species to respond to chemical cues from different substrata. That is, individuals of P. moluccensis prefer live coral to dead coral in clear water, but in sediment-enriched water, chemical cues from live and dead coral were not distinguished. These results suggest that increasing suspended sediment in coral reef environments may reduce settlement success or survival of coral reef fishes. A sediment-induced disruption of habitat choice may compound the effects of habitat loss on coral reefs.  相似文献   

Data on early survivorship of newly settled reef fish were collected by monitoring individuals which recruited to 30 small lagoonal patch reefs over three summers. Preliminary survivorship curves spanning the first 45 days after settlement were derived for 17 species. Most species showed greatest rates of mortality in the first 1–2 weeks in the reef environment however there were substantial differences among species in the extent and the temporal pattern of this. In six species, 75% of individuals survived the 45 days, while in 5 others, 20% or fewer survived that long. In eight species, mortality was negligible after the first 14 days. In the other 9, significant mortality occurred in subsequent weeks. Patterns of survivorship did not appear to differ substantially among years in five of the six species for which data were adequate. In particular, survivorship did not appear to be different among years even when levels of recruitment varied greatly.  相似文献   

We determined the species-specific habitat associations of coral reef fishes and environmental characteristics in an Okinawan coral reef in Japan. We focused on three families (Pomacentridae, Gobiidae and Labridae) and attempted to determine differences in habitat utilization. We selected six sites along the coast of Amitori Bay, from the entrance to the innermost part, in order to cover a wide range of habitat characteristics (exposed habitat, semi-exposed habitat and sheltered habitat). The species diversity of coral assemblages was greater at the exposed and semi-exposed habitats, whereas branching coral mostly covered the sheltered habitat. The environmental factors that determine the species-specific spatial association in fishes differed among families. Both biological characteristics (coral morphology and coral species diversity) and physical characteristics (water depth and wave exposure) affected the spatial association of pomacentrids and gobiids. In contrast, physical characteristics such as substrate complexity and water depth affected the species-specific spatial association of labrid species. Further study is needed to determine the ecological factors that regulate the species-specific habitat preference in Okinawan coral reefs.  相似文献   

Here we present a review of how the study of the geographic distribution of genetic lineages (phylogeography) has helped identify management units, evolutionary significant units, cryptic species, and areas of endemism, and how this information can help efforts to achieve effective conservation of coral reefs. These studies have confirmed the major biogeographic barriers that were originally identified by tropical species distributions. Ancient separations, identified primarily with mtDNA sequence comparisons, became apparent between populations on each side of the barriers. The general lack of correlation between pelagic larval duration and genetic connectivity across barriers indicates that life history and ecology can be as influential as oceanography and geography in shaping evolutionary partitions within ocean basins. Hence, conservation strategies require a recognition of ecological hotspots, those areas where habitat heterogeneity promotes speciation, in addition to more traditional approaches based on biogeography. Finally, the emerging field of genomics will add a new dimension to phylogeography, allowing the study of genes that are pertinent to recent and ongoing differentiation, and ultimately providing higher resolution to detect evolutionary significant units that have diverged in an ecological time scale.  相似文献   

The constancy of phenotypic variation and covariation is an assumption that underlies most recent investigations of past selective regimes and attempts to predict future responses to selection. Few studies have tested this assumption of constancy despite good reasons to expect that the pattern of phenotypic variation and covariation may vary in space and time. We compared phenotypic variance-covariance matrices (P) estimated for populations of six species of distantly related coral reef fishes sampled at two locations on Australia's Great Barrier Reef separated by more than 1000 km. The intraspecific similarity between these matrices was estimated using two methods: matrix correlation and common principal component analysis. Although there was no evidence of equality between pairs of P, both statistical approaches indicated a high degree of similarity in morphology between the two populations for each species. In general, the hierarchical decomposition of the variance-covariance structure of these populations indicated that all principal components of phenotypic variance-covariance were shared but that they differed in the degree of variation associated with each of these components. The consistency of this pattern is remarkable given the diversity of morphologies and life histories encompassed by these species. Although some phenotypic instability was indicated, these results were consistent with a generally conserved pattern of multivariate selection between populations.  相似文献   

The present study describes ontogenetic shifts in habitat use for 15 species of coral reef fish at Rangiroa Atoll, French Polynesia. The distribution of fish in different habitats at three ontogenetic stages (new settler, juvenile, and adult) was investigated in coral-dominated and algal-dominated sites at two reefs (fringing reef and inner reef of motu). Three main ontogenetic patterns in habitat use were identified: (1) species that did not change habitats between new settler and juvenile life stages (60% of species) or between juvenile and adult stages (55% of species—no ontogenetic shift); (2) species that changed habitats at different ontogenetic stages (for the transition “new settler to juvenile stage”: 15% of species; for the transition “juvenile to adult stage”: 20% of species); and (3) species that increased the number of habitats they used over ontogeny (for the transition “new settler to juvenile stage”: 25% of species; for the transition “juvenile to adult stage”: 25% of species). Moreover, the majority of studied species (53%) showed a spatial variability in their ontogenetic pattern of habitat use according to alternate reef states (coral reef vs algal reef), suggesting that reef state can influence the dynamics of habitat associations in coral reef fish.  相似文献   

Summary Ten small isolated corals were selected as units, of habitat in each of two nearby reef sites-a lagoon and a reef slope. On six occasions over two years we collected all fishes resident in each of these corals. Collections yielded 827 fishes of 64 species from the lagoon and 525 fishes of 66 species from the slope, but at each site 12 common species comprised over 80% of the fishes collected. We examined the distribution of species of fishes among units of habitat to assess the extent to which partitioning of habitat was being carried out. Results are compared with others previously reported from a reef flat site. Species discriminated among different types of habitat offered, but to a different degree in each site. Discrimination was most pronounced at the slope site where 7 of the 12 commonest species did not occur in all three types of habitat offered, and least at the lagoon site where no common species failed to occupy both types of habitat offered. No temporal partitioning of habitat could be demonstrated. Fish did not distribute themselves among units of habitat of one type by means of precise microhabitat discrimination. No pair of species in either site could be shown to mutually avoid, or exclude one another from habitat units. At all three sites, chance patterns of recruitment and loss overwhelmingly determined species composition of the groups of fishes coexisting in single habitat units. The significance of these results for our understanding of the ecology of coral reef fishes is discussed.  相似文献   

While the loss of structural complexity causes declines in coral reef fish diversity, the processes leading to this decline are largely unexplained. To explore the role of coral morphology in providing shelter for fishes, tabular, branching and massive corals were filmed with video cameras and their usage by large reef fishes compared. Tabular corals were utilised more than the other two morphologies, with at least triple the abundance, biomass and residence times of large fishes. The preference of coral reef fishes for specific structural traits of tabular corals was also examined using artificial structural units. This experimental component showed that large reef fishes preferred opaque rather than translucent canopies. It appears that large fishes cue to tabular corals because of the concealment and/or shade provided. It is suggested that a loss of tabular corals as a result of climate change would have significant ecological impacts for the coral reef fishes that use these structures for shelter.  相似文献   

The larval phase of most species of coral reef fishes is spent away from the reef in the pelagic environment. At the time of settlement, these larvae need to locate a reef, and recent research indicates that sound emanating from reefs may act as a cue to guide them. Here, the auditory abilities of settlement-stage larvae of four species of coral reef fishes (families Pomacentridae, Lutjanidae and Serranidae) and similar-sized individuals of two pelagic species (Carangidae) were tested using an electrophysiological technique, auditory brainstem response (ABR). Five of the six species heard frequencies in the 100–2,000 Hz range, whilst one carangid species did not detect frequencies higher than 800 Hz. The audiograms of the six species were of similar shape, with best hearing at lower frequencies between 100 and 300 Hz. Strong within-species differences were found in hearing sensitivity both among the coral reef species and among the pelagic species. Larvae of the coral reef species had significantly more sensitive hearing than the larvae of the pelagic species. The results suggest that settlement-stage larval reef fishes may be able to detect reef sounds at distances of a few 100 m. If true hearing thresholds are lower than ABR estimates, as indicated in some comparisons of ABR and behavioural methods, the detection distances would be much larger.  相似文献   

Transect techniques for censusing reef fishes, and the sources of bias inherent in them are considered. A technique, derived from aeraly survey methods, is demonstrated to correct a bias in density estimates due to the width of the transect being censused. This bias is sufficient on a transect 1 m wide to underestimate density by 11.1–26.7% for five species or species groups examined. The bias is still greater on wider transects. Because this bias varies in degree among species, comparisons among species should not be made using uncorrected transect data. Comments are made on other probable sources of bias in transect data, and on ways of minimising bias when making visual transect censuses.  相似文献   

The ecology of planktonic larvae - particularly the extent to which larvae are transported between habitat patches - is a poorly known aspect of the life history of tropical reef-associated fishes. The logistic difficulties of studying larvae in the field and of relating their behavior in captivity to field conditions have greatly impeded the progress of research. However, a recently developed technique, based on analysis of the microstructural growth elements in otoliths ('ear stones'), may prove a powerful means of assessing the early life history of reef fishes and relating it to population and community dynamics.  相似文献   

Coral reef fish spend their first few weeks developing in the open ocean, where eggs and larvae appear merciless to tides and currents, before attempting to leave the pelagic zone and settle on a suitable reef. This pelagic dispersal phase is the process that determines population connectivity and allows replenishment of harvested populations across multiple coral reef habitats. Until recently this pelagic larval dispersal phase has been poorly understood and has often been referred to as the ‘black-box’ in the life-history of coral reef fishes. In this perspective article we highlight three areas where mathematical and computational approaches have been used to aid our understanding of this important ecological process. We discuss models that provide insights into the evolution of the pelagic larval phase in coral reef fish, an unresolved question which lends itself well to a modelling approach due to the difficulty in obtaining empirical data on this life history strategy. We describe how studies of fish hearing and physical sound propagation models can be used to predict the detection distance of reefs for settling larval fish, and the potential impact of anthropogenic noise. We explain how random walk models can be used to explore individual- and group-level behaviour in larval fish during the dispersal and settlement stage of their life-history. Finally, we discuss the mutual benefits that mathematical and computational approaches have brought to and gained from the field of larval behaviour and dispersal of reef fishes.  相似文献   

Choice of microhabitats by coral reef fishes at settlement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A set of small lagoonal patch reefs was searched every 1 to 3 days during the peak recruitment seasons of three summers and newly settled juvenile fishes were located. The majority of species remain rather sedentary during the first few days in the demersal environment, and we assumed that the site occupied was the site chosen at settlement. A series of characteristics of the occupied site were recorded, including percent cover of different types of substratum, and attributes related to the site's position on the patch reef. A set of null sites was randomly located on the same reefs for comparison with those selected by the fish. Sites chosen by individuals of eight common species were compared with these null sites, and sites chosen by fourteen species (including the eight) were compared with each other. Multiple discriminant analysis was used to assess the degree to which each species selected a unique type of site, and, for the eight species, the degree to which sites chosen by fish could be discriminated from randomly selected sites on the same patch reefs. Chosen sites were readily discriminated from null sites in seven of eight species, however the procedure was poor at discriminating among sites chosen by different species, and 8 pairs of species among the 14 chose sites which on average did not differ in the attributes measured. Attributes most important in discriminating sites chosen by each species are considered. Overall, the results indicate that while juvenile fish do not settle indiscriminantly onto lagoonal patch reefs, sites chosen by different species are often not very different from one another.  相似文献   



In order to understand feeding ecology and habitat use of coral reef fish, fatty acid composition was examined in five coral reef fishes, Thalassoma lunare, Lutjanus lutjanus, Abudefduf bengalensis, Scarus rivulatus and Scolopsis affinis collected in the Bidong Island of Malaysian South China Sea.


Proportions of saturated fatty acids (SAFA) ranged 57.2% 74.2%, with the highest proportions in fatty acids, the second highest was monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) ranged from 21.4% to 39.0% and the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was the lowest ranged from 2.8% to 14.1%. Each fatty acid composition differed among fishes, suggesting diverse feeding ecology, habitat use and migration during the fishes’ life history in the coral reef habitats.


Diets of the coral fish species might vary among species in spite of that each species are living sympatrically. Differences in fatty acid profiles might not just be considered with respect to the diets, but might be based on the habitat and migration.  相似文献   

Theories of species coexistence have played a central role in ecology and evolutionary studies of the origin and maintenance of biodiversity in highly diverse communities. The concept of niche and associated theories predict that competition for available ecological space leads to a ceiling in species richness that influences further diversification patterns. By contrast, the neutral theory supports that speciation is stochastic and diversity independent. We examined the phylogenetic community structure and diversification rates in three families and 14 sites within coral reef fish communities from the Indian and Pacific oceans. Using the phylogenetic relationships among 157 species estimated with 2300 bp of mitochondrial DNA, we tested predictions in terms of species coexistence from the neutral and niche theories. At the regional scale, our findings suggest that phylogenetic community structure shifts during community assembly to a pattern of dispersion as a consequence of allopatric speciation in recent times but overall, variations in diversification rates did not relate with sea level changes. At the local scale, the phylogenetic community structure is consistent with a neutral model of community assembly since no departure from a random sorting of species was observed. The present results support a neutral model of community assembly as a consequence of the stochastic and unpredictable nature of coral reefs favoring generalist and sedentary species competing for living space rather than trophic resources. As a consequence, the observed decrease in diversification rates may be seen as the result of a limited supply of living space as expected in a finite island model.  相似文献   

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