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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The aim of this retrospective study was to describe the spectrum of genital and associated malformations in women with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome using evaluated diagnostic procedures and the Vagina Cervix Uterus Adnex -- associated Malformation classification system (VCUAM). METHODS: 290 women with MRKH syndrome were clinically evaluated with using clinical examinations, abdominal and perineal/rectal ultrasound, MRI, and laparoscopy. RESULTS: Classification of female genital malformation according to the Vagina Cervix Uterus Adnex -- associated Malformation classification system was possible in 284 women (97.9%). Complete atresia of Vagina (V5b) and bilateral atresia of Cervix (C2b) were found in 284 patients (100%). Uterus: bilateral rudimentary or a plastic uterine horns were found in 239 women (84.2%). Adnexa: normal Adnexa were found in 248 women (87.3%). Malformations: associated malformations were found in 126 of 282 evaluable women (44.7%), 84 women (29.6%) had malformations of the renal system. Of 284 women with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome 212 women (74.7%) could be classified as V5bC2bU4bA0. The most frequent classification was V5bC2bU4bA0M0 (46.8%) diagnosed in 133 of 284 women. CONCLUSIONS: Complete atresia of vagina and cervix were found in all patients, variable malformations were found with uterus and adnexa. A variety of associated malformations were present, predominantly of the renal system. It is therefore recommended that all patients with genital malformations should be evaluated for renal abnormalities.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser(MRKH) syndrome is a rare congenital disease characterized by the hypoplastic uterus and vagina in women with a normal female karyotype(46, XX) and phenotype. Although some genes and mutations, such as WNT4, have been reported in a small portion of MRKH syndrome patients(Biason-Lauber et al.,  相似文献   



Persons affected by neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) have a decreased survival, yet information on NF1-associated mortality is limited.


The National Mortality Database and individual Multiple-Causes-of-Death records were used to estimate NF1-associated mortality in Italy in the period 1995-2006, to compare the distribution of age at death (as a proxy of survival) to that of the general population and to evaluate the relation between NF1 and other medical conditions by determining whether the distribution of underlying causes of NF1-associated deaths differs from that of general population.


Of the nearly 6.75 million deaths in the study period, 632 had a diagnosis of NF1, yet for nearly three-fourths of them the underlying cause was not coded as neurofibromatosis. The age distribution showed that NF1-associated deaths also occurred among the elderly, though mortality in early ages was high. The mean age for NF1-associated death was approximately 20 years lower than that for the general population. The gender differential may suggest that women are affected by more severe NF1-related complications, or they may simply reflect a greater tendency for NF1 to be reported on the death certificates of young women. Regarding the relation with other medical conditions, we found an excess, as the underlying cause of death, for malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue and brain, but not for other sites. We also found an excess for obstructive chronic bronchitis and musculoskeletal system diseases among elderly persons.


This is the first nationally representative population-based study on NF1-associated mortality in Italy. It stresses the importance of the Multiple-Causes-of-Death Database in providing a more complete picture of mortality for conditions that are frequently not recorded as the underlying cause of death, or to study complex chronic diseases or diseases that have no specific International Classification of Diseases code, such as NF1. It also highlights the usefulness of already available data when a surveillance system is not fully operational.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Birt-Hogg-Dubé (BHD) syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant neoplastic syndrome characterized by multiple skin lesions, lung cysts and renal tumors. A variety of histologic types of renal tumors have been reported, including clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC), papillary RCC, chromophobe RCC, oncocytoma and a recently described hybrid oncocytic tumor, which is thought to be highly associated with BHD. CASE: We report a case of a 48-year-old woman with BHD who initially presented to our institution with spontaneous pneumothorax and was found to have multiple lung cysts and renal tumors on computed tomography. We describe the fine needle aspiration findings of one of the renal tumors, which was suggestive of so-called hybrid oncocytic tumor. We also describe the gross and histologic findings of the multiple kidney tumors that the patient subsequently had excised. CONCLUSION: When multiple kidney tumors from a single patient appear oncycytic on fine needle aspiration, especially when focal clear cells are present, the possibility of oncocytomas and hybrid tumors associated with BHD must be entertained.  相似文献   

Müllerianosis is a term used to indicate lesions composed of an admixture of two or three types of müllerian-derivation glands in heterotopic sites. In this report we describe a case of spinal cord müllerianosis which occurred in a 42-year-old woman. The patient had suffered from catamenial lumbago and sciatica of three years duration before undergoing laminectomy of L2-L3 with excision of a polypoid mass that compressed nerve trunks. At histological examination, the lesion was composed of endocervical, endometrial and tubal glands within a smooth muscle nodule. These features were consistent with a diagnosis of müllerianosis. This is a very uncommon form of presentation of müllerianosis that must be correctly identified since patients can benefit from hormonal therapy.  相似文献   



We reported a case of an adult that presented Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) after bacterial meningitis which was secondary to chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM). To our knowledge, this is the first case involving an adult presenting with GBS following bacterial meningitis.

Case presentation

A 46-year man with type 2 diabetes and otitis media (OM) suffered with fever, headache, and vomiting for 6?days. The patient’s neck stiffness was obvious and the Kernig and Brudzinski signs were produced. The result of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis and cytological examination of the CSF supported the diagnose of bacterial meningitis. On day 17 the patient felt numbness in both hands and feet, which gradually progressed to weakness of the limbs. Bladder dysfunction occurred, which required catheterization. The patient showed a tetraparesis with emphasis on the legs. The deep tendon reflexes of limbs were absent. The patient had peripheral hypalgesia and deep sensory dysfunction. The symptoms were possibly a result of GBS. Nerve conduction study showed that the F wave latency of the upper and lower limbs was prolonged, particularly the lower limbs. 8?days later the repeated nerve conduction study showed a low compound muscle action potential (3.3?mV) with a normal distal motor latency (14.2?ms) and a low motor nerve conduction velocity (34.3?m/s) in the tibial nerve. The patient still required assistance when walking 3 months after onset.


GBS following bacterial meningitis is rare and limbs weakness in patients with bacterial meningitis was usually considered because of weakness. This case should serve as a reminder for clinical doctors that when a patient with bacterial meningitis complains about limbs numbness or weakness, GBS should be considered, especially when the patient had diabetes mellitus (DM) history.



Glomangiomas are rare soft tissue tumors originating from the perivascular tissue. The most common localization is in the dermis of the extremities, with a few reports of respiratory tract involvement.

Case presentation

We present the case of a 48-year-old Caucasian female patient with a glomangioma in her left lung. It was diagnosed incidentally as a coin lesion in a chest X-ray performed during preoperative work-up for a gastric Roux-en-Y bypass for alimentary obesity. A computed tomography scan of her chest revealed a lesion in her upper left lung lobe 31mm in diameter. After resection, a histopathological examination presented typical signs of a glomangioma, originating from the pulmonary parenchyma.


Glomangiomas of the lung are extremely rare. However, whenever incidental lesions in the lung parenchyma are found, glomangioma should be taken into diagnostic consideration. To the best of our knowledge, signs of malignancy have not previously been reported in the literature. In fact, this tumor entity shows benign behavior, with a low potential for recurrence after complete resection.  相似文献   

The Guillain-Barré syndrome is an acute inflammatory polineuropathy; it's frequency is established at the level of 1,3 cases/ 100 000 persons/ year. The main etiological factors concerned with the GBS occurrence are: Campylobacter jejuni, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barre virus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae. The authors present a case of the 15 years old boy with the clinical features of acute motor axonal polineuropathy and confirmed C. jejuni infection. Identification of C. jejuni isolate was based on colony morphology on CCDA plate (OXOID), characteristic motility, catalase, oxidase, hippurate hydrolysis and acetate hydrolysis. The identity of C. jejuni was also confirmed by a specific PCR. According to the authors' knowledge this is the first case of a patient with GBS with confirmed C. jejuni infection reported from Poland.  相似文献   

Hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension seem to be very important cardiovascular risk factors. The Prague hereditary hypertriglyceridemic (hHTG) rat was developed as a model of human hypertriglyceridemia. It was demonstrated that these rats are not obese, they are hypertensive and insulin resistant and they have some disturbances in glucose metabolism. Several QTLs were identified for blood pressure, its particular components (dependent on major vasoactive systems) and plasma triglycerides throughout the genome of hHTG rats by using of F(2) hybrids strategy. It is evident that hHTG rats are a suitable model for the study of metabolic disturbances in relation to blood pressure as well as for the search of genetic determinants of these abnormalities. Numerous abnormalities of blood pressure regulation as well as alterations in the structure and function of cardiovascular apparatus (heart, conduit and resistance arteries) were found in hHTG rats. A special attention was paid to possible changes in the efficiency of various vasoactive systems such as nitric oxide, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and sympathetic nervous system, which seem to contribute substantially to cardiovascular and/or metabolic abnormalities observed in Prague hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats.  相似文献   

Schinzel–Giedion syndrome (SGS) is a rare autosomal dominant inheritance disorder. Heterozygous de novo mutations in the SETBP1 gene have been identified as the genetic cause of SGS. Here, we report a novel case with the syndrome with a novel insertion mutation in SETBP1. We also present a review of SGS cases, and first revise diagnostic criteria of SGS based on clinical findings and/or SETBP1 mutation worldwide. A revised diagnostic criteria and typing of SGS can be determined. Type I (complex and classic type) SGS patients present a development delay and typical facial features (prominent forehead, midface retraction, and short and upturned nose) associated with hydronephrosis or two of the characteristic skeletal anomalies (a sclerotic skull base, wide occipital synchondrosis, increased cortical density or thickness, and broad ribs). Type II (middle type) patients show development delay and the distinctive facial phenotype (midface retraction, short and upturned nose), lacking both hydronephrosis and typical skeletal abnormalities, with existence of SETBP1 mutation. Type III (simple type) patients with SETBP1 alteration show their major symptom is development delay, in which expressive language delay is the most striking feature. Central nervous system involvement with development delay in which expressive language delay is much more obviously affected is the most prominent feature of SGS. There is another indication that severity of phenotype of SGS may be inversely correlated with degree of SETBP1 alteration, besides gain-of-function or dominant-negative effects in SETBP1 alteration causing SGS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Poorly differentiated oxyphilic (Hürthle cell) carcinomas are a more recently described variant of poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma and are characterized by a prominent Hürthle cell component in a solid or trabecular arrangement. Clinically, poorly differentiated oxyphilic carcinomas behave more aggressively as compared to classic Hürthle cell carcinomas, which have a predominantly follicular pattern. Although the histology of these rare thyroid tumors has been reported in the literature, the cytologic features on fine needle aspiration biopsy have not been described before. CASE: A 73-year-old man with a long history of radioactive iodine and levothyroxine therapy for multinodular goiter presented with a painful, rapidly expanding, 6-cm, left thyroid mass with aggressive radiologic features. Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the mass yielded extremely cellular smears with a dual population of medium-sized follicular cells and numerous Hürthle cells. Subsequent thyroidectomy confirmed the malignant nature of this Hürthle cell-rich tumor, warranting a diagnosis of poorly differentiated oxyphilic (Hürthle cell) thyroid carcinoma. CONCULSION: Poorly differentiated oxyphilic thyroid carcinoma is an aggressive variant of Hürthle cell carcinomas and must enter the differential diagnosis when fine needle aspiration biopsy of a radiologically aggressive thyroid mass yields extremely hypercellular smears with a prominent Hürthle cell component.  相似文献   



The administration of anesthetics determines depression of the central nervous system and general anesthesia by inhalation may cause an environmental pollution of the operating rooms. It may therefore conceive a possible occupational etiology of Parkinson's Disease (PD).

Case presentation

In a Caucasian male aged 59 years, PD was diagnosed by brain scans with a presynaptic radioactive tracer of the dopaminergic system. Family history was negative for Parkinson’s disease or essential tremor. He was a smoker, a moderate consumer of coffee and alcohol, and never exposed to pesticides/metals. For 30 years (since the age of 29 until today), he worked as an anesthesiologist in private clinics in the Veneto (Northern Italy), exposed to anesthetic gases. The time elapsed from first exposure to onset of disease is 22 years, fulfilling the requirement of the induction/latency period. A literature search demonstrated unacceptable levels of anesthetic gases in public hospitals of the Veneto region from 1990 to 1999. This exposure was presumably high also in private hospitals of the region until at least 2007, when an overexposure to sevoflurane was repeatedly measured in this patient. The association between occupational exposure to anesthetic gases and risk of Parkinson’s disease was supported by a case-control study (reporting a two-fold increase in the risk of PD associated with a clinical history of general anesthesia) and a cohort study comparing mortality from PD between US anesthesiologists and internists (showing a statistically significant excess (p=0.01) in anesthesiologists compared to internists). Numerous recent mechanistic studies (in vitro essays and in vivo short-term studies) strengthened the association between exposure to anesthetic gases (nitrous oxide, halothane, isoflurane, levoflurane) and PD.


In view of the limited evidence of human studies and the sufficient evidence of experimental studies, the high exposure to anesthetic gases could have induced PD in the subject under study.

BACKGROUND: Müllerian adenosarcoma is a rare morphologic variant of uterine sarcoma that, although well described histologically, is scarcely mentioned in the cytologic literature. CASE: A 75-year-old female was suspected of having atypical endometrial hyperplasia on an endometrial smear. However, subsequent imaging techniques revealed the presence of a bulky, polypoid mass filling the uterine cavity. On pathologic examination of the hysterectomy specimen, the polypoid tumor was diagnosed as mullerian adenosarcoma, homologous, with sarcomatous overgrowth, in which the sarcomatous component was compatible with high grade endometrial stromal sarcoma. Imprint smears of the tumor consisted of two morphologic patterns, sarcomatous and glandular. The sarcomatous tumor cells, with coarse chromatin and relatively scant cytoplasm, formed small aggregates or appeared alone. These cells were semiround or oval and had conspicuous nucleoli. In addition to these observations, small and large clusters of glandular cells with mild atypism were interspersed with the sarcomatous cells. CONCLUSION: Cytologic examination of müllerian adenosarcoma well reflects its pathologic features.  相似文献   



Kikuchi Fujimoto disease is an uncommon benign condition of necrotizing histiocytic lymphadenitis commonly seen in East Asian and Japanese populations. It commonly presents with fever, cervical lymphadenopathy, and elevated inflammatory markers. Diagnosis of Kikuchi Fujimoto disease is based on histopathological studies of the involved lymph nodes. The presentation of Kikuchi Fujimoto disease can mimic many sinister conditions including lymphoma. Treatment is mainly supportive provided that accurate diagnosis is made and sinister conditions like lymphoma ruled out.

Case presentation

We report the case of an 18-year-old Sri Lankan Moor woman who presented with fever and cervical lymphadenopathy for 1 month. She had elevated inflammatory markers with high lactate dehydrogenase and ferritin levels. She had an extensive work-up including an excision biopsy of an involved lymph node and bone marrow biopsy. Finally, a diagnosis of Kikuchi Fujimoto disease was based on histopathology of the lymph node and negative bone marrow biopsy.


Although Kikuchi Fujimoto disease is a self-limiting condition, it is a great masquerader which mimics the clinical features of many sinister conditions including tuberculosis, lymphoma, and adult-onset Still’s disease. Early recognition of the disease is of crucial importance in minimizing potentially harmful and unnecessary evaluations and treatments.

We describe a newborn with multiple congenital anomalies consistent with an oro-facio-digital syndrome (OFDS). These are a group of inherited syndromes that have in common anomalies of the tongue (bifid or lobulated tongue with hamartomas), the face (median cleft lip) and the digits (brachydactyly, polydactyly, clinodactyly and/or syndactyly). OFDS has been classified into 11 types. The case described in this paper had manifestations overlapping with OFDS II (Mohr) and OFDS IV (Mohr-Majewski) and OFDS VI (Varadi). We propose that the present patient has a new variation of the OFDS due to the co-existence of the very atypical combination of polydactyly, cerebellar hypoplasia, hypothalamic hamartoma and classical facial findings of OFDS.  相似文献   

A mentally retarded girl with congenital blepharophimosis, ptosis, abnormal teeth and other features consistent with Ohdo syndrome is reported.  相似文献   

Mai DD  Mai KT  Shamji FM 《Acta cytologica》2001,45(5):761-764
BACKGROUND: Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma is a highly malignant tumor in elderly people with a long history of multinodular goiter and is usually associated with a rapidly fatal clinical evolution. The tumor often develops as a result of anaplastic transformation of a slowly growing papillary carcinoma or follicular neoplasm. CASE: An 85-year-old woman had a multinodular goiter and had been asymptomatic, with a normal white blood cell count and chest radiograph three months prior to her hospital admission for the treatment. The tumor presented with low grade fever, leukocytosis, multiple metastatic lung nodules and enlargement of the intrathoracic thyroid in a period of three months, causing compression of the esophagus and trachea. Despite a total thyroidectomy, the tumor recurred within one month and caused dysphagia and death. CONCLUSION: FNAB permitted the diagnosis of an anaplastic thyroid carcinoma arising from an intrathoracic Hürthle cell tumor.  相似文献   

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