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Recent studies have demonstrated male mate choice for female ornaments in species without sex-role reversal. Despite these empirical findings, little is known about the adaptive dynamics of female signalling, in particular the evolution of male mating preferences. The evolution of traits that signal mate quality is more complex in females than in males because females usually provide the bulk of resources for the developing offspring. Here, we investigate the evolution of male mating preferences using a mathematical model which: (i) specifically accounts for the fact that females must trade-off resources invested in ornaments with reproduction; and (ii) allows male mating preferences to evolve a non-directional shape. The optimal adaptive strategy for males is to develop stabilizing mating preferences for female display traits to avoid females that either invests too many or too few resources in ornamentation. However, the evolutionary stability of this prediction is dependent upon the level of error made by females when allocating resources to either signal or fecundity.  相似文献   

When it comes to subsistence, men and women in almost all societies do it differently. One long-standing explanation for this sexual division of labor is that men and women pair up to provision offspring and specialize in subsistence activities in order to maximize household productivity. This model of cooperative parental provisioning has generally been supported by the proposal that both male and female reproductive success is maximized by provisioning current offspring rather than deserting them in order to seek new mating opportunities. But recent analyses of bird behavior have often failed to support this premise. We now know that among many species conflicting reproductive strategies between males and females often result in less than optimal compromises with regard to mating and parenting. This new focus on the role of sexual selection in creating compromise and conflict between the sexes has the potential to illuminate many puzzling aspects of human partnerships between men and women. To demonstrate its potential, I compare the explanatory power of a cooperative provisioning model of sex difference in human foraging and food sharing with a model incorporating conflicting reproductive goals.  相似文献   

Sex-role reversal occurs when females compete more intensely than males for access to mates. In this paper, we survey the occurrence of sex-role reversal in vertebrates: we focus on behavioural aspects of sex-role reversal and we examine possible endocrinological correlates of this phenomenon. The best documented cases among vertebrates of sex-role reversal occur in fish and birds. In nearly all sex-role reversed species or populations, females have higher potential reproductive rates than males. Some species in which females were previously thought to be the predominant competitors for mates (for instance seahorses and a dendrobatid frog), appear not to be sex-role reversed according to recent studies. The endocrinology of sex-role reversal has been studied in only a few species and therefore remains poorly understood. In birds, which probably have been studied the most in this respect, steroid hormones appear to follow the typical ancestral conditions (for instance no reversal of testosterone levels) in sex-role reversed species, whereas prolactin, a principal regulator of the onset and maintenance of incubation, departs from the usual avian pattern in that it is higher in males than in females. The study of sex-role reversed behaviour offers unique opportunities not only to test sexual selection theory, but also to enhance our understanding of the neuroendocrine mechanisms mediating behavioural sex differences.  相似文献   

Female promiscuity is thought to have resulted in the evolution of male behaviours that confer advantages in the sperm competition that ensues. In mammalian species, males can gain a post-copulatory advantage in this sperm 'raffle' by inseminating females at the optimal time relative to ovulation, leading to the prediction that males should preferentially associate and copulate with females at these times. To the best of our knowledge, we provide the first high-resolution test of this prediction using feral Soay sheep, which have a mating system characterized by male competition for access to highly promiscuous females. We find that competitive males time their mate guarding (and hence copulations) to occur close to the optimal insemination period (OIP), when females are also increasingly likely to 'cooperate' with copulation attempts. Subordinate males practice an alternative mating tactic, where they break the integrity of the consort pair and force copulations on females. The timing of these forced copulations is also targeted towards the OIP. We thus provide quantitative evidence that female promiscuity has resulted in the evolution of reproductive strategies in which males 'load' the sperm raffle by targeting their mating activity towards female OIPs, when the probability of sperm-competition success is at its greatest.  相似文献   

Reversed sexual dimorphism in size (RSD) occurs in most species of several taxonomic groups of birds. The hypotheses proposed to explain this phenomenon are examined theoretically, using inequalities to state selection in the most rigorous possible terms. The most pertinent empirical evidence is also examined critically. Proponents of hypotheses on the evolution of RSD have failed to consider the genetic constraints on the evolution of dimorphism. Selection for dimorphism can act on only that small portion of the genetic determination of body size that is sex limited. In general, selection for body size is much more likely to lead to a similar change (e.g. larger) in both sexes than to dimorphism. The most popular hypotheses involve selection for size-related differences in foraging ability. It is unlikely that there is variation in size-related foraging differences available for selection in a monomorphic, ancestral population. Foraging differences between the sexes cannot lead to the evolution of RSD; evolution of large and small morphs of both sexes is a more likely outcome. Selection for sex-role differentiation factors (e.g. large females lay larger eggs, small males are more agile in flight) can lead to the evolution of RSD, but only if the magnitudes of opposing selection for small males and for large females are equal. Combining selection for size-related foraging differences with selection for sex-role differentiation factors hinders the evolution of RSD until the sexes differ in size by 3 s.d . Empirical evidence supports this assertion: statistically significant differences between the sexes in the size of prey taken are found only in highly dimorphic species. The sex-role differentiation factors that have been proposed appear unlikely to provide the equal selection necessary for the evolution of RSD. Several authors have proposed that small size in males is selected for foraging ability and large size in females for some sex-role differentiation factor. Males cannot be more efficient foragers without females being less efficient and efficiency cannot be a factor only when the male is feeding his family. RSD cannot evolve in monogamous species if large females survive less well than small males. RSD might evolve as the result of sexual selection for small size in males and constraints on the reduction of size in females because of some factor associated with reproduction. Examination of seven studies indicating a relationship between female size and reproductive success shows very little unequivocal evidence for small size in females allowing breeding earlier in the season. Large size in females allows females to breed at a younger age in the sparrowhawk and pairs to form more rapidly in three species of sandpipers. Both of these may be the result of sexual selection. There are fewer theoretical problems with sexual selection as a cause for the evolution of RSD than with the other hypotheses. Empirical evidence for sexual selection is scarce but better than that for the other hypotheses. Evidence is contradictory for the selection of small size in males for agility in aerial displays for courtship or defence of territory. Large size in females does not appear to be the result of selection for competitive ability to obtain mates. Facilitation of female dominance and hence of the formation and maintenance of a pair bond is the most viable explanation of the evolution of RSD. It is most likely that all dimorphism (normal or reversed) is the result of sexual selection. RSD is correlated with birds in the diet in the Falconiformes and this is a central theme in the foraging hypotheses. This correlation may be because birds are abundant and available in a continuum of sizes, thus permitting but not causing the evolution of RSD or because species that prey upon birds are better equipped physically (and perhaps more likely behaviourally) to inflict damaging attacks on conspecifics and the greater RSD increases female dominance and the ease of pair formation.  相似文献   

Sex-role-reversed mating systems in which females compete for males and males may be choosy are usually associated with males investing more than females in offspring. We report that sex-role reversal may also be caused by selfish genetic elements which distort the sex ratio towards females. Some populations of the butterflies Acraea encedon and Acraea encedana are extremely female biased because over 90% of females are infected with a Wolbachia bacterium that is maternally inherited and kills male embryos. Many females in these populations are virgins suggesting that their reproductive success may be limited by access to males. These females form lekking swarms at landmarks in which females exhibit behaviours which we interpret as functioning to solicit matings from males. The hypothesis that female A. encedon swarm in order to mate is supported by the finding that, in release recapture experiments, mated females tend to leave the swarm while unmated females remained. This behaviour is a sex-role-reversed form of a common mating system in insects in which males form lekking swarms at landmarks and compete for females. Female lekking swarms are absent from less female-biased populations and here the butterflies are instead associated with resources in the form of the larval food plant.  相似文献   

Defining sex roles has been driven by differences in mating systems at the extreme: polygyny and polyandry. Roles may reverse depending on which sex limits the reproductive rate of the other, and it is generally the female that limits the male. Males therefore compete for female mates. But in species in which the male limits the reproductive rate of the female, the female competes for male mates and assumes the masculine role. Complications arise, however, in species with typical roles when males are temporarily limiting, and females then briefly compete for and display to males. Problems also occur among tightly monogamous species with biparental care, where the mates have equal reproductive rates; both males and females compete intrasexually for mates. Despite this, monogamous species have masculine and feminine roles, typically manifested as the male dominating the female. Some monogamous species are nevertheless sex-role reversed. The pervasive behavioral mechanism characterizing the masculine role is dominance through aggression, size, or both. Attending more to behavioral mechanisms will enrich our understanding of sex-role reversal.  相似文献   

Species in which females compete more intensely than males for access to mates are uncommon. Sex-role reversal in fishes has been documented only in species in which males bear eggs, such as pipefish and a mouth brooding cardinalfish. I investigated the reproductive behavior of the tidewater goby, Eucyclogobius newberryi (Gobiidae), to determine whether and to what degree this species is sex-role reversed. Males constructed and defended burrows for spawning in sand. Both sexes initiated courtship, but the female's breeding coloration was more striking. The intensity of sexual aggression was greater among females than among males. The female laid her entire clutch with a single male, and the male accepted only one clutch per brooding cycle. Both sexes spawned repeatedly (up to 12 times in aquaria), but fish did not form permanent pairs. Males cared for eggs in the burrow 9–11 days until hatching, and rarely if ever emerged to feed. Many aspects of male behavior (nest construction and defense, courtship, and parental care) were typical of most gobiids. On the other hand, female behavior (black nuptial coloration and intense female-female competition) was unusual, not only for gobiids but for animals in general. I therefore concluded that the tidewater goby is moderately sex-role reversed. Its sexual behavior is apparently unique among fishes because it is the only reported case of sex-role reversal in teleost males that do not bear eggs or developing young. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In most bird species males compete over access to females and have elevated circulating androgen levels when they establish and defend a breeding territory or guard a mate. Testosterone is involved in the regulation of territorial aggression and sexual display in males. In few bird species the traditional sex-roles are reversed and females are highly aggressive and compete over access to males. Such species represent excellent models to study the hormonal modulation of aggressive behavior in females. Plasma sex steroid concentrations in sex-role reversed species follow the patterns of birds with "traditional" sex-roles. The neural mechanisms modulating endocrine secretion and hormone-behavior interactions in sex-role reversed birds are currently unknown. We investigated the sex differences in the mRNA expression of androgen receptors, estrogen receptor alpha, and aromatase in two brain nuclei involved in reproductive and aggressive behavior in the black coucal, the nucleus taeniae and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. In the bed nucleus there were no sex differences in the receptor or aromatase expression. In the nucleus taeniae, however, we show for the first time, that females have a higher mRNA expression of androgen receptors than males. These results suggest that the expression of agonistic and courtship behavior in females does not depend on elevated blood hormone levels, but may be regulated via increased steroid hormone sensitivity in particular target areas in the brain. Hence, aggression in females and males may indeed be modulated by the same hormones, but regulated at different levels of the neuroendocrine cascade.  相似文献   

Taxa in which males alone invest in postzygotic care of offspring are often considered good models for investigating the proffered relationships between sexual selection and mating systems. In the pycnogonid sea spider Pycnogonum stearnsi, males carry large egg masses on their bodies for several weeks, so this species is a plausible candidate for sex-role reversal (greater intensity of sexual selection on females than on males). Here, we couple a microsatellite-based assessment of the mating system in a natural population with formal quantitative measures of genetic fitness to investigate the direction of sexual selection in P. stearnsi. Both sexes proved to be highly polygamous and showed similar standardized variances in reproductive and mating successes. Moreover, the fertility (number of progeny) of males and females appeared to be equally and highly dependent on mate access, as shown by similar Bateman gradients for the two sexes. The absence of sex-role reversal in this population of P. stearnsi is probably attributable to the fact that males are not limited by brooding space but have evolved an ability to carry large numbers of progeny. Body length was not a good predictor of male mating or reproductive success, so the aim of future studies should be to determine what traits are the targets of sexual selection in this species.  相似文献   

Considerable power was probably available to either sex earlier in human history. Males were largely concerned with the prestige sphere based on control of special goods usually involving mobility and risk taking. Females were largely concerned with the subsistence sphere. Their access to power is not based on this economic function but on their generative powers. In small-scale early societies both male and female spheres were probably very important in the social and political life of the group. Historically, as scarcity of material resources began to develop and as local units increased in size, male interest shifted to the now scarcer land. With their relatively greater mobility than females, males could deal with larger political units with greater ease. This shift was not in conflict with any other male roles, whereas for females such a shift was in conflict with their generative function.  相似文献   

Competition for limited resources can have fundamental implications for population dynamics. However, the effects of resource depletion have rarely been discussed in the context of sexual selection, even though mate choice typically favours males who outperform others in securing access to some limited resource. Here, we develop a model to investigate the question of resource competition as a form of male-male competition in the context of male sexual displays. We phrase our model in terms of male bowerbirds either searching for or stealing resources (ornamental objects) valued by females, and compare the model findings with published studies of time allocation to various activities in different species of bowerbirds. The basic idea of the model, however, extends to cases where the resource is used less directly for the development of sexual ornamentation, such as males excluding others' access to food. We show that if males compete for resources used in sexual displays, intense female preference for high-quality displays can lead to poorer prospects for efficient choice by females. This is because males benefit from excluding others' access to resources used in displays, damaging the overall efficiency of resource use in the population, and the accuracy with which females can judge male ability to gain such resources. The evolution of female choice may therefore have a self-limiting nature when it poses a selection pressure on male resource acquisition.  相似文献   

The evolution of alternative male phenotypes is probably driven by male-male competition for access to reproductive females, but few studies have examined whether whole-organism performance capacities differ between male morphs, and if so whether any such differences affect fighting ability. We show how ontogenetic changes in performance and morphology have given rise to two distinct life-stage male morphs exhibiting different fighting tactics within the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis). Field studies show a bimodal distribution of adult males within a single population: larger 'heavyweight' males have relatively large heads and high bite forces for their size, whereas smaller 'lightweight' males have smaller heads and lower bite forces. In staged fights between size-matched heavyweight males, males with greater biting ability won more frequently, whereas in lightweight fights, males with greater jumping velocity and acceleration won more often. Because growth in reptiles is indeterminate, and the anole males examined are sexually mature, we propose that the heavyweight morph arose through selection against males with small heads and poor bite forces at the lightweight-heavyweight size transition. Our findings imply that one may not be able to predict male fighting success (and hence potential mating success) by examining aspects of male 'quality' at only one life stage.  相似文献   

Intra-sexual dimorphism is found in the weapons of many male beetles. Different behavioral tactics to access females between major and minor males, which adopt fighting and alternative tactics, respectively, are thought to maintain the male dimorphism. In these species major males have enlarged weapons that they use in fights with rival males. Minor males also have small weapons in some of these species, and it is unclear why these males possess weapons. We examined the hypothesis that minor males might adopt a fighting tactic when their status was relatively high in comparison with that of other males (e.g., ownership of a territory). We observed the behavioral tactics of major and minor males of the beetle Librodor japonicus, whose males have a dimorphism of their mandibles. Major males fought for resources, whereas minor males adopted two status-dependent tactics, fighting and sneaking, to access females, depending on their ownership of a sap site. We suggest that ownership status-dependent mating tactics in minor males may maintain the intra-sexual dimorphism in this beetle.  相似文献   

In a number of insects, fishes and birds, the conventional sex roles are reversed: males are the main care provider, whereas females focus on matings. The reversal of typical sex roles is an evolutionary puzzle, because it challenges the foundations of sex roles, sexual selection and parental investment theory. Recent theoretical models predict that biased parental care may be a response to biased adult sex ratios (ASRs). However, estimating ASR is challenging in natural populations, because males and females often have different detectabilities. Here, we use demographic modelling with field data from 2101 individuals, including 579 molecularly sexed offspring, to provide evidence that ASR is strongly male biased in a polyandrous bird with male-biased care. The model predicts 6.1 times more adult males than females (ASR=0.860, proportion of males) in the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus. The extreme male bias is consistent between years and concordant with experimental results showing strongly biased mating opportunity towards females. Based on these results, we conjecture that parental sex-role reversal may occur in populations that exhibit extreme male-biased ASR.  相似文献   

In the pipefish Syngnathus typhle , pregnant males provide all parental care. Females are able to produce more eggs than males can brood, and consequently females compete more intensely for mates than do males, a phenomenon defined as sex-role reversal. As the genetic mating system influences the operation of sexual selection, we investigate variation in one phenotypic component of mate quality, female body size, as a possible proximate influence on mating system variation in S. typhle . Breeding trials were employed, each consisting of a single receptive male with four adult females. In each replicate, a focal male was paired either with a set of small or with a set of large females. Males were allowed to mate freely, and after several weeks of brood development, maternity of the progeny was resolved using three microsatellite loci. Males with access either to small or to large females successfully mated with a mean of 2.1 or 1.3 females, respectively, a significant difference. Results indicate that variation in female size can affect the mating system and thereby influence sexual selection in pipefish. Thus, the high rate of multiple mating by S. typhle males in the wild may be explained in part by the extensive size variation in naturally occurring, sexually mature females.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is responsible for the evolution of some of the most elaborate traits occurring in nature, many of which play a vital role in competition over access to mates and individual reproductive fitness. Because expression of these traits is typically regulated by sex-steroids there is a significant potential for their expression to be affected by the presence of certain pollutants, such as endocrine disrupting compounds. Endocrine disruptors have been shown to alter primary sexual traits and impact reproduction, but few studies have investigated how these compounds affect secondary sexual trait expression and how that may, in turn, impact mating dynamics. In this study we examine how short-term exposure to a synthetic estrogen impacts secondary sexual trait expression and mating dynamics in the Gulf pipefish, a species displaying sex-role reversal. Our results show that only 10 days of exposure to 17α-ethinylestradiol results in adult male pipefish developing female-like secondary sexual traits. While these males are capable of reproduction, females discriminate against exposed males in mate choice trials. In natural populations, this type of discrimination would reduce male mating opportunities, thus potentially reducing their long-term reproductive success. Importantly, the effects of these compounds on mating dynamics and mating opportunity would not be observed using the current standard methods of assessing environmental contamination. However, disrupting these processes could have profound effects on the viability of exposed populations.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2011,59(5):800-807
Sexual selection is responsible for the evolution of some of the most elaborate traits occurring in nature, many of which play a vital role in competition over access to mates and individual reproductive fitness. Because expression of these traits is typically regulated by sex-steroids there is a significant potential for their expression to be affected by the presence of certain pollutants, such as endocrine disrupting compounds. Endocrine disruptors have been shown to alter primary sexual traits and impact reproduction, but few studies have investigated how these compounds affect secondary sexual trait expression and how that may, in turn, impact mating dynamics. In this study we examine how short-term exposure to a synthetic estrogen impacts secondary sexual trait expression and mating dynamics in the Gulf pipefish, a species displaying sex-role reversal. Our results show that only 10 days of exposure to 17α-ethinylestradiol results in adult male pipefish developing female-like secondary sexual traits. While these males are capable of reproduction, females discriminate against exposed males in mate choice trials. In natural populations, this type of discrimination would reduce male mating opportunities, thus potentially reducing their long-term reproductive success. Importantly, the effects of these compounds on mating dynamics and mating opportunity would not be observed using the current standard methods of assessing environmental contamination. However, disrupting these processes could have profound effects on the viability of exposed populations.  相似文献   

Sperm competition in sex-role reversed, polyandrous jacanas is intense because females copulate with multiple male mates before laying each clutch. These males may be unable to attempt to maximize their share of copulations by mate guarding or forcing copulations. Instead, males in polyandrous harems may compete for sexual access to the female by giving a call, termed the 'yell', to attract her. Male bronze-winged jacanas, Metopidius indicus, yelled at higher rates in larger harems, and when the female was further from the yeller or on a comate's territory. Half of all yells were given at mating platforms where all copulations occurred. Males that received the clutch yelled at lower rates during the incubation and chick care periods. Yells attracted the female when she was far from the yeller or with a comate. When the yell of a polyandrous male was broadcast from his territory, the female was more likely to fly to his territory during playback than during control periods. Within polyandrous harems the males that yelled at the highest rates received the most copulations, and three out of four females gave clutches to the male that gave the longest and most frequent yells, so females may have used yells to assess male quality. Intrusions by females, but not males, increased during yell playbacks, and tended to be more frequent on the territories of males with high yell rates. Females may therefore respond to their mates' yells because yells may attract female intruders which may attempt to take over the territory. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Two major theories have been developed to explain the locationand evolution of leks. According to the hot-spot model leksare male initiated and occur because males aggregate at locationsof maximum female home range overlap. The alternative femalepreference model, on the other hand, assumes that leks are femaleinitiated, and that females prefer to mate with males that aggregate.Small heath butterfly leks are situated close to landmarks suchas trees and bushes in open grassland. Censuses of wild populationsand experiments with artificial landmarks showed that theirattractiveness increased with height and width measured at themiddle of tree height. Landmark width at field layer heightwas negatively correlated with attractiveness, which suggeststhat a cornet shape is preferred to a pyramid shape. Togetherthese landmark size variables explained 60% of variation inlek size. Release experiments showed that landmarks were approachedby receptive virgin females, but mated females were indifferentto them. Landmark use was correlated to microclimatic conditions.Males preferred wider landmarks during cooler weather. Theyalso competed for the lee side of landmarks. There was no correlationbetween the location of landmarks and the dispersion of matedfemales or emergence sites of females. Hence, receptive femaledispersion was largely determined by their mate-locating behavior,which in turn appeared to result from male dispersion. Leksmay initially have developed around easily detected visual cuesthat offered a more suitable microclimate for male activity.Females visiting these locations would find a suitable matemore rapidly and save valuable time for oviposition. Althoughnonadaptive evolution cannot be excluded, taken together theresults support the female preference model for lek evolution.  相似文献   

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