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The pattern of parental investment (PI) seen in nature is a product of the simultaneous resolution of conflicts of interest between the members of a family. How these conflicts are resolved depends upon the mating system, the genetic mechanism, on whether extra PI affects current or future offspring, and the behavioural mechanisms underlying supply and demand of PI. Until recently very little empirical work has been done to underpin these key determinants of conflict resolution. This review examines recent empirical progress in understanding both (1) how conflict is resolved and (2) its evolutionary consequences. How offspring demand interacts with parental supply of resources determines how conflict is resolved. Two extremes are: passive parental choice of competing offspring, relating to offspring control of resource allocation, and active parental choice relating to parental control. Although most previous empirical work has tended to conclude or assume that parents primarily control resource allocation decisions, recent studies explicitly examining predictions from theoretical analyses have shown that offspring control of resource allocation is more important than previously realised. The amount of PI supplied at resolution depends not on who controls food allocation, however, but on the nature of the supply and demand mechanisms. These have yet to be established experimentally, but a recent regression model illustrates how this could be achieved in the field. Determination of the effect of supply on demand (ESD) and the effect of demand on supply (EDS) mechanisms is critical to parent–offspring conflict theory, which has not been adequately tested empirically. There is an underlying, and until recently untested, assumption of models of intrafamilial conflict that there is genetic variation for both offspring demand and parental supply behaviours, so that the behaviours can coevolve. Recent studies on great tits, burrower bugs and mice all found evidence for genetic variation in supply and demand behaviours, but the predicted negative correlation between genes expressed in mothers and their offspring (i.e. parent–offspring coevolution), was found only for burrower bugs. The lack of a negative relationship for great tits and mice may have been a consequence of antagonistic coevolution between the sexes (sexual conflict). These studies illustrate the importance of the underlying genetics and mating system in determining conflict resolution, and point to the need for new models (especially of interbrood competition) taking differences in the genetics and the co-evolution of the ESD and EDS mechanisms into account. We also discuss the importance of the comparative approach in determining evolutionary consequences of conflicts, and use the recent work on growth costs of begging to illustrate the difficulties of measuring costs of conflict in an evolutionary currency. The recent growth in empirical work on conflicts in families illustrates an increasing, and increasingly productive, integration between theoreticians and empiricists.  相似文献   

Larvae of Dendrocerus carpenteri Curtis (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae) develop as solitary ectoparasitoids on the prepupae and pupae of primary aphid parasitoids inside the aphid mummy. First instars are aggressive and kill potential competitors; however, facultative gregarious development of two, and occasionally three, larvae may occur under superparasitism. To test the hypothesis that gregarious larvae share host resources equally, adult dry mass is compared between three brood types: ‘double’ mummies containing (i) two males; (ii) two females; or (iii) one male plus one female, respectively. Resource rivalry varies with the sex of the competing larvae. Surviving adults differ significantly in size if both wasps are of the same sex, male or female. A minimum amount of resources is required for a larva to be viable; this threshold does not differ between sexes and is independent of the sex of a competing larva. The outcome of competition between a male larva and a female larva varies with the amount of the available resources, with neither sex being inherently dominant over the other. Females are eight times more likely to be larger than a male competitor if the amount of host resources is ≥0.116 mg, whereas males can win over a female competitor in terms of adult size if the available resources are <0.116 mg. It is suggested that rivalry between larvae for limiting host resources constrains the transition from solitary to gregarious development and should be considered in studies of parasitoid life‐history evolution.  相似文献   

Parasitoid clutch size and irreversible evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mayhew  Ode  Hardy  & Rosenheim 《Ecology letters》1998,1(3):139-141
Previously, theoretical and empirical studies suggested that parasitoids developing in small multiple-egg broods would evolve siblicidal behaviour, making such brood sizes rare and single-egg broods an evolutionary absorbing state. Recent evidence, however, suggests that small gregarious broods are relatively stable in many parasitoid taxa, and that gregarious development has evolved many times from solitary development. This suggests that new research is needed to assess how nonsiblicidal behaviour can spread and become stable. We discuss some potentially rewarding possibilities.  相似文献   

Although inbreeding is commonly known to depress individual fitness, the severity of inbreeding depression varies considerably across species. Among the factors contributing to this variation, family interactions, life stage and sex of offspring have been proposed, but their joint influence on inbreeding depression remains poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that these three factors jointly shape inbreeding depression in the European earwig, Forficula auricularia. Using a series of cross‐breeding, split‐clutch and brood size manipulation experiments conducted over two generations, we first showed that sib mating (leading to inbred offspring) did not influence the reproductive success of earwig parents. Second, the presence of tending mothers and the strength of sibling competition (i.e. brood size) did not influence the expression of inbreeding depression in the inbred offspring. By contrast, our results revealed that inbreeding dramatically depressed the reproductive success of inbred adult male offspring, but only had little effect on the reproductive success of inbred adult female offspring. Overall, this study demonstrates limited effects of family interactions on inbreeding depression in this species and emphasizes the importance of disentangling effects of sib mating early and late during development to better understand the evolution of mating systems and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Directional selection on size is common but often fails to result in microevolution in the wild. Similarly, macroevolutionary rates in size are low relative to the observed strength of selection in nature. We show that many estimates of selection on size have been measured on juveniles, not adults. Further, parents influence juvenile size by adjusting investment per offspring. In light of these observations, we help resolve this paradox by suggesting that the observed upward selection on size is balanced by selection against investment per offspring, resulting in little or no net selection gradient on size. We find that trade‐offs between fecundity and juvenile size are common, consistent with the notion of selection against investment per offspring. We also find that median directional selection on size is positive for juveniles but no net directional selection exists for adult size. This is expected because parent–offspring conflict exists over size, and juvenile size is more strongly affected by investment per offspring than adult size. These findings provide qualitative support for the hypothesis that upward selection on size is balanced by selection against investment per offspring, where parent–offspring conflict over size is embodied in the opposing signs of the two selection gradients.  相似文献   

Polyembryony has evolved independently in four families of parasitoid wasps. We review three main hypotheses for the selective forces favouring this developmental mode in parasitoids: polyembryony (i) reduces the costs of egg limitation; (ii) reduces the genetic conflict among offspring; and (iii) allows offspring to adjust their numbers to the quality of the host. Using comparative data and verbal and mathematical arguments, we evaluate the relative importance of the different selective forces through different evolutionary stages and in the different groups of polyembryonic wasps. We conclude that reducing the cost of egg limitation is especially important when large broods are favoured. Reducing genetic conflict may be most important when broods are small, thus might have been important during, or immediately following, the initial transition from monoembryony to polyembryony. Empirical data provide little support for the brood‐size adjustment hypothesis, although it is likely to interact with other selective forces favouring polyembryony.  相似文献   

The Trexler–DeAngelis model shows that placentas are most likely to evolve in environments with consistent, high levels of resource availability. An assumption imperative to the model is that placental species abort embryos in low food conditions. However, a previous experimental test of this assumption using the northern clade of Poeciliopsis showed no evidence for abortion. To distinguish between the alternatives that placental species either sacrifice body condition to maintain reproduction when resources are restricted, or that the previously documented pattern of resource allocation is a function of other life‐history correlates of placentation rather than placentation alone, we perform a similar experiment on the southern clade of Poeciliopsis. The southern clade has the opposite relationship between life‐history traits and placentation as seen in the northern clade. Our results mirror those from the northern clade, indicating that reproductive mode, rather than life history, dictates the pattern of resource allocation. These results add to the difficulties of explaining placental evolution within the constraints of the Trexler–DeAngelis model by restricting the range of resource conditions in which placental species can outcompete nonplacental species. They also lend support to hypotheses that suggest parent–offspring conflict in utero drives the evolution of the placenta.  相似文献   

Previous theoretical work has suggested that smaller brood sizes helped facilitate the emergence of cooperative breeding in birds. However, recent empirical evidence has found no statistically significant difference between the clutch sizes of cooperative breeders and that of noncooperative breeders. One explanation for this finding is that while small clutch sizes may predispose species to cooperative breeding, the emergence of cooperative breeding itself may influence the evolution of clutch size. Here, we develop a set of models using population dynamics to describe how the emergence of cooperative breeding influences clutch size. We find, in contrast to previous theoretical work, that the emergence of cooperative breeding does not necessarily decrease (and under certain conditions may actually increase) clutch size. In particular, clutch size may increase after the emergence of cooperative breeding if helpers – philopatric individuals that assist their breeding relatives – are able to substantially improve breeder fecundity at low costs to their own survival, and if the association between breeder and helper is brief. In many cases, clutch size increases following the emergence of cooperative breeding not because it is optimal for the breeder, but as the result of breeder–helper conflict over resource allocation.  相似文献   

Family life forms an integral part of the life history of species across the animal kingdom and plays a crucial role in the evolution of animal sociality. Our current understanding of family life, however, is almost exclusively based on studies that (i) focus on parental care and associated family interactions (such as those arising from sibling rivalry and parent‐offspring conflict), and (ii) investigate these phenomena in the advanced family systems of mammals, birds, and eusocial insects. Here, we argue that these historical biases have fostered the neglect of key processes shaping social life in ancestral family systems, and thus profoundly hamper our understanding of the (early) evolution of family life. Based on a comprehensive survey of the literature, we first illustrate that the strong focus on parental care in advanced social systems has deflected scrutiny of other important social processes such as sibling cooperation, parent–offspring competition and offspring assistance. We then show that accounting for these neglected processes – and their changing role over time – could profoundly alter our understanding of the origin and subsequent evolution of family life. Finally, we outline how this ‘diachronic’ perspective on the evolution of family living provides novel insights into general processes driving the evolution of animal sociality. Overall, we infer that the explicit consideration of thus‐far neglected facets of family life, together with their study across the whole diversity of family systems, are crucial to advance our understanding of the processes that shape the evolution of social life.  相似文献   

Population density is an ecological variable that is hypothesized to be a major agent of selection on offspring size. In high-density populations, high levels of intraspecific competition are expected to favor the production of larger offspring. In contrast, lower levels of intraspecific competition and selection for large offspring should be weaker and more easily overridden by direct selection for increased fecundity in low-density populations. Some studies have found associations between population density and offspring size consistent with this hypothesis. However, their interpretations are often clouded by a number of issues. Here, we use data from a 10-year study of nine populations of the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, to describe the associations of offspring size with habitat type, population density, and predation risk. We found that females from spring populations generally produced larger offspring than females from ponds; however, the magnitude of this difference varied among years. Across all populations, larger offspring were associated with higher densities and lower risks of predation. Interestingly, the associations between the two ecological variables (density and predation risk) and offspring size were largely independent of one another. Our results suggest that previously described genetic differences in offspring size are due to density-dependent natural selection.  相似文献   

The seahorses, pipefishes and seadragons (Syngnathidae) are among the few vertebrates in which pregnant males incubate developing embryos. Syngnathids are popular in studies of sexual selection, sex‐role reversal, and reproductive trade‐offs, and are now emerging as valuable comparative models for the study of the biology and evolution of reproductive complexity. These fish offer the opportunity to examine the physiology, behavioural implications, and evolutionary origins of embryo incubation, independent of the female reproductive tract and female hormonal milieu. Such studies allow us to examine flexibility in regulatory systems, by determining whether the pathways underpinning female pregnancy are also co‐opted in incubating males, or whether novel pathways have evolved in response to the common challenges imposed by incubating developing embryos and releasing live young. The Syngnathidae are also ideal for studies of the evolution of reproductive complexity, because they exhibit multiple parallel origins of complex reproductive phenotypes. Here we assay the taxonomic distribution of syngnathid parity mode, examine the selective pressures that may have led to the emergence of male pregnancy, describe the biology of syngnathid reproduction, and highlight pressing areas for future research. Experimental tests of a range of hypotheses, including many generated with genomic tools, are required to inform overarching theories about the fitness implications of pregnancy and the evolution of male pregnancy. Such information will be widely applicable to our understanding of fundamental reproductive and evolutionary processes in animals.  相似文献   

Most life forms exhibit a correlated evolution of adult size (AS) and size at independence (SI), giving rise to AS–SI scaling relationships. Theory suggests that scaling arises because relatively large adults have relatively high reproductive output, resulting in strong density‐dependent competition in early life, where large size at independence provides a competitive advantage to juveniles. The primary goal of our study is to test this density hypothesis, using large datasets that span the vertebrate tree of life (fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals). Our secondary goal is to motivate new hypotheses for AS–SI scaling by exploring how subtle variation in life‐histories among closely related species is associated with variation in scaling. Our phylogenetically informed comparisons do not support the density hypothesis. Instead, exploration of AS–SI scaling among life‐history variants suggests that steeper AS–SI scaling slopes are associated with evolutionary increases in size at independence. We suggest that a positive association between size at independence and juvenile growth rate may represent an important mechanism underlying AS–SI scaling, a mechanism that has been underappreciated by theorists. If faster juvenile growth is a consequence of evolutionary increases in size at independence, this may help offset the cost of delayed maturation, leading to steeper AS–SI scaling slopes.  相似文献   

The widespread evolution of gregarious development in parasitoidwasps presents a theoretical challenge because the conditionsunder which larval tolerance can spread in an intolerant populationare very stringent (the individual fitness of larvae developingtogether must increase with clutch size). Recent empirical workhas suggested that gregarious development can arise throughthe loss of larval mobility rather than through the gain oftolerant behavior. Using analytical genetic models, we exploredwhether decreased mobility presents a less stringent route togregariousness than the gain of tolerance. Reduced mobilitycan spread under a wide range of conditions. The critical conditionfor the spread of immobility is much less stringent than thatfor larval tolerance. In contrast with previous models of tolerance,the criterion for the spread of a rare immobility allele isindependent of any bias in the sex ratio and the likelihoodof single sex broods. Superparasitism increases the stringencyof the criterion for the spread of immobility, whereas doublekilling relaxes the criterion. Tolerance can subsequently replaceimmobility if there is any cost to the retention of fightingability. Our results suggest that asymmetric larval mobilitymay explain many instances of the evolution of gregarious development.  相似文献   

Offspring quantity and quality are components of parental fitness that cannot be maximized simultaneously. When the benefits of investing in offspring quality decline, parents are expected to shift investment towards offspring quantity (other reproductive opportunities). Even when mothers retain complete control of resource allocation, offspring control whether to allocate investment to growth or development towards independence, and this shared control may generate parent–offspring conflict over the duration of care. We examined these predictions by, in a captive colony, experimentally removing tadpoles of the strawberry poison frog (Oophaga pumilio) from the mothers that provision them with trophic eggs throughout development. Tadpoles removed from their mothers were no less likely to survive to nutritional independence (i.e. through metamorphosis) than were those that remained with their mothers, but these offspring were smaller at metamorphosis and were less likely to survive to reach adult size, even though they were fed ad libitum. Tadpoles that remained with their mothers developed more slowly than those not receiving care, a pattern that might suggest that offspring extracted more care than was in mothers’ best interests. However, the fitness returns of providing care increased with offspring development, suggesting that mothers would be best off continuing care until tadpoles initiated metamorphosis. Although the benefits of parental investment in offspring quality are often thought to asymptote at high levels, driving parent–offspring conflict over weaning, this assumption may not hold over natural ranges of investment, with selection on both parents and offspring favouring extended durations of parental care.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The grasshopper Chorthippus brunneus has been shown to increase egg size with maternal age under constant laboratory conditions, such that late-laid eggs are larger than early laid eggs. In this study, an increase in the size of eggs (and hatchlings from those eggs) was recorded with date of oviposition in a field cage population. This suggests that the relationship between maternal age and egg size, observed previously in the laboratory, also occurs in the field. There was, however, some evidence that the behaviour of the maternal females in field cages was modified by the onset of autumnal weather at the end of the breeding season. Only a small number of eggs was laid in the last 3 weeks of the summer but these yielded relatively small hatchlings.
2. The date on which eggs were laid was correlated positively with their date of hatch in the following year. A consequence of this relationship, and that between oviposition date and egg size, was that size at hatch increased with date of hatch through most of the spring but then declined as the last few eggs hatched. Temporal variation in size at hatch parallelled temporal variation in the maternal females' investment in egg size in the previous year.
3. An undisturbed field population was monitored to assess whether the temporal variation in size at hatch resulted in size variation at eclosion in subsequent developmental stages. There were negative correlations between size at eclosion and date of eclosion at the third and fourth instars, suggesting that despite their smaller size at hatch, early hatchers experienced more favourable conditions for juvenile growth than late hatchers. The larger size at hatch of late hatchers may enhance their survival and compensate (albeit incompletely) for their reduced opportunity for growth. Female reproductive behaviour may represent an adaptive response to a predictable seasonal decline in offspring fitness at hatch.  相似文献   

The evolution of maternal effects on offspring phenotype should depend on the extent of parent-offspring conflict and costs and constraints associated with maternal and offspring strategies. Here, we develop a model of maternal effects on offspring dispersal phenotype under parent-offspring conflict to evaluate such dependence. In the absence of evolutionary constraints and costs, offspring evolve dispersal rates from different patch types that reflect their own, rather than the maternal, optima. This result also holds true when offspring are unable to assess their own environment because the maternal phenotype provides an additional source of information. Consequently, maternal effects on offspring diapause, dispersal, and other traits that do not necessarily represent costly resource investment are more likely to maximize offspring than maternal fitness. However, when trait expression was costly, the evolutionarily stable dispersal rates tended to deviate from those under both maternal and offspring control. We use our results to (re)interpret some recent work on maternal effects and their adaptive value and provide suggestions for future work.  相似文献   

Parental food allocation in birds has long been a focal point for life history and parent–offspring conflict theories. In asynchronously hatching species, parents are thought to either adjust brood size through death of marginal offspring (brood reduction), or feed the disadvantaged chicks to reduce the competitive hierarchy (parental compensation). Here, we show that parent American coots (Fulica americana) practice both strategies by switching from brood reduction to compensation across time. Late‐hatching chicks suffer higher mortality only for the first few days after hatching. Later, parents begin to exhibit parental aggression towards older chicks and each parent favours a single chick, both of which are typically the youngest of the surviving offspring. The late‐hatched survivors can equal or exceed their older siblings in size prior to independence. A mixed allocation strategy allows parents to compensate for the costs of competitive hierarchies while gaining the benefits of hatching asynchrony.  相似文献   

A fundamental premise of life-history theory is that organisms that increase current reproductive investment suffer increased mortality. Possibly the most studied life-history phenotypic relationship is the trade-off between parental effort and survival. However, evidence supporting this trade-off is equivocal. Here, we conducted a meta-analysis to test the generality of this tenet. Using experimental studies that manipulated parental effort in birds, we show that (i) the effect of parental effort on survival was similar across species regardless of phylogeny; (ii) individuals that experienced reduced parental effort had similar survival probabilities than control individuals, regardless of sex; and (iii) males that experienced increased parental effort were less likely to survive than control males, whereas females that experienced increased effort were just as likely to survive as control females. Our results suggest that the trade-off between parental effort and survival is more complex than previously assumed. Finally, our study provides recommendations of unexplored avenues of future research into life-history trade-offs.  相似文献   

Parental care is expected to increase the likelihood of offspring survival at the cost of investment in future reproductive success. However, alternative parental behaviours, such as filial cannibalism, can decrease current reproductive success and consequently individual fitness. We evaluate the role of among-offspring relatedness on the evolution of parental care and filial cannibalism. Building on our previous work, we show how the evolution of care is influenced by the effect of among-offspring relatedness on both the strength of competition and filial cannibalism. When there is a positive relationship between among-offspring competition and relatedness, parental care will be favoured when among-offspring relatedness is relatively low, and the maintenance of both care and no-care strategies is expected. If the relationship between among-offspring competition and relatedness is negative, parental care is most strongly favoured when broods contain highly related offspring. Further, we highlight the range of conditions over which the level of this among-offspring relatedness can affect the co-occurrence of different care/no care and cannibalism/no cannibalism strategies. Coexistence of multiple strategies is independent of the effects of among-offspring relatedness on cannibalism but more likely when among-offspring relatedness and competition are positively associated.  相似文献   

In solitary parasitoids, the mandibulate first instars behave aggressively towards potential competitors so that generally only one larva survives per host. A ‘failure of competition’ may result in facultative gregarious development, however. We used Ephedrus californicus Baker (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae), a solitary koinobiont parasitoid of aphids, to test two hypotheses in the laboratory that could explain facultative gregarious development. Gregarious development increased with the intensity of parasitism, with two (rarely three) parasitoids successfully developing in a single aphid. In heavily superparasitized hosts, interference between surviving larvae often caused abnormal pupation behaviour and inability to emerge from the mummy. The hypothesis that the survival of more than one larva per host is dependent on differences in larval age was not supported. The total body size in terms of dry mass of two males or two females developing together in the same host was higher than that of same‐sex counterparts developing singly. Females were larger than males with which they shared a host. Hypotheses about the evolutionary transition from a solitary to a gregarious lifestyle in parasitoid Hymenoptera have focused on lethal fighting between first instars but have ignored other constraints including immature mortality during later development and limiting host resources. Especially in species that pupate inside the dead host, specific requirements for pupation and emergence may determine whether one or several offspring per host can develop to adult.  相似文献   

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