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The siderophore production of the facultative anaerobe Pseudomonas stutzeri, strain CCUG 36651, grown under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, was investigated by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. The bacterial strain has been isolated at a 626-m depth at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, where experiments concerning the geological disposal of nuclear waste are performed. In bacterial culture extracts, the iron in the siderophore complexes was replaced by gallium to facilitate siderophore identification by mass spectrometry. P. stutzeri was shown to produce ferrioxamine E (nocardamine) as the main siderophore together with ferrioxamine G and two cyclic ferrioxamines having molecular masses 14 and 28 atomic mass units lower than that of ferrioxamine E, suggested to be ferrioxamine D2 and ferrioxamine X1, respectively. In contrast, no siderophores were observed from anaerobically grown P. stutzeri. None of the siderophores produced by aerobically grown P. stutzeri were found in anaerobic natural water samples from the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory.In order to facilitate iron(III) acquisition, plants and microorganisms, such as fungi and bacteria, produce and excrete strong iron(III) chelators, i.e., siderophores (18, 22, 23, 33, 34). While fungal siderophores bind to iron(III) by hydroxamate ligands, bacterial siderophores are more structurally diverse, and common ligands are catecholates, hydroxamates, and carboxylates (21). The iron(III) stability constants for bacterial siderophores vary in the range of 1020 to 1052 (6). In addition to iron(III), other metals can be complexed by siderophores. For the trihydroxamate siderophore desferrioxamine B, sometimes called proferrioxamine B (10), some actinides have been shown to have stability constants in the same range as the ferric stability constant (1030.6), e.g., 1026.6 with thorium(IV) and 1030.8 with plutonium(VI) (32), while the stability constant for uranium(VI) was lower, i.e., 1018 (2).Concerning bacteria, there are several reports on siderophore production by Pseudomonas spp. (1, 3, 4, 19). More than 50 structurally related siderophores, i.e., pyoverdins, produced by the fluorescent Pseudomonas spp., especially Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, have been characterized (3). All pyoverdins emit yellow fluorescent light due to the presence of a 5-amino-2,3-dihydro-8,9-dihydroxy-1-H-pyrimido-quinoline-carboxylic chromophore, to which a peptide chain and a carboxyl chain are attached (1, 3). Nonfluorescent Pseudomonas has also been shown to produce siderophores, such as ferrioxamine E, also called nocardamine (Fig. (Fig.1),1), which was produced by one strain of Pseudomonas stutzeri (19). In addition to ferrioxamines, the P. stutzeri strain KC produced a smaller siderophore, i.e., pyridine-2,6-bis(thiocarboxylic acid) (35). Conversely, a catecholate-type siderophore was shown to be produced by another strain of P. stutzeri, which did not produce any hydroxamate siderophores (4).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Structures, molecular masses (mw), and stability constants (Ks) of ferric complexes of the three ferrioxamines: ferrioxamine B (B), ferrioxamine E (E), and ferrioxamine G (G) (5, 18).Most of the studies on bacterial siderophore production have been conducted on microorganisms growing under aerobic conditions. One field-based report, however, indicates the occurrence of putative siderophores in anaerobic environments also (29). In the present study, siderophore production has been studied with both aerobic and anaerobic cultures of P. stutzeri. This species is a facultative aerobe, able to grow with oxygen or nitrate as the electron acceptor, meaning that it can be active under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. The P. stutzeri strain CCUG 36651, studied here, has been isolated from a depth of 626 m below ground at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (16), where research concerning the geological disposal of nuclear waste is performed. The possibility of mobilizing radionuclides by complexing compounds from bacteria is an important research area in the context of nuclear waste disposal research. It is unknown if such compounds are produced in aquifers under conditions relevant to a disposal site, which would be approximately 500 m underground in granitic rock (27).A study from 2004 shows that P. stutzeri growing aerobically in the presence of uranium-containing shale leached Fe, Mo, V, and Cr from the shale material (17). More recently it was shown that the supernatant of aerobically and anaerobically cultured P. stutzeri was able to increase the partitioning of added Fe, Pm, Am, and Th into the aqueous phase in samples where quartz sand was used as a solid surface (16). Aerobic supernatants maintained 60% or more of the added metals in solution, while anaerobic supernatants were best at maintaining Am in solution, reaching a value of 40% in solution. The increased partitioning to the aqueous phase in the presence of the supernatants was ascribed to the production of organic ligands. Supernatants of both aerobically and anaerobically grown P. stutzeri strain CCUG 36651 yielded a positive response on the universal siderophore assay, the CAS assay (16). This assay is based on ligand competition for iron bound to the colored chrome azurol complex (25, 30).In this study, siderophore production by P. stutzeri strain CCUG 36651 was investigated using mass spectrometry (MS) and liquid chromatography (LC) followed by mass spectrometric detection. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) are useful tools in characterizing siderophores such as ferrioxamines (10, 13, 14, 28, 31). In order to detect iron(III)-chelating compounds, the ferric iron can be replaced by gallium(III) through ascorbate-mediated reduction of iron(III) (8, 20). In mass spectra, gallium-bound substances are easily recognized due to the characteristic isotope pattern of gallium, where the intensity of the 71Ga signal is about 66% of that of the 69Ga signal. The use of ESI provides so-called soft ionization; thus, information about the molecular weight is obtained. However, by employing MS/MS, fragmentation is achieved, providing more information about the compound structure.In order to verify the chemical difference between the siderophores found by ESI-MS, chromatographic separation was performed. In this case, one reversed-phase C18 column and one column containing a porous graphitic carbon (PGC) stationary phase were used. The separation mechanism of PGC is a combination of hydrophobic interactions, as in C18, and electrostatic interactions between π-electrons. In order to detect substances at low concentrations, column-switched capillary chromatography with MS detection was used. The detection limits of the combined LC-MS/MS system used in this study are in the range of 1 to 5 nM for hydroxamate siderophores of the ferrichrome and ferrioxamine families (9). In order to facilitate analysis of lower concentrations of ferrioxamines, natural water samples were preconcentrated by solid-phase extraction (SPE), resulting in minimum detectable concentrations in the range of 0.02 to 0.1 nM, depending on the initial sample volume.  相似文献   

Abstract: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. stutzeri and Azospirillum brasilense showed highest NO production rates and NO consumption rate constants when anaerobically grown cells were tested under anaerobic conditions. Aerobic assay conditions resulted in 20–75-fold lower NO production rates. NO consumption rate constants, however, decreased by less than a factor of four. NO consumption activity was observed even in aerobically grown P. aeruginosa , provided the assay was done under anaerobic conditions. Obviously, NO consumption was less O2-sensitive than NO production so that compensation between production and consumption occurred at lower NO mixing ratios under aerobic than under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

When strains and mutants of the strictly aerobic hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus are grown heterotrophically on gluconate or fructose and are subsequently exposed to anaerobic conditions in the presence of the organic substrates, molecular hydrogen is evolved. Hydrogen evolution started immediately after the suspension was flushed with nitrogen, reached maximum rates of 70 to 100 mumol of H2 per h per g of protein, and continued with slowly decreasing rates for at least 18 h. The addition of oxygen to an H2-evolving culture, as well as the addition of nitrate to cells (which had formed the dissimilatory nitrate reductase system during the preceding growth), caused immediate cessation of hydrogen evolution. Formate is not the source of H2 evolution. The rates of H2 evolution with formate as the substrate were lower than those with gluconate. The formate hydrogenlyase system was not detectable in intact cells or crude cell extracts. Rather the cytoplasmic, NAD-reducing hydrogenase is involved by catalyzing the release of excessive reducing equivalents under anaerobic conditions in the absence of suitable electron acceptors. This conclusion is based on the following experimental results. H2 is formed only by cells which had synthesized the hydrogenases during growth. Mutants lacking the membrane-bound hydrogenase were still able to evolve H2. Mutants lacking the NAD-reducing or both hydrogenases were unable to evolve H2.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas, is emitted during autotrophic and heterotrophic ammonia oxidation. This emission may result from either coupling to aerobic denitrification, or it may be formed in the oxidation of hydroxylamine (NH2OH) to nitrite (NO2 ). Therefore, the N2O production during NH2OH oxidation was studied with Alcaligenes faecalis strain TUD. Continuous cultures of A. faecalis showed increased N2O production when supplemented with increasing NH2OH concentrations. 15N-labeling experiments showed that this N2O production was not due to aerobic denitrification of NO2 . Addition of 15N-labeled NH2OH indicated that N2O was a direct by-product of NH2OH oxidation, which was subsequently reduced to N2. These observations are sustained by the fact that NO2 production was low (0.23 mM maximum) and did not increase significantly with increasing NH2OH concentration in the feed. The NH2OH-oxidizing capacity increased with increasing NH2OH concentrations. The apparent V max and K m were 31 nmol min−1 mg dry weight−1 and 1.5 mM respectively. The culture did not increase its growth yield and was not able to use NH2OH as the sole N source. A non-haem hydroxylamine oxidoreductase was partially purified from A. faecalis strain TUD. The enzyme could only use K3Fe(CN)6 as an electron acceptor and reacted with antibodies raised against the hydroxylamine oxidoreductase of Thiosphaera pantotropha. Received: 1 September 1998 / Received revision: 5 November 1998 / Accepted: 7 November 1998  相似文献   

Summary Fermentation tests in clearly defined laboratory conditions were carried out with eight functionally selected strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Analysis of the data showed that there were no significant differences in malic acid production between the strains when the acid was initially present. When it was initially absent, however, significant differences were observed two strains (Nos. 1141 and 1083) showing marked productive superiority. With malic acid as the sole C source, two strains (Nos. 1109 and 1141) showed less acid consumption.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented here that axenic cultures of Nostoc spp., Aphanocapsa (PCC 6308), and Aphanocapsa (PCC 6714) but not Anacystis nidulans R-2 (PCC 7942) produce N2O and ammonia when grown on nitrite. The data suggest that the cyanobacteria produce N2O by nitrite reduction to ammonia.Nonstandard abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea - NIR nitrite reductase  相似文献   

A free-living aspartate-fermenting Campylobacter spec. was shown to utilize hydrogen produced in mixed culture by Clostridium cochlearium from glutamate. Resting cells of Campylobacter were shown to reduce aspartate, fumarate and malate as well as nitrate, nitrite, hydroxylamine, sulphite, thiosulphate and elemental sulphur with molecular hydrogen. Growth of Campylobacter spec. was demonstrated with formate as electron donor and nitrate, thiosulphate, elemental sulphur or oxygen as electron acceptor in the presence of acetate as carbon source.  相似文献   

Succinate is an interesting chemical for industries producing food and pharmaceutical products, surfactants, detergents and biodegradable plastics. Succinate is produced mainly by a mixed-acid fermentation process using anaerobically growing bacteria. However, succinate excretion is also widespread among fungi. In this article we report results on the intracellular concentration and the excretion of succinate by Penicillium simplicissimum under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The intracellular concentration of succinate increased slightly with the specific growth rate and strongly if the respiratory chain was inhibited by sodium azide or anaerobic conditions (N(2)). A strong increase of succinate excretion was observed if the respiratory chain was inhibited. It is suggested that succinate synthesis under functional (sodium azide) or environmental (N(2)) anaerobic conditions occurs via the reductive part of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Succinate is then excreted because the oxidative part of the tricarboxylic acid cycle is inactive. A possible role of succinate synthesis in the regeneration of NAD ('fumarate respiration') is discussed.  相似文献   

Velocities of bovine spermatozoa in a medium containing glucose were similar under true anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Spermatozoa were not able to sustain motility under anaerobic conditions when glycolysis was inhibited, but regained motility when re-aerated. This demonstrates that immobilisation was due to lack of oxygen and that conditions under which motility was analysed were truly anaerobic. Sperm motility parameters were not significantly different in the presence and absence of 4 microM antimycin A and 4 microM rotenone when glucose was present in the medium. After each incubation, functionality of sperm mitochondria was assayed by washing sperm into the medium which supported respiration but not glycolysis, and motility was visually assessed. All sperm samples were highly motile in this medium indicating that their mitochondria were functional. When glycolysis was inhibited, antimycin and rotenone abolished sperm motility immediately after addition. Bovine sperm can maintain similar levels of motility aerobically and anaerobically if a glycolysable substrate is available. Available data on bovine sperm energetics support this view.  相似文献   

Uric acid is a well-established scavenger of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species such as hydroxyl radical and peroxynitrite. However, little attention has been paid to the relationship between uric acid and nitric oxide. This paper reports the identification and characterization of a reaction product of uric acid induced by nitric oxide. When uric acid was treated with nitric oxide gas in a neutral solution under aerobic conditions, uric acid was consumed, yielding an unknown product. The product was identified as nitrosated uric acid from mass spectrometric data, although the position of the nitroso group on the molecule was not determined. The nitrosated uric acid decomposed to several compounds including uric acid with a half-life of 2.2 min at pH 7.4 and 37 degrees C. The incubation of nitrosated uric acid with glutathione resulted in the formation of S-nitrosoglutathione. Nitrosated uric acid was also formed in the reaction with nitric oxide donors, but not with peroxynitrite. Nitrosated uric acid was detected in human serum and urine by in vitro treatment with a nitric oxide donor. In the reaction of glutathione with the nitric oxide donor, the addition of uric acid caused an increase in the yield of S-nitrosoglutathione. These results indicate that under aerobic conditions nitric oxide can convert uric acid into its nitroso derivative, which can give a nitroso group to glutathione. Uric acid may act as a vehicle of nitric oxide in humans.  相似文献   

Nitrite (NO2) can accumulate during nitrification in soil following fertilizer application. While the role of NO2 as a substrate regulating nitrous oxide (N2O) production is recognized, kinetic data are not available that allow for estimating N2O production or soil‐to‐atmosphere fluxes as a function of NO2 levels under aerobic conditions. The current study investigated these kinetics as influenced by soil physical and biochemical factors in soils from cultivated and uncultivated fields in Minnesota, USA. A linear response of N2O production rate () to NO2 was observed at concentrations below 60 μg N g−1 soil in both nonsterile and sterilized soils. Rate coefficients (Kp) relating to NO2 varied over two orders of magnitude and were correlated with pH, total nitrogen, and soluble and total carbon (C). Total C explained 84% of the variance in Kp across all samples. Abiotic processes accounted for 31–75% of total N2O production. Biological reduction of NO2 was enhanced as oxygen (O2) levels were decreased from above ambient to 5%, consistent with nitrifier denitrification. In contrast, nitrate (NO3)‐reduction, and the reduction of N2O itself, were only stimulated at O2 levels below 5%. Greater temperature sensitivity was observed for biological compared with chemical N2O production. Steady‐state model simulations predict that NO2 levels often found after fertilizer applications have the potential to generate substantial N2O fluxes even at ambient O2. This potential derives in part from the production of N2O under conditions not favorable for N2O reduction, in contrast to N2O generated from NO3 reduction. These results have implications with regard to improved management to minimize agricultural N2O emissions and improved emissions assessments.  相似文献   

Alcaligenes faecalis produced extracellular protease when incubated in media containing protein substrates. Enzyme production was found to be influenced by various culture conditions. Enzyme production was growth-associated, expressed linearity with growth and reached a maximum at the end of the growth phase. Carbohydrates and inorganic nitrogen sources could not be utilized by the bacterium for its growth, and organic nitrogen appeared to be a primary determinant in protease production. Enzyme production reached its maximum level of 171.2 U/ml when the culture was incubated at 30 °C at pH 8.0. Ca2+ and Mg2+ enhanced the enzyme production. The crude enzyme powder was stable at high alkaline pH and stable upto 6 months at the storage temperature of 0–4 °C. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Nutrients have a pronounced effect on the growth and swarming behaviour of Proteus mirabilis 7002. Iron, zinc, amino acids, and dioxygen are important for rapid growth and normal swarming. Anaerobically grown cultures of P. mirabilis 7002 were unable to swarm on anaerobically maintained rich nutrient agar. Upon exposure to aerobic conditions, P. mirabilis 7002 resumed swarming behaviour. Scanning electron microscopy was used to demonstrate the presence of community organization and mature rafts during normal swarming. These results support the importance of dioxygen and redox status in cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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