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O(6)-Methylguanine (m6G) is formed by the action of alkylating agents such as N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) on DNA. m6G is a highly mutagenic and carcinogenic lesion, and it presents a block to synthesis by DNA polymerases. Here, we provide genetic and biochemical evidence for the involvement of yeast and human DNA polymerase eta (Poleta) in the replicative bypass of m6G lesions in DNA. The formation of MNNG-induced mutations is almost abolished in the rad30Delta pol32Delta double mutant of yeast, which lacks the RAD30 gene that encodes Poleta and the Pol32 subunit of DNA polymerase delta (Poldelta). Although Poldelta can function in the mutagenic bypass of m6G lesions, our biochemical studies indicate that Poleta is much more efficient in replicating through m6G than Poldelta. Both Poleta and Poldelta insert a C or a T residue opposite from m6G; Poleta, however, is more accurate, as it inserts a C about twice as frequently as Poldelta. Alkylating agents are used in the treatment of malignant tumors, including lymphomas, brain tumors, melanomas, and gastrointestinal carcinomas, and the clinical effectiveness of these agents derives at least in part from their ability to form m6G in DNA. Inactivation of Poleta could afford a useful strategy for enhancing the effectiveness of these agents in cancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Loss-of-function mutations in the spe-11 gene in Caenorhabditis elegans result in a paternal-effect embryonic-lethal phenotype: fertilization of wild-type oocytes by sperm from homozygous spe-11 mutant males leads to abnormal zygotic development, whereas oocytes from homozygous spe-11 hermaphrodites when fertilized by wild-type sperm develop normally. Embryos fertilized by sperm from homozygous spe-11 worms fail to complete meiosis and show defects in eggshell formation, mitotic spindle orientation, and cytokinesis. Genetic analysis suggests that the spe-11 gene is expressed before the completion of spermatogenesis and that the wild-type locus encodes a product that is present in sperm and participates, directly or indirectly, in initiating the correct program of early events in C. elegans embryos. Such an ontogenetic role of the spe-11+ gene product in early embryogenesis distinguishes spe-11 mutations from the two paternal-effect mutations identified in Drosophila, ms(3)K81 and pal, which primarily affect chromosome behavior. Analysis of spe-11 provides the first step toward genetic dissection of the functions of the sperm in early embryogenesis in C. elegans.  相似文献   

gamma-Tubulin is a ubiquitous and highly conserved component of centrosomes in eukaryotic cells. Genetic and biochemical studies have demonstrated that gamma-tubulin functions as part of a complex to nucleate microtubule polymerization from centrosomes. We show that, as in other organisms, Caenorhabditis elegans gamma-tubulin is concentrated in centrosomes. To study centrosome dynamics in embryos, we generated transgenic worms that express GFP::gamma-tubulin or GFP::beta-tubulin in the maternal germ line and early embryos. Multiphoton microscopy of embryos produced by these worms revealed the time course of daughter centrosome appearance and growth and the differential behavior of centrosomes destined for germ line and somatic blastomeres. To study the role of gamma-tubulin in nucleation and organization of spindle microtubules, we used RNA interference (RNAi) to deplete C. elegans embryos of gamma-tubulin. gamma-Tubulin (RNAi) embryos failed in chromosome segregation, but surprisingly, they contained extensive microtubule arrays. Moderately affected embryos contained bipolar spindles with dense and long astral microtubule arrays but with poorly organized kinetochore and interpolar microtubules. Severely affected embryos contained collapsed spindles with numerous long astral microtubules. Our results suggest that gamma-tubulin is not absolutely required for microtubule nucleation in C. elegans but is required for the normal organization and function of kinetochore and interpolar microtubules.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans gene ubc-25 encodes a novel type of an E2 ubiquitin transferase domain (UBCc) protein, which is highly conserved in multicellular animals, but which is not present in the genomes of fungi or plants. To identify the cellular localization of UBC-25 during the development of C. elegans, we used a ubc-25::gfp reporter gene construct. These experiments showed that ubc-25 expression starts during embryogenesis and that it is restricted to neurons and muscle cells in all later stages of development as well as in adult animals. RNA interference with ubc-25 caused late-onset paralysis of most muscular functions such as locomotion, egg laying, and defecation. We therefore propose that ubc-25 in C. elegans is required for the maintenance (homeostasis) of neuromuscular functions by contributing to a tissue specific protein modification pathway, and we speculate that the adult onset phenotype results from the accumulation of target proteins which fail to be degraded.  相似文献   

During the first cell cycle of Caenorhabditis elegans embryogenesis, asymmetries are established that are essential for determining the subsequent developmental fates of the daughter cells. The maternally expressed par genes are required for establishing this polarity. The products of several of the par genes have been found to be themselves asymmetrically distributed in the first cell cycle. We have identified the par-4 gene of C. elegans, and find that it encodes a putative serine-threonine kinase with similarity to a human kinase associated with Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome, LKB1 (STK11), and a Xenopus egg and embryo kinase, XEEK1. Several strong par-4 mutant alleles are missense mutations that alter conserved residues within the kinase domain, suggesting that kinase activity is essential for PAR-4 function. We find that the PAR-4 protein is present in the gonads, oocytes and early embryos of C. elegans, and is both cytoplasmically and cortically distributed. The cortical distribution begins at the late 1-cell stage, is more pronounced at the 2- and 4-cell stages and is reduced at late stages of embryonic development. We find no asymmetry in the distribution of PAR-4 protein in C. elegans embryos. The distribution of PAR-4 protein in early embryos is unaffected by mutations in the other par genes.  相似文献   

The Xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group A (XPA) protein that is indispensable for nucleotide excision repair of DNA damage in eukaryotes participates in photoproduct recognition. A search of the current Caenorhabditis elegans database allowed us to identify a good candidate for the XPA protein homolog. We cloned a complete cDNA of C. elegans XPA (Ce-XPA) by using RT-PCR. Northern blot analysis showed that the Ce-xpa gene is expressed in all of the stages, including embryos. Ce-XPA encodes a 241-amino acid protein that is homologous to all known eukaryotic XPA. Ce-XPA RNAi caused embryonic lethality and survival lethality to UV radiation. This result suggests that Ce-XPA is involved in the repair of UV-damaged DNA in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Control of energy metabolism is an essential process for life. In insects, egg formation (oogenesis) and embryogenesis is dependent on stored molecules deposited by the mother or transcribed later by the zygote. In oviparous insects the egg becomes an isolated system after egg laying with all energy conversion taking place during embryogenesis. Previous studies in a few vector species showed a strong correlation of key morphogenetic events and changes in glucose metabolism. Here, we investigate glycogen and glucose metabolism in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, an insect amenable to functional genomic studies. To examine the role of the key enzymes on glycogen and glucose regulation we cloned and analyzed the function of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) and hexokinase (HexA) genes during T. castaneum embryogenesis. Expression analysis via in situ hybridization shows that both genes are expressed only in the embryonic tissue, suggesting that embryonic and extra-embryonic cells display different metabolic activities. dsRNA adult female injection (parental RNAi) of both genes lead a reduction in egg laying and to embryonic lethality. Morphological analysis via DAPI stainings indicates that early development is impaired in Tc-GSK-3 and Tc-HexA1 RNAi embryos. Importantly, glycogen levels are upregulated after Tc-GSK-3 RNAi and glucose levels are upregulated after Tc-HexA1 RNAi, indicating that both genes control metabolism during embryogenesis and oogenesis, respectively. Altogether our results show that T. castaneum embryogenesis depends on the proper control of glucose and glycogen.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dystrophin is the product of the gene that is mutated in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a progressive neuromuscular disease for which no treatment is available. Mice carrying a mutation in the gene for dystrophin (mdx mice) display only a mild phenotype, but it is aggravated when combined with a mutation in the MyoD gene. The nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans has a dystrophin homologue (dys-1), but null mutations in dys-1 do not result in muscle degeneration.RESULTS: We generated worms carrying both the dys-1 null mutation cx18, and a weak mutation, cc561ts, of the C. elegans MyoD homologue hlh-1. The double mutants displayed a time-dependent impairment of locomotion and egg laying, a phenotype not seen in the single mutants, and extensive muscle degeneration. This result allowed us to look for genes that, when misexpressed, could suppress the dys-1; hlh-1 phenotype. When overexpressed, the dyc-1 gene - whose loss-of-function phenotype resembles that of dys-1 - partially suppressed the dys-1; hlh-1 phenotype. The dyc-1 gene encodes a novel protein sharing similarities with the mammalian neural nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)-binding protein CAPON, and is expressed in the muscles of the worm. CONCLUSIONS: As a C. elegans model for dystrophin-dependent myopathy, the dys-1; hlh-1 worms should permit the identification of genes, and ultimately drugs, that would reverse the muscle degeneration in this model.  相似文献   

Translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases are specialized DNA polymerases capable of inserting nucleotides opposite DNA lesions that escape removal by dedicated DNA repair pathways. TLS polymerases allow cells to complete DNA replication in the presence of damage, thereby preventing checkpoint activation, genome instability, and cell death. Here, we characterize functional knockouts for polh-1 and polk-1, encoding the Caenorhabditis elegans homologs of the Y-family TLS polymerases η and κ. POLH-1 acts at many different DNA lesions as it protects cells against a wide range of DNA damaging agents, including UV, γ-irradiation, cisplatin, and methyl methane sulphonate (MMS). POLK-1 acts specifically but redundantly with POLH-1 in protection against methylation damage. Importantly, both polymerases play a prominent role early in embryonic development to allow fast replication of damaged genomes. Contrary to observations in mammalian cells, we show that neither POLH-1 nor POLK-1 is required for homologous recombination (HR) repair of DNA double-strand breaks. A genome-wide RNAi screen for genes that protect the C. elegans genome against MMS-induced DNA damage identified novel components in DNA damage bypass in the early embryo. Our data suggest SUMO-mediated regulation of both POLH-1 and POLK-1, and point towards a previously unrecognized role of the nuclear pore in regulating TLS.  相似文献   

Ceramide glucosyltransferase (Ugcg) [uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucose:N-acylsphingosine D-glucosyltransferase or UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase (GlcT): EC] catalyzes formation of glucosylceramide (GlcCer) from ceramide and UDP-glucose. There is only one Ugcg gene in the mouse genome, which is essential in embryogenesis and brain development. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has three Ugcg genes (cgt-1, cgt-2 and cgt-3), and double RNAi of the cgt-1 and cgt-3 genes results in lethality at the L1 larval stage. In this study, we isolated knockout worms for the three genes and characterized the gene functions. Each gene product showed active enzymatic activity when expressed in GM95 cells deficient in glycosphingolipids (GSLs). When each gene function was disrupted, the brood size of the animal markedly decreased, and abnormal oocytes and multinucleated embryos were formed. The CGT-3 protein had the highest Ugcg activity, and knockout of its gene resulted in the severest phenotype. When cgt-3 RNAi was performed on rrf-1 worms lacking somatic RNAi machinery but with intact germline RNAi machinery, a number of abnormal oocytes and multinucleated eggs were observed, although the somatic phenotype, i.e., L1 lethal effects of cgt-1/cgt-3 RNAi, was completely suppressed. Cell surface expression of GSLs and sphingomyelin, which are important components of membrane domains, was affected in the RNAi-treated embryos. In the embryos, an abnormality in cytokinesis was also observed. From these results, we concluded that the Ugcg gene is indispensable in the germline and that an ample supply of GlcCer is needed for oocytes and fertilized eggs to maintain normal membranes and to proceed through the normal cell cycle.  相似文献   

The product of the Caenorhabditis elegans ORF F18E2.3 is homologous to the cohesin component Scc3p. By antibody staining the product of F18E2.3 is found in interphase and early meiotic nuclei. At pachytene it localizes to the axes of meiotic chromosomes but is no longer detectable on chromatin later in meiosis or in mitoses. Depletion of the gene product by RNAi results in aberrant mitoses and meioses. In meiosis, homologous pairing is defective during early meiotic prophase and at diakinesis there occur univalents consisting of loosely connected sister chromatids or completely separated sisters. The recombination protein RAD-51 accumulates in nuclear foci at higher numbers during meiotic prophase and disappears later than in wild-type worms, suggesting a defect in the repair of meiotic double-stranded DNA breaks. Embryos showing nuclei of variable size and anaphase bridges, indicative of mitotic segregation defects, are frequently observed. In the most severely affected gonads, nuclear morphology cannot be related to any specific stage. The cytological localization and the consequences of the lack of the protein indicate that C. elegans SCC-3 is essential for sister chromatid cohesion both in mitosis and in meiosis.  相似文献   

A Werner syndrome protein homolog in C. elegans (WRN-1) was immunolocalized to the nuclei of germ cells, embryonic cells, and many other cells of larval and adult worms. When wrn-1 expression was inhibited by RNA interference (RNAi), a slight reduction in C. elegans life span was observed, with accompanying signs of premature aging, such as earlier accumulation of lipofuscin and tissue deterioration in the head. In addition, various developmental defects, including small, dumpy, ruptured, transparent body, growth arrest and bag of worms, were induced by RNAi. The frequency of these defects was accentuated by gamma-irradiation, implying that they were derived from spontaneous or induced DNA damage. wrn-1(RNAi) worms showed accelerated larval growth irrespective of gamma-irradiation, and pre-meiotic germ cells had an abnormal checkpoint response to DNA replication blockage. These observations suggest that WRN-1 acts as a checkpoint protein for DNA damage and replication blockage. This idea is also supported by an accelerated S phase in wrn-1(RNAi) embryonic cells. wrn-1(RNAi) phenotypes similar to those of Werner syndrome, such as premature aging and short stature, suggest wrn-1-deficient C. elegans as a useful model organism for Werner syndrome.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, the key regulators of cell-cycle transitions are the cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). The best studied CDK is a component of the M-phase promoting factor (MPF), which promotes entry into and progression through meiosis and mitosis. One of the enduring mysteries of the MPF complex has been the role of Cks/Suc1, a highly conserved member of the cell-cycle machinery in eukaryotes [1,2]. Cks has been proposed to be involved in activation of MPF [3], general interactions of MPF with its mitotic substrates [4] and/or inactivation of MPF [5,6]. We identified two Cks homologs in the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans and used RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) to investigate their roles in development. Whereas cks-2(RNAi) embryos display no apparent defects, cks-1(RNAi) embryos display defects in both meiosis and mitosis. Specifically, cks-1(RNAi) embryos fail to exit M phase properly. We propose that CKS-1 has an essential role in the inactivation of MPF during early C. elegans embryogenesis.  相似文献   

With their first cleavage blastomeres in Caenorhabditis elegans are fixed to very different developmental programs going along with differential segregation of maternal gene products. To investigate whether indications for a prelocalization of cytoplasmic components can already be found in unfertilized egg cells, we fused mature C. elegans oocytes with the help of a laser microbeam. Fertilization of two fused oocytes resulting in triploid zygotes showed an essentially normal early cleavage pattern with the establishment of five somatic cell lineages and a germline and also a normal spatial arrangement of blastomeres. A considerable fraction of such embryos hatched and developed into fertile giant nematodes. The numbers of cell nuclei in freshly hatched and adult giant animals were found to be essentially the same as in untreated controls. When three fused oocytes were fertilized, two alternative patterns of early embryogenesis were observed. Half of the embryos followed the normal cleavage mode. The other half, however, developed in a twin-like fashion with all cells present in two copies, apparently due to fertilization by two sperm. In such embryos, two areas of gastrulation were established, resulting in the generation of two separate gut primordia. In summary, our results suggest that (1) in contrast to the uncleaved zygote in the mature oocyte of C. elegans no cytoplasmic regionalization exists, (2) the invariable cell numbers typical for the C. elegans embryo are not controlled via cell size, and (3) the entry of a second sperm can induce a cascade of events in the egg leading to the formation of two complete embryo anlagen.  相似文献   

Treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells with DNA-damaging agents elicits lysine 164-linked PCNA monoubiquitination by Rad6-Rad18. Recently, a number of ubiquitin (Ub) binding domains (UBDs) have been identified in translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerases and it has been proposed that the UBD in a TLS polymerase affects its binding to Ub on PCNA and that this binding mode is indispensable for a TLS polymerase to access PCNA at the site of a stalled replication fork. To evaluate the contribution of the binding of UBDs to the Ub moiety on PCNA in TLS, we have examined the effects of mutations in the C2H2 zinc binding motif and in the conserved D570 residue that lies in the alpha-helix portion of the UBZ domain of yeast Poleta. We find that mutations in the C2H2 motif have no perceptible effect on UV sensitivity or UV mutagenesis, whereas a mutation of the D570 residue adversely affects Poleta function. The stimulation of DNA synthesis by Poleta with PCNA or Ub-PCNA was not affected by mutations in the C2H2 motif or the D570 residue. These observations lead us to suggest that the binding of Ub on PCNA via its UBZ domain is not a necessary requirement for the ability of polymerase eta to function in TLS during replication.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans contains 3 homologs of presenilin genes that are associated with Alzheimer s disease. Loss-of-function mutations in C. elegans genes cause a defect in egg laying. In humans, loss of presenilin-1 (PS1) function reduces amyloid-beta peptide processing from the amyloid protein precursor. Worms were screened for compounds that block egg laying, phenocopying presenilin loss of function. To accommodate even relatively high throughput screening, a semi-automated method to quantify egg laying was devised by measuring the chitinase released into the culture medium. Chitinase is released by hatching eggs, but little is shed into the medium from the body cavity of a hermaphrodite with an egg laying deficient (egl) phenotype. Assay validation involved measuring chitinase release from wild-type C. elegans (N2 strain), sel-12 presenilin loss-of-function mutants, and 2 strains of C. elegans with mutations in the egl-36 K(+) channel gene. Failure to find specific presenilin inhibitors in this collection likely reflects the small number of compounds tested, rather than a flaw in screening strategy. Absent defined biochemical pathways for presenilin, this screening method, which takes advantage of the genetic system available in C. elegans and its historical use for anthelminthic screening, permits an entry into mechanism-based discovery of drugs for Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Jeong YS  Kang Yl  Lim KH  Lee MH  Lee J  Koo HS 《DNA Repair》2003,2(12):1309-1319
Gene expression and RNA interference phenotypes were investigated for a Caenorhabditis elegans homologue (Ce-RCQ-5) of human RecQ5 protein. Expression of the mRNA was observed by in situ hybridization from earliest embryogenesis and gradually decreased during late embryogenesis. Ce-RCQ-5 was immuno-localized in the nuclei of embryos, germ cells, and oocytes and also in the nuclei of various somatic cells of larvae and adults. Despite ubiquitous expression in postembryonic cells, RCQ-5 protein expression was highest in intestinal cells, which was confirmed by tagging the gene expression with green fluorescence protein. When endogenous Ce-rcq-5 gene expression was inhibited by RNA interference, no clear phenotypes were observed during development. However, C. elegans life span was reduced by 37% due to RNA interference of rcq-5 gene, suggesting its possible role in maintenance of genomic stability, as has been ascribed to other RecQ family DNA helicases. In addition, C. elegans became significantly more sensitive to ionizing radiation after inhibition of rcq-5 gene expression, indicating an involvement of C. elegans RCQ-5 in a cellular response to DNA damage, possibly in DNA repair.  相似文献   

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