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The prevalence of chronic renal insufficiency and its complications, including dyslipidemia, is increasing. Although the characteristics of dyslipidemia in chronic renal insufficiency and its pathophysiology are well known, its cardiovascular and renal impact and the most effective therapeutic approach are poorly defined.  相似文献   

Micronuclei are small membrane-bounded compartments with a DNA content encapsulated by a nuclear envelope and spatially separated from the primary nucleus. Micronuclei have long been linked to chromosome instability, genome rearrangements, and mutagenesis. They are frequently found in cancers, during senescence, and after genotoxic stress. Compromised integrity of the micronuclear envelope delays or disrupts DNA replication, inhibits DNA repair, and exposes micronuclear DNA directly to cytoplasm. Micronuclei play a central role in tumorigenesis, with micronuclear DNA being a source of complex genome rearrangements (including chromothripsis) and promoting a cyclic GMP–AMP synthase (cGAS)-mediated cellular immune response that may contribute to cancer metastasis. Here, we discuss recent findings on how micronuclei are generated, what the consequences are, and what cellular mechanisms can be applied to protect against micronucleation.  相似文献   

Stress involves real or perceived changes within an organismin the environment that activate an organism's attempts to copeby means of evolutionarily ancient neural and endocrine mechanisms.Responses to acute stressors involve catecholamines releasedin varying proportion at different sites in the sympatheticand central nervous systems. These responses may interact withand be complemented by intrinsic rythms and responses to chronicor intermittent stressors involving the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenalaxis. Varying patterns of responses to stressors are also affectedby an animal's assessment of their prospects for successfulcoping. Subsequent central and systemic consequences of thestress response include apparent changes in affect, motivation,and cognition that can result in an altered relationship toenvironmental and social stimuli. This review will summarizerecent developments in our understanding of the causes and consequencesof stress. Special problems that need to be explored involvethe manner in which ensembles of adaptive responses are assembled,how autonomic and neurohormonal reflexes of the stress responsecome under the influence of environmental stimuli, and how somespecific aspects of the stress response may be integrated intothe life history of a species.  相似文献   

Causes and consequences of Robertsonian exchange   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
At least two types of Robertsonian exchange are now known in the acrocentric chromosomes of man. Both types involve breakage in the arms adjacent to the centromere. Evidence is presented for a third type of exchange, one involving breakage within the centromere itself, in the grasshopper Percassa rugifrons. In this species, which is regularly homozygous for a single fusion metacentric, the eighteen rod autosomes have small but pronounced granules at the centric end of the chromosome. When C-banded these granules show differential Giemsa staining and appear to represent centromeric chromomeres; these chromomeres are lacking in the metacentric fusion product. Equivalent fusions may have occurred in some mammal species too and possible examples of this are discussed in sheep and mice. The Percassa fusion has led to a modification in both the frequency and the distribution of chiasmata as judged by a comparison of these properties in the metacentric relative to the two next smallest rod equivalents. Comparable modifications are known to occur in other naturally occurring fusions but these changes are certainly not automatic consequences of fusion since they are not shown in at least some newly produced fusion mutants.  相似文献   

Causes and consequences of plant-associated biofilms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The rhizosphere is the critical interface between plant roots and soil where beneficial and harmful interactions between plants and microorganisms occur. Although microorganisms have historically been studied as planktonic (or free-swimming) cells, most are found attached to surfaces, in multicellular assemblies known as biofilms. When found in association with plants, certain bacteria such as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria not only induce plant growth but also protect plants from soil-borne pathogens in a process known as biocontrol. Contrastingly, other rhizobacteria in a biofilm matrix may cause pathogenesis in plants. Although research suggests that biofilm formation on plants is associated with biological control and pathogenic response, little is known about how plants regulate this association. Here, we assess the biological importance of biofilm association on plants.  相似文献   

With rare exceptions, spontaneous tumors originate from a single cell. Yet, at the time of clinical diagnosis, the majority of human tumors display startling heterogeneity in many morphological and physiological features, such as expression of cell surface receptors, proliferative and angiogenic potential. To a substantial extent, this heterogeneity might be attributed to morphological and epigenetic plasticity, but there is also strong evidence for the co-existence of genetically divergent tumor cell clones within tumors. In this perspective, we summarize the sources of intra-tumor phenotypic heterogeneity with emphasis on genetic heterogeneity. We review experimental evidence for the existence of both intra-tumor clonal heterogeneity as well as frequent evolutionary divergence between primary tumors and metastatic outgrowths. Furthermore, we discuss potential biological and clinical implications of intra-tumor clonal heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Causes and consequences of aneuploidy in cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic instability, which includes both numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities, is a hallmark of cancer. Whereas the structural chromosome rearrangements have received substantial attention, the role of whole-chromosome aneuploidy in cancer is much less well-understood. Here we review recent progress in understanding the roles of whole-chromosome aneuploidy in cancer, including the mechanistic causes of aneuploidy, the cellular responses to chromosome gains or losses and how cells might adapt to tolerate these usually detrimental alterations. We also explore the role of aneuploidy in cellular transformation and discuss the possibility of developing aneuploidy-specific therapies.  相似文献   

Centrosome amplification is a hallmark of cancer. However, despite significant progress in recent years, we are still far from understanding how centrosome amplification affects tumorigenesis. Boveri''s hypothesis formulated more than 100 years ago was that aneuploidy induced by centrosome amplification promoted tumorigenesis. Although the hypothesis remains appealing 100 years later, it is also clear that the role of centrosome amplification in cancer is more complex than initially thought. Here, we review how centrosome abnormalities are generated in cancer and the mechanisms cells employ to adapt to centrosome amplification, in particular centrosome clustering. We discuss the different mechanisms by which centrosome amplification could contribute to tumour progression and the new advances in the development of therapies that target cells with extra centrosomes.  相似文献   

Causes and consequences of winter mortality in fishes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Winter mortality has been documented in a large number of freshwater fish populations, and a smaller, but increasing, number of marine and estuarine fishes. The impacted populations include a number of important North American and European resource species, yet the sources of winter mortality remain unidentified in most populations where it has been documented. Among the potential sources, thermal stress and starvation have received the most research attention. Other sources including predation and pathogens have significant impacts but have received insufficient attention to date. Designs of more recent laboratory experiments have reflected recognition of the potential for interactions among these co-occurring stressors. Geographic patterns in winter mortality are, in some cases, linked to latitudinal clines in winter severity and variability. However, for many freshwater species in particular, the effects of local community structure (predators and prey) may overwhelm latitudinal patterns. Marine (and estuarine) systems differ from freshwater systems in several aspects important to overwintering fishes, the most important being the lack of isolating barriers in the ocean. While open population boundaries allow fish to adopt migration strategies minimizing exposure to thermal stresses, they may retard rates of evolution to local environments. Geographic patterns in the occurrence and causes of winter mortality are ultimately determined by the interaction of regional and local factors. Winter mortality impacts population dynamics through episodic depressions in stock size and regulation of annual cohort strength. While the former tends to act in a density-independent manner, the latter can be density dependent, as most sources of mortality tend to select against the smallest members of the cohort and population. Most stock assessment and management regimes have yet to explicitly incorporate the variability in winter mortality. Potential management responses include postponement of cohort evaluation (to after first winter of life), harvest restrictions following mortality events and habitat enhancement. Future research should place more emphasis on the ecological aspects of winter mortality including the influences of food-web structure on starvation and predation. Beyond illuminating an understudied life-history phase, studies of overwintering ecology are integral to contemporary issues in fisheries ecology including ecosystem management, habitat evaluation, and impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Causes and consequences of migration by large herbivores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many populations of large herbivores migrate seasonally between discrete home ranges. Current evidence suggests that migration is generally selected for as a means of enhancing access to high quality food and/or reducing the risk of predation. The relative importance of these alternative selection pressures should depend on the demographic circumstances facing a given population. Seasonal migration also has important implications for the structure and dynamics of large herbivore communities. Migrants should tend to be regulated by food availability, while residents should tend to be regulated by predators As a result, migrants should often outnumber residents by a considerable margin - a pattern seen in several tropical and temperate ecosystems. Differences in the mode of regulation could also imply that competition for resources will be weak in purely resident assemblages, but strong in communities dominated by migrants. Continual grazing by resident herbivores can sometimes lead to degeneration of vegetation, while systems supporting migrants are apparently more resilient. This implies that migration can have an important impact on the long-term persistence of plant-herbivore systems, particularly in areas with slow rates of vegetation regeneration.  相似文献   

Causes and consequences of biological diversity in soil   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
There is a vast diversity of organisms that live in the soil, and the activities of the total soil biota, together with the diverse forms and functions of plant roots, have critical roles in soil functioning. In this paper I discuss the likely determinants of soil diversity and also comment on recent studies that have explored whether or not there is a relationship between soil organism diversity and ecosystem function. There is little evidence to suggest that soil diversity is regulated in a predicable fashion by competition or disturbance; rather it is attributed to the nature of the soil environment, in that soil offers an extremely heterogeneous habitat, both spatially and temporally, proving unrivalled potential for niche partitioning, or resource or habitat specialisation, thereby enabling co-existence of species. Most evidence that is available suggests that there is no predictable relationship between diversity and function in soils, and that ecosystem properties are governed more by individual traits of dominant species, and by the extraordinary complexity of biotic interactions that occur between components of soil food webs. There is evidence of redundancy in soil communities with respect to soil functions, but the scale of effect of changes in soil diversity on process rates depends on which species are removed from the community and the degree to which remaining species can compensate. As in aboveground communities, therefore, it would appear that species traits and changes in species composition, and alterations in the nature of the many important species interactions that occur in soil, are likely to be the main biotic control of ecosystem function. In view of this, consideration of these important biotic interactions and their sensitivity to environmental change must be a key priority for future research.  相似文献   

Proteins involved in reproduction often evolve rapidly, raising the possibility that changes in these proteins contribute to reproductive isolation between species. We review the evidence for rapid and adaptive change in reproductive proteins in animals, focusing on studies in recently diverged vertebrates. We identify common patterns and point out promising directions for future research. In particular, we highlight the ways that integrating the different but complementary approaches of evolutionary and developmental biology will provide new insights into fertilization processes.  相似文献   

Despite more than 200 yr of recognition that some microscopic metazoans survive environmental conditions far beyond those experienced in nature while in a cryptobiotic state, this phenomenon has received little attention from evolutionary biologists. The excess environmental resistance exhibited by cryptobiotic organisms cannot be viewed as an adaptation within current evolutionary biology. Rather, excess resistance may have evolved as a by-product of natural selection for tolerance to desiccation or other naturally occurring environmental agents. The combined effects of desiccation, metabolic arrest, effective stabilization of dry or frozen cells by protectant molecules, and efficient DNA repair mechanisms may have led to a protection of the organism against conditions far beyond those experienced in nature.  相似文献   

Cerebellar high-frequency oscillations have been observed for many decades, but their underlying mechanisms have remained enigmatic. In this issue of Neuron, two papers indicate that specific intrinsic mechanisms in the cerebellar cortex contribute to the generation of these oscillations. Middleton et al. show that GABA(A) receptor activation and nonchemical transmission are required for nicotine-dependent oscillations at 30-80 Hz and 80-160 Hz, respectively, while de Solages et al. provide evidence that recurrent inhibition by Purkinje cells is essential for oscillations around 200 Hz.  相似文献   

Tropical canopy dominance in lowland, well-drained forests by one plant species is a long-standing conundrum in tropical biology. Research now shows that dominance is not the result of one trait or mechanism. We suggest that the striking dominance of Gilbertiodendron dewevrei in the Ituri Forest of northeastern Congo is the result of a number of traits in adult trees that significantly modify the understory environment, making it difficult for other species to regenerate there. Adults cast deep shade that reduces light levels in the understory of the Gilbertiodendron forest to levels significantly lower than in the mixed-species forest. Moreover, the monodominant forest has deep leaf litter that could inhibit the establishment of small-seeded species, and the leaf litter is slow to decompose, potentially causing the low availability of nitrogen. We expect that juveniles of Gilbertiodendron may have an advantage in this environment over other species. In general, it appears that all tropical monodominant species share a similar suite of traits.  相似文献   

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