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 The cultivation of the black truffle, Tuber melanosporum (Vitt.), is based upon plantation of seedlings artificially infected with Tuber. At the present time, neither the host-plant nor the fungal material used for planting truffle orchards are genetically well defined. Cloning the host-plant was performed as a first step in improvement. A clone of hazel (Corylus avellana L.) was artificially infected with T. melanosporum. The heterogeneity of the root volume was not completely suppressed by cloning but very extensive growth unfavorable to Tuber colonization rarely occurred. The root system was highly receptive to ectomycorrhizal fungi. The percentage of roots infected by T. melanosporum reached a higher level on cloned hazels than uncloned seedlings. The relation between Tuber and other symbionts appeared to depend on the morphology of the root system. T. melanosporum spread more easily on medium-sized root systems whereas the other symbionts (Scleroderma sp., Cenococcum sp., Pulvinula globifera) developed in parallel to the root volume. The practical potential of this system is discussed. Accepted: 4 June 1995  相似文献   

Our objectives were (i) to develop a molecular method to detect mycelia of Tuber melanosporum (black truffle) in soil and (ii) to test for mycelial distribution around two truffle-bearing Quercus ilex trees in a truffle orchard. Isolation of total DNA from soil was performed, followed by PCR amplification with T. melanosporum-specific primers and restriction analysis. To address the detection sensitivity level, soil samples were inoculated with known amounts of gleba of T. melanosporum. The detection limit was >/=11.4 mug of hyphae g(-1) of soil. Mycelium was detected primarily within the area defined by the truffle burn and within the top 35 cm of the soil in all directions from the trees.  相似文献   

Degenerate PCR and chromosome-walking approaches were used to identify mating-type (MAT) genes and flanking regions from the homothallic (sexually self-fertile) euascomycete fungus Neosartorya fischeri, a close relative of the opportunistic human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. Both putative alpha- and high-mobility-group-domain MAT genes were found within the same genome, providing a functional explanation for self-fertility. However, unlike those in many homothallic euascomycetes (Pezizomycotina), the genes were not found adjacent to each other and were termed MAT1 and MAT2 to recognize the presence of distinct loci. Complete copies of putative APN1 (DNA lyase) and SLA2 (cytoskeleton assembly control) genes were found bordering the MAT1 locus. Partial copies of APN1 and SLA2 were also found bordering the MAT2 locus, but these copies bore the genetic hallmarks of pseudogenes. Genome comparisons revealed synteny over at least 23,300 bp between the N. fischeri MAT1 region and the A. fumigatus MAT locus region, but no such long-range conservation in the N. fischeri MAT2 region was evident. The sequence upstream of MAT2 contained numerous candidate transposase genes. These results demonstrate a novel means involving the segmental translocation of a chromosomal region by which the ability to undergo self-fertilization may be acquired. The results are also discussed in relation to their significance in indicating that heterothallism may be ancestral within the Aspergillus section Fumigati.  相似文献   

The transition from vegetative mycelium to fruit body in truffles requires differentiation processes which lead to edible fruit bodies (ascomata) consisting of different cell and tissue types. The identification of genes differentially expressed during these developmental processes can contribute greatly to a better understanding of truffle morphogenesis. A cDNA library was constructed from vegetative mycelium RNAs of the white truffle Tuber borchii, and 214 cDNAs were sequenced. Up to 58% of the expressed sequence tags corresponded to known genes. The majority of the identified sequences represented housekeeping proteins, i.e., proteins involved in gene or protein expression, cell wall formation, primary and secondary metabolism, and signaling pathways. We screened 171 arrayed cDNAs by using cDNA probes constructed from mRNAs of vegetative mycelium and ascomata to identify fruit body-regulated genes. Comparisons of signals from vegetative mycelium and fruit bodies bearing 15 or 70% mature spores revealed significant differences in the expression levels for up to 33% of the investigated genes. The expression levels for six highly regulated genes were confirmed by RNA blot analyses. The expression of glutamine synthetase, 5-aminolevulinic acid synthetase, isocitrate lyase, thioredoxin, glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase, and UDP-glucose:sterol glucosyl transferase was highly up-regulated, suggesting that amino acid biosynthesis, the glyoxylate cycle pathway, and cell wall synthesis are strikingly altered during morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Here, we report the first evidence of a hexose transporter gene, Tbhxt1, in the ectomycorrhizal ascomycete Tuber borchii Vittadini. The protein encoded by Tbhxt1 functionally complements the hxt-null mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae EBYVW.4000. TBHXT1 has a strong preference for d-glucose (K(m)=38+/-10 microM) over d-fructose (K(m)=16+/-5mM) and uncoupling experiments indicate that TBHXT1 catalyzes the transport via a proton-symport mechanism. The investigations on the substrate specificity reveal that TBHXT1 also imports d-mannose, and the use of deoxyglucose analogues shows that the hydroxyl groups at C1, C3 and C4 are important for substrate recognition. Tbhxt1 is not regulated by fructose, but it reaches its highest level of expression at 3mM glucose and is repressed by very high glucose concentration. Prolonged carbon starvation condition upregulates Tbhxt1, while its expression remains at basal level in the ectomycorrhizal tissue. The mode of regulation of Tbhxt1 is consistent with its role as a high-affinity d-glucose transporter.  相似文献   

The protein kinases C (PKCs) define a growing family of ubiquitous signal transducting serine/threonine kinases that control ion conductance channels, release of hormones and cell growth and proliferation. Degenerated oligonucleotides were used as primers for polymerase chain reactions to amplify PKC-related sequences from the white truffle species Tuber magnatum and Tuber borchii. The deduced amino acid sequences of cloned sequences reveal domains homologous to the regulatory and kinase domains of PKC-related proteins, but lack typical Ca(2+)-binding domain and therefore should be classified as nPKCs. Both contain a large extended N-terminus which is found exclusively in fungi PKCs. Phylogenetic analysis of the kinase domain demonstrates high homology with known filamentous fungi isoenzymes.  相似文献   

Truffles are hypogeous ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi belonging to the genus Tuber. Although outplanting of truffle-inoculated host plants has enabled the realization of productive orchards, truffle cultivation is not yet standardized. Therefore, monitoring the distribution of fungal species in different truffle fields may help us to elucidate the factors that shape microbial communities and influence the propagation and fruiting of Tuber spp. In this study, we compared the fungal biodiversity in cultivated and natural Tuber melanosporum truffle fields located in Central Italy. To this end, ectomycorrhizas (ECM) and soil samples were molecularly analyzed, and an inventory of the fungi associated with Quercus pubescens plants colonized by T. melanosporum, Tuber aestivum or Tuber brumale was compiled. T. melanosporum and T. aestivum were dominant on the cultivated plants, and the number of EM species was markedly lower in the cultivated sites than in the natural sites. However, in the same site, EM biodiversity was higher in T. brumale-colonized plants than in T. melanosporum-colonized plants. These results suggest that different Tuber spp. may have different competitive effects on the other mycobionts. Additionally, in keeping with our previous findings, we found that the number of T. melanosporum genotypes recovered from the soil samples was higher than that of the underlying ECM.  相似文献   

Molecular species of ceramides from the ascomycete truffle Tuber indicum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ceramide fractions were isolated from the chloroform/methanolic extractable of the fruiting bodies of Tuber indicum and separated into three kinds of molecular species TI-1, TI-2, and TI-3 by normal and reverse phase silica gel-column chromatography. By means of (1)H NMR and (13)C NMR spectroscopy, fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS), and chemical degradation experiment, their component sphingoid base for TI-1 and TI-2 was uniformly (2S,3S,4R)-2-amino-1,3,4-octadecantriol, while the sphingoid of TI-3 was d-erythro-sphingosine, and their structures have been determined unequivocally to be (2S,2'R,3S,4R)-2-(2'-d-hydroxyalkanoylamino) octadecane-1,3,4-triol, the fatty acid composition of which consists of 2-hydroxydocosanoic, 2-hydroxytetracosanoic, and 2-hydroxytricosanoic acids (from major to minor); (2S,3S,4R)-2-(alkanoylamino)octadecane-1,3,4-triol, the fatty acid composition of which is unusual and consists of docosanoic, hexadecanoic, tricosanoic, octadecanoic and nonadecanoic acids (from major to minor); and (2S,3R,4E)-2-(alkanoylamino)-4-octadecene-1,3-diol, the component fatty acids of which were hexadecanoic (predominant) and octadecanoic acids, respectively.  相似文献   

Morphologically similar species such as Chinese black truffles and Tuber melanosporum were typed by restriction length polymorphism of internal transcribed spacers. This analysis together with sequence comparison revealed the presence of high genetic variability among fruit bodies collected in China. Selection of primer pairs allowed the internal transcribed spacer region of both Chinese truffles and T. melanosporum to be specifically amplified.  相似文献   

An ammonium transporter cDNA, named TbAMT1, was isolated from the ectomycorrhizal ascomycetous truffle Tuber borchii. The polypeptide encoded by TbAMT1 (52 kDa) functionally complements ammonium uptake-defective yeast mutants and shares sequence similarity with previously characterized ammonium transporters from Saccharomyces (Mep) and Arabidopsis (AtAMT1). Structural characteristics common to the Mep/Amt family and peculiar features of the Tuber transporter have been evidenced by a detailed topological model of the TbAMT1 protein, which predicts 11 transmembrane helices with an N terminus(OUT)/C terminus(IN) orientation. As revealed by uptake/competition experiments conducted in yeast, TbAMT1 is a high-affinity transporter with an apparent K(m) for ammonium of 2 microM. The TbAMT1 mRNA was very slowly, yet specifically upregulated in nitrogen-deprived T. borchii mycelia. Instead, a much faster return to basal expression levels was observed upon resupplementation of either ammonium or nitrate, which thus appear to be utilized as equally effective nitrogen sources by Tuber mycelia.  相似文献   

Summary By using batch-culture enrichment techniques a mixed culture of two bacterial spe cies identified as Cellulomonas flavigena and Xanthomonas sp was isolated. The capacity of both bacteria to grow as pure cultures in a min eral medium with alkaline pretreated sugar cane bagasse or cellobiose was tested. C. flavigena as pure culture was able to grow on both substrates only when yeast extract or biotin and thiamine were added to the culture medium, while Xanthomonas sp. could not grow on sugar cane ba gasse, but assimilated cellobiose if yeast extract was supplied. However, both bacteria in mixed culture grew very well on both substrates and did not require any growth factor. It was concluded that the interaction was favourable to both species. The mixed culture had the capacity to degrade a number of different agricul tural wastes and to use them as the sole carbon and energy source for the production mainly of biomass. More than 80% of pineapple bagasse, without chemical pretreatment, was used up by the microbial system.  相似文献   

Progress was made towards a reliable in vitro system for mycorrhizing Cistus incanus seedlings with Tuber melanosporum. A rich growth medium favored extensive growth of mycorrhized Ri-transformed roots (MTR) but inhibited mycelial outgrowth into the medium. A minimal medium, on the other hand, inhibited MTR growth but supported considerable mycelial outgrowth into the medium. While the presence of a C.␣incanus propagule clearly enhanced mycelial growth into the minimal medium, a highly significant factor appeared to be the use of MTR inoculant, which supported mycorrhizal development to the Hartig net stage. The advantages of MTR for in vitro mycorrhization of host plant seedlings are discussed.  相似文献   

We set out to establish root cultures of a host plant with the aim of obtaining dual cultures of Tuber melanosporum mycorrhiza on transformed roots. Seedlings of Cistus incanus germinated under sterile conditions from seeds collected in the wild were treated with Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Nine hairy roots collected from different seedlings were cultured individually by repeated subculturing. The hairy root clones differed in growth rates and in morphology (branching frequency and distance between side roots). Root growth in a liquid medium exhibited a lag phase of about 2 weeks and an exponential phase lasting about 12 days before the start of the stationary phase. Hairy roots could be kept alive on medium M, a special solid minimal medium (low in Fe2+, BO43-, Ca2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+, very low in PO43- and lacking MoO42-, NH4+ and Co2+), for more than 7 months. T. melanosporum could be grown on the same medium for long periods only by subculturing the fungus with the roots. A mycorrhizal association developed between the roots and the T. melanosporum mycelium within 3 months. The association consisted of elongated roots with a mantle and a Hartig net surrounding two to three layers of cortical cells. Swollen, club-like root tips were discernible 5 months after inoculation. The mycorrhized roots could be subcultured and propagated on medium M and maintain the mycorrhizal association.  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment was conducted to simulate the competition between artificially introduced Tuber melanosporum (Vitt.) and other symbionts, occurring on outplanted truffle-producing trees. Hazel (Corylus avellana L.) seedlings, previously inoculated with Tuber melanosporum, were rapidly infected with the competing truffle Tuber brumale (Vitt.), added to the soil as spores. Coexistence of both species on the root system was observed. Tuber melanosporum survived and continued to spread. Tuber brumale, which is naturally present in many truffle-orchard soils, protects the roots from other ectomycorrhizal symbionts. Although high water content is unfavourable for the development of T. melanosporum in the absence of other Tube species, Tuber brumale stimulates the development of T. melanosporum under these conditions.  相似文献   

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