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The transformation of nitrogen compounds in lake and estuarine sediments incubated in the dark was analyzed in a continuous-flowthrough system. The inflowing water contained 15NO3-, and by determination of the isotopic composition of the N2, NO3-, and NH4+ pools in the outflowing water, it was possible to quantify the following reactions: total NO3- uptake, denitrification based on NO3- from the overlying water, nitrification, coupled nitrification-denitrification, and N mineralization. In sediment cores from both lake and estuarine environments, benthic microphytes assimilated NO3- and NH4+ for a period of 25 to 60 h after darkening. Under steady-state conditions in the dark, denitrification of NO3- originating from the overlying water accounted for 91 to 171 μmol m-2 h-1 in the lake sediments and for 131 to 182 μmol m-2 h-1 in the estuarine sediments, corresponding to approximately 100% of the total NO3- uptake for both sediments. It seems that high NO3- uptake by benthic microphytes in the initial dark period may have been misinterpreted in earlier investigations as dissimilatory reduction to ammonium. The rates of coupled nitrification-denitrification within the sediments contributed to 10% of the total denitrification at steady state in the dark, and total nitrification was only twice as high as the coupled process.  相似文献   

Microprofiles of O2 and NO3- were measured simultaneously in freshwater sediment with microsensors which were completely free from electrical interference because of coaxial designs. Depth profiles of nitrification (NO3- production) and denitrification (NO3- consumption) were subsequently determined by computer simulation of the measured microprofiles. The nitrifying bacterial community responded very quickly to changes in environmental conditions, and new steady-state microprofiles of O2 and NO3- were usually approached within a few hours after perturbation. Nitrification started quickly after introduction of O2 in previously anoxic layers, suggesting prolonged survival of the nitrifiers during anaerobiosis. Changes in the availability of O2 and NH4+ greatly affected the nitrification profile, and there was a high rate of coupled nitrification-denitrification under conditions in which nitrification occurred right above the oxic-anoxic interface. Addition of C2H2 rapidly removed the NO3- peaks, indicating that NO3- production was due mainly to autotrophic nitrification.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation and depth distribution of the capacity for denitrification and dissimilatory NO3 reduction to NH4+ (NO3 ammonification) were studied in the upper 4 cm of the sediment of Norsminde Fjord estuary, Denmark. A combination of C2H2 inhibition and 15N isotope techniques was used in intact sediment cores in short-term incubations (maximum, 4 h). The denitrification capacity exhibited two maxima, one in the spring and one in the fall, whereas the capacity for NO3 ammonification was maximal in the late summer, when sediments were progressively reduced. The denitrification capacity was always highest in the uppermost 1 cm of the sediment and declined with depth. The NO3 ammonification was usually higher with depth, but the maximum activity in late summer was observed within the upper 1 cm. The capacity for NO3 incorporation into organic material was investigated on two occasions in intact sediment cores and accounted for less than 5% of the total NO3 reduction. Denitrification accounted for between 13 and 51% of the total NO3 reduction, and NH4+ production accounted for between 4 and 21%, depending on initial rates during the time courses. Changes of the rates during the incubation were observed in the late summer, which reflected synthesis of denitrifying enzymes. This time lag was eliminated in experiments with mixed sediment because of preincubation with NO3 and alterations of the near-environmental conditions. The initial rates obtained in intact sediment cores therefore reflect the preexisting enzyme content of the sediment.  相似文献   

Bacteria able to perform dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium were isolated from low-oxygen masses in the Baltic Sea. In liquid media enriched with 15NO3 and incubated anaerobically, the NH4+-producing isolates transformed 25 to 72% of the 15NO3 to 15NH4+.  相似文献   

Denitrification and consumption of oxygen and nitrate in sediments from Tama Estuary, Odawa Bay, and Tokyo Bay were measured in an experimental sediment-water system. Filtered seawater containing [15N]nitrate flowed continuously over undisturbed sediments, and the concentrations of O2, nitrate, and nitrite in the influent and effluent and of 15N2 in the effluent were monitored. Under steady-state conditions, the rate of nitrate consumption was the same order of magnitude as the rate of oxygen consumption in Tama Estuary sediments, whereas the former rate was one order of magnitude lower than the latter rate in Odawa Bay and Tokyo Bay sediments. Denitrification accounted for 27 to 57% of the nitrate consumption.  相似文献   

High-resolution NO3 profiles in freshwater sediment covered with benthic diatoms were obtained with a new microscale NO3 biosensor characterized by absence of interference from chemical species other than NO2 and N2O. Analysis of the microprofiles obtained indicated no nitrification during darkness, high rates of nitrification and a tight coupling between nitrification and denitrification during illumination, and substantial rates of NO3 assimilation during illumination. Nitrification during darkness could be induced by purging the bulk water with O2 gas, indicating that the stimulatory effect on nitrification by illumination was caused by algal production of O2. NH4+ addition did not stimulate nitrification during darkness when O2 was restricted to the upper 1-mm layer, and there was thus a low nitrification potential in the permanently oxic top 1 mm of the sediment.  相似文献   

The capacity for dissimilatory reduction of NO3 to N2 (N2O) and NH4+ was measured in 15NO3-amended marine sediment. Incubation with acetylene (7 × 10−3 atmospheres [normal]) caused accumulation of N2O in the sediment. The rate of N2O production equaled the rate of N2 production in samples without acetylene. Complete inhibition of the reduction of N2O to N2 suggests that the “acetylene blockage technique” is applicable to assays for denitrification in marine sediments. The capacity for reduction of NO3 by denitrification decreased rapidly with depth in the sediment, whereas the capacity for reduction of NO3 to NH4+ was significant also in deeper layers. The data suggested that the latter process may be equally as significant as denitrification in the turnover of NO3 in marine sediments.  相似文献   

The coupling between nitrification and denitrification and the regulation of these processes by oxygen were studied in freshwater sediment microcosms with O2 and NO3- microsensors. Depth profiles of nitrification (indicated as NO3- production), denitrification (indicated as NO3- consumption), and O2 consumption activities within the sediment were calculated from the measured concentration profiles. From the concentration profiles, it was furthermore possible to distinguish between the rate of denitrification based on the diffusional supply of NO3- from the overlying water and the rate based on NO3- supplied by benthic nitrification (Dw and Dn, respectively). An increase in O2 concentration caused a deeper O2 penetration while a decrease in Dw and an increase in Dn were observed. The relative importance for total denitrification of NO3- produced by nitrification thus increased compared with NO3- supplied from the water phase. The decrease in Dw at high oxygen was due to an increase in diffusion path for NO3- from the overlying water to the denitrifying layers in the anoxic sediment. At high O2 concentrations, nitrifying activity was restricted to the lower part of the oxic zone where there was a continuous diffusional supply of NH4+ from deeper mineralization processes, and the long diffusion path from the nitrification zone to the overlying water compared with the path to the denitrifying layers led to a stimulation in Dn.  相似文献   

Denitrification and nitrification in sediments of Tama Estuary and Odawa Bay, Japan, were investigated by the combined use of a continuous-flow sediment-water system and a 15N tracer technique. At Odawa Bay, the nitrification rate was comparable to the nitrate reduction rate, and 70% of the N2 evolved originated from nitrogenous oxides (nitrate and nitrite) which were produced by the action of nitrifying bacteria in the sediments. At Tama Estuary, the nitrate reduction rate was 11 to 17 times higher than the nitrification rate, and nitrogenous oxides derived from ammonium accounted for only 6 to 9% of the N2 evolution by denitrification.  相似文献   

We used a combination of 15N tracer methods and a C2H2 blockage technique to determine the role of sediment nitrification and denitrification in a deep oligotrophic arctic lake. Inorganic nitrogen concentrations ranged between 40 and 600 nmol · cm−3, increasing with depth below the sediment-water interface. Nitrate concentrations were at least 10 times lower, and nitrate was only detectable within the top 0 to 6 cm of sediment. Eh and pH profiles showed an oxidized surface zone underlain by more reduced conditions. The lake water never became anoxic. Sediment Eh values ranged from −7 to 484 mV, decreasing with depth, whereas pH ranged from 6.0 to 7.3, usually increasing with depth. The average nitrification rate (49 ng of N · cm−3 · day−1) was similar to the average denitrification rate (44 ng of N · cm−3 · day−1). In situ N2O production from nitrification and denitrification ranged from 0 to 25 ng of N · cm−3 · day−1. Denitrification appears to depend on the supply of nitrate by nitrification, such that the two processes are coupled functionally in this sediment system. However, the low rates result in only a small nitrogen loss.  相似文献   

Dissimilatory NO3 reduction in sediments is often measured in bulk incubations that destroy in situ gradients of controlling factors such as sulfide and oxygen. Additionally, the use of unnaturally high NO3 concentrations yields potential rather than actual activities of dissimilatory NO3 reduction. We developed a technique to determine the vertical distribution of the net rates of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) with minimal physical disturbance in intact sediment cores at millimeter-level resolution. This allows DNRA activity to be directly linked to the microenvironmental conditions in the layer of NO3 consumption. The water column of the sediment core is amended with 15NO3 at the in situ 14NO3 concentration. A gel probe is deployed in the sediment and is retrieved after complete diffusive equilibration between the gel and the sediment pore water. The gel is then sliced and the NH4+ dissolved in the gel slices is chemically converted by hypobromite to N2 in reaction vials. The isotopic composition of N2 is determined by mass spectrometry. We used the combined gel probe and isotopic labeling technique with freshwater and marine sediment cores and with sterile quartz sand with artificial gradients of 15NH4+. The results were compared to the NH4+ microsensor profiles measured in freshwater sediment and quartz sand and to the N2O microsensor profiles measured in acetylene-amended sediments to trace denitrification.Nitrate accounts for the eutrophication of many human-affected aquatic ecosystems (19, 21). Sediment bacteria may mitigate NO3 pollution by denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox), which produce N2 (13, 18). However, inorganic nitrogen is retained in aquatic ecosystems when sediment bacteria reduce NO3 to NH4+ by dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) (5, 12, 16, 39). Hence, DNRA contributes to rather than counteracts eutrophication (23). DNRA may be the dominant pathway of dissimilatory NO3 reduction in sediments that are rich in electron donors, such as labile organic carbon and sulfide (4, 8, 17, 38, 55). High rates of DNRA are thus found in sediments affected by coastal aquaculture (8, 36) and settling algal blooms (16).DNRA, denitrification, and the chemical factors that control the partitioning between them (e.g., sulfide) should ideally be investigated in undisturbed sediments. The redox stratification of sediments involves vertical concentration gradients of pore water solutes. These gradients are often very steep, and their measurement requires high-resolution techniques, such as microsensors (26, 42) and gel probes (9, 54). If, for instance, the influence of sulfide on DNRA and denitrification is to be investigated, one wants to know exactly the sulfide concentration in the layers of DNRA and denitrification activity, as well as the flux of sulfide into these layers. This information can easily be obtained using H2S and pH microsensors (22, 43). It is less trivial to determine the vertical distribution of DNRA and denitrification activity in undisturbed sediments. Denitrification activity can be traced using a combination of the acetylene inhibition technique (51) and N2O microsensors (1). Acetylene inhibits the last step of denitrification, and therefore, N2O accumulates in the layer of denitrification activity (44). This method underestimates the denitrification activity in sediments with high rates of coupled nitrification-denitrification because acetylene also inhibits nitrification (50).The vertical distribution of DNRA activity in undisturbed sediment has, to the best of our knowledge, never been determined; thus, the microenvironmental conditions in the layer of DNRA activity remain unknown. Until now, the influence of chemical factors on DNRA and denitrification in sediments has been assessed by slurry incubations (4, 12, 30), by flux measurements with sealed sediment cores (7, 47) or flowthrough sediment cores (16, 27, 37), and in one case, in reconstituted sediment cores sliced at centimeter-level resolution (39). Here, we present a new method, the combined gel probe and isotope labeling technique, to determine the vertical distribution of the net rates of DNRA in sediments. The sediments remain largely undisturbed and the NO3 amendments are within the range of in situ concentrations. The DNRA measurements can be related to the microprofiles of potential influencing factors measured in close vicinity of the gel probe. This allows DNRA activity to be directly linked with the microenvironmental conditions in the sediment.  相似文献   

We measured potential rates of bacterial dissimilatory reduction of 75SeO42− to 75Se0 in a diversity of sediment types, with salinities ranging from freshwater (salinity = 1 g/liter) to hypersaline (salinity = 320 g/liter and with pH values ranging from 7.1 to 9.8. Significant biological selenate reduction occurred in all samples with salinities from 1 to 250 g/liter but not in samples with a salinity of 320 g/liter. Potential selenate reduction rates (25 nmol of SeO42− per ml of sediment added with isotope) ranged from 0.07 to 22 μmol of SeO42− reduced liter−1 h−1. Activity followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics in relation to SeO42− concentration (Km of selenate = 7.9 to 720 μM). There was no linear correlation between potential rates of SeO42− reduction and salinity, pH, concentrations of total Se, porosity, or organic carbon in the sediments. However, potential selenate reduction was correlated with apparent Km for selenate and with potential rates of denitrification (r = 0.92 and 0.81, respectively). NO3, NO2, MoO42−, and WO42− inhibited selenate reduction activity to different extents in sediments from both Hunter Drain and Massie Slough, Nev. Sulfate partially inhibited activity in sediment from freshwater (salinity = 1 g/liter) Massie Slough samples but not from the saline (salinity = 60 g/liter) Hunter Drain samples. We conclude that dissimilatory selenate reduction in sediments is widespread in nature. In addition, in situ selenate reduction is a first-order reaction, because the ambient concentrations of selenium oxyanions in the sediments were orders of magnitude less than their Kms.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for measurement of denitrification activity in sediments by application of the acetylene inhibition technique. Acetylene-saturated water was injected, at close intervals, into sediment cores which were then incubated for a few hours at the in situ temperature. Frozen segments of the cores were assayed for accumulation of N2O by a combined gas extraction and detection system. The segments were thawed under a stream of helium from which N2O (and other gases) was collected in a liquid N2 trap, and the quantity of N2O was measured by gas chromatography. The maximum rate of denitrification in a coastal marine sediment was 35 nmol of N per cm3 of sediment per day at 2.5°C, and the rate of denitrification for the total sediment was 0.99 nmol of N per m2 per day.  相似文献   

A model was constructed to simulate the results of experiments which investigated nitrification and denitrification in the freshwater sediment of Lake Vilhelmsborg, Denmark (K. Jensen, N. P. Sloth, N. Risgaard-Petersen, S. Rysgaard, and N. P. Revsbech, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:2094-2100, 1994). The model output faithfully represented the profiles of O2 and NO3- and rates of nitrification, denitrification, and O2 consumption as the O2 concentration in the overlying water was increased from 10 to 600 μM. The model also accurately predicted the response, to increasing O2 concentrations, of the integrated (micromoles per square meter per hour) rates of nitrification and denitrification. The simulated rates of denitrification of NO3- diffusing from the overlying water (Dw) and of NO3- generated by nitrification within the sediment (Dn) corresponded to the experimental rates as the O2 concentration in the overlying water was altered. The predicted Dw and Dn rates, as NO3- concentration in the overlying water was changed, closely resembled those determined experimentally. The model was composed of 41 layers 0.1 mm thick, of which 3 represented the diffusive boundary layer in the water. Large first-order rate constants for nitrification and denitrification were required to completely oxidize all NH4+ diffusing from the lower sediment layers and to remove much of the NO3- produced. In addition to the flux of NH4+ from below, the model required a flux of an electron donor, possibly methane. Close coupling between nitrification and denitrification, achieved by allowing denitrification to tolerate some O2 (~10 μM), was necessary to reproduce the real data. Spatial separation of the two processes (no toleration by denitrification of O2) resulted in too high NO3- concentrations and too low rates of denitrification.  相似文献   

An important constraint on the formation of the building blocks of life in the Hadean is the availability of small, activated compounds such as ammonia (NH(3)) relative to its inert dinitrogen source. Iron-sulfur particles and/or mineral surfaces have been implicated to provide the catalytic active sites for the reduction of dinitrogen. Here we provide a combined kinetic, spectroscopic, and computational modeling study for an alternative source of ammonia from water soluble nitrogen oxide ions. The adsorption of aqueous nitrite (NO (2) (-) ) and nitrate (NO (3) (-) ) on pyrite (FeS(2)) and subsequent reduction chemistry to ammonia was investigated at 22°C, 70°C, and 120°C. Batch geochemical and in situ Attenuated Total Reflection - Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy experiments were used to determine the reduction kinetics to NH(3) and to elucidate the identity of the surface complexes, respectively, during the reaction chemistry of NO (2) (-) and NO (3) (-) . Density functional theory (DFT) calculations aided the interpretation of the vibrational data for a representative set of surface species. Under the experimental conditions used in this study, we detected the adsorption of nitric oxide (NO) intermediate on the pyrite surface. NH(3) production from NO (2) (-) occurred at 70 and 120°C and from NO (3) (-) occurred only at 120°C.  相似文献   

In the global nitrogen cycle, bacterial denitrification is recognized as the only quantitatively important process that converts fixed nitrogen to atmospheric nitrogen gas, N2, thereby influencing many aspects of ecosystem function and global biogeochemistry. However, we have found that a process novel to the marine nitrogen cycle, anaerobic oxidation of ammonium coupled to nitrate reduction, contributes substantially to N2 production in marine sediments. Incubations with 15N-labeled nitrate or ammonium demonstrated that during this process, N2 is formed through one-to-one pairing of nitrogen from nitrate and ammonium, which clearly separates the process from denitrification. Nitrite, which accumulated transiently, was likely the oxidant for ammonium, and the process is thus similar to the anammox process known from wastewater bioreactors. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation accounted for 24 and 67% of the total N2 production at two typical continental shelf sites, whereas it was detectable but insignificant relative to denitrification in a eutrophic coastal bay. However, rates of anaerobic ammonium oxidation were higher in the coastal sediment than at the deepest site and the variability in the relative contribution to N2 production between sites was related to large differences in rates of denitrification. Thus, the relative importance of anaerobic ammonium oxidation and denitrification in N2 production appears to be regulated by the availability of their reduced substrates. By shunting nitrogen directly from ammonium to N2, anaerobic ammonium oxidation promotes the removal of fixed nitrogen in the oceans. The process can explain ammonium deficiencies in anoxic waters and sediments, and it may contribute significantly to oceanic nitrogen budgets.  相似文献   

Samples of sediment from Lake St. George, Ontario, Canada, were incubated in the laboratory under an initially aerobic gas phase and under anaerobic conditions. In the absence of added nitrate (NO3) there was O2-dependent production of nitrous oxide (N2O), which was inhibited by acetylene (C2H2) and by nitrapyrin, suggesting that coupled nitrification-denitrification was responsible. Denitrification of added NO3 was almost as rapid under an aerobic gas phase as under anaerobic conditions. The N2O that accumulated persisted in the presence of 0.4 atm of C2H2, but was gradually reduced by some sediment samples at lower C2H2 concentrations. Low rates of C2H2 reduction were observed in the dark, were maximal at 0.2 atm of C2H2, and were decreased in the presence of O2, NO3, or both. High rates of light-dependent C2H2 reduction occurred under anaerobic conditions. Predictably, methane (CH4) production, which occurred only under anaerobiosis, was delayed by added NO3 and inhibited by C2H2. Consumption of added CH4 occurred only under aerobic conditions and was inhibited by C2H2.  相似文献   

Aerobic and anaerobic groundwater continuous-flow microcosms were designed to study nitrate reduction by the indigenous bacteria in intact saturated soil cores from a sandy aquifer with a concentration of 3.8 mg of NO3-N liter−1. Traces of 15NO3 were added to filter-sterilized groundwater by using a Darcy flux of 4 cm day−1. Both assimilatory and dissimilatory reduction rates were estimated from analyses of 15N2, 15N2O, 15NH4+, and 15N-labeled protein amino acids by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. N2 and N2O were separated on a megabore fused-silica column and quantified by electron impact-selected ion monitoring. NO3 and NH4+ were analyzed as pentafluorobenzoyl amides by multiple-ion monitoring and protein amino acids as their N-heptafluorobutyryl isobutyl ester derivatives by negative ion-chemical ionization. The numbers of bacteria and their [methyl-3H]thymidine incorporation rates were simultaneously measured. Nitrate was completely reduced in the microcosms at a rate of about 250 ng g−1 day−1. Of this nitrate, 80 to 90% was converted by aerobic denitrification to N2, whereas only 35% was denitrified in the anaerobic microcosm, where more than 50% of NO3 was reduced to NH4+. Assimilatory reduction was recorded only in the aerobic microcosm, where N appeared in alanine in the cells. The nitrate reduction rates estimated for the aquifer material were low in comparison with rates in eutrophic lakes and coastal sediments but sufficiently high to remove nitrate from an uncontaminated aquifer of the kind examined in less than 1 month.  相似文献   

运用15N稳定性同位素示踪技术,对高寒草甸植物和土壤微生物固持沉降氮的能力及沉降氮在小嵩草(Kobresia pygaea)草甸中的运移规律进行了研究.施肥2周后,NO-3-15N和NH+4-15N的总恢复率分别为73.5%和78%.无论是NO-3-15N,还是NH+4-15N,植物所固持的15N总是比土壤有机质或者是土壤微生物固持的多.4周后,70.6%的NO-3-15N和57.4%的NH+4-15N被固持在土壤和植物中.其中,土壤有机质所固持的15N均下降了很多,而植物所固持的15N却变化很小.同前面的结果相比,较多的NO-3-15N为土壤微生物所固持.在施肥6周和8周后,NO-3-15N的总恢复率分别为58.4%和67%,而NH+4-15N的总恢复率分别为43.1%和49%.植物和土壤微生物所固持的NO-3-15N比NH+4-15N多.在整个实验期间,植物固持的NO-3N较多,而且比土壤微生物固持了较多的15N.由于无机氮的含量一直很低,无机氮库所固持的15N一般不超过1%.上述结果意味着短期内植物在高寒草甸中对沉降氮的去向起着决定作用.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to elucidate the nature and importance of Fe3+ reduction in anaerobic slurries of marine surface sediment. A constant accumulation of Fe2+ took place immediately after the endogenous NO3 was depleted. Pasteurized controls showed no activity of Fe3+ reduction. Additions of 0.2 mM NO3 and NO2 to the active slurries arrested the Fe3+ reduction, and the process was resumed only after a depletion of the added compounds. Extended, initial aeration of the sediment did not affect the capacity for reduction of NO3 and Fe3+, but the treatments with NO3 increased the capacity for Fe3+ reduction. Addition of 20 mM MoO42− completely inhibited the SO42− reduction, but did not affect the reduction of Fe3+. The process of Fe3+ reduction was most likely associated with the activity of facultative anaerobic, NO3-reducing bacteria. In surface sediment, the bulk of the Fe3+ reduction may be microbial, and the process may be important for mineralization in situ if the availability of NO3 is low.  相似文献   

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