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Combined use of the intraaxonal retrograde transport of the fluorescent marker ‘true blue’ with substance P (SP) immunocytochemistry has been used to trace the nodose ganglion projections of SP-containing neurons of the aortic depressor nerve. It has been found that (1) SP immunoreactive (SP-I) cell bodies are clearly demonstrable in clusters in the rostral part of the nodose ganglion without the aid of colchicine pretreatment; (2) ‘true blue’ is retrogradely transported to the nodose ganglion following its application to the central cut end of the aortic nerve; (3) ‘true blue’ fluorescence and SP fluorescent immunoreactivity can be visualized in the same tissue section and certain cell bodies in the nodose ganglia contain both SP-I and retrogradely transported ‘true blue’. These results indicate that the aortic nerve which projects from the aortic arch baro- and/or chemoreceptors to brainstem vasomotor centers contains SP-I afferent fibers which emanate from the nodose ganglion.  相似文献   

The possibility that substances P (SP) is a neurotransmitter of baro- and chemoreceptor afferents in the rat was investigated. SP-like immunoreactivity (SP-I) was analyzed quantitatively by radioimmunoassay in various levels of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), the site of termination of these afferents while SP-containing afferent neurons were studied in various portions of the peripheral pathways by immunocytochemistry. It was found that the NTS contained significant amounts of SP-I and that unilateral removal of the nodose ganglia reduces the SP-I content of those portions of the NTS known to receive vagal afferents. In addition, SP-I was visualized in discrete fibers in the tunica adventitia of the aortic arch and carotid sinus regions, the vagus nerve and nodose ganglia. These results in the rat are consistent with our previous studies in the cat and provide further evidence that SP is contained within baro- and chemoreceptor afferent nerves.  相似文献   

Summary Retrograde neuronal tracing with the fluorescent dye True Blue and immunocytochemistry were utilized to examine postganglionic sympathetic neurons in para- and prevertebral ganglia projecting to the rat ovary. Perikarya in both ganglia were labeled with True Blue after application of the tracer to either the superior ovarian or ovarian plexus nerve. After application of True Blue to the superior ovarian nerve, 17% of the labeled cells in paravertebral ganglia were immunoreactive for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. In contrast, after application of True Blue to the ovarian plexus nerve, approximately 1 % of the labeled cells in paravertebral ganglia were immunoreactive for the same polypeptide. Some vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive perikarya in paravertebral ganglia were not labeled with True Blue. In some cases, substance P- and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive fibers were closely apposed to True Blue-labeled perikarya in para-and prevertebral ganglia. Paravertebral vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive perikarya projecting to the ovary presumably participate directly in the control of various ovarian functions. Substance P- and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive fibers closely apposed to perikarya projecting to the ovary may participate indirectly in the control of various ovarian functions by affecting the activity of ovarian postganglionic neurons.  相似文献   

Substance P (SP), the widely distributed undecapeptide, is synthesized in cell bodies of vagal sensory ganglia and transported bidirectionally toward the CNS and thoracic and abdominal viscera. In explants of the guinea pig inferior (nodose) vagal sensory ganglion and attached 2 cm of distal vagus nerve, SP is synthesized within the ganglion and transported predominantly distally. The quantity of distal transport is similar to that observed in vivo and provides an index of ongoing synthesis within the ganglion. In this report, the model is further characterized. Double ligation of the explant distal to the ganglion demonstrates that all the transported peptide is derived from the ganglion; there is no evidence of intraaxonal processing of peptide precursor. Approximately 50% of the peptide is in a rapid transport vs. an apparent stationary compartment. Not only transport, but also synthesis, of SP was blocked by 20 mM colchicine. Ongoing SP biosynthesis is dependent on a nutrient medium [medium 199 (M-199)] and is partially inhibited with added fetal bovine serum (FBS; 10%): total explant content in M-199/FBS vs. M-199, 1,785 +/- 101 (n = 8) vs. 2,254 +/- 123 pg (n = 9); p less than 0.02. Addition of 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) decreased both total SP synthesis and transport (total explant content for 2-DG vs. control, 986 +/- 94 vs. 1,391 +/- 111; p less than 0.05). Medium supplemented with glucose to a final concentration of 600 mg/100 ml or with glucose (300 mg/100 ml) with or without insulin (50 ng/ml) did not alter explant SP content or transport. Veratridine (5 X 10(-6) M) inhibited both SP synthesis and transport; ouabain (10(-4) M) also inhibited synthesis, but less so transport. Tetrodotoxin reversed the effects of veratridine. These studies demonstrate the usefulness of this model, which can examine factors regulating both synthesis and transport of sensory neuropeptides in vitro. The results suggest that SP synthesis/transport may be under tonic inhibition, perhaps by both neural and humoral mechanisms.  相似文献   

The distribution and origin of substance P (SP) and neurokinin A (NKA) were studied in rat in the anterior buccal glands, which are minor mucous salivary glands. Indirect immunofluorescence staining showed moderate SP and NKA innervation of salivary acini and interlobular ducts, whereas blood vessels were more sparsely innervated, and there were few nerve fibers in the stroma and around the intralobular ducts. About 10%–20% of the trigeminal ganglion cells showed equally strong immunoreactivity to both SP and NKA. Unilateral denervation of the branches of the trigeminal nerve caused complete disappearance of the stromal fibers and greatly reduced the number of all other SP-immunoreactive and NKA-immunoreactive nerve fibers. In the superior cervical ganglia, SP and NKA immunoreactivity was restricted to small intensely fluorescent cells; SP and NKA immunoreactivity was absent from principal ganglionic cells, and thus sympathectomy had no any effect on the number or distribution of fibers immunoreactive for SP and NKA in the anterior buccal glands. The fibers remaining after sensory denervation could have been of parasympathetic origin, indicating a dual origin of nerves immunoreactive for SP and NKA in these glands. The present data demonstrate that the major part of the glandular SP and NKA innervation in the minor salivary glands derives from the trigeminal ganglia. The distribution of the peripheral nerve fibers indicates that they may play a role in the delivery of potent neuropeptides involved in the vascular, secretory, and motor (myoepithelial cells) functions of salivary glands.  相似文献   

Nerve fibers and varicosities in the pelvic paracervical ganglia (PG) are immunoreactive for the neuropeptides calcitonin gene-related peptide, galanin, and the tachykinins substance P and neurokinin A. Many of these fibers and varicosities are capsaicin-sensitive, originate in dorsal root ganglia and, thus, are considered to be primary afferent fibers. Numerous immunoreactive varicosities are pericellular to principal neurons in the PG. The present study examines the ultrastructure of calcitonin gene-related peptide-, galanin-, substance P-, and neurokinin A-immunoreactive nerve fibers and varicosities in the ganglia to determine their relationships to principal neurons and their synaptic connectivity. Paracervical ganglia of female rats were processed for light-microscopic immunohistochemistry using antisera against synapsin I, as a nerve terminal marker, and microtubule-associated protein-2 to define soma and dendrites. The rationale for performing this co-immunohistochemical analysis was to reveal the relationship between nerve endings and principal neurons. Synapsin I endings were predominantly axosomatic with fewer being axodendritic. Other ganglia were processed for electron-microscopic immunohistochemistry using both standard immunogold and peroxidase-anti-peroxidase procedures. Unmyelinated fibers and varicosities immunoreactive for calcitonin gene-related peptide, galanin, and the tachykinins were routinely observed in the interstitium between neuron somas. Numerous immunoreactive axon profiles were present in small groups that were ensheathed by Schwann cells. Immunoreactive fibers and varicosities were also observed within the satellite-cell sheath of the neuron soma and often intimately associated with the membrane of the soma, somal protrusions, or with the proximal part of a dendrite. Membrane specializations, indicative of synaptic contacts, between the fibers and the principal neurons were observed. It is suggested that these peptide-immunoreactive sensory fibers and varicosities are involved in regulation of activity in the PG.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide probes complementary to α-tubulin, preprotachykinin A (PPT A), preprosomatostatin (PPSOM), and preproarginine-vasopressin (PPAVP) mRNA were hybridized to sections of rat and rabbit brain and dorsal root ganglia (DRG) at all spinal levels. Approximately 100% of the DRG neurons in the rat and rabbit express α-tubulin mRNA, 20–30% express PPT A mRNA and 5–17% express PPSOM mRNA. Whereas neurons which express PPSOM mRNA are of relative uniform size, the neurons which express PPT A mRNA segregate into two broad groups. One group is composed of smaller neurons (200–2,000 μm2) which contain an extremely dense concentration of PPT A mRNA. The second group is composed of larger neurons (2,000–3,500 μm2) which contain a moderate concentration of PPT A mRNA. PPAVP mRNA is present in very high concentrations in the paraventricular and supraoptic nucleus of the rat hypothalamus but is not detected in any DRG neurons. In both the rat and the rabbit the density of PPT A and PPSOM mRNA is high in individual DRG neurons in comparison to PPT A and PPSOM mRNA levels contained in most forebrain neurons. These results suggest that although the level of neuropeptide present in DRG neurons is relatively low in comparison to other brain areas, the rate of sensory neuropeptide synthesis and turnover, as reflected by mRNA content, is extremely high.  相似文献   

During 2010–2013 surveys for the presence of phytoplasma diseases in Yazd province (Iran), a parsley witches’ broom (PrWB) disease was observed. Characteristic symptoms were excessive development of short spindly shoots from crown buds, little leaf, yellowing, witches’ broom, stunting, flower virescence and phyllody. The disease causative agent was dodder transmitted from symptomatic parsley to periwinkle and from periwinkle to periwinkle by grafting inducing phytoplasma‐type symptoms. Expected length DNA fragments of nearly 1800 and 1250 bp were, respectively, amplified from naturally infected parsley and experimentally inoculated periwinkle plants in direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using phytoplasma primer pair P1/P7 or nested PCR using the same primer pair followed by R16F2n/R16R2 primers. Restriction fragment length polymorphism and phylogenetic analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the phytoplasma associated with PrWB disease in Yazd province belong to 16SrII‐D phytoplasma subgroup. This is the first report of association of a 16SrII‐related phytoplasma with PrWB disease in Iran.  相似文献   

We report on the first field evaluation of the public acceptability and performance of two types of lethal ovitrap (LO) in three separate trials in Cairns, Australia. Health workers were able to set standard lethal ovitraps (SLOs) in 75 and 71% of premise yards in the wet and dry season, respectively, and biodegradable lethal ovitraps (BLOs) in 93% of yards. Public acceptance, measured as retention of traps by residents, was high for both trap types, with <9% of traps missing after 4 weeks. Traps retaining water after 4 weeks were 78 and 34% for the two SLO trials and 58% for the BLOs. The ‘failure rate’ in the 535 BLOs set in the field for 4 weeks was 47%, of which 19% were lost, 51% had holes from probable insect chewing, 23% were knocked over, 7% had dried by evaporation and 1% were split. There was no significant difference in the failure rate of BLOs set on porous (grass, soil and mulch) versus solid (tiles, concrete, wood and stone) substrates. The SLOs and the BLOs were readily acceptable to ovipositing Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae); the mean number of eggs/trap was 6 and 15, for the dry season and wet season SLO trial, respectively, and 15 for the BLO wet season trial. Indeed, 84–94% of premise yards had egg positive SLOs or BLOs. A high percentage of both wet and dry season SLOs (29 and 70%, respectively) and BLOs (62%) that were dry after 4 weeks were egg positive, indicating the traps had functioned. Lethal strips from SLOs and BLOs that had been exposed for 4 weeks killed 83 and 74%, respectively, of gravid Ae. aegypti in laboratory assays. These results indicate that mass trapping schemes using SLOs and BLOs are not rejected by the public and effectively target gravid Ae. aegypti. The impact of the interventions on mosquito populations is described in a companion paper.  相似文献   

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