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PomA, a homolog of MotA in the H+-driven flagellar motor, is an essential component for torque generation in the Na+-driven flagellar motor. Previous studies suggested that two charged residues, R90 and E98, which are in the single cytoplasmic loop of MotA, are directly involved in this process. These residues are conserved in PomA of Vibrio alginolyticus as R88 and E96, respectively. To explore the role of these charged residues in the Na+-driven motor, we replaced them with other amino acids. However, unlike in the H+-driven motor, both of the single and the double PomA mutants were functional. Several other positively and negatively charged residues near R88 and E96, namely K89, E97 and E99, were neutralized. Motility was retained in a strain producing the R88A/K89A/E96Q/E97Q/E99Q (AAQQQ) PomA protein. The swimming speed of the AAQQQ strain was as fast as that of the wild-type PomA strain, but the direction of motor rotation was abnormally counterclockwise-biased. We could, however, isolate non-motile or poorly motile mutants when certain charged residues in PomA were reversed or neutralized. The charged residues at positions 88-99 of PomA may not be essential for torque generation in the Na+-driven motor and might play a role in motor function different from that of the equivalent residues of the H+-driven motor.  相似文献   

The torque-speed relationship of the Na(+)-driven flagellar motor of Vibrio alginolyticus was investigated. The rotation rate of the motor was measured by following the position of a bead, attached to a flagellar filament, using optical nanometry. In the presence of 50mM NaCl, the generated torque was relatively constant ( approximately 3800pNnm) at lower speeds (speeds up to approximately 300Hz) and then decreased steeply, similar to the H(+)-driven flagellar motor of Escherichia coli. When the external NaCl concentration was varied, the generated torque of the flagellar motor was changed over a wide range of speeds. This result could be reproduced using a simple kinetic model, which takes into consideration the association and dissociation of Na(+) onto the motor. These results imply that for a complete understanding of the mechanism of flagellar rotation it is essential to consider both the electrochemical gradient and the absolute concentration of the coupling ion.  相似文献   

PomA and PomB are transmembrane proteins that form the stator complex in the sodium-driven flagellar motor of Vibrio alginolyticus and are believed to surround the rotor part of the flagellar motor. We constructed and observed green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions of the stator proteins PomA and PomB in living cells to clarify how stator proteins are assembled and installed into the flagellar motor. We were able to demonstrate that GFP-PomA and GFP-PomB localized to a cell pole dependent on the presence of the polar flagellum. Localization of the GFP-fused stator proteins required their partner subunit, PomA or PomB, and the C-terminal domain of PomB, which has a peptidoglycan-binding motif. Each of the GFP-fused stator proteins was co-isolated with its partner subunit from detergent-solubilized membrane. From these lines of evidence, we have demonstrated that the stator proteins are incorporated into the flagellar motor as a PomA/PomB complex and are fixed to the cell wall via the C-terminal domain of PomB.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellar motors are the reversible rotary engine which propels the cell by rotating a helical flagellar filament as a screw propeller. The motors are embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane, and the energy for rotation is supplied by the electrochemical potential of specific ions across the membrane. Thus, the analysis of motor rotation at the molecular level is linked to an understanding of how the living system converts chemical energy into mechanical work. Based on the coupling ions, the motors are divided into two types; one is the H+-driven type found in neutrophiles such asBacillus subtilis andEscherichia coli and the other is the Na+-driven type found in alkalophilicBacillus and marineVibrio. In this review, we summarize the current status of research on the rotation mechanism of the Na+-driven flagellar motors, which introduces several new aspects in the analysis.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellar motors use specific ion gradients to drive their rotation. It has been suggested that the electrostatic interactions between charged residues of the stator and rotor proteins are important for rotation in Escherichia coli. Mutational studies have indicated that the Na(+)-driven motor of Vibrio alginolyticus may incorporate interactions similar to those of the E. coli motor, but the other electrostatic interactions between the rotor and stator proteins may occur in the Na(+)-driven motor. Thus, we investigated the C-terminal charged residues of the stator protein, PomA, in the Na(+)-driven motor. Three of eight charge-reversing mutations, PomA(K203E), PomA(R215E), and PomA(D220K), did not confer motility either with the motor of V. alginolyticus or with the Na(+)-driven chimeric motor of E. coli. Overproduction of the R215E and D220K mutant proteins but not overproduction of the K203E mutant protein impaired the motility of wild-type V. alginolyticus. The R207E mutant conferred motility with the motor of V. alginolyticus but not with the chimeric motor of E. coli. The motility with the E211K and R232E mutants was similar to that with wild-type PomA in V. alginolyticus but was greatly reduced in E. coli. Suppressor analysis suggested that R215 may participate in PomA-PomA interactions or PomA intramolecular interactions to form the stator complex.  相似文献   

Four integral membrane proteins, PomA, PomB, MotX, and MotY, are thought to be directly involved in torque generation of the Na(+)-driven polar flagellar motor of Vibrio alginolyticus. Our previous study showed that PomA and PomB form a complex, which catalyzes sodium influx in response to a potassium diffusion potential. PomA forms a stable dimer when expressed in a PomB null mutant. To explore the possible functional dependence of PomA domains in adjacent subunits, we prepared a series of PomA dimer fusions containing different combinations of wild-type or mutant subunits. Introduction of the mutation P199L, which completely inactivates flagellar rotation, into either the first or the second half of the dimer abolished motility. The P199L mutation in monomeric PomA also altered the PomA-PomB interaction. PomA dimer with the P199L mutation even in one subunit also had no ability to interact with PomB, indicating that the both subunits in the dimer are required for the functional interaction between PomA and PomB. Flagellar rotation by wild-type PomA dimer was completely inactivated by phenamil, a sodium channel blocker. However, activity was retained in the presence of phenamil when either half of the dimer was replaced with a phenamil-resistant subunit, indicating that both subunits must bind phenamil for motility to be fully inhibited. These observations demonstrate that both halves of the PomA dimer function together to generate the torque for flagellar rotation.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellar motor is a rotary motor driven by the electrochemical potential of a coupling ion. The interaction between a rotor and stator units is thought to generate torque. The overall structure of flagellar motor has been thought to be static, however, it was recently proved that stators are exchanged in a rotating motor. Understanding the dynamics of rotor components in functioning motor is important for the clarifying of working mechanism of bacterial flagellar motor. In this study, we focused on the dynamics and the turnover of rotor components in a functioning flagellar motor. Expression systems for GFP-FliN, FliM-GFP, and GFP-FliG were constructed, and each GFP-fusion was functionally incorporated into the flagellar motor. To investigate whether the rotor components are exchanged in a rotating motor, we performed fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. After photobleaching, in a tethered cell producing GFP-FliN or FliM-GFP, the recovery of fluorescence at the rotational center was observed. However, in a cell producing GFP-FliG, no recovery of fluorescence was observed. The transition phase of fluorescence intensity after full or partially photobleaching allowed the turnover of FliN subunits to be calculated as 0.0007 s−1, meaning that FliN would be exchanged in tens of minutes. These novel findings indicate that a bacterial flagellar motor is not a static structure even in functioning state. This is the first report for the exchange of rotor components in a functioning bacterial flagellar motor.  相似文献   

Each of two hydrophobic subunits of Na+-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (NQR), NqrD and NqrE, contain a pair of strictly conserved cysteine residues within their transmembrane alpha-helices. Site-directed mutagenesis showed that substitutions of these residues in NQR of Vibrio harveyi blocked the Na+-dependent and 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide-sensitive quinone reductase activity of the enzyme. However, these mutations did not affect the interaction of NQR with NADH and menadione. It was demonstrated that these conserved cysteine residues are necessary for the correct folding and/or the stability of the NQR complex. Mass and EPR spectroscopy showed that NQR from V. harveyi bears only a 2Fe-2S cluster as a metal-containing prosthetic group.  相似文献   

PomA is a membrane protein that is one of the essential components of the sodium-driven flagellar motor in Vibrio species. The cytoplasmic charged residues of Escherichia coli MotA, which is a PomA homolog, are believed to be required for the interaction of MotA with the C-terminal region of FliG. It was previously shown that a PomA variant with neutral substitutions in the conserved charged residues (R88A, K89A, E96Q, E97Q, and E99Q; AAQQQ) was functional. In the present study, five other conserved charged residues were replaced with neutral amino acids in the AAQQQ PomA protein. These additional substitutions did not affect the function of PomA. However, strains expressing the AAQQQ PomA variant with either an L131F or a T132M substitution, neither of which affected motor function alone, exhibited a temperature-sensitive (TS) motility phenotype. The double substitutions R88A or E96Q together with L131F were sufficient for the TS phenotype. The motility of the PomA TS mutants immediately ceased upon a temperature shift from 20 to 42 degrees C and was restored to the original level approximately 10 min after the temperature was returned to 20 degrees C. It is believed that PomA forms a channel complex with PomB. The complex formation of TS PomA and PomB did not seem to be affected by temperature. Suppressor mutations of the TS phenotype were mapped in the cytoplasmic boundaries of the transmembrane segments of PomA. We suggest that the cytoplasmic surface of PomA is changed by the amino acid substitutions and that the interaction of this surface with the FliG C-terminal region is temperature sensitive.  相似文献   

Salmonella hook-length control protein FliK, which consists of 405 amino acid residues, switches substrate specificity of the type III flagellar protein export apparatus from rod/ hook-type to filament-type by causing a conformational change in the cytoplasmic domain of FlhB (FlhB(C)) upon completion of the hook assembly. An N-terminal region of FliK contains an export signal, and a highly conserved C-terminal region consisting of amino acid residues 265-405 (FliK((265-405))) is directly involved in the switching of FlhB(C). Here, we have investigated the structural properties of FliK. Gel filtration chromatography, multi-angle light scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation showed that FliK is monomeric in solution and has an elongated shape. Limited proteolysis showed that FliK consists of two domains, the N-terminal (FliK(N)) and C-terminal domains (FliK(C)), and that the first 203 and the last 35 amino acid residues are partially unfolded and subjected to proteolysis. Both FliK(N) and FliK(C) are more globular than full-length FliK, suggesting that these domains are connected in tandem. Overproduced His-FliK((199-405)) failed to switch export specificity of the export apparatus. Affinity blotting revealed that FlhB(C) binds to FliK and FliK((1-147)), but not to FliK((265-405)). Based on these results, we propose that FliK(N) within the central channel of the hook-basal body during the export of FliK is the sensor and transmitter of hook completion information and that the binding interaction of FliK(C) to FlhB(C) is structurally regulated by FliK(N) so as to occur only when the hook has reached a preset length. The conformational flexibility of FliK(C) may play a role in interfering with switching at an inappropriate point of flagellar assembly.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis has a single set of flagellar rotor proteins that interact with two distinct stator-force generators, the H+-coupled MotAB complex and the Na+-coupled MotPS complex, that energize rotation. Here, motility on soft agar plates and in liquid was assayed in wild-type B.subtilis and strains expressing only one stator, either MotAB, MotPS or hybrid MotAS or MotPB. The strains expressing MotAB or MotAS had an average of 11 flagella/cell while those expressing MotPS or MotPB had an average of seven flagella/cell, and a Mot-less double mutant had three to four flagella/cell. MotAB had a more dominant role in motility than MotPS under most conditions, but MotPS supported comparable motility to MotAB on malate-containing soft agar plating media at elevated pH and Na+. MotAB supported much faster swimming speeds in liquid than MotPS, MotAS or MotPB under all conditions, but a contribution of MotPS to wild-type swimming was discernible from differences in swimming speeds of wild-type and MotAB at elevated viscosity, pH and Na+. Swimming supported by MotPS and MotAS was stimulated by Na+ and elevated pH whereas the converse was true of MotAB and MotPB. This suggests that MotAS is Na+-coupled and MotPB is H+-coupled and that MotB and MotS are major determinants of ion-coupling. However, the swimming speed supported by MotPB, as well as MotPS and MotAS, was inhibited severely at Na+ concentrations above 300 mM whereas MotAB-dependent swimming was not. The presence of either the MotP or MotS component in the stator also conferred sensitivity to inhibition by an amiloride analogue. These observations suggest that MotP contributes to Na+-coupling and inhibition by Na+ channel inhibitors. Similarly, a role for MotA in H+-dependent stator properties is indicated by the larger effects of pH on the Na+-response of MotAS versus MotPS. Finally, optimal function at elevated viscosity was found only in MotPS and MotPB and is therefore conferred by MotP.  相似文献   

Li N  Kojima S  Homma M 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(15):3773-3784
The stator proteins PomA and PomB form a complex that couples Na+ influx to torque generation in the polar flagellar motor of Vibrio alginolyticus. This stator complex is anchored to an appropriate place around the rotor through a putative peptidoglycan-binding (PGB) domain in the periplasmic region of PomB (PomBC). To investigate the function of PomBC, a series of N-terminally-truncated and in-frame mutants with deletions between the transmembrane (TM) segment and the PGB domain of PomB was constructed. A PomBC fragment consisting of residues 135 to 315 (PomBC5) formed a stable homodimer and significantly inhibited the motility of wild-type cells when overexpressed in the periplasm. A fragment with an in-frame deletion (PomBΔL) of up to 80 residues retained function, and its overexpression with PomA impaired cell growth. This inhibitory effect was suppressed by a mutation at the functionally critical Asp (D24N) in the TM segment of PomB, suggesting that a high level of Na+ influx through the mutant stator causes the growth impairment. The overproduction of functional PomA/PomBΔL stators also reduced the motile fractions of the cells. That effect could be slightly relieved by a mutation (L168P) in the putative N-terminal α-helix that connects to the PGB domain without affecting the growth inhibition, suggesting that a conformational change of the region including the PGB domain affects stator assembly. Our results reveal common features of the periplasmic region of PomB/MotB and demonstrate that a flexible linker that contains a “plug” segment is important for the control of Na+ influx through the stator complex as well as for stator assembly.  相似文献   

The FliG protein is a central component of the bacterial flagellar motor. It is one of the first proteins added during assembly of the flagellar basal body, and there are 26 copies per motor. FliG interacts directly with the Mot protein complex of the stator to generate torque, and it is a crucial player in switching the direction of flagellar rotation from clockwise (CW) to counterclockwise and vice versa. A primarily helical linker joins the N-terminal assembly domain of FliG, which is firmly attached to the FliF protein of the MS ring of the basal body, to the motility domain that interacts with MotA/MotB. We report here the results of a mutagenic analysis focused on what has been called the hinge region of the linker. Residue substitutions in this region generate a diversity of phenotypes, including motors that are strongly CW biased, infrequent switchers, rapid switchers, and transiently or permanently paused. Isolation of these mutants was facilitated by a "sensitizing" mutation (E232G) outside of the hinge region that was accidentally introduced during cloning of the chromosomal fliG gene into our vector plasmid. This mutation partially interferes with flagellar assembly and accentuates the defects associated with mutations that by themselves have little phenotypic consequence. The effects of these mutations are analyzed in the context of a conformational-coupling model for motor switching and with respect to the structure of the C-terminal 70% of FliG from Thermotoga maritima.  相似文献   

PomA and PomB form a complex that conducts sodium ions and generates the torque for the Na(+)-driven polar flagellar motor of Vibrio alginolyticus. PomA has four transmembrane segments. One periplasmic loop (loop(1-2)) connects segments 1 and 2, and another (loop(3-4)), in which cysteine-scanning mutagenesis had been carried out, connects segments 3 and 4. When PomA with an introduced Cys residue (Cys-PomA) in the C-terminal periplasmic loop (loop(3-4)) was examined without exposure to a reducing reagent, a 43-kDa band was observed, whereas only a 25-kDa band, which corresponds to monomeric PomA, was observed under reducing conditions. The intensity of the 43-kDa band was enhanced in most mutants by the oxidizing reagent CuCl(2). The 43-kDa band was strongest in the P172C mutant. The motility of the P172C mutant was severely reduced, and P172C showed a dominant-negative effect, whereas substitution of Pro with Ala, Ile, or Ser at this position did not affect motility. In the presence of DTT, the ability to swim was partially restored, and the amount of 43-kDa protein was reduced. These results suggest that the disulfide cross-link disturbs the function of PomA. When the mutated Cys residue was modified with N-ethylmaleimide, only the 25-kDa PomA band was labeled, demonstrating that the 43-kDa form is a cross-linked homodimer and suggesting that the loops(3-4) of adjacent subunits of PomA are close to each other in the assembled motor. We propose that this loop region is important for dimer formation and motor function.  相似文献   

FlhA is an integral membrane component of the Salmonella type III flagellar protein export apparatus. It consists of 692 amino acid residues and has two domains: the N-terminal transmembrane domain consisting of the first 327 amino acid residues, and the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain (FlhAC) comprising the remainder. Here, we have investigated the structure and function of FlhAC. DNA sequence analysis revealed that temperature-sensitive flhA mutations, which abolish flagellar protein export at the restrictive temperature, lie in FlhAC, indicating that FlhAC plays an important role in the protein export process. Limited proteolysis of purified His-FlhAC by trypsin and V8 showed that only a small part of FlhAC near its N terminus (residues 328-351) is sensitive to proteolysis. FlhAC38K, the smallest fragment produced by V8 proteolysis, is monomeric and has a spherical shape as judged by analytical gel filtration chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation. The far-UV CD spectrum of FlhAC38K showed that it contains considerable amounts of secondary structure. FlhA(Delta328-351) missing residues 328-351 failed to complement the flhA mutant, indicating that the proteolytically sensitive region of FlhA is important for its function. FlhA(Delta328-351) was inserted into the cytoplasmic membrane, and exerted a strong dominant negative effect on wild-type cells, suggesting that it retains the ability to interact with other export components within the cytoplasmic membrane. Overproduced FlhAC38K inhibited both motility and flagellar protein export of wild-type cells to some degree, suggesting that FlhAC38K is directly involved in the translocation reaction. Amino acid residues 328-351 of FlhA appear to be a relatively flexible linker between the transmembrane domain and FlhAC38K.  相似文献   

Salmonella flagellar hook length is controlled at the level of export substrate specificity of the FlhB component of the type III flagellar export apparatus. FliK is believed to be the hook length sensor and interacts with FlhB to change its export specificity upon hook completion. To find properties of FliK expected of such a molecular ruler, we assayed binding of FliK to the hook and found that the N-terminal domain of FliK (FliK(N)) bound to the hook-capping protein FlgD with high affinity and to the hook protein FlgE with low affinity. To investigate a possible role of FlgE in hook length control, flgE mutants with partially impaired motility were isolated and analyzed. Eight flgE mutants obtained all formed flagellar filaments. The mutants produced significantly shorter hooks while the hook-type substrates such as FlgE, FliK and FlgD were secreted in large amounts, suggesting defective hook assembly with the mutant FlgE proteins. Upon overexpression, mutant FlgEs produced hooks of normal length and wild-type FlgE produced longer hooks. These results suggest that hook length is dependent on the hook polymerization rate and that the start of hook polymerization initiates a "time countdown" for the specificity switch to occur or for significant slow down of rod/hook-type export after hook length reaches around 55 nm for later infrequent FliK(C)-FlhB(C) interaction. We propose that FliK(N) acts as a flexible tape measure, but that hook length is also dependent on the hook elongation rate and a switch timing mechanism.  相似文献   

FliH is a regulatory component for FliI, the ATPase that is responsible for driving flagellar protein export in Salmonella. FliH consists of 235 amino acid residues, has a quite elongated shape, exists as a homodimer and together with FliI forms a heterotrimer. Here, we have investigated the structural properties of the FliH homodimer in further detail. Like intact His-tagged FliH homodimer, fragment His-FliH(N2) (consisting of the first 102 amino acid residues of FliH), exhibited anomalous elution behavior in gel filtration chromatography; the same was true of His-FliH(C1) (consisting of amino acid residues 119-235), but to a much lesser degree. Thus the elongated shape of FliH appears to derive primarily from its N-terminal region. A deletion version of N-His-FliH, lacking amino acid residues 101-140, does not dimerize and so we were able to establish the gel filtration properties of an almost full-size monomeric form; it also exhibited anomalous elution behavior. We performed trypsin proteolysis of the FliH homodimer and subjected the cleavage products to gel filtration chromatography. FliH was degraded by trypsin and a contaminating protease into two stable fragments: FliH(Prt1) (missing both the first ten and the last 12 amino acid residues), and FliH(Prt2) (missing both the first ten and the last 63 amino acid residues); however, substantial amounts remained undigested even after 24 hours. Under native conditions, both FliH(Prt1) and FliH(Prt2) co-eluted with undigested His-FliH from the gel filtration column, indicating that the fragments exist as a hybrid dimer with intact FliH. These results suggest that the two subunits within the dimer differ in their proteolytic susceptibility. No heterotrimer was observed by gel filtration chromatography when His-FliI was mixed with either His-FliH/FliH(Prt1) or His-FliH/FliH(Prt2) hybrid dimers. A hybrid dimer of FliH and His-FliHDelta1 (lacking the first ten amino acid residues) retained the ability to form a complex with His-FliI. In contrast, hybrid dimers consisting of FliH and either His-FliH(W223ochre) or His-FliH(V172ochre) failed to complex to His-FliI, demonstrating that the C-terminal region of both FliH monomers within the FliH dimer are required for heterotrimer formation.  相似文献   

The sodium ion-translocating F(1)F(0) ATP synthase from the bacterium Ilyobacter tartaricus contains a remarkably stable rotor ring composed of 11 c subunits. The rotor ring was isolated, crystallised in two dimensions and analysed by electron cryo-microscopy. Here, we present an alpha-carbon model of the c-subunit ring. Each monomeric c subunit of 89 amino acid residues folds into a helical hairpin consisting of two membrane-spanning helices and a cytoplasmic loop. The 11 N-terminal helices are closely spaced within an inner ring surrounding a cavity of approximately 17A (1.7 nm). The tight helix packing leaves no space for side-chains and is accounted for by a highly conserved motif of four glycine residues in the inner, N-terminal helix. Each inner helix is connected by a clearly visible loop to an outer C-terminal helix. The outer helix has a kink near the position of the ion-binding site residue Glu65 in the centre of the membrane and another kink near the C terminus. Two helices from the outer ring and one from the inner ring form the ion-binding site in the middle of the membrane and a potential access channel from the binding site to the cytoplasmic surface. Three possible inter-subunit ion-bridges are likely to account for the remarkable temperature stability of I.tartaricus c-rings compared to those of other organisms.  相似文献   

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