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Pestiviruses, including bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), are important animal pathogens and close relatives of hepatitis C virus. Pestivirus particles are composed of an RNA genome, a host-derived lipid envelope, and four virion-encoded structural proteins, core (C), Erns, E1, and E2. Core is a small, highly basic polypeptide that is processed by three enzymatic cleavages before its incorporation into virions. Little is known about its biological properties or its role in virion assembly and structure. We have purified BVDV core protein and characterized it biochemically. We have determined that the processed form of core lacks significant secondary structure and is instead intrinsically disordered. Consistent with its highly basic sequence, we observed that core binds to RNA, although with low affinity and little discernible specificity. We found that BVDV core protein was able to functionally replace the nonspecific RNA binding and condensing region of an unrelated viral capsid protein. Together these results suggest that the in vitro properties of core may reflect its mechanism of action in RNA packaging and virion morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Gir2 is a highly acidic cytoplasmic protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae of unknown function that shows an anomalous migration on SDS-PAGE. Based on its large Stokes radius and thermostability, we have previously suggested that Gir2 lacks extensive secondary structure. Here we report that Gir2 is extremely sensitive to proteolysis when compared to glutathione-S-transferase, a highly structured protein, further indicating its unfolded nature. Prediction based on the FoldIndex program also indicates that Gir2 is a disordered protein. Using truncated forms of Gir2 we show that the N-terminal half of this protein, with its high content of acidic amino acid residues, is responsible for the anomalous electrophoretic behavior of Gir2. Because all these features are hallmarks of intrinsically unstructured proteins (IUP), we propose that Gir2 is another representative of the IUP group of proteins. Additionally, we describe that the endogenous yeast Gir2 shows heterogeneous electrophoretic mobility, which is not due to proteolytic cleavage.  相似文献   

Selenocysteine (Sec) is co-translationally incorporated into selenoproteins at a reprogrammed UGA codon. In mammals, this requires a dedicated machinery comprising a stem-loop structure in the 3′ UTR RNA (the SECIS element) and the specific SECIS Binding Protein 2. In this report, disorder-prediction methods and several biophysical techniques showed that ca. 70% of the SBP2 sequence is disordered, whereas the RNA binding domain appears to be folded and functional. These results are consistent with a recent report on the role of the Hsp90 chaperone for the folding of SBP2 and other functionally unrelated proteins bearing an RNA binding domain homologous to SBP2.  相似文献   

The yeast scaffold protein Pan1 contains two EH domains at its N‐terminus, a predicted coiled‐coil central region, and a C‐terminal proline‐rich domain. Pan1 is also predicted to contain regions of intrinsic disorder, characteristic of proteins that have many binding partners. In vitro biochemical data suggest that Pan1 exists as a dimer, and we have identified amino acids 705 to 848 as critical for this homotypic interaction. Tryptophan fluorescence was used to further characterize Pan1 conformational states. Pan1 contains four endogenous tryptophans, each in a distinct region of the protein: Trp312 and Trp642 are each in an EH domain, Trp957 is in the central region, and Trp1280 is a critical residue in the Arp2/3 activation domain. To examine the local environment of each of these tryptophans, three of the four tryptophans were mutagenized to phenylalanine to create four proteins, each with only one tryptophan residue. When quenched with acrylamide, these single tryptophan mutants appeared to undergo collisional quenching exclusively and were moderately accessible to the acrylamide molecule. Quenching with iodide or cesium, however, revealed different Stern‐Volmer constants due to unique electrostatic environments of the tryptophan residues. Time‐resolved fluorescence anisotropy data confirmed structural and disorder predictions of Pan1. Further experimentation to fully develop a model of Pan1 conformational dynamics will assist in a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of endocytosis. Proteins 2013; 81:1944–1963. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (GS) is the key enzyme responsible for the primary assimilation of ammonium in all living organisms, and it catalyses the synthesis of glutamine from glutamic acid, ATP, and ammonium. One of the recently discovered mechanisms of GS regulation involves protein-protein interactions with a small 65-residue-long protein named IF7. Here, we study the structure and stability of IF7 and its binding properties to GS, by using several biophysical techniques (fluorescence, circular dichroism, Fourier transform infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies, and gel filtration chromatography) which provide complementary structural information. The findings show that IF7 has a small amount of residual secondary structure, but lacks a well defined tertiary structure, and is not compact. Thus, all of the studies indicate that IF7 is a "natively unfolded" protein. The binding of IF7 to GS, its natural binding partner, occurs with an apparent dissociation constant of K(D) = 0.3 +/- 0.1 microM, as measured by fluorescence. We discuss the implications for the GS regulation mechanisms of IF7 being unfolded.  相似文献   

The tau protein belongs to the category of intrinsically disordered proteins, which in their native state do not have an average stable structure and fluctuate between many conformations. In its physiological state, tau helps nucleating and stabilising the microtubules in the axons of the neurons. On the other hand, the same tau is involved in the development of Alzheimer disease, when it aggregates in paired helical filaments forming fibrils, which form insoluble tangles. The beginning of the pathological aggregation of tau has been attributed to a local transition of protein portions from random coil to a β-sheet. These structures would very likely be transient; therefore, we performed a molecular dynamics simulation of tau to gather information on the existence of segments of tau endowed with a secondary structure. We combined the results of our simulation with small-angle X-ray scattering experimental data to extract from the dynamics a set of most probable conformations of tau. The analysis of these conformations highlights the presence of transient secondary structures such as turns, β-bridges, β-sheets and α-helices. It also shows that a large segment of the N-terminal region is found near the repeats domain in a globular-like shape.  相似文献   

An intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) does not have a definite 3D structure, and because of its highly flexible nature it evolves dynamically in very large and diverse regions of the phase space. A standard molecular dynamics run can sample only a limited region of the latter; even though this kind of simulation may be effective in sampling local temporary secondary structures, it is not sufficient to highlight properties that require a larger sampling of the phase space to be detected, like transient tertiary structures. But if the structure of an IDP is dynamically evolved using metadynamics (an algorithm that keeps track of the regions of the phase space already sampled), the system can be forced to wander in a much larger region of the phase space. We have applied this procedure to the simulation of tau, one of the largest totally disordered proteins. Combining the results of the simulation with small-angle X-ray scattering yields a significant improvement in the sampling of the phase space in comparison with standard molecular dynamics, and provides evidence of extended hairpin- and paperclip-like transient tertiary structures of the molecule. The more persistent tertiary pattern is a hairpin folding encompassing part of the N-terminal, the proline-rich domain, the former repeat and a functionally relevant part of the second repeat.  相似文献   

Human Securin, also called PTTG1 (pituitary tumor transforming gene 1 product), is an estrogen-regulated proto-oncogene with multifunctional properties. We characterized human full-length Securin using a variety of biophysical techniques, such as nuclear magnetic resonance, circular dichroism, and size-exclusion chromatography. Under physiological conditions, Securin is devoid of tertiary and secondary structure except for a small amount of poly-(L-proline) type II helix and its hydrodynamic characteristics suggest it behaves as an extended polypeptide. These results suggest that Securin is unstructured in solution and so belongs to the family of natively unfolded proteins. In addition, to gain structural and quantitative insight, we investigated the binding of Securin to p53. Analytical ultracentrifugation and fluorescence anisotropy studies revealed no evidence of any direct interaction between unmodified recombinant Securin and p53 in vitro.  相似文献   

Multiple genes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) are regulated by copper including socAB (s mall o rf induced by c opper A and B), which is induced by copper and repressed by RicR (r egulated i n c opper r epressor). socA and socB encode hypothetical proteins of 61 and 54 amino acids, respectively. Here, we use biophysical and computational methods to evaluate the SocB structure. We find that SocB lacks evidence for secondary structure, with no thermal cooperative unfolding event, according to circular dichroism measurements. 2D NMR spectra similarly exhibit hallmarks of a disordered structural state, which is also supported by analyzing SocB diffusion. Altogether, these findings suggest that by itself SocB is intrinsically disordered. Interestingly, SocB interacts with a synthetic phospholipid bilayer and becomes helical, which suggests that it may be membrane‐associated. Proteins 2016; 84:193–200. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Indirect plant defense against insect herbivores: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plants respond to herbivore attack by launching 2 types of defenses: direct defense and indirect defense. Direct defense includes all plant traits that increase the resistance of host plants to insect herbivores by affecting the physiology and/or behavior of the attackers. Indirect defense includes all traits that by themselves do not have significant direct impact on the attacking herbivores, but can attract natural enemies of the herbivores and thus reduce plant loss. When plants recognize herbivore‐associated elicitors, they produce and release a blend of volatiles that can attract predators, parasites, and other natural enemies. Known herbivore‐associated elicitors include fatty acid–amino acid conjugates, sulfur‐containing fatty acids, fragments of cell walls, peptides, esters, and enzymes. Identified plant volatiles include terpenes, nitrogenous compounds, and indoles. In addition, constitive traits including extrafloral nectars, food bodies, and domatia can be further induced to higher levels and attract natural enemies as well as provide food and shelter to carnivores. A better understanding of indirect plant defense at global and componential levels via advanced high throughput technologies may lead to utilization of indirect defense in suppression of herbivore damage to plants.  相似文献   

Rad53 is a conserved protein kinase with a central role in DNA damage response and nucleotide metabolism. We observed that the expression of a dominant-lethal form of RAD53 leads to significant expression changes for at least 16 genes, including the RNR3 and the HUG1 genes, both of which are involved in the control of nucleotide metabolism. We established by multiple biophysical and biochemical approaches that Hug1 is an intrinsically disordered protein that directly binds to the small RNR subunit Rnr2. We characterized the surface of interaction involved in Hug1 binding to Rnr2, and we thus defined a new binding region to Rnr2. Moreover, we show that Hug1 is deleterious to cell growth in the context of reduced RNR activity. This inhibitory effect of Hug1 on RNR activity depends on the binding of Hug1 to Rnr2. We propose a model in which Hug1 modulates Rnr2–Rnr1 association by binding Rnr2. We show that Hug1 accumulates under various physiological conditions of high RNR induction. Hence, both the regulation and the mode of action of Hug1 are different from those of the small protein inhibitors Dif1 and Sml1, and Hug1 can be considered as a regulator for fine-tuning of RNR activity.  相似文献   

Dehydrins are intrinsically disordered plant proteins whose expression is upregulated under conditions of desiccation and cold stress. Their molecular function in ensuring plant survival is not yet known, but several studies suggest their involvement in membrane stabilization. The dehydrins are characterized by a broad repertoire of conserved and repetitive sequences, out of which the archetypical K-segment has been implicated in membrane binding. To elucidate the molecular mechanism of these K-segments, we examined the interaction between lipid membranes and a dehydrin with a basic functional sequence composition: Lti30, comprising only K-segments. Our results show that Lti30 interacts electrostatically with vesicles of both zwitterionic (phosphatidyl choline) and negatively charged phospholipids (phosphatidyl glycerol, phosphatidyl serine, and phosphatidic acid) with a stronger binding to membranes with high negative surface potential. The membrane interaction lowers the temperature of the main lipid phase transition, consistent with Lti30's proposed role in cold tolerance. Moreover, the membrane binding promotes the assembly of lipid vesicles into large and easily distinguishable aggregates. Using these aggregates as binding markers, we identify three factors that regulate the lipid interaction of Lti30 in vitro: (1) a pH dependent His on/off switch, (2) phosphorylation by protein kinase C, and (3) reversal of membrane binding by proteolytic digest.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) lack a well-defined three-dimensional structure under physiological conditions. Intrinsic disorder is a common phenomenon, particularly in multicellular eukaryotes, and is responsible for important protein functions including regulation and signaling. Many disease-related proteins are likely to be intrinsically disordered or to have disordered regions. In this paper, a new predictor model based on the Bayesian classification methodology is introduced to predict for a given protein or protein region if it is intrinsically disordered or ordered using only its primary sequence. The method allows to incorporate length-dependent amino acid compositional differences of disordered regions by including separate statistical representations for short, middle and long disordered regions. The predictor was trained on the constructed data set of protein regions with known structural properties. In a Jack-knife test, the predictor achieved the sensitivity of 89.2% for disordered and 81.4% for ordered regions. Our method outperformed several reported predictors when evaluated on the previously published data set of Prilusky et al. [2005. FoldIndex: a simple tool to predict whether a given protein sequence is intrinsically unfolded. Bioinformatics 21 (16), 3435-3438]. Further strength of our approach is the ease of implementation.  相似文献   

Defense‐free space resulting from coevolutionarily naïve host plants recently has been implicated as a factor facilitating invasion success of some insect species. Host plants, however, may not be entirely defenseless against novel herbivore threats. Volatile chemical‐mediated defense signaling, which allows plants to mount specific, rapid, and intense responses, may play a role in systems experiencing novel threats. Here we investigate defense responses of host plants to a native and exotic herbivore and show that (1) host plants defend more effectively against the coevolved herbivore, (2) plants can be induced to defend against a newly‐associated herbivore when in proximity to plants actively defending against the coevolved species, and (3) these defenses affect larval performance. These findings highlight the importance of coevolved herbivore‐specific defenses and suggest that naïveté or defense limitations can be overcome via defense signaling. Determining how these findings apply across various host–herbivore systems is critical to understand mechanisms of successful herbivore invasion.  相似文献   

The Dam1 complex is an important part of the yeast kinetochore. It mediates attachment of the chromosome to the mitotic spindle and is involved in chromatid separation initiated at anaphase. It is comprised of 10 individual subunits and has been observed to oligomerize in various ways as it interacts with microtubules, including forming a ring. This work explores the biochemical and biophysical properties of Dad1, one of the Dam1 complex subunits from the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Unlike its Saccharomyces cerevisiae counterpart, C. albicans Dad1 can be expressed as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli. Analysis of this protein’s hydrodynamic properties, thermostability and primary sequence have been conducted. As a result, we conclude that isolated Dad1 is an intrinsically disordered protein.  相似文献   

The plant SNF1-related kinase (SnRK1) is the α-subunit of the SnRK1 heterotrimeric compleses. Although SnRK1 is widely known as a key regulator of plant response to various physiological processes including nutrient- and energy-sensing, regulation of global metabolism, and control of cell cycle, development, as well as abiotics stress, less is known about the function of SnRK1 during pathogen infection. Our previous work has demonstrated that a tomato SNF1-related kinase (SlSnRK1) can interact with and phosphorylate βC1, a pathogenesis protein encoded by tomato yellow leaf curl China betasatellite. Our results also showed that the plant SnRK1 can affect genimivirus infection in plant and reduce viral DNA accumulation. Phosphorylation of βC1 protein negatively impacts its function as a pathogenicity determinant. Here we provide more information on interaction between βC1 and SlSnRK1 and propose a mechanistic model for the SlSnRK1-mediated defense responses against geminiviruses and the potential role of SnRK1 in plant resistance to geminivirus.  相似文献   

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