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Artificial RING fingers (ARFs) are created by transplanting active sites of RING fingers onto cross‐brace structures. Human hydroxymethylglutaryl‐coenzyme A reductase degradation protein 1 (HRD1) is involved in the degradation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins. HRD1 possesses the RING finger domain (HRD1_RING) that functions as a ubiquitin‐ligating (E3) enzyme. Herein, we determined the solution structure of HRD1_RING using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Moreover, using a metallochromic indicator, we determined the stoichiometry of zinc ions spectrophotometrically and found that HRD1_RING binds to two zinc atoms. The Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool database predicted the structure of HRD1_RING as a typical RING finger. However, it was found that the actual structure of HRD1_RING adopts an atypical RING‐H2 type RING fold. This structural analysis unveiled the position and range of the active site of HRD1_RING that contribute to its specific ubiquitin‐conjugating enzyme (E2)‐binding capability.  相似文献   

RNF144A is involved in protein ubiquitination and functions as an ubiquitin‐protein ligase (E3) via its RING finger domain (RNF144A RING). RNF144A is associated with degradation of heat‐shock protein family A member 2 (HSPA2), which leads to the suppression of breast cancer cell proliferation. In this study, the solution structure of RNF144A RING was determined using nuclear magnetic resonance. Moreover, using a metallochromic indicator, we spectrophotometrically determined the stoichiometry of zinc ions and elucidated that RNF144A RING binds two zinc atoms. This structural analysis provided the position and range of the active site of RNF144A RING at the atomic level, which contributes to the creation of artificial RING fingers having the specific ubiquitin‐conjugating enzyme (E2)‐binding capability.  相似文献   

The Deltex (DTX) family is involved in ubiquitination and acts as Notch signaling modifiers for controlling cell fate determination. DTX promotes the development of the ubiquitin chain via its RING finger (DTX_RING). In this study, the solution structure of DTX_RING was determined using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Moreover, by experiments with a metallochromic indicator, we spectrophotometrically estimated the stoichiometry of zinc ions and found that DTX_RING possesses zinc‐binding capabilities. The Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool database predicted the structure of DTX_RING as a typical RING finger. However, the actual DTX_RING structure adopts a novel RING fold with a unique topology distinct from other RING fingers. We unveiled the position and the range of the DTX_RING active site at the atomic level. Artificial RING fingers (ARFs) are made by grafting active sites of the RING fingers onto cross‐brace structure motifs. Therefore, the present structural analysis could be useful for designing a novel ARF.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin‐like protein 4 (Slp4), expressed in human platelets, is associated with dense granule release. Slp4 is comprised of the N‐terminal zinc finger, Slp homology domain, and C2 domains. We synthesized a compact construct (the Slp4N peptide) corresponding to the Slp4 N‐terminal zinc finger. Herein, we have determined the solution structure of the Slp4N peptide by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Furthermore, experimental, chemical modification of Cys residues revealed that the Slp4N peptide binds two zinc atoms to mediate proper folding. NMR data showed that eight Cys residues coordinate zinc atoms in a cross‐brace fashion. The Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool database predicted the structure of Slp4N as a RING finger. However, the actual structure of the Slp4N peptide adopts a unique C4C4‐type FYVE fold and is distinct from a RING fold. To create an artificial RING finger (ARF) with specific ubiquitin‐conjugating enzyme (E2)‐binding capability, cross‐brace structures with eight zinc‐ligating residues are needed as the scaffold. The cross‐brace structure of the Slp4N peptide could be utilized as the scaffold for the design of ARFs.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin‐conjugating (E2) enzymes of protein ubiquitination are associated with various diseases such as leukemia, lung cancer, and breast cancer. Rapid and accurate detection of E2 enzymatic activities remains poor. Here, we described the detection of E2 activity on a signal accumulation ISFET biosensor (AMIS sensor) using an artificial RING finger (ARF). The use of ARF enables the simplified detection of E2 activity without a substrate. The high‐sensitivity quantitative detection of E2 activities was demonstrated via real‐time monitoring over a response range of femtomolar to micromolar concentrations. Furthermore, the monitoring of E2 activities was successfully achieved using human acute promyelocytic leukemia cells following treatment with the anticancer drug bortezomib, which allowed the assessment of the pathological conditions. This strategy is extremely simple and convenient, and the present detection could be widely applied to specific E2s for various types of cancers. Copyright © 2017 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The muscleblind‐like (MBNL) proteins 1, 2, and 3, which contain four CCCH zinc finger motifs (ZF1–4), are involved in the differentiation of muscle inclusion by controlling the splicing patterns of several pre‐mRNAs. Especially, MBNL1 plays a crucial role in myotonic dystrophy. The CCCH zinc finger is a sequence motif found in many RNA binding proteins and is suggested to play an important role in the recognition of RNA molecules. Here, we solved the solution structures of both tandem zinc finger (TZF) motifs, TZF12 (comprising ZF1 and ZF2) and TZF34 (ZF3 and ZF4), in MBNL2 from Homo sapiens. In TZF12 of MBNL2, ZF1 and ZF2 adopt a similar fold, as reported previously for the CCCH‐type zinc fingers in the TIS11d protein. The linker between ZF1 and ZF2 in MBNL2 forms an antiparallel β‐sheet with the N‐terminal extension of ZF1. Furthermore, ZF1 and ZF2 in MBNL2 interact with each other through hydrophobic interactions. Consequently, TZF12 forms a single, compact global fold, where ZF1 and ZF2 are approximately symmetrical about the C2 axis. The structure of the second tandem zinc finger (TZF34) in MBNL2 is similar to that of TZF12. This novel three‐dimensional structure of the TZF domains in MBNL2 provides a basis for functional studies of the CCCH‐type zinc finger motifs in the MBNL protein family.  相似文献   

The zinc finger HIT domain is a sequence motif found in many proteins, including thyroid hormone receptor interacting protein 3 (TRIP-3), which is possibly involved in maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY). Novel zinc finger motifs are suggested to play important roles in gene regulation and chromatin remodeling. Here, we determined the high-resolution solution structure of the zinc finger HIT domain in ZNHIT2 (protein FON) from Homo sapiens, by an NMR method based on 567 upper distance limits derived from NOE intensities measured in three-dimensional NOESY spectra. The structure yielded a backbone RMSD to the mean coordinates of 0.19 A for the structured residues 12-48. The fold consists of two consecutive antiparallel beta-sheets and two short C-terminal helices packed against the second beta-sheet, and binds two zinc ions. Both zinc ions are coordinated tetrahedrally via a CCCC-CCHC motif to the ligand residues of the zf-HIT domain in an interleaved manner. The tertiary structure of the zinc finger HIT domain closely resembles the folds of the B-box, RING finger, and PHD domains with a cross-brace zinc coordination mode, but is distinct from them. The unique three-dimensional structure of the zinc finger HIT domain revealed a novel zinc-binding fold, as a new member of the treble clef domain family. On the basis of the structural data, we discuss the possible functional roles of the zinc finger HIT domain.  相似文献   

HDM2 is a ubiquitin E3 ligase that is a key negative regulator of the tumor suppressor p53. Here, we report the determination of the solution structure of the C4 zinc finger domain of HDM2 using multidimensional NMR. The HDM2 C4 zinc finger domain has a fold consisting of a 3(10) helix followed by four beta-strands, which shares significant structural similarity to the zinc ribbon protein family. Family based sequence analysis identified two putative binding sites, one of which resembles an RNA binding motif.  相似文献   

The really interesting new gene (RING) family of proteins contains over 400 members with diverse physiological functions. A subset of these domains is found in the context of the RING-IBR-RING/TRIAD motifs which function as E3 ubiquitin ligases. Our sequence analysis of the C-terminal RING (RING2) from this motif show that several metal ligating and hydrophobic residues critical for the formation of a classical RING cross-brace structure are not present. Thus, we determined the structure of the RING2 from the RING-IBR-RING motif of HHARI and showed that RING2 has a completely distinct topology from classical RINGs. Notably, RING2 binds only one zinc atom per monomer rather than two and uses a different hydrophobic network to that of classical RINGs. Additionally, this RING2 topology is novel, bearing slight resemblance to zinc-ribbon motifs around the zinc site and is different from the topologies of the zinc binding sites found in RING and PHDs. We demonstrate that RING2 acts as an E3 ligase in vitro and using mutational analysis deduce the structural features required for this activity. Further, mutations in the RING-IBR-RING of Parkin cause a rare form of Parkinsonism and these studies provide an explanation for those mutations that occur in its RING2. From a comparison of the RING2 structure with those reported for RINGs, we infer sequence determinants that allow discrimination between RING2 and RING domains at the sequence analysis level.  相似文献   

Misexpression Suppressor of Ras 4 (MESR4), a plant homeodomain (PHD) finger protein with nine zinc‐finger motifs has been implicated in various biological processes including the regulation of fat storage and innate immunity in Drosophila. However, the role of MESR4 in the context of development remains unclear. Here it is shown that MESR4 is a nuclear protein essential for embryonic development. Immunostaining of polytene chromosomes using anti‐MESR4 antibody revealed that MESR4 binds to numerous bands along the chromosome arms. The most intense signal was detected at the 39E‐F region, which is known to contain the histone gene cluster. P‐element insertions in the MESR4 locus, which were homozygous lethal during embryogenesis with defects in ventral ectoderm formation and head encapsulation was identified. In the mutant embryos, expression of Fasciclin 3 (Fas3), an EGFR signal target gene was greatly reduced, and the level of EGFR signal‐dependent double phosphorylated ERK (dp‐ERK) remained low. However, in the context of wing vein formation, genetic interaction experiments suggested that MESR4 is involved in the EGFR signaling as a negative regulator. These results suggested that MESR4 is a novel chromatin‐binding protein required for proper expression of genes including those regulated by the EGFR signaling pathway during development. genesis 53:701–708, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

NIRF,a novel RING finger protein,is involved in cell-cycle regulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Through database mining, we found a novel PEST-containing nuclear protein (PCNP). To characterize PCNP, we carried out yeast two-hybrid screening for PCNP-interacting factors. A novel Np95/ICBP90-like RING finger protein (NIRF), which possessed a ubiquitin-like domain, a PHD finger, a YDG/SRA domain and a RING finger, was identified. Interaction between PCNP and NIRF was clarified by mammalian two-hybrid system, GST pull-down assay, and nuclear co-localization. RT-PCR showed that NIRF expression is high in proliferating phase but significantly low in G0/G1 phase in normal TIG-7 and WI-38 cells, while consistently high in tumoral HT-1080 and HepG2 cells, suggesting that NIRF is involved in cell-cycle regulation. The NIRF gene resides in 9p23-24.1 that is altered in numerous types of tumors at the top of frequency. Furthermore, the NIRF gene is just within small amplicons in some tumors, suggesting that PCNP and NIRF might be involved in some aspects of tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Protein ubiquitination is involved in many cellular processes, such as protein degradation, DNA repair, and signal transduction pathways. Ubiquitin‐conjugating (E2) enzymes of the ubiquitination pathway are associated with various cancers, such as leukemia, lung cancer, and gastric cancer. However, to date, detection of E2 activities is not practicable for capturing the pathological conditions of cancers due to complications related to the enzymatic cascade reaction. To overcome this hurdle, we have recently investigated a novel strategy for measuring E2 activities. Artificial RING fingers (ARFs) were developed to conveniently detect E2 activities during the ubiquitination reaction. ARFs were created by grafting the active sites of ubiquitin‐ligating (E3) enzymes onto amino acid sequences with 38 residues. The grafting design downsized E3s to small molecules (ARFs). Such an ARF is a multifunctional molecule that possesses specific E2‐binding capabilities and ubiquitinates itself without a substrate. In this review, we discuss the major findings from recent investigations on a new molecular design for ARFs and their simplified detection system for E2 activities. The use of the ARF allowed us to monitor E2 activities using acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)‐derived cells following treatment with the anticancer drug bortezomib. The molecular design of ARFs is extremely simple and convenient, and thus, may be a powerful tool for protein engineering. The ARF methodology may reveal a new screening method of E2s that will contribute to diagnostic techniques for cancers.  相似文献   

Yeast Apc11p together with Rbx1 and Roc2/SAG define a new class of RING-H2 fingers in a superfamily of E3 ubiquitin ligases. The human homolog of Apc11p, ANAPC11 was identified during a large-scale partial sequencing of a human liver cancer cDNA library and partial characterization was performed. This 514 bp full-length cDNA has a predicted open reading frame (ORF) encoding 84 amino acids. The ORF codes for ANAPC11, the human anaphase promoting complex subunit 11 (yeast APC11 homolog), which possesses a RING-H2 finger motif and exhibits sequence similarity to subunits of E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes. In Northern blot hybridization with poly(A) RNA of various human tissues using radio-labelled ANAPC11 cDNA probe, we found strong signals detected in skeletal muscle and heart; moderate signals detected in brain, kidney, and liver; and detectable but low signals in colon, thymus, spleen, small intestine, placenta, lung, and peripheral blood leukocyte. The ANAPC11 gene is located at the human chromosome 17q25. ANAPC11 is distributed diffusely in the cytoplasm and nucleus with discrete accumulation in granular structures in all the cell lines (AML 12, HepG2, and C2C12) transfected. Expression level of ANAPC11 is found higher in certain types of cancer determined in the RNA dot blot experiment.  相似文献   

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