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Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a critical problem in the chemotherapy of cancers. Human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) responds poorly to chemotherapy owing to its potent MDR. Chemotherapeutic drugs primarily act by inducing apoptosis of cancer cells, and defects in apoptosis may result in MDR. Mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) is implicated as an important event in the control of cell death or survival and mPT represents a target for the development of cytotoxic drugs. This study aimed to investigate the effects of selective opener (Atractyloside glycoside, ATR) and inhibitor (Cyclosporine A, CsA) of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) on a CDDP-resistant HCC cell line (SK-Hep1 cells). In this study, a stable MDR phenotype characterization of SK-Hep1 cell line (SK-Hep1/CDDP cells) was established and used to investigate the role of mPTP in MDR. Results suggested that ATR accelerated the decrease of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), reduced the Bax activity, and increased the apoptosis of SK-Hep1/CDDP cells; while CsA inhibited mPTP opening, reduced and delayed the decline of mitochondrial membrane potential, and increased the Bax activity, leading to increased tolerance of SK-Hep1/CDDP cells to apoptosis induction. However, mPTP activity had no effect on the expression of MDR1 in cells,meanwhile the P-gp translocation to mitochondria was increased, and functionally activated. In conclusion, selective modulation of mPTP can affect MDR in human HCC cells. Therefore, activation of mPTP may provide a new strategy to sensitize cancer cells to chemotherapeutic drugs and to reverse the MDR in cancer cells.  相似文献   

Porcine brain capillary endothelial cells (PBCEC) cultured in serum-free and hydrocortisone supplemented medium are characterised by high transendothelial electrical resistances and low cell monolayer permeabilities for small solutes very similar to the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in vivo. Differential screening of a subtracted cDNA library disclosed a 2.1-kb mRNA that is overexpressed in hydrocortisone treated PBCEC relative to untreated cells. The mRNA encodes a 656-aa member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transporters that we named brain multidrug resistance protein (BMDP). Phylogenetic analysis and multiple sequence alignment showed that porcine BMDP is most related to the human and mouse breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP). Northern blot analysis revealed that BMDP is expressed in brain tissue in vivo and was predominantly localised within the endothelial cells isolated from brain capillaries. Thus, we identified a new transport protein at the BBB that might play an important role in the exclusion of xenobiotics from the brain.  相似文献   

EmrE, a small multidrug resistance transporter from Escherichia coli, confers broad-spectrum resistance to polyaromatic cations and quaternary ammonium compounds. Previous transport assays demonstrate that EmrE transports a +1 and a +2 substrate with the same stoichiometry of two protons:one cationic substrate. This suggests that EmrE substrate binding capacity is limited to neutralization of the two essential glutamates, E14A and E14B (one from each subunit in the antiparallel homodimer), in the primary binding site. Here, we explicitly test this hypothesis, since EmrE has repeatedly broken expectations for membrane protein structure and transport mechanism. We previously showed that EmrE can bind a +1 cationic substrate and proton simultaneously, with cationic substrate strongly associated with one E14 residue, whereas the other remains accessible to bind and transport a proton. Here, we demonstrate that EmrE can bind a +2 cation substrate and a proton simultaneously using NMR pH titrations of EmrE saturated with divalent substrates, for a net +1 charge in the transport pore. Furthermore, we find that EmrE can alternate access and transport a +2 substrate and proton at the same time. Together, these results lead us to conclude that E14 charge neutralization does not limit the binding and transport capacity of EmrE.  相似文献   

The small multidrug resistance (SMR) protein family is a bacterial multidrug transporter family. As suggested by their title, SMR proteins are composed of four transmembrane α-helices of approximately 100-140 amino acids in length. Since their designation as a family, many homologues have been identified and characterized both structurally and functionally. In this review the topology, structure, drug resistance, drug binding, and transport mechanisms of the entire SMR protein family are examined. Additionally, updated bioinformatic analysis of predicted and characterized SMR protein family members was also conducted. Based on SMR sequence alignments and phylogenetic analysis of current members, we propose that this small multidrug resistance transporter family should be expanded into three subclasses: (i) the small multidrug pumps (SMP), (ii) suppressor of groEL mutation proteins (SUG), and a third group (iii) paired small multidrug resistance proteins (PSMR). The roles of these three SMR subclasses are examined, and the well-characterized members, such as Escherichia coli EmrE and SugE, are described in terms of their function and structural organization.  相似文献   

Major facilitator superfamily (MFS) is a large class of secondary active transporters widely expressed across all life kingdoms. Although a common 12‐transmembrane helix‐bundle architecture is found in most MFS crystal structures available, a common mechanism of energy coupling remains to be elucidated. Here, we discuss several models for energy‐coupling in the transport process of the transporters, largely based on currently available structures and the results of their biochemical analyses. Special attention is paid to the interaction between protonation and the negative‐inside membrane potential. Also, functional roles of the conserved sequence motifs are discussed in the context of the 3D structures. We anticipate that in the near future, a unified picture of the functions of MFS transporters will emerge from the insights gained from studies of the common architectures and conserved motifs.  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria play an essential role in many food fermentation processes. They are anaerobic organisms which obtain their metabolic energy by substrate phosphorylation. In addition three secondary energy transducing processes can contribute to the generation of a proton motive force: proton/substrate symport as in lactic acid excretion, electrogenic precursor/product exchange as in malolactic and citrolactic fermentation and histidine/histamine exchange, and electrogenic uniport as in malate and citrate uptake in Leuconostoc oenos. In several of these processes additional H+ consumption occurs during metabolism leading to the generation of a pH gradient, internally alkaline. Lactic acid bacteria have also developed multidrug resistance systems. In Lactococcus lactis three toxin excretion systems have been characterized: cationic toxins can be excreted by a toxin/proton antiport system and by an ABC-transporter. This cationic ABC-transporter has surprisingly high structural an d functional analogy with the human MDR1-(P-glycoprotein). For anions an ATP-driven ABC-like excretion systems exist.  相似文献   

The cancer stem cell (CSC) model encompasses an advantageous paradigm that in recent decades provides a better elucidation for many important biological aspects of cancer initiation, progression, metastasis, and, more important, development of multidrug resistance (MDR). Such several other hematological malignancies and solid tumors and the identification and isolation of ovarian cancer stem cells (OV-CSCs) show that ovarian cancer also follows this hierarchical model. Gaining a better insight into CSC-mediated resistance holds promise for improving current ovarian cancer therapies and prolonging the survival of recurrent ovarian cancer patients in the future. Therefore, in this review, we will discuss some important mechanisms by which CSCs can escape chemotherapy, and then review the recent and growing body of evidence that supports the contribution of CSCs to MDR in ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

Effects of phosphorylation of P-glycoprotein on multidrug resistance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cells expressing elevated levels of the membrane phosphoprotein P-glycoprotein exhibit a multidrug resistance phenotype. Studies involving protein kinase activators and inhibitors have implied that covalent modification of P-glycoprotein by phosphorylation may modulate its biological activity as a multidrug transporter. Most of these reagents, however, have additional mechanisms of action and may alter drug accumulation within multidrug resistant cells independent of, or in addition to their effects on the state of phosphorylation of P-glycoprotein. The protein kinase(s) responsible for P-glycoprotein phosphorylation has(ve) not been unambiguously identified, although several possible candidates have been suggested. Recent biochemical analyses demonstrate that the major sites of phosphorylation are clustered within the linker region that connects the two homologous halves of P-glycoprotein. Mutational analyses have been initiated to confirm this finding. Preliminary data obtained from phosphorylation- and dephosphorylation-defective mutants suggest that phosphorylation of P-glycoprotein is not essential to confer multidrug resistance.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to examine the functional role of the nucleotide-binding domains of MRP in drug resistance and drug transport in isolated membrane vesicles. In vivo studies were conducted by preparing stable transfectants of HeLa cells with wild-type MRP cDNA or MRP cDNAs which had been mutated at certain nucleotide binding domains (NBD). Stable transfectants producing equivalent amounts of the MRP encoded protein P190 were used in this study. The results demonstrated that deletions in the C-motif of NBD1 or the A-motif of NBD2 have a pronounced effect in reducing resistance levels to chemotherapeutic agents. Certain single-site mutations in lysines in these same motifs also reduce IC50 values. It has also been observed that mutation of the MRP NBDs results in an increase in drug accumulation and a reduction in drug efflux. Additional studies have been carried out in which recombinant baculovirus containing either wild-type MRP or MRP containing mutated NBDs was prepared and used to infect SF21 insect cells. Using this system we have analyzed the effects of these mutations on in vitro transport of leukotriene C4 (LTC4) 17 β-estradiol 17 (β-D-glucuronide)(E217βG) and daunomycin in membrane vesicles prepared from baculovirus infected cells. The results demonstrate that deletions and site-specific mutations in MRP NBDs greatly reduce the ATP dependent transport of all three substrates. The results of these studies conducted both in vivo and in vitro demonstrate that the NBDs of MRP function in a cooperative manner and are critical for the transport activity of the MRP encoded protein P190. These studies also identify specific lysines in NBD1 and NBD2 which are important for optimal MRP activity. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Wei D  Mei Y  Liu J 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(4):291-294
HPLC was used to analyze doxorubicin in multidrug-resistance (MDR) human carcinoma cells. This method is novel, simple, sensitive, linear, accurate and precise. The minimal detectable concentration is 0.2 g ml–1. The reversal effects of tea polyphenols on MDR are elucidated by this method. The results indicate that the tea polyphenol, (–)-epigallocatechin gallate, is a potential modulator of MDR.  相似文献   

Cancer complexity constantly challenges the way that clinicians manage breast cancer therapy. Tumor heterogeneity and intratumoral stroma characteristics allow cells with different phenotypes and deregulated apoptotic, proliferative and migration abilities to co-exist contributing to a disappointing therapeutic response. While new approaches are being associated with conventional chemotherapy, such as hormonal therapy or target monoclonal antibodies, recurrence and metastasization are still observed. Membrane transporters are the cell's first line of contact with anticancer drugs having a major role in multidrug resistance events. This structural-based activity enables the cell to be drug-resistant by decreasing drug intracellular concentration through an efflux-transport mechanism, mainly associated with overexpression of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins. This review focuses on some of the important structural and biological properties of the malignant cell and tumor microenvironment, addressing the role of the membrane ABC transporters in therapeutic outcomes, and highlighting related molecular pathways that may represent meaningful target therapies.  相似文献   

EmrE is a member of the small multidrug resistance (SMR) protein family in Escherichia coli. EmrE confers resistance to a wide variety of quaternary cation compounds (QCCs) as an efflux transporter driven by proton motive force. The purification yield of most membrane proteins are challenging because of difficulties in over expressing, isolating and solubilizing them and the addition of an affinity tag often improves purification. The purpose of this study is to compare the structure and function of hexahistidinyl (His6) tagged (T-EmrE) and untagged (UT-EmrE) versions of EmrE. In vivo QCC resistance assays determined that T-EmrE demonstrated reduced resistance as compared to UT-EmrE. We isolated EmrE using the two different purification methods, an organic solvent extraction method used to isolate UT-EmrE and nickel affinity chromatography of T-EmrE. All proteins were solubilized in the same buffered n-dodecyl-β-d-maltopyranoside (DDM) detergent and their conformations were examined in the presence/absence of different QCCs. In vitro analysis of protein multimerization using SDS-Tricine PAGE and dynamic light scattering analysis revealed that both proteins predominated as monomers, but the formation of dimers was more constant and uniform in T-EmrE compared to UT-EmrE. The aromatic residue conformations of both proteins indicate that T-EmrE form is more aqueous exposed than UT-EmrE, but UT-EmrE appeared to have a more dynamic environment surrounding its aromatic residues. Using fluorescence to obtain QCC ligand-binding curves indicated that the two forms had differences in dissociation constants (Kd) and maximum specific one-site binding (Bmax) values for particular QCCs. In vitro analyses of both proteins demonstrated subtle but significant differences in multimerization and QCC binding. In vivo analysis indicates differences caused by the addition of the tag, we also observed differences in vitro that could be a result of the tag and/or the different purification methods.  相似文献   

The molecular and functional characterization of severalproteins involved in the uptake and excretion of xenobioticsand endogenous compounds in the hepatocyte has been achievedthrough intensive research conducted in the past few years.These studies have lead to the identification of specificmembrane transporters located in the basolateral andcanalicular membrane domains of the hepatocyte. The organicanion-transporting polypeptide (OATP), present in thebasolateral membrane of the hepatocyte, is responsible for thetranslocation of xenobiotics from the sinusoidal space into thehepatocyte. Once inside the cell, unconjugated neutral, anionicand cationic xenobiotics can be secreted into bile by themultidrug-resistance P-glycoprotein 1 (MDR1). Conjugatedxenobiotics (e.g. glucuronides and glutathione conjugates) aresecreted into bile by the canalicular multispecific organicanion transporter (cMOAT). Other transporters play keyphysiological roles, including the basolateral uptake of bilesalts (sodium-taurocholate cotransporter, NTCP) and thesecretion into bile of conjugated and unconjugated bile salts(bile salt export pump, BSEP) and phospholipids (MDR2).Experimental approaches used to investigate the role of thebasolateral and canalicular transporters in the hepatocyte haveincluded both in vivo and in vitro models. Animalmodels lacking canalicular transporters include the`hyperbilirubinemic' rats (Groningen-Yellow (GY), Eisaihyperbilirubinemic (EHB) and TR- rats), which aredeficient in the cMOAT protein, and `knock-out' mice, lackingeither the MDR1 or MDR2 transporter. Although no animal modelsare currently available for the study of basolateraltransporters, their function has been conveniently investigatedthrough heterologous expression in Xenopus laevis oocytesand also with basolateral membrane vesicles isolated fromhepatocytes. The total number of basolateral and canaliculartransport proteins present in the hepatocyte is still unknown,but current knowledge indicates that there are at least fourpresent in the basolateral membrane and five in the canaliculardomain. The present review focuses on the current knowledgeabout the most relevant hepatocyte transporters involved in theuptake of foreign and endogenous compounds from the sinusoidalspace and in their active secretion into bile. The first partof the review deals with the basolateral (sinusoidal) transportof organic anions, and the major basolateral transporters (e.g.NTCP, OATP) are described here, both in terms of their knownbiochemistry and physiology. In the second part of the review,the canalicular (apical) transport of organic anions isdiscussed and the biochemistry and physiological role of MDR1,MDR2, cMOAT and BSEP is described in detail. The concludingremarks point out areas of research that need to be addressedin order to answer important questions that still remainunanswered in this important field of study.  相似文献   

The major drawback of cancer chemotherapy is the development of multidrug-resistant (MDR) tumor cells, which are cross-resistant to a broad range of structurally and functionally unrelated agents, making it difficult to treat these tumors. In the last decade, a number of authors have studied the effects of photodynamic therapy (PDT), a combination of visible light with photosensitizing agents, on MDR cells. The results, although still inconclusive, have raised the possibility of treating MDR tumors by PDT. This review examines the growing literature concerning the responses of MDR cells to PDT, while stressing the need for the development of new photosensitizers that possess the necessary characteristics for the photodynamic treatment of this class of tumor.  相似文献   

EmrE is a member of the small multidrug resistance (SMR) protein family in Escherichia coli. It confers resistance to a wide variety of quaternary cation compounds (QCCs) as an efflux transporter driven by the transmembrane proton motive force. We have expressed hexahistidinyl (His6) – myc epitope tagged EmrE, extracted it from membrane preparations using the detergent n-dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside (DDM), and purified it using nickel-affinity chromatography. The size of the EmrE protein, in DDM environment, was then examined in the presence and absence of a range of structurally different QCC ligands that varied in their chemical structure, charge and shape. We used dynamic light scattering and showed that the size and oligomeric state distributions are dependent on the type of QCC. We also followed changes in the Trp fluorescence and determined apparent dissociation constants (Kd). Overall, our in vitro analyses of epitope tagged EmrE demonstrated subtle but significant differences in the size distributions with different QCC ligands bound.  相似文献   

Drug resistance is a primary hindrance for efficiency of chemotherapy. To investigate whether Fe3O4-magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4-MNPs) loaded with adriamycin (ADM) and tetrandrine (Tet) would play a synergetic reverse role in multidrug resistant cell, we prepared the drug-loaded nanoparticles by mechanical absorption polymerization to act with K562 and one of its resistant cell line K562/A02. The survival of cells which were cultured with these conjugates for 48 h was observed by MTT assay. Using cells under the same condition described before, we took use of fluorescence microscope to measure fluorescence intensity of intracellular ADM at an excitation wavelength of488 nm. P-glycoprotein (P-gp) was analyzed with flow cytometer. The expression ofmdrl mRNA was measured by RT-PCR. The results showed that the growth inhibition efficacy of both the two cells increased with augmenting concentrations of Fe3O4-MNPs which were loaded with drugs. No linear correlation was found between fluorescence intensity of intracellular adriamycin and augmenting concentration of Fe3O4-MNPs. Tet could downregulate the level of mdr-1 gene and decrease the expression of P-gp. Furthermore, Tet polymerized with Fe3O4-MNPs reinforced this downregulation, causing a 100-fold more decrease in mdrl mRNA level, but did not reduce total P-gp content. Our results suggest that Fe3O4-MNPs loaded with ADM or Tet can enhance the effective accumulation of the drugs in K562/A02. We propose that Fe3O4-MNPs loaded with ADM and Tet probably have synergetic effect on reversal in multidrug resistance.  相似文献   

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