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We have determined the specificity of sera elicited by glutaraldehyde-stabilized bovine aortic actin. This modification induces a high titre of antibodies directed against the N-terminal (residues 1-39) and the C-terminal region of smooth-muscle actins. The crude antisera were purified on peptide (corresponding to the 1-9 or 1-8 N-terminal sequences of smooth-muscle isoactins)-polyacrylic-resin columns. By fractionating the antisera we obtained oligoclonal antibody populations specific for each isoactin.  相似文献   

Glutaraldehyde (GA) and N-(ethoxycarbonyl)-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline (EEDQ), a hydrophobic, carboxyl group directed, zero-length protein cross-linker, were employed for the chemical cross-linking of the rigor complex between F-actin and the skeletal myosin S-1. The enzymatic properties and structure of the new covalent complexes obtained with both reagents were determined and compared to those known for the EDC-acto-S-1 complex. The GA- or EEDQ-catalyzed covalent attachment of F-actin to the S-1 heavy chain induced an elevated Mg2+-ATPase activity. The turnover rates of the isolated cross-linked complexes were similar to those for EDC-acto-S-1 (30 s-1). The solution stability of the new complexes is also comparable to that exhibited by EDC-acto-S-1. The proteolytic digestion of the isolated AEDANS-labeled covalent complexes and direct cross-linking experiments between actin and various preformed proteolytic S-1 derivatives indicated that, as observed with EDC, the COOH-terminal 20K and the central 50K heavy chain fragments are involved in the cross-linking reactions of GA and EEDQ. KI-depolymerized acto-S-1 complexes cross-linked by EDC, GA, or EEDQ were digested by thrombin which cuts only actin, releasing S-1 heavy chain-actin peptide cross-linked complexes migrating on acrylamide gels with Mr 100K (EDC), 110K and 105K (GA), and 102K (EEDQ); these were fluorescent only when fluorescent S-1 was used. They were identified by immunostaining with specific antibodies directed against selected parts of he NH2-terminal actin segment of residues 1-113.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Panels of monoclonal antibodies to three vasoactive peptide-producing enzymes: tissue kallikrein, tonin and arginine esterase A were developed, characterized and used as probes for identification of tissue-specific expression. In addition, immunoblot analyses were performed, using monospecific monoclonal antibodies which did not show cross-reactivity to related-purified enzymes in enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA), and radioimmunoassay. We obtained the following results. In rat submandibular gland extract, the expression of 38 kDa kallikrein, 32 kDa tonin, and 18 kDa heavy chain of esterase A was identified by monoclonal antibodies to kallikrein (V4D11), tonin (1F11), and esterase A (5A10, 6C11, and 4B12), respectively. In the prostate gland, a 32 kDa kallikrein-like protein was identified by monoclonal antibodies to esterase A (5A10, 6C11 and 4B12) and by antibodies recognizing both tonin and esterase A (5A5), but not by antibody to kallikrein (V4D11) or to tonin (1F11, 1G6) in Western blot analysis. The esterase A-like enzyme in the prostate gland was found within the cytoplasm of ductal epithelial cells by using monoclonal anti-esterase A antibody (5A10) but not by employing anti-tonin antibody (1F11). These results indicate that tissue kallikrein, tonin, and esterase A are all expressed in the submandibular gland, while only esterase A or an esterase A-like enzyme is expressed in the prostate gland. The specific monoclonal antibodies can be used as probes for the identification and expression of the kallikrein gene-family enzymes.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal mouse antibodies against human plasma fibronectin were compared in their reactivity for proteolytic fragments of the antigen by enzyme immunoassay and immunoblotting. These antibodies were shown to react with two different structures within a short segment (about 30 kDa) located about one-third away from the C-terminus of the fibronectin chains.  相似文献   

Plasmids p749, p106, and p150 contain cDNA inserts complementary to rat skeletal muscle actin mRNA. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicates the following sequence relationships: p749 specifies codons 171 to 360; p150 specifies codons 357 to 374 together with 120 nucleotides of the 3'-non-translated region; p106 specifies the last actin amino acid codon, the termination codon and the entire 3' non-translated region. Plasmid p749 hybridized with RNA extracted from rat skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth (stomach) muscle, and from brain. It also hybridizes well with RNA extracted from skeletal muscle and brain of dog and chick. Plasmid p106 hybridized specifically with rat striated muscles (skeletal and cardiac muscle) mRNA but not with mRNA from rat stomach and from rat brain. It also hybridized to RNA extracted from skeletal muscle of rabbit and dog but not from chick. Thermal stability of the hybrids and sensitivity to S1 digestion also indicated substantial divergence between the 3' untranslated end of rat and dog skeletal muscle actins. The investigation shows that the coding regions of actin genes are highly conserved, whereas the 3' non-coding regions diverged considerably during evolution. Probes constructed from the 3' non-coding regions of actin mRNAs can be used to identify the various actin mRNA and actin genes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ATPase activity of simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen by using monoclonal antibodies as specific probes of enzymatic activity. Three hybridoma cell lines secreting anti-T antigen antibodies were derived from mice that were immunized with D2 T antigen, an SV40 T antigen-related protein. Monoclonal antibodies secreted by these hybridomas bind to three distinct T-antigen determinants. In order to bind to T antigen, the three antibodies required amino acid residues coded by the region of the A gene between 0.37 and 0.29 map unit. Two of these antibodies (DL3C3 and DL3C4) strongly inhibited T antigen ATPase activity. The third antibody (DL3C5) only weakly inhibited the ATPase activity possibly by decreasing the affinity of T antigen for ATP. These results demonstrate that the ATPase activity is intrinsic to T antigen and suggest that the ATPase function of T antigen maps on the SV40 A gene between 0.37 and 0.29 map unit. A T antigen-specific ATPase assay capable of detecting low levels of T antigen in crude extracts of SV40 infected cells was developed by using 3C5 to immobilize an active form of the enzyme. These results indicate that monoclonal antibodies can be used as probes of enzyme structure and function.  相似文献   

A series of mouse monoclonal antibodies has been developed against a soluble form of bovine UDP-galactose:N-acetylglucosamine galactosyltransferase purified to apparent chemical homogeneity by a combination of affinity and immunoadsorption chromatography. The purified enzyme consists of two molecular mass variants of 42 and 48 kDa. Individual monoclonal antibodies were selected for by their ability to recognize immobilized affinity-purified galactosyltransferase and were not reactive against bovine alpha-lactalbumin and bovine immunoglobulins. Based on competitive binding assays and Western blot analysis with either galactosyltransferase or lactose synthetase (covalently cross-linked alpha-lactalbumin galactosyltransferase), these monoclonal antibodies can be subdivided into four groups. Group A (3 clones) recognize an epitope at or near the alpha-lactalbumin binding site. In addition, this group is cross-reactive with soluble galactosyltransferase from human milk and pleural effusion. Group B (6 clones) and D (1 clone) appear to recognize two different epitopes on the 6-kDa fragment which is released when the 48-kDa galactosyltransferase polypeptide is converted to the 42-kDa form, apparently by proteolysis. Groups A and C (1 clone) recognize epitopes found on both the 48- and 42-kDa polypeptide. Interestingly, immunofluorescence studies indicate that only two monoclonal antibody groups (C and D) are able to decorate membrane-bound galactosyltransferase (Golgi-associated) in formalin-fixed, methanol-, or detergent-permeabilized cells. Thus, these groups of monoclonal antibodies appear to identify four separate structural/functional domains on soluble galactosyltransferase, two of which are not readily accessible for binding in situ.  相似文献   

The structure of the actin-myosin head complex during the ATPase cycle has been studied by electron microscopy of negatively stained acto-heavy-meromyosin. In the absence of ATP, heavy meromyosin molecules generally showed a regular, angled appearance, with both heads attached to the actin filament. In the presence of ATP, attached molecules showed a less ordered structure, often with only one head attached. We conclude that configurations other than the rigor structure occur during the actomyosin cross-bridge cycle.  相似文献   

The skin of an adult frog of Xenopus laevis was characterized by the reactivity of 20 lectins. The lectins were classified into six groups in their binding to the epidermal cells: Lycopersicon esculentum lectin (LEL)-type which was positive for all epidermal cells; Pisum sativum agglutinin (PSA)-type for stratum germinativum; succinylated wheat germ agglutinin (sWGA)-type for strata spinosum, granulosum and corneum; Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA)-type for strata germinativum and spinosum; peanut agglutinin (PNA)-type for stratum spinosum; and Ulex europaeus agglutinin (UEA-I)-type for strata granulosum and corneum. PSA and sWGA were utilized as markers of mitotically active germinative cells and the differentiated cells of the epidermis, respectively, to describe the metamorphic conversion of larval epidermal cells to adult type. PSA stained all epidermal cells of tadpoles before metamorphic climax. At the end of metamorphosis, PSA-positive cells were restricted to cells in the basal layer of body epidermis while all the tail epidermis remained PSA-positive. The other cell marker, sWGA, only stained apical cells in tadpole epidermis. During the metamorphic climax, sWGA-positive cells appeared in the cells beneath the stratum corneum of the body region, but not in the tail region. The present study demonstrates that PSA and sWGA are useful to investigate metamorphic changes in tadpole epidermal cells.  相似文献   

1. After immunization of BALB/c mouse, four monoclonal antibodies against soluble NADH diaphorase from ejaculated boar spermatozoa were produced and characterized. The monoclonal antibodies were designated as follows Mab 1F2, Mab 4E2, Mab 5B8, Mab 5D8. 2. These monoclonal antibodies react with other enzyme forms-sedimentary NADH and NADPH and soluble NADPH and inhibit (although not completely) their activity. It is supposed that different forms of the enzyme share some common epitopes. 3. Treatment of ejaculated boar semen with 2O-methylcholanthrene causes an increase of the activity of the soluble diaphorase form only. 4. These results lead to the assumption that the sperm diaphorase is a dynamic enzyme system consisting of four immunologically similar isoenzymes although their functions are different.  相似文献   

Various monoclonal antibodies specific for simian virus 40 large tumor antigen (T antigen) inhibit the elongation process of viral DNA replication in an in vitro system. The results provide strong evidence for a function intrinsic to T antigen during ongoing replicative-chain elongation. The antibody inhibition studies were further used to establish a correlation between the known biochemical activities of T antigen and its function during the elongation phase. The data demonstrate that, in addition to DNA binding and ATPase, a third function of T antigen is required for replicative chain elongation. This function is most probably related to the recently described DNA helicase activity of T antigen. This conclusion is based on the following results: aphidicolin treatment of actively replicating simian virus 40 minichromosomes causes a partial uncoupling of parental DNA strand separation and DNA synthesis; the strand separation reaction is blocked by the same monoclonal antibodies which strongly inhibit the elongation process. DNA helicase activity of isolated T antigen is equally well inhibited by the same set of monoclonal antibodies that affect minichromosome replication in vitro.  相似文献   

The antigenic structure of tobacco mosaic virus has been analysed by measuring the ability of nine monoclonal antibodies to distinguish between wild-type virus and 13 mutants showing single and double amino acid substitutions in the coat protein. Although the majority of antibodies detected those substitutions that were located at the outer surface of the virion, some of them also recognized conformation alterations induced by exchanges occurring deep inside the subunit. In the case of five mutants, the antibody reactivity was reduced compared with wild-type virus, while in the case of three others, it was significantly higher. Each monoclonal antibody possessed a unique discrimination pattern with respect to the different substitutions. The simultaneous presence of two exchanges led to the complete disappearance of any binding with six of the nine antibodies and to reduced binding with three others. The superior discriminatory capacity of monoclonal antibodies compared with polyclonal antisera was demonstrated by the fact that three exchanges not detected with antisera were found to alter the antigenicity when tested with monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Gastric acid is secreted by an ATP-driven H+ and K+ exchanger (H,K-ATPase), an integral apical membrane protein of parietal cells. Although the primary structure of the enzyme is known, its higher order structure is uncertain. In order to acquire topographical probes of native, microsomal H,K-ATPase, synthetic peptides corresponding to the 17 amino-terminal (N-peptide) and 16 carboxyl-terminal (C-peptide) residues of pig gastric H,K-ATPase alpha-subunit were coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). Rabbits were immunized with peptide-KLH conjugates and their sera were tested for specificity by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), immunoblotting, and immunocytochemistry. All sera showed high ELISA reactivities with synthetic peptides, peptide-BSA conjugates, and microsomal H,K-ATPase adsorbed to microtiter wells (some titers greater than 1:10(4)). Immunoblots of H,K-ATPase resolved by SDS-PAGE showed both N-peptide and C-peptide antibodies reacting with a single 94 kDa band. All sera selectively stained parietal cells in pig gastric mucosal sections. Preimmune sera gave negative or weak signals in all assays. In competition ELISAs, N-peptide antibodies, but not C-peptide antibodies, were displaced from the corresponding bound synthetic peptides by added microsomal H,K-ATPase. One of the N-peptide antibodies inhibited H,K-ATPase activity by more than 50%; binding of this antibody was decreased when ATP or K+ were bound to the enzyme. These results indicate a cytoplasmically-oriented alpha-subunit N-terminus which may participate conformationally in the H,K-ATPase catalytic cycle, and suggest that antibodies against synthetic H,K-ATPase peptides are potentially useful probes of native microsomal H,K-ATPase topography.  相似文献   

The isolated subunits of the acetylocholine receptor from Torpedo californica were digested with proteolytic enzymes, and the resulting polypeptide fragments were analyzed by gel electrophoresis. We have identified those fragments which contain carbohydrate and those from the alpha subunit which are labelled with the acetylcholine binding site specific reagent [4-(N-maleimido)benzyl]tri[3H]methylammonium iodide. We have tested several monoclonal antibodies raised to the acetylcholine receptor from torpedo, some of which react with the denatured subunits [Tzartos, S.J., & Lindstrom, J.M. (1980) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.77, 755; Tzartos, S.J., & Lindstrom, J.M. (1981) in Monoclonal antibodies in Endocrine Research (Fellows, R., & Eisenbarth, G., Eds.) Raven Press (in press)]. The binding specificities of these antibodies to radioiodinated proteolytically generated fragments of the alpha subunit were determined by immunoprecipitation followed by gel electrophoresis. The antibodies tested fell into at least three main groups on the basis of their binding specificities. These antibodies were also tested for their capacity to bind to acetylcholine receptor solubilized in Triton X-100, sodium cholate, or sodium cholate supplemented with exogenous lipids. A monoclonal antibody raised to the denatured delta subunit, was tested for its ability to select radioiodinated proteolytic fragments of these subunits. These molecules provide probes for many sites on the acetylcholine receptor with affinities and specificities comparable to alpha-neurotoxins.  相似文献   

1. Experiments were conducted to evaluate whether DNAase I (EC inhibition assay was a valuable tool to study the denaturation of actin in the actin-myosin complex treated with various conditions. 2. A sample containing F-actin or natural actomyosin(myosin B) was treated with KI-ATP solution to convert a form which inhibits DNAase I as effectively as G-actin, and the total amount of native actin was determined by DNAase I inhibition assay. 3. On the basis of the values for remaining native actin in the sample obtained by this assay, a percentage of denaturation of actin during treatment was calculated. 4. The present result demonstrated that DNAase I inhibition assay was easy to perform, very sensitive (0.5-2.0 microgram actin) and highly specific for estimating denaturation of actin in the actin-myosin complex treated with heat or high salt concentrations. 5. In addition, the use of DNAase I and standard G-actin preparations stored frozen at -80 degrees C for the assay was found to be possible within a fixed period of time (about 2 weeks), which was helpful in monitoring the denaturation process of actin treated under various conditions for a long period.  相似文献   

Ten murine monoclonal antibodies have been produced that are specific for bovine milk lipoprotein lipase. One monoclonal antibody, bLPL-mAb-7, inhibited completely the apolipoprotein C-II (apo-C-II)-dependent enzymic hydrolysis of trioleoylglycerol in a phospholipid-stabilized emulsion, but had no effect on the hydrolysis of the water-soluble substrate p-nitro-phenylacetate. Four times more bLPL-mAb-7 was required to achieve 50% inactivation of lipoprotein lipase activity when the enzyme was preincubated with excess apo-C-II. Disruption of the binding of a dansyl-labeled apo-C-II peptide to lipoprotein lipase by bLPL-mAb-7 was demonstrated by resonance energy transfer, both in the presence and absence of lipid. This antibody thus appears to recognize the apo-C-II binding site of lipoprotein lipase. In addition, bLPL-mAb-7 also inhibited the lipoprotein lipase activity of human post-heparin plasma.  相似文献   

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