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The ontogenetic patterns of habitat use by a community of fishes in the main channel of the Broken River, an Australian lowland river, was investigated. Stratified sampling was conducted fortnightly across six habitat types throughout the spring‐summer period within the main channel. As predicted by the 'low flow recruitment hypothesis', backwaters and still littoral habitats were important nursery habitats for most species. These habitats were found to be used by some species throughout all stages of their life cycle, while other species showed clear ontogenetic shifts in habitat preference. Only one species, Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii , was never found in backwaters. This study confirms the significance of main channel habitats in the rearing of larvae of some riverine fish species, and emphasizes the importance of considering the habitat requirements of all stages of a fish's life cycle in the management and restoration of rivers and streams.  相似文献   

Diets of the otter Lutra lutra and the American mink Mustela vison were studied by scat analysis on five woodland rivers and streams in eastern Poland. Fish constituted 51% of food biomass consumed by otters in spring‐summer and 40% in autumn‐winter, with common fish (perch Perca fluviatilis, pike Esox lucius, and roach Rutilus rutilus) being captured most frequently by the otters. Amphibians (mainly Rana temporaria, which also dominated in the living community) made up 34% of otters’ food biomass in spring‐summer and 58% in autumn‐winter. American mink relied on three prey groups: fish (40% in spring‐summer, and 10% in autumn‐winter), frogs (32% and 51%, respectively), and small mammals (21% and 36%). Out of available Micromammalia, mink strongly selected the root vole Microtus oeconomus. The cold season diet of both otter and mink depended on river size. On small rivers with forested valleys, otters and mink fed nearly exclusively on amphibians (72–90% of food biomass). With size of a river increasing and riverside habitat becoming more open (sedge and reed marshes instead of forests), otters shifted to catching predominantly fish (up to 76% in diet) and mink to preying on small mammals (up to 65% in diet).
Review of literature on otter and mink in Eurasia showed that their diets did not change with latitude (as indicators of climate severity and duration of water freezing) but they depended on habitats. In otter diet, the mean share of fish declined from 94% (SE 1.7) on sea shores, to 71% (SE 2.9) on lakes and fish ponds, to 64% (SE 2.8) on rivers and streams. The roles of amphibians and crustaceans increased in the same gradient (from 0 to 15%, and from 3 to 7%, respectively). On inland waters, the abundance of crayfish was the essential factor differentiating otters’ diet composition. In Eurasia, the staple food types of American mink on rivers and streams were fish (on average, 27% in diet, SE 3.9), mammals (30%, SE 5.0), and amphibians (17%, SE 4.8), whereas on lakes and ponds mink fed predominantly on birds (on average, 33% in diet, SE 10.1) and fish (28%, SE 9.5). In the Palaearctic region, over a wide gradient of habitats, otters appeared strongly specialised on prey taken from water, whereas American mink was a typical generalist capable of utilising several prey groups originating from both water and land.  相似文献   

Shallow water habitat (SWH) is important for riverine fish and their invertebrate prey, yet the availability of SWH has declined in many systems due to human impacts. We evaluated the potential ecological benefits of restoring SWH by comparing zooplankton and phytoplankton from created backwaters (a floodplain feature connected to the river on the downstream end but disconnected at the upstream end) and chutes (a side channel of the river that diverts flow from the main channel through the chute and back into the main channel) on the lower Missouri River. We tested the hypothesis that backwaters support higher abundances of zooplankton and phytoplankton than chutes using data that were collected during the summer of 2010. As predicted, backwaters had more diverse cladoceran communities and greater abundances of rotifers, copepod nauplii, adult copepods, and cladocerans than chutes. Total algal biovolume was the same in chutes and backwaters; however, phytoplankton taxa richness was higher in backwaters, and there was a greater biovolume of green algae (Chlorophyta), Crypotophyta, cyanobacteria, and Euglenophyta in backwaters than in chutes. Differences in zooplankton and phytoplankton between backwaters and chutes appeared to be related to slower current velocities, longer retention times, and lower levels of turbidity and total suspended solids in backwaters. While chutes have the potential to provide greater habitat diversity than the mainstem, there were no differences in water quality or phytoplankton abundance, community structure, or diversity between these two habitats. Combined, our results suggest that created backwaters initially provide a greater potential food resource for native fishes. However, additional research is needed to determine whether chutes can also develop beneficial shallow water features over a longer period of time.  相似文献   

基于2016年4、5月(春季)在浙江中南部近岸海域进行的2个航次渔业资源调查数据,计算浙江中南部近岸海域主要鱼类的相对重要性指数(IRI)、平均拥挤度、生态位宽度及生态位重叠值(Qik)。结果表明: 浙江中南部近岸海域主要鱼类(IRI>100)共24种,生态位宽度值差异较大,相对重要性指数与生态位宽度值呈极显著正相关。春季鱼类的生态位重叠值极低,4月Qik>0.6的种对有6对,占总对数的3.9%;5月Qik>0.6的种对有5对,占总对数的4.8%。冗余分析表明,温度、盐度、深度和溶解氧是影响浙江中南部近岸海域主要鱼类分布的重要因素,主要鱼类在这些环境因子上存在生态分化现象。  相似文献   

Samples of larval and juvenile fishes were collected at two depths weekly during spring and summer 1983 near the mouths of backwater areas in Pool 13 of the Upper Mississippi River. The study was conducted to determine the relative value of these habitats as nursery areas for fishes present and to note any interactions that might occur between the backwaters which are being rapidly lost to siltation, and the main channel. The larvae and juveniles collected represented 13 families divided into 27 lower taxa. Cyprinidae, Clupeidae, and Sciaenidae made up 90% of the total catch. Both larvae and juveniles were more abundant near the surface than near the bottom. Densities differed greatly among the three backwater areas studied. Larval fishes were grouped on the basis of their relative abundance in the backwaters or main channel. Overall, more larvae were captured in the backwaters than in main-channel habitats, indicating that backwaters were more productive. In the main channel, densities were greater downstream from the mouths of the backwaters than upstream-possibly indicating that (1) larval fish drifted out of the backwater areas, (2) water rich in nutrients or zooplankton that flowed into the main channel created productive downstream sites that were used as nursery areas, or (3) adult fishes selected downstream sites as spawning areas. Juvenile forms were more abundant in the backwater areas then in the main-channel habitats, some bottom-dwelling fishes excepted. The backwater areas were judged to be important nursery areas for larval and juvenile fishes, and seemed to benefit downstream main-channel sites. Any loss of these habitats would be detrimental to the Mississippi River as a whole.  相似文献   

Many of the most abundant small and juvenile fishes within shallow water estuarine nursery habitats consume other fish to some degree but have rarely been considered as potentially important predators in the functioning of these systems because of the low (<50%) average occurrence of fish in their diets. Predation by abundant minor piscivores on new recruits when they first enter the nursery may make a significant contribution to the predation mortality of this critical life-history stage. To determine the potential importance of minor piscivores as predators on new recruits, temporal patterns in the diets of 15 common species of minor piscivores were examined and related to the abundance of new recruits (≤20 mm FL) in biweekly seine samples over 13 months in shallow (<1.5 m) sandy habitats in the Ross River estuary in north-eastern Queensland, Australia. The high spatial patchiness of new recruits made it difficult to correlate their abundance with their consumption by minor piscivores, and there was no relationship detected between the abundance of new recruits and the occurrence of fish in the diets of minor piscivores. To gain broader insight into spatio-temporal patterns in the consumption of fish prey by minor piscivores, we utilised a collection of fishes sampled during various studies over 6 years from 17 estuaries in the region to examine the diets of >3500 individuals from 20 spp. of minor piscivores. Patterns in the consumption of fish prey by these minor piscivores, especially the highly abundant sparids, sillaginids and ambassids, revealed that the low average occurrence of fish in their diet greatly underestimated the predation pressure imposed by these on fish prey at particular locations and times. For most sampling occasions and locations few minor piscivores consumed fish prey (consumed by 0% of individuals examined), while occasionally a large proportion of individuals within a taxon did so (50–100% of individuals consumed fish prey). Often at such times/locations multiple species of minor piscivores simultaneously preyed heavily on fish. When minor piscivores consumed fish, they preyed mainly on small new recruits. Because many of these minor piscivores are relatively recent recruits, many of the small and juvenile fishes believed to gain refuge in shallow estuarine nurseries may themselves be important predators on fish subsequently recruiting to these habitats, and so potentially play a significant role in structuring estuarine fish faunas and the functioning of shallow water nurseries.  相似文献   

The diet of otters Lutra lutra L. inhabiting small rivers in the primeval forests of the Bialowieza National Park was studied in 1988–91 by analysis of 135 spraints. Anurans, mainly Rana temporaria, and fish, mainly Cyprinidae, were two staple prey of otters. In autumn and winter (1 October–31 March), 99% of spraints contained anuran remains and 45% fish remains. This corresponded to 66 and 34% of biomass consumed by otters, respectively. In spring and summer, anurans dropped to 55% occurrence in spraints (38% of biomass eaten by otters) and that of fish increased to 69% occurrence (50% of biomass). Fifty per cent of fish caught by otters were very small specimens (body length 6.5–10 cm) and 35% were small (> 10–15 cm). Pike were the only big fish captured by otters (mean body length 31 cm). Water beetles Dytiscidae were commonly eaten by otters in warm seasons (72% of occurrence in spraints, 9% of biomass taken by otters in spring and summer). Birds, snails, mammals and crayfish were minor supplements to the otters' diet.  相似文献   

The diet of the Iberian otter (Lutra lutra) was determined by analysing 547 spraints collected at 28 sites within a wide area invaded by centrarchid fishes (pumpkinseed sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus and largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides): the middle Guadiana basin (South-west Iberian Peninsula). Fish was the otters’ main prey, representing more than 60% of total individuals and more than 80% of total biomass. Otters preyed on most of the fish species captured in the field; however, the consumption of centrarchids was low compared to their abundance in the streams, and Jacobs’ index of preference showed a clear rejection of both species by the otter. Consumption of native fish genera (Squalius, Barbus and Chondrostoma) by otters increased in relation to their increase in the environment. In contrast, increasing numbers of L. gibbosus in the field was not reflected in otter consumption. The general decline of native freshwater fishes in Iberian rivers, the preferred prey of otters, together with the spread of exotic fish species (centrarchids and others) could put otter populations at risk.  相似文献   

人虎冲突是全球野生虎(Pantheratigris)保护和种群恢复工作迫切需要解决的问题,而人虎冲突的分布特征是开展冲突管理的重要科学依据.珲春地区是东北虎(P.t.altaica)从俄罗斯向中国扩散的重要廊道,随着东北虎种群数量的逐步增加,该地区的人虎冲突特征亟需开展研究.本文以2016-2020年珲春地区的人虎冲突...  相似文献   

In this case study, the ecological background of an unusual hunting behaviour was investigated, when otters Lutra lutra preyed upon European pond turtles Emys orbicularis in a Hungarian fish pond system during an 18-month period. Predation on turtle was found only during cold periods (established by spraint analysis and also by the collection of 182 turtle carcasses in 2003). The relationship was not close between fish availability and turtle consumption ( r P =−0.325, P =0.19). The crude protein content of the turtle head and leg was higher than that of fish, frog and turtle body, whereas the energy content of the samples was similar. The mean body weight of the killed turtles (460 g) fell within the range of the optimal prey size of the otter. Turtles were used as cache foods by otters during extreme environmental conditions (as in the long winter), but occurred only rarely as buffer foods during moderate winter. In fish ponds, the conservation of the coexistent otter and turtle depends on pond management. The maintenance of a higher fish availability in ponds during winter makes it possible to avoid the need to acquire a proper hunting technique on turtle, indicated by the scarcity of primary fish food.  相似文献   

H. Kruuk    A. Moorhouse 《Journal of Zoology》1990,221(4):621-637
Otters Lutra lutra in Shetland feed almost exclusively in the sea. Their diet was assessed from direct observations of 13, 313 dives, of which 27% were successful, and 2028 prey could be identified. The results are compared with published data on the availability offish for different seasons, time of day, state of tide, and different types of coast. The most frequently taken prey was eelpout Zoarces viviparus (34%), but they were relatively small, and rocklings Ciliata mustela dominated the diet in terms of biomass (18%, against eelpout 15%). Small eel-shaped, bottom-living species dominated in the diet at all times, but of those, otters took the larger fishes in the populations (median weight of prey 28 g). The size and species composition of prey of males was the same as that of females with cubs, but females without cubs took smaller fish.
In spring, prey was smaller than at other times, and otters were least successful when diving. Diving success and mean prey weight was highest in winter, although prey availability was highest in summer.
Eelpout were caught mostly along sheltered coasts, rocklings in more exposed areas. It is argued that for optimal exploitation of the seasonal availability of different species of prey, otters need to use different types of coast, and the size of their ranges would be related to the spacing of coastal types.
Most fishes were caught in daytime, and around high tide otters fed less than at other times; hunting therefore took place during periods of inactivity of prey. For the main prey species, Ciliata mustela , it was estimated that otters took a substantial part of the total population.  相似文献   

Snags are important to fish communities in small rivers and streams, but their importance to fishes in large rivers has not been investigated. This study examined snag use by fishes during autumn in backwater and channel border habitats in the upper Mississippi River, and compared these to fish communities in reference sites without snags. Species assemblages differed significantly between backwater and channel border habitats, and between snag and reference sites within the channel border, likely responding to differences in substrate, depth, and current velocity. In both habitats, average fish biomass and abundance were higher (2 to 50 ×) at snag sites than at reference sites, but these differences were significant only for channel border biomass. Fish taxa richness differed between backwater and channel border habitats, but not between snag and reference sites. Most large piscivorous fishes (e.g., Micropterus spp., Stizostedion spp.), several insectivorous fishes (Lepomis macrochirus, Ambloplites rupestris, Minytrema melanops), and a few prey fishes (L. macrochirus, Notropis atherinoides) were significantly more abundant at snag sites than at reference sites, suggesting active selection of snags for foraging or protection. Snag quality, as assessed by a snag rating index, had a direct effect on attracting fish communities with greater biomass, especially within the channel border habitat. These results indicate that snags are important habitat for fish communities in both backwaters and channel border habitats of the upper Mississippi River.  相似文献   

Positive interactions between birds and mammals are a fascinating aspect of animal behaviour. Feeding associations may consist of local enhancement or facilitation, and in the latter case, of commensalism or mutualism depending on the benefits received by the facilitator. We report here on a previously undescribed feeding association between piscivorous birds and Eurasian otters Lutra lutra. In Spain, common kingfisher Alcedo atthis and grey heron Ardea cinerea were observed closely following foraging otters and benefited from feeding opportunities provided by these. Behavioural observations of otters in central Spain (28.4 hr; 19 days) revealed that an association with kingfishers occurred in 33% of otter foraging events (n = 92). Simultaneous observations in northern Spain (14.2 hr; 16 days) showed an association between otters and kingfishers or grey herons in 41.6% and 11.7% of otter foraging events (n = 77), respectively. The association probability between kingfishers and otters increased significantly when otters foraged closer to the shore and on small fish rather than other prey (crayfish or large fish). Birds fed on prey remain left by the feeding otters, on small fish captured by otters when these were satiated and playing, or on prey displaced by otters. Our observations are consistent with facilitation and commensalism: piscivorous birds gained feeding opportunities provided by the otters, with no apparent costs or benefits to the latter. Similar feeding associations have been described between other species of otters and piscivorous birds (kingfishers, herons, egrets, storks) in Asia, South America and Southern Africa, but had not yet been described in Europe. The occurrence of piscivorous bird–otter associations in different species and regions suggests that this commensalism may be often overlooked but widespread. We have shown that the association can be frequent and is context‐dependent, with benefits for associating birds depending on otters´ behaviour and targeted prey.  相似文献   

M. H. Wise    I. J. Linn    C. R. Kennedy 《Journal of Zoology》1981,195(2):181-213
The feeding habits and prey selectivity of Mink Mustela vison and otters Lutra lutra were compared in two localities in Devon: a eutrophic lake and a moorland river, in which both species occurred and had access to the same prey populations. The effects of prey availability on the predators' diets were assessed by comparing prey consumed, as revealed by scat analysis, with estimates of prey abundance and size range. Otters specialized in fish at all times of year but showed seasonal variation in species taken. Selection for slow-moving fish and seasonal changes in behaviour of some fish species were the probable causes of this variation. Otters diversified more into non-fish food in summer, when fish availability was reduced. The main alternative prey in the lacustrine habitat was waterfowl, but in the riverine habitat, rabbits. Mink were more generalized carnivores, taking a variety of fish, waterside and terrestrial prey in all seasons. These three prey categories were taken to an almost equal extent in the lake but terrestrial prey dominated in the riverine habitat. Fish were taken most frequently in winter and birds and mammals in summer. Neither predator showed selection in respect of prey size. In each area, about one third of the otter and Mink diets was common to both species. Fish was the principal group of the shared component, and dietary overlap in respect of them was greatest in autumn and winter. In view of the dietary preferences of each predator, the existence of alternative prey items and limited degree of dietary overlap, it is considered unlikely that the two species competed for food to any extent. Other factors must therefore be responsible for the spread of feral Mink and the decline in otter populations in many parts of Britain.  相似文献   

Fish in the Kanawha River were collected with a 0.5-m plankton net in main-channel borders and in open areas of backwaters and with a 1-m2 enclosed dropbox in shallow backwater habitats. Larval emerald shiners, Notropis atherinoides , were twice as dense, and gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum , 2.5 times as dense in main-channel borders as in backwaters; larval Lepomis spp. were 20 times as dense in backwaters as in main-channel borders. Smaller Lepomis larvae used open-water backwater areas primarily; larger larvae migrated to vegetated backwater habitats later in the summer. Backwaters appear crucial for the maintenance of nest-building fish species in temperate rivers, just as floodplains are necessary for the maintenance of high species diversity in tropical rivers.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a major driver behind disturbances in freshwater community structure. We investigated how the foraging strategy of the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) has responded to this change in a Mediterranean catchment of the Iberian Peninsula, over a 30-year time span (1980 vs. 2010). We found that, despite continuing to feed on a considerable amount of native fish, this carnivore has adapted its trophic niche to accommodate non-native species. Prior to the massive introductions of these new food items (1980), otters diversified their diet during the limiting season (i.e. summer drought). However, otters had largely incorporated non-native prey into their diet in 2010, with red-swamp crayfish being their main food resource, especially in the summer. This increased crayfish consumption reflects a narrowing of trophic niche during the summer drought in 2010. We discuss how this heavy specialisation may compromise the conservation of otters and their endemic fish prey.  相似文献   

Stomach and intestine contents of 211 American minkMustela vison Schreber, 1777 from two areas (Thy and Bornholm) in Denmark and stomach contents of 47 polecatsM. putorius Linnaeus, 1758 from Thy were analysed. Sympatric mink (from Thy) preyed mostly on mammals (55% occurrence), followed by amphibians (36%), birds (33%) and fish (30%), whereas polecat preyed mostly on amphibians (87%) and mammals (34%), and only occasionally on birds (9%) and fish (6%). Allopatric mink (from Bornholm) preyed mostly on birds (50%), followed by mammals (42%), fish (25%) and amphibians (4%). With the possible exception of some amphibians, no endangered species were found in their diet. No differences were found in food composition between wild and escaped farm mink. The concern that mink in general might have a detrimental effect on its prey species and other mustelids in terms of food competition in Denmark may be unjustified. It cannot be ruled out, however, that mink may locally have a seriously negative effect on some specific prey species, and clearly, more data is needed on eg prey abundance and spring and summer mink diet, to make stronger conclusions.  相似文献   

1. Biological invasions are considered a major threat to biodiversity. Most research has focused on the distribution, biology and impacts of non‐native species on native fauna and flora. However, few studies have explored their role as prey for native predators of conservation concern. 2. To assess the incidence and intensity of predation by the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra on established non‐native fish species, data were collated from the published literature. To be selected, studies had to cover at least 1 year, analyse more than 100 spraints and report the study period and percentage relative frequency (%RF) of all prey fish species. 3. To permit reliable, time‐related comparisons with %RF of non‐native fishes in otter diet, we also reviewed available information about both the distribution of non‐native fishes and history of their introductions to European countries, revealing a decrease with longitude in the number of naturalised non‐native fishes taken (ranging between 5 and 34) and their percentage in each fish assemblage. 4. Our selective criteria were met by 30 dietary studies from 44 study areas in 15 European countries during 1970–2010. The extent to which otters rely on non‐native fishes was almost negligible (mean %RF = 4.8), with the number of non‐native fishes preyed upon by otters decreasing with both latitude and longitude. 5. The %RF of non‐native fish in the diet increased slightly with time, with otters preying significantly more on non‐native fish in study areas where alterations of the fish assemblage had been highlighted in the reference papers. No relationship was found between otter diet breadth and the occurrence of non‐native fishes in their diet. 6. The current role of non‐native species in otter diet suggests that effective otter conservation management plans should focus on the maintenance and/or enhancement of native fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Modupe  Akande 《Journal of Zoology》1972,167(4):475-479
Feral American mink ( Mustela vison ) thrive in Scotland. The potential impact of the mink on the native fauna was investigated through its food. Fifty-five stomachs and 33 scats were analysed by identifying the indigestible remains. Fish formed the main prey (49% occurrence) and birds and mammals 28% and 23% respectively. Most of the fish eaten were Salmonidae (brown trout and salmon). No remains of eels were found.
Mink may compete with otters for food, but the smaller prey taken by the mink and its greater use of land separates it from the otter. Mink seem to be occupying a vacant feeding niche in Scotland.  相似文献   

1. Riverscapes consist of the main channel and lateral slackwater habitats along a gradient of hydrological connectivity from maximum connection in main channel habitats to minimum connection in backwaters. Spatiotemporal differences in water currents along this gradient produce dynamic habitat conditions that influence species diversity, population densities and trophic interactions of fishes. 2. We examined the importance of lateral connectivity gradients for food web dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River during spring (high flow, moderately low temperatures) and summer (low flow, higher temperatures). We used literature information and gut contents analyses to determine feeding guilds and stable isotope analysis to estimate mean trophic position of local fish assemblages. During June and August 2006, we collected over 1000 tissue samples from four habitats (main channel, secondary channels, tertiary channels and backwaters) distributed within four hydrologic connectivity gradients. 3. Mean trophic position differed among feeding guilds and seasons, with highest values in spring. Mean trophic position of fish assemblages, variability in trophic position and food chain length (maximum trophic position) of the two dominant piscivore species (Micropterus salmoides and M. dolomieu) in both seasons were significantly associated with habitat along the lateral connectivity gradient. Food chain length peaked in tertiary channels in both seasons, probably due to higher species diversity of prey at these habitats. We infer that food chain length and trophic position of fish assemblages were lower in backwater habitats in the summer mainly because of the use of alternative food sources in these habitats. 4. A greater number of conspecifics exhibited significant among‐habitat variation in trophic position during the summer, indicating that low river stages can constrain fish movements in the Upper Mississippi River. 5. Results of this study should provide a better understanding of the fundamental structure of large river ecosystems and an improved basis for river rehabilitation and management through knowledge of the importance of lateral complexity in rivers.  相似文献   

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