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Xiyang Zhao Ying Li Mi Zheng Xiuyan Bian Mengran Liu Yanshuang Sun Jing Jiang Fuwei Wang Shuchun Li Yonghong Cui Guifeng Liu Chuanping Yang 《PloS one》2015,10(4)
To evaluate differences among poplar clones of various ploidies, 12 hybrid poplar clones (P. simonii × P. nigra) × (P. nigra × P. simonii) with different ploidies were used to study phenotypic variation in growth traits and photosynthetic characteristics. Analysis of variance showed remarkable differences for each of the investigated traits among these clones (P < 0.01). Coefficients of phenotypic variation (PCV) ranged from 2.38% to 56.71%, and repeatability ranged from 0.656 to 0.987. The Pn (photosynthetic rate) photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) curves of the 12 clones were S-shaped, but the Pn-ambient CO2 (Ca) curves were shaped like an inverted “V”. The stomatal conductance (Gs)-PPFD and transpiration rate (Tr)-PPFD curves had an upward tendency; however, with increasing PFFD, the intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci)-PPFD curves had a downward tendency in all of the clones. The Pn-PPFD and Pn-Ca curves followed the pattern of a quadratic equation. The average light saturation point and light compensation point of the triploid clones were the highest and lowest, respectively, among the three types of clones. For Pn-Ca curves, diploid clones had a higher average CO2 saturation point and average CO2 compensation point compared with triploid and tetraploid clones. Correlation analyses indicated that all investigated traits were strongly correlated with each other. In future studies, molecular methods should be used to analyze poplar clones of different ploidies to improve our understanding of the growth and development mechanisms of polyploidy. 相似文献
The two closely related species,Phaseolus aureus andP. mungo were crossed successfully using the former as the female parent. A detailed cytological study of the hybrid, which showed morphological characters of both the parents, was carried out.At the pachytene stage, the pairing behaviour of 9 out of the 11 chromosomes belonging to the haploid complement of the two parents was investigated. The remaining two chromosomes are represented by morphologically distinct bivalents. The two species differ by a translocation, a deletion and a duplication. A consideration of the data from comparative morphology, geographical distribution, protein characters and genetical studies in the F2 and back cross generations, indicates a very close relationship between the two diploid species. Chromosome differentiation seems to constitute the major difference. The karyological evidences seem to indicate thatmungo is derived fromaureus. 相似文献
P. M. Hollingsworth C. D. Preston R. J. Gornall 《Plant Systematics and Evolution》1996,202(3-4):219-232
Evidence from isozyme analyses indicates thatPotamogeton ×suecicus is the hybrid betweenP. pectinatus andP. filiformis. The hybrid appears to have arisen on several occasions. The isozyme profiles of this hybrid from the Rivers Wharfe and Ure in Yorkshire, south of the present limit of distribution ofP. filiformis, suggest that each population is a single clone; these clones may be relics from the Weichselian glacial period. Populations of the putative hybrid from the Rivers Tweed and Till are notP. ×suecicus but probably haveP. vaginatus andP. pectinatus as parents. If so, this is a remarkable example of a pondweed hybrid persisting vegetatively in an area outside the distributional range of one of its parents. 相似文献
A rapid and efficient micropropagation method has been established for six European poplar cultivars of economic interest - four Populus 2 interamericana and two Populus 2 euramericana. Using a three-step procedure, we were able to regenerate plantlets from callus and acclimate them within 4 months. In the first step, callogenesis was induced when explants were cultured for 25 days on culture medium supplemented with 10 µM !-naphthaleneacetic acid and 5 µM N6(2-isopentenyl)adenine. Bud regeneration followed by shoot elongation was then obtained from callus tissue by combining the cytokinin-like compound thidiazuron with the surfactant Pluronic F-68 at concentrations adjusted for each cultivar. The usefulness of this procedure in the area of genetic engineering is discussed. 相似文献
L. I. Khrustaleva C. Kik 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1998,96(1):8-14
Allium fistulosum harbours a number of desirable agronomical traits for the breeding of onions. However exploitation of A. fistulosum for onion breeding via direct sexual hybridization is problematic. Therefore, we examined if a bridge cross, using A. roylei as a bridging species, might provide an alternative. By means of genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) we showed that each of the three parental genomes can be distinguished from the others in interspecific hybrids, suggesting that these genomes contain sufficiently different repetitive DNA families. We succeeded in carrying out multi-colour GISH to metaphase spreads of a first-generation bridge-cross individual [A. cepa× (A. fistulosum×A. roylei], which is composed of three parental genomes. Recombination between the genomes of A. fistulosum and A. roylei took place to a large extent: 7 recombined chromosomes were observed, and it could be shown that the proximal regions of the recombined A. fistulosum/A. roylei chromosomes belonged to the former, whereas the distal parts belonged to the latter. The high percentage of bound bivalent arms in metaphase I of pollen mother cells of a fertile bridge-cross individual suggests the introgression of A. fistulosum genes, mediated by A. roylei, into the genome of A. cepa. However, the presence of univalents reflects decreased pairing and recombination between the three genomes. Pollen fertility and pollen-tube growth of the first-generation bridge-cross individual seem to be sufficient to produce a second generation bridge-cross (A. cepa×first-generation bridge cross) progeny. Received: 27 May 1997 / Accepted: 30 June 1997 相似文献
An RFLP analysis of chloroplast and nuclear DNA was followed in this taxonomic appraisal of section Ciconium. The section appears to be a monophyletic one, which divides into two groups, or sub-sections. The Zonal Geranium, P. × hortorum is derived from section Ciconium, and the species most likely to be its ancestors are shown to be P. inquinans and P. zonale. Maternal inheritance of chloroplasts was demonstrated by comparing chloroplast DNA from interspecific hybrids with their parents. These data also suggest that P. inquinans was probably the maternal parent of P. × hortorum in the original crosses. The Ivy-leaved cultivars appear to be derived from P. peltatum, with some contribution from P. zonale and/or P. × hortorum. 相似文献
The karyotypes of the three water frog forms: Rana lessonae, R. ridibunda and R. esculenta were analysed from bone marrow cell preparations of animals captured in several localities of the GDR. In the three forms chromosome morphology was similar (5 large and 8 small pairs), although differences in the relative length of most elements were found; R. esculenta chromosomes were always intermediate.One of the small pairs (Chr. 12) was found to be metacentric in R. lessonae and submetacentric in R. ridibunda. Most R. esculenta individuals examined had one meta-and one submetacentric 12th element, indicating the hybrid nature of this form. However 16.6% esculenta proved to be homozygous for either the metacentric or the submetacentric chromosome 12, while 13% lessonae individuals and 7.7% ridibunda were heterozygous for this element.By starch gel electrophoresis an analysis was undertaken of serum proteins from water frogs coming from regions in which the forms occur together (sympatric populations) and from zones in which only one of them lives (allopatric populations).In Rana lessonae, where only one allele had been previously described, two different alleles were found in animals coming from the GDR.If genetic polymorphism is excluded, between 6.1% and 9.1% individuals from sympatric lessonae and ridibunda populations showed introgression of an albumin allele. No gene introgression was found in allopatric lessonae populations from the Leningrad region or in ridibunda from Alma Ata and southern Bulgaria. 相似文献
The offspring of the cross bongo (Boocercus euryceros), 2n = 33 x sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekei), 2n = 30, has proved to be fertile. This fertility shows that the relationship between the karyotypes of the parental species is a simple one, despite the different diploid numbers and a different sex chromosome determinism, XX/XY in the sitatunga, XX/Y-to-autosome translocation in the bongo:meiotic processes and gametogenesis are not impaired in the hybrid. 相似文献
K. C. Sink J. B. Power N. J. Natarella 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1978,53(5):205-208
Summary Attempts at the reciprocal cross between Petunia parodii and P. inflata using standard emasculation and pollination techniques failed. Limited pollen tube growth down the style in reciprocal crosses led to reproductive isolation between the self-compatible P. parodii and self-incompatible P. inflata. The interspecific hybrid was successfully produced by bud-pollination of P. parodii with P. inflata as the male parent in 22 percent of attempts, but not in the opposite direction. In vitro pollination of P. parodii ovaries with P. inflata pollen also produced hybrids. The small size of the ovary made it technically impossible to use P. inflata as the female parent for in vitro pollination. The interspecific hybrids were intermediate, as compared to the two parents, for six of the seven plant and flower characters measured. Furthermore, the hybrids had high pollen fertility, set abundant seed upon self-pollination, and readily inter-crossed with the parental species. The results are consistent with a high degree of chromosomal homology in the parental species and with minor genetic divergency leading to reproductive isolation that is pre-zygotic in nature. Overcoming the barriers to cross-incompatibility by practical techniques resulted in fertile interspecific hybrids that segregated for parental characters. The potential value of employing the parental species in somatic hybridization experiments is discussed.Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article No. 8404 相似文献
Paulo Henrique de Mello Lícia Maria Lundstedt Gilberto Moraes Bruno Cavalheiro Araújo Rossana Luiza Leite Venturieri Renata Guimarães Moreira 《Journal of fish biology》2021,99(3):1135-1139
The development of the digestive system and digestive proteases was studied in cachara (Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum) and its hybrid (P. reticulatum × Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) during the first 25 days after fertilization. Both groups presented a fast and similar development of the digestive system, and the unspecific alkaline protease profile suggested that the digestive capacity of hybrid larvae is higher than that of cachara after the last half of the studied phase. The activities of trypsin and chymotrypsin were similar and observed since the oocyte. These observations suggested that cachara and its hybrid has similar digestive capacity and digestive system development. 相似文献
Himrane Hocine Camarero Jesús Julio Gil-Pelegrín Eustaquio 《Trees - Structure and Function》2004,18(5):566-575
Natural hybridization is common among oaks. We studied the variability of morphological and ecophysiological variables in the hybrid Quercus subpyrenaica and its assumed parental species Q. faginea and Q. pubescens, which co-occur in NE Spain. To assess the fitness of these taxa we studied several ecophysiological variables (hydraulic conductivity, Kh; hydraulic specific conductivity, Ks; leaf specific conductivity, LSC; water potential corresponding to a 50% loss of conductivity, PLC50; efficiency of light absorption, Ea). We performed a correspondence analysis (CA) to ordinate seedlings, grown under homogeneous environmental conditions, according to their plant and leaf morphology. The CA axis 1 synthesized intra-taxon variability, while the CA axis 2 summarized inter-taxa variability. Q. subpyrenaica
showed a wide spectrum of forms, but they were overall closer to those of Q. faginea. We defined three phenotypes within the hybrid based on morphology, which were: (i) the robur group (Qs-r; auriculate leaf base, rounded lobe apex); (ii) Q. pubescens (Qs-p; rounded leaf base, acute lobe apex); and (iii) Q. faginea (Qs-f; acute leaf base, acute-spiny lobe apex). The mean values of Ks and PLC50 arranged the hybrid groups in the same order as the ordination based on leaf morphology. The Qs-r group showed the highest values of Ks and PLC50, while the Qs-f
group showed the lowest. Both morphologically and ecophysiologically, the hybrids showed a wide range of values, which spanned and even exceeded the variation of parental taxa. 相似文献
《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,125(3):173-182
The pre-resonance Raman spectra of 2-formylpyridine thiosemicarbazone have been measured at three pH values corresponding to the fully protonated (H2FPT+), half protonated (HFPT) and deprotonated (FPT−) forms of the ligand. Assignments of the vibrations coupled with the π→π* transition have been made by comparison with the spectrum of the deuterated form (DFPT). The pre-resonance Raman spectra of the Zn(II) and Cu(II) complexes, [ZnFPT]+, [CuFPT]+ and [CuHFPT]2+, have also been measured. The spectral pattern of the Cu(II) complexes shows resonance enhancement of vibrations coupled with the π→π*, as well as with the ligand to metal charge transfer transitions. In addition, it is consistent with coordination through thiolate sulfur in [CuFPT]+ and thione sulfur in [CuHFPT]2+. 相似文献
Clifford J. Jolly Jane E. Phillips-Conroy Jay R. Kaplan J. John Mann 《International journal of primatology》2013,34(4):836-858
Comparatively little is known about the pathways of proximate causation that link divergent genotypes, via neurophysiological differences, to distinct, species-specific social behaviors and systems. One approach to the problem compares gross activity levels of monoamine neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin), evidenced by their metabolites —3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), homovanillic acid (HVA), and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), respectively— in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). We have applied this method to Papio hamadryas and P. anubis, closely related baboon species with divergent social behavior, living in the Awash National Park (ANP), Ethiopia. We had previously shown that adult males of the two species differ in the ratio of HVA to 5-HIAA, and in concentrations of MHPG and HVA, but not 5-HIAA. Here, we compare monoamine metabolite levels of the parental species with those of 49 members of a naturally formed, multigenerational hamadryas × anubis hybrid group. We cage-trapped the baboons in July 1998, sampled their CSF by cisternal puncture, and assayed monoamine metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography. Previous findings suggested, anomalously, that hybrid males showed the high 5-HIAA levels predicted by the low-serotonin–early-dispersal hypothesis (originally based on observation of rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta), while hamadryas did not. The present study failed to find higher 5-HIAA levels in hybrids, resolving the anomaly, but leaving the previous result unexplained. Among adult females (underrepresented in our sample) and juveniles, metabolite levels of the hybrids did not differ significantly from either parental species. Overall, adult male hybrids resembled anubis in HVA and HVA/5-HIAA ratio, but did not show the low MHPG levels characteristic of that species. Consistent with a significant genetic influence on species differences in these metabolites, the adult hybrids showed intermediate means and greater intra-population diversity than the parental species for most variables, but showed no indication of hybrid dysgenesis in the form of low intermetabolite correlation. To the contrary, an enhanced HVA–MHPG correlation in the hybrids suggested a species-associated factor (not necessarily genetic) influencing both of these monoamine neurotransmitter systems. 相似文献
V C Popescu E Münck B G Fox Y Sanakis J G Cummings I M Turner M J Nelson 《Biochemistry》2001,40(27):7984-7991
The alphabeta dimer of active nitrile hydratase from Rhodococcus sp. R312 contains one low-spin ferric ion that is coordinated by three Cys residues, two N-amide groups from the protein backbone, and one OH(-). The enzyme isolated from bacteria grown in the dark is inactive and contains the iron site as a six-coordinate diamagnetic Fe-nitrosyl complex, called NH(dark). The active state can be obtained from the dark state by photolysis of the Fe-NO bond at room temperature. Activation is accompanied by the conversion of NH(dark) to a low-spin ferric complex, NH(light), exhibiting an S = (1)/(2) EPR signal with g values of 2.27, 2.13, and 1.97. We have characterized both NH(dark) and NH(light) with M?ssbauer spectroscopy. The z-axis of the 57Fe magnetic hyperfine tensor, A, of NH(light) was found to be rotated by approximately 45 degrees relative to the z-axis of the g tensor (g(z) = 1.97). Comparison of the A tensor of NH(light) with the A tensors of low-spin ferric hemes indicates a substantially larger degree of covalency for nitrile hydratase. We have also performed photolysis experiments between 2 and 20 K and characterized the photolyzed products by EPR and M?ssbauer spectroscopy. Photolysis at 4.2 K in the M?ssbauer spectrometer yielded a five-coordinate low-spin ferric species, NH(A), which converted back into NH(dark) when the sample was briefly warmed to 77 K. We also describe preliminary EPR photolysis studies that have yielded new intermediates. 相似文献
Nigel R. Franks Steve Bryant Richard Griffiths Lia Hemerik 《Bulletin of mathematical biology》1990,52(5):597-612
Workers of the speciesLeptothorax acervorum show age-polyethism, they start their life as broodworkers and later on they become nestworkers and foragers. Nestworkers and foragers of this ant species are inactive for 72% and 15% of the total time respectively. The short bursts of activity within the nest do not occur randomly but are synchronized so that the whole nest population exhibits nonperiodic pulses of activity: the ants were seen to wake each other actively. In addition starvation experiments were done to assess whether ants react upon food availability. In appeared that during a longlasting period of starvation the proportion of active ants in the nest is at a higher approximately constant level. 相似文献
We describe the social organization, mating system, and social structure of a group of hybrid baboons (Papio anubis×P. hamadryas) in Ethiopia's Awash National Park. The group contained elements of both hamadryas and anubis societies. Overall, the group was a multimale, multifemale group that lacked cohesion and frequently formed subgroups. Subgroup formation was more strongly associated with predation risk than food availability. Although there were several hamadryas-like one-male units OMUs within the group, there was no evidence of a hamadryas multilevel society. Male and female members of OMUs were phenotypically more hamadryas-like than non-OMU individuals. The group contained substantial variation in the strength of inter- and intrasexual bonds: some females primarily groomed males while other females primarily groomed females, and the patterns were consistent with the OMU substructure. Despite some promiscuous mating, mating was biased towards the hamadryas condition for all group members. Additionally, rates of immigration and emigration were very low, and mean pairwise relatedness within the group is rising. For measures of intersexual bonding, all members of the group were intermediate between anubis and hamadryas individuals in less hybridized groups. The group was phenotypically and behaviorally more intermediate than it was in the 1970s (Sugawara, K. (1988). Primates 29: 429–448.) and the changes may indicate a relatively young and dynamic hybrid zone. 相似文献