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Intracellular distribution of vitamin D in rat liver   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The intracellular distribution of 5' nucleotidase was investigated in rat liver by biochemical analysis of cell fractions obtained by differential centrifugation. The enzymatic activity was measured by determination of the inorganic phosphorus liberated from 5' nucleotides. The 5' nucleotidase activity was mainly found in the nuclear and microsomal fractions. An attempt to extract the enzyme from these fractions with Mg(++) ion solutions was unsuccessful. It is concluded that 5' nucleotidase is actually present in the nuclear and microsomal fractions of rat liver cells.  相似文献   

Lipoamide dehydrogenase (LADase) was purified to homogeneity from rat liver mitochondria, and the intracellular distribution and biosynthesis of the LADase were investigated with antibody prepared against the purified enzyme. 1) LADase activity was mostly found in mitochondria; the activity in cytosol was about one-tenth of that in mitochondria. 2) LADase in the crude mitochondrial and cytosolic extracts and the purified LADase were immunologically identical as judged from the Ouchterlony double diffusion test. These LADases were indistinguishable from each other on immunochemical titration; i.e., the amount of LADase precipitated by a fixed amount of the anti-LADase antibody was the same for all the preparations. However, cytosolic LADase activity was inhibited by the antibody more strongly than mitochondrial LADase activity. 3) Two min after intravenous injection of [35S]methionine, more radioactivity was incorporated into cytosolic LADase than into the mitochondrial enzyme in the liver. This result suggests that localization of LADase in the cytosolic fraction is not an artifact due to leakage from mitochondria during homogenization of rat liver. 4) LADase was synthesized predominantly on free ribosomes, which indicates that LADase is synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes and translocated into mitochondria just as other mitochondrial proteins are. 5) After cell-free protein synthesis with post-mitochondrial supernatant, radioactivity immunoprecipitated with anti-LADase antibody was detected as a major peak with the same molecular weight as the purified LADase.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase and ornithine decarboxylase activities have been assayed at intervals after partial hepatectomy in regenerating liver cells fractionated to obtain nuclear, cytoplasmic-particulate, and cytoplasmic-soluble fractions. Ornithine decarboxylase activity, localized entirely in the cytoplasmic fractions, undergoes a dramatic induction during the first 4 h after partial hepatectomy and remains elevated. This induction is very sensitive to inhibition by cycloheximide and actinomycin D, as previously reported. Transglutaminase activity is localized in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus with the highest specific activity in the nucleus. Nuclear transglutaminase activity approximately doubles in the first 2 h of liver regeneration, apparently as a result of a translocation of enzyme from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Inhibitor studies indicate that the translocation is not dependent upon protein or RNA synthesis. In the first 2 h, actinomycin D slightly activates transglutaminase activity in the cytoplasmic-particulate and nuclear fractions. Only at 4 h after the onset of regeneration do actinomycin D and cycloheximide show some inhibition of transglutaminase activity indicating de novo synthesis at this time. A broad increase of transglutaminase activity occurs from hours 12–16 to hour 32 after partial hepatectomy in the nuclear and cytoplasmic-particulate fraction. These data suggest the existence of a function for transglutaminase in the nucleus of rat liver cells.  相似文献   

Intracellular distribution of endothelin-1 receptors in rat liver cells.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We studied the binding of (125I)-endothelin-1 as well as that of the vasopressin analogue (125I)-[8-phenylpropionyl]-LVP to purified plasma membranes, Golgi cisternae and cell nuclei from rat liver. Cell organelles were isolated by differential centrifugation and discontinuous sucrose gradients. Endothelin-1 exhibited specific binding to plasma membranes, Golgi cisternae and nuclei, while the binding of (125I)-[8-phenylpropionyl]-LVP was restricted to the plasma membranes. The number of receptors (Bmax) and the binding constants (Kd) were determined by Scatchard analysis of competition binding studies. In all cases only one class of Et-1 binding sites could be detected. The presence of Et-1 receptors on the Golgi complex either indicates that the receptor is glycosylated within the cisternae or alternatively, there exists a recycling pathway. The unexpected finding of Et-1 receptors on highly purified nuclei suggests that this peptide may exert part of its biological functions intracellularly via the nucleus.  相似文献   

1. The fractionation of intracellular albumin labelled with radioactive l-leucine was studied in rat liver by means of isoelectric focusing. 2. Isoelectric fractionation was compared with ion-exchange chromatography for purification of radioactive intracellular albumin obtained by antibody precipitation. Similar results were obtained with both methods of separation. Purified albumin contains only a minor amount of the radioactivity. The remainder is associated with albumin-like protein(s). 3. The albumin-like protein has the properties of a precursor of plasma albumin. 4. The distribution and turnover of radioactive albumin in rough and smooth microsomal fractions and in a Golgi-rich fraction were studied. 5. It is concluded that newly synthesized albumin, as such, appears only momentarily if at all in any intracellular structure before its appearance in the plasma. 6. It is also concluded that the rate-limiting step in the secretion of plasma albumin is the conversion of precursor(s) into albumin. We can find no evidence to suggest that there is any significant transport of albumin, as such, during the course of secretion.  相似文献   

The hepatic subcellular distribution of apolipoprotein B (apo B) was studied quantitatively by using an enzyme immunoassay developed for apo B and by immunoadsorption-precipitation of [3H]leucine-labelled apo B. Over 50% (of 0.59 microgram/mg protein) of the apo B was located in the microsomal fraction. Further subfractionation of the microsomes revealed that 47% of the microsomal apo B was in the Golgi apparatus, while another 43% was associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum accounted for only 4% of the total. When rat livers were labelled with [3H]leucine for 10 min, the rough endoplasmic reticulum accounted for 80% of the total immunoadsorbed precipitable apo B radioactivity while the smooth accounted for 20%, with no contribution from the Golgi. However, only 8.7% of the total radioactive immunoadsorbed precipitable apo B was lipoprotein-associated, the remainder being membrane-bound. Lipoprotein-associated apo B radioactivity in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum accounted for 40%, with the rough contribution attributed at 50% and the Golgi at 9%. We concluded that (a) there are two major pools of apo B in rat liver microsomes; (b) although the apo B mass may be negligible in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, the latter does play a role in lipoprotein biogenesis. The possible function of apo B associated with membranes of the microsomes is also discussed.  相似文献   

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