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Goats were prepared so that one carotid body (CB) could be perfused with blood in which the gas tensions could be controlled independently from the blood perfusing the systemic arterial system, including the brain. Since one CB is functionally adequate, the nonperfused CB was excised. To determine whether systemic arterial hypoxemia is necessary for ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia (VAH), the CB was perfused with hypoxic normocapnic blood for 6 h [means +/- SE: partial pressure of carotid body O2 (PcbO2), 40.6 +/- 0.3 Torr; partial pressure of carotid body CO2 (PcbCO2), 38.8 +/- 0.2 Torr] while the awake goat breathed room air to maintain systemic arterial normoxia. In control periods before and after CB hypoxia the CB was perfused with hyperoxic normocapnic blood. Changes in arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) were used as an index of changes in ventilation. Acute hypoxia (0.5 h of hypoxic perfusion) resulted in hyperventilation sufficient to reduce average PaCO2 by 6.7 Torr from control (P less than 0.05). Over the subsequent 5.5 h of hypoxic perfusion, average PaCO2 decreased further, reaching 4.8 Torr below that observed acutely (P less than 0.05). Acute CB hyperoxic perfusion (20 min) following 6 h of hypoxia resulted in only partial restoration of PaCO2 toward control values; PaCO2 remained 7.9 Torr below control (P less than 0.05). The progressive hyperventilation that occurred during and after 6 h of CB hypoxia with concomitant systemic normoxia is similar to that occurring with total body hypoxia. We conclude that systemic (and probably brain) hypoxia is not a necessary requisite for VAH.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that, in awake goats, 6 h of hypoxic carotid body perfusion during systemic normoxia produced time-dependent hyperventilation that is typical of ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia (VAH). The hypocapnic alkalosis that occurred could have produced VAH by inducing cerebral vasoconstriction and brain lactic acidosis even though systemic arterial normoxia was maintained. In the present study we tested the hypothesis that hypocapnic alkalosis is a necessary component of VAH. Goats were prepared so that one carotid body could be perfused, from an extracorporeal circuit, with blood in which gas tensions could be controlled independently from the blood perfusing the systemic arterial system, including the brain. Using this preparation we carried out 4 h of hypoxic carotid body perfusion while maintaining systemic arterial (and brain) normoxia in awake goats. Expired minute ventilation (VE) was measured while CO2 was added to inspired air to maintain normocapnia. Carotid body PCO2 and PO2 were maintained near 40 Torr during the 4-h carotid body perfusion. Control mean VE was 8.65 +/- 0.48 l/min (mean +/- SE). With acute carotid body hypoxia (30 min) VE increased to 21.73 +/- 2.02 l/min (P less than 0.05); over the ensuing 3.5 h of carotid body hypoxia, VE progressively increased to 39.14 +/- 4.14 l/min (P less than 0.05). These data indicate that neither cerebral hypoxia nor hypocapnic alkalosis are required to produce VAH. After termination of the 4-h carotid body stimulation, hyperventilation was not maintained in these studies, i.e., there was no deacclimatization. This suggests that acclimatization and deacclimatization are produced by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Bilirubinemia has been reported in man and animals exposed to high altitude, but the cause is not well known. Altered conjugation and delayed excretion of the pigment by the liver has been reported to contribute to the high serum bilirubin levels in man and animals exposed to high altitude, but the rate of development of bilirubinemia, the effects of severe polycythemia, altered erythrocyte fragility and intravascular hemolysis have not been thoroughly investigated. A study was made of the serum bilirubin concentration and the extent of intravascular hemolysis in rats during acclimatization to a simulated altitude of 5,500 m. During both continuous and intermittent (4h/d) exposure the serum bilirubin was significantly elevated at the end of 4 to 6 weeks. The elevations occurred only after severe polycythemia developed (hematocrit 68.5%, Hb 21.6 g/100 ml). An increase in intravascular hemolysis was found after 2 weeks intermittent exposure and after 4 weeks continuous exposure to 5,500 m. No change in erythrocyte fragility to account for increased intravascular hemolysis was found in any of the rats exposed continuously or intermittently to high altitude. No liver pathology was observed in rats exposed to 5,500 m. Bilirubinemia in the rat exposed to high altitude may have been due to the greatly increased erythrocyte number (hematocrit above 68%) and to a proportionate increase in destruction of erythrocytes, to increased intravascular hemolysis associated with the increased blood viscosity and possibly to an inability of the liver to handle increased levels of serum bilirubin.Presented at the Seventh International Biometeorological Congres, 17–23 August 1975, College Park, Maryland, U.S.A.  相似文献   

31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-NMRS) was performed on brain cross sections of four human subjects before and after 7 days in a hypobaric chamber at 447 Torr to test the hypothesis that brain intracellular acidosis develops during acclimatization to high altitude and accounts for the progressively increasing ventilation that develops (ventilatory acclimatization). Arterial blood gas measurements confirmed increased ventilation. At the end of 1 wk of hypobaria, brain intracellular pH was 7.023 +/- 0.046 (SD), unchanged from preexposure pH of 6.998 +/- 0.029. After return to sea level, however, it decreased to 6.918 +/- 0.032 at 15 min (P less than 0.01) and 6.920 +/- 0.046 at 12 h (P less than 0.01). The ventilatory response to hypoxia increased [from 0.35 +/- 0.11 (l/min)/(-%O2 saturation) before exposure to 0.69 +/- 0.19 after, P = 0.06]. Brain intracellular acidosis is probably not a supplemental stimulus to ventilatory acclimatization to high altitude. However, brain intracellular acidosis develops on return to normoxia from chronic hypoxia, suggesting that brain pH may follow changes in blood and cerebrospinal fluid pH as they are altered by changes in ventilation.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase has been linked to the oxygen-sensing function of the carotid body, pulmonary vasculature, cerebral vasculature, and airway smooth muscle. We have shown previously that the cardiorespiratory regions of the rostral ventrolateral medulla are excited by local hypoxia and that heme oxygenase-2 (HO-2) is expressed in the hypoxia-chemosensitive regions of the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), the respiratory pre-B?tzinger complex, and C1 sympathoexcitatory region. To determine whether heme oxygenase is necessary for the hypoxic-excitation of dissociated RVLM neurons (P1) cultured on confluent medullary astrocytes (P5), we examined their electrophysiological responses to hypoxia (NaCN and low Po(2)) using the whole-cell perforated patch clamp technique before and after blocking heme oxygenase with tin protoporphyrin-IX (SnPP-IX). Following the electrophysiological recording, immunocytochemistry was performed on the recorded neuron to correlate the electrophysiological response to hypoxia with the expression of HO-2. We found that the responses to NaCN and hypoxia were similar. RVLM neurons responded to NaCN and low Po(2) with either depolarization or hyperpolarization and SnPP-IX blocked the depolarization response of hypoxia-excited neurons to both NaCN and low Po(2) but had no effect on the hyperpolarization response of hypoxia-depressed neurons. Consistent with this observation, HO-2 expression was present only in the hypoxia-excited neurons. We conclude that RVLM neurons are excited by hypoxia via a heme oxygenase-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

The activity of carbonic anhydrase (E.C. (CA) has been measured in the blood of adult and fetal sheep and lambs. The mean activity in adult sheep was 0.89 enzyme units (EU) per 100 micrograms of Hb. The activity in fetal sheep aged 90 days was just below 20% of this and in fetuses near full term was just under 40% of the mean adult level. The regression line gave an increase of CA activity (per 100 micrograms Hb) of 0.004 EU/day. The appearance of CA in fetal blood normally occurred before any detectable production of adult Hb. One aberrant fetus showed early development of the adult pattern in the red cells, having adult type Hb and adult levels of CA during the period of 116-128 days of fetal age. In the period after birth the CA level in the blood rose rapidly, reaching the adult level 30 days after birth. During this period activity per 100 micrograms HB increased by 0.014 EU/day, significantly faster than during fetal life.  相似文献   

目的:观察模拟高原低氧对成年大鼠脑内胶质细胞的影响。方法:大鼠在模拟海拔4000m高原低压舱内连续暴露1、3、7d,胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)与Griffoniasimplicifolia同功凝集素(GSA-IB4)组织细胞化学分别显示星形胶质细胞与小胶质细胞。结果:GFAP与GSA-IB4阳性细胞在低氧后3.7d两个时相显著增多,主要分布于新皮层、海马、纹状体及室管膜下层等区域。结论:模拟高原低氧能引起大鼠脑内星形胶质细胞与小胶质细胞的显著活化。  相似文献   

To analyse the role of changes in structure and function of the left ventricle in determining cardiac function at rest and during exercise, several two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiographic measurements were performed on 11 healthy subjects immediately before an Himalayan expedition (Nun, 7135 m), during acclimatization (3 weeks) and 14 days after the return. At rest decreases were found in cardiac index (CI) (3.23 l.min-1.m-2, SD 0.4 vs 3.82 l.min-1.m-2, SD 0.58, P less than 0.01), left ventricular mass (55.3 g.m-2, SD 9.4 vs 65.2 g.m-2, SD 13.5, P less than 0.005) and left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) (53.9 ml.m-2, SD 6.9 vs 64.8 ml.m-2, SD 9.1, P less than 0.001) after acclimatization; by contrast the coefficient of peak arterial pressure to left ventricular end-systolic volume (PAP/ESV) (7.8, SD 1.6 vs 6.0, SD 1.8, P less than 0.005) and mean wall stress [286 kdyn.cm-2, SD 31 vs 250 kdyn.cm-2, SD 21 (2.86 N.cm-2, SD 0.31 vs 2.50 N.cm-2, SD 0.21), P less than 0.005] increased. After return to sea level, low values of CI and mass persisted despite a return to normal of LVEDV and preload. A reduction of PAP/ESV was also observed. At peak exercise, PAP/ESV (8.7, SD 2.4 vs 12.8, SD 2.0, P less than 0.0025), CI (9.8 l.min-1.m-2, SD 2.5 vs 11.6 l.min-1.m-2, SD 1.6, P less than 0.05) and the ejection fraction (69%, SD 6 vs 76%, SD 4, P less than 0.05) were lower after return to sea level than before departure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of diencephalic lesions on respiratory responses to intra-arterially infused adenosine (ADO) were determined in chronically catheterized fetal sheep (>0.8 term). These studies were designed to test the hypothesis that the inhibitory effects of ADO on fetal breathing, like those of hypoxia, are mediated by the parafascicular nuclear complex (Pf) of the posteromedial thalamus. ADO inhibited breathing [control (C): 26 +/- 2.6, ADO: 4 +/- 1 min/h] in normal fetuses and in a fetus with a lesion that virtually destroyed the thalamus but left intact most of Pf. Neuronal lesions in the diencephalon, produced by injecting ibotenic acid, abolished the inhibitory effects of ADO on breathing (C: 31 +/- 5.1, ADO: 30 +/- 4.5 min/h) when the lesions encompassed Pf or the sector immediately rostral to Pf that retained the capacity to regulate hypoxic inhibition. Smaller lesions created by the insertion of needles also eliminated the depressant effects of ADO when disruptions were within Pf or a rostral component of the thalamic cortical activating system. It is concluded that 1) a medial thalamic sector is critically involved in ADO-induced apnea and 2) ADO-dependent and ADO-independent mechanisms mediate hypoxic inhibition.  相似文献   

1. Exposure of rats to an 8000 m altitude increased the hepatic tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (EC activity. 2. Acclimatization to hypoxia by a repeated exposure to an altitude of 5000 m induced a marked decrease in liver tryptophan dioxygenase activity after the rats were subjected to an 8000 m altitude, but a pre-exposure to 4000 m altitude showed no effect on the enzyme activity. 3. Plasma tryptophan was rapidly decreased by exposure to 8000 m altitude to the same extent in the acclimatized and non-acclimatized rats. 4. Plasma tryptophan may be utilized as the substrate for tryptophan dioxygenase in liver of the non-acclimatized rats under highly hypoxic conditions; however, acclimatized rats can reserve tryptophan as the substrate for the alternative metabolism other than the degradation pathway in liver.  相似文献   

The effect of hypobaric hypoxaemia on the concentration of metabolic substrates in the ovine fetus and pregnant ewe with implanted vascular catheters, was investigated. At 120 to 141 days of gestation sheep were subjected to hypobaria (mean fetal carotid PO2 12.7 +/- 0.7 torr; n = 9) or normobaria (mean fetal carotid PO2 22.7 +/- 0.7 torr; n = 11; P less than 0.001). At 141 days gestation mean fetal weight was 3.46 +/- 0.72 kg in the hypobaric group compared to 4.15 +/- 0.51 in the normobaric group (P less than 0.05). Concentrations of glucose in maternal and fetal plasma and fructose in fetal plasma were similar in hypobaric and normobaric fetuses. The concentration of lactate in fetal plasma rose from 1.68 +/- 1.34 to 8.79 +/- 5.8 mmol/l (P less than 0.001) within 24 h of onset of hypoxia, but fell to 3.36 +/- 1.13 mmol/l by day 3 of treatment, though still significantly above the concentration of lactate in the control fetuses (1.47 +/- 0.47; P less than 0.001). There was no significant effect of hypoxia on the concentration of lactate or alanine in maternal plasma. Alanine concentration in the plasma of fetuses subjected to hypoxia significantly increased within 24 h of exposure (0.28 +/- 0.10 vs 0.58 +/- 0.39 mmol/l; P less than 0.01) and remained elevated for the duration of the study. There was no significant effect of gestational age on the concentration of metabolic substrates in either the control or experimental groups. Hypoxia is associated with a sustained rise in the concentration of plasma lactate and alanine in the fetus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Isocapnic hypoxaemia (delta PaO2 = -8.0 +/- 0.5 mmHg; delta CaO2 = -2.86 +/- 0.20 ml/dl) was produced in fetal sheep by having the ewe breathe for one hour a gas mixture (v/v) of 10.5% O2 and 1.5% CO2 in N2. Mean fetal heart rate, blood pressure, and incidence of low voltage electrocortical activity were not affected. However, the incidence of rapid-eye-movements and breathing activity was reduced by about 40%. Breathing movements during hypoxaemia had a mean inspiratory time, breath interval, and tracheal pressure amplitude which did not differ significantly from those during control experiments in which the ewe breathed air from the plastic bag. These observations suggest that hypoxia decreases the incidence of breathing movements but does not affect the amplitude or pattern of breathing activity and that it may reduce the incidence of eye movements and breathing activity through a common mechanism.  相似文献   

The cause of headache in persons going to high altitude is unknown. Relatively severe hypoxemia in susceptible subjects could induce large increases in cerebral blood flow that then could initiate the headache. Thus we measured noninvasively, by Doppler ultrasound, changes in internal carotid arterial blood velocity (velocity) in 12 subjects in Denver (1,600 m) and repeatedly up to 7 h at a simulated altitude of 4,800 m (barometric pressure = 430 Torr). Six subjects, selected because of prior history of high-altitude headache, developed comparatively severe headache at 4,800 m, and four subjects, without such history, remained well. Two subjects developed moderate headache. Velocity at 4,800 m did not correlate with symptom development, arterial O2 saturation, or end-tidal PCO2. Also, neither velocity nor blood pressure was consistently elevated above the Denver base-line values. During measurements of hypercapnic ventilatory response in Denver, velocity increased linearly with end-tidal PCO2, confirming that our Doppler method could demonstrate an increase. Also, 30 min of isocapnic or poikilocapnic hypoxia caused small increases in velocity (+8 and +6%) during the base-line measurement at low altitude. Although even a small increase in cerebral perfusion could contribute to headache symptoms at high altitude, cerebral blood flow does not appear to play a primary role.  相似文献   

The exposure of healthy subjects to high altitude represents a model to explore the pathophysiology of diseases related to tissue hypoxia and to evaluate pharmacological approaches potentially useful as a therapy for chronic diseases related to hypoxia. We explored the urinary peptidome to detect alterations induced by the exposure of subjects to different altitudes (sea level, high altitude = 3500 m, very high altitude = 5400 m) and to pharmacological treatment. Urine samples were collected from 47 subjects, randomly and blindly assigned to placebo (n = 24) or Telmisartan (n = 23). Samples were purified by the use of magnetic beads, then analysed by MALDI-TOF MS. Results showed that the urinary peptidome is not affected by the administration of Telmisartan, neither at the sea level nor at high and very high altitudes. In contrast, the urinary protein profiles are modified when subjects are exposed to high and very high altitudes, and we detected six peptides differentially expressed in hypobaric hypoxia at high or very high altitude compared to the sea level. Two of them were identified as fragments of the glycoprotein uromodulin and of the α1-antitrypsin. This is the first proteomic study showing that hypobaric hypoxia conditions affect the urinary peptidome.  相似文献   

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