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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) involves infiltration of leukocytes into intestinal tissue, resulting in intestinal damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Pro-inflammatory cytokines and cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) play important roles in this infiltration of leukocytes. The roles of heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) and heat shock proteins (HSPs) in the development of IBD are unclear. In this study, we examined the roles of HSF1 and HSPs in an animal model of IBD, dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis. The colitis worsened or was ameliorated in HSF1-null mice or transgenic mice expressing HSP70 (or HSF1), respectively. Administration of DSS up-regulated the expression of HSP70 in colonic tissues in an HSF1-dependent manner. Expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and CAMs and the level of cell death observed in colonic tissues were increased or decreased in DSS-treated HSF1-null mice or transgenic mice expressing HSP70, respectively, relative to control wild-type mice. Relative to macrophages from control wild-type mice, macrophages prepared from HSF1-null mice or transgenic mice expressing HSP70 displayed enhanced or reduced activity, respectively, for the generation of pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to lipopolysaccharide stimulation. Suppression of HSF1 or HSP70 expression in vitro stimulated lipopolysaccharide-induced up-regulation of CAMs or ROS-induced cell death, respectively. This study provides the first genetic evidence that HSF1 and HSP70 play a role in protecting against DSS-induced colitis. Furthermore, this protective role seems to involve various mechanisms, such as suppression of expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and CAMs and ROS-induced cell death.  相似文献   

The expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) is known to be increased via activation of heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), and excess expression of HSPs exerts feedback inhibition of HSF1. However, the molecular mechanism to modulate such relationships between HSPs and HSF1 is not clear. In the present study, we show that stable transfection of either Hsp25 or inducible Hsp70 (Hsp70i) increased expression of endogenous HSPs such as HSP25 and HSP70i through HSF1 activation. However, these phenomena were abolished when the dominant negative Hsf1 mutant was transfected to HSP25 or HSP70i overexpressed cells. Moreover, the increased HSF1 activity by either HSP25 or HSP70i was found to result from dephosphorylation of HSF1 on serine 307 that increased the stability of HSF1. Either HSP25 or HSP70i inhibited ERK1/2 phosphorylation because of increased MKP1 phosphorylation by direct interaction of these HSPs with MKP1. Treatment of HOS and NCI-H358 cells, which showed high expressions of endogenous HSF1, with small interfering RNA (siRNA) of either HSP27 (siHSP27)or HSP70i (siHSP70i) inhibited both HSP27 and HSP70i proteins; this was because of increased ERK1/2 phosphorylation and serine phosphorylation of HSF1. The results, therefore, suggested that when the HSF1 protein level was high in cancer cells, excess expression of HSP27 or HSP70i strongly facilitates the expression of HSP proteins through HSF1 activation, resulting in severe radio- or chemoresistance.  相似文献   

Apoptin, a protein from chicken anemia virus, selectively induces apoptosis of transformed or tumor cells, but not in normal cells. However, the mechanism of action of Apoptin is still not well understood. Using yeast two-hybrid and immunoprecipitation approaches, we found that Apoptin interacted with Heat shock cognate protein 70 (Hsc70). In vivo, Apoptin induced the translocation of endogenous Hsc70 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, and both were co-localized in the nucleus. In addition, Apoptin induced Akt phosphorylation, which was markedly inhibited by Hsc70 knockdown, suggesting that Hsc70 may play a critical role in Apoptin-induced Akt phosphorylation. These findings help to further understand the molecular mechanism of Apoptin.  相似文献   

Human cerebral malaria is caused by the protozoan parasite Plasmodium falciparum, which establishes itself within erythrocytes. The normal body temperature in the human host could constitute a possible source of heat stress to the parasite. Molecular chaperones belonging to the heat shock protein (Hsp) class are thought to be important for parasite subsistence in the host cell, as the expression of some members of this family has been reported to increase upon heat shock. In this paper we investigated the possible functions of the P. falciparum heat shock protein DnaJ homologue Pfj4, a type II Hsp40 protein. We analysed the ability of Pfj4 to functionally replace Escherichia coli Hsp40 proteins in a dnaJ cbpA mutant strain. Western analysis on cellular fractions of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes revealed that Pfj4 expression increased upon heat shock. Localisation studies using immunofluorescence and immuno-electron microscopy suggested that Pfj4 and P. falciparum Hsp70, PfHsp70-1, were both localised to the parasites nucleus and cytoplasm. In some cases, Pfj4 was also detected in the erythrocyte cytoplasm of infected erythrocytes. Immunoprecipitation studies and size exclusion chromatography indicated that Pfj4 and PfHsp70-1 may directly or indirectly interact. Our results suggest a possible involvement of Pfj4 together with PfHsp70-1 in cytoprotection, and therefore, parasite survival inside the erythrocyte.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a highly proactive molecule that causes in vivo a systemic inflammatory response syndrome and activates in vitro the inflammatory pathway in different cellular types, including endothelial cells (EC). Because the proinflammatory status could lead to EC injury and apoptosis, the expression of proinflammatory genes must be finely regulated through the induction of protective genes. This study aimed at determining whether an LPS exposure is effective in inducing apoptosis in primary cultures of porcine aortic endothelial cells and in stimulating heat shock protein (Hsp)70 and Hsp32 production as well as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) secretion. Cells between third and eighth passage were exposed to 10 microg/mL LPS for 1, 7, 15, and 24 hours (time-course experiments) or to 1, 10, and 100 microg/mL LPS for 7 and 15 hours (dose-response experiments). Apoptosis was not affected by 1 microg/mL LPS but significantly increased in a dose-dependent manner with the highest LPS doses. Furthermore, apoptosis rate increased only till 15 hours of LPS exposure. LPS stimulated VEGF secretion in a dose-dependent manner; its effect became significant after 7 hours and reached a plateau after 15 hours. Both Hsp70 and Hsp32 expressions were induced by LPS in a dose-dependent manner after 7 hours. Subsequent studies were addressed to evaluate the protective role of Hsp32, Hsp70, and VEGF. Hemin, an Hsp32 inducer (5, 20, 50 microM), and recombinant VEGF (100 and 200 ng/mL), were added to the culture 2 hours before LPS (10 microg/mL for 24 hours); to induce Hsp70 expression, cells were heat shocked (42 degrees C for 1 hour) 15 hours before LPS (10 microg/mL for 24 hours). Hemin exposure upregulated Hsp32 expression in a dose-dependent manner and protected cells against LPS-induced apoptosis. Heat shock (HS) stimulated Hsp70 expression but failed to reduce LPS-induced apoptosis; VEGF addition did not protect cells against LPS-induced apoptosis at any dose tested. Nevertheless, when treatments were associated, a reduction of LPS-induced apoptosis was always observed; the reduction was maximal when all the treatments (HS + Hemin + VEGF) were associated. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that LPS is effective in evoking "the heat shock response" with an increase of nonspecific protective molecules (namely Hsp70 and Hsp32) and of VEGF, a specific EC growth factor. The protective role of Hsp32 was also demonstrated. Further investigations are required to clarify the synergic effect of Hsp32, Hsp70, and VEGF, thus elucidating the possible interaction between these molecules.  相似文献   

Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) is a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) that is regulated under conditions of cellular stress. ASK1 phosphorylates c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and elicits an apoptotic response. ASK1 activity is regulated at multiple levels, 1 of which is through inhibition by cytosolic chaperones of the heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 family. Among the proteins that determine Hsp70 function, CHIP (C-terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein) is a cochaperone and ubiquitin ligase that interacts with Hsp70 through an amino-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain. Prominent among the cellular functions mediated by CHIP is protection against physiologic stress. Because ASK1 is known to contain a TPR-acceptor site, we examined the role of CHIP in regulating ASK1 function. CHIP interacted with ASK1 in a TPR-dependent fashion and induced ubiquitylation and proteasome-dependent degradation of ASK1. Targeting of ASK1 by CHIP inhibited JNK activation in response to oxidative challenge and reduced ASK1-dependent apoptosis, whereas short interfering RNA (siRNA)-dependent depletion of CHIP enhanced JNK activation. Consistent with its ability to reduce cytoplasmic ASK1 levels, CHIP triggered the translocation of ASK1 partner protein death-associated protein (Daxx) into the nucleus, where it is known to activate an antiapoptotic response. These results indicate that CHIP regulates ASK1 activity by inducing its ubiquitylation and degradation, which, together with its effects on Daxx localization, provides a mechanism for the antiapoptotic effects of CHIP observed in the face of cellular and physiologic stress.  相似文献   

Expression of heat shock proteins (HSP) is anadaptive response to cellular stress. Stress induces tumor necrosisfactor (TNF)- production. In turn, TNF- induces HSP70 expression.However, osmotic stress or ultraviolet radiation activates TNF-receptor I (TNFR-I) in the absence of TNF-. We postulated thatTNF- receptors are involved in the induction of HSP70 by cellularstress. Peritoneal M were isolated from wild-type (WT), TNF-knockout (KO), and TNFR (I or II) KO mice. Cells were culturedovernight and then heat stressed at 43 ± 0.5°C for 30 minfollowed by a 4-h recovery at 37°C. Cellular HSP70 expression wasinduced by heat stress or exposure to endotoxin [lipopolysaccharide(LPS)] as determined by immunoblotting. HSP70 expression induced byeither heat or LPS was markedly decreased in TNFR-I KO M, whereasTNFR-II KO M exhibited HSP70 expression comparable to that in WTmice. Expression of HSP70 after heat stress in TNF- KO M was alsosimilar to that in WT mice, suggesting that induction of HSP70 byTNFR-I occurs independently of TNF-. In addition, levels ofsteady-state HSP70 mRNA were similar by RT-PCR in WT and TNFR-I KO Mdespite differences in protein expression. Furthermore, the effect of TNFR-I appears to be cell specific, since HSP70 expression in splenocytes isolated from TNFR-I KO was similar to that in WT splenocytes. These studies demonstrate that TNFR-I is required for thesynthesis of HSP70 in stressed M by a TNF-independent mechanism andsupport an intracellular role for TNFR-I.


Overexpression of heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 and Hsp27 in vivo was proclaimed as a potential tool in therapy of ischemia-reperfusion injury. However, it was so far not known whether these Hsps can beneficially act when increased in cells just at the stage of postischemic reperfusion. This issue was examined in a model of ischemia-reperfusion stress when cultures of endothelial cells (EC) from human umbilical vein were infected with virus-based vectors expressing Hsp70 or Hsp27, or Hsp56, or green fluorescent protein (GFP) and exposed to 20 hours of hypoxia followed by reoxygenation. The infection was performed either 10 hours before hypoxia or immediately after hypoxia, or at different time points of reoxygenation. Only low cell death was detected during hypoxia, but later, up to 40% of the treated cells died via caspase-dependent apoptosis between 6 and 12 hours of reoxygenation. The percentage of apoptotic cells was 1.6- to 3-fold greater in Hsp56- and GFP-infected EC than in Hsp70- or Hsp27-infected EC. The last 2 groups exhibited a lesser extent of procaspase-9 and procaspase-3 activation within 6-9 hours of reoxygenation. The cytoprotective effects of overexpressed Hsp70 and Hsp27 were observed not only in the case of infection before hypoxia but also when EC were infected at the start of reoxygenation or 1-2 hours later. An increase in the Hsp70 and Hsp27 levels in infected EC correlated well with their resistance to apoptosis under reoxygenation. These findings suggest that overexpression of Hsp70 or Hsp27, if it occurs in the involved cells at the early stage of postischemic reperfusion, can still be cytoprotective.  相似文献   

Light- and dark-adaptation leads to changes in rhabdom morphology and photopigment distribution in the octopus retina. Molecular chaperones, including heat shock proteins (Hsps), may be involved in specific signaling pathways that cause changes in photoreceptor actin- and tubulin-based cytoskeletons and movement of the photopigments, rhodopsin and retinochrome. In this study, we used immunoblotting, in situ RT-PCR, immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy to localize the inducible form of Hsp70 and the larger Hsp90 in light- and dark-adapted and dorsal and ventral halves of adult octopus retinas. The Hsps showed differences in distribution between the light and dark and in dorsal vs. ventral position in the retina. Double labeling confocal microscopy co-localized Hsp70 with actin and tubulin, and Hsp90 with the photopigment, retinochrome. Our results demonstrate the presence of Hsp70 and Hsp90 in otherwise non-stressed light- and dark-adapted octopus retinas. These Hsps may help stabilize the cytoskeleton, important for rhabdom structure, and are perhaps involved in the redistribution of retinochrome in conditions of light and dark.  相似文献   



Dobutamine is cytoprotective when applied before a subsequent stress. However, the underlying molecular mechanism is unknown. Dobutamine also inhibits nuclear factor (NF)-κB in human T lymphocytes. Other inhibitors of NF-κB induce a so-called heat shock response. We hypothesized that dobutamine mediates protection from apoptotic cell death by the induction of a heat shock response.

Main methods

Jurkat T lymphoma cells were preincubated with dobutamine (0.1, 0.5 mM) before the induction of apoptosis (staurosporine, 2 μM). DNA-binding of heat shock factor (HSF)-1 was analyzed by electrophoretic mobility shift assay, mRNA-expression of heat shock protein (hsp)70 and hsp90 by Northern Blot, activity of caspase-3 by fluorogenic caspase activity assay and cleavage of pro-caspase-3 by Western Blot. Apoptosis was assessed by flow cytometry after annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate staining. Hsp70 and hsp90 were inhibited using N-formyl-3,4-methylenedioxy-benzylidene-gamma-butyrolaetam and 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldana-mycin, respectively. All data are given as median and 25/75% percentile.

Key findings

Pre-incubation with dobutamine inhibited staurosporine-induced annexin V-fluorescence (28 [20–32] % vs. 12 [9–15] % for dobutamine 0.1 mM and 7 [5–12] % for dobutamine 0.5 mM, p < 0.001), cleavage of pro-caspase-3 as well as caspase-3-like activity (0.46 [0.40–0.48] vs. 0.32 [0.27–0.39] for Dobutamine 0.1 mM and 0.20 [0.19–0.23] for Dobutamine 0.5 mM, p < 0.01). Dobutamine induced DNA-binding of HSF-1 and mRNA-expression of hsp70 and hsp90. While inhibition of Hsp90 had no effect, inhibition of Hsp70 increased the number of annexin V-positive cells (33 [32–36] % vs. 18 [16–24] %) and caspase-3-like activity (0.21 [0.19–0.23] vs. 0.16 [0.13–0.17], p < 0.05).


Dobutamine protects from apoptotic cell death via the induction of Hsp70.  相似文献   

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