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We isolated and characterized a novel spontaneous longevity mutant of Podospora anserina strain Wa32 carrying one of the pAL2-1 homologous mitochondrial plasmids. This mutant is at least ten fold longer-lived than the wild type, and is hence a formal suppressor of both the regular and the 'plasmid-based' senescence process. We show that the longevity trait is maternally inherited and coincides with the presence of a copy of the plasmid integrated in the 5' UTR of the mitochondrial Complex I genes nd2 and nd3. This mutation is associated with complex alterations in the respiratory chain, including a dispensable induction of the alternative oxidase. It is also associated with a stabilization of the mitochondrial chromosome and a reduction of the overall cellular level of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction is the only life span extending regimen known that applies to all aging organisms. Although most fungi do not appear to senesce, all natural isolates of the modular filamentous fungus Podospora anserina have a limited life span. In this paper, we show that calorie restriction extends life span also in Podospora anserina. The response to glucose limitation varies significantly among 23 natural isolates from a local population in The Netherlands, ranging from no effect up to a 5-fold life span extension. The isolate dependent effect is largely due to the presence or absence of pAL2-1 homologous plasmids. These mitochondrial plasmids are associated with reduced life span under calorie restricted conditions, suggesting a causal link. This has been substantiated using three combinations of isogenic isolates with and without plasmids. A model is proposed to explain how pAL2-1 homologues influence the response to calorie restriction.  相似文献   

A global depletion of cellular copper as the result of a deficiency in high-affinity copper uptake was previously shown to affect the phenotype and life span of the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina. We report here the construction of a strain in which the delivery of copper to complex IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain is affected. This strain, PaCox17::ble, is a PaCox17-null mutant that does not synthesize the molecular chaperone targeting copper to cytochrome c oxidase subunit II. PaCox17::ble is characterized by a decreased growth rate, a reduction in aerial hyphae formation, reduced female fertility, and a dramatic increase in life span. The mutant respires via a cyanide-resistant alternative pathway, displays superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity profiles significantly differing from those of the wild-type strain and is characterized by a stabilization of the mitochondrial DNA. Collectively, the presented data define individual components of a molecular network effective in life span modulation and copper as an element with a dual effect. As a cofactor of complex IV of the respiratory chain, it is indirectly involved in the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and thereby plays a life span-limiting role. In contrast, Cu/Zn SOD as a ROS-scavenging enzyme lowers molecular damage and thus positively affects life span. Such considerations explain the reported differences in life span of independent mutants and spread more light on the delicate tuning of the molecular network influencing biological ageing.  相似文献   

An F(1)F(O) ATP synthase in the inner mitochondrial membrane catalyzes the late steps of ATP production via the process of oxidative phosphorylation. A small protein subunit (subunit c or ATP9) of this enzyme shows a substantial genetic diversity, and its gene can be found in both the mitochondrion and/or nucleus. In a representative set of 26 species of fungi for which the genomes have been entirely sequenced, we found five Atp9 gene repartitions. The phylogenetic distribution of nuclear and mitochondrial Atp9 genes suggests that their evolution has included two independent transfers to the nucleus followed by several independent episodes of the loss of the mitochondrial and/or nuclear gene. Interestingly, we found that in Podospora anserina, subunit c is exclusively produced from two nuclear genes (PaAtp9-5 and PaAtp9-7), which display different expression profiles through the life cycle of the fungus. The PaAtp9-5 gene is specifically and strongly expressed in germinating ascospores, whereas PaAtp9-7 is mostly transcribed during sexual reproduction. Consistent with these observations, deletion of PaAtp9-5 is lethal, whereas PaAtp9-7 deletion strongly impairs ascospore production. The P. anserina PaAtp9-5 and PaAtp9-7 genes are therefore nonredundant. By swapping the 5' and 3' flanking regions between genes we demonstrated, however, that the PaAtp9 coding sequences are functionally interchangeable. These findings show that after transfer to the nucleus, the subunit c gene in Podospora became a key target for the modulation of cellular energy metabolism according to the requirements of the life cycle.  相似文献   

It has been established that meiotic recombination and chromosome segregation are inhibited when meiotic DNA replication is blocked. Here we demonstrate that early meiotic gene (EMG) expression is also inhibited by a block in replication. Since early meiotic genes are required to promote meiotic recombination and DNA division, the low expression of these genes may contribute to the block in meiotic progression. We have identified three Hur- (HU reduced recombination) mutants that fail to couple meiotic recombination and gene expression with replication. One of these mutations is in RPD3, a gene required to maintain meiotic gene repression in mitotic cells. Complete deletions of RPD3 and the repression adapter SIN3 permitted recombination and early meiotic gene expression when replication was inhibited with hydroxyurea (HU). Biochemical analysis showed that the Rpd3p-Sin3p-Ume6p repression complex does exist in meiotic cells. These observations suggest that repression of early meiotic genes by SIN3 and RPD3 is critical for the normal response to inhibited replication. A second response to inhibited replication has also been discovered. HU-inhibited replication reduced the accumulation of phospho-Ume6p in meiotic cells. Phosphorylation of Ume6p normally promotes interaction with the meiotic activator Ime1p, thereby activating EMG expression. Thus, inhibited replication may also reduce the Ume6p-dependent activation of EMGs. Taken together, our data suggest that both active repression and reduced activation combine to inhibit EMG expression when replication is inhibited.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette transporters are ubiquitous proteins that facilitate transport of diverse substances across a membrane. However, their exact role remains poorly understood. In order to test their function in a fungus life cycle, we deleted the two Podospora anserina peroxisomal ABC transporter pABC1 and pABC2 genes as well as the three genes involved in peroxisomal (fox2) and mitochondrial (scdA and echA) beta-oxidation. Analysis of the single and double mutants shows that fatty acid beta-oxidation occurs in both organelles. Furthermore, the peroxisomal and mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation pathways are both dispensable for vegetative and sexual development. They are, however, differently required for ascospore pigmentation and germination, this latter defect being restored in a DeltapABC1 and DeltapABC2 background. We report also that lack of peroxisomal ABC transporters does not prevent peroxisomal long-chain fatty acid oxidation, suggesting the existence of another pathway for their import into peroxisomes. Finally, we show that some aspects of fatty acid degradation are clearly fungus species specific.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are involved in a variety of metabolic pathways and developmental processes. In the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina, absence of different peroxins implicated in peroxisome matrix protein import leads to different developmental defects. Lack of the RING-finger complex peroxin PEX2 blocks sexual development at the dikaryotic stage, while in absence of both receptors, PEX5 and PEX7, karyogamy and meiosis can proceed and sexual spores are formed. This suggests a complex role for PEX2 that prompted us to study the developmental involvement of the RING-finger complex. We show that, like PEX2, the two other proteins of the complex, PEX10 and PEX12, are equally implicated in peroxisome biogenesis and that absence of each or all these proteins lead to the same developmental defect. Moreover, we demonstrate that peroxisome localization of PEX2 is not drastically affected in the absence of PEX10 and PEX12 and that the upregulation of these latter RING-finger peroxins does not compensate for the lack of a second one, suggesting that the three proteins work together in development but independent of their function in peroxisome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Aggregation of amyloid proteins is involved in serious neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer disease and transmissible encephalopathies. The concept of an infectious protein (prion) proposed as the scrapie agent was successfully validated for several proteins of yeast and fungi. Ure2, Sup35 and Rnq1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and HET-s in Podospora anserina have been genetically, then biochemically identified as prion proteins. Studies on these proteins have brought critical informations on the mechanisms of prions appearance and propagation. The prion phenotype correlates with the aggregation state of these particular proteins. In vitro, the recombinant prion proteins form amyloid fibers characterized by a rich β-sheet content. In a previous work on the HET-s prion protein of Podospora we have demonstrated the infectivity of HET-s recombinant amyloid aggregates. More recently, the structural analysis of the prion domain of HET-s associated with in vivo mutagenesis allowed us to propose a model for the infectious fold of the HET-s prion domain. Further investigations to complete this model are discussed in this review as well as relevant questions about the [Het-s] system of Podospora anserina.  相似文献   

RIP (Repeat-Induced point Mutation) and PR (Premeiotic Recombination) are two developmentally regulated processes in filamentous ascomycetes. RIP detects and mutates duplicated DNA sequences, while PR results in deletion of the interstitial sequence between cis-duplicated DNA sequences. These two silencing processes take place between fertilization and premeiotic replication, a period during which the mating-type genes play an active role in several developmental processes. Previous studies have shown that mutations in the mating-type genes affect the development of the fruiting body. This study provides evidence that mutations in the mating-type genes reduce the frequency of RIP and PR. It establishes that alleles which have the more stringent effect on fruiting-body development, have also the strongest effect on RIP and PR frequencies. We propose two models for the relation between mating-type genes and RIP and PR, one based on the direct control of RIP and PR by mating-type regulatory proteins, the other based on an indirect effect through the control of a development step during which RIP and PR take place.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Podospora anserina has a limited lifespan. In this organism, aging is systematically associated to mitochondrial DNA instability. We recently provided evidence that the respiratory function is a key determinant of its lifespan. Loss of function of the cytochrome pathway leads to the compensatory induction of an alternative oxidase, to a decreased production of reactive oxygen species and to a striking increase in lifespan. These changes are associated to the stabilization of the mitochondrial DNA. Here we review and discuss the links between these different parameters and their implication in the control of lifespan. Since we demonstrated the central role of mitochondrial metabolism in aging, the same relationship has been evidenced in several model systems from yeast to mice, confirming the usefulness of simple organisms as P. anserina for studying lifespan regulation.  相似文献   

To elucidate the molecular basis of the link between respiration and longevity, we have studied the organization of the respiratory chain of a wild-type strain and of two long-lived mutants of the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina. This established aging model is able to respire by either the standard or the alternative pathway. In the latter pathway, electrons are directly transferred from ubiquinol to the alternative oxidase and thus bypass complexes III and IV. We show that the cytochrome c oxidase pathway is organized according to the mammalian "respirasome" model (Sch?gger, H., and Pfeiffer, K. (2000) EMBO J. 19, 1777-1783). In contrast, the alternative pathway is composed of distinct supercomplexes of complexes I and III (i.e. I(2) and I(2)III(2)), which have not been described so far. Enzymatic analysis reveals distinct functional properties of complexes I and III belonging to either cytochrome c oxidase- or alternative oxidase-dependent pathways. By a gentle colorless-native PAGE, almost all of the ATP synthases from mitochondria respiring by either pathway were preserved in the dimeric state. Our data are of significance for the understanding of both respiratory pathways as well as lifespan control and aging.  相似文献   

RIP (Repeat-Induced point Mutation) and PR (Premeiotic Recombination) are two developmentally regulated processes in filamentous ascomycetes. RIP detects and mutates duplicated DNA sequences, while PR results in deletion of the interstitial sequence between cis-duplicated DNA sequences. These two silencing processes take place between fertilization and premeiotic replication, a period during which the mating-type genes play an active role in several developmental processes. Previous studies have shown that mutations in the mating-type genes affect the development of the fruiting body. This study provides evidence that mutations in the mating-type genes reduce the frequency of RIP and PR. It establishes that alleles which have the more stringent effect on fruiting-body development, have also the strongest effect on RIP and PR frequencies. We propose two models for the relation between mating-type genes and RIP and PR, one based on the direct control of RIP and PR by mating-type regulatory proteins, the other based on an indirect effect through the control of a development step during which RIP and PR take place.  相似文献   

In filamentous fungi, a programmed cell death (PCD) reaction occurs when cells of unlike genotype fuse. This reaction is caused by genetic differences at specific loci termed het loci (for heterokaryon incompatibility). Although several het genes have been characterized, the mechanism of this cell death reaction and its relation to PCD in higher eukaryotes remains largely unknown. In Podospora anserina, genes induced during the cell death reaction triggered by the het-R het-V interaction have been identified and termed idi genes. Herein, we describe the functional characterization of one idi gene (idi-1) and explore the connection between incompatibility and the response to nutrient starvation. We show that IDI-1 is a cell wall protein which localizes at the septum during normal growth. We found that induction of idi-1 and of the other known idi genes is not specific of the incompatibility reaction. The idi genes are induced upon nitrogen and carbon starvation and by rapamycin, a specific inhibitor of the TOR kinase pathway. The cytological hallmarks of het-R het-V incompatibility (increased septation, vacuolization, coalescence of lipid droplets, induction of autophagy, and cell death) are also observed during rapamycin treatment. Globally the cytological alterations and modifications in gene expression occurring during the incompatibility reaction are similar to those observed during starvation or rapamycin treatment.  相似文献   

A natural population of recently isolated Podospora anserina strains was screened for homologues of the linear longevity-inducing plasmid pAL2-1. Of the 78 wild-type isolates, 14 hybridised with a pAL2-1 specific probe, half of which contained a single plasmid and the other half multiple plasmid copies (plasmid family). All strains except one plasmid-containing strain, senesced normally. However, no inserted plasmid sequences were detected in the mitochondrial DNA, as was the case for the longevity-inducing pAL2-1 plasmid. Occasional loss of plasmids and of repeated plasmid sequences occurred during sexual transfer. Plasmid transmission was equally efficient for mono- and dikaryotic spores and was independent of the genetic background of the strains. Furthermore, horizontal transfer experiments showed that the linear plasmid could easily infect plasmid-free strains. Horizontal transfer was even observed between strains showing a clear vegetative incompatibility response (barrage). The linear plasmids are inherited maternally; however, paternal transmission was observed in crosses between confronted vegetative-incompatible strains. Paternal transmission of the plasmid was never observed using isolated spermatia for fertilisation, showing that mitochondrial plasmids can only gain access to maternal sexual reproductive structures following horizontal transfer. These findings have implications for both the function of vegetative incompatibility in fungi and for the mechanism of maintenance of linear plasmids.  相似文献   

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