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We examined the association between green turtle nesting activities and plasma profiles of hormones that are widely implicated in aspects of heightened metabolism and energy regulation; epinephrine (EPI), norepinephrine (NE) and corticosterone. In conjunction, we examined plasma profiles of glucose and lactate to infer metabolic processes associated with green turtle nesting behaviour. Finally, because these hormones are also involved in mediating behaviour and physiology associated with stressful situations, we examined the effect of a stressor encountered during nesting, physical disturbance, on hormone levels. Plasma profiles of epinephrine, norepinephrine and corticosterone were not significantly altered across different stages of nesting. Plasma glucose and lactate both exhibited significant increases related to nesting activity; glucose increased dramatically during the emergence stage of nesting before stabilizing, and lactate levels continued to increase throughout the nesting process. There was no significant association between plasma hormones and glucose. For female turtles that abandoned nesting activities due to competition for nest space, there was no significant difference in plasma levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine and corticosterone compared to females that persisted with nesting activities. Overall, while distinct metabolic changes took place in nesting females, there was little association in profiles of hormones typically considered important for regulating heightened metabolism and nesting activity. This disassociation could arise because hormonal action may be altered in breeding female green turtles to facilitate reproductive processes.  相似文献   

Summary We administered the diuretics furosemide and ethacrynic acid to conscious freshwater turtles to assess changes in renal function and plasma renin activity (PRA) in an animal which lacks a loop of Henle. Furosemide (2 and 5 mg/kg) produced no changes in blood pressure, hematocrit, plasma electrolytes, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), or PRA. Furosemide doubled urine volume while sodium excretion increased 20-fold and chloride and potassium excretion increased 12-fold (P<0.05 in each case). Net potassium secretion was observed. Ethacrynic acid (2 and 5 mg/kg) also produced no changes in blood pressure, hematocrit, plasma electrolytes, or PRA. At the lower dose GFR increased by 40% and urine volume nearly doubled (P<0.05 in each case). Sodium, chloride, and potassium excretion increased roughly 10-fold (P<0.05 in each case). At the higher dose, GFR increased by 80% and urine volume more than doubled (P<0.05 in each case). Sodium excretion rose 40-fold, chloride excretion rose 25-fold, and potassium excretion rose 10-fold (P<0.05 in each case). At both doses net potassium secretion occurred. The results demonstrate that both drugs inhibit tubular reabsorption in the turtle, acting primarily on distal segments of the nephron. The failure of either drug to alter PRA suggests that the turtle lacks a tubular mechanism for alterig renin release.Abbreviations GFR glomerular filtration rate - PRA plasma renin activity Supported by the University of Delaware Honors Program, American Heart Association of Delaware, NIH Biomedical Support Program, and USPHS #HL2808401  相似文献   

Summary Green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) are well known as endurance swimmers and divers. Physiological correlates of these traits were studied in 9 adult sea turtles (mean body mass=87 kg) at a body temperature of 25°C. The respiratory properties of the blood were similar to those of other turtles except for a higher oxygen affinity (P 50=18.2 Torr, pH 7.6), which may be an allometric function. Resting, systemic blood flow, calculated from the Fick principle was 21.5 ml·kg−1. min−1, similar to values reported for other turtles. Pulmonary blood flow, measured by mass spectrometry of acetylene uptake in the lungs was 24.0 ml·kg−1·min−1, not significantly different from the calculated systemic flow. Other evidence of a small (net) intracardiac shunt is the high arterial saturation (ca. 90%) of arterial blood. This distinctive feature of O2 transport inC. mydas provides an content difference of 4.1 ml· dl−1. This results in a relatively low blood convection requirement at rest =24.4 mlbtps·mlstpd −1), similar to that for many mammals. This would favor a high maximum O2 uptake, as measured by others in this species. The relatively high O2 affinity of blood in this species could be adaptive to “loading” O2 during intermittent breathing while swimming and to utilizing the lung O2 store during the progressive hypoxia of diving.  相似文献   

Extracellular recordings were made during vestibular stimulation from an in vitro turtle brain stem in which the temporal bones remained attached. Under visual control, microelectrodes were slowly advanced into the vestibular nucleus (VN) while we rotated the brain and searched for a single isolated unit whose spike activity was modulated by the lateral semicircular canals. In some experiments, responses were shown to be due to stimulation of the lateral canals, either by positioning the brains in forward or backward pitch during horizontal rotation or by plugging the vertical canals with wax. VN neurons usually had low spontaneous activity and rectified sinusoidal responses to sinusoidal stimulation. Spike response histograms were averaged from many stimulus cycles and were then fit to a sine function. The fitted phase and amplitude parameters were plotted relative to stimulus frequency and amplitude. The sample of VN cells were quite heterogeneous. Using stimuli at 1 Hz, however, each cell's response phase was weakly correlated with the slope of the plots of response amplitude versus frequency so that a cell could be categorized as sensitive to velocity or acceleration and as sensitive to ipsiversive or contraversive rotation, depending on whether its phase was near −180°, −90°, 0°, or 90°, and whether the gain exceeded 0.4 spikes/s per °/s. The properties of these VN cells suggest that there is substantial complexity in the vestibular responses at this first site of central vestibular processing. These data are compared to that of other species where such vestibular signals play an important role in oculomotor and spinal reflexes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 99–177, 1997  相似文献   

Approximately 26 billion animals, spanning over 10 000 species, are kept on farms and in zoos, conservation breeding centers, research laboratories and households. Captive animals are often healthier, longer-lived and more fecund than free-living conspecifics, but for some species the opposite is true. Captivity is a very long way from the ideal 'common garden' often assumed by evolutionary and ecological researchers using data for captive animals. The use of comparative methods to investigate the fundamental biological causes of these species differences would help to improve husbandry and enclosure design, and might even reveal relationships between susceptibilities to poor captive welfare and susceptibilities to anthropogenic threat in the wild. Studies of these species differences could also inspire and facilitate 'evo-mecho' research into the functions of behavioral control mechanisms.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of epibiotic barnacles on green sea turtles were investigated in waters neighboring Okinawa, Japan. A number of barnacle species were found to coexist on the turtles and were classified into three genera: Chelonibia, Platylepas and Stomatolepas. Attachment sites on the turtles varied among the barnacle species, suggesting that there is niche partitioning with respect to their microhabitat selection. Turtle bodies offer a “patchy” environment for barnacles, so we also analyzed coexistence patterns in the context of an aggregation model. Within each genus, individual barnacles showed a clumped distribution. The different genera do not have mutually exclusive distribution patterns, but instead occur on the same turtle to various degrees. However, when turtles were divided into two size classes, both the level of aggregation and the degree of interspecific overlap among the barnacles was significantly lower on large turtles. We suggest that obtaining basic information on turtle epibionts will shed light on the biology of wild turtles, which is still largely unknown.  相似文献   

Charles M. U. Leh 《Hydrobiologia》1994,285(1-3):171-175
Hatch rates of green turtle Chelone mydas (L.) eggs in the beach hatchery of the turtle islands of Sarawak varied between 53% and 96% during the period 1970–1990. The hatch rates of natural or in situ nests were 71.8 + 18.4% and 65.3 + 5.9% at Talang-Talang Besar and Talang-Talang Kecil respectively. There was no significant difference between the hatch rates of in situ nests and replanted hatchery nests in both the Talang-Talang islands.  相似文献   

We investigated physiological responses to supercooling in hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) which remain in their natal nests over winter and therefore may become exposed to subzero temperatures. These turtles are freeze tolerant but also must rely on supercooling to survive exposure to the lower temperatures occurring in nests during winter. We compared whole-body concentrations of lactate, glucose, glycerol, and ATP in turtles chilled at 0 degrees C, -4 degrees C, or -6 degrees C for 5 days, or at 6 degrees C for 19 days. In a companion experiment, we measured metabolite concentrations in turtles exposed to a hypoxic environment for 1 day, 4 days, or 8 days. Supercooling and hypoxia exposure were both associated with an increase in concentrations of lactate and glucose and a decrease in glycerol concentrations (albeit no change in the ATP pool), suggesting that supercooling induces functional hypoxia. We conclude that hypoxia tolerance may be an important pre-adaptation for surviving exposure to subzero temperatures in hatchling C. picta.  相似文献   

Among vertebrates, turtles are able to tolerate exceptionally low oxygen tensions. We have investigated the compensatory mechanisms that regulate respiration and blood oxygen transport in snapping turtles during short exposure to hypoxia. Snapping turtles started to hyperventilate when oxygen levels dropped below 10% O(2). Total ventilation increased 1.75-fold, essentially related to an increase in respiration frequency. During normoxia, respiration occurred in bouts of four to five breaths, whereas at 5% O(2), the ventilation pattern was more regular with breathing bouts consisting of a single breath. The increase in the heart rate between breaths during hypoxia suggests that a high pulmonary blood flow may be maintained during non-ventilatory periods to improve arterial blood oxygenation. After 4 days of hypoxia at 5% O(2), hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and multiplicity and intraerythrocytic organic phosphate concentration remained unaltered. Accordingly, oxygen binding curves at constant P(CO(2)) showed no changes in oxygen affinity and cooperativity. However, blood pH increased significantly from 7.50+/-0.05 under normoxia to 7.72+/-0.03 under hypoxia. The respiratory alkalosis will produce a pronounced in vivo left-shift of the blood oxygen dissociation curve due to the large Bohr effect and this is shown to be critical for arterial oxygen saturation.  相似文献   

The aim of the current investigation was to investigate the effect of photoperiod on thyroid activity in soft-shelled turtles (Lissemys punctata punctata). Thirty days exposure of short photoperiod with 2L:22D increased relative weight, follicular epithelial height and peroxidase activity of the thyroid gland; whereas exposure of long photoperiod with 22L:2D for 30 days showed reversed changes to those of the short photoperiod in adult female turtles. These findings indicate that short photoperiod stimulates thyroid activity and long photoperiod inhibits its activity in soft-shelled turtles. It is suggested that photoperiod exerts its action on thyroid activity presumably via gonads and/or pineal-gonadal axis in turtles.  相似文献   

Sea turtle fibropapillomatosis (FP) is a disease marked by proliferation of benign but debilitating cutaneous fibropapillomas and occasional visceral fibromas. Transmission experiments have implicated a chloroform-sensitive transforming agent present in filtered cell-free tumor homogenates in the etiology of FP. In this study, consensus primer PCR methodology was used to test the association of a chelonian herpesvirus with fibropapillomatosis. Fibropapilloma and skin samples were obtained from 17 green and 2 loggerhead turtles affected with FP stranded along the Florida coastline. Ninety-three cutaneous and visceral tumors from the 19 turtles, and 33 skin samples from 16 of the turtles, were tested. All turtles affected with FP had herpesvirus associated with their tumors as detected by PCR. Ninety-six percent (89/93) of the tumors, but only 9% (3/33) of the skin samples, from affected turtles contained detectable herpesvirus. The skin samples that contained herpesvirus were all within 2 cm of a fibropapilloma. Also, 1 of 11 scar tissue samples from sites where fibropapillomas had been removed 2 to 51 wk earlier from 5 green turtles contained detectable herpesvirus. None of 18 normal skin samples from 2 green and 2 loggerhead turtles stranded without FP contained herpesvirus. The data indicated that herpesvirus was detectable only within or close to tumors. To determine if the same virus infected both turtle species, partial nucleotide sequences of the herpesvirus DNA polymerase gene were determined from 6 loggerhead and 2 green turtle samples. The sequences predicted that herpesvirus of loggerhead turtles differed from those of green turtles by only 1 of 60 amino acids in the sequence examined, indicating that a chelonian herpesvirus exhibiting minor intratypic variation was the only herpesvirus present in tumors of both green and loggerhead turtles. The FP-associated herpesvirus resisted cultivation on chelonian cell lines which support the replication of other chelonian herpesviruses. These results lead to the conclusion that a chelonian herpesvirus is regularly associated with fibropapillomatosis and is not merely an incidental finding in affected turtles.  相似文献   

The effect of climate warming on the reproductive success of ectothermic animals is currently a subject of major conservation concern. However, for many threatened species, we still know surprisingly little about the extent of naturally occurring adaptive variation in heat-tolerance. Here, we show that the thermal tolerances of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) embryos in a single, island-breeding population have diverged in response to the contrasting incubation temperatures of nesting beaches just a few kilometres apart. In natural nests and in a common-garden rearing experiment, the offspring of females nesting on a naturally hot (black sand) beach survived better and grew larger at hot incubation temperatures compared with the offspring of females nesting on a cooler (pale sand) beach nearby. These differences were owing to shallower thermal reaction norms in the hot beach population, rather than shifts in thermal optima, and could not be explained by egg-mediated maternal effects. Our results suggest that marine turtle nesting behaviour can drive adaptive differentiation at remarkably fine spatial scales, and have important implications for how we define conservation units for protection. In particular, previous studies may have underestimated the extent of adaptive structuring in marine turtle populations that may significantly affect their capacity to respond to environmental change.  相似文献   

(a) The responses of the vomeronasal organ to general odorants in the turtle, Geoclemys reevesii, were measured by recording the accessory olfactory bulbar responses. The threshold concentrations of the vomeronasal responses to various odorants were similar to those in main olfactory bulbar responses, indicating that vomeronasal cells lacking cilia and olfactory cells having many cilia have similar sensitivities to general odorants. (b) The vomeronasal epithelium was perfused with 100 mM NaCl solution and the salt-free solution and the effects of NaCl on the vomeronasal responses to various odorants were examined. There was no essential difference between the concentration-response curves for n-amyl acetate and menthone dissolved in 100 mM NaCl solution and those dissolved in the salt-free solution in the whole concentration range examined. The ratios of the magnitudes of vomeronasal responses in the salt-free solution to those in 100 mM NaCl solution were between 1.01 and 1.10 for seven odorants tested. (c) The magnitudes of responses to the odorants were unchanged by changes in NaCl concentrations. The replacement of Na+ with organic cations such as choline+, Bis-Tris propane2+, and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine+ did not affect the magnitudes of the responses to the odorants. The Na channel blocker amiloride also did not affect the responses. (d) The vomeronasal responses were practically unchanged by changes in CaCl2 concentration. The Ca channel blockers diltiazem and verapamil did not affect the responses. (e) The replacement of Cl- with SO4(2-) did not affect the magnitudes of the vomeronasal responses. (f) The present results suggest that ion transport across the apical membranes of vomeronasal receptor cells does not contribute to the responses to odorants in the turtle.  相似文献   

Glenn F.  Ulrich  Alan S.  Parkes 《Journal of Zoology》1978,185(2):237-251
Mating, nesting and hatching of the Green sea turtle on Mariculture Ltd's farm on Grand Cayman Island, BWI in 1973 were recorded in a previous paper. The results described were the first of their kind, so that events in the farm breeding colony in the following year were awaited with much interest, especially as to hatchability of the eggs. The observations made in 1974, which extended and mainly confirmed those made in 1973, are described below.  相似文献   

Lung volumes, oxygen uptake (VO2), end-tidal PO2, and PCO2, diffusing capacity of the lungs for CO (DLCO), pulmonary blood flow (QL) and respiratory frequency were measured in the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) (49-127 kg body wt). Mean lung volume (VL) determined from helium dilution was 57 ml/kg and physiological dead space volume (VD) was about 3.6 ml/kg. QL, determined from acetylene uptake during rebreathing, increased in proportion to VO2 with temperature. Therefore, constant O2 content difference was maintained between pulmonary arterial and venous blood. DLCO, measured using a rebreathing technique, was 0.04 ml X kg-1 X min-1 X Torr-1 at 25 degrees C. Several cardiopulmonary characteristics in C. mydas are advantageous to diving: large tidal volume relative to functional residual capacity promotes fast exchange of the alveolar gas when the turtle surfaces for breathing: and the concomitant rise of pulmonary blood flow and O2 uptake with temperature assures efficient O2 transport regardless of wide temperature variations encountered during migrations.  相似文献   

A study of lung gas exchange in the fresh water turtle Mauremys caspica leprosa at normal physiological body temperatures (15, 25 and 35 °C) was extended to extreme temperatures (5 and 40 °C) to determine whether the direct relationship between body temperature and ventilatory response found in many lung-breathing ectotherms including other chelonian species was maintained. From 5 to 35 °C the lung ventilation per unit of O2 uptake and CO2 removed declined with temperature. Consequently, lung CO2 partial pressure increased with temperature. Its value was maintained within narrow limits at each thermal constant, suggesting a suitable control throughout the complete ventilatory cycle. At 40 °C the ventilatory response showed the opposite trend. The ratios of ventilation to lung gas exchange increased compared to their values at 35 °C. The impact of this increased breathing-lowering the estimated mean alveolar CO2 partial pressure-was nevertheless less than expected due to an increase in calculated physiological dead space. This suggests that the relative hyperventilation in response to hyperthermia found in Mauremys caspica leprosa is related to evaporative heat loss.Abbreviations BTPS body temperature, ambient pressure, saturated with water vapour - CTM critical thermal maximum - FN2 fractional concentration of nitrogen - PA CO2or PL CO2 alveolar or lung CO2 pressure - PAO2or PLO2 alveolar or lung O2 pressure - PIO2 inspired O2 pressure - R respiratory exchange ratio - STPD standard temperature, standard pressure, dry - T a ambient temperature - T b body temperature - VA alveolar ventilation - VA/VCO2 relative alveolar ventilation (alveolar ventilation per unit of CO2 removed) - VO2 O2 uptake - VCO2 CO2 output - V D anatomical dead space volume - V D physiological dead space volume - VE/VO2 ventilatory equivalent for O2 - VE pulmonary ventilation or expiratory minute volume - VE/VCO2 ventilatory equivalent for CO2 - V T tidal volume  相似文献   

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