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Climate is a driver of terrestrial ecosystem carbon exchange, which is an important product of ecosystem function. The Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau has recently been subjected to a marked increase in temperature as a consequence of global warming. To explore the effects of warming on carbon exchange in grassland ecosystems, we conducted a whole‐year warming experiment between 2012 and 2014 using open‐top chambers placed in an alpine meadow, an alpine steppe, and a cultivated grassland on the central Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. We measured the gross primary productivity, net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), ecosystem respiration, and soil respiration using a chamber‐based method during the growing season. The results show that after 3 years of warming, there was significant stimulation of carbon assimilation and emission in the alpine meadow, but both these processes declined in the alpine steppe and the cultivated grassland. Under warming conditions, the soil water content was more important in stimulating ecosystem carbon exchange in the meadow and cultivated grassland than was soil temperature. In the steppe, the soil temperature was negatively correlated with ecosystem carbon exchange. We found that the ambient soil water content was significantly correlated with the magnitude of warming‐induced change in NEE. Under high soil moisture condition, warming has a significant positive effect on NEE, while it has a negative effect under low soil moisture condition. Our results highlight that the NEE in steppe and cultivated grassland have negative responses to warming; after reclamation, the natural meadow would subject to loose more C in warmer condition. Therefore, under future warmer condition, the overextension of cultivated grassland should be avoided and scientific planning of cultivated grassland should be achieved.  相似文献   

The Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) is particularly sensitive to global climate change, especially to elevated temperatures, when compared with other ecosystems. However, few studies use long‐term field measurements to explore the interannual variations in plant biomass under climate fluctuations. Here, we examine the interannual variations of plant biomass within two vegetation types (alpine meadow and alpine shrub) during 2008–2017 and their relationships with climate variables. The following results were obtained. The aboveground biomass (AGB) and belowground biomass (BGB) response differently to climate fluctuations, the AGB in KPM was dominated by mean annual precipitation (MAP), whereas the AGB in PFS was controlled by mean annual air temperature (MAT). However, the BGB of both KPM and PFS was only weakly affected by climate variables, suggesting that the BGB in alpine ecosystems may remain as a stable carbon stock even under future global climate change. Furthermore, the AGB in PFS was significantly higher than KPM, while the BGB and R/S in KPM were significantly higher than PFS, reflecting the KPM be more likely to allocate more photosynthates to roots. Interestingly, the proportion of 0–10 cm root biomass increased in KPM and PFS, whereas the other proportions both decreased, reflecting a shift in biomass toward the surface layer. Our results could provide a new sight for the prediction how alpine ecosystem response to future climate change.  相似文献   

Divergence during the early stage of speciation can be driven by a population bottleneck via reduced gene flow and enhanced lineage sorting. In this study, we aimed to examine whether such bottlenecks occurred during the initial speciation of two closely related spruce species Picea asperata and P. crassifolia occurring on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP). We analyzed sequences of three chloroplast, two mitochondrial DNA fragments and a further 13 nuclear loci from 216 individuals of the two species. Both species showed a low level of genetic diversity in contrast to other congeners occurring in the QTP and adjacent regions. The estimated population sizes of P. asperata and P. crassifolia are less than the ancestral population size before splitting. These results together with multiple statistical tests (Tajima's D, Fu and Li's D* and F*) suggest that these two species underwent recent bottlenecks. Based on approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), we also determined that the period of the population shrinkage was consistent with the interspecific divergence during the late Pleistocene. The reduced population sizes and the divergent selection may together have triggered the initial divergence under high gene flow between these two species. Our results therefore highlight the importance of climatic oscillations during the late Pleistocene in promoting speciation through changing demographic sizes of the ancestral species on the QTP and in adjacent regions.  相似文献   

Plateau pika burrows are common feature of degraded grassland in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) and serve as an important indicator of pika activity and grassland degradation. However, the current understanding of the spatial pattern changes of pika burrows and their critical thresholds across a degradation gradient in alpine grassland is deficient. In this study, we investigated and quantified changes in the spatial pattern of plateau pika burrows under typical degraded alpine shrub meadows in the northeastern QTP using an unmanned aerial vehicle and landscape pattern metrics. The degradation of the alpine shrub meadow leads to a change in landscape pattern from a two‐layered structure of alpine shrub and alpine meadow to a mosaic of alpine meadow and bare soil, with plateau pika burrows scattered throughout. Moderate degradation is the tipping point for changes in surface landscape patterns, followed by the disappearance of alpine shrub, the retreat of alpine meadows and the encroachment of bare soil, and the increasing density and size of pika burrows. The area characteristics of alpine meadows have influenced changes in the spatial pattern of pika burrow, and maintaining its proportional area is a vital measure to control the threat of pika burrows to pastures. The results of this paper provide a methodological reference and guidance for the sustainable utilization of grassland on the QTP.  相似文献   

在青藏高原多年冻土广泛分布的风火山地区,选择小嵩草(Kobresia pygmea)草甸和藏嵩草(Kobresia tibetica)沼泽化草甸为研究对象,采用开顶增温室(Open top chambers, OTCs)模拟气候变暖,探讨模拟增温对土壤水分差异的两种草甸地下生物量及根系功能性状的影响。结果显示,(1)增温显著增加小嵩草草甸0—20 cm根系生物量,主要是由于表层(0—10 cm)根系生物量显著增加,而对藏嵩草沼泽化草甸根系生物量无影响。(2)增温显著增加了小嵩草草甸根组织密度,同时提高了藏嵩草沼泽化草甸10—20 cm的比根长和比根面积(3)增温降低了小嵩草草甸的根系碳含量及10—20 cm根系氮含量,增加了藏嵩草沼泽化草甸的碳含量及10—20 cm根系氮含量,显著提高了小嵩草草甸和藏嵩草沼泽化草甸深层(10—20 cm)根系碳氮比。这些结果预示着增温使得土壤水分较低的小嵩草草甸朝着资源保守的慢速生长型发展,以适应暖干化的环境;土壤水分较高的藏嵩草沼泽化草甸朝着资源获取的快速生长型发展,加速利用土壤中的养分满足植物生长需要。可见,土壤水分可以调节高寒草甸对气候变暖的演变趋势,强调了水分的重要性。  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the succession of plant communities in the alpine zone. Studying the succession of plant communities is helpful to understand how species diversity is formed and maintained. In this study, we used species inventories, a molecular phylogeny, and trait data to detect patterns of phylogenetic and functional community structure in successional plant communities growing on the mounds of Himalayan marmots (Marmota himalayana) on the southeast edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. We found that phylogenetic and functional diversities of plant communities on marmot mounds tended to cluster during the early to medium stages of succession, then trended toward overdispersion from medium to late stages. Alpine species in early and late stages of succession were phylogenetically and functionally overdispersed, suggesting that such communities were assembled mainly through species interactions, especially competition. At the medium and late stages of succession, alpine communities growing on marmot mounds were phylogenetically and functionally clustered, implying that the communities were primarily structured by environmental filtering. During the medium and late stages of succession the phylogenetic and functional structures of plant communities on marmot mounds differed significantly from those on neighboring sites. Our results indicate that environmental filtering and species interactions can change plant community composition at different successional stages. Assembly of plant communities on marmot mounds was promoted by a combination of traits that may provide advantages for survival and adaptation during periods of environmental change.  相似文献   

土壤氧化亚氮(N2O)排放是大气N2O不可忽视的来源。然而, 目前学术界在气候变暖对土壤N2O排放影响方面的认识仍存在较大争议, 且调控土壤N2O排放的微生物机制尚不明确。为此, 该研究以青藏高原高寒草原生态系统为研究对象, 使用透明开顶箱(OTCs)模拟气候变暖, 并基于静态箱法测定了2014和2015年生长季(5-10月)的土壤N2O通量, 同时利用定量PCR技术测定了表层(0-10 cm)土壤中氨氧化古菌(AOA)和氨氧化细菌(AOB)的基因丰度。结果显示: 增温处理导致2014和2015年生长季表层(0-10 cm)土壤温度分别升高了1.7 ℃和1.6 ℃, 土壤体积含水量下降了2.5%和3.3%, 其他的土壤理化性质没有发生显著变化。土壤N2O通量呈现年际差异, 2014和2015年生长季的平均值分别为3.23和1.47 μg·m -2·h -1, 然而, 增温处理并没有显著改变土壤N2O通量。2014年生长季主导硝化作用的AOA和AOB的基因丰度分别为5.0 × 10 7和4.7 × 10 5拷贝·g -1, 2015年为15.2 × 10 7和10.0 × 10 5拷贝·g -1。尽管基因丰度存在显著的年际差异, 但在两年中与对照相比并未发生显著变化。在生长季尺度上, 增温导致的土壤N2O变化量与其引起的土壤水分变化量之间显著正相关, 而与土壤温度的变化量之间没有显著相关关系。以上结果表明, 增温导致的土壤干旱会抑制土壤N2O通量对增温的响应, 意味着未来评估气候变暖情景下土壤N2O排放量时需考虑增温引发的土壤干旱等间接效应。  相似文献   

Soil carbon losses to the atmosphere through soil respiration are expected to rise with ongoing temperature increases, but available evidence from mesic biomes suggests that such response disappears after a few years of experimental warming. However, there is lack of empirical basis for these temporal dynamics in soil respiration responses, and for the mechanisms underlying them, in drylands, which collectively form the largest biome on Earth and store 32% of the global soil organic carbon pool. We coupled data from a 10 year warming experiment in a biocrust‐dominated dryland ecosystem with laboratory incubations to confront 0–2 years (short‐term hereafter) versus 8–10 years (longer‐term hereafter) soil respiration responses to warming. Our results showed that increased soil respiration rates with short‐term warming observed in areas with high biocrust cover returned to control levels in the longer‐term. Warming‐induced increases in soil temperature were the main drivers of the short‐term soil respiration responses, whereas longer‐term soil respiration responses to warming were primarily driven by thermal acclimation and warming‐induced reductions in biocrust cover. Our results highlight the importance of evaluating short‐ and longer‐term soil respiration responses to warming as a mean to reduce the uncertainty in predicting the soil carbon–climate feedback in drylands.  相似文献   

Despite the well‐known effects that Quaternary climate oscillations had on shaping intraspecific diversity, their role in driving homoploid hybrid speciation is less clear. Here, we examine their importance in the putative homoploid hybrid origin and evolution of Ostryopsis intermedia, a diploid species occurring in the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau (QTP), a biodiversity hotspot. We investigated interspecific relationships between this species and its only other congeners, O. davidiana and O. nobilis, based on four sets of nuclear and chloroplast population genetic data and tested alternative speciation hypotheses. All nuclear data distinguished the three species clearly and supported a close relationship between O. intermedia and the disjunctly distributed O. davidiana. Chloroplast DNA sequence variation identified two tentative lineages, which distinguished O. intermedia from O. davidiana; however, both were present in O. nobilis. Admixture analyses of genetic polymorphisms at 20 SSR loci and sequence variation at 11 nuclear loci and approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) tests supported the hypothesis that O. intermedia originated by homoploid hybrid speciation from O. davidiana and O. nobilis. We further estimated that O. davidiana and O. nobilis diverged 6–11 Ma, while O. intermedia originated 0.5–1.2 Ma when O. davidiana is believed to have migrated southward, contacted and hybridized with O. nobilis possibly during the largest Quaternary glaciation that occurred in this region. Our findings highlight the importance of Quaternary climate change in the QTP in causing hybrid speciation in this important biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   

Exploring the community assembly has been important for explaining the maintenance mechanisms of biodiversity and species coexistence, in that it is a central issue in community ecology. Here, we examined patterns of the community phylogenetic structure of the subalpine meadow plant community along the slope gradient in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau of China. We surveyed all species and constructed the phylogenetic tree of the plant community based on data from the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III. We selected the net relative index (NRI) and evaluated the community phylogenetic structure along the five slope plants communities. We found that the phylogenetic structure varied from phylogenetic clustering to phylogenetic overdispersion with the slope aspect from north to south. In the north slope, the community phylogenetically cluster indicated that the limiting similarity played a leading role in the community assembly and the maintenance of biodiversity. Community phylogenetic overdispersion in the east, southeast, and south slopes indicated that habitat filtration was the driving force for community assembly. The NRI index of the northeast slope was close to zero, implying random dispersion. But it may be driven by the neutral process or limiting similarity, in that the community assembly process was the result of a combination of several ecological factors and thus required further study.  相似文献   

The uplift of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau dramatically changed the regional topography and climate, profoundly impacting the distribution of many plant lineages. Plant responses to environmental changes are particularly prominent in lineages that require ecological factors differentiated from those present before the uplift of the QTP. Two fossil occurrences of Christella H. Lév., Fl. Kouy–Tchéou (Thelypteridaceae), a fern genus now distributed mainly at low elevations of the pantropics with warm and moist habitats, are described based on fossilized Cenozoic leaf fronds recovered from SW China: late Paleocene Christella nervosa (J. R. Tao) C. L. Xu, T. Su & Z. K. Zhou comb. nov. found in Liuqu, southern Tibet and middle Miocene Christella sp. recovered from the Jinggu Basin in western Yunnan. The frond fossils from both sites share key morphological characteristics that diagnose these fossils as Christella. After detailed comparisons, we further clarified Christella papilio (C. Hope) Holttum, a species distributed in warm, humid habitats at altitudes no more than 1300?m, as the nearest living relative of C. nervosa. This finding suggested that southern Tibet had not reached its present elevation during the late Paleocene (ca. 56 Ma). We propose that the uplift, accompanied by severe cooling and aridification after the late Paleocene, caused the disappearance of Christella in southern Tibet, whereas paleoenvironmental conditions enabled the genus to survive in Yunnan. Our study provides the first example of distributional constraints of ferns in SW China in response to paleoenvironmental changes in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and nearby areas.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that species occurring in the eastern and the western Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) responded differently to climate changes during the Pleistocene. Here, we test this hypothesis by phylogeographic analysis of two sister species, Allium cyathophorum and A. spicata. We sequenced two chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) fragments (accD‐psaI and the rpl16 intron) of 150 individuals, and the nuclear (ITS) region of 114 individuals, from 19 populations throughout the distributional ranges of these species. The divergence between the two species was dated at 779 ‐ 714 thousand years before the present and was likely initiated by the most major glaciation in the QTP. Analysis of chlorotype diversity showed that A. spicata, the species occurring in the western QTP, contains much lower genetic diversity (0.25) than A. cyathophorum (0.93), which is distributed in the eastern QTP. Moreover, multiple independent tests suggested that the A. spicata population had expanded recently, while no such expansion was detected in A. cyathophorum, indicating a contrasting pattern of responses to Pleistocene climate changes. These findings highlight the importance of geographical topography in determining how species responded to the climate changes that took place in the QTP during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Ecosystem responses to climate change can exert positive or negative feedbacks on climate, mediated in part by slow‐moving factors such as shifts in vegetation community composition. Long‐term experimental manipulations can be used to examine such ecosystem responses, but they also present another opportunity: inferring the extent to which contemporary climate change is responsible for slow changes in ecosystems under ambient conditions. Here, using 23 years of data, we document a shift from nonwoody to woody vegetation and a loss of soil carbon in ambient plots and show that these changes track previously shown similar but faster changes under experimental warming. This allows us to infer that climate change is the cause of the observed shifts in ambient vegetation and soil carbon and that the vegetation responses mediate the observed changes in soil carbon. Our findings demonstrate the realism of an experimental manipulation, allow attribution of a climate cause to observed ambient ecosystem changes, and demonstrate how a combination of long‐term study of ambient and experimental responses to warming can identify mechanistic drivers needed for realistic predictions of the conditions under which ecosystems are likely to become carbon sources or sinks over varying timescales.  相似文献   

There are two long‐standing biogeographic hypotheses regarding the glacial survival of plant species in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP): the in situ survival hypothesis and the tabula rasa hypothesis. We tested these two hypotheses in a phylogeographic study of Rhodiola sect. Prainia, a monophyletic section with ecologically divergent lineages. Molecular data from the nuclear internal transcribed spacer, six plastid markers and 13 nuclear microsatellite loci were analyzed for 240 individuals from 19 populations of this section. Environmental data were used to analyze the niches of major phylogenetic lineages within this section and to model changes in their distributions since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We found that Rhodiola sect. Prainia consists of three evolutionary lineages: all populations of R. stapfii, R. prainii populations at the southern edge of the QTP, and R. prainii populations in the interior part of the QTP. During the LGM, the survival of R. prainii in the interior part of the QTP corresponded with the in situ survival hypothesis, while R. stapfii most probably survived the LGM in a manner corresponding with the tabula rasa hypothesis. The evolutionary history of different lineages of this section was shaped by topography, climate change, and lineage‐specific habitat preferences.  相似文献   

Warming in cold regions alters freezing and thawing (F–T) of soil in winter, exposing soil organic carbon to decomposition. Carbon‐rich permafrost is expected to release more CO2 to the atmosphere through ecosystem respiration (Re) under future climate scenarios. However, the mechanisms of the responses of freeze – thaw periods to climate change and their coupling with Re in situ are poorly understood. Here, using 2 years of continuous data, we test how changes in F–T events relate to annual Re under four warming levels and precipitation addition in a semi‐arid grassland with discontinuous alpine permafrost. Warming shortened the entire F–T period because the frozen period shortened more than the extended freezing period. It decreased total Re during the F–T period mainly due to decrease in mean Re rate. However, warming did not alter annual Re because of reduced soil water content and the small contribution of total Re during the F–T period to annual Re. Although there were no effects of precipitation addition alone or interactions with warming on F–T events, precipitation addition increased total Re during the F–T period and the whole year. This decoupling between changes in soil freeze – thaw events and annual Re could result from their different driving factors. Our results suggest that annual Re could be mainly determined by soil water content rather than by change in freeze – thaw periods induced by warming in semi‐arid alpine permafrost.  相似文献   

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