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1. Comparative studies of distinct, but not ecologically isolated, systems such as lakes and streams may improve our understanding of the importance of ecological linkages in aquatic ecosystems. 2. In this study we compared the macroinvertebrate benthos of stony habitats in Swedish lakes and streams. Community composition was used to evaluate zoogeographic patterns and functional feeding guilds were used to identify mechanisms potentially affecting such patterns. 3. Stream communities were generally more diverse and species‐rich and had a higher proportion of grazers, shredders and passive‐filter feeders than lakes. Lake communities had a higher proportion of predators and collector‐gatherers. Of the 10 most common taxa, only Leptophlebia mayflies, clams (Sphaeriidae) and the isopod Asellus aquaticus were recorded in both lakes and streams. 4. Among‐site variance in macroinvertebrate communities accounted for by regional‐scale variables was low (6.4% for lakes and 10.1% for streams), compared with that by local‐scale variables (21% for lakes and 37.6% for streams). For lakes, the among‐site variance in macroinvertebrate communities was best explained by habitat‐scale characteristics followed by ecosystem, riparian, catchment, geographic position and ecoregion. For streams, the variance in macroinvertebrate communities was best explained by ecosystem characteristics followed by habitat, catchment, riparian, ecoregion and geographic position. 5. Conspicuous differences in spatial pattern were revealed between lakes and streams. For lakes, the most unequivocal differences in community composition and function occurred at the transition zone between the mixed forests in the south and the boreal coniferous forests in the north. Surprisingly, streams did not respond as strongly to profound landscape‐level differences in climate and vegetation cover. 6. The spatial differences noted between macroinvertebrate communities of lakes and streams may be because of differences in retention of detrital matter. Our findings imply that detrital inputs are qualitatively similar, but that the retention and processing of coarse particulate organic matter was presumably higher in lake littoral regions than in stream riffle habitats. 7. Although our findings support the conjecture that species distribution is determined fundamentally by conditions prevailing at the local‐scale, regional factors such as land use/type and the role of history were important and seemingly act as strong determinants of large‐scale patterns in biodiversity.  相似文献   

1. Characterisation of biodiversity is typically based on taxonomic approaches, while much less is known about other related aspects. Functional trait diversity is one such component of biodiversity that has not been addressed rigorously in ecological research until recently. We tested the congruence between taxonomic‐ and trait‐based approaches, and examined how spatial configuration, local abiotic environmental factors and biotic effects interact to influence taxonomic‐ and trait‐based characterisation of freshwater fish assemblages. 2. Fish assemblage data were compiled for 124 lakes in southern Finland. Variance partitioning in both linear regression analyses and redundancy analysis was used to quantify the relative contribution of spatial and environmental variables to taxonomic and functional trait diversity and structure. Additionally, a null model analysis was used to test for the potential effects of interspecific segregation and biotic interactions on the co‐occurrence of species. 3. The species pool was relatively poor. However, trait‐based classification of species indicated that most species belonged to unique functional entities, which suggested low redundancy in species composition. Correlation analysis indicated a very strong relationship between species richness (SR) and the number of unique trait combinations (UTC). Ecoregion‐level heterogeneity in SR and UTC were well represented in a relatively small group of randomly selected lakes (c. 30 lakes). Multiple regressions indicated moderate roles for abiotic environmental variables (i.e. lake surface area, depth, total phosphorous, colour and pH) in determining SR, UTC and the distribution of single trait categories, whereas geographical location was not generally influential. 4. Redundancy analysis revealed similar patterns to those of diversity analyses for taxonomic and associated trait‐based structure, emphasising the effect of abiotic environmental variables and the negligible effect of geographical position. 5. Co‐occurrence analysis indicated significant checkerboard distribution at the whole assemblage level, but interspecific segregation proved to be of relatively minor importance in the constrained analyses, where species pair combinations within trait category groups were evaluated. 6. Our results suggest that taxonomic‐ and trait‐based patterns of boreal lake fish assemblages are strongly interrelated. Environmental filtering through the effects of local abiotic variables seems to have the most prominent role in determining trait‐based assemblage patterns among lakes, which may also be secondarily shaped by biotic interactions. 7. From the applied perspective, it may not necessarily matter whether traditional taxonomic or more novel trait‐based approaches are used in characterising spatial patterns in boreal fish assemblages. However, trait‐based approaches may provide complementary information which cannot be directly revealed by taxonomic data.  相似文献   

Our understanding of how fast mating behaviour evolves in insects is rather poor due to a lack of comparative studies among insect groups for which phylogenetic relationships are known. Here, we present a detailed study of the mating behaviour of 27 species of Sepsidae (Diptera) for which a well‐resolved and supported phylogeny is available. We demonstrate that mating behaviour is extremely diverse in sepsids with each species having its own mating profile. We define 32 behavioural characters and document them with video clips. Based on sister species comparisons, we provide several examples where mating behaviour evolves faster than all sexually dimorphic morphological traits. Mapping the behaviours onto the molecular tree reveals much homoplasy, comparable to that observed for third positions of mitochondrial protein‐encoding genes. A partitioned Bremer support (PBS) analysis reveals conflict between the molecular and behavioural data, but behavioural characters have higher PBS values per parsimony‐informative character than DNA sequence characters.  相似文献   

As all biodiversity-related variables, ecological indicators are influenced by environmental factors working at different spatial scales. However, assessing the relationship between environmental factors and ecological indicators is limited to a set of spatial scales determined a priori. This a priori assumption can hide important relationships, especially for ecological indicators with a complex spatial structure that can be driven, for example, by the influence of multiple pollutants with different dispersion ranges or by the influence of local and regional factors such as land-cover and climate. To relate ecological indicators and environmental factors without assuming a priori spatial scales of analysis, we used a Linear Model of Coregionalization. This method has been used in literature to analyze the joint distribution of biodiversity variables. Here we show that it can be used to gain insight into spatial patterns of relationships between ecological indicators and underlying environmental factors. We applied this method to a region of south-west Europe, relating data from land-cover, altitude and climate with an ecological indicator, the abundance of fruticose lichen species, known to be very sensitive to multiple environmental factors. Based on variogram analysis we identified distinct spatial scales of relationships between the ecological indicator and environmental factors. For each spatial scale we described relationships using Principal Component Analysis applied to the coregionalization matrices. This way we could assess how strong the relationship between each environmental factor and ecological indicator at each spatial scale was: at medium scales (c. 15 km) open spaces areas (a proxy for particle emissions) were more important; at larger scales (c. 45 km) open spaces, artificial areas (a proxy for gaseous pollutants) and also climate were preponderant. Thus, multivariate geostatistics provided a tool to improve knowledge on relationships between ecological indicators and environmental factors at multiple spatial scales without setting a priori spatial scales of analysis.  相似文献   

水鸟空间分布与环境因子的关系是生态研究的重要内容,环境因子的变化可以通过改变栖息地的生境特征、食物资源从而直接或间接影响水鸟的种类、数量和分布.利用网格单元对2019—2020年菜子湖冬季水鸟及其环境因子进行调查,共记录到水鸟6目12科41种,其优势种为豆雁(Anser fabalis)和黑腹滨鹬(Calidris a...  相似文献   

以我国中部渭河南部流域山区和平原生态区的底栖动物为研究对象,通过计算29个生物性状类别和7个功能多样性指数,比较了不同生态区的生物性状组成和功能与性状多样性指数差异性;应用综合RLQ和fourth-corner方法探索底栖动物生物性状组成与土地利用和理化变量的关系;通过广义线性模型(GLM)比较不同空间尺度环境变量对底栖动物功能与性状多样性指数影响的生态区差异性。研究发现,共18个底栖动物性状组成在山区和平原间存在显著差异性,其中具有无庇护所和以叶片为庇护所材料、外骨骼轻微骨化和骨化良好、草食性、捕食性等生物性状的底栖动物栖息于栖境状况较好的山区,体壁呼吸、虫体柔软、集食者等生物性状更多的集中在人类活动较严重的平原区。除了功能均匀度指数外,山区的性状和功能多样性指数均显著高于平原,说明平原环境干扰显著降低了底栖动物性状和功能多样性。综合RLQ和fourth-corner方法表明底栖动物生物性状对环境胁迫的响应存在可预测性。GLM模型结果表明,山区和平原生物性状和功能多样性指数受到不同空间尺度土地利用和理化环境变量的影响:流域尺度城镇用地、水温和TN含量是影响山区功能和性状多样性指数模型的重要环境变量,但平原区河段尺度农业用地面积百分比和平均水深是影响功能和性状多样性的主要因子。  相似文献   

The Mantel test is widely used to test the linear or monotonic independence of the elements in two distance matrices. It is one of the few appropriate tests when the hypothesis under study can only be formulated in terms of distances; this is often the case with genetic data. In particular, the Mantel test has been widely used to test for spatial relationship between genetic data and spatial layout of the sampling locations. We describe the domain of application of the Mantel test and derived forms. Formula development demonstrates that the sum-of-squares (SS) partitioned in Mantel tests and regression on distance matrices differs from the SS partitioned in linear correlation, regression and canonical analysis. Numerical simulations show that in tests of significance of the relationship between simple variables and multivariate data tables, the power of linear correlation, regression and canonical analysis is far greater than that of the Mantel test and derived forms, meaning that the former methods are much more likely than the latter to detect a relationship when one is present in the data. Examples of difference in power are given for the detection of spatial gradients. Furthermore, the Mantel test does not correctly estimate the proportion of the original data variation explained by spatial structures. The Mantel test should not be used as a general method for the investigation of linear relationships or spatial structures in univariate or multivariate data. Its use should be restricted to tests of hypotheses that can only be formulated in terms of distances.  相似文献   

高原鼢鼠推土造丘行为对高寒草地生态系统的生产和生态功能有重要影响,研究高原鼢鼠土丘空间分布格局及其与环境因子的关系,可以揭示高原鼢鼠栖息地利用和选择规律,为合理控制鼠害及保护草地生物多样性提供科学依据。于2014年8月在祁连山东段选取面积为140m×100m的高原鼢鼠栖息地,消除景观尺度取样带来的气候、地形和土壤的异质性,利用地统计学方法,分析高原鼢鼠土丘的空间分布格局、并揭示其与环境因子中土壤容重、土壤水分、植物地上、地下生物量、根系营养物质含量(可溶性糖、粗蛋白、粗脂肪)以及各功能群丰富度(禾本科、莎草科、杂类草)的空间关系。半方差函数及普通克里格插值表明,高原鼢鼠土丘存在中等程度的空间变异且呈现聚集分布,各环境因子均存在不同程度的空间异质性。交方差函数分析表明,高原鼢鼠分布虽与各环境因子在多种尺度下表现出复杂的空间关联性(正的或负的),但mantel检验发现土壤容重、莎草科丰富度与高原鼢鼠土丘分布呈现显著的负空间关联性,杂类草丰富度和根系粗脂肪含量与高原鼢鼠土丘分布存在显著正空间关联性。综上所述,高原鼢鼠主要栖息利用在土壤疏松、莎草科丰富度较低、杂类草较多和根系粗脂肪含量较高的地方。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵小流域土壤水分时空分异与环境关系的数量分析   总被引:66,自引:3,他引:63  
邱扬  傅伯杰  王军  陈利顶 《生态学报》2000,20(5):741-747
采用DCCA排序,研究了流域尺谍上土壤水分的时空分异类型及环境因子的关系。研究结果表明,丰水年土壤水分垂直的分布呈降低型、波动型和增长型3种类型,主要影响因子为土地利用与地形(地貌类型、坡度、坡位与海拔高度);土壤水分的季节变化表现为三峰型、四峰同步型与四峰滞后型3种类型,主要影响因子为降雨与地形(坡度、海拔高度、坡向与坡位)。分析得出,降低型与波动型的土壤水分利用率较高;从丰水年到欠水年,降低型  相似文献   

Seedling emergence and establishment are fragile processes that determine the direction and structure of forest succession and regeneration. However, seedling emergence and establishment are easily affected by biotic and abiotic (environmental) factors. A dense and expanding understory of dwarf bamboo is one such important factor that can seriously hinder the seedling regeneration. We conducted a field experiment to investigate the emergence and establishment of canopy tree seedlings under artificially controlled densities of dwarf bamboo. We found that understory dwarf bamboo obstructed seedling emergence but reduced the death of seedlings. Although understory dwarf bamboo reduced the median retention time of seedlings, dense bamboo increased the mean survival time of seedlings. Our results suggest that understory dwarf bamboo has multiple selectivities for tree seedling emergence and establishment: high‐density dwarf bamboo was beneficial to evergreen species but lower‐density of bamboo was conducive to the survival of deciduous species, it means the dwarf bamboo potentially alters successional trajectories of forest communities. Path analysis revealed that the most important factors affecting tree seedling emergence and death were the abundance of seeds in the seed bank and the density of emerged seedlings, and that the soil temperature promoted seedling emergence but increased seedling death, the thickness of litter limited seedling emergence, and the leaf area index of the bamboo canopy limited seedling death. The present study suggests that dwarf bamboo can directly alter the microenvironment, significantly reducing light levels and soil temperature but increasing the thickness of litter and soil humus, thereby indirectly impacting the regeneration of tree seedlings. Our results indicate that various factors affected seedling emergence, and there were complex indirect relationships among these factors. In general, biological factors had a stronger influence on tree seedling regeneration than environmental factors.  相似文献   

甘肃省经济增长与环境压力关系动态变化的结构分解分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于宏观环境经济学思想,建立了以污染物排放为表征的环境压力函数,并运用结构分解分析(SDA)模型,结合“修正后的Laspeyres方法”,构建了用于分析和解释“经济增长-环境压力”关系动态变化的驱动因子及其影响程度的方法,并分析了1990-2005年甘肃省经济增长与环境压力之间时序关系的变化趋势以及各驱动因素对时序关系变化的影响程度.结果表明:研究期间,甘肃省由污染物排放所产生的环境压力主要是由经济增长过程中产生的废气和工业固体废弃物所致,且环境压力在后期呈现出较快的增长趋势;人口因素对甘肃省环境压力变化的影响不大,经济增长因素对环境压力增大具有明显的正向效应,而技术因素则相对表现出抑制效应,但不足以抵消经济增长带来的正向效应,且经济增长和技术因素对环境压力的影响程度视不同类型污染物而有所差异.  相似文献   

潘竟虎  刘晓 《生态学杂志》2015,26(10):3126-3136
以干旱内陆河主要生态环境问题为出发点,利用景观生态学方法、空间主成分分析和GIS技术,获取甘州区生态安全格局的分布状况.选取海拔、坡度、自然和文化景观保护区、土壤类型、土壤侵蚀量、植被覆盖度、距道路距离、距工业用地距离、距居民点距离以及距水体距离等10个要素作为约束条件,并采用景观最小累积阻力模型构建生态廊道和生态节点来优化生态功能网络的结构及功能.结果表明: 甘州区生态安全综合状况一般,以中等安全水平为主,面积为1318.7 km2,占研究区总面积的36.7%.低度安全水平的区域主要位于研究区北部,占研究区总面积的19.9%.构建了由6条生态廊道、14个生态节点、1个较大的生态源区和若干个小面积源区组成的点、线、面交织的区域生态网络格局,将有效改善研究区的生态安全水平.

Westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, WCT) and introduced rainbow trout (O. mykiss, RBT) readily hybridize and introgression has occurred in many drainages across the historic native range of WCT. In British Columbia (Canada), the upper Kootenay River drainage is the heart of the westslope cutthroat trout (WCT, Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi) distribution in Canada this drainage harbours native WCT gene pools that are thought to be under threat from hybridization with introduced rainbow trout (RBT, O. mykiss). In this study, we assess the extent and distribution of WCT × RBT hybridization in the upper Kootenay River drainage. We used four diagnostic nuclear loci to determine the extent of hybridization in 981 fish collected from 23 sample localities across 12 different streams in the upper Kootenay River drainage. About 14% (142/981) of individuals were identified as hybrids (an individual with both RBT and WCT alleles), 3.4% (33/981) were identified as pure RBT, and the remaining individuals were identified as pure WCT. Although pure RBT were absent from the majority of locales (20/23), we found evidence of hybridization at 78% (18/23) of the localities and the percentage of heterospecific alleles (% I) ranged from 0.7% to 97.1%. Only 22% (5/23) of the localities showed no evidence of hybridization. Spatial analysis showed clustering among hybridized locations and decreasing hybridization with increasing distance from Koocanusa Reservoir, suggesting that the reservoir acts as a RBT source. We found no evidence that stream order, stream magnitude, or stream elevation influenced the extent of hybridization among localities. We compared our results to an analysis conducted in 1986, which indicated that hybridization is relatively recent in the upper Kootenay River drainage and that it is increasing in magnitude and distribution. In the absence of timely management intervention, the genetic integrity of WCT populations in the heart of their Canadian range may be lost. Our results indicate the dynamic nature of hybridization in fluvial systems and that for closely related taxa such as WCT and RBT, hybridization appears to be largely influenced by physical barriers to dispersal and contact between species.  相似文献   

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