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Costantini D 《Ecology letters》2008,11(11):1238-1251
Although oxidative stress is a central topic in biochemical and medical research, the number of reports on its relevance in life‐history studies of non‐human animals is still low. Information about oxidative stress in wild birds may help describe functional interactions among the components of life‐history traits. Currently available evidence suggests that oxidative stress may impart an important physiological cost on longevity, reproduction, immune response or intense physical activity. Given the gaps in our present knowledge, it is still premature to attempt to draw definitive conclusions and basic questions (e.g. how is oxidative stress generated and how do organisms cope with it?) have yet to be fully explored under natural conditions. Therefore, caution is needed in developing hypotheses or drawing general conclusions until additional data become available to perform more rigorous comparative analyses.  相似文献   

The relationship between growth and age‐specific telomere length, as a proxy of somatic state, is increasingly investigated, but observed patterns vary and a predictive framework is lacking. We outline expectations based on the assumption that telomere maintenance is costly and argue that individual heterogeneity in resource acquisition is predicted to lead to positive covariance between growth and telomere length. However, canalization of resource allocation to the trait with a larger effect on fitness, rendering that trait relatively invariant, can cause the absence of covariance. In a case study of common tern (Sterna hirundo) chicks, in which hatching order is the main determinant of variation in resource acquisition within broods, we find that body mass, but not telomere length or attrition, varies with hatching order. Moreover, body mass and growth positively predict survival to fledging, whereas telomere length and attrition do not. Using a novel statistical method to quantify standardized variance in plasticity, we estimate between‐individual variation in telomere attrition to be only 12% of that of growth. Consistent with the relative invariance of telomere attrition, we find no correlation between age‐specific body mass or growth and telomere attrition. We suggest that common tern chicks prioritize investment in long‐term somatic state (as indicated by canalization of telomere maintenance) over immediate survival benefits of growth as part of an efficient brood reduction strategy that benefits the parents. As such, interspecific variation in the growth–telomere length relationship may be explained by the extent to which parents benefit from rapid mortality of excess offspring.  相似文献   

Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is the most common form of muscular dystrophy affecting adults. The genetic basis of DM1 consists of a mutational expansion of a repetitive trinucleotide sequence (CTG). The number of triplets expansion divides patients in four categories related to the molecular changes (E1, E2, E3, E4). The pathogenic mechanisms of multi-systemic involvement of DM1 are still unclear. DM1 has been suspected to be due to premature aging, that is known to be sustained by increased free radicals levels and/or decreased antioxidants activities in neurodegenerative disorders. Recently, the gain-of-function at RNA level hypothesis has gained great attention, but oxidative stress might act in the disease progression. We have investigated 36 DM1 patients belonging to 22 unrelated families, 10 patients with other myotonic disorders (OMD) and 22 age-matched healthy controls from the clinical, biochemical and molecular point of view. Biochemical analysis detected blood levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), malonilaldehyde (MDA), vitamin E (Vit E), hydroxyl radicals (OH) and total antioxidant system (TAS). Results revealed that DM1 patients showed significantly higher levels of SOD (+40%; MAL (+57%; RAD 2 (+106%; and TAS (+20%; than normal controls. Our data support the hypothesis of a pathogenic role of oxidative stress in DM1 and therefore confirm the detrimental role played by free radicals in this pathology and suggest the opportunity to undertake clinical trials with antioxidants in this disorder.  相似文献   

Life‐history traits in birds, such as lifespan, age at maturity, and rate of reproduction, vary across environments and in combinations imposed by trade‐offs and limitations of physiological mechanisms. A plethora of studies have described the diversity of traits and hypothesized selection pressures shaping components of the survival–reproduction trade‐off. Life‐history variation appears to fall along a slow–fast continuum, with slow pace characterized by higher investment in survival over reproduction and fast pace characterized by higher investment in reproduction over survival. The Pace‐of‐Life Syndrome (POLS) is a framework to describe the slow–fast axis of variation in life‐history traits and physiological traits. The POLS corresponds to latitudinal gradients, with tropical birds exhibiting a slow pace of life. We examined four possible ways that the traits of high‐elevation birds might correspond to the POLS continuum: (i) rapid pace, (ii) tropical slow pace, (iii) novel elevational pace, or (iv) constrained pace. Recent studies reveal that birds breeding at high elevations in temperate zones exhibit a combination of traits creating a unique elevational pace of life with a central trade‐off similar to a slow pace but physiological trade‐offs more similar to a fast pace. A paucity of studies prevents consideration of the possibility of a constrained pace of life. We propose extending the POLS framework to include trait variation of elevational clines to help to investigate complexity in global geographic patterns.  相似文献   

Environmental predictability is predicted to shape the evolution of life histories. Two key types of environmental predictability, seasonality and environmental colour, may influence life‐history evolution independently but formal considerations of both and how they relate to life history are exceedingly rare. Here, in a global biogeographical analysis of over 800 marine invertebrates, we explore the relationships between both forms of environmental predictability and three fundamental life‐history traits: location of larval development (aplanktonic vs. planktonic), larval developmental mode (feeding vs. non‐feeding) and offspring size. We found that both dispersal potential and offspring size related to environmental predictability, but the relationships depended on both the environmental factor as well as the type of predictability. Environments that were more seasonal in food availability had a higher prevalence of species with a planktonic larval stage. Future studies should consider both types of environmental predictability as each can strongly affect life‐history evolution.  相似文献   

Recent work on a small European cave salamander (Proteus anguinus) has revealed that it has exceptional longevity, yet it appears to have unexceptional defences against oxidative damage. This paper comes at the end of a string of other studies that are calling into question the free-radical damage theory of ageing. This theory rose to prominence in the 1990s as the dominant theory for why we age and die. Despite substantial correlative evidence to support it, studies in the last five years have raised doubts over its importance. In particular, these include studies of mice with the major antioxidant genes knocked out (both singly and in combination), which show the expected elevation in oxidative damage but no impact on lifespan. Combined, these findings raise fundamental questions over whether the free-radical damage theory remains useful for understanding the ageing process, and variation in lifespan and life histories.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress and aging: beyond correlation   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
The oxidative stress theory of aging has become increasingly accepted as playing a role in the aging process, based primarily on a substantial accumulation of circumstantial evidence. In recent years, the hypothesis that mitochondrially generated reactive oxygen species play a role in organismal aging has been directly tested in both invertebrate and mammalian model systems. Initial results imply that oxidative damage, specifically the level of superoxide, does play a role in limiting the lifespans of invertebrates such as Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans. In mammalian model systems, the effect of oxidative stress on lifespan is less clear, but there is evidence that antioxidant treatment protects against age-related dysfunction, including cognitive decline.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theories propose that aging is the result of a trade‐off between self‐maintenance and reproduction, and oxidative stress may play a crucial role in such a trade‐off. Phenotypic manipulations have revealed that a high investment in reproduction leads to a decline in the organism's resistance to oxidative stress, which could in turn accelerate aging. Here, by using quantitative genetic analyses as a tool to disentangle genetic effects from phenotypic variances, the relationship between resistance to oxidative stress at sexual maturity and two key reproductive life‐history traits (i.e., number of breeding events during life and age at last reproduction) was analyzed in cross‐fostered zebra finches. The age of last reproduction had high narrow‐sense heritability, whereas the number of breeding events and oxidative stress resistance showed medium and low heritabilities, respectively. We detected positive genetic correlations between early resistance to oxidative stress and both life‐history traits, suggesting that the efficiency of the antioxidant machinery at maturity may be related to individual reproductive investment throughout lifetime, possibly by influencing the pattern of cellular senescence. Genes encoding for resistance to oxidative stress would have pleiotropic effects on reproductive capacity and aging. Further work is required to confirm this assert.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory assumes that reproduction and lifespan are constrained by trade‐offs which prevent their simultaneous increase. Recently, there has been considerable interest in the possibility that this cost of reproduction is mediated by oxidative stress. However, empirical tests of this theory have yielded equivocal support. We carried out a meta‐analysis to examine associations between reproduction and oxidative damage across markers and tissues. We show that oxidative damage is positively associated with reproductive effort across females of various species. Yet paradoxically, categorical comparisons of breeders versus non‐breeders reveal that transition to the reproductive state is associated with a step‐change reduction in oxidative damage in certain tissues and markers. Developing offspring may be particularly sensitive to harm caused by oxidative damage in mothers. Therefore, such reductions could potentially function to shield reproducing mothers, gametes and developing offspring from oxidative insults that inevitably increase as a consequence of reproductive effort. According to this perspective, we hypothesise that the cost of reproduction is mediated by dual impacts of maternally‐derived oxidative damage on mothers and offspring, and that mothers may be selected to diminish such damage. Such oxidative shielding may explain why many existing studies have concluded that reproduction has little or no oxidative cost. Future advance in life‐history theory therefore needs to take account of potential transgenerational impacts of the mechanisms underlying life‐history trade‐offs.  相似文献   

Summary Much of life history theory follows from the idea that natural selection acts on the allocation of resources to competing and independent demographic functions. This paradigm has stimulated much research on the life histories of annual plants. Models of whole-plant resource budgets that use optimal control theory predict periods of 100% vegetative and 100% reproductive growth, sometimes with periods of mixed growth. I show here that this prediction follows from the assumption of independence of the competing vegetative and reproductive compartments. The prediction is qualitatively unchanged even after relaxing important simplifying assumptions used in most models. Although it follows naturally from the assumptions of the models, this kind of allocation pattern is unlikely to occur in many plants, because it requires that (1) leaf and flower buds can never simultaneously be carbon sinks; and (2) organs that accompany flowers, such as internodes and bracts, can never be net sources of photosynthate. Thus while resources are doubtless important for annual plants, an exclusively resource-based perspective may be inadequate to understand the evolution of their life histories. Progress in research may require models that incorporate, or are at least phenomenologically consistent with, the basic developmental reles of angiosperms.  相似文献   

The “disposable soma” theory for the evolution of senescence suggests that senescence arises from an optimal balancing of resources between reproduction and somatic repair. Dynamic programming models are constructed and analyzed to determine the optimal relationship between reproduction, diversion of resources from repair, and added senescent mortality. Of particular interest is the relationship between the repair-reproduction trade-off and the form of the mortality-rate-versus-age curve predicted. The models analyzed in the greatest detail assume that the relationship between reproduction and added senescent mortality does not change with age. These suggest that mortality should increase at an increasing rate with age, but may approach a linear rate as mortality becomes very high. General results are derived for the shape of the mortality curves early and late in the senescing part of the life span, and mortality curves for specific trade-off functions are illustrated. An exponential increase in death rate with age (Gompertz' Law) corresponds to only one of many possible relationships between reproduction and aging. The “Law” is unlikely to hold generally if the disposable soma theory accounts for a large fraction of the observed senescent increase in mortality with age. However, support for the generality of Gompertz' Law is weak, and other theories have not produced an evolutionary explanation for the law. The disposable soma theory is consistent with some of the exceptions to Gompertz' Law that have been observed.  相似文献   

The concept of trade-offs is central to our understanding of life-history evolution. The underlying mechanisms, however, have been little studied. Oxidative stress results from a mismatch between the production of damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the organism's capacity to mitigate their damaging effects. Managing oxidative stress is likely to be a major determinant of life histories, as virtually all activities generate ROS. There is a recent burgeoning of interest in how oxidative stress is related to different components of animal performance. The emphasis to date has been on immediate or short-term effects, but there is an increasing realization that oxidative stress will influence life histories over longer time scales. The concept of oxidative stress is currently used somewhat loosely by many ecologists, and the erroneous assumption often made that dietary antioxidants are necessarily the major line of defence against ROS-induced damage. We summarize current knowledge on how oxidative stress occurs and the different methods for measuring it, and highlight where ecologists can be too simplistic in their approach. We critically review the potential role of oxidative stress in mediating life-history trade-offs, and present a framework for formulating appropriate hypotheses and guiding experimental design. We indicate throughout potentially fruitful areas for further research.  相似文献   

The evolutionary theories of senescence predict that investment in reproduction in early life should come at the cost of reduced somatic maintenance, and thus earlier or more rapid senescence. There is now growing support for such trade-offs in wild vertebrates, but these exclusively come from females. Here, we test this prediction in male red deer (Cervus elaphus) using detailed longitudinal data collected over a 40-year field study. We show that males which had larger harems and thereby allocated more resources to reproduction during early adulthood experienced higher rates of senescence in both harem size and rut duration. Males that carried antlers with more points during early life did not show more pronounced declines in reproductive traits in later life. Overall, we demonstrate that sexual competition shapes male reproductive senescence in wild red deer populations and provide rare empirical support for the disposable soma theory of ageing in males of polygynous vertebrate species.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a dynamic programming model which optimizes resource allocation to growth, reproduction and repair of somatic damage, based on the disposable soma theory of ageing. Here it is shown that different age‐dependent patterns of reproductive rates are products of optimal lifetime strategies of resource partitioning. The array of different reproductive patterns generated by the model includes those in which reproduction begins at the maximum rate at maturity and then declines to the end of life, or increases up to a certain age and then drops. The observed patterns reflect optimal resource allocation shaped by the level of extrinsic mortality. A continuous decline in the reproductive rate from the start of reproduction is associated with high extrinsic mortality, and an early increase in the reproductive rate occurs under low extrinsic mortality. A long‐lived organism shows a low reproductive rate early in life, and short‐lived organisms start reproduction at the maximum rate.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the evolution of senescence. One of the leading hypotheses, the disposable soma hypothesis, predicts a trade‐off, whereby early‐life investment in reproduction leads to late‐life declines in survival (survival senescence). Testing this hypothesis in natural populations is challenging, but important for understanding the evolution of senescence. We used the long‐term data set from a contained, predator‐free population of individually marked Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) to investigate how age‐related declines in survival are affected by early‐life investment in reproduction and early‐life environmental conditions. The disposable soma hypothesis predicts that higher investment in reproduction, or experiencing harsh conditions during early life, will lead to an earlier onset, and an increased rate, of senescence. We found that both sexes showed similar age‐related declines in late‐life survival consistent with senescence. Individuals that started breeding at a later age showed a delay in survival senescence, but this later onset of breeding did not result in a less rapid decline in late‐life survival. Although survival senescence was not directly related to early‐life environmental conditions, age of first breeding increased with natal food availability. Therefore, early‐life food availability may affect senescence by influencing age of first breeding. The disposable soma hypothesis of senescence is supported by delayed senescence in individuals that started breeding at a later age and therefore invested less in reproduction.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence for declines in fitness components (survival and reproductive performance) with age has recently accumulated in wild populations, highlighting that the process of senescence is nearly ubiquitous in the living world. Senescence patterns are highly variable among species and current evolutionary theories of ageing propose that such variation can be accounted for by differences in allocation to growth and reproduction during early life. Here, we compiled 26 studies of free-ranging vertebrate populations that explicitly tested for a trade-off between performance in early and late life. Our review brings overall support for the presence of early-late life trade-offs, suggesting that the limitation of available resources leads individuals to trade somatic maintenance later in life for high allocation to reproduction early in life. We discuss our results in the light of two closely related theories of ageing—the disposable soma and the antagonistic pleiotropy theories—and propose that the principle of energy allocation roots the ageing process in the evolution of life-history strategies. Finally, we outline research topics that should be investigated in future studies, including the importance of natal environmental conditions in the study of trade-offs between early- and late-life performance and the evolution of sex-differences in ageing patterns.  相似文献   

The in vitro effect of testosterone on human neutrophil function was investigated. Blood neutrophils from healthy male subjects were isolated and treated with 10 nM, 0.1 and 10 µM testosterone for 24 h. As compared with untreated cells, the testosterone treatment produced a significant decrease of superoxide production as indicated by the measurement of extra‐ and intracellular superoxide content. An increment in the production of nitric oxide was observed at 0.1 and 10 µM testosterone concentrations, whereas no effect was found for 10 nM. Intracellular calcium mobilization was significantly increased at 10 nM, whereas it was reduced at 10 µM testosterone. There was an increase in phagocytic capacity at 10 nM and a decrease of microbicidal activity in neutrophils treated with testosterone at 10 µM. Glutathione reductase activity was increased by testosterone treatment, whereas no effect was observed in other antioxidant enzyme activities. An increase in the content of thiol groups was observed at all testosterone concentrations. Lipid peroxidation in neutrophils evaluated by levels of TBARS was decreased at 10 nM and 0.1 µM testosterone. These results indicate the antioxidant properties of testosterone in neutrophils as suggested by reduction of superoxide anion production, and lipid peroxidation, and by the increase in nitric oxide production, glutathione reductase activity and the content of thiol groups. Therefore, the plasma levels of testosterone are important regulators of neutrophil function and so of the inflammatory response. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress has recently been suggested to play an important role in life‐history evolution, but little is known about natural variation and heritability of this physiological trait. Here, we explore phenotypic variation in resistance to oxidative stress of cross‐fostered yellow‐legged gull (Larus cachinnans) chicks. Resistance to oxidative stress was not related to plasma antioxidants at hatching, which are mostly derived from maternal investment into eggs. Common environmental effects on phenotypic variation in resistance to oxidative stress were not significant. Heritability was relatively low and nonsignificant in hatchlings, but interestingly, the chicks of age 8 days showed high and significant heritability (h2 = 0.59). Our results suggest that resistance to oxidative stress is determined mainly by the genotype as chicks grow. Further work is required to explore the genetic role of oxidative stress in life‐history evolution.  相似文献   

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