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Sex‐biased dispersal has profound impacts on a species' biology and several factors have been attributed to its evolution, including mating system, inbreeding avoidance, and social complexity. Sex‐biased dispersal and its potential link to individual social interactions were examined in the Qinghai toad‐headed agamid (Phrynocephalus vlangalii). We first determined the pattern of sex‐biased dispersal using population genetic methods. A total of 345 specimens from 32 sites in the Qaidam Basin were collected and genotyped for nine microsatellite DNA loci. Both individual‐based assignment tests and allele frequency‐based analyses were conducted. Females revealed much more genetic structure than males and all results were consistent with male‐biased dispersal. First‐generation migrants were also identified by genetic data. We then examined eight social interaction‐related morphological traits and explored their potential link to sex‐biased dispersal. Female residents had larger heads and longer tails than female migrants. The well‐developed signal system among females, coupled with viviparity, might make remaining on natal sites beneficial, and hence promote female philopatry. Dominant females with larger heads were more likely to stay. Contrary to females, male migrants had larger heads and belly patches than residents, suggesting that dispersal might confer selective advantages for males. Such advantages may include opportunities for multiple mating and escaping from crowded sites. Large belly patches and several other morphological traits may assist their success in obtaining mates during dispersal. Furthermore, a relatively high relatedness (R = 0.06) among females suggested that this species might have rudimentary social structure. Case studies in “less” social species may provide important evidence for a better understanding of sex‐biased dispersal.  相似文献   

The movement ability of species in fragmented landscapes must be considered if habitat restoration strategies are to allow maximum benefit in terms of increased or healthier wildlife populations. We studied movements of a range of bird species between woodland patches within a high‐altitude Polylepis/matrix landscape in the Cordillera Vilcanota, Peru. Movement rates between Polylepis patches differed across guilds, with arboreal omnivores, arboreal sally‐strikers and nectarivores displaying the highest movement rates, and understorey guilds and arboreal sally‐gleaners the lowest movement rates. Birds tend to avoid flights to more distant neighboring patches, especially when moving from patches which were themselves isolated. The decline in bird flight frequencies with increasing patch isolation followed broken‐stick models most closely, and while we suggest that there is evidence for a decline in between‐patch movements over distances of 30–210 m, there was great variability in movement rates across individual patches. This variability is presumably a result of complex interactions between patch size, quality and configuration, and flight movement patterns of individual bird species. Our study does, however, highlight the contribution small woodland patches make toward fragmented Polylepis ecosystem functioning, and we suggest that, where financial resources permit, small patch restoration would be an important compliment to the restoration of larger woodland patches. Most important is that replanting takes place within 200 m or so of existing larger patches. This will be especially beneficial in allowing more frequent use of woodland elements within the landscape and in improving the total area of woodland patches that are functionally connected.  相似文献   

Understanding movement of individuals between sites is necessary to quantify emigration and immigration, yet previous analyses exploring sex biases in site fidelity among birds have not evaluated remigration (the return of marked birds that moved to alternative areas from the site at which they were marked). Using novel Bayesian multistate models, we tested whether between‐winter emigration, remigration and survival rates were sex‐biased among 851 Greenland White‐fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris marked at Wexford, Ireland. We found no evidence for sex biases in emigration, remigration or survival. Thus, sex biases in winter site fidelity do not occur in any form in this population; these techniques for modelling sex‐biased movement will be useful for a better understanding of site fidelity and connectivity in other marked animal populations.  相似文献   

Negative frequency‐dependent selection should result in equal sex ratios in large populations of dioecious flowering plants, but deviations from equality are commonly reported. A variety of ecological and genetic factors can explain biased sex ratios, although the mechanisms involved are not well understood. Most dioecious species are long‐lived and/or clonal complicating efforts to identify stages during the life cycle when biases develop. We investigated the demographic correlates of sex‐ratio variation in two chromosome races of Rumex hastatulus, an annual, wind‐pollinated colonizer of open habitats from the southern USA. We examined sex ratios in 46 populations and evaluated the hypothesis that the proximity of males in the local mating environment, through its influence on gametophytic selection, is the primary cause of female‐biased sex ratios. Female‐biased sex ratios characterized most populations of R.  hastatulus (mean sex ratio = 0.62), with significant female bias in 89% of populations. Large, high‐density populations had the highest proportion of females, whereas smaller, low‐density populations had sex ratios closer to equality. Progeny sex ratios were more female biased when males were in closer proximity to females, a result consistent with the gametophytic selection hypothesis. Our results suggest that interactions between demographic and genetic factors are probably the main cause of female‐biased sex ratios in R. hastatulus. The annual life cycle of this species may limit the scope for selection against males and may account for the weaker degree of bias in comparison with perennial Rumex species.  相似文献   

Predicting population colonisations requires understanding how spatio‐temporal changes in density affect dispersal. Density can inform on fitness prospects, acting as a cue for either habitat quality, or competition over resources. However, when escaping competition, high local density should only increase emigration if lower‐density patches are available elsewhere. Few empirical studies on dispersal have considered the effects of density at the local and landscape scale simultaneously. To explore this, we analyze 5 years of individual‐based data from an experimental introduction of wild guppies Poecilia reticulata. Natal dispersal showed a decrease in local density dependence as density at the landscape level increased. Landscape density did not affect dispersal among adults, but local density‐dependent dispersal switched from negative (conspecific attraction) to positive (conspecific avoidance), as the colonisation progressed. This study demonstrates that densities at various scales interact to determine dispersal, and suggests that dispersal trade‐offs differ across life stages.  相似文献   

In wing‐polymorphic insects, wing morphs differ not only in dispersal capability but also in life history traits because of trade‐offs between flight capability and reproduction. When the fitness benefits and costs of producing wings differ between males and females, sex‐specific trade‐offs can result in sex differences in the frequency of long‐winged individuals. Furthermore, the social environment during development affects sex differences in wing development, but few empirical tests of this phenomenon have been performed to date. Here, I used the wing‐dimorphic water strider Tenagogerris euphrosyne to test how rearing density and sex ratio affect the sex‐specific development of long‐winged dispersing morphs (i.e., sex‐specific macroptery). I also used a full‐sib, split‐family breeding design to assess genetic effects on density‐dependent, sex‐specific macroptery. I reared water strider nymphs at either high or low densities and measured their wing development. I found that long‐winged morphs developed more frequently in males than in females when individuals were reared in a high‐density environment. However, the frequency of long‐winged morphs was not biased according to sex when individuals were reared in a low‐density environment. In addition, full‐sib males and females showed similar macroptery incidence rates at low nymphal density, whereas the macroptery incidence rates differed between full‐sib males and females at high nymphal density. Thus complex gene‐by‐environment‐by‐sex interactions may explain the density‐specific levels of sex bias in macroptery, although this interpretation should be treated with some caution. Overall, my study provides empirical evidence for density‐specific, sex‐biased wing development. My findings suggest that social factors as well as abiotic factors can be important in determining sex‐biased wing development in insects.  相似文献   

For insects that develop on few hosts and/or have immobile immature stages, optimal oviposition theory suggests that females should seek high‐quality hosts that maximize larval development and reduce competition from conspecifics. However, there is a growing amount of evidence that suggests female choice may often be at odds with their offspring's development. Listronotus maculicollis (Kirby) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a serious pest of golf course turfgrass in eastern North America. The weevil develops on few hosts and demonstrates improved fitness traits when developing on Poa annua L. (Poaceae). However, previous population studies observed either weak or no correlations between the spatial dispersion of larval populations and P. annua in the field. In this study, populations on three golf course fairways were monitored over a 4‐year period (2009–2012) to determine whether the lack of spatial associations between preferred hosts and immatures was a result of spatial scale or the density and distribution of conspecifics. Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE) was used to characterize the spatial dispersion of populations of individual stages (larvae and pupae), P. annua, and turfgrass damage. Life stages were aggregated in each observation, independent of population density or the spatial dispersion of hosts. The distribution of consecutive and non‐consecutive immature stages was found to be correlated in all years, suggesting that females do not avoid patches already occupied by conspecific eggs. Surprisingly, significant spatial associations were not found between larvae and P. annua when the host plant was relatively abundant. Hence, multiple mechanisms may drive L. maculicollis oviposition site‐selection behavior, and a flexible strategy may allow the weevil to persist in areas where P. annua is not the dominant species. Future studies are required to determine what other factors (e.g., natural enemy‐free space, egg or time limitations) influence oviposition behavior.  相似文献   

In the highly fragmented landscape of central Europe, dispersal is of particular importance as it determines the long‐term survival of animal populations. Dispersal not only secures the recolonization of patches where populations went extinct, it may also rescue small populations and thus prevent local extinction events. As dispersal involves different individual fitness costs, the decision to disperse should not be random but context‐dependent and often will be biased toward a certain group of individuals (e.g., sex‐ and wing morph‐biased dispersal). Although biased dispersal has far‐reaching consequences for animal populations, immediate studies of sex‐ and wing morph‐biased dispersal in orthopterans are very rare. Here, we used a combined approach of morphological and genetic analyses to investigate biased dispersal of Metrioptera bicolor, a wing dimorphic bush‐cricket. Our results clearly show wing morph‐biased dispersal for both sexes of M. bicolor. In addition, we found sex‐biased dispersal for macropterous individuals, but not for micropters. Both, morphological and genetic data, favor macropterous males as dispersal unit of this bush‐cricket species. To get an idea of the flight ability of M. bicolor, we compared our morphological data with that of Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria, which are very good flyers. Based on our morphological data, we suggest a good flight ability for macropters of M. bicolor, although flying individuals of this species are seldom observed.  相似文献   

We examined whether Gonatocerus ashmeadi Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), a quasi‐gregarious egg parasitoid of Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), produces precise sex ratios under a field setting. Under laboratory conditions, previous studies have shown that G. ashmeadi exhibits strongly female‐biased sex ratios with low variance in the number of males produced per host. Field‐collected G. ashmeadi tend to produce much less female‐biased sex ratios with high variance in male numbers. We found significant positive effects of proportion parasitism and host density on sex ratio. Proportion parasitism also had a positive effect on sex ratio variance. The findings of this study are discussed in the context of theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

The banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a major pest of banana cropping systems, as larvae bore into the corm of banana plants and damage the insertion points of primary roots, leading to plant snapping and toppling. Plant infestation by the banana weevil is assessed only via invasive techniques, such as plant cutting that highlights larval tunnels. We present here a non‐invasive technique based on a bioacoustic sensor with a band‐pass filter to detect larval activity inside banana corm. On the basis of a test under controlled conditions, we observed that the range of larval activity was between 1.4 and 2.6 kHz. Pulses lasted ca. 168 ms and were separated by intervals of 300 ms. The technique enables detection of more than 90% of infested suckers. The use of this technique to understand larval development of banana weevil is discussed.  相似文献   

Across animal taxa, reproductive success is generally more variable and more strongly dependent upon body condition for males than for females; in such cases, parents able to produce offspring in above‐average condition are predicted to produce sons, whereas parents unable to produce offspring in good condition should produce daughters. We tested this hypothesis in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) by cross‐fostering eggs among nests and using the condition of foster young that parents raised to fledging as a functional measure of their ability to produce fit offspring. As predicted, females raising heavier‐than‐average foster fledglings with their social mate initially produced male‐biased primary sex ratios, whereas those raising lighter‐than‐average foster fledglings produced female‐biased primary sex ratios. Females also produced male‐biased clutches when mated to males with large secondary sexual characters (wing patches), and tended to produce male‐biased clutches earlier within breeding seasons relative to females breeding later. However, females did not adjust the sex of individuals within their clutches; sex was distributed randomly with respect to egg size, laying order and paternity. Future research investigating the proximate mechanisms linking ecological contexts and the quality of offspring parents are able to produce with primary sex‐ratio variation could provide fundamental insight into the evolution of context‐dependent sex‐ratio adjustment.  相似文献   

Cyclical parthenogenesis presents an interesting challenge for the study of sex allocation, as individuals’ allocation decisions involve both the choice between sexual and asexual reproduction, and the choice between sons and daughters. Male production is therefore expected to depend on ecological and evolutionary drivers of overall investment in sex, and those influencing male reproductive value during sexual periods. We manipulated experimental populations, and made repeated observations of natural populations over their growing season, to disentangle effects of population density and the timing of sex from effects of adult sex ratio on sex allocation in cyclically parthenogenetic Daphnia magna. Male production increased with population density, the major ecological driver of sexual reproduction; however, this response was dampened when the population sex ratio was more male‐biased. Thus, in line with sex ratio theory, we show that D. magna adjust offspring sex allocation in response to the current population sex ratio.  相似文献   

We incorporated radio‐telemetry data with genetic analysis of bat‐eared foxes (Otocyon megalotis) from individuals in 32 different groups to examine relatedness and spatial organization in two populations in South Africa that differed in density, home‐range sizes, and group sizes. Kin clustering occurred only for female dyads in the high‐density population. Relatedness was negatively correlated with distance only for female dyads in the high‐density population, and for male and mixed‐sex dyads in the low‐density population. Home‐range overlap of neighboring female dyads was significantly greater in the high compared to low‐density population, whereas overlap within other dyads was similar between populations. Amount of home‐range overlap between neighbors was positively correlated with genetic relatedness for all dyad‐site combinations, except for female and male dyads in the low‐density population. Foxes from all age and sex classes dispersed, although females (mostly adults) dispersed farther than males. Yearlings dispersed later in the high‐density population, and overall exhibited a male‐biased dispersal pattern. Our results indicated that genetic structure within populations of bat‐eared foxes was sex‐biased, and was interrelated to density and group sizes, as well as sex‐biases in philopatry and dispersal distances. We conclude that a combination of male‐biased dispersal rates, adult dispersals, and sex‐biased dispersal distances likely helped to facilitate inbreeding avoidance in this evolutionarily unique species of Canidae.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genome (mito‐genome) introgression among metazoans is commonplace, and several biological processes may promote such introgression. We examined two proposed processes for the mito‐genome introgression between Rana chensinensis and R. kukunoris: natural hybridization and sex‐biased dispersal. We sampled 477 individuals from 28 sites in the potential hybrid zone in the western Tsinling Mountains. Mitochondrial gene (cytb) trees were used to examine the introgression events. Microsatellite DNA loci, cytb and morphological data were used to identify hybrids and to examine the extent of natural hybridization. We detected rampant bidirectional introgressions, both ancient and recent, between the two species. Furthermore, we found a wide hybrid zone, and frequent and asymmetric hybridization. The hybrid zone cline analysis revealed a clear mitochondrial–nuclear discordance; while most nuclear markers displayed similar and steep clines, cytb had a displaced cline centre and a more gradual and wider cline. We also detected strong and asymmetric historical maternal gene flow across the hybrid zone. This widespread hybridization and detected low mito‐nuclear conflicts may, at least partially, explain the high frequency of introgression. Lastly, microsatellite data and population genetic methods were used to assess sex‐biased dispersal. A weak pattern of female‐biased dispersal was detected in both species, suggesting it may not play an important role in the observed introgression. Our data are consistent with the hybridization hypothesis, but support for the sex‐biased dispersal hypothesis is weak. We further suggest that selective advantages of the R. kukunoris‐type mito‐genome in thermal adaptation may also contribute to the introgression between the two species.  相似文献   

Population densities of invasive species fluctuate spatially and temporally, suggesting that the intensity of their aggressive interactions with native species is similarly variable. Although inter‐specific aggression is often thought to increase with population density, it is often theorized that it should be exceeded by intra‐specific aggression since conspecifics share a greater degree of resource overlap. Yet, the magnitude of intra‐specific aggression is seldom considered when examining aggressive interactions, particularly those between invasive and native species. Here, we manipulated the density of the invasive eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, and observed its aggressive interactions with juveniles of the native Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculeata in a laboratory setting. For both species, the magnitudes of intra‐ and inter‐specific aggression were recorded. Regardless of density, the native M. novemaculeata was more aggressive towards heterospecifics than G. holbrooki was. In addition to this, M. novemaculeata was more aggressive to G. holbrooki than towards conspecifics, at both low‐ and high‐density conditions. In contrast, G. holbrooki was similarly aggressive towards M. novemaculeata and G. holbrooki at a high density, yet at low density, displayed significantly more aggression towards conspecifics than M. novemaculeata. These findings demonstrate the importance of considering intra‐specific aggression when exploring behavioural interactions between native and invasive species.  相似文献   

Kinship among interacting individuals is often associated with sociality and also with sex ratio effects. Parasitoids in the bethylid genus Goniozus are sub‐social, with single foundress females exhibiting post‐ovipositional maternal care via short‐term aggressive host and brood defence against conspecific females. Due to local mate competition (LMC) and broods normally being produced by a single foundress, sex ratios are female‐biased. Contests between adult females are, however, not normally fatal, and aggression is reduced when competing females are kin, raising the possibility of multi‐foundress reproduction on some hosts. Here, we screen for further life‐history effects of kinship by varying the numbers and relatedness of foundresses confined together with a host resource and also by varying the size of host. We confined groups of 1–8 Goniozus nephantidis females together with a host for 5+ days. Multi‐foundress groups were either all siblings or all nonsiblings. Our chief expectations included that competition for resources would be more intense among larger foundress groups but diminished by both larger host size and closer foundress relatedness, affecting both foundress mortality and reproductive output. From classical LMC theory, we expected that offspring group sex ratios would be less female‐biased when there were more foundresses, and from extended LMC theory, we expected that sex ratios would be more female‐biased when foundresses were close kin. We found that confinement led to the death of some females (11% overall) but only when host resources were most limiting. Mortality of foundresses was less common when foundresses were siblings. Developmental mortality among offspring was considerably higher in multi‐foundress clutches but was unaffected by foundress relatedness. Groups of sibling foundresses collectively produced similar numbers of offspring to nonsibling groups. There was little advantage for individual females to reproduce in multi‐foundress groups: single foundresses suppressed even the largest hosts presented and had the highest per capita production of adult offspring. Despite single foundress reproduction being the norm, G. nephantidis females in multi‐foundress groups appear to attune sex allocation according to both foundress number and foundress relatedness: broods produced by sibling foundresses had sex ratios similar to broods produced by single foundresses (ca. 11% males), whereas the sex ratios of broods produced by nonsibling females were approximately 20% higher and broadly increased with foundress number. We conclude that relatedness and host size may combine to reduce selection against communal reproduction on hosts and that, unlike other studied parasitoids, G. nephantidis sex ratios conform to predictions of both classical and extended LMC theories.  相似文献   

In biparental species, aggression, dominance, and parental care are typically sexually dimorphic. While behavioral dimorphism is often strongly linked to gonadal sex, the environment—either social or ecological—may also influence sex‐biased behavior. In the biparental cichlid fish Julidochromis marlieri, the typical social environment for breeding pairs consists of large females paired with smaller males. While both sexes are capable of providing territory defense and parental care, the larger female provides the majority of defense for the pair, while the smaller male remains in the nest guarding their offspring. We examine the contributions of sex and relative mate size to these sex‐biased behaviors in monogamous J. marlieri pairs. Both female‐larger and male‐larger pairs were formed in the laboratory and were observed for territorial aggression (against conspecifics and heterospecifics), dominance, and parental care. In female‐larger pairs, territorial aggression and intra‐pair dominance were female‐biased, while in male‐larger pairs this bias was reversed. For both pairing types, the presence of an intruder amplified sex differences in territorial aggression, with the larger fish always attacking with greater frequency than its mate. Though less robust, there was evidence for plasticity of sex‐bias for some egg care related behaviors in the inverse direction. Our study suggests that relative mate size strongly influences the sex bias of aggression and dominance in J. marlieri and that this aspect of the social environment can override the influence of gonadal sex on an individual's behavior. The remarkable plasticity of this species makes Julidochromis an exciting model that could be used to address the relationship between proximate and ultimate mechanisms of behavioral plasticity.  相似文献   

Abstract Local mate competition theory predicts that offspring sex ratio in pollinating fig wasps is female‐biased when there is only one foundress, and increased foundress density results in increased offspring sex ratio. Information of other foundresses and clutch size have been suggested to be the main proximate explanations for sex ratio adjustment under local mate competition. Our focus was to show the mechanism of sex ratio adjustment in a pollinating fig wasp, Ceratosolen solmsi Mayr, an obligate pollinator of the functionally dioecious fig, Ficus hispida Linn., with controlled experiments in the field. First, we obtained offspring from one pollinator and offspring at different oviposition sequences, and found that offspring sex ratio decreased with clutch size, and pollinators produced most of their male offspring at the start of bouts, followed by mostly females. Second, we found that offspring sex ratio increased with foundress density, and pollinators did adjust their offspring sex ratio to other females in the oviposition patches. We suggest that when oviposition sites are not limited, pollinators will mainly adjust their offspring sex ratio to other foundresses independent of clutch size changes, whereas adjusting clutch size may be used to adjust sex ratio when oviposition sites are limited.  相似文献   

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