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Inbreeding is expected to increase the variability in size and shape within populations. The distinct effects of inbreeding on size and shape suggest that they are governed by different developmental pathways. One unresolved question is whether the non‐allometric shape component is partially unconstrained developmentally and therefore whether shape is evolvable. In the present study, we utilized a mass outbred population of Drosophila melanogaster maintained at standard laboratory conditions. Eight lines with equivalent expected levels of inbreeding (F ≈ 0.67) were obtained by restricting the size of each population to two pairs for nine generations. Nine landmarks were measured on Drosophila wings of the inbreed lines and compared with those of the mass population. Wing landmarks comprise an excellent model system for studying evolution of size and shape. Landmark measurements were analyzed with a Procrustes generalized least squares procedure. To visualize global shape changes among samples, we reconstructed the mean shape and the shape changes related to both the allometric and non‐allometric components. An increased variability in the non‐allometric shape component was found with inbreeding. This indicated that shape was not entirely developmentally constrained, and therefore that shape appears to be evolvable. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 626–634.  相似文献   

Summary Inbreeding is known to increase developmental instability in outbreeding plants, and it has been argued that phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental variation might be similarly affected. To investigate whether phenotypic plasticity is altered by inbreeding, an outcrossed group and three successive generations of inbred cultivated Phlox drummondii were grown in six different treatments (Control, Low Water, Low Nutrient, Early and Late Leaf Removal, and Small Pots). Twelve plant characters were measured to determine the effects of the treatments and inbreeding. For those characters where inbreeding level by treatment interaction was indicated, the amounts and patterns of plasticity were examined to determine the source of the interaction. Despite substantial evidence for inbreeding depression of plant vigor and fecundity, there was no indication of an increase in the amount of phenotypic plasticity with progressive inbreeding. There was also no evidence that inbreeding systematically disrupts the pattern of plastic response to the environment.  相似文献   

Constraints on the evolution of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The high potential fitness benefit of phenotypic plasticity tempts us to expect phenotypic plasticity as a frequent adaptation to environmental heterogeneity. Examples of proven adaptive plasticity in plants, however, are scarce and most plastic responses actually may be 'passive' rather than adaptive. This suggests that frequently requirements for the evolution of adaptive plasticity are not met or that such evolution is impeded by constraints. Here we outline requirements and potential constraints for the evolution of adaptive phenotypic plasticity, identify open questions, and propose new research approaches. Important open questions concern the genetic background of plasticity, genetic variation in plasticity, selection for plasticity in natural habitats, and the nature and occurrence of costs and limits of plasticity. Especially promising tools to address these questions are selection gradient analysis, meta-analysis of studies on genotype-by-environment interactions, QTL analysis, cDNA-microarray scanning and quantitative PCR to quantify gene expression, and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to quantify protein expression. Studying plasticity along the pathway from gene expression to the phenotype and its relationship with fitness will help us to better understand why adaptive plasticity is not more universal, and to more realistically predict the evolution of plastic responses to environmental change.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of extreme climatic events on species and their interactions is of paramount importance for predicting and mitigating the impacts of climate change on communities and ecosystems. However, the joint effects of extreme climatic events and species interactions on the behaviour and phenotype of organisms remain poorly understood, leaving a substantial gap in our knowledge on the impacts of climatic change on ecological communities. Using an aphid–ladybeetle system, we experimentally investigated the effects of predators and heat shocks on prey body size, microhabitat use, and transgenerational phenotypic plasticity (i.e., the asexual production of winged offspring by unwinged mothers). We found that (i) aphids were smaller in the presence of predators but larger when exposed to frequent heat shocks; (ii) frequent heat shocks shifted aphid distribution towards the plant's apex, but the presence of predators had the opposite effect and dampened the heat‐shock effects; and (iii) aphids responded to predators by producing winged offspring, but heat shocks strongly inhibited this transgenerational response to predation. Overall, our experimental results show that heat shocks inhibit phenotypic and behavioural responses to predation (and vice versa) and that such changes may alter trophic interactions, and have important consequences on the dynamics and stability of ecological communities. We conclude that the effects of extreme climatic events on the phenotype and behaviour of interacting species should be considered to understand the effects of climate change on species interactions and communities.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is often intensified under environmental stress (i.e., inbreeding–stress interaction). Although the fitness consequences of this phenomenon are well‐described, underlying mechanisms such as an increased expression of deleterious alleles under stress, or a lower capacity for adaptive responses to stress with inbreeding, have rarely been investigated. We investigated a fitness component (egg‐to‐adult viability) and gene‐expression patterns using RNA‐seq analyses in noninbred control lines and in inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster exposed to benign temperature or heat stress. We find little support for an increase in the cumulative expression of deleterious alleles under stress. Instead, inbred individuals had a reduced ability to induce an adaptive gene regulatory stress response compared to controls. The decrease in egg‐to‐adult viability due to stress was most pronounced in the lines with the largest deviation in the adaptive stress response (R2 = 0.48). Thus, we find strong evidence for a lower capacity of inbred individuals to respond by gene regulation to stress and that this is the main driver of inbreeding‐stress interactions. In comparison, the altered gene expression due to inbreeding at benign temperature showed no correlation with fitness and was pronounced in genomic regions experiencing the highest increase in homozygosity.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation appears to contribute to the diversification of insect herbivores and other parasites, which together comprise a major component of Earth's biodiversity. Host shifts are likely an important step in ecological speciation, and understanding how such shifts occur is critical to forming and testing hypotheses explaining parasite diversity. In this article, I argue that phenotypic variation in hosts arising from environmental variation (phenotypic plasticity) can promote shifts in parasites by bridging both spatiotemporal and phenotypic gaps between ancestral and novel hosts. This hypothesis, which I call the ‘plastic‐bridge hypothesis’, is conceptually distinct from those invoking genetic variation in bridging these gaps. I describe the mechanistic basis of plastic bridges, review circumstantial evidence in support of the hypothesis and suggest strategies for testing it. I use herbivorous insects and their host plants as a model, but the proposed ideas apply to any system fitting a broad definition of a host‐parasite relationship. The plastic‐bridge perspective suggests that parasite diversity is not only due to divergent selection provided by hosts, but also to the intraspecific variation that facilitates shifts between them. This view is timely, as biological invasion and range shifts associated with climate change foster novel interactions between parasites and hosts.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is defined as a fitness decline in progeny resulting from mating between related individuals, the severity of which may vary across environmental conditions. Such inbreeding‐by‐environment interactions might reflect that inbred individuals have a lower capacity for adjusting their phenotype to match different environmental conditions better, as shown in prior studies on developmental plasticity. Behavioural plasticity is more flexible than developmental plasticity because it is reversible and relatively quick, but little is known about its sensitivity to inbreeding. Here, we investigate effects of inbreeding on behavioural plasticity in the context of parent–offspring interactions in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. Larvae increase begging with the level of hunger, and parents increase their level of care when brood sizes increase. Here, we find that inbreeding increased behavioural plasticity in larvae: inbred larvae reduced their time spent associating with a parent in response to the length of food deprivation more than outbred larvae. However, inbreeding had no effect on the behavioural plasticity of offspring begging or any parental behaviour. Overall, our results show that inbreeding can increase behavioural plasticity. We suggest that inbreeding‐by‐environment interactions might arise when inbreeding is associated with too little or too much plasticity in response to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The developmental origin of phenotypic plasticity in morphological shape can be attributed to environment-specific changes in growth of overall body size, localized growth of a morphological structure or a combination of both. I monitored morphological development in the first four nymphal instars of grasshoppers (Melanoplus femurrubrum) raised on two different plant diets to determine the ontogenetic origins of diet-induced phenotypic plasticity and to quantify genetic variation for phenotypic plasticity. I measured diet-induced phenotypic plasticity in body size (tibia length), head size (articular width and mandible depth) and head shape (residual articular width and residual mandible depth) for grasshoppers from 37 full-sib families raised on either a hard plant diet (Lolium perenne) or a soft plant diet (Trifolium repens). By the second to third nymphal instar, grasshoppers raised on a hard plant diet had significantly smaller mean tibia length and greater mean residual articular width (distance between mandibles adjusted for body size) compared with full-sibs raised on a soft plant diet. However, there was no significant phenotypic plasticity in mean unadjusted articular width and mandible depth, and in mean residual mandible depth. At the population level, development of diet-induced phenotypic plasticity in grasshopper head shape is mediated by plastic changes in allocation to tissue growth that maintain growth of head size on hard, low-nutrient diets while reducing growth of body size. Within the population, there was substantial variation in the plasticity of growth trajectories since different full-sib families developed phenotypic plasticity of residual articular width through different combinations of head and body size growth. Genetic variation for diet-induced phenotypic plasticity of residual articular width, residual mandible depth and tibia length, as estimated by genotype–environment interaction, exhibited significant fluctuation through ontogeny (repeated measures MANOVA , family × plant × instar, P < 0.01). For example, there was significant genetic variation for phenotypic plasticity of residual articular width in the third nymphal instar, but not earlier or later in ontogeny. The observed patterns of genetic variation are discussed with reference to short-term constraints and the evolution of phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Organisms often respond to environmental change via phenotypic plasticity, in which an individual modulates its phenotype according to the environment. Highly variable or changing environments can exceed physiological limits and generate maladapted plastic phenotypes, which is termed nonadaptive plasticity. In some cases, selection may reduce the negative or disruptive impacts of environmental stress and produce locally adapted populations. Salt is an increasingly prevalent contaminant of freshwater systems and can induce nonadaptive plastic phenotypes for freshwater organisms like amphibians. Hyla cinerea is a frog species with populations inhabiting brackish, coastal habitats, so we use this species to test whether coastal populations are locally adapted to tolerate saltwater by determining how salt exposure during the embryonic and larval stages alters mortality and plastic developmental and metamorphic phenotypes of coastal and inland populations. Coastal frogs have higher survival, faster growth rates, and metamorphose sooner than inland frogs across salinities. Coastal frogs also metamorphose smaller (likely a consequence of earlier metamorphosis) yet maintain constant size, while higher salinities reduce metamorphic size for inland frogs. Coastal frogs evolved to minimize nonadaptive and disruptive impacts of saltwater during larval development and accelerate the larval period to reduce time spent in a stressful environment.  相似文献   

Developmental plasticity influences the size of adult tissues in insects. Tissues can have unique responses to environmental perturbation during development; however, the prevalence of within species evolution of tissue‐specific developmental plasticity remains unclear. To address this, we studied the effects of temperature and nutrition on wing and femur size in D. melanogaster populations from a temperate and tropical region. Wings were more sensitive to temperature, while wings and femurs were equally responsive to nutrition in both populations and sexes. The temperate population was larger under all conditions, except for femurs of starved females. In line with this, we observed greater femur size plasticity in response to starvation in temperate females, leading to differences in sexual dimorphism between populations such that the slope of the reaction norm of sexual dimorphism in the tropical population was double that of the temperate population. Lastly, we observed a significant trend for steeper slopes of reaction norms in temperate than in tropical females, but not in males. These findings highlight that plasticity divergence between populations can evolve heterogeneously across sexes and tissues and that nutritional plasticity can alter sexual dimorphism in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Phenotypes vary hierarchically among taxa and populations, among genotypes within populations, among individuals within genotypes, and also within individuals for repeatedly expressed, labile phenotypic traits. This hierarchy produces some fundamental challenges to clearly defining biological phenomena and constructing a consistent explanatory framework. We use a heuristic statistical model to explore two consequences of this hierarchy. First, although the variation existing among individuals within populations has long been of interest to evolutionary biologists, within‐individual variation has been much less emphasized. Within‐individual variance occurs when labile phenotypes (behaviour, physiology, and sometimes morphology) exhibit phenotypic plasticity or deviate from a norm‐of‐reaction within the same individual. A statistical partitioning of phenotypic variance leads us to explore an array of ideas about residual within‐individual variation. We use this approach to draw attention to additional processes that may influence within‐individual phenotypic variance, including interactions among environmental factors, ecological effects on the fitness consequences of plasticity, and various types of adaptive variance. Second, our framework for investigating variation in phenotypic variance reveals that interactions between levels of the hierarchy form the preconditions for the evolution of all types of plasticity, and we extend this idea to the residual level within individuals, where both adaptive plasticity in residuals and canalization‐like processes (stability) can evolve. With the statistical tools now available to examine heterogeneous residual variance, an array of novel questions linking phenotype to environment can be usefully addressed.  相似文献   

Community genetic studies generally ignore the plasticity of the functional traits through which the effect is passed from individuals to the associated community. However, the ability of organisms to be phenotypically plastic allows them to rapidly adapt to changing environments and plasticity is commonly observed across all taxa. Owing to the fitness benefits of phenotypic plasticity, evolutionary biologists are interested in its genetic basis, which could explain how phenotypic plasticity is involved in the evolution of species interactions. Two current ideas exist: (i) phenotypic plasticity is caused by environmentally sensitive loci associated with a phenotype; (ii) phenotypic plasticity is caused by regulatory genes that simply influence the plasticity of a phenotype. Here, we designed a quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping experiment to locate QTL on the barley genome associated with barley performance when the environment varies in the presence of aphids, and the composition of the rhizosphere. We simultaneously mapped aphid performance across variable rhizosphere environments. We mapped main effects, QTL × environment interaction (QTL×E), and phenotypic plasticity (measured as the difference in mean trait values) for barley and aphid performance onto the barley genome using an interval mapping procedure. We found that QTL associated with phenotypic plasticity were co-located with main effect QTL and QTL×E. We also located phenotypic plasticity QTL that were located separately from main effect QTL. These results support both of the current ideas of how phenotypic plasticity is genetically based and provide an initial insight into the functional genetic basis of how phenotypically plastic traits may still be important sources of community genetic effects.  相似文献   

Understanding how thermal selection affects phenotypic distributions across different time scales will allow us to predict the effect of climate change on the fitness of ectotherms. We tested how seasonal temperature variation affects basal levels of cold tolerance and two types of phenotypic plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster. Developmental acclimation occurs as developmental stages of an organism are exposed to seasonal changes in temperature and its effect is irreversible, while reversible short‐term acclimation occurs daily in response to diurnal changes in temperature. We collected wild flies from a temperate population across seasons and measured two cold tolerance metrics (chill‐coma recovery and cold stress survival) and their responses to developmental and short‐term acclimation. Chill‐coma recovery responded to seasonal shifts in temperature, and phenotypic plasticity following both short‐term and developmental acclimation improved cold tolerance. This improvement indicated that both types of plasticity are adaptive, and that plasticity can compensate for genetic variation in basal cold tolerance during warmer parts of the season when flies tend to be less cold tolerant. We also observed a significantly stronger trade‐off between basal cold tolerance and short‐term acclimation during warmer months. For the longer‐term developmental acclimation, a trade‐off persisted regardless of season. A relationship between the two types of plasticity may provide additional insight into why some measures of thermal tolerance are more sensitive to seasonal variation than others.  相似文献   

Female‐biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is widespread in many invertebrate taxa. One hypothesis for the evolution of SSD is the dimorphic niche hypothesis, which states that SSD evolved in response to the different sexual reproductive roles. While females benefit from a larger body size by producing more or larger eggs, males benefit from a faster development, which allows them to fertilize virgin females (protandry). To test this hypothesis, we studied the influence of temperature and intraspecific density on the development of Chorthippus montanus. We reared them in monosexual groups under different conditions and measured adult body size, wing length, nymphal mortality, and development time. The present study revealed an inverse temperature–size relationship: body size increased with increasing temperature in both sexes. Furthermore, we found intersexual differences in the phenotypic response to population density, supporting the dimorphic niches hypothesis. At a lower temperature, female development time increased and male body size decreased with increasing density. Because there was no food limitation, we conclude that interference competition hampered development. By contrast to expectations, mortality decreased with increasing density, suggesting that interference did not negatively affect survival. The present study shows that sex‐specific niche optima may be a major trigger of sexual dimorphisms. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 48–57.  相似文献   

Host‐plant selection is a key factor driving the ecology and evolution of insects. While the majority of phytophagous insects is highly host specific, generalist behavior is quite widespread among bees and presumably involves physiological adaptations that remain largely unexplored. However, floral visitation patterns suggest that generalist bees do not forage randomly on all available resources. While resource availability and accessibility as well as nectar composition have been widely explored, pollen chemistry could also have an impact on the range of suitable host‐plants. This study focuses on particular pollen nutrients that cannot be synthesized de novo by insects but are key compounds of cell membranes and the precursor for molting process: the sterols. We compared the sterol composition of pollen from the main host‐plants of three generalist bees: Anthophora plumipes, Colletes cunicularius, and Osmia cornuta, as well as one specialist bee Andrena vaga. We also analyzed the sterols of their brood cell provisions, the tissues of larvae and nonemerged females to determine which sterols are used by the different species. Our results show that sterols are not used accordingly to foraging strategy: Both the specialist species A. vaga and the generalist species C. cunicularius might metabolize a rare C27 sterol, while the two generalist species A. plumipes and O. cornuta might rather use a very common C28 sterol. Our results suggest that shared sterolic compounds among plant species could facilitate the exploitation of multiple host‐plants by A. plumipes and O. cornuta whereas the generalist C. cunicularius might be more constrained due to its physiological requirements of a more uncommon dietary sterol. Our findings suggest that a bee displaying a generalist foraging behavior may sometimes hide a sterol‐specialized species. This evidence challenges the hypothesis that all generalist free‐living bee species are all able to develop on a wide range of different pollen types.  相似文献   

An individual's fitness cost associated with environmental change likely depends on the rate of adaptive phenotypic plasticity, and yet our understanding of plasticity rates in an ecological and evolutionary context remains limited. We provide the first quantitative synthesis of existing plasticity rate data, focusing on acclimation of temperature tolerance in ectothermic animals, where we demonstrate applicability of a recently proposed analytical approach. The analyses reveal considerable variation in plasticity rates of this trait among species, with half-times (how long it takes for the initial deviation from the acclimated phenotype to be reduced by 50% when individuals are shifted to a new environment) ranging from 3.7 to 770.2 h. Furthermore, rates differ among higher taxa, being higher for amphibians and reptiles than for crustaceans and fishes, and with insects being intermediate. We argue that a more comprehensive understanding of phenotypic plasticity will be attained through increased focus on the rate parameter.  相似文献   

Community genetics research has demonstrated ‘bottom‐up’ effects of genetic variation within a plant species in shaping the larger community with which it interacts, such as compositions of arthropod faunas. We demonstrate that such cross‐trophic interactions also influence sexually selected traits. We used a member of the Enchenopa binotata species complex of treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae) to ask whether male mating signals are influenced by host plant genetic variation. We reared a random sample of the treehoppers on potted replicates of a sample of host plant clone lines. We found that treehopper male signals varied according to the clone line on which they developed, showing that genetic variation in host plants affects male treehoppers' behavioural phenotypes. This is the first demonstration of cross‐trophic indirect genetic effects on a sexually selected trait. We discuss how such effects may play an important role in the maintenance of variation and within‐population phenotypic differentiation, thereby promoting evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

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