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Chance plays a critical but underappreciated role in determining mating success. In many cases, we tend to think of chance as background noise that can be ignored in studies of mating dynamics. When the influence of chance is consistent across contexts, chance can be thought of as background noise; in other cases, however, the impact of chance on mating success can influence our understanding of how mates are acquired and how sexual selection operates. In particular, when the importance of chance covaries with biological or ecological factors in a systematic manner—that is, when chance becomes consistently more or less important under certain conditions—then chance is important to consider if we want to fully understand the operation of mate acquisition and sexual selection. Here, we present a model that explores how chance covaries with factors such as sex ratio, adult population size, and mating regime in determining variation in mating success. We find that in some cases, chance covaries with adult population size and the operational sex ratio to create variation in mating success. We discuss how chance can influence our more general understanding of the operation of mating dynamics and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Male and female brown planthoppers, Nilaparvata lugens(Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae), exchange substrate-transmitted signals prior to mating. The pulse repetition frequency of the male song is known to be involved in mate recognition and also to vary among geographical populations. Here the variability of male signals, female signals, and female preferences has been examined within a population. Female preference variation has been partitioned into variation in mean preference and variation in the window of preference of individuals. The genetic component of variation has been examined using isofemale lines. Male signal variation was limited (CV=8%) and was mainly within individuals. Female signal variation was greater (CV=15%). Female mean preference varied little (CV=10%) and was closely matched to the male signal mean, but the preference window was wide (> 4 male signal standard deviations on average) and variable (CV=56%). There was evidence for genetic variation only for preference window. These results are discussed in relation to theories of signal system evolution.  相似文献   

Otiorhynchus alpicola Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is distributed on high mountains of central, southern and south-eastern Europe. On the Balkan peninsula, this species is patchily distributed on mountain peaks at heights over 1800 m. To examine the organization of isoenzyme variation of the ten sexual (diploid) populations, starch gel electrophoresis of enzymes was used. The average heterozygosity over 14 gene loci was 0.11. For diploid O. alpicola, F-statistics were used to assess population heterogeneity and substructuring. The data indicate that, compared with other insects, this high-altitude weevil species is genetically very differentiated (the average F ST= 0.35). In addition, gene-flow among populations was extremely low (the estimates of Nem from Wright's F ST and Slatkin private-allele methods were 0.47 and 0.83, respectively). Pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) parameters were estimated from zygotic frequencies using Burrows' method. The average rate of significant LD in analysed populations of O. alpicola was about 27%. The pattern of LD over the diploid populations indicates that stochastic factors might be a primary cause of the observed multilocus associations.  相似文献   

We know much less about the evolutionary forces and constraints that maintain similar mating displays in females and males than we do about sexually dimorphic mating displays. Both female and male green lacewings have sexually monomorphic vibrational mating signals and are equally choosy against heterospecific mating signals. This similarity in between‐species sex roles may explain a large part of the presence of species‐specific female signals in these species, but does not necessarily predict why female and male signals are similar. We tested for within‐species sex‐specific similarities in mate preferences in Chrysoperla lucasina that may contribute to the maintenance of sexually monomorphic mating signals in this species. We found weak preferences and low levels of discrimination for signals with varying fine‐scale temporal features (volley duration, period, and volley‐duty cycle). The longer signals that both sexes produced in response to playback were sexually monomorphic, but some females and most males also produced shorter signals with significantly reduced volley durations and periods. Notably, all of these signals had indistinguishable volley‐duty cycles, the ratio of volley duration to volley period. We propose that mating signals in C. lucasina are maintained in both sexes because of similar between‐species mate preferences, but the sexually monomorphic mating signals cannot be attributed to significant within‐species mate preferences. What differences are present in within‐species sex roles may be resolved by a male‐biased signal polymorphism, in long and short signals that are hypothesized to have distinct functions during mate calling and courtship.  相似文献   

Male mating preferences are often a neglected aspect of studies on sexual selection. Male mating preferences may evolve if they provide males with direct‐fitness benefits such as increased opportunity to fertilize more eggs or indirect‐fitness benefits such as enhanced offspring survival. We tested these ideas using Jamaican field crickets, Gryllus assimilis, previously shown to exhibit male mating preferences. We randomly mated males to either their preferred or non‐preferred potential mates and then asked whether mating treatment influenced egg oviposition or offspring viability. Preferred females were not significantly more fecund and did not produce more viable eggs or offspring than non‐preferred females. Male mate preferences were therefore inconsistent with both the direct‐ and indirect‐fitness benefits hypotheses under the conditions of our experiment. Our null results leave us with an open question about what is driving the evolution of mating preferences in male crickets. Future research should explore the whether the offspring of preferred females are more attractive, have stronger immune systems, and/or experience higher adult longevity.  相似文献   

Female mating preferences are often flexible, reflecting the social environment in which they are expressed. Associated indirect genetic effects (IGEs) can affect the rate and direction of evolutionary change, but sexual selection models do not capture these dynamics. We incorporate IGEs into quantitative genetic models to explore how variation in social environments and mate choice flexibility influence Fisherian sexual selection. The importance of IGEs is that runaway sexual selection can occur in the absence of a genetic correlation between male traits and female preferences. Social influences can facilitate the initiation of the runaway process and increase the rate of trait elaboration. Incorporating costs to choice do not alter the main findings. Our model provides testable predictions: (1) genetic covariances between male traits and female preferences may not exist, (2) social flexibility in female choice will be common in populations experiencing strong sexual selection, (3) variation in social environments should be associated with rapid sexual trait divergence, and (4) secondary sexual traits will be more elaborate than previously predicted. Allowing feedback from the social environment resolves discrepancies between theoretical predictions and empirical data, such as why indirect selection on female preferences, theoretically weak, might be sufficient for preferences to become elaborated.  相似文献   

Extravagant secondary sexual characters are assumed to have arisen and be maintained by sexual selection. While traits like horns, antlers and spurs can be ascribed to intrasexual competition, other traits such as extravagant feather ornaments, displays and pheromones have to be ascribed to mate choice. A number of studies have tested whether females exert selection on the size of male ornaments, but only some of these have recorded female preferences for the most extravagantly ornamented males. Here I demonstrate that female choice can be directly predicted from the relationship between the degree of fluctuating asymmetry and the size of a secondary sexual character. Fluctuating asymmetry is an epigenetic measure of the ability of individuals to cope with stress, and it occurs when an individual is unable to undergo identical development of an otherwise bilaterally symmetric trait on both sides of its body. There is a negative relationship between the degree of fluctuating asymmetry and the absolute size of an ornament in those bird species with a female preference for the largest male sex trait, while there is a flat or U-shaped relationship among species without a female preference. These results suggest that females prefer exaggerated secondary sexual characters if they reliably demonstrate the ability of males to cope with genetic and environmental stress. Some species may demonstrate a flat or U-shaped relationship between the degree of fluctuating asymmetry and the absolute size of an ornament because (i) the genetic variance in viability signalled by the secondary sex trait has been depleted; (ii) the secondary sex trait is not particularly costly and therefore does not demonstrate condition dependence; or because (iii) the sex traits can be considered arbitrary traits rather than characters reflecting good genes.  相似文献   

Abstract The evolution of sexual dimorphism may occur when natural and sexual selection result in different optimum trait values for males and females. Perhaps the most prominent examples of sexual dimorphism occur in sexually selected traits, for which males usually display exaggerated trait levels, while females may show reduced expression of the trait. In some species, females also exhibit secondary sexual traits that may either be a consequence of a correlated response to sexual selection on males or direct sexual selection for female secondary sexual traits. In this experiment, we simultaneously measure the intersex genetic correlations and the relative strength of sexual selection on males and females for a set of cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila serrata . There was significant directional sexual selection on both male and female cuticular hydrocarbons: the strength of sexual selection did not differ among the sexes but males and females preferred different cuticular hydrocarbons. In contrast with many previous studies of sexual dimorphism, intersex genetic correlations were low. The evolution of sexual dimorphism in D. serrata appears to have been achieved by sex-limited expression of traits controlled by genes on the X chromosome and is likely to be in its final stages.  相似文献   

In many species of animals, individuals advertise their quality with sexual signals to obtain mates. Chemical signals such as volatile pheromones are species specific, and their primary purpose is to influence mate choice by carrying information about the phenotypic and genetic quality of the sender. The deleterious effects of consanguineous mating on individual quality are generally known, whereas the effect of inbreeding on sexual signalling is poorly understood. Here, we tested whether inbreeding reduces the attractiveness of sexual signalling in the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, by testing the preferences for odours of inbred and outbred (control) individuals of the opposite sex. Females were more attracted to the odours produced by outbred males than the odours produced by inbred males, suggesting that inbreeding reduces the attractiveness of male sexual signalling. However, we did not find any difference between the attractiveness of inbred and outbred female odours, which may indicate that the quality of females is either irrelevant for T. molitor males or quality is not revealed through female odours.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is responsible for the evolution of many elaborate traits, but sexual trait evolution could be influenced by opposing natural selection as well as genetic constraints. As such, the evolution of sexual traits could depend heavily on the environment if trait expression and attractiveness vary between environments. Here, male Drosophila simulans were reared across a range of diets and temperatures, and we examined differences between these environments in terms of (i) the expression of male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) and (ii) which male CHC profiles were most attractive to females. Temperature had a strong effect on male CHC expression, whereas the effect of diet was weaker. Male CHCs were subject to complex patterns of directional, quadratic and correlational sexual selection, and we found differences between environments in the combination of male CHCs that were most attractive to females, with clearer differences between diets than between temperatures. We also show that genetic covariance between environments is likely to cause a constraint on independent CHC evolution between environments. Our results demonstrate that even across the narrow range of environmental variation studied here, predicting the outcome of sexual selection can be extremely complicated, suggesting that studies ignoring multiple traits or environments may provide an over‐simplified view of the evolution of sexual traits.  相似文献   

Conflicts of interest between mates can promote the evolution of male traits that reduce female fitness and that drive coevolution between the sexes. The rate of adaptation depends on the intensity of selection and its efficiency, which depends on drift and genetic variability. This leads to the largely untested prediction that coevolutionary adaptations such as those driven by sexual conflict should evolve faster in large populations. We tested this using the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus, a species where harm inflicted by males is well documented. Although most experimental evolution studies remove sexual conflict, we reintroduced it in populations in which it had been experimentally removed. Both population size and standing genetic variability were manipulated in a factorial experimental design. After 90 generations of relaxed conflict (monogamy), the reintroduction of sexual conflicts for 30 generations favored males that harmed females and females that were more resistant to the genital damage inflicted by males. Males evolved to become more harmful when population size was large rather than when initial genetic variation was enriched. Our study shows that sexual selection can create conditions in which males can benefit from harming females and that selection may tend to be more intense and effective in larger populations.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is often viewed as a promoter of population divergence, although some forms of sexual selection could rather hamper divergence. In the present study, we investigated whether sexual selection promotes divergence in sexually‐selected traits. We studied population variation in sexual selection in relation to colour morph and body size in islet and mainland populations of the Skyros wall lizard (Podarcis gaigeae). Females were most likely to mate with orange‐throated males with small body sizes, and male body size and coloration were therefore subject to correlational sexual selection. By contrast, male mating probabilities were not affected by any female phenotypic character. We also found variation in a female resistance trait (escape propensity), with females being more prone to escape when exposed to males from other habitats. Sexual selection could potentially affect the frequencies of throat colour morphs in this species by favouring orange‐throated males of small body size, although there was no evidence of sexual selection for local mates or rare phenotypes. The results obtained in the present study thus do not support a role for sexual selection as a promoter of population divergence in this species. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 374–389.  相似文献   

Female mate preference is central to sexual selection, and all indirect benefit models require that there is genetic variation in female preference. This has rarely been tested however, with relatively few studies documenting heritable variation in female preference and even fewer that have directly selected on mate preference to unequivocally show that it can evolve. Additionally, costs of mate preference are poorly understood even though these have implications for preference evolution. We selected on female preference for ebony‐males in replicate Drosophila simulans lines, and generated a rapid evolutionary response in both replicates, with the proportion of females mating with ebony‐males increasing from approximately 5% to 30% after five generations of selection. This increase was independent of changes in ebony‐males as only females were included in our selection regime. We could detect no cost to mate preference itself other than that associated with the fitness consequences of mating with ebony males.  相似文献   

Among the factors that can influence female mate choice decisions is the degree to which females differentiate among similar displays: as differences decrease, females are expected to eventually stop discriminating. This discrimination threshold, in conjunction with the magnitude of male trait variation females regularly encounter while making mate choice decisions, may have important consequences for sexual selection. If local display variation is above the discrimination threshold, female preferences should translate into higher mating success for the more attractive male. But if display variation is frequently below the threshold, the resulting increased pattern of random mating may obscure the existence of female mate choice. I investigated the interplay between female discrimination and male display variation in green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) and found that call trait differences between nearest neighbour males were frequently smaller than what females are expected to discriminate. This finding has two important consequences for our understanding of sexual selection in the wild: first, low display variation should weaken the strength of selection on male display traits, but the direction of selection should mirror the one predicted from females choice trials. Second, caution is needed when interpreting data on realized mating success in the wild: a pattern of random mating with respect to male display traits does not always mean that female preferences are weak or that conditions are too challenging for females to express their preferences. Rather, insufficient display variation can generate the same pattern.  相似文献   

Although the strength and form of sexual selection on song in male crickets have been studied extensively, few studies have examined selection on the morphological structures that underlie variation in males’ song, particularly in wild populations. Geometric morphometric techniques were used to measure sexual selection on the shape, size and symmetry of both top and bottom tegmina in wild populations of sagebrush crickets, a species in which nuptial feeding by females imposes an unambiguous phenotypic marker on males. The size of the tegmina negatively covaried with song dominant frequency and positively covaried with song pulse duration. Sexual selection was more intense on the bottom tegmen, conceivably because it interacts more freely with the subtegminal airspace, which may play a role in song amplification. An expanded coastal/subcostal region was one of the phenotypes strongly favoured by disruptive selection on the bottom tegmen, an adaptation that may form a more effective seal with the thorax to prevent noise cancellation. Directional selection also favoured increased symmetry in tegminal shape. Assuming more symmetrical males are better able to buffer against developmental noise, the song produced by these males may make them more attractive to females. Despite the strong stabilizing selection documented previously on the dominant frequency of the song, stabilizing selection on the resonator that regulates dominant frequency was surprisingly absent. Nonetheless, wing morphology had an important influence on song structure and appears to be subject to significant linear and nonlinear sexual selection through female mate choice.  相似文献   

Both sexes of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were very sensitive to the absence of their mate on the spawning ground, particularly females during the last hour before oviposition. The improvement of behavioural chaining just before viposition might elicit the accurate timing of synchronized gamete release for successful fertilization. While the reproductive behaviour of the opposite sex could largely affect breeding activity, relative mate size appeared to be the prevailing sexual motivation factor in this species. Even in the absence of courtship, large mate size may constitute a supra-stimulus inducing an increase in spawning behaviour of the other sex. Females with smaller males delayed their first spawning activity, took longer to spawn and made more nests than those with large males. However, female egg retention was not influenced by relative male size.  相似文献   

Different environmental conditions may lead to diverse morphological, behavioral, and physiological adaptations of different populations of the same species. Lighting conditions, for example, vary vastly especially between aquatic habitats, and have been shown to elicit adaptations. The availability of short-wave ultraviolet (UV) light is especially fluctuating, as UV wavelengths are attenuated strongly depending on water properties. The island of North Uist, Scotland, comprises 2 differential habitat types, tea-stained and clear-water lakes, varying considerably in UV transmission. In previous studies, wild-caught 3-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus populations (3 populations of each habitat type) were tested with respect to their shoaling and mate preferences for fish viewed under UV-present and UV-absent conditions. The results revealed a habitat-dependent preference of UV cues during shoal choice (tea-stained populations: preference for UV-absent condition in tea-stained water; clear-water populations: no preference in clear-water) but an overall preference for UV-present conditions during mate choice. To assess genetic influences on these behavioral patterns, similar experiments were conducted with lab-bred F1-generations of the same stickleback populations that were raised in a common environment (i.e. standardized clear-water conditions). Offspring of sticklebacks from tea-stained lakes tended to prefer shoals viewed under UV-absent conditions (only in tea-stained water), while sticklebacks from clear-water lakes showed a significant preference for the shoal viewed under UV-present conditions in clear-water but not in tea-stained water. Mate-preference experiments demonstrated that females from the tea-stained lakes significantly preferred and females from the clear-water lakes preferred by trend the male viewed under UV-present conditions in the clear-water treatment. The results for both shoaling- and mate-preference tests were largely similar for wild-caught and lab-bred sticklebacks, thus hinting at a genetic basis for the preference patterns.  相似文献   

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