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Aim We use molecular‐based phylogenetic methods and ancestral area reconstructions to examine the systematic relationships and biogeographical history of the Indo‐Pacific passerine bird family Pachycephalidae (whistlers). Analysed within an explicit spatiotemporal framework, we elucidate distinct patterns of diversification across the Melanesian and Indonesian archipelagos and explore whether these results may be explained by regional palaeogeological events. We further assess the significance of upstream colonization and its role in species accumulation within the region. Location The Indo‐Pacific region, with an emphasis on the archipelagos on either side of the Australo‐Papuan continent. Methods We used three nuclear and two mitochondrial markers to construct a molecular phylogenetic hypothesis of the Pachycephalidae by analysing 35 of the 49 species known to belong to the family. The programs diva and Mr Bayes were used to reconstruct ancestral area relationships and to examine biogeographical relationships across the family, and beast was implemented to assess the timing of dispersal events. Results We constructed a molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for the Pachycephalidae and estimated divergence times and ancestral area relationships. Different colonization patterns are apparent for the Pachycephalidae in the Indonesian and the Melanesian archipelagos. The Indonesian archipelago was colonized numerous times, whereas one or two colonizations of the Melanesian archipelagos account for the entire diversity of that region. After initial colonization of the Melanesian archipelagos some whistler species recolonized Australia and may have commenced a second round of colonization into Melanesia. Main conclusions The contrasting dispersal patterns of whistlers in archipelagos on either side of the Australo‐Papuan continent are congruent with the arrangement and history of islands in each of the regions and demonstrate that knowledge of palaeogeography is important for an understanding of evolutionary patterns in archipelagos. We also highlight that recolonization of continents from islands may be more common than has previously been assumed.  相似文献   

A major aim of island biogeography has been to describe general patterns of species richness across islands and to identify the processes responsible. Data are often collected across many islands; with larger datasets providing increased statistical power and more accurate parameter estimates. However, there is often structure in observational data, violating an assumption of linear models that each datum is independent. In island biogeography this structure may take the form of an island, archipelago or taxon being represented by multiple data points. We survey recent papers in this field and find that these forms of non‐independence are a common feature. Most authors addressed this problem by conducting separate analyses for each archipelago, taxon or combination of the two, but a better tool for dealing with non‐independence and structure in data, the mixed model, already exists. We demonstrate the advantages of a mixed model approach by applying it to a well‐known dataset that spans 134 observations of single island endemic (SIE) richness across 39 islands, four archipelagos and four taxa. Taking island area and age into account, SIE richness varies substantially more among archipelagos than it does among islands or taxa. We find that SIE richness rises with island age on the Azores and Galapagos, while on the Canaries and Hawaii SIE richness initially rises with age but later declines on older islands. Our analyses demonstrate three advantages to island biogeography of applying a mixed modelling approach: 1) structure in the data is controlled for; 2) the variance among islands, archipelagos and taxa is estimated; 3) all the data can be included in a single model, making it possible to test whether trends are general across all archipelagos and taxa or are idiosyncratic.  相似文献   

Although islands as natural laboratories have held the attention of scientists for centuries, they continue to offer new study questions, especially in the context of the current biodiversity crisis. To date, habitat diversity on islands and spatial configuration of archipelagos have received less attention than classical island area and isolation. Moreover, in the field where experiments are impossible, correlative methods have dominated, despite the call for more mechanistic approaches. We developed an agent‐based computer simulation to study the effect of habitat diversity and archipelago configuration on plant species richness and composition in five archipelagos worldwide (Hawaii, Galapagos, Canary Islands, Cape Verde and Azores) and compared simulated diversity patterns to the empirical data. Habitat diversity proved to be an important factor to achieve realistic simulation results in all five archipelagos, whereas spatial structure of archipelagos was important in more elongated archipelagos. In most cases, simulation results correlate stronger with spermatophyte than with pteridophyte data, which we suggest can be attributed to the different dispersal and evolution rates of the two species groups. Correlation strength between simulated and observed diversity also varied among archipelagos, suggesting that geological and biogeographic histories of archipelagos have affected the species richness and composition on the islands. Our study demonstrates that a relatively simple computer simulation involving just a few essential processes can largely emulate patterns of archipelagic species richness and composition and serve as a powerful additional method to complement empirical approaches.  相似文献   

The general dynamic model of oceanic island biogeography describes the evolution of species diversity properties, including species richness (SR), through time. We investigate the hypothesis that SR in organisms with high dispersal capacities is better predicted by island area and elevation (as a surrogate of habitat diversity) than by time elapsed since island emergence and geographic isolation. Linear mixed effect models (LMMs) subjected to information theoretic model selection were employed to describe moss and liverwort SR patterns from 67 oceanic islands across 12 archipelagos. Random effects, which are used to modulate model parameters to take differences among archipelagos into account, included only a random intercept in the best‐fit model for liverworts and in one of the two best‐fit models for mosses. In this case, the other coefficients are constant across archipelagos, and we interpret the intercept as a measure of the intrinsic carrying capacity of islands within each archipelago, independently of their size, age, elevation and geographic isolation. The contribution of area and elevation to the models was substantially higher than that of time, with the least contribution made by measures of geographic isolation. This reinforces the idea that oceanic barriers are not a major impediment for migration in bryophytes and, together with the almost complete absence of in situ insular diversification, explains the comparatively limited importance of time in the models. We hence suggest that time per se has little independent role in explaining bryophyte SR and principally features as a variable accounting for the changing area and topographic complexity during the life‐cycle of oceanic islands. Simple area models reflecting habitat availability and diversity might hence prevail over more complex temporal models reflecting in‐situ speciation and dispersal (time, geographic connectivity) in explaining patterns of biodiversity for exceptionally mobile organisms.  相似文献   

Aim Oceanic islands represent a special challenge to historical biogeographers because dispersal is typically the dominant process while most existing methods are based on vicariance. Here, we describe a new Bayesian approach to island biogeography that estimates island carrying capacities and dispersal rates based on simple Markov models of biogeographical processes. This is done in the context of simultaneous analysis of phylogenetic and distributional data across groups, accommodating phylogenetic uncertainty and making parameter estimates more robust. We test our models on an empirical data set of published phylogenies of Canary Island organisms to examine overall dispersal rates and correlation of rates with explanatory factors such as geographic proximity and area size. Location Oceanic archipelagos with special reference to the Atlantic Canary Islands. Methods The Canary Islands were divided into three island‐groups, corresponding to the main magmatism periods in the formation of the archipelago, while non‐Canarian distributions were grouped into a fourth ‘mainland‐island’. Dispersal between island groups, which were assumed constant through time, was modelled as a homogeneous, time‐reversible Markov process, analogous to the standard models of DNA evolution. The stationary state frequencies in these models reflect the relative carrying capacity of the islands, while the exchangeability (rate) parameters reflect the relative dispersal rates between islands. We examined models of increasing complexity: Jukes–Cantor (JC), Equal‐in, and General Time Reversible (GTR), with or without the assumption of stepping‐stone dispersal. The data consisted of 13 Canarian phylogenies: 954 individuals representing 393 taxonomic (morphological) entities. Each group was allowed to evolve under its own DNA model, with the island‐model shared across groups. Posterior distributions on island model parameters were estimated using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling, as implemented in MrBayes 4.0, and Bayes Factors were used to compare models. Results The Equal‐in step, the GTR, and the GTR step dispersal models showed the best fit to the data. In the Equal‐in and GTR models, the largest carrying capacity was estimated for the mainland, followed by the central islands and the western islands, with the eastern islands having the smallest carrying capacity. The relative dispersal rate was highest between the central and eastern islands, and between the central and western islands. The exchange with the mainland was rare in comparison. Main conclusions Our results confirm those of earlier studies suggesting that inter‐island dispersal within the Canary Island archipelago has been more important in explaining diversification within lineages than dispersal between the continent and the islands, despite the close proximity to North Africa. The low carrying capacity of the eastern islands, uncorrelated with their size or age, fits well with the idea of a historically depauperate biota in these islands but more sophisticated models are needed to address the possible influence of major recent extinction events. The island models explored here can easily be extended to address other problems in historical biogeography, such as dispersal among areas in continental settings or reticulate area relationships.  相似文献   

Aim To establish the extent to which archipelagos follow the same species–area relationship as their constituent islands and to explore the factors that may explain departures from the relationship. Location Thirty‐eight archipelagos distributed worldwide. Methods We used ninety‐seven published datasets to create island species–area relationships (ISARs) using the Arrhenius logarithmic form of the power model. Observed and predicted species richness of an archipelago and of each of its islands were used to calculate two indices that determined whether the archipelago followed the ISAR. Archipelagic residuals (ArcRes) were calculated as the residual of the prediction provided by the ISAR using the total area of the archipelago, standardized by the total richness observed in the archipelago. We also tested whether any characteristic of the archipelago (geological origin and isolation) and/or taxon accounts for whether an archipelago fits into the ISAR or not. Finally, we explored the relationship between ArcRes and two metrics of nestedness. Results The archipelago was close to the ISAR of its constituent islands in most of the cases analysed. Exceptions arose for archipelagos where (i) the slopes of the ISAR are low, (ii) observed species richness is higher than expected by the ISAR and/or (iii) distance to the mainland is small. The archipelago's geological origin was also important; a higher percentage of oceanic archipelagos fit into their ISAR than continental ones. ArcRes indicated that the ISAR underpredicts archipelagic richness in the least isolated archipelagos. Different types of taxon showed no differences in ArcRes. Nestedness and ArcRes appear to be related, although the form of the relationship varies between metrics. Main conclusions Archipelagos, as a rule, follow the same ISAR as their constituent islands. Therefore, they can be used as distinct units themselves in large‐scale biogeographical and macroecological studies. Departure from the ISAR can be used as a crude indicator of richness‐ordered nestedness, responsive to factors such as isolation, environmental heterogeneity, number and age of islands.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the potential effects of geography on the distribution and speciation of skinks on tropical Pacific archipelagos. The entire tropical Pacific skink fauna was divided into continental (found also in continental areas), Pacific (endemic to the study area but found within more than one archipelago) and endemic (found within only one archipelago) species categories. The number and proportion of skinks within each species category were determined for each of the 27 archipelagos in the study area. Nine geographic variables reflecting archipelago size, isolation and elevation were estimated for each archipelago. Principal components analysis was used to reduce the nine variables to three uncorrelated composite variables that were interpreted as representing archipelago size, isolation and elevation. Numbers and proportions of skinks in each category within an archipelago were related to the composite geographic variables using multiple linear regression analysis. Archipelago size and isolation were important predictors of both skink diversity and endemism. Results were then compared to diversity and endemism of birds within the study area. Skinks showed an archipelago-wide level of endemism similar to that of birds. On an archipelago by archipelago basis, however, large differences between birds and skinks were evident. In particular, the New Caledonia skink fauna was much more endemic than that of birds. The bird faunas of Hawaii and the Marquesas were nearly completely endemic, while no endemic skinks occurred in these two archipelagos. These differences presumably reflect the relative dispersal powers of skinks and birds and, consequently, rates of colonization and speciation. Differences may also be due partly to morphological conservatism among isolated skink populations and the occurrence of cryptic species that have not yet been identified as separate species. The discovery of such cryptic species, however, is unlikely to increase the endemic skink fauna of Hawaii and other distant archipelagos to a level commensurate with that of birds. Differences in endemism between skinks and birds may also be due to unknown local ecological interactions.  相似文献   

Biogeography of mammals on tropical Pacific islands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim We examine the influence of geography on species richness and endemism of mammals on tropical Pacific archipelagos to determine the importance of intra‐ and inter‐archipelago speciation in promoting local and regional species richness. Location Thirty tropical Pacific archipelagos. Methods A distributional list of mammals on 30 archipelagos was compiled, and values for 10 geographical variables were estimated for each archipelago. Mammal species were placed in three different categories (continental, Pacific and endemic) based on their distribution. The total number of species and numbers of species within each category were related to the geographical variables using Poisson regression analysis. Results Species richness was related positively to variables describing land area, numbers of large islands and elevation; and negatively to variables describing isolation. Levels of endemism did not differ between volant and non‐volant species, but differed between mega‐ and microchiropterans. Main conclusions Variation in species richness of mammals in the tropical Pacific region can be accounted for by a combination of intra‐archipelago speciation within archipelagos composed of large islands, and inter‐archipelago speciation, particularly among more isolated archipelagos. Mammals were less widely distributed throughout the study area than previously found for butterflies, skinks or birds. However, the level of endemism was similar to that of skinks and birds on the same archipelagos, and was higher than that of butterflies.  相似文献   

Oceanic islands emerge lifeless from the seafloor and are separated from continents by long stretches of sea. Consequently, all their species had to overcome this stringent dispersal filter, making these islands ideal systems to study the biogeographic implications of long‐distance dispersal (LDD). It has long been established that the capacity of plants to reach new islands is determined by specific traits of their diaspores, historically called dispersal syndromes. However, recent work has questioned to what extent such dispersal‐related traits effectively influence plant distribution between islands. Here we evaluated whether plants bearing dispersal syndromes related to LDD – i.e. anemochorous (structures that favour wind dispersal), thalassochorous (sea dispersal), endozoochorous (internal animal dispersal) and epizoochorous (external animal dispersal) syndromes – occupy a greater number of islands than those with unspecialized diaspores by virtue of their increased dispersal ability. We focused on the native flora of the lowland xeric communities of the Canary Islands (531 species) and on the archipelago distribution of the species. We controlled for several key factors likely to affect the role of LDD syndromes in inter‐island colonization, namely: island geodynamic history, colonization time and phylogenetic relationships among species. Our results clearly show that species bearing LDD syndromes have a wider distribution than species with unspecialized diaspores. In particular, species with endozoochorous, epizoochorous and thalassochorous diaspore traits have significantly wider distributions across the Canary archipelago than species with unspecialized and anemochorous diaspores. All these findings offer strong support for a greater importance of LDD syndromes on shaping inter‐island plant distribution in the Canary Islands than in some other archipelagos, such as Galápagos and Azores.  相似文献   

Aim Speciation processes on islands are still poorly understood. Previous studies based on the analysis of distribution data from checklists found that the flora of the Azores archipelago differs from other island floras in the exceptionally low number of radiations and the low number of single‐island endemics. The general mechanism(s) responsible for these apparently unique patterns remained unclear. One possible explanation for the distinctiveness of the Azorean endemic flora is the lack of a consistent and critical taxonomic framework for the floras of the Atlantic archipelagos. In this study, molecular variation within a range of Azorean endemic plant lineages was analysed to determine whether inadequacies in the current taxonomy of endemics might be an explanation for the unusual diversity patterns observed in the endemic flora of the Azores. Location Azores archipelago. Method Sixty‐nine populations of eight endemic species or subspecies belonging to five genetic lineages were sampled from all Azorean islands but one. Nuclear and plastid DNA regions were sequenced, and relationships among internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region ribotypes established using statistical parsimony. Results Molecular diversity patterns differ from current taxonomic groupings, with all lineages comprising previously overlooked genetic entities. Main conclusions Recognition as distinct taxa of the genetically distinct entities discovered in this study would drastically change the diversity patterns and make them more similar to those of other Atlantic archipelagos. The results serve to highlight that current knowledge of endemic diversity on oceanic islands may be far from complete, even in relatively well‐known groups such as angiosperms. This limitation is rarely considered in macroecological and evolutionary studies that make use of data from taxonomic checklists to draw inferences about oceanic island biogeographic processes.  相似文献   

Aim We looked at the biogeographical patterns of Oniscidean fauna from the small islands of the Mediterranean Sea in order to investigate the species–area relationship and to test for area‐range effects. Location The Mediterranean Sea. Methods We compiled from the literature a data set of 176 species of Oniscidea (terrestrial isopods) distributed over 124 Mediterranean islands. Jaccard's index was used as input for a UPGMA cluster analysis. The species–area relationship was investigated by applying linear, semi‐logarithmic, logarithmic and sigmoid models. We also investigated a possible ‘small island effect’ (SIE) by performing breakpoint regression. We used a cumulative and a sliding‐window approach to evaluate scale‐dependent area‐range effects on the log S/log A regression parameters. Results Based on similarity indexes, results indicated that small islands of the Mediterranean Sea can be divided into two major groups: eastern and western. In general, islands from eastern archipelagos were linked together at similarity values higher than those observed for western Mediterranean islands. This is consistent with a more even distribution of species in the eastern Mediterranean islands. Separate archipelagos in the western Mediterranean could be discriminated, with the exception of islets, which tended to group together at the lowest similarity values regardless of the archipelago to which they belong. Islets were characterized by a few common species with large ranges. The species–area logarithmic model did not always provide the best fit. Most continental archipelagos showed very similar intercepts, higher than the intercept for the Canary island oceanic archipelago. Sigmoid regression returned convex curves. Evidence for a SIE was found, whereas area‐range effects that are dependent on larger scale analyses were not unambiguously supported. Main conclusions The Oniscidea fauna from small islands of the Mediterranean Sea is highly structured, with major and minor geographical patterns being identifiable. Some but not all of the biogeographical complexity can be explained by interpreting the different shapes of species–area curves. Despite its flexibility, the sigmoid model tested did not always provide the best fit. Moreover, when the model did provide a good fit the curves looked convex, not sigmoid. We found evidence for a SIE, and minor support for scale‐dependent area‐range effects.  相似文献   

Aim We analyse modern patterns of richness, presence and extinction of birds of prey (Accipitriforms and Falconiforms) in the Mediterranean and Macaronesian islands, using an integrated approach involving both biogeographical and human‐induced factors. Location Forty‐three islands grouped into nine Mediterranean and Macaronesian archipelagos. Methods Information about 25 species breeding during the past century and their fate (permanence or extinction) was compiled from the literature and regional reports. Jaccard's similarity index and cluster analyses were applied to define island assemblages. In order to detect the factors driving richness, presence and extinction, generalized linear models (GLM) were applied to 32 explanatory variables, evaluating location, physiography, isolation of island, taxonomic affinities and life‐history patterns of the raptor species. Results Islands belonging to the same archipelago clustered when raptor assemblages were compared, revealing a marked biogeographical signal. Species richness was influenced by island area and accessibility from the continent (explained deviance of 51% in the GLM). Models of the probability of presence (explained deviance of 32%) revealed positive influences of migratory patterns (maximum for partial migrants), size of distribution areas and proximity to main migration routes. The model for probability of extinction explained only 8% of the deviance. It revealed that populations living on islands with a high density of human population were more prone to disappear. Also, raptors depending on human resources had more risk of extinction. Main conclusions Basic predictions of island biogeography can explain current patterns of raptor richness in the study area despite millennia of intense humanization processes. Colonization success appears to depend on life‐history traits linked to migratory and dispersal strategies, whereas body‐size constraints are not influential. Additionally, our results reveal the importance of species‐based analyses in studies of island biogeography.  相似文献   

The present study article examines the shapes of centipede species–area relationships (SARs) in the Mediterranean islands, compares the results of the linear form of the power model between archipelagos, discusses biological significance of the power model parameters with other taxa on the Aegean archipelago, and tests for a significant small‐island effect (SIE). We used 11 models to test the SARs and we compared the quality‐of‐fit of all candidate models. The power function ranked first and Z‐values was in the range 0.106–0.334. We assessed the presence of SIEs by fitting both a continuous and discontinuous breakpoint regression model. The continuous breakpoint regression functions never performed much better than the closest discontinuous model as a predictor of centipede species richness. We suggest that the relatively low Z‐values in our data partly reflect better dispersal abilities in centipedes than in other soil invertebrate taxa. Longer periods of isolation and more recent island formation may explain the somewhat lower constant c in the western Mediterranean islands compared to the Aegean islands. Higher breakpoint values in the western Mediterranean may also be a result of larger distance to the mainland and longer separation times. Despite the differences in the geological history and the idiosyncratic features of the main island groups considered, the overall results are quite similar and this could be assigned to the ability of centipedes to disperse across isolation barriers. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 146–159.  相似文献   

Macaronesia covers four Atlantic archipelagos: the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands, and the Cape Verde islands. When discovered by Europeans in the 15th century, only the Canaries were inhabited. Historical reports highlight the impact of Iberians on settlement in Macaronesia. Although important differences in their settlement are documented, its influence on their genetic structures and relationships has yet to be ascertained. In this study, the hypervariable region I (HVRI) sequence and coding region polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 623 individuals from the Azores (120) and Canary Islands (503) were analyzed. Combined with published data, these give a total of 1,542 haplotypes from Macaronesia and 1,067 from the Iberian Peninsula. The results obtained indicate that Cape Verde is the most distinctive archipelago, with an mtDNA pool composed almost exclusively of African lineages. However, the other archipelagos present an mtDNA profile dominated by the presence of West‐Eurasian mtDNA haplogroups with African lineages present in varying proportions. Moreover, no signs of integration of typical Canarian U6 lineages in the other archipelagos were detected. The four Macaronesia archipelagos currently have differentiated genetic profiles, and the Azores present the highest intra‐archipelago differentiation and the lowest values of diversity. The analyses performed show that the present‐day genetic profile of the Macaronesian archipelagos was mainly determined by the initial process of settlement and further microdifferentiation probably as a consequence of the small population size of some islands. Moreover, contacts between archipelagos seem to have had a low impact on the mtDNA genetic pool of each archipelago. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Nine populations of giant clams, Tridacna maxima, from six islands of French Polynesia were screened for allozyme variation at ten polymorphic loci. The genetic structure of populations of T. maxima were studied at different spatial scales: within an island, between islands of the same archipelago and between archipelagos. Significant genetic differences were observed only between populations from different archipelagos, and genetic differentiation was correlated with geographical separation. However, these results were only supported by a single locus, PEP * and all other loci were homogeneous between studied populations. According to Lewontin & Krakauer's model, the genetic structure can be explained by selection. The selective factors most likely depend on the respective habitat of each archipelago. We also studied genotype–phenotype correlation using the colour of the clam mantle, and did not find any relationship between the mantle colour and the genetic structure of the individuals.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 221–231.  相似文献   

Hawaiian biogeography and the islands' freshwater fish fauna   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aim This paper describes known patterns in the distributions and relationships of Hawaiian freshwater fishes, and compares these patterns with those exhibited by Hawaii's terrestrial biota. Location The study is based in Hawaii, and seeks patterns across the tropical and subtropical Indo‐west Pacific. Methods The study is based primarily on literature analysis. Results The Hawaiian freshwater fish fauna comprises five species of goby in five different genera (Gobiidae). Four species are Hawaiian endemics, the fifth shared with islands in the western tropical Pacific Ocean. All genera are represented widely across the Indo‐west Pacific. All five species are present on all of the major Hawaiian islands. All five species are amphidromous – their larval and early juvenile life being spent in the sea. Although there has been some local phyletic evolution to produce Hawaiian endemics, there has been no local radiation to produce single‐island endemics across the archipelago. Nor is there evidence for genetic structuring among populations in the various islands. Main conclusions In this regard, the freshwater fish fauna of Hawaii differs from the well‐known patterns of local evolution and radiation in Hawaiian Island terrestrial taxa. Amphidromy probably explains the biogeographical idiosyncrasies of the fish fauna – dispersal through the sea initially brought the fish species to Hawaii, and gene flow among populations, across the archipelago, has hitherto inhibited the evolution of local island endemics, apparently even retarding genetic structuring on individual islands.  相似文献   

Is a new paradigm emerging for oceanic island biogeography?   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Following several decades during which two dissimilar and incompatible models (equilibrium and vicariance) dominated island biogeography, recent publications have documented patterns that point the way towards a new paradigm that includes elements of both models, as well as some novel aspects. Many of these seminal contributions have been made possible by the recent development of robust, temporally calibrated phylogenies used in concert with increasingly precise and reliable geological reconstructions of oceanic regions. Although a new general model of oceanic island biogeography has not yet been proposed, in this brief overview I present six hypotheses that summarize aspects of the emerging paradigm. These hypotheses deal with: the frequency of dispersal over oceanic water barriers by terrestrial organisms; the existence of substantial variation in the amount of dispersal (and gene flow) within a given set of related species within a given archipelago; the frequency, extent and impact on species richness of diversification within archipelagos; the frequent correlation of island age and the age of the species that live on the island; the long-term persistence of species on oceanic islands; and the occasional recolonization of continents by species from clades that diversified on islands. Identifying, testing, and seeking means of synthesizing these and other emerging hypotheses may allow a new conceptual paradigm to emerge.  相似文献   

The fauna of oceanic islands provide exceptional models with which to examine patterns of dispersal, isolation and diversification, from incipient speciation to species level radiations. Here, we investigate recent differentiation and microevolutionary change in Berthelot's pipit (Anthus berthelotii), an endemic bird species inhabiting three Atlantic archipelagos. Mitochondrial DNA sequence data and microsatellite markers were used to deduce probable colonization pathway, genetic differentiation, and gene flow among the 12 island populations. Phenotypic differentiation was investigated based on eight biologically important morphological traits. We found little mitochondrial DNA variability, with only one and four haplotypes for the control region and cytochrome b, respectively. However, microsatellite data indicated moderate population differentiation (FST=0.069) between the three archipelagos that were identified as genetically distinct units with limited gene flow. Both results, combined with the estimated time of divergence (2.5 millions years ago) from the Anthus campestris (the sister species), suggest that this species has only recently dispersed throughout these islands. The genetic relationships, patterns of allelic richness and exclusive alleles among populations suggest the species originally colonized the Canary Islands and only later spread from there to the Madeiran archipelago and Selvagen Islands. Differentiation has also occurred within archipelagos, although to a lesser degree. Gene flow was observed more among the eastern and central islands of the Canaries than between these and the western islands or the Madeiran Islands. Morphological differences were also more important between than within archipelagos. Concordance between morphological and genetic differentiation provided ambiguous results suggesting that genetic drift alone was not sufficient to explain phenotypic differentiation. The observed genetic and morphological differences may therefore be the result of differing patterns of selection pressures between populations, with Berthelot's pipit undergoing a process of incipient differentiation.  相似文献   

Aim We used a phylogenetic framework to examine island colonization and predictions pertaining to differentiation within Macaronesian Tarphius (Insecta, Coleoptera, Zopheridae), and explain the paucity of endemics in the Azores compared with other Macaronesian archipelagos. Specifically, we test whether low diversity in the Azores could be due to recent colonization (phylogenetic lineage youth), cryptic speciation (distinct phylogenetic entities within species) or the young geological age of the archipelago. Location Macaronesian archipelagos (Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands), northern Portugal and Morocco. Methods Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes of Tarphius beetles of the Azores, other Macaronesian islands and neighbouring continental areas were used to investigate the origin of island biodiversity and to compare patterns of colonization and differentiation. A comparative nucleotide substitution rate test was used to select the appropriate substitution rate to infer clade divergence times. Results Madeiran and Canarian Tarphius species were found to be more closely related to each other, while Azorean taxa grouped separately. Azorean taxa showed concordance between species and phylogenetic clades, except for species that occur on multiple islands, which segregated by island of origin. Divergence time estimates revealed that Azorean Tarphius are an old group and that the most recent intra‐island speciation event on Santa Maria, the oldest island, occurred between 3.7 and 6.1 Ma. Main conclusions Our phylogenetic approach provides new evidence to understand the impoverishment of Azorean endemics: (1) Tarphius have had a long evolutionary history within the Azores, which does not support the hypothesis of fewer radiation events due to recent colonization; (2) the current taxonomy of Azorean Tarphius does not reflect common ancestry and cryptic speciation is responsible for the underestimation of endemics; (3) intra‐island differentiation in the Azores was found only in the oldest island, supporting the idea that young geological age of the archipelago limits the number of endemics; and (4) the lack of evidence for recent intra‐island diversification in Santa Maria could also explain the paucity of Azorean endemics. Phylogenetic reconstructions of other species‐rich taxa that occur on multiple Macaronesian archipelagos will reveal whether our conclusions are taxon specific, or of a more general nature.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The impact of evolutionary forces on insular systems is particularly exacerbated by the remoteness of islands, strong founder effects, small population size and the influence of biotic and abiotic factors. Patterns of molecular diversity were analysed in an island system with Santalum insulare, a sandalwood species endemic to eastern Polynesia. The aims were to evaluate clonality and to study the genetic diversity and structure of this species, in order to understand the evolutionary process and to define a conservation strategy. METHODS: Eight nuclear microsatellites were used to investigate clonality, genetic variation and structure of the French Polynesian sandalwood populations found on ten islands distributed over three archipelagos. KEY RESULTS: It was found that 58 % of the 384 trees analysed were clones. The real size of the populations is thus dramatically reduced, with sometimes only one genet producing ramets by root suckering. The diversity parameters were low for islands (n(A) = 1.5-5.0; H(E) = 0.28-0.49). No departure from Hardy-Weinberg proportion was observed except within Tahiti island, where a significant excess of homozygotes was noted in the highland population. Genetic structure was characterized by high levels of differentiation between archipelagos (27 % of the total variation) and islands (F(ST) = 0.50). The neighbour-joining tree did not discriminate the three archipelagos but separated the Society archipelago from the other two. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that clonality is a frequent phenomenon in S. insulare. The genetic diversity within populations is lower than the values assessed in species distributed on the mainland, as a consequence of insularity. But this can also be explained by the overexploitation of sandalwood. The differentiation between archipelagos and islands within archipelagos is very high because of the limited gene flow due to oceanic barriers. Delineation of evolutionary significant units and principles for population management are proposed based on this molecular analysis.  相似文献   

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