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Question: Can spatial analytical techniques be used to extract quantitative measurements of vegetation communities from ground‐based permanent photo‐point images? Location: Mount Aspiring National Park, south‐western South Island, New Zealand. Methods: Sets of ground‐based photographs representing two contrasting vegetation types were selected to test two spatial analytical techniques. In the grid technique, a grid was superimposed onto the photographs and the frequency of species presence in each grid‐square was calculated to estimate species abundance/cover over the defined area. In the object‐oriented technique, the photographs were segmented into meaningful objects, based on the colour of the pixels and the textural patterns of the images, and the area occupied by an object in the image was used to derive species abundance/cover over the area. Results: Both techniques allow quick and easy classification of digital elements into ecologically relevant categories of vegetation components. The grid technique appeared more robust, being quick and efficient, accommodating all image types and providing presence/absence matrices for multivariate analysis. Fewer classes were identified using the object‐oriented technique, in particular for the forest interior site and for small individual plants such as Astelia spp. Conclusions: Both techniques showed potential for the objective quantitative analysis of long‐term vegetation monitoring of cover and changes of several component species, using repeat ground‐based photographs more specifically for grassland habitats. However, both rely to various degrees on manual classification. Corrective factors and strict protocols for taking the photographs are necessary to account for variation in view angles and to compute values more representative of absolute species abundance.  相似文献   

Macaronesia is a biogeographical region comprising five Atlantic Oceanic archipelagos: the Azores, Madeira, Selvagen (Savage Islands), Canaries and Cape Verde. It has strong affinities with the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula and the north‐western fringes of Africa. This paper re‐evaluates the biogeographical history and relationships of Macaronesia in the light of geological evidence, which suggests that large and high islands may have been continuously available in the region for very much longer than is indicated by the maximum surface area of the oldest current island (27 Ma) – possibly for as long as 60 million years. We review this literature, attempting a sequential reconstruction of Palaeo‐Macaronesia from 60 Ma to the present. We consider the implications of these geological dynamics for our understanding of the history of colonization of the present islands of Macaronesia. We also evaluate the role of these archipelagos as stepping stones and as both repositories of palaeo‐endemic forms and crucibles of neo‐endemic radiations of plant and animal groups. Our principal focus is on the laurel forest communities, long considered impoverished relicts of the Palaeotropical Tethyan flora. This account is therefore contextualized by reference to the long‐term climatic and biogeographical history of Southern Europe and North Africa and by consideration of the implications of changes in land–sea configuration, climate and ocean circulation for Macaronesian biogeography. We go on to provide a synthesis of the more recent history of Macaronesian forests, which has involved a process of impoverishment of the native elements of the biota that has accelerated since human conquest of the islands. We comment briefly on these processes and on the contemporary status and varied conservation opportunities and threats facing these forests across the Macaronesian biogeographical region.  相似文献   

Emerging pathogens constitute a severe threat for human health and biodiversity. Determining the status (native or non‐native) of emerging pathogens, and tracing back their spatio‐temporal dynamics, is crucial to understand the eco‐evolutionary factors promoting their emergence, to control their spread and mitigate their impacts. However, tracing back the spatio‐temporal dynamics of emerging wildlife pathogens is challenging because (i) they are often neglected until they become sufficiently abundant and pose socio‐economical concerns and (ii) their geographical range is often little known. Here, we combined classical population genetics tools and approximate Bayesian computation (i.e. ABC) to retrace the dynamics of Tracheliastes polycolpus, a poorly documented pathogenic ectoparasite emerging in Western Europe that threatens several freshwater fish species. Our results strongly suggest that populations of T. polycolpus in France emerged from individuals originating from a unique genetic pool that were most likely introduced in the 1920s in central France. From this initial population, three waves of colonization occurred into peripheral watersheds within the next two decades. We further demonstrated that populations remained at low densities, and hence undetectable, during 10 years before a major demographic expansion occurred, and before its official detection in France. These findings corroborate and expand the few historical records available for this emerging pathogen. More generally, our study demonstrates how ABC can be used to determine the status, reconstruct the colonization history and infer key evolutionary parameters of emerging wildlife pathogens with low data availability, and for which samples from the putative native area are inaccessible.  相似文献   

The distinction between native and introduced biotas presents unique challenges that culminate in organisms with high long‐distance dispersal capacities in a rapidly changing world. Bryophytes, in particular, exhibit large distribution ranges, and some species can truly be qualified as cosmopolitan. Cosmopolitan species, however, typically occur in disturbed environments, raising the question of their nativeness throughout their range. Here, we employ genetic data to address the question of the origin of the cosmopolitan, weedy moss Bryum argenteum on the island of Tenerife. The genetic diversity of B. argenteum on Tenerife was comparable to that found in continental areas due to recurrent colonisation events, erasing any signature of a bottleneck that would be expected in the case of a recent colonisation event. The molecular dating analyses indicated that the first colonisation of the island took place more than 100,000 years ago, i.e. well before the first human settlements. Furthermore, the significant signal for isolation‐by‐distance found in B. argenteum within Tenerife points to the substantial role of genetic drift in establishing the observed patterns of genetic variation. Together, the results support the hypothesis that B. argenteum is native on Tenerife; although the existence of haplotypes shared between Tenerife and continental areas suggests that more recent, potentially man‐mediated introduction also took place. While defining nativeness in organisms that are not deliberately introduced, and wherein the fossil record is extremely scarce, is an exceedingly challenging task, our results suggest that population genetic analyses can represent a useful tool to help distinguish native from alien populations.  相似文献   



We develop a novel modelling framework for analysing the spatio‐temporal spread of biological invasions. The framework integrates different invasion drivers and disentangles their roles in determining observed invasion patterns by fitting models to historical distribution data. As a case study application, we analyse the spread of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia).


Central Europe.


A lattice system represents actual landscapes with environmental heterogeneity. Modelling covers the spatio‐temporal invasion sequence in this grid and integrates the effects of environmental conditions on local invasion suitability, the role of invaded cells and spatially implicit “background” introductions as propagule sources, within‐cell invasion level bulk‐up and multiple dispersal means. A modular framework design facilitates flexible numerical representation of the modelled invasion processes and customization of the model complexity. We used the framework to build and contrast increasingly complex models, and fitted them using a Bayesian inference approach with parameters estimated by Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).


All modelled invasion drivers codetermined the Aartemisiifolia invasion pattern. Inferences about individual drivers depended on which processes were modelled concurrently, and hence changed both quantitatively and qualitatively between models. Among others, the roles of environmental variables were assessed substantially differently subject to whether models included explicit source‐recipient cell relationships, spatio‐temporal variability in source cell strength and human‐mediated dispersal means. The largest fit improvements were found by integrating filtering effects of the environment and spatio‐temporal availability of propagule sources.

Main conclusions

Our modelling framework provides a straightforward means to build integrated invasion models and address hypotheses about the roles and mutual relationships of different putative invasion drivers. Its statistical nature and generic design make it suitable for studying many observed invasions. For efficient invasion modelling, it is important to represent changes in spatio‐temporal propagule supply by explicitly tracking the species’ colonization sequence and establishment of new populations.

How do organisms arrive on isolated islands, and how do insular evolutionary radiations arise? In a recent paper, Wilmé et al. ( 2016a ) argue that early Austronesians that colonized Madagascar from Southeast Asia translocated giant tortoises to islands in the western Indian Ocean. In the Mascarene Islands, moreover, the human‐translocated tortoises then evolved and radiated in an endemic genus (Cylindraspis). Their proposal ignores the broad, established understanding of the processes leading to the formation of native island biotas, including endemic radiations. We find Wilmé et al.'s suggestion poorly conceived, using a flawed methodology and missing two critical pieces of information: the timing and the specifics of proposed translocations. In response, we here summarize the arguments that could be used to defend the natural origin not only of Indian Ocean giant tortoises but also of scores of insular endemic radiations world‐wide. Reinforcing a generalist's objection, the phylogenetic and ecological data on giant tortoises, and current knowledge of environmental and palaeogeographical history of the Indian Ocean, make Wilmé et al.'s argument even more unlikely.  相似文献   

A synthetic model is presented to enlarge the evolutionary framework of the General Dynamic Model (GDM) and the Glacial Sensitive Model (GSM) of oceanic island biogeography from the terrestrial to the marine realm. The proposed ‘Sea‐Level Sensitive’ dynamic model (SLS) of marine island biogeography integrates historical and ecological biogeography with patterns of glacio‐eustasy, merging concepts from areas as diverse as taxonomy, biogeography, marine biology, volcanology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, palaeontology, geochronology and geomorphology. Fundamental to the SLS model is the dynamic variation of the littoral area of volcanic oceanic islands (defined as the area between the intertidal and the 50‐m isobath) in response to sea‐level oscillations driven by glacial–interglacial cycles. The following questions are considered by means of this revision: (i) what was the impact of (global) glacio‐eustatic sea‐level oscillations, particularly those of the Pleistocene glacial–interglacial episodes, on the littoral marine fauna and flora of volcanic oceanic islands? (ii) What are the main factors that explain the present littoral marine biodiversity on volcanic oceanic islands? (iii) How can differences in historical and ecological biogeography be reconciled, from a marine point of view? These questions are addressed by compiling the bathymetry of 11 Atlantic archipelagos/islands to obtain quantitative data regarding changes in the littoral area based on Pleistocene sea‐level oscillations, from 150 thousand years ago (ka) to the present. Within the framework of a model sensitive to changing sea levels, we discuss the principal factors affecting the geographical range of marine species; the relationships between modes of larval development, dispersal strategies and geographical range; the relationships between times of speciation, modes of larval development, ecological zonation and geographical range; the influence of sea‐surface temperatures and latitude on littoral marine species diversity; the effect of eustatic sea‐level changes and their impact on the littoral marine biota; island marine species–area relationships; and finally, the physical effects of island ontogeny and its associated submarine topography and marine substrate on littoral biota. Based on the SLS dynamic model, we offer a number of predictions for tropical, subtropical and temperate volcanic oceanic islands on how rates of immigration, colonization, in‐situ speciation, local disappearance, and extinction interact and affect the marine biodiversity around islands during glacials and interglacials, thus allowing future testing of the theory.  相似文献   

Aim Recent papers have used large palaeolimnological datasets to reveal the biodiversity patterns of aquatic microorganisms. However, scant attention has been paid to the influence of time on these patterns. Where lake surficial sediment samples are used as integrals of diversity, the time interval of each sample varies according to differences in sediment accumulation rates. This paper aims to test the reliability of using lake surface sediments to measure and to compare microbial diversity when the potential influences of the species–time relationships are taken into account. Location Alpine lakes in Europe. Methods We analysed microorganism (siliceous microalgae) assemblages in three European Alpine lakes using short sediment cores (210Pb‐dated) and annual sediment trap samples from 12 UK lakes. The same number of individuals was pooled for each sample 500 times to avoid sampling effort effects and to standardize species diversity estimation. The influence of time on the diversity score was assessed by simulating an increase of time span for surface sediment samples by cumulatively adding in successive sediment core samples (from the most recent to the oldest). We used species richness (S) and the exponential of the bias‐corrected Shannon entropy index (exp(Hb‐c)) to estimate diversity. Results Increasing the time interval represented by a surficial sediment sample did not affect the diversity results. The estimation of diversity was similar for cumulative and non‐cumulative samples. Diversity estimation was only altered in lakes experiencing high community turnover due to strong environmental forcing during the time period spanned by the cumulative sample. Main conclusions The use of surface lake sediments is suitable for estimating the average site diversity of free‐living microorganisms. Diversity is integrated in a single sample and species assemblage composition is derived from microbial communities living in distinct lake microhabitats. Species remains, accumulated in a single sample over several years of environmental variability, represent a diversity integral that captures a spatio‐temporal component equivalent to the γ‐diversity measure.  相似文献   

1 The spatio‐temporal distributions of predatory carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and their potential prey, the larvae of three coleopterous pests, Meligethes aeneus (Fabricius) and Ceutorhynchus spp. [Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Marsham), the cabbage stem weevil, and Ceutorhynchus assimilis (Paykull), the cabbage seed weevil], were studied within a crop of winter oilseed rape. The distributions of Collembola were recorded as potential alternative prey. Insect distributions were analysed and compared using Spatial Analysis by Distance Indices. 2 Mature larvae of the pests dropped from the crop canopy to the soil for pupation in temporal succession from May to early July. Their distributions within the crop were irregular and differed with species. 3 Adults of seven species or genera of carabid were abundant and active within the crop during May and June: Nebria brevicollis (Fabricius), Anchomenus dorsalis (Pontoppidan), Loricera pilicornis (Fabricius), Amara similata (Gyllenhal), Asaphidion spp., Pterostichus madidus (Fabricius) and Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger). 4 During May, N. brevicollis was spatially associated with peak numbers of M. aeneus larvae and with Collembola. Anchomenus dorsalis was spatially associated with Ceutorhynchus spp. larvae during two peaks in the abundance of the latter in early and late June. Nebria brevicollis and A. dorsalis coincided in both time and space with larvae of the three coleopterous pests when they were most vulnerable to predation by epigeal predators and are therefore good candidates for conservation biocontrol. 5 The importance of carabid beeetles in the natural enemy complex in winter oilseed rape and their potential for biocontrol of spring and summer pests are discussed in relation to husbandry practices for the crop and its adjacent areas which could be manipulated to promote carabid survival for integrated pest management.  相似文献   



We investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of diversification among colourful and flightless weevils, the Pachyrhynchus orbifer complex, to test the stepping‐stone hypothesis of colonization across the Taiwan–Luzon volcanic belt.


Southeast Asia.


The phylogeny of the P. orbifer complex was reconstructed from a multi‐locus data set of mitochondrial and nuclear genes using maximum likelihood in RAxML and Bayesian inference in MRBAYES. Likelihood‐based tests in CONSEL were used to evaluate alternative tree topologies. Divergence times were estimated in beast based on a range of mutation rates. Ancestral range and biogeographical history were reconstructed using Bayesian binary MCMC (BBM) methods in RASP and in BioGeoBEARS. Demographic histories were inferred using the extended Bayesian skyline plot (EBSP). Species boundaries were tested using BPP.


The phylogeny of the P. orbifer complex indicated strong support for seven reciprocally monophyletic lineages grouped by current island boundaries (Camiguin, Fuga, Dalupiri, Calayan, Babuyan, Orchid and Yaeyama Islands), except for a sister Green + Itbayat lineage. Complex and stochastic colonization of P. orbifer was inferred to have involved both northward and southward directions with short‐ and long‐distance dispersal events, which are strongly inconsistent with the strict stepping‐stone hypothesis. Divergence time estimates for all extant island lineages (<1 Myr of Middle Pleistocene) are much more recent than the geological ages (22.4–1.7 Myr) and subaerial existence (c. 3 Myr) of the islands. The statistically delimited seven cryptic species imply that the diversity of Pachyrhynchus from small peripheral islands continues to be largely under‐estimated.

Main conclusions

The non‐linear, more complex spatial and temporal settings of the archipelago and stochastic dispersal were probable key factors shaping the colonization history of the P. orbifer complex. Speciation of the P. orbifer complex may have occurred only between islands, indicating that peripatric speciation through the founders of stochastic dispersals was the major evolutionary driver.  相似文献   

Geological history of oceanic islands can have a profound effect on the evolutionary history of insular flora, especially in complex islands such as Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Tenerife results from the secondary connection of three paleo‐islands by a central volcano, and other geological events that further shaped it. This geological history has been shown to influence the phylogenetic history of several taxa, including genus Micromeria (Lamiaceae). Screening 15 microsatellite markers in 289 individuals representing the eight species of Micromeria present in Tenerife, this study aims to assess the genetic diversity and structure of these species and its relation with the geological events on the island. In addition, we evaluate the extent of hybridization among species and discuss its influence on the speciation process. We found that the species restricted to the paleo‐islands present lower levels of genetic diversity but the highest levels of genetic differentiation suggesting that their ranges might have contracted over time. The two most widespread species in the island, M. hyssopifolia and M. varia, present the highest genetic diversity levels and a genetic structure that seems correlated with the geological composition of the island. Samples from M. hyssopifolia from the oldest paleo‐island, Adeje, appear as distinct while samples from M. varia segregate into two main clusters corresponding to the paleo‐islands of Anaga and Teno. Evidence of hybridization and intraspecific migration between species was found. We argue that species boundaries would be retained despite hybridization in response to the habitat's specific conditions causing postzygotic isolation and preserving morphological differentiation.  相似文献   

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