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Aim Climate is often regarded as the primary control determining the location of an ecotone between two vegetation zones. However, other ecological factors may also be important, especially when the northern limit of the dominant species of a vegetation zone extends further than the limit of the zone itself. This study aimed to identify the ecological variables explaining the transition between two zones within the boreal biome in Quebec (eastern Canada): the southern mixedwood forests dominated by balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and white birch (Betula papyrifera), and the northern coniferous forests dominated by black spruce (Picea mariana). Location Quebec (eastern Canada). Methods Data from 5023 sampling plots from the ecological inventory of the Québec Ministry of Natural Resources distributed throughout the two bioclimatic zones were used in logistic regressions to determine the relationships between the presence or absence of balsam fir stands and different abiotic and biotic variables, at both stand and landscape scales. Results The presence of balsam fir stands was negatively related to the thick organic horizons, coarse xeric deposits and low positions on the slope, whereas stands were favoured by high elevations, steep slopes and moderate drainage. These results defined the suitable conditions for the development of balsam fir stands. In the coniferous zone these suitable conditions were less abundant. Furthermore, the saturation level of suitable sites was lower, as well as the incidence of balsam fir stands in unsuitable sites (overflow). Balsam fir stands were mostly located near lakes and rivers. All significant variables at both the stand and landscape scales explained between 34 and 42% of the location of the potential northern distribution limit of the mixedwood zone. Main conclusions Our results suggest the important role of historical factors related to post‐glacial vegetation and past disturbances in determining the relative abundance of balsam fir in both zones of the boreal biome.  相似文献   

Phylogeography and ecological niche models (ENMs) suggest that late Quaternary glacial cycles have played a prominent role in shaping present population genetic structure and diversity, but have not applied quantitative methods to dissect the relative contribution of past and present climate vs. other forces. We integrate multilocus phylogeography, climate‐based ENMs and multivariate statistical approaches to infer the effects of late Quaternary climate change on contemporary genetic variation of valley oak (Quercus lobata Née). ENMs indicated that valley oak maintained a stable distribution with local migration from the last interglacial period (~120 ka) to the Last Glacial Maximum (~21 ka, LGM) to the present compared with large‐scale range shifts for an eastern North American white oak (Quercus alba L.). Coast Range and Sierra Nevada foothill populations diverged in the late Pleistocene before the LGM [104 ka (28–1622)] and have occupied somewhat distinct climate niches, according to ENMs and coalescent analyses of divergence time. In accordance with neutral expectations for stable populations, nuclear microsatellite diversity positively correlated with niche stability from the LGM to present. Most strikingly, nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite variation significantly correlated with LGM climate, even after controlling for associations with geographic location and present climate using partial redundancy analyses. Variance partitioning showed that LGM climate uniquely explains a similar proportion of genetic variance as present climate (16% vs. 11–18%), and together, past and present climate explains more than geography (19%). Climate can influence local expansion–contraction dynamics, flowering phenology and thus gene flow, and/or impose selective pressures. These results highlight the lingering effect of past climate on genetic variation in species with stable distributions.  相似文献   

Tropical landscapes are changing rapidly as a result of human modifications; however, despite increasing deforestation, human population growth, and the need for more agricultural land, deforestation rates have exceeded the rate at which land is converted to cropland or pasture. For deforested lands to have conservation value requires an understanding of regeneration rates of vegetation, the rates at which animals colonize and grow in regenerating areas, and the nature of interactions between plants and animals in the specific region. Here, we present data on forest regeneration and animal abundance at four regenerating sites that had reached the stage of closed canopy forest where the average dbh of the trees was 17 cm. Overall, 20.3 percent of stems were wind‐dispersed species and 79.7 percent were animal‐dispersed species, while in the old‐growth forest 17.3 percent of the stems were wind‐dispersed species. The regenerating forest supported a substantial primate population and encounter rate (groups per km walked) in the regenerating sites was high compared to the neighboring old‐growth forests. By monitoring elephant tracks for 10 yr, we demonstrated that elephant numbers increased steadily over time, but they increased dramatically since 2004. In general, the richness of the mammal community detected by sight, tracks, feces, and/or camera traps, was high in regenerating forests compared to that documented for the national park. We conclude that in Africa, a continent that has seen dramatic declines in the area of old‐growth forest, there is ample opportunity to reclaim degraded areas and quickly restore substantial animal populations.  相似文献   

The rate of vegetation recovery from boreal wildfire influences terrestrial carbon cycle processes and climate feedbacks by affecting the surface energy budget and land‐atmosphere carbon exchange. Previous forest recovery assessments using satellite optical‐infrared normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and tower CO2 eddy covariance techniques indicate rapid vegetation recovery within 5–10 years, but these techniques are not directly sensitive to changes in vegetation biomass. Alternatively, the vegetation optical depth (VOD) parameter from satellite passive microwave remote sensing can detect changes in canopy biomass structure and may provide a useful metric of post‐fire vegetation response to inform regional recovery assessments. We analyzed a multi‐year (2003–2010) satellite VOD record from the NASA AMSR‐E (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS) sensor to estimate forest recovery trajectories for 14 large boreal fires from 2004 in Alaska and Canada. The VOD record indicated initial post‐fire canopy biomass recovery within 3–7 years, lagging NDVI recovery by 1–5 years. The VOD lag was attributed to slower non‐photosynthetic (woody) and photosynthetic (foliar) canopy biomass recovery, relative to the faster canopy greenness response indicated from the NDVI. The duration of VOD recovery to pre‐burn conditions was also directly proportional (P < 0.01) to satellite (moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer) estimated tree cover loss used as a metric of fire severity. Our results indicate that vegetation biomass recovery from boreal fire disturbance is generally slower than reported from previous assessments based solely on satellite optical‐infrared remote sensing, while the VOD parameter enables more comprehensive assessments of boreal forest recovery.  相似文献   

Insect distributions are shifting rapidly in response to climate change and are undergoing rapid evolutionary change. We investigate the molecular signatures underlying local adaptation in the range‐expanding damselfly, Ischnura elegans. Using a landscape genomic approach combined with generalized dissimilarity modelling (GDM), we detect selection signatures on loci via allelic frequency change along environmental gradients. We analyse 13,612 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), derived from restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RADseq), in 426 individuals from 25 sites spanning the I. elegans distribution in Sweden, including its expanding northern range edge. Environmental association analysis (EAA) and the magnitude of allele frequency change along the range expansion gradient revealed significant signatures of selection in relation to high maximum summer temperature, high mean annual precipitation and low wind speeds at the range edge. SNP annotations with significant signatures of selection revealed gene functions associated with ongoing range expansion, including heat shock proteins (HSP40 and HSP70), ion transport (V‐ATPase) and visual processes (long‐wavelength‐sensitive opsin), which have implications for thermal stress response, salinity tolerance and mate discrimination, respectively. We also identified environmental thresholds where climate‐mediated selection is likely to be strong, and indicate that I. elegans is rapidly adapting to the climatic environment during its ongoing range expansion. Our findings empirically validate an integrative approach for detecting spatially explicit signatures of local adaptation along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

The cosmopolitan nonindigenous sea anemone, Diadumene lineata, has been recorded from the Pacific coast of Canada since 1859. Despite its long historical presence in the region, the factors influencing the distribution of this species in British Columbia, Canada, are poorly understood, as are the factors that may restrict its local abundance. We conducted large‐scale surveys of D. lineata during the winter and summer of 2016, coupled with higher frequency surveys at one focal site. Furthermore, we used laboratory and field experiments to determine the potential importance of a large‐scale driver, salinity, and a small‐scale driver, microhabitat within boulders, in setting distributional limits at various spatial scales. Our results confirm that D. lineata is widely distributed within the Salish Sea. This broad distribution may be facilitated by post‐introduction dispersal; we observed anemones attached to floating substrata, and a few mature specimens contained eggs, suggesting that reproduction is perhaps not limited to asexual fission. We found that D. lineata was abundant throughout the year, although absent from the lowest salinity sites. This corresponded with our laboratory experiments, in which survival of individuals of D. lineata declined at salinities below 10 psu, and no survivors were observed at or below 2 psu. Manipulative experiments in the field demonstrated that survival was high under rocks where D. lineata is commonly found, but was reduced on the tops of rocks, highlighting the importance of microhabitat refugia in buffering temperature and reducing desiccation. A better understanding of the factors that limit the broad‐scale and local distribution of this anemone are an important step in determining potential ecological impacts of this organism and how distributions may shift into the future.  相似文献   

The Rufous‐headed Robin Larvivora ruficeps is one of the world's rarest and least known birds. We summarize the known records since it was first described in 1905 from Shaanxi Province, central China. All subsequent Chinese records are from seven adjacent localities in nearby Sichuan Province. We studied its phylogenetic position for the first time using mitochondrial and nuclear markers for all species of Larvivora and a broad selection of other species in the family Muscicapidae. Our results confirmed that L. ruficeps is appropriately placed in the genus Larvivora, and suggested that it is sister to the Rufous‐tailed Robin Larvivora sibilans, with these two forming a sister clade to a clade comprising both the Japanese Robin Larvivora akahige and Ryukyu Robin Larvivora komadori. Siberian Blue Robin Larvivora cyane and Indian Blue Robin Larvivora brunnea form the sister clade to the other Larvivora species. In contrast, song analyses indicated that the song of L. ruficeps is most similar to that of L. komadori, whereas the song of L. sibilans is relatively more similar to that of L. akahige, and songs of L. cyane and L. brunnea closely resemble each other. We used ecological niche modelling to estimate the suitable habitats of L. ruficeps based on the records from breeding grounds, suggesting that north and central Sichuan, south Gansu, south Shaanxi and south‐east Tibet are likely to contain the most suitable habitats for this species.  相似文献   

The functional role of the bacterial organisms in the reef ecosystem and their contribution to the coral well‐being remain largely unclear. The first step in addressing this gap of knowledge relies on in‐depth characterization of the coral microbial community and its changes in diversity across coral species, space and time. In this study, we focused on the exploration of microbial community assemblages associated with an ecologically important Caribbean scleractinian coral, Porites astreoides, using Illumina high‐throughput sequencing of the V5 fragment of 16S rRNA gene. We collected data from a large set of biological replicates, allowing us to detect patterns of geographical structure and resolve co‐occurrence patterns using network analyses. The taxonomic analysis of the resolved diversity showed consistent and dominant presence of two OTUs affiliated with the order Oceanospirillales, which corroborates a specific pattern of bacterial association emerging for this coral species and for many other corals within the genus Porites. We argue that this specific association might indicate a symbiotic association with the adult coral partner. Furthermore, we identified a highly diverse rare bacterial ‘biosphere’ (725 OTUs) also living along with the dominant bacterial symbionts, but the assemblage of this biosphere is significantly structured along the geographical scale. We further discuss that some of these rare bacterial members show significant association with other members of the community reflecting the complexity of the networked consortia within the coral holobiont.  相似文献   

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