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Predation has profound effects on the phenotypes of animal prey and, in lizards, the relationship between coloration and antipredatory behaviour has been studied in depth. However, studies that address the relationships between dorsal patterns and tail coloration with escape behaviour in polymorphic lizards are absent in the literature. We describe dorsal morphs and measured tail coloration and escape behaviour in hatchling Iberian wall lizards, Podarcis hispanicus, a species with a previously undescribed female‐restricted dorsal polymorphism (reticulated‐blotched males, and either striped or reticulated‐blotched females) and juvenile tails with conspicuous blue coloration, which is probably used to divert predator attacks towards the autotomizable tail. Overall we provide evidence for the existence of sexual dimorphism in tail ultraviolet reflectance between reticulated females and males, with striped females being intermediate. We identified sex/dorsal morph, body size and tail brightness as predictors of different aspects of escape behaviour and suggest the existence of two alternative escape strategies between striped and reticulated‐blotched females that may be dependent on dorsal morph differences, independently of sex. Reticulated‐blotched females, and also males (all reticulated‐blotched), ran faster and spent less time paused than striped females, which might reflect an escape behaviour strategy based on endurance in striped females. In addition, lowland males displayed tail waving as a ‘last resort’ antipredator strategy that may be related to fatigue. We concluded that hatchling antipredatory behaviour is influenced by both dorsal pattern and tail conspicuousness. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 1094–1106.  相似文献   

Theory predicts trade‐offs between pre‐ and post‐copulatory sexually selected traits. This relationship may be mediated by the degree to which males are able to monopolize access to females, as this will place an upper limit on the strength of post‐copulatory selection. Furthermore, traits that aid in mate monopolization may be costly to maintain and may limit investment in post‐copulatory traits, such as sperm performance. Australian painted dragons are polymorphic for the presence or absence of a yellow gular patch (‘bibs’), which may aid them to monopolize access to females. Previous work has shown that there are physiological costs of carrying this bib (greater loss of body condition in the wild). Here, we show that male painted dragons use this bright yellow bib as both an inter‐ and intrasexual signal, and we assess whether this signal is traded off against sperm performance within the same individuals. We found no relationship between aspects of bib colour and sperm swimming velocity or percentage of motile sperm and suggest that the bib polymorphism may be maintained by complex interactions between physiological or life‐history traits including other sperm or ejaculate traits and environmental influences.  相似文献   

Mating with multiple partners is common across species, and understanding how individual males secure fertilization in the face of competition remains a fundamental goal of evolutionary biology. Game theory stipulates that males have a fixed budget for reproduction that can lead to a trade‐off between investment in precopulatory traits such as body size, armaments, and ornaments, and postcopulatory traits such as testis size and spermatogenic efficiency. Recent theoretical and empirical studies have shown that if males can monopolize access to multiple females, they will invest disproportionately in precopulatory traits and less in postcopulatory traits. Using phylogenetically controlled comparative methods, we demonstrate that across 58 cetacean species with the most prominent sexual dimorphism in size, shape, teeth, tusks, and singing invest significantly less in relative testes mass. In support of theoretical predictions, these species tend to show evidence of male contests, suggesting there is opportunity for winners to monopolize access to multiple females. Our approach provides a robust dataset with which to make predictions about male mating strategies for the many cetacean species for which adequate behavioral observations do not exist.  相似文献   

Understanding trade‐offs in wild populations is difficult, but important if we are to understand the evolution of life histories and the impact of ecological variables upon them. Markers that reflect physiological state and predict future survival would be of considerable benefit to unraveling such trade‐offs and could provide insight into individual variation in senescence. However, currently used markers often yield inconsistent results. One underutilized measure is hematocrit, the proportion of blood comprising erythrocytes, which relates to the blood's oxygen‐carrying capacity and viscosity, and to individual endurance. Hematocrit has been shown to decline with age in cross‐sectional studies (which may be confounded by selective appearance/disappearance). However, few studies have tested whether hematocrit declines within individuals or whether low hematocrit impacts survival in wild taxa. Using longitudinal data from the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis), we demonstrated that hematocrit increases with age in young individuals (<1.5 years) but decreases with age in older individuals (1.5–13 years). In breeders, hematocrit was higher in males than females and varied relative to breeding stage. High hematocrit was associated with lower survival in young individuals, but not older individuals. Thus, while we did not find support for hematocrit as a marker of senescence, high hematocrit is indicative of poor condition in younger individuals. Possible explanations are that these individuals were experiencing dehydration and/or high endurance demands prior to capture, which warrants further investigation. Our study demonstrates that hematocrit can be an informative metric for life‐history studies investigating trade‐offs between survival, longevity, and reproduction.  相似文献   

Sex‐specific colour polymorphisms have been extensively documented in many different taxa. When polymorphism in colour pattern is restricted to females, the condition is known as female‐limited pattern polymorphism (FPP), which has been less commonly addressed in vertebrates. FPP is present in several lizard species, although most research on lizards has focused on carotenoid‐ and pteridine‐based coloration and not on melanin‐based polymorphisms. In the present study, we focus on Iberian wall lizards, Podarcis hispanicus, where two female melanin‐based dorsal patterns can be clearly distinguished: striped and reticulated‐blotched. We indirectly tested the hypothesis that selection acts differentially among P. hispanicus female morphs to create alternative morph‐specific phenotypic optima at different levels by investigating whether morphs differ in fitness proxies. We specifically examined whether the two female dorsal pattern morphs differed in adult morphology, dorsal coloration, immune response, reproductive investment, and growth. We did not find a relationship between melanin‐based coloration and hatchling growth and immune response, despite a correlation between these traits possibly being expected as a result of pleiotropy in the melanocortin system. However, our results show that female dorsal morphs in P. hispanicus differ in terms of adult morphology, dorsal coloration, and reproductive investment. Reticulated‐blotched P. hispanicus females had deeper heads and longer femora, less melanin, and more brownish coloration, and also had larger and heavier hatchlings than striped females.  相似文献   

Physiology, physics, and ecological interactions can generate trade‐offs within species, but may also shape divergence among species. We tested whether signal divergence in Oecanthus tree crickets is shaped by acoustic, energetic, and behavioral trade‐offs. We found that species with faster pulse rates, produced by opening and closing wings up to twice as many times per second, did not have higher metabolic costs of calling. The relatively constant energetic cost across species is explained by trade‐offs between the duration and repetition rate of acoustic signals—species with fewer stridulatory teeth closed their wings more frequently such that the number of teeth struck per second of calling and the resulting duty cycle were relatively constant across species. Further trade‐offs were evident in relationships between signals and body size. Calling was relatively inexpensive for small males, permitting them to call for much of the night, but at low amplitude. Large males produced much louder calls, reaching up to four times more area, but the energetic costs increased substantially with increasing size and the time spent calling dropped to only 20% of the night. These trade‐offs indicate that the trait combinations that arise in these species represent a limited subset of conceivable trait combinations.  相似文献   

The occurrence of additive genetic variance (VA) for male sexual traits remains a major problem in evolutionary biology. Directional selection normally imposed by female choice is expected to reduce VA greatly, yet recent surveys indicate that a substantial amount remains in many species. We addressed this problem, also known as the 'lek paradox', in Achroia grisella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), an acoustic moth in which males advertise to females with a pulsed ultrasonic song. Using a standard half-sib/full-sib breeding design, we generated F1 progeny from whom we determined VA and genetic covariance (COVA) among seven traits: three song characters, an overall index of song attractiveness, nightly singing period, adult lifespan, and body mass at adult eclosion. Because A. grisella neither feed nor drink as adults, the last trait, eclosion body mass, is considered a measure of 'condition'. We found significant levels of VA and narrow-sense heritabilities (h2) for all seven traits and significant genetic correlations (= COVAi,j / radical (VA i x VA j)) between most pairs of traits (i, j). Male attractiveness was positively correlated with body mass (condition), adult lifespan, and nightly singing period, which we interpret as an energy constraint preventing males in poor condition from singing attractively, from singing many hours per night, and from surviving an extended lifespan. The positive genetic correlation (r = 0.79) between condition and attractiveness, combined with significant levels of VA for both traits, indicates that much of the variation in male song can be explained by VA for condition. Finally, we discuss the morphological and physiological links between condition and song attractiveness, and the ultimate factors that may maintain VA for condition.  相似文献   

1. Trade‐offs play a fundamental role in the evolution of many traits. 2. In wing‐polymorphic field crickets, the long‐winged morph can disperse from unfavourable environments, but has lower reproductive success than the short‐winged morph, because of costs associated with flight capability. 3. However, long‐winged individuals may minimise costs in favourable environments by histolysing their flight muscles and becoming flightless. 4. Few studies have examined how flight‐muscle histolysis affects male signalling and mate attraction. 5. We examined differences in singing activity and song characteristics among the flightless (short‐winged and histolysed long‐winged) and the flight‐capable male morphs, and female preferences for male song, in the sand field cricket. 6. We found: (i) both flightless morphs sang more than the flight‐capable morph, (ii) song characteristics varied among the three morphs, and (iii) females preferred songs characteristic of the long‐winged morphs. 7. Histolysis should increase mating success of long‐winged males because it increases singing activity. 8. Histolysed long‐winged males may have higher mating success than short‐winged males as they sing as frequently but produce more attractive songs. 9. Therefore, plasticity within the long‐winged morph may reduce costs of maturing in environments from which dispersal is not advantageous; non‐flying morphs may be pursuing different reproductive tactics.  相似文献   

We investigated the quantitative genetics of plasticity in resource allocation between survival, growth and reproductive effort in Crassostrea gigas when food abundance varies spatially. Resource allocation shifted from survival to growth and reproductive effort as food abundance increased. An optimality model suggests that this plastic shift may be adaptive. Reproductive effort plasticity and mean survival were highly heritable, whereas for growth, both mean and plasticity had low heritability. The genetic correlations between reproductive effort and both survival and growth were negative in poor treatments, suggesting trade-offs, but positive in rich ones. These sign reversals may reflect genetic variability in resource acquisition, which would only be expressed when food is abundant. Finally, we found positive genetic correlations between reproductive effort plasticity and both growth and survival means. The latter may reflect adaptation of C. gigas to differential sensitivity of fitness to survival, such that genetic variability in survival mean might support genetic variability in reproductive effort plasticity.  相似文献   

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