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Phenotypic divergence is often unrelated to genotypic divergence. An extreme example is rapid phenotypic differentiation despite genetic similarity. Another extreme is morphological stasis despite substantial genetic divergence. These opposite patterns have been viewed as reflecting opposite properties of the lineages. In this study, phenotypic radiation accompanied by both rapid divergence and long‐term conservatism is documented in the inferred molecular phylogeny of the micro land snails Cavernacmella (Assimineidae) on the Ogasawara Islands. The populations of Cavernacmella on the Sekimon limestone outcrop of Hahajima Island showed marked divergence in shell morphology. Within this area, one lineage diversified into types with elongated turret shells, conical shells and flat disc‐like shells without substantial genetic differentiation. Additionally, a co‐occurring species with these types developed a much larger shell size. Moreover, a lineage adapted to live inside caves in this area. In contrast, populations in the other areas exhibited no morphological differences despite high genetic divergence among populations. Accordingly, the phenotypic evolution of Cavernacmella in Ogasawara is characterized by a pattern of long‐term stasis and periodic bursts of change. This pattern suggests that even lineages with phenotypic conservatism could shift to an alternative state allowing rapid phenotypic divergence.  相似文献   

Conventional prey‐specific gut content ELISA (enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay) and PCR (polymerase chain reaction) assays are useful for identifying predators of insect pests in nature. However, these assays are prone to yielding certain types of food chain errors. For instance, it is possible that prey remains can pass through the food chain as the result of a secondary predator (hyperpredator) consuming a primary predator that had previously consumed the pest. If so, the pest‐specific assay will falsely identify the secondary predator as the organism providing the biological control services to the ecosystem. Recently, a generic gut content ELISA was designed to detect protein‐marked prey remains. That assay proved to be less costly, more versatile, and more reliable at detecting primary predation events than a prey‐specific PCR assay. This study examines the chances of obtaining a ‘false positive’ food chain error with the generic ELISA. Data revealed that the ELISA was 100% accurate at detecting protein‐marked Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae) remains in the guts of two (true) primary predators, Hippodamia convergens Guérin‐Méneville (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Collops vittatus (Say) (Coleoptera: Melyridae). However, there was also a high frequency (70%) false positives associated with hyperpredators, Zelus renardii Kolenati (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), that consumed a primary predator that possessed protein‐marked L. hesperus in its gut. These findings serve to alert researchers that the generic ELISA, like the PCR assay, is susceptible to food chain errors.  相似文献   

Although the impact of elevated carbon dioxide and rising temperature on plants and animals has been extensively documented recently, only limited understanding exists regarding their combined effects. The objective of this research was to address the consequences of using combinations of elevated CO2 and elevated temperature on a plant's defensive chemistry, and subsequent utilization of the plant as insect food. Our results indicated that elevated CO2 and increased temperature, for the most part, act independently on the production of defensive compounds in broccoli leaves (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica). CO2 concentrations had significant effects on the foliar water content, total phenolic compounds, polyphenol oxidase and trypsin inhibitor concentrations. The herbivore Spodoptera litura (Fabricius; Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) responded to changes in the plant secondary chemistry, with larvae consuming more plant materials that had been exposed to elevated CO2. The food utilization efficiencies of second‐instar larvae were more sensitive to CO2‐treated foliage than those of the third‐ and fourth‐instar larvae. Temperature did exert a significant effect on food utilization (ECD) by the larvae. Our study will provide important information in future predictions on plant–insect interactions as a result of climate change. The study also demonstrated that since various larval stages might respond differently to climate change, this possibility needs to be considered in future forecasting and monitoring.  相似文献   

Experimental evolution is becoming a popular approach to study the genomic selection response of evolving populations. Computer simulation studies suggest that the accuracy of the signature increases with the duration of the experiment. Since some assumptions of the computer simulations may be violated, it is important to scrutinize the influence of the experimental duration with real data. Here, we use a highly replicated Evolve and Resequence study in Drosophila simulans to compare the selection targets inferred at different time points. At each time point, approximately the same number of SNPs deviates from neutral expectations, but only 10% of the selected haplotype blocks identified from the full data set can be detected after 20 generations. Those haplotype blocks that emerge already after 20 generations differ from the others by being strongly selected at the beginning of the experiment and display a more parallel selection response. Consistent with previous computer simulations, our results demonstrate that only Evolve and Resequence experiments with a sufficient number of generations can characterize complex adaptive architectures.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition for shared resources should select for evolutionary divergence in resource use between competing species, termed character displacement. Many purported examples of character displacement exist, but few completely rule out alternative explanations. We reared genetically diverse populations of two species of bean beetles, Callosobruchus maculatus and Callosobruchus chinensis, in allopatry and sympatry on a mixture of adzuki beans and lentils, and assayed oviposition preference and other phenotypic traits after four, eight, and twelve generations of (co)evolution. C. maculatus specializes on adzuki beans; the generalist C. chinensis uses both beans. C. chinensis growing in allopatry emerged equally from both bean species. In sympatry, the two species competing strongly and coexisted via strong realized resource partitioning, with C. chinensis emerging almost exclusively from lentils and C. maculatus emerging almost exclusively from adzuki beans. However, oviposition preferences, larval survival traits, and larval development rates in both beetle species did not vary consistently between allopatric versus sympatric treatments. Rather, traits evolved in treatment‐independent fashion, with several traits exhibiting reversals in their evolutionary trajectories. For example, C. chinensis initially evolved a slower egg‐to‐adult development rate on adzuki beans in both allopatry and sympatry, then subsequently evolved back toward the faster ancestral development rate. Lack of character displacement is consistent with a previous similar experiment in bean beetles and may reflect lack of evolutionary trade‐offs in resource use. However, evolutionary reversals were unexpected and remain unexplained. Together with other empirical and theoretical work, our results illustrate the stringency of the conditions for character displacement.  相似文献   

1. Habitat heterogeneity has important repercussions for species abundance, demography and life-history patterns. While habitat effects have been more thoroughly studied in top-down situations (e.g. in association with predation), their role in bottom-up situations (e.g. in association with food abundance) has been less explored and the underlying mechanism(s) behind the ecological patterns have not commonly been identified. 2. With material from 1993 to 2003, we test the hypothesis that the reproduction of Finnish northern goshawks Accipiter gentilis (L.) is bottom-up limited by habitat composition, especially in situations where the density of their main prey (grouse) is low. Special emphasis was placed on identifying the mechanism(s) behind potential habitat effects. 3. While laying date and large-scale variation in the main prey density (but not habitat composition) were related to the number of eggs goshawks laid, small-scale differences in alternative prey density between different territories later influenced how many young were fledged via the mechanism of habitat-dependent partial-brood loss. As a result of this mechanism, a difference in nestling condition also arose between goshawk territories with differing habitat compositions. 4. As the relative proportions of different landscape elements in a given landscape is a function of large-scale differences in geomorphology and land use, this means that the reproductive performance of goshawks as averaged over larger scales can be understood correctly only in respect to the fact that habitat gradients differ across landscapes. 5. In addition to being one of the first papers identifying the mechanism of partial brood loss as being primarily responsible for the habitat-specific differences in the production of young, this study further illustrates the need to identify small-scale mechanisms to correctly understand the large-scale patterns of reproductive performance in territorial species. The repercussions of the observed habitat effect for local population development are discussed.  相似文献   

Spatio‐temporally stable prey distributions coupled with individual foraging site fidelity are predicted to favour individual resource specialisation. Conversely, predators coping with dynamic prey distributions should diversify their individual diet and/or shift foraging areas to increase net intake. We studied individual specialisation in Scopoli's shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea) from the highly dynamic Western Mediterranean, using daily prey distributions together with resource selection, site fidelity and trophic‐level analyses. As hypothesised, we found dietary diversification, low foraging site fidelity and almost no individual specialisation in resource selection. Crucially, shearwaters switched daily foraging tactics, selecting areas with contrasting prey of varying trophic levels. Overall, information use and plastic resource selection of individuals with reduced short‐term foraging site fidelity allow predators to overcome prey field lability. Our study is an essential step towards a better understanding of individual responses to enhanced environmental stochasticity driven by global changes, and of pathways favouring population persistence.  相似文献   

Reducing predation by introduced predators on seasonally vulnerable prey is of interest to biodiversity and game managers around the world. In Australia, the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a significant predator of freshwater turtle nests, destroying up to 93% of nests. We used a nonrandomized intervention study to assess the effectiveness of a short‐term (3‐week) but broad‐scale baiting operation in reducing the level of nest predation on artificial turtle nests around a complex lake system during a major flooding event in north‐western Victoria. Estimates of fox occupancy declined from 0.58 (0.44–0.70 95% CI) to 0.34 (0.21–0.46 95% CI) following fox control. Modelling of nest‐survival rates indicated there was no significant change in survival rates. Effective short‐term predator control to protect seasonally vulnerable prey is desirable and achievable. Knowledge of underlying predator density, predator–bait encounter and consumption rates, and the optimal duration of short‐term control is needed to reduce the risk to prey.  相似文献   

Variation in somatic growth rates is of great interest to biologists because of the relationship between growth and other fitness‐determining traits, and it results from both genetic and environmentally induced variation (i.e. plasticity). Theoretical predictions suggest that mean somatic growth rates and the shape of the reaction norm for growth can be influenced by variation in predator‐induced mortality rates. Few studies have focused on variation in reaction norms for growth in response to resource availability between high‐predation and low‐predation environments. We used juvenile Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora from high‐predation and low‐predation environments to test for variation in mean growth rates and for variation in reaction norms for growth at two levels of food availability in a common‐environment experiment. To test for variation in growth rates in the field, we compared somatic growth rates in juveniles in high‐predation and low‐predation environments. In the common‐environment experiment, mean growth rates did not differ between fish from differing predation environments, but the interaction between predation environment and food level took the form of a crossing reaction norm for both growth in length and mass. Fish from low‐predation environments exhibited no significant difference in growth rate between high and low food treatments. In contrast, fish from high‐predation environments exhibited variation in growth rates between high and low food treatments, with higher food availability resulting in higher growth rates. In the field, individuals in the high‐predation environment grow at a faster rate than those in low‐predation environments at the smallest sizes (comparable to sizes in the common‐environment experiment). These data provide no evidence for evolved differences in mean growth rates between predation environments. However, fish from high‐predation environments exhibited greater plasticity in growth rates in response to resource availability suggesting that predation environments may exhibit increased variation in food availability for prey fish and consequent selection for plasticity.  相似文献   

Plants release volatiles in response to caterpillar feeding that attracts natural enemies of the herbivores, a tritrophic interaction which has been considered to be an indirect plant defence against herbivores. On the other hand, the caterpillar‐induced plant volatiles have been reported to either repel or attract conspecific adult herbivores. This work was undertaken to investigate the response of both herbivores and natural enemies to caterpillar‐induced plant volatiles in apple orchards. We sampled volatile compounds emitted from uninfested apple trees, and apple trees infested with generalist herbivore the pandemis leafroller moth, Pandemis pyrusana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) larvae using headspace collection and analysed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Infested apple trees uniquely release six compounds (benzyl alcohol, phenylacetonitrile, phenylacetaldehyde, 2‐phenylethanol, indole and (E)‐nerolidol). These compounds were tested on two species of herbivores and one predator in apple orchards. Binary blends of phenylacetonitrile + acetic acid or 2‐phenylethanol + acetic acid attracted a large number of conspecific male and female adult herbivores. The response of pandemis leafroller to herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) was so pronounced that over one thousand and seven hundred conspecific male and female adult herbivores were caught in traps baited with HIPVs in three‐day trapping period. In addition, significantly higher number of male and female obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), was caught in traps baited a binary blend of 2‐phenylethanol + acetic acid, or a ternary blend contains 2‐phenylethanol and phenylacetonitrile + acetic acid. This result challenges the current paradigm hypothesized that HIPVs repel herbivores and question the indirect defensive function proposed for these compounds. On the other hand, a ternary blend of phenylacetonitrile and 2‐phenylethanol + acetic acid attracted the largest numbers of the general predator, the common green lacewing, Chrysoperla plorabunda. To our knowledge, this is the first record of the direct attraction of conspecific adult herbivores as well as a predator to the caterpillar‐induced plant volatiles in the field.  相似文献   

Parental care in long‐lived bird species involves a trade‐off between the benefits of increasing the effort expended on current offspring and the costs that this represents for future reproductive output. Under regimes of high environmental variability, long‐lived seabirds can adjust their breeding effort to buffer the negative effects of this variability on their offspring. However, the potential impacts of variation in breeding effort on offspring physiology in the short term and on longer‐term survival are poorly understood. In this study, we manipulated brood age through a cross‐fostering experiment to assess whether increasing or decreasing parental reproductive expenditure led to costs in Blue‐footed Booby Sula nebouxii chicks. Specifically, we tested the consequences of altered parental reproductive expenditure on the offspring's physiological condition (plasma metabolites, heterophil to lymphocyte ratio (H/L) and body condition index (BCI)) and survival. Offspring from broods in which parental investment was experimentally increased showed a lower BCI and lower alkaline phosphatase levels and higher H/L ratios than controls. Conversely, offspring showed the opposite pattern when reproductive expenditure was experimentally decreased. We observed no effects of manipulation of parental investment on triglyceride levels or on survival rates. Although our findings suggest that Blue‐footed Booby parents have the ability to adjust their breeding effort according to the demands of their offspring, parental effort could influence the effect of hatching order by suppressing the aggressive tendency of the senior chick.  相似文献   

Continental margins are disproportionally important for global primary production, fisheries and CO2 uptake. However, across the Northeast Atlantic shelves, there has been an ongoing summertime decline of key biota—large diatoms, dinoflagellates and copepods—that traditionally fuel higher tropic levels such as fish, sea birds and marine mammals. Here, we combine multiple time series with in situ process studies to link these declines to summer nutrient stress and increasing proportions of picophytoplankton that can comprise up to 90% of the combined pico‐ and nanophytoplankton biomass in coastal areas. Among the pico‐fraction, it is the cyanobacterium Synechococcus that flourishes when iron and nitrogen resupply to surface waters are diminished. Our field data show how traits beyond small size give Synechococcus a competitive edge over pico‐ and nanoeukaryotes. Key is their ability to grow at low irradiances near the nutricline, which is aided by their superior light‐harvesting system and high affinity to iron. However, minute size and lack of essential biomolecules (e.g. omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and sterols) render Synechococcus poor primary producers to sustain shelf sea food webs efficiently. The combination of earlier spring blooms and lower summer food quantity and quality creates an increasing period of suboptimal feeding conditions for zooplankton at a time of year when their metabolic demand is highest. We suggest that this nutrition‐related mismatch has contributed to the widespread, ~50% decline in summer copepod abundance we observe over the last 60 years. With Synechococcus clades being prominent from the tropics to the Arctic and their abundances increasing worldwide, our study informs projections of future food web dynamics in coastal and shelf areas where droughts and stratification lead to increasing nutrient starvation of surface waters.  相似文献   

Mixotrophic protists combine phagotrophy and phototrophy within a single cell. Greater phagotrophic activity could reinforce the bypass of carbon (C) flux through the bacteria‐mixotroph link and thus lead to a more efficient transfer of C and other nutrients to the top of the trophic web. Determining how foreseeable changes in temperature and UVR affect mixotrophic trade‐offs in favor of one or the other nutritional strategy, along the mixotrophic gradient, is key to understanding the fate of carbon and mineral nutrients in the aquatic ecosystem. Our two main hypotheses were: (i) that increased warming and UVR will divert metabolism toward phagotrophy, and (ii) that the magnitude of this shift will vary according to the organism's position along the mixotrophic gradient. To test these hypotheses, we used two protists (Isochrysis galbana and Chromulina sp.) located in different positions on the mixotrophic gradient, subjecting them to the action of temperature and of UVR and their interaction. Our results showed that the joint action of these two factors increased the primary production:bacterivory ratio and stoichiometric values (N:P ratio) close to Redfield's ratio. Therefore, temperature and UVR shifted the metabolism of both organisms toward greater phototrophy regardless of the original position of the organism on the mixotrophic gradient. Weaker phagotrophic activity could cause a less efficient transfer of C to the top of trophic webs.  相似文献   

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