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Natural selection is an important driver of microevolution. Yet, despite significant theoretical debate, we still have a poor understanding of how selection operates on interacting traits (i.e., morphology, performance, habitat use). Locomotor performance is often assumed to impact survival because of its key role in foraging, predator escape, and social interactions, and shows strong links with morphology and habitat use within and among species. In particular, decades of study suggest, but have not yet demonstrated, that natural selection on locomotor performance has shaped the diversification of Anolis lizards in the Greater Antilles. Here, we estimate natural selection on sprinting speed and endurance in small replicate island populations of Anolis sagrei. Consistent with past correlational studies, long-limbed lizards ran faster on broad surfaces but also had increased sprint sensitivity on narrow surfaces. Moreover, performance differences were adaptive in the wild. Selection favored long-limbed lizards that were fast on broad surfaces, and preferred broad substrates in nature, and also short-limbed lizards that were less sprint sensitive on narrow surfaces, and preferred narrow perches in nature. This finding is unique in showing that selection does not act on performance alone, but rather on unique combinations of performance, morphology, and habitat use. Our results support the long-standing hypothesis that correlated selection on locomotor performance, morphology, and habitat use drives the evolution of ecomorphological correlations within Caribbean Anolis lizards, potentially providing a microevolutionary mechanism for their remarkable adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism evolves when selection favors different phenotypic optima between the sexes. Such sexually antagonistic selection creates intralocus sexual conflict when traits are genetically correlated between the sexes and have sex‐specific optima. Brown anoles are highly sexually dimorphic: Males are on average 30% longer than females and 150% heavier in our study population. Viability selection on body size is known to be sexually antagonistic, and directional selection favors large male size whereas stabilizing selection constrains females to remain small. We build on previous studies of viability selection by measuring sexually antagonistic selection using reproductive components of fitness over three generations in a natural population of brown anoles. We estimated the number of offspring produced by an individual that survived to sexual maturity (termed RSV), a measure of individual fitness that includes aspects of both individual reproductive success and offspring survival. We found directional selection on male body size, consistent with previous studies of viability selection. However, selection on female body size varied among years, and included periods of positive directional selection, quadratic stabilizing selection, and no selection. Selection acts differently in the sexes based on both survival and reproduction and sexual conflict appears to be a persistent force in this species.  相似文献   

Selection for different fitness optima between sexes is supposed to operate on several traits. As fitness‐related traits are often energetically costly, selection should also act directly on the energetics of individuals. However, efforts to examine the relationship between fitness and components of the energy budget are surprisingly scarce. We investigated the effects of basal metabolic rate (BMR, the minimum energy required for basic life functions) and body condition on long‐term survival (8 winter months) with manipulated densities in enclosed populations of bank voles (Myodes glareolus). Here, we show that survival selection on BMR was clearly sex‐specific but density‐independent. Both the linear selection gradient and selection differential for BMR were positive in females, whereas survival did not correlate with male characteristics. Our findings emphasize the relative importance of individual physiology over ecological factors (e.g. intra‐specific competition). Most current models of the origin of endothermy underline the importance of metabolic optima in females, whose physiology evolved to fulfil demands of parental provisioning in mammals. Our novel findings of sex‐specific selection could be related to these life history differences between sexes.  相似文献   

By using selection differentials, gradients and structural equation modelling (SEM), I have quantified the phenotypic selection acting on Lobularia maritima (Cruciferae) flower size, display, colour and density, using data on lifetime female fitness. Furthermore, by analysing the resulting F1 generation in field and greenhouse conditions, I estimated the actual intergenerational change in the value of these traits. Both pollinators preferred plants with many and large flowers. Strong directional selection for increased flower display was found in all years of the study, regardless of the technique used. Indirect selection due to a high significant correlation with flower display occurred on flower colour and size. SEM showed that pollinators played only a minor role in this observed phenotypic selection. The analysis of the phenotypes of F1 plants showed that flower display actually increased across generations. In addition, white flowers were significantly more frequent in the offspring population than in the parental one, mostly due to the association between flower display and white coloured flowers. This suggests that both direct and indirect selection can play a role in the evolution of correlated traits in this crucifer.  相似文献   

In nature, selection varies across time in most environments, but we lack an understanding of how specific ecological changes drive this variation. Ecological factors can alter phenotypic selection coefficients through changes in trait distributions or individual mean fitness, even when the trait‐absolute fitness relationship remains constant. We apply and extend a regression‐based approach in a population of Soay sheep (Ovis aries) and suggest metrics of environment‐selection relationships that can be compared across studies. We then introduce a novel method that constructs an environmentally structured fitness function. This allows calculation of full (as in existing approaches) and partial (acting separately through the absolute fitness function slope, mean fitness, and phenotype distribution) sensitivities of selection to an ecological variable. Both approaches show positive overall effects of density on viability selection of lamb mass. However, the second approach demonstrates that this relationship is largely driven by effects of density on mean fitness, rather than on the trait‐fitness relationship slope. If such mechanisms of environmental dependence of selection are common, this could have important implications regarding the frequency of fluctuating selection, and how previous selection inferences relate to longer term evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

Abstract. A reduction in the locomotor capacity of gravid females is considered to be a cost of reproduction if it leads to an increased risk of mortality. In this study, we measured the change in endurance between gravid and postgravid female side-blotched lizards ( Uta stansburiana ) as a test of the cost of reproduction. We also altered reproductive investment in some females by direct ovarian manipulation (yolkectomy), which decreased reproductive burden by 30%. Regardless of experimental treatment, all females had lower endurance when gravid. Endurance was 28% lower in gravid females from the yolkectomy treatment and 31% lower in the unmanipulated females relative to postoviposition females. The experimental reduction in clutch mass resulted in a 21% increase in endurance of gravid yolkectomy females relative to control females. Postovipositional endurance was significantly higher in the yolkectomized females than unmanipulated females, which suggests that the cost of reproduction carries over to postoviposition performance. Unmanipulated females exhibited a significant negative association between endurance and size-specific burden. Endurance was not correlated with clutch size or size-specific burden in the yolkectomy females. Survivorship to the second clutch was higher in the yolkectomy females. The results from a logistic regression showed the probability of survival to the second clutch was significantly and positively associated with endurance after controlling for the effects of treatment. Our analyses demonstrated that the decrement in performance associated with current reproductive investment represents a cost of reproduction expressed as diminished locomotor performance and lowered survivorship to the next clutch.  相似文献   

Understanding how quickly physiological traits evolve is a topic of great interest, particularly in the context of how organisms can adapt in response to climate warming. Adjustment to novel thermal habitats may occur either through behavioural adjustments, physiological adaptation or both. Here, we test whether rates of evolution differ among physiological traits in the cybotoids, a clade of tropical Anolis lizards distributed in markedly different thermal environments on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. We find that cold tolerance evolves considerably faster than heat tolerance, a difference that results because behavioural thermoregulation more effectively shields these organisms from selection on upper than lower temperature tolerances. Specifically, because lizards in very different environments behaviourally thermoregulate during the day to similar body temperatures, divergent selection on body temperature and heat tolerance is precluded, whereas night-time temperatures can only be partially buffered by behaviour, thereby exposing organisms to selection on cold tolerance. We discuss how exposure to selection on physiology influences divergence among tropical organisms and its implications for adaptive evolutionary response to climate warming.  相似文献   

A long‐standing debate in evolutionary biology concerns the relative importance of different evolutionary forces in explaining phenotypic diversification at large geographic scales. For example, natural selection is typically assumed to underlie divergence along environmental gradients. However, neutral evolutionary processes can produce similar patterns. We collected molecular genetic data from 14 European populations of Plantago lanceolata to test the contributions of natural selection versus neutral evolution to population divergence in temperature‐sensitive phenotypic plasticity of floral reflectance. In Planceolata, reflectance plasticity is positively correlated with latitude/altitude. We used population pairwise comparisons between neutral genetic differentiation (FST and Jost's D) and phenotypic differentiation (PST) to assess the contributions of geographic distance and environmental parameters of the reproductive season in driving population divergence. Data are consistent with selection having shaped large‐scale geographic patterns in thermal plasticity. The aggregate pattern of PST versus FST was consistent with divergent selection. FST explained thermal plasticity differences only when geographic distance was not included in the model. Differences in the extent of cool reproductive season temperatures, and not overall temperature variation, explained plasticity differences independent of distance. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that thermal plasticity is adaptive where growing seasons are shorter and cooler, that is, at high latitude/altitude.  相似文献   

苏丽娜  李晓晨  靳川 《生态学报》2006,26(10):3265-3269
为比较恒温和变温驯化对鼎突多刺蚁(Polyrhachis vicina Roger)热适应和运动行为的影响,将鼎突多翅蚁分别在15℃恒温和13.4~21.6℃变温下进行驯化,定量分析两种驯化温度对鼎突多翅蚁热适应和运动行为的影响.结果表明,恒温和变温驯化对鼎突多刺蚁的最适温度、逃避高温、运动中的停顿频率、疾跑速度、最大持续运动距离均有显著影响(p<0.01),而对逃避低温的影响不显著(p=0.343);变温驯化后鼎突多刺蚁的最适温度仅有一个峰值,这不符合最适性模型的预测;恒温和变温驯化下鼎突多刺蚁的疾跑速度与最大持续运动距离都呈显著的正相关(分别为p=0.017和p<0.001),且经过变温驯化的鼎突多刺蚁的运动能力明显强于恒温驯化下个体的运动能力.  相似文献   

Evolutionary change of thermal traits (i.e., heat tolerance and behavioural thermoregulation) is one of the most important mechanisms exhibited by organisms to respond to global warming. However, the evolutionary potential of heat tolerance, estimated as narrow‐sense heritability, depends on the methodology employed. An alternative adaptive mechanism to buffer extreme temperatures is behavioural thermoregulation, although the association between heat tolerance and thermal preference is not clearly understood. We suspect that methodological effects associated with the duration of heat stress during thermal tolerance assays are responsible for missing this genetic association. To test this hypothesis, we estimated the heritabilities and genetic correlations for thermal traits in Drosophila subobscura, using high‐temperature static and slow ramping assays. We found that heritability for heat tolerance was higher in static assays (h2 = 0.134) than in slow ramping assays (h2 = 0.084), suggesting that fast assays may provide a more precise estimation of the genetic variation of heat tolerance. In addition, thermal preference exhibited a low heritability (h2 = 0.066), suggesting a reduced evolutionary response for this trait. We also found that the different estimates of heat tolerance and thermal preference were not genetically correlated, regardless of how heat tolerance was estimated. In conclusion, our data suggest that these thermal traits can evolve independently in this species. In agreement with previous evidence, these results indicate that methodology may have an important impact on genetic estimates of heat tolerance and that fast assays are more likely to detect the genetic component of heat tolerance.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is often assumed to reflect the phenotypic consequences of differential selection operating on each sex. Species that exhibit SSD may also show intersexual differences in other traits, including field‐active body temperatures, preferred temperatures, and locomotor performance. For these traits, differences may be correlated with differences in body size or reflect sex‐specific trait optima. Male and female Yarrow's spiny lizards, Sceloporus jarrovii, in a population in southeastern Arizona exhibit a difference in body temperature that is unrelated to variation in body size. The observed sexual variation in body temperature may reflect divergence in thermal physiology between the sexes. To test this hypothesis, we measured the preferred body temperatures of male and female lizards when recently fed and fasted. We also estimated the thermal sensitivity of stamina at seven body temperatures. Variation in these traits provided an opportunity to determine whether body size or sex‐specific variation unrelated to size shaped their thermal physiology. Female lizards, but not males, preferred a lower body temperature when fasted, and this pattern was unrelated to body size. Larger individuals exhibited greater stamina, but we detected no significant effect of sex on the shape or height of the thermal performance curves. The thermal preference of males and females in a thermal gradient exceeded the optimal temperature for performance in both sexes. Our findings suggest that differences in thermal physiology are both sex‐ and size‐based and that peak performance at low body temperatures may be adaptive given the reproductive cycles of this viviparous species. We consider the implications of our findings for the persistence of S. jarrovii and other montane ectotherms in the face of climate warming.  相似文献   

We compare morphological characteristics of male and female Barisia imbricata, Mexican alligator lizards, and find that mass, head length, coloration, incidence of scars from conspecifics, tail loss, and frequency of bearing the color/pattern of the opposite sex are all sexually dimorphic traits. Overall size (measured as snout–vent length), on the other hand, is not different between the two sexes. We use data on bite scar frequency and fecundity to evaluate competing hypotheses regarding the selective forces driving these patterns. We contend that sexual selection, acting through male‐male competition, may favor larger mass and head size in males, whereas large females are likely favored by natural selection for greater fecundity. In addition, the frequency of opposite‐sex patterning in males versus females may indicate that the costs of agonistic interactions among males are severe enough to allow for an alternative mating strategy. Finally, we discuss how sexual and natural selective forces may interact to drive or mask the evolution of sexually dimorphic traits.  相似文献   

The field metabolic rates (FMR) and rates of water flux were measured in two species of varanid lizards over five periods of the year in tropical Australia. The energetics of these species were further investigated by directly measuring activity (locomotion) and body temperatures of free-ranging animals by radiotelemetry, and by measuring standard metabolic rate (over a range of body temperatures) and activity metabolism in the laboratory. Seasonal differences in the activity and energetics were found in these goannas despite similar, high daytime temperatures throughout the year in tropical Australia. Periods of inactivity were associated with the dry times of the year, but the onset of this period of inactivity differed with respect to habitat even within the same species. Varanus gouldii, which inhabit woodlands only, were inactive during the dry and late dry seasons. V. panoptes that live in the woodland had a similar seasonal pattern of activity, but V. panoptes living near the floodplain of the South Alligator River had their highest levels of activity during the dry season when they walked long distances to forage at the receding edge of the floodplain. However, during the late dry season, after the floodplain had dried completely, they too became inactive. For V. gouldii, the rates of energy expenditure were 196 kJ kg–1 day–1 for active animals and 66 kJ kg–1 day–1 for inactive animals. The rates of water influx for these groups were respectively 50.7 and 19.5 ml kg–1 day–1. For V. panoptes, the rates of energy expenditure were 143 kJ kg–1 day–1 for active animals and 56 kJ kg–1 day–1 for inactive animals. The rates of water influx for these two groups were respectively 41.4 and 21.0 ml kg–1 day–1. We divided the daily energy expenditure into the proportion of energy that lizards used when in burrows, out of burrows but inactive, and in locomotion for the two species during the different seasons. The time spent in locomotion by V. panoptes during the dry season is extremely high for a reptile (mean of 3.5 h/day spent walking), and these results provide an ecological correlate to the high aerobic capacity found in laboratory measurements of some species of varanids.  相似文献   

Lars Witting 《Oikos》2018,127(7):991-1000
I simulate the natural selection of metabolism and mass to explain the curvature in the metabolic allometry for placental and marsupial mammals. The simulation model starts with a single ancestor in each clade at the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary 65 million years ago. The release of inter‐specific competition by the extinction of dinosaurs make it possible for each clade to diversify into a multitude of species across a wide range of empty niches. The selection of mass in these species depends on the net assimilated energy that depends on 1) the handling of the resources in the different niches, and on 2) mass‐specific metabolism that defines the pace of the handling process. The model is fitted to explain the maximum observed body masses over time and the current inter‐specific allometry for metabolism. The selection of mass‐specific metabolism is found to bend the metabolic allometry over time, even when all species have the same selection on the per‐generation time‐scale of natural selection. This is because the smaller species evolve over a larger number of generations than the larger species. The strongest curvature is in the placental clade, where the estimated rate of exponential increase in mass‐specific metabolism is 9.3 × 10?9 (95% CI: 7.3 × 10?9 – 1.1 × 10?8) on the per‐generation time‐scale. This is an order of magnitude larger than the estimate for marsupials, in agreement with an average metabolism that is 30% larger in placentals relative to marsupials of similar size.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns of natural and sexual selection on male badge size and body traits were studied in a population of house sparrows, Passer domesticus. Badge size was a heritable trait as revealed by a significant father-son regression. Survival during autumn dispersal and winter was not related to badge size or body traits in yearling male house sparrows. Badges that signal dominance status were affected positively by directional selection for mating. Adult male house sparrows suffered an opposing selection pressure on badge size during autumn. Contrary to males, female house sparrows did not experience significant directional or stabilizing selection on any body trait. Directional sexual selection on male badge size due to female choice moves male sparrows away from their survival optimum. Opposing directional natural selection on badge size due to autumn mortality caused by predation maintains a stable badge size.  相似文献   

1. The metabolic or respiratory cost of growth ( R G) is the increase in metabolic rate of a growing animal, and it represents chemical potential energy expended in support of net biosynthesis but not deposited as new tissue.
2. Two statistical methods (multiple non-linear regression and analysis of regression residuals) were used to calculate R G from data ( n = 68) from a doubly labelled water study of free-ranging Garter Snakes ( Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi ) in northern California.
3. The sample-wise ('ecological') cost of growth was 2·07 kJ per gram of net growth (equivalent to 8·63 kJ g–1 dry tissue); reanalysis of a subset of efficient growers yielded a more conservative 'physiological' estimate of 1·67 kJ g–1.
4. Our empirical estimate of R G, among the first reported for squamate reptiles and free-living animals of any kind, compares closely with published, laboratory-derived values for ectotherms.
5. The metabolic costs of growth accounted for an average of 30% of total field metabolic rates for these snakes, which were growing at a mean rate of 3% of body mass per day. However, our method probably underestimated the total ecological cost of growth for large animals, because potential growth costs that covary with body size were not included.
6. Distinction between conceptual and empirical energy budgets clarifies relationships among body size, metabolic rates, and the physiological and ecological costs of growth.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal injections of either melatonin (MEL) or chlorpromazine (CPZ) significantly lowered preferred body temperature (Tb) of bullsnakes, Pituophis melanoleucus. Multiple comparison procedures showed that Tb for both MEL and CPZ treatments differed significantly from both the injected and non-injected control groups. However, Tb for MEL treatments did not differ from those of CPZ treatments (t=0.471; df=12; P=0.646), indicating that each drug has a similar effect on thermal selection. Our results obtained from time-course experiments support earlier experiments where a repeated measures design was used to test treatment effects of MEL and CPZ on thermal selection. However, we further show that injected controls (saline and ethanol injection) do not differ from non-injected controls (no injection) for both MEL and CPZ experiments. Although there are no differences between Tb of snakes receiving MEL or CPZ, time-course analyses indicate that the duration of thermoregulatory responses differ between MEL and CPZ treatments. This indicates that CPZ treatments may be more effective in increasing the amount of time required for individuals to return to normal preferred Tb or set temperature (Tset). The initial duration of thermoregulatory responses to the first injection of MEL differed significantly from the second injection. There were no differences in the duration of thermoregulatory responses between the first and second injections of CPZ. There are no data for the metabolic half-life of MEL in ectothermic vertebrates. Our study provides some information regarding the time-course of thermoregulatory responses to elevated levels of MEL via intraperitoneal injections of either MEL or CPZ, a metabolic antagonist of MEL.  相似文献   

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